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App Marketing Networks 2014

Editi 7

Mobile Ad
This comprehensive list presents a snapshot of some of
the best players in the field to help you pick the right
mobile ad network to advertise or monetise your app
more efficiently with the highest bid offers.

An inside guide, from the experts at

Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Mobile Ad Networks
2017 Guide

The Mobile advertising industry landscape consists of two major parts Supply, that is
presented by publishers and a SSP (stands for Supply Side Platform) that aggregates mobile
inventory of thousands of publishers and Demand, that is presented by a DSP (stands for
Demand Side Platform) that allows advertisers that need to place mobile ads in publishers
inventory. A Mobile Ad Network function is to serve a middle point between these two
ends of the value chain, moving inventory across both supply and demand, either directly
or via reselling or rebroking of inventory.
The pioneer in the mobile ad networks space was AdMob, that really took off after its
acquisition in 2009 by Google, Inc. Over the years, some of the largest mobile ad networks
were acquired by other major players in the field, like, for instance Flurry and BrightRoll
by Yahoo, MoPub by Twitter, Millennial Media, by AOL and LiveRail by Facebook.
At the same time, certain top mobile ad networks remained independent, like Chartboost,
InMobi, Smaato, StartApp and TapJoy. .
One the most profound shifts in the mobile ad industry is that mobile apps are becoming
a dominant place for ads to be displayed in, replacing traditional mobile web browser. This
shift has even coined a new term in app advertising. There is a simple reason that causes
this transition multiple researches demonstrate the fact that people spend most of the
time with mobile devices, using apps, not browsing as they used to. With the number of
mobile apps that continues to increase exponentially, mobile app advertising has a poten-
tial to replace mobile web ads completely. Today all highest paying mobile ad networks are
laser focused on mobile as the fastest growing digital advertising sector.

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Now, before well profiling top mobile ad networks, lets define several characteristics to
describe a mobile ad network.

Mobile Advertising Business models
Types of mobile advertising networks
Mobile Advertising rankings
Our list of mobile ad networks

Mobile Advertising Business Models

All mobile ad networks provide users with several types of business models to run ad cam-
paigns with. There are 5 major types CPM, CPC, CPI, CPA and CPV.
With CPM (cost-per-mile) type, an advertiser is charged each time her or his ads are shown
1,000 times (so-called a mile). Its the best business model for publishers, because it allows
to make money every time an ad was displayed. If they have a stable predictable traffic, it
allows publishers to forecast their revenue. The down side is that they may loose some ex-
tra revenue, if their app or website audience is really interested in a product or service they
advertise. For that case CPC model would allow them to make more money.
With CPC (cost-per-click) model an advertiser is charged for each click made on her or his
mobile ads. This model works better for advertisers, because it allows them to pay only for
instances when an interest to their product or service is explicit (their ads were clicked) and,
as mentioned above, in some cases may work for publishers as well. For a publisher this
model always presents a certain risk of him serving lots of ad impressions for free.
CPI (cost-per-instal) model implies that advertisers are charged only when a click on their
ads resulted into an actual mobile app install. Its a specific case of a more generic CPC busi-
ness model. Cost-per-install price has become one of the most important metrics for mobile
app marketers to measure and keep track of, because essentially it represents a price they
pay to acquire customers and hence it should be factor into ROI calculations.
CPA (cost-per-action) type is more advanced version of CPI, when an advertiser is charged
for specific action (in-app sale, subscription, form submit, sign up and more) users take in-
side an app that is advertised on a mobile ad network. This type of a business model pre-
sents more opportunities for publishers to monetize their inventory on one hand and more
options for advertisers to grow their business on the other.
And finally CPV (cost-per-view) type is applicable to mobile ad networks that provide
advertisers with video ad campaigns. With this model, advertisers are charged for each
instance their video mobile ad was viewed. With the current pace of a video advertising
growth, this model becomes more and more popular.

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Types of mobile advertising networks

There are 5 major formats supported by top mobile ad networks interstitial, banner, na-
tive, video and offer wall.

Interstitial ads
A full screen ads that cover the interface of their host application. This mobile ad format
is most frequently used to display an ad between different app screens and its quite often
displayed between different levels in a mobile game app.

Banner ads
A classical static or animated image ad, which is placed inside an apps interface. Such ad
may advertise a third party product, other digital or physical goods, as well as an option to
expand an apps functionality.

Native ads
Either a banner image or video ad that matches the form and function of the app interface
its displayed in. The core concept of native ads to mimic an apps interface to be least intru-
sive compared to other ad formats.

OfferWall ads
It is an ad unit within a mobile app that provides end users with lots of offers to engage
with. The most frequent use case is mobile games, where offerwalls may either advertise
third party games or a series of games from the same game developer.

Video ads
Video ads consist of a short, usually up-to 60 seconds, video clip to advertise products and
services. This mobile ad format is most often used within media apps. There are two major
types of video ads in-stream and out-stream. With in-stream type, video ads are displayed
full-screen before, after and within video content that is streamed inside an app. With out-
stream type video ads are displayed on a web page, displayed inside a mobile app.

Mobile Ads Reporting

An advertising campaign performance data reporting is one of the key components that is
crucial for its success. This information is provided by mobile ad networks to advertisers via
an online dashboard. It includes data on such parameters of ads performance as number of
impressions, clicks, installs, video ad views, platform, country, ad format and so on.

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Mobile Ads Targeting

There are number of parameters that allow to narrow down a mobile ad campaign reach to
a specific audience. These parameters are called targeting options, there are a number of
such options but the majors are the following:

It allows to narrow down an ad campaign within a specific country or region. It enables mo-
bile marketers to advertise a product or service that is relevant only within a specific region.

It allows to show ads on specific models of mobile devices only. This type of targeting lets
advertisers to display ads on devices with a specific screen size and other hardware require-
ments, which allows to avoid a mobile ad experience degradation.

With this option, its possible to show ads only to mobile users, who are served by a specific
mobile carrier. It presents advertisers an opportunity to display ads to mobile users, those
mobile carrier provides a better mobile signal reception in a specific area.

it allows to show ads on mobile devices running specific operating system or even particular
versions of OS. It gives advertisers a benefit of displaying ads to mobile users on devices
that are best to display those ads software wise.

By applying this targeting option, its possible to show mobile ads on mobile devices when
they are connected to the Internet either via Wifi or 3G/LTE connection.

mobile ad network that collect mobile users data and build their profile allows to narrow
down an ad campaign on an audience segment with specific interests only.

This option allows to narrow down an ad campaign to mobile users of a particular gender.
Naturally, just like with any kind of advertising such targeting is aimed to market goods spe-
cifically to females and males.
One of the best sources to check a particular mobile ad network performance is the Apps-

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Flyer semi-annual Performance Index. Below you can see the snippet from the H1, 2016
edition and it covers media sources performance for both gaming and non-gaming apps for
iOS and Android operating system. In the table, Power Ranking is a metric to rank a media
source by the total volume of app installs it generates, Retention is a metric that speaks to a
quality of app installs generated by a particular media source.

Mobile Advertising rankings

Top 10 Media Sources, Android OS, global, 2016

# Gaming Power Ranking Gaming Retention Non-Gaming Power Ranking Non-Gaming Retention
1 Facebook Google AdWords Facebook Twitter
2 Google AdWords Twitter Google AdWords Google AdWords
3 AppLovin Facebook Avazu Facebook
4 Unity AdColony Mobvista AdColony
5 Chartboost Vungle AppFlood Vungle
6 Tapjoy Chartboost Twitter AppLovin
7 AdColony Unity Cheetah Mobile Mobvista
8 Fyber AppLovin StartApp Cheetah Mobile
9 IronSource Cheetah Mobile AppLovin YouAppi
10 Vungle Playhaven Yeahmobi Yeahmobi
Source: AppsFlyer Performance Index H1, 2016

Top 10 Media Sources, iOS OS, global, 2016

# Gaming Power Ranking Gaming Retention Non-Gaming Power Ranking Non-Gaming Retention
1 Facebook AdColony Facebook Google AdWords
2 Unity Vungle Google AdWords Mobvista
3 Google AdWords Twitter Twitter Twitter
4 Chartboost Google AdWords AppLovin Facebook
5 IronSource AppLovin Liftoff AppLovin
6 Vungle Facebook Mobvista Liftoff
7 AppLovin Unity IronSource Unity
8 Mobvista Seads Taptica AdColony
9 Twitter Chartboost Chartboost Vungle
10 AdColony Applift Applift Taptica
Source: AppsFlyer Performance Index H1, 2016

Another company that provides data to measure mobile ad networks performance is Singular
the mobile marketing analytics platform that issued earlier this year the Singular ROI Index.
Its compiled based on the data the company derived from $3 billion in ad spending, 2.4 bil-
lion installs. The index factors in a number of metrics, such as mobile user retention, revenue
per install and what is the most important the cost to drive app users engagement.

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Singular ROI Index Top 10, based on 1,500 iOS and Android app data, 2016
# iOS Android
1 Facebook Facebook
2 AdColony Google AdWords
3 Vungle Applovin
4 Unity AdColony
5 Applovin AdAction Interactive
6 Fyber Vungle
7 Mobvista Unity
8 AdAction Interactive IronSource
9 Chartboost motive
10 Apple Ads Tapjoy
Source: Singular 2016 Global ROI Index

And finally, the third company that helps to shape a snapshot of best mobile ad networks
performance is TUNE. Its 2016 list, that presents the company top partners, factors in sev-
eral characteristics to highlight the Top 25 advertising partners. These are adoption, rep-
utation, TUNE Certified Partner Program membership, Clicks, Installs, Revenue per install
during 30 and 60 days and last but not least retention.

TUNE Top 10 Ad Partners List 2016

# Company
1 Google AdWords
2 AdColony
3 AppLovin
4 Twitter
5 IronSource
6 Vungle
7 InMobi
8 Chartboost
9 Applift
10 AdAction Interactive
Source: Top 25 global advertising partners of 2016

Now, when we have an understanding of mobile ad network terms and featured a Top 10
ad network charts from the AppsFlyer Performance Index H1 2016 and Singular 2016 ROI
Index, lets take a look at the list of top mobile ad networks of 2017 weve compiled for app
developers and mobile business owners to find the right one to work with.

Related: Search our complete mobile ad networks database in our mobile advertising

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Note: the companies on the list weve complied below are not in any priority order.


AdMob is a mobile advertising network, founded in 2006 by Omar Hamoui and acquired by
Google in 2009. The value proposition for advertisers that delivers Admob is that they get
a free ad generation tool to drive in-app installs and cross-promote apps. AdMobs propri-
etary IAP (in-app purchase) house ad format supply advertisers with app app users that,
based on the platforms data, will most likely to download / buy a particular mobile app.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android, Unity, Cocos
Campaign types: CPM, CPC, CPI
Ad formats supported: Native, Video, Interstitial
Targeting: country, region, carrier, connection type, mobile platform, OS version, device,
audience (user profile data)
Key markets: global


AdColony (formerly known as Opera Mediaworks) is one of the largest mobile ad networks
globally. Its reach, 1,4 billion users globally, what sets it apart from other ad networks. Ad-
Colony has been a marketing partner choice of Fortune 500 brands and more than 85% of
the worlds top grossing mobile publishers. It features Instant-Play HD video technology,
proprietary rich media formats and a global performance advertising business and program-
matic marketplace.
Mobile platforms: Android, IOS
Campaign types: CPM
Ad formats supported: Rich Media, Video
Targeting: Demographic
Key markets: US

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

unity Ads

unity Ads is the premier ad monetization solution for mobile games, it was launched by Uni-
ty Technologies in 2014. The mobile ad platform was designed to advertise mobile games
and its catered to help game developers to monetize on their games more efficiently using
video ads. Th unity Ads team is focused on delivering native video ads solution that allows
game advertisers to get much more of game players making in-app purchases than industry
standard 3% on average.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android
Campaign types: CPM, CPI
Ad formats supported: Banner, Video, Interstitial
Targeting: device, connection, operating system, country
Key Markets: United States
Unite 2015 How to make money with Unity Ads without pissing off your players


Chartboost is a mobile game users acquisition company, founded in 2011 by Sean Fannan
and Maria Alegre in San Francisco, US. Chartboost mobile ad network provides advertisers
with a platform for a cross-promotion with native ads, sophisticated targeting and tracking.
Also the company provides mobile game owners with developer-t0-developer mobile ad
marketplace to exchange ads inside their apps directly.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android
Campaign types: CPC, CPI
Ad formats supported: Content Lock, Interstitial, OfferWall, Video
Targeting: Custom
Key Markets: global, United States


Applovin is a marketing automation and analytics company, founded by Adam Foroughi

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

and Andrew Karam in San Francisco, US. The core goal of the Approvin mobile ad network
operations is delivering high quality users. To acquire such users the platform analyzes all
ad campaign results to focus the consequent campaign on app users who will most likely to
interact and transact inside an advertisers mobile app.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android, Mobile Web
Campaign types: CPC, CPA
Ad formats supported: Custom
Targeting: Custom, Re-targeting
Key Markets: United States

Vungle is one of the leading performance marketing platforms for app advertisers. It brings
advertisers mobile users through engaging video ads. They rely on Vungles creative opti-
mization technology, targeting, and HD video ad delivery to reach and acquire high-quality
users globally. Top mobile publishers rely on Vungle to generate revenue with engaging
video ads.
Mobile platforms: Android, IOS
Campaign types: CPC
Ad formats supported: Video
Targeting: Custom
Key Markets: UK, United States, US
Vungle mobile in-app video advertising company

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide


Smaato is a global real-time advertising platform for mobile marketers and app developers.
It features mobile-first ad network and ad server solution for publishers and app develop-
ers. Smaato hosts the largest independent mobile ad exchange with global reach. For ad-
vertisers it offers Smaato Demand Platform with advanced traffic optimization features, for
publishers Smaato Publishers Platform that allows them to achieve high fill rates and yield
high eCPMs.
Mobile platforms: Android, IOS, Mobile, Windows Phone
Campaign types: CPC
Ad formats supported: Banners
Targeting: country, publisher, app, ad format, device, connection type, GPS data, device
Key Markets: Germany, global

Mobrain by Headway

Mobrain by Headway is a mobile ad network, founded in Spain in 2010, with a focus on CPI
acquisition. It helps advertisers to reach and engage mobile users. The network features
Mobrain Genius sophisticated fraud protection system and Headway Data audience clus-
ters building and management system powered by Dataxpand.
Mobile platforms: Android, IOS
Campaign types: Mobile Ad Network, Mobile DSP
Ad formats supported: Banner, Content, Interstitial, Native, Video
Targeting: Custom
Key Markets: Europe, LATAM, Middle East, SEA, US


Kimia (from Arabic Al-Kimia the alleged ability to turn common metals into gold) is a mo-

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

bile peformance marketing network, founded by Karel de Beule in Madrid, Spain in 2006.
The network delivers 3 billion mobile clicks and 6 million sales events per month. Affiliates
can rely on being able to choose from premium, even exclusive, benchmarked offers. To
improve their services to webmasters they recently launched an exclusive CPM network.
Kimia also helps mobile service providers and advertisers to convert quality users to their
mobile service and products.
Mobile platforms: All
Campaign types: CPA, CPL, CPM, CPI
Ad formats supported: Display banner, Mobile pop-under, Interstitial, Redirect / Direct
Targeting: carrier, device, geo location, demographic
Key Markets: Global

Mpire Network

Mpire Network is a performance-based agency, founded in Ontario Canada in 2013. The

mobile ad network it operates, features easy-to-use ad campaigns setup, suite of tools to
control budget, target and schedule ad campaigns with ease.
Mobile platforms: Android, Desktop, IOS, Windows Phone
Campaign types: CPA
Ad formats supported: Display
Targeting: Custom
Key Markets: Global
Mpire Network performance-based agency

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Billy Mobile

Billy Mobile is mobile ad network company, founded in Barcelona, Spain in 2014. It provides
advertisers with access to 5,000+ direct publishers, features anti-fraud protection system
and superior account management support.
Mobile platforms: Android, IOS, Mobile Web
Campaign types: CPA, CPC, CPI, CPL
Ad formats supported: Banners, Direct links, Video
Targeting: Custom
Key Markets: Global


GOWIDE is a global mobile ad platform, launched in 2013 by ComboApp mobile app mar-
keting agency. GOWIDEs App Booster proprietary app install generating solution allows
app marketers to drive downloads for their apps with dynamic CPI bidding, it features glob-
al reach and scalable inventory. With a simple three step signing up procedure, users can
can launch app install campaign with as small as $100 deposit.
Mobile platforms: Android, IOS
Campaign types: CPC, CPI, CPM
Ad formats supported: Banners, Interstitial, Native, Social, Video
Targeting: Audience, Custom, Device, Platform
Key Markets: Asia, Europe, North America


Mobvista is a mobile advertising and game publishing company, founded by Robin Duan in
March, 2013 in Hong Kong, China. An acquisition of nativeX in winter of 2016 has brought
to the company the nativeX video monetization technology and, in a combination with
Mobvistas mobile advertising market reach, it dramatically increased the companys poten-
tial to generate revenue for publishers and advertisers.

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Mobile platforms: Android, OS

Campaign types: CPI, CPA
Ad formats supported: Full-screen, Ad feeds, Native, Banner
Targeting: custom
Key Markets: China, Global


Adsterra is a mobile advertising network performance-based solutions for advertisers and

media partners worldwide. It features anti-fraud protection system, real-time ad campaign
monitoring and optimization and pounder retargeting.
Mobile platforms: Android, IOS, Mobile Web
Campaign types: CPA, CPI, CPL, CPM, CPO
Ad formats supported: Banners, Direct links, Display, Interstitials, Leaderboard,
PopUnder, Push up ads, Rectangle, Skyscraper, Sticky footer, Video banners
Targeting: browser, Carrier & WI-FI, device and vendor, Geo and language, Keyword, OS,
Key Markets: Worldwide


PassionTeck is leading monetization and app distribution platform. Its mobile ad network
features PassionTecks Mobile Performance Guarantee that allows advertisers to pay for
specific actions only, online purchases, app installs and more. With a combination of pat-
tern-recognition algorithms and human curation, PassionTeck system manages to detect
and prevent fraud.
Mobile platforms: Android, IOS
Campaign types: CPI
Ad formats supported: API, Banner, Display, Interstitial, Video ads
Targeting: Channel, Country, Device
Key Markets: Worldwide

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Passionteck mobile ad network


mobileCore is a mobile ad platform, launched by ironSource in 2012. In heart of the mo-

bileCore mobile ad network is a sophisticated campaign manager solution that features
multiple ad-unit and campaign type support, creative assets management and advanced
Mobile platforms: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Cocos, Amazon, AdobeAir
Campaign types: CPC, CPE, CPA, CPV
Ad formats supported: App Wall, Interstitial, Offer Wall, Video
Targeting: Custom
Key Markets: United States, Israel

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

mobileCore website home page


Fyber is a leading mobile advertising technology company with headquarters in Berlin. The
mobile ad network by Fyber supports a broad range of parties app developers, advertisers
and agencies, other ad networks and DSPs. It providers advertisers with programmatic ad
formats that are IAB-standard compliant (Open RTB 2.3, HTML5, VAST). With Fyber app
developers can run video, interstitial, engagement and install campaigns.
Mobile platforms: Android, iOS
Campaign types: CPA, CPM, CPI, CPV
Ad formats supported: Banner, Interstitial, Native, Video
Targeting: carrier, device, OS
Key Markets: Global

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Cyber mobile advertising self-service platform


InMobi is a mobile advertising platform, founded by Naveen Tewari, Amit Gupta, Abhay
Signal and Mohit Saxena in San Francisco, US. InMobi offers advertisers to reach over 1,5
billion mobile users across more than 32,000 mobile properties to choose from. With In-
Mobile mobile ad network advertisers can launch brand engagement, user acquisition or
remarking ad campaigns.
Mobile platforms: Android, iOS, Mobile Web
Campaign types: CPC, CPI
Ad formats supported: Banner, Native, Video, Interstitial, Rich Media
Targeting: carrier, channel, country, device, operator, os, time
Key Markets: Europe, India, Japan, Kenya, South Africa, UK, United States


Tapjoy is an app monetization and mobile user acquisition company, founded by Lee Linden,

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Ben Lewis and Mitch Liu in 2007 in San Francisco, US. The Tapjoy mobile ad network ser-
vices lineup are focused on helping premium mobile app publishers to increase revenue on
each user they have.
Mobile platforms: Android, iOS, Mobile Web
Campaign types: CPC, CPD, CPI, CPM
Ad formats supported: Content Lock, Interstitial, Offerwall, Rewards
Targeting: custom
Key Markets: Europe, India, Japan, Kenya, South Africa, UK, United States


Startapp is a mobile advertising company, founded by Gil Dudkiewicz and Ran Avidan in De-
cember, 2010 in New York, US. The StartApp mobile ad platform is built upon mutual mo-
bile app user data sharing principle that allows all advertisers to build more comprehensive
users profile.
Mobile platforms: Android, iOS
Campaign types: CPA, CPC, CPI, CPM
Ad formats supported: App Icon, Full Page Ads, InApp Ads, Interstitial, Video
Targeting: App, Carrier, Competitors, Connection Type, Device, Gender, Geo, OS
Key Markets: Global


RevMob was founded in 2012 by CEO Gui Schvartsman in Brazil. Revmob has mobile traffic
partners in over 180 countries, its mobile ad platform features audience geo, carrier, device
and other types of targeting, various ad formats, including interstitial, pop-up, video and
Mobile platforms: Android, Corona, IOS, Unity
Campaign types: CPC, CPI
Ad formats supported: Interstitial, Video, Pop-up, Rich Media
Targeting: geo, device, carrier, connection speed, genre
Key Markets: Global

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide


AirPush is one of the largest ad network for Android OS, founded by Asher Delug in De-
cember, 2010 in Los Angeles, US. The mobile ad platform for advertisers is characterized
by Performance Creative Initiative solution that gives them access to custom design, media
buying, as well as real-time campaign optimization to maximize their campaigns efficiency.
The other distinctive feature is the Conversion Optimizer solution to increase mobile ad
campaign performance via utilizing sophisticated learning algorithms.
Mobile platforms: Android
Campaign types: CPC, CPM
Ad formats supported: App Icon, Messaging, Notifications, Offerwall
Targeting: custom
Key Markets: Global, United States


Black6Adv is a selfe-serve mobile ad network, founded in San Marino, Italy in 1997. It pro-
vides advertisers with real-time stats, RTB, option to buy ad slots on its own network and
multiple ad formats support.
Platforms: Android, Blackberry, IOS, Windows
Campaign types: CPA, CPC, CPI, CPL, CPM
Ad formats supported: Banner, InApp Ads, PopUnder, Popup
Targeting: Custom
Key Markets: Arabian market, Asia, Europe, LATAM


ClickDealer is a global performance marketing agency, founded in 2012 by Max Polyakov in

Menlo Park, US. ClickDealer has a vast network of 7,000+ publishers that allows the com-
pany to generate more than 5 million conversions a month and bring 3+ million mobile app
installs monthly. In June of 2016 ClickDealer acquired Fiksu and it brought its FreeMyApps

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

and DSP to the lineup of ClickDealers in-house mobile solutions.

Mobile platforms: Android, OS
Campaign types: CPA, CPL, CPC, CPI, CPS
Ad formats supported: Native, Video, Banner
Targeting: custom, retargeting
Key Markets: Global


Leadbolt is an app discovery and user acquisition company, founded by Dale Carr in 2010 in
Sydney, Australia. A leading Australian mobile ad network, it provides Direct Deals Market-
place for publishers to get the best offers. Leadbolt is capable to deliver with LTV (life-time-
value) users, high retention rates (a time a mobile app user continues to use an app). Among
the clients the company has are Ketchapp, Five Bits, NQ Mobile.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android, Windows Phone
Campaign types: CPC, CPM, CPI, CPV
Ad formats supported: Native, Video, Interstitial
Targeting: country, region, carrier, connection type, mobile platform, OS version, device,
Key Markets:


CPALead is mobile & web ad and affiliate network, founded in 2006 in Las Vegas, US. An-
droid TV targeting support is one of the features that set this company apart other mobile
ad networks. Since 2006, CPAlead has paid out over $100,000,000 to mobile app and web-
site developers in over 180 countries.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android, Web
Campaign types: CPI, CPA
Ad formats supported: Dynamic Interstitial, Offer Walls, Banner
Targeting: country, OS, OS version, device
Key Markets: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Global, India, Russia, UKingdom, USA

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide


Epom is an ad serving company, founded by Anton Ruin in 2010 in Kiev, Ukraine. Provides
reliable 24/7 technical support that covers tech. issues, advice on inventory management
and media planning. Among Epom partners are Aol,, Smaato,, Aliex-
press. Among features that the company provides publishers with are 100% fill-rate, global
reach and highest eCPM.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android
Campaign types: CPM, CPC, CPA
Ad formats supported: Interstitial, Background, Banner, Native, Video
Targeting: country, language, OS, browser, behavioural, demographic
Key Markets: Canada, Europe, Germany, UK, Ukraine, United States, US, USA


YeahMobi is a performance based mobile advertising company, founded by Peter Zou and
Frank Wang in May, 2009 in China. Among all ad formats that are supported by YeahMobi,
a special focus is made on Native ads that allow advertisers and publishers to deliver us-
er-friendly experience and relevant ads. Another feature that distinguish YeahMobi from
other companies is location-based ad format support.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android
Campaign types: CPM, CPC, CPA
Ad formats supported: Native, Interstitial, Video, Ad Walls, Feeds, Icons, location-based
Targeting: options supported by ad platforms by Facebook, Google, Yandex an VK.
Key Markets: Global

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

YeahMobi performance based mobile advertising


Mobusi is a mobile performance advertising agency. Founded in 2012 in Madrid, Spain. Mo-
busi has more than 20, 000 publishing partners and 5,00 advertisers in Europe and South
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android
Campaign types: CPM, CPC, CPI, CPA
Ad formats supported: Interstitial, Banner, Video
Targeting: country, carrier, OS, device, browser, wifi / mobile connectivity
Key Markets: Global

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

Mobusi mobile advertising network

Propeller Ads

Propeller Ads is an online advertisting company, founded in 2011. It maintains one of the
biggest ad networks on the market, with over 650M daily advertising impressions across
the globe. Propeller Ads ad network has more than 6,000 publishers, 4600 live campaigns
and 100,000 sites registered in the network.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android
Campaign types: CPM, CPA, CPL, CPC
Ad formats supported: Display Banner, Slider, Layer, Direct Link, Mobile Dialog Banner,
Mobile Interstitial Ads, Mobile Banners
Targeting: geo location, OS, device, wifi / mobile connectivity, carrier, ad zone, day part-
ing, frequency capping
Key Markets: Global

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide


MobAir is a performance-based mobile app marketing platform, launched in 2015 in Israel.

The mobile ad network platform offers advertisers 100% fill rate, focus on native ad format,
as well as full automation and control over their ads performance.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android
Campaign types: CPM, CPA, CPL, CPC
Ad formats supported: Interstitial, Banner, OfferWall, Video
Targeting: n/a
Key Markets: Global


Avazu is multinational corporation in the digital marketing industry, specializing in cross-de-

vice advertising and mobile game publishing, founded by Yi Shi in October, 2009 in Germa-
ny and later headquartered in Shanghai, China. Avazu features Precision Ads a pay-per-
calling advertising platform to drive quality leads and revenue to businesses.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android
Campaign types: CPM, CPC, CPA, CPL
Ad formats supported: Banner, Interstitial, Text ad
Targeting: device, carrier, OS
Key Markets: APAC, Asia, China, Latin America, Middle East, United States


Adcash is a real-time advertising trading platform, founded in 2008 in Tallinn, Estonia.

Adcash mobile advertising network is driven by proprietary AdApt Engine that features a
number of algorithms to provide maximum relevance, as well as Reach Estimate function
that allows advertisers to access their ad campaign reach before its launch.
Mobile platforms: Android, iOS, Mobile Web

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide


msales is programmatic traffic monetization platform, launched in 2004 by Marcel Jaeger

and Simon Schreiber in Germany. msales mobile advertising network solution features so-
phisticated fraud detection tools, ad units compression, delivering high volumes of clicks (4
billion clicks / month), as well as great conversion volumes (6 million / month)
Mobile platforms: Android, iOS
Campaign types: CPA, CPI
Ad formats supported: Banner, Native, OffferWall, In-app
Targeting: Custom
Key Markets: Global


Mobobeat is a mobile performance network that was established in 2008 in Madrid, Spain.
Mobobeat rewards publishers with a progressive scheme of payouts, that depends on a
volume, starting from 60% and all the way up to 80%. The company also offers a referral
program, according to its term publishers are paid 4% of the net revenue for each referral.
Global coverage is another advantage that sets the company apart of competitors, Mobobe-
at is running 1000+ converting campaigns in over 200 countries.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android, Mobile Web, Windows Phone
Campaign types: CPI, CPM, CPC, CPA
Ad formats supported: Banner, Interstitial, Native, Offer Wall, Pops, Redirect, Video
Targeting: Country, OS, Carrier, Category
Key Markets: Global


Appnext is a mobile app discovery company with a platform that operates on a self-serve
CPI bidding basis. It was founded in 2012 by Elad Nantason. Appnexts ad solution features
extensive database of 350 million mobile app users, it operates in 180 countries, has a com-

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

munity of more than 30,000 developers, where any new advertiser can get to know fellow
developers and get valuable hints for launching his own ad campaigns.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android, Mobile Web
Campaign types: CPI
Ad formats supported: Interstitial, Notification
Targeting: Country, Device, Channel
Key Markets: Global


minimob is a performance-based platform company, founded in 2013. With a help of so-

phisticated logic & real-time evaluation solution to analyze thousands of custom offers
from advertisers, minimob is capable to deliver custom offers that generate highest eCPM.
Thanks to having 30 an office in 30 cities worldwide, Minimob provides 24/7 support that
covers all timezones.
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android
Campaign types: CPI
Ad formats supported: Banner, Video, AdWall, in-app ad
Targeting: Country, OS, App Store, Traffic type
Key Markets: Global

AppsUnion is a mobile performance based ad network, founded in 2012 in China. AppsUn-

ion ad platform delivers more than 80 billion impressions monthly, it features large in-house
traffic and global media buy.
Mobile platforms: Android, IOS, Mobile Web
Campaign types: CPC, CPI, CPA
Ad formats supported: Banners, Interstitial, Native, OfferWall, Rich Media
Targeting: OS, Platform
Key Markets: Global

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Mobile Ad Networks 2017 Guide

AppsUnion global mobile ad network

Final Thoughts
The list of 38 mobile ad networks weve composed in this article presents a snapshot of
some of the best players in this field. Of course this is not the ultimate list and there are
more mobile ad networks but it does represent the ones that are well established, trustwor-
thy and we suggest you to consider working with one or more of them.
To pick up the right mobile ad network to advertiser your app(s) or to monetise your ap-
p(s) or mobile website traffic you need to consider such criteria as what platform and key
markets a particular company covers to match your targeted audience, will you be able to
accept payments via payment methods it supports. As well as if a particular ad network
offers programmatic mediation solution or not. Programmatic mediation allows publishers
to monetize their traffic more efficiently with the highest bid offers. The most efficient ad
formats of today, and most likely of foreseeable feature, are Native an Video.

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