Eng101 Forum 6

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My area of interest if Psychology understanding how the human brain develops and processes

information and emotion is a never-ending puzzle. Many pieces of our personality are inherited and
developed in early childhood. That is why we can forever blame our parents for or short comings.

So, for my cause and effect paper I decided to write about the worst parenting imaginable, the parents
that raise children with psychopathy. Although, psychopathy can also be cause by frontal lobe brain
damage I am choosing to focus my paper on the developmental causes of psychopathy. These causes
include substance abuse by parents, physical abuse, emotional abuse, separation form parents, or lack
or parental involvement.

Psychopathy basically translates in Greek to mind suffering, Psychopaths went through unimaginable
pain during childhood that sticks with them throughout their entire lives. The brain goes through the
biggest changes in the first three years of life so when children are abused or neglected during this
period their brain does not have a chance to fully develop. Studies have shown the in psychopaths the
frontal lobe is under developed. The frontal lobe is responsible for judgment, impulse control, and social
and sexual behavior.

I find it terrifying that as a parent that you can mess up so badly that you ruin a childs brain for their
entire life. However, I find it more terrifying that there are parents out there doing these things to
children and no one steps in to help these kids. With psychopaths not only have their own parents failed
these kids so has the system, CPS, and everyone around them. These children were just constantly let
down with no one to turn to for help and no hope of things getting better, it is heartbreaking.

Psychopathy is the result of an underdeveloped frontal lobe due parental absence in infancy, childhood
physical and emotional abuse, and substance abuse by parental figures.

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