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Item Details Page No.

Article-I Name of the Party 1

Article-II Objectives of the Party 2

Article-III Membership of the Party 2

Article-IV Organizational Structure 4

Article-IV-A Other Structure 10

Article-V Office-Bearers of the Party 10

Article-VI Rules of Dispute Resolution & Discipline 11

Article-VII Basics of Rules of Conduct of Business 12

Article-VIII Party Funds & Accounts 13

Article-IX Party Constitution's Amendment Procedure 14

Article-X Merger, Split and Dissolution Procedure 14

Article-XI Mandatory Provision under section 29A(5) of 15

R.P. Act, 1951

Article-XII Miscellaneous Provisions 15

The name of the Party shall be-


(A) 'Soul of India lives in Villages', where the people are suffering from Poverty, Contaminated
Drinking Water, Water Borne Diseases, Poor Sanitation, ignorance on Techno-Scientific
Skills Traditional Occupational structure, etc. while democracy is popular self-rule, but the
current practice of democracy negates this ideal and reduces the down trodden section of the
society to a mere subject and deprived of common need for safe drinking water, sanitation,
health facilities & self-employment. SWACHH SWASTH SWAWLAMBIJAN PARTY
aims to restore power to people so as to realize on
SWACHHSafai, Safe Drinking Water, Sanitation.
SWASTH-Prevent Contaminated Drinking Water & Control Water Borne Diseases,
Medical Treatment.
SWAWLAMBI JAN-Techno-Scientific Skill Knowledge on Traditional Occupation for
Self Sustenance of the resourceless, deprived, downtrodden sections of the society as per
the promise of Swaraj enshrined in our constitution.
(B) Following the Preamble to our constitution, 'Swachh Swasth SwawlambiJan Party',
envisions an India, free of corruption, which is Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic
Republic especially "With the People, By the People, For the People".
(C) Swachh Swasth SwawlambiJan Party resolves to secure for all the citizens especially for
the deprived, resourceless, downtrodden, sections of the society.
Justice Socio-Politico-Economic Justice for everyone including the grass roof level
people surviving in the remote areas.
Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship.
Equality of Status and opportunity in all spheres of life, for individuals and communities
and to promote among them all.
Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of India.
(D) The Party shall bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of India as by law
established and to the principles of socialism, secularism and democracy and would
uphold the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.


(A) Eligibility for Membership
Any citizen of India, of the age of 18 years or above who subscribe to the objectives of the
Party shall be eligible to become a Member of the Party provided that He or She.
(a) is not a members of any other Political Party registered with the Election Commission
of India;
(b) is not a member of any organization whose views, policies, or actions are in conflict
with the objectives of the Party; and/or
(c) Has not been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude.

(B) Categories of Membership:-
There shall be two categories of Members
(a) Ordinary Members
Every person who becomes the Member of the Party as per the prescribed procedures
shall be an Ordinary Member. An Ordinary Member shall not have any voting right.
(b) Active Member
A person who has been an Ordinary Member for at least three months and who has
followed the code of conduct for Members and has actively participated in different
programmes of the Party shall be eligible for Active Membership of the Party. An
Active Member shall have the right to Vote.
(C) Membership Process :-
(i) An interested person shall become an Ordinary Member of the Party on submitting
the prescribed declaration and payment of the membership fee as prescribed from time
to time.
(ii) An interested person seeking Active Membership of the Party shall apply to the Party
office of the concerned Primary Unit or the concerned District Unit in Prescribed
Format. Each Application should be supported by at least two Existing Active
(iii) The Application will be considered by the Gram Sabha / Ward / Student Unit of the
concerned Primary Unit in its succeeding meeting where upon it shall make it's
recommendation to the District Executive.
(iv) The District Executive shall take the final decision on each Application in it's meeting
held after the receipt of the application.
(v) Party shall maintain a register of its members in the manner as may be prescribed in the
(vi) List of Active Members shall be frozen one month before the call for applications of
candidates for any Party Election, Pending Applications, if any, for Active
Membership shall be decided before freezing the list.
(vii) National Executive, State Executive, District Executive shall have the power to
directly admit new Members or confer the status of Active Member. However such
power shall only be exercised by the District Executive when no Primary Unit is in
existence for a particular area.
(viii)Any person, who has been co-opted to the District Executive or in any body at the
State or National level, shall be deemed to have become an Active Member of the
Party on submission of application from along-with the requisite membership fee as
prescribed from time to time.
(ix) In case, District Executive/State Executive decides to grant membership of the Party to
a person who has been a leader in another registered political party in the last five years
or is still a leader, such decision shall become operational only after approval by the
National Executive. A leader here would mean either National or State level office
bearer of another Party or who has contested Parliamentary or Assembly or District
level Panchayat Elections on the symbol of another party.
(x) An Active Member shall pay Membership fee and contribution as prescribed from time
to time.
(xi) An individual can become a Member of the Party, at his permanent residence or at his
occupational address but at one time he/she shall not be a Member at more than one
(xii) In case any Active Member changes his place of residence, he/she can get his address
changed under intimation in writing to the respective Party units.

(D) Terms :-
Membership term shall be 3 years. A member shall have to get his membership renewed
after every 3 years. A year shall be the period commencing from 1st of April of a calendar
year or the date of enrolment of a member upto 31st March of the succeeding year. However
the initial term of Active Membership of those persons, who became Active Member
between 15 July 2016 and 31st March 2017 shall be upto 30th July 2019.

(E) Cessation of Membership

A person shall cease to be a member of the Party in the event of :-
(i) Death;
(ii) Resignation;
(iii) Expulsion / Removal; or
(iv) Non-Renewal of Membership
(v) On being convicted by a court of law for a crime involving moral turpitude.
(F) Suspension from Membership-
National Executive or State Executive may suspend an Active Member from the
Membership of the Party pending disciplinary proceedings.


(A) Organs of the Party
(i) The organizational structure of the Party shall consist of the following organs at the
village Panchayat/Ward level, Block level, District level, State level and National level.
a) Primary Level
* Village Panchayat
b) Block Level
* Block Council
c) District Level
* District Council
* District Executive
* District Political Affairs Committee
d) State Level
* State Council
* State Executive
* State Political Affairs Committee
e) National Level
* National Council
* National Executive
* National Political Affairs Committee
(ii) Area of the Primary Unit of the Party shall be at the grass root level including
Purwa, Tola, Mohalla, Revenue Village level & Village Panchayat / Ward level. Area of the
Block, District Unit shall Ordinarily be the same as per the Administrative set up of the
Block or District in the State. The area of the State Unit of the Party shall conform to the
States and Union Territories mentioned in the Constitution of India.
(iii) The term of each organ of the Party, be at any level, shall be for a period of three
years, However, if elections are not held by the time of expiry of the term, the term can be
extended till the next elections subject to the following conditions
That the elections are held not later than the expiry of a period of four years from the
date of the beginning of the term.

That the proposal is approved by National Council in case extension is granted to
National Executive and or National Council.
That the proposal is approved by the National Executive in case extension is granted to
State Executive and/or State Council.
That the proposal is approved by the State Executive in case extension is granted to
organs lower to the State Executive and/or State Council.
I. Primary Level
i) Primary Level Unit will be constituted at :-
Ward Level in Town Area/Nagar Palika/Nagar Nigam (Ward Sabha)
Village Panchayat Level Gram Sabha and
Higher Educational Institutions Chhatra Sabha and shall comprise of all the
Ordinary and Active Members of the respective Party Unit. Primary Level Unit shall not be
formed unless there are at least 10 Active Members in the respective Party Unit.
(i) Powers and Functions of the Primary Level Party Unit:-
At Primary Level Party Unit shall be the General Body of all ordinary and Active
Members of the Primary Level Unit, it shall :-
Deliberate and decide on any issue or action programme to promote the objectives of
the Party including Electoral Participation, Opinion making, Awareness Creation and
other constructive activities.
Recommend applications for active Members.
Elect one convenor and one co-convenor (out of which at least one shall be a women)
by consensus, failing which, it will be done by voting in the presence of a
representative of the District Executive.
The convenor and co-convenor shall be available for the party work on routine basis.
Form such teams as required and assign them such work as deemed fit.
Re-constitute any team or committee.
Re-call convenor or co-convenor.
Perform such activities as assigned to it from time to time by the Party.
II. Block Level
i) Block Council
Block Council of the Party shall be constituted at the Block Level.
Convenors and Co-convenors of all Primary Level Party Units falling in the
Block shall together constitute the Block Council of the Party.
ii) Powers and Functions of the Block Council
Block Council shall organize and co-ordinate the Party activities at the Block
level and shall raise public issues affecting more than one Primary Unit in the
respective Block.
Block Council shall exercise powers & discharge such other activities as are
assigned to it by the Party.
Block Council Members shall elect from amongst themselves or from amongst
Active Members in the respective Block one Convenor and one Co-convenor
(out of which at least one shall be a women) by consensus failing which by
voting in the presence of the District Executive representative.
Block Council may form teams and re-constitute any team or committee to
fulfil the objectives of the party.
Block Council may recall Convenor or Co-convenor.
III. District Level
i) District Council
District Council shall comprise the Convenors & Co-convenors from all
Primary Level Unit of Party, Block Level and Municipal i.e. Town Area, Nagar
Palika, Nagar Nigam area lying in the respective District.

ii) Powers and Functions of the District Council
District Council will elect the District Executive.
District Council will have the powers to recall the District Convenor and/or the
Members of the District Executive of the Party.
iii) District Executive
District Executive shall comprise of not more than 30 Members of whom at
least 5 shall be women and 5 shall be students selected by consensus from
among the Active Members in the respective District failing, it will be elected
by a majority vote in the presence of a representative of the State Executive of
the Party.
District Executive will have one representative from each Block of the District
as nominated by the Block Council.
Convenor of a Primary Level or Block Level Unit if elected to the District
Executive, he/she shall resign as the Convenor of the Concerned Primary Level
or Block Level Party Unit.
District Executive may Co-opt 5 Members from Scheduled Caste community
and 6 Members from Backward Class and 4 Members from Minorities, in
case any of these groups is under represented. In case the co-opted members are
not already active Members of the Party they shall be deemed to be Active
Members of the Party. The co-opted Members must fulfil the requisite
qualifications laid down for the Party Members and will need to be ratified by
the State Council of the Party.
District Executive Committee Members shall elect one person from amongst
themselves as the District Convenor of the Party.
Without Voting rights, special invitee may be invited through consensus of
District Executive Members.
District Executive Elected Members shall be available for the Party work on
regular basis.
iv) Powers and Functions of the District Executive
District Executive shall have following Powers & Functions-
To constitute Teams as per requirement to fulfil the objectives of the Party.
To elect one person as Secretary and one person as Treasurer for the respective
District Executive.
To monitor & supervise various activities of the Party functionaries in the
respective District.
To undertake activities related to Public issues and required to meet the
objectives of the Party.
To maintain the records of the Active Members of the Party and also maintain
& keep the accounts of the District Level finances.
To constitute District Level Committees for settling internal disputes,
grievances and disciplinary actions.
To set up District Disciplinary Action Committee to receive and decide
complaints of violation of code of conduct against Members of the District
Executive, Block and Primary Level convenors & Co-convenors of the Party.
To form District Political Affairs Committee of 7 members from the elected
members of the District Executive.
Reconstitute Political Affairs Committee.
To recall District Convenor, Secretary or Treasurer.

IV. State Level
i) State Council
State Council shall comprise of the Convenors from all Districts, Blocks,
Municipalities, and Co-convenors from all Blocks of the respective State.
ii) Functions and Powers of the State Council
State Council will elect the State Executive.
State Council shall have the power to recall the State Convenor and/or one or
more of the Members of the State Executive.
State Council shall meet twice a year.
State Council shall decide the policy of the Party on the various issues of the
Party at State Level in such a manner as may be prescribed by Party.
iii) State Executive
State Executive shall organize & co-ordinate the various activities of the Party
at State Level.
State Executive shall comprise of not more than 30 members, of whom at least
5 shall be women, and 5 shall be students selected through consensus from
amongst the Active Members in the State failing which, it may be elected by a
majority vote in the presence of a representative of the National Executive.
State Executive will have one representative from each District as per decision
of the District Executive of the Party.
Convenor of any unit shall have to resign as Convenor of the respective District,
if he/she is elected to the State Executive.
State Executive may co-opt upto 5 Members from Scheduled Caste
Community, 6 Members from Backward Class and 4 Members from
Minorities in case any of these groups are under represented. In case the co-
opted Members are not already Active Members of the Party, they shall be
deemed to be Active Members of the Party, as soon as they are co-opted, they
shall have all rights of elected Members of the State Executive. The co-opted
Members must fulfil the requisite qualification, laid down for Party Members
and required to be ratified by the National Council of the Party.
Through consensus, State Executive may invite any one from within or outside
the Party to attend its meeting as a 'Special Invitee' for one or more meetings.
However, Special Invitee shall not enjoy any voting rights in the State
Executive Meetings.
The Members of the State Executive shall elect one person from amongst
themselves as the State Convenor.
Elected Members of the State Executive shall be available for the Party work on
regular basis.
iv) Functions and Powers of the State Executive
To constitute different committees & teams as are required to fulfil the
objectives of the Party.
To elect one person as Secretary and one person as Treasurer for the respective
State from amongst the Members of the State Executive.
To supervise & monitor the Party activities.
To undertake various activities related to Public issues of the respective State.
To maintain & keep the accounts of the State level Party finances and set up
State Disciplinary Action Committee to receive and decide complaints of
violation of code of conduct against Members of the State Executive.
Reconstitute any committee including the Political Affairs Committee.

Recall State Convenor, Secretary or Treasurer.
To authorize any organ or Committee to select and lay down procedure for
selection of candidates for Election to all Sub-State Organs.
v) State Political Affairs Committee
State Political Affairs Committee shall discharge all executive functions in
between two meetings of the State Executive.
State Political Affairs Committee shall advise and assist the convenor in
overseeing the work of all other Committee/organs set up the State Executive.
State Convenor is expected to discharge all his or her duties and powers in
consultation with the State Political Affairs Committee.
V. National Level
i) National Council
National Council shall be the highest Policy making body of the Party. National
Council shall comprise of the Convenors from all the States and District.
National Council may co-opt upto a maximum 50 Members from amongst the
Experts from such fields as the National Council deems fit.
Eminent people.
Members from disadvantaged groups viz. Scheduled Caste, Backward Class and
Minorities, if there is an inadequate representation of the groups.
All those who come together to form the Party and are present in the first
National Council of the Party and they shall deemed to be Active Members of
the Party. Such members after completion of their first term as the National
Council Members, may be given second term as National Council Members by
the National Council resolution passed with simple majority, subject to renewal
of their active Membership.
ii) Functions and Powers of the National Council
National Council of the Party shall:-
Elect National Executive.
Have the Powers to amend the Constitution of the Party.
Have the Powers to recall the Members of the National Executive.
Meet atleast twice every year and decide the stand and Policy of the Party on
the issues in the interest of the Nation.
iii) National Executive
National Executive shall be the highest executive body of the Party. National
Executive shall organize and co-ordinate the activities of the Party.
National Executive shall consist of not more than 30 Members of whom at
least 5 shall be women and 5 shall be students. National Executive Members
shall be selected by Consensus from amongst the Active Members of the Party
failing which shall be elected by a majority vote.
National Executive will have one representative from each State nominated by
the respective State Executive.
In case the Convenor of any Unit is elected to the National Executive he/she
shall resign as the Convenor of the respective Party Unit.
National Executive may co-opt upto 5 Members from Scheduled Caste
Community, 6 Members from Backward Class and 4 Members from
Minorities in case any of these groups are under represented . In case the co-
opted Members are not already Active Members of the Party, they shall be
deemed to be Active Members of the Party as soon as they are co-opted and

shall have all the rights of elected Members of the Executive. The co-opted
Members must fulfil the requisite qualifications laid down for the Members of
the Party.
Through consensus National Executive may invite anyone within or outside the
Party to attend its Meetings as a "Special Invitee" for one or more meetings.
Special Invitee Members shall not have voting rights.
National Executive Members shall elect one person from amongst themselves
as the National Convenor.
Elected Members of the National Executive shall be available for Party
activities on regular basis.
iv) Powers and Functions of the National Executive
National Executive shall :-
Constitute as many teams as are necessary to carryout the objectives of the
Appoint one person as National Secretary and one person as National Treasurer.
Approve the formation of National Secretariat of the Party.
Supervise and Monitor the activities of Party Functionaries at different levels.
Undertake such activities required to meet the objectives of the Party.
Implement various activities related to the public issues.
Maintain and keep the accounts of finances at National Level.
Constitute National Level Committees for settling internal disputes, disciplinary
actions and grievances.
Set up National Level Disciplinary Action Committee to receive and decide
complaints of violation of code of conduct against National Executive
Form National Political Affairs Committee consisting of 11 members from
amongst elected National Executive Members.
Reconstitute any committee including the political Affairs Committee.
Re-call National Convenor, Secretary or Treasurer.
Formulate rules and regulations under this constitution.
Authorize any organ/committee to select & lay down procedure for selection of
candidates for the State Assemblies and Parliament.
Have the authority to exercise all such powers conferred upon any Committee
in the absence existence of such committee.
Have all residual powers not specifically assigned to any other Committee in
this constitution.
Have the power to dissolve any Committee or remove any office
bearers/member of any committee/organ.
In any emergency the said power may be exercised by the Political Affairs
Committee subject to ratification in its next meeting of the National Executive.
v) National Political Affairs Committee
National Political Affairs Committee shall discharge all executive functions in
between two meetings of the National Executive.
National Convenor is expected to discharge all his or her duties and powers in
consultation with the National Political Affairs Committee.
National Political Affairs Committee shall suggest & assist the National
Convenor in overseeing the work of all Committees constituted by the National

For the Town Areas, Nagar Palika and Nagar Nigam Council/Executive shall be formed at
the following levels-
A. Ward Level
Ward Level in any Town Area/Nagar Palika/Nagar Nigam shall be equivalent to the
Primary Level.
B. Assembly Level
Assembly Level Council/Executive shall be formed in the respective Municipality. The
Council/Executive shall be formed in a similar fashion and it shall work in a similar
pattern constituted at Block Level/District Level.
C. Parliamentary Level
Parliamentary Level Council / Executive shall be formed in a similar manner as the
District Council/Executive and shall work in the similar pattern.
D. Municipal Committee
Nagar Palika, Nagar Nigam, Town Area level (Municipal Committee) council will be
formed which will consist of convenors and Co-convenor.
Nagar Palika, Nagar Nigam, Town Area level (Municipal Committee) shall form a
Municipal Executive Committee and shall function in a similar pattern as District
Council and District Executive Committee.


I. The Office Bearer of the Party at various level shall be as follows :-
A. Primary Level
Convenor and Co-convenor
B. Block Level
Convenor and Co-convenor
C. District Level
District Convenor
District Secretary
District Treasurer
D. State Level
State Convenor
State Secretary
State Treasurer
E. National Level
National Convenor
National Secretary
National Treasurer
II. Powers and Functions of the Office Bearers
A. Convenor
Convenor shall be incharge of the functioning of the Party at the different levels.
B. Convenor/Co-convenor at Primary / Block Level and Convenor at the District /
State / National Level shall have the following Powers and Functions
Facilitate and organize the meeting of the respective units.
Chair the meeting of the respective unit of the Party.

Implement and execute the decisions of the Party and carryout all such work as
assigned from time to time in consultation with Political Affairs Committee at the
respective level.
C. Secretary
The Secretary shall have the following Powers and Functions
To manage day to day Secretariat at the concerned level of the Party.
To maintain records and keep minutes of the meetings at the concerned level.
To carryout all such work as given to him/her by the Party for all legal work.
D. District/State Treasurer
Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the accounts at the respective level.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for following all guidelines and instructions issued
from time to time with respect to maintain the accounts.
E. National Treasurer
National Treasurer shall ensure to properly maintain the Accounts of the Party and are
audited by an Auditor on the Panel of Comptroller and Auditor General.
National Treasurer shall ensure all statutory compliances regarding accounts and Party
National Treasurer shall ensure that Annual Accounts of the Party are submitted to the
Election Commission of India within six months from the end of the Financial Year.
F. Term of the Office Bearers
No Member will hold the same post as an Office Bearer for more than two consecutive
terms of three years each of the concerned unit of the Party.


A. Rules of Dispute Resolution
(a) Each Member of the Party shall abide by the following rules of dispute resolution
Party Member shall not engage himself in any immoral or illegal activity or such
activity as would damage the party or tarnish the image of party or such conduct as
would bring dispute to it.
Any Member shall not undertake any activity which is inviolation of or in contrary to
the official policy of the Party.
A Member shall not violate the Rules made by the Party or Disobey and direction
given by it.
Members, other than the Office Bearers, shall be free to express their own opinion
within and outside the party fora unless there is a specific direction to the contrary by
the Party for a specified period. Mere expression of difference of opinion will not be
considered as violation of the code of conduct unless, it violates the objectives of the
b) Without prejudice to the generality of the above, on Office Bearer must also :-
Not involve himself/herself in any type of corrupt practices.
Not have any pending criminal case of a crime involving moral turpitude or should not
have been convicted of any such crime in the past.
Not be a part of any organization which spreads disharmony on the basis of religion or
caste or promotes the untouchability.
Not engaged in exploiting or ill treating women.
Not indulge in drug addiction or drunken behaviour.
Make an annual declaration of his/her income and assets and that of his family honestly
and correctly to the Party.

B. Disciplinary Action
(a) Complaints in respect of alleged violation of Article-VII-A and any other matter
including internal disputes, grievances etc. shall be dealt with by the Disciplinary
Action Committee to be constituted by the National Executive
(b) Disciplinary actions shall be ensured against the erring members of the Party.
(c) However the Disciplinary Action Committee may if it so deems fit refer any complaint
alleging violation of Article VI-A(a) and VI A(b) against office bearers and other
people's representatives and Executive Members to the National Level, State Level,
District Level & Below Disciplinary Action Committee.
(d) The Disciplinary Action Committee at the National Level, State Level and District
Level shall comprise of Three Persons to be nominated by the National
Executive/State Executive/District Executive, as the case may be.
C. Penalties
The disciplinary action may result in the penalties which may range from warning,
suspension or expulsion from the Party. Disciplinary action shall not be taken against a
Member without giving an opportunity to that Member to explain and respond to the
charges against him/her. In such cases where disciplinary action is proposed against a
Member of the District/State Executive the penalty will be imposed only after approval
by the State or National Executive respectively.
D. Composition, Appointment/Re-appointment and Term of Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary Action Committee at National/State/District Level shall be appointed by
the National/State/District Executive as the case may be.
Disciplinary Action Committee shall be a body comprising of three persons one of
whom shall be an eminent jurist/eminent person from the legal field. Other Members
shall be eminent persons from different walks of life.
The term of Disciplinary Action Committee shall be three years. However, in so far as
the first committee constituted by the National/State/District Executive is concerned,
members shall retire by rotation on a yearly basis starting from the end of the first year.
The senior most in age will be the first to retire from the Disciplinary Action
Each Disciplinary Action Committee Members will be eligible for reappointment for a
maximum of two years.
Vacancy caused by retirement/resignation/death of a Member of the Disciplinary
Action Committee shall be filled by nomination by the remaining and outgoing
members of the committee. If such vacancy is not filled up within one month or it is
not possible to fill up the vacancy within one month due to any reason what so ever,
the vacancy shall be filled by nomination by the National Executive.
Disciplinary Action Committee will devise their own procedures and may lay down the
procedure followed by District Disciplinary Action Committee. The procedure to be
devised shall be fair and compliant with principles of natural justice in the Party.


A. Meeting
(a) The Convenor of the respective unit shall chair Meetings of the National / State /
District / Block / Primary Level Council / Executive. In case the Convenor is not
available, the concerned body may elect a person to chair the respective meeting.
(b) The Councils at various levels shall meet at least at the following intervals
Primary Level - Once a month
Block Level - Once a quarter
District Level - Twice a year

State Level - Once a year
National Level - Once a year
(c) The Executives at various levels shall meet at least at the following intervals
District Level - Once a month
State Level - Once a quarter
National Level - Once a quarter
(d) If required, a meeting of a Council/Executive may be requisitioned by one third of the
members of the concerned Council/Executive.
B. Quorum
The quorum for all meetings shall be one third of the strength of the concerned organ. If the
quorum is not complete at the appointed time, those assembled will wait for a maximum
period of 30 minutes. If the required quorum is still not available, the meeting shall be
adjourned. A new meeting will then be convened and there shall be no need of a quorum for
a meeting that was adjourned due to want of the quorum.
There will be no requirement for a quorum in case of Emergency/Extraordinary meetings.
However resolutions passed in such meetings shall be required to be ratified in the next
ordinary meeting of the respective unit of the Party.
C. Notice
(a) Notice period for ordinary meetings of the various units shall be as follows :-
Party Unit Days
Primary Level 3
Block Level 3
District Level 21
District Executive 3
State Council 21
State Executive 3
National Council 21
National Executive 3
(b) An emergency meeting of the National/State/District Executive may be convened by
the respective convenor by giving such notice as deemed fit. The above mentioned
time periods would not be applicable for such meetings.
(c) Members may attend meetings of the National / State/ District Executive Meetings
either in person or through video/tele-conference.
D. Decision Making
The all decisions at each levels in any meeting shall be taken by consensus, failing which by
a majority vote. However, approval of two-third of members, present and voting will be
required for resolution for amendment of the Party Constitution and/or decision to merge,
split or dissolve.
E. Minutes
The Party shall maintain Minutes of all the Meetings of all its Council / Executive /
Committees of the Party.

Article-VIII : Party Funds and Accounts

A. Collection of Funds
The funds shall be collected by means of membership fee, voluntary donations, sale of
party materials, cultural programmes etc.
Only the authorized persons by the respective Executive, shall receive the fund of the

B. Donations and Membership Receipts
Fund Collection receipts will be printed at the National & State Level only.
The each receipt will be duly numbered and issued in books containing receipts as
prescribed from time to time.
C. Bank Account
Party shall open such number of Bank Accounts, at such places as considered
necessary in the interest of the Party.
There shall be two authorized signatories for each Bank Account namely treasurer and
one person either convenor or Secretary of the respective unit of the party or two
persons authorized by the National/State Executive. The account may be operated with
the joint signature of Convenor or Secretary and Treasurer of the respective unit or any
two authorized signatory by the National/State Executive. However one of them must
be the treasurer.
The all receipts shall be deposited in the bank accounts of the Party and all expenses
shall be routed through such bank accounts.
Notwithstanding the above, in the event of any Parliamentary/Assembly Constituency
elections, special Accounts may be opened, there shall be three authorized signatories
for opening such accounts who shall be nominated by the State/National Executive of
the Party.
D. Utilization of Funds
Funds received by the Party shall be utilized for meeting the political objectives of the
Funds shall be utilized by the concerned Executive. National Executive may frame
regulations governing the fund's utilization. Accounts shall be maintained an accrual
basis. Details of all donations and expenses shall be made transparent.
The party funds shall be utilized for the political activities. The accounts of the Party
shall be maintained an accrual system. Accounts of the Party shall be annually audited
by Auditor on the panel of CAG.
E. Maintenance & Audits of Accounts
Party shall have clear provisions to the effect that the party will submit its Annual
Financial Return to the Commission within 6 months of the end of each financial
year and the audit of the party accounts will be conducted by an auditor
empanelled with the CAG.
Party declares explicitly that the fund of the party will be used for the political
purpose only and the party will abide by the instructions issued by the
Commission from time to time in the maintenance of its Accounts.


The constitution barring Article II-D, thereof, can be amended by National Council provided
that the amendment has the approval of two-third of its members present and voting after
due notice to all members. For this purpose a meeting of the National Council shall be
convened within 30 days of a resolution for amendment bearing the signatures of at least
10% members of the National Council being received.
National Executive shall also have the power to alter and amend this constitution. Quorum
for such National Executive meeting shall be two-thirds of its strength. The amendment so
made by Executive shall become operative immediately subject to ratification in the next
session of the National Council. However the power of amendment can not be exercised in a
manner so as to bring the amended constitution in conflict with the statutory provisions or
guidelines issued by the Election Commission of India.

a) The decisions regarding merger, split and dissolution shall be taken at a plenary session
comprising of all office bearers, members of all organs at every level and Members of
Parliament, State Legislature Corporation and Panchayats.
b) Quorum for Plenary Session Meeting shall be two-third members entitled to participate
in the Plenary Session.
c) Such important decisions shall be taken with consultation at all levels of the party.
d) The resolution in respect of merger or split or dissolution to be effective shall require
the approval of at least two-third of the persons present and voting.


National Executive alone shall have the power and authority to interpret this constitution
and the regulations framed there under. The decision of the National Executive in respect of
above shall be final and binding unless it is overturned by the National Council in its next
Specific Mandatory Provisions as required under sub-section (5) of Section 29A of the
Representation of the People Act 1951, in the exact terms which reads "Swachh Swasth
SwawlambiJan Party shall bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of India as
by law established and to the principles of socialism, secularism and democracy and
would uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India".
The above mandatory provisions has been included as per provisions to sub-section (7) of
the said Section 29A of the Representations of the People Act 1951. The Memorandum,
rules and regulations or the Constitution of the "Swachh Swasth SwawlambiJan Party"
conform to the above referred provision of sub-section (5) of Section 29A.
Any Member who does not attend three successive meetings of the party meetings
especially the Executive/Council without prior intimation of his/her absence shall cease
to be a Member.
National Executive will frame regulations for filling the vacancies caused by
resignation, expulsion or death of a Member of an Executive / Council.
National Executive will lay down norms and special arrangements to be put in place
for merger of new organization or parties within the party with the view to strengthen
the objectives of Party.
Party shall ensure that the functioning of the party at various levels are democratic.
Party shall ensure explicit and clear provisions regarding organisational elections at
different levels and term of its office shall be three years but normally not exceeding
four years of various committees / officer bearers & members.
All apex level committees & representative bodies/organs of the party shall be
constituted through Consensus & Democratic Election Process. Nomination of
members of such bodies/organs of the party shall be restricted to a minimum scale not
exceeding 1/3rd of the strength of the committee/organs of the party.
Party shall ensure that the election process to various offices of the party is democratic
and no office of the party shall be hereditary or held permanently.
Party will not in any manner promote or instigate or participate in violence.
"Swachha Swasth SwawlabiJan Party" shall positively contest an Election
conducted by the Election Commission within 5 years of its registration
and thereafter shall continue to contest the election conducted by the
Election Commission of India.


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