Eeu 205 Lesson 2

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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Roselyn Rodriguez Kylie Schempp Date: 11/14/17

Group Size: 16 Allotted Time 1:00-1:45 Grade Level 2nd grade

Subject or Topic: Basic Needs of a Seed

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

Science and Technology and Engineering Education
- Standard: 3.1.PK.A2.
- Identify basic needs of plants (water and light) and animals (food, air, water).

Learning Targets/Objectives:
The second grade students will understand that in order to grow healthy plants, soil,
water, light, and air must be provided.
The students will do this by seeing how the plants will grow without one necessity to
see what works.

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Thumbs up/down 1. Thumbs up/down
2. Make a booklet 2. Understood what the plants need
Assessment Scale:
Proficient: 5-4 pages
Basic: 3-2 pages
Below Basic: 1-0 pages

Subject Matter/Content:
They will distinguish each plant and the necessities that were needed.
They will understand that it is crucial that each plant gets all the basic needs or the
plant wont grow and survive.
Key Vocabulary:
4 basic elements:
- Air: the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of
oxygen and nitrogen.
- Water: a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas,
lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.
- Nutrients: a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the
maintenance of life.
- Sunlight: light from the sun.
In order to survive, animals need air, water, food, and shelter (protection from
predators and the environment).
Plants need air, water, nutrients, and light.
Every organism has its own way of making sure its basic needs are met.

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
- What do plants need to grow?
- We will have the students begin class with a kwl chart based on what they
know about the basic needs of a plant
- Have them leave the L empty so that they can refer back to it at the end of the
lesson to complete the chart.
- Once they have finished, discuss through the key vocabulary (see above)

Development/Teaching Approaches
Pass out an inquiry sheet that allows the students to predict what will happen to each
plant that is missing the rest of the basic needs. This will be filled in while they are
working on the experiment.
what do plants need to grow?
Tell the students that they will find out what happens to a plant when a plant does not
get its needs met.
Distribute 4 plants to each table and have the students in groups of 4
Assign each student in the group a letter. This will let the the students know what
condition their plant will grow.
- Condition A- plant will have no air so the student will put the plant in a plastic bag .
- Condition B- the plant will have no light. So the student will place the plant under a
cardboard box.
- Condition C- the plant will have no water. So the student will not water the plant.
- Condition D- this will be the control group the plant will have soil,air,light,and water.
The students will then draw and write what they see happening to their plant and
measure the plant using the chart.
They will then observe all of the plants that are apart of the group and record what they
see happening to each plant using their booklet.
They will draw and explain what is happening in their picture and why it is happening.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
We will refer back to the KWL chart to finish the last box and write what they saw
happen to their plants due to not having all basic needs.
They will write what they learned due to the experiment.
Today we learned all the basic necessities a plant need in order to grow and what will
happen to them if they dont receive those basic necessities.
Tomorrow we will discuss the different parts of a plant.

- Closer to the board when explain the topics so they are able to comprehend
- Extra time on the lesson, so they don't feel rushed.
- 4 plants
- KWL chart
- box
- Ziploc bag
- Soil
- Seeds
- Cups
- Book: Hillen, Judith, et al. Primarily Plants. AIMS Activities Integrating Mathematics
and Science, 1990.

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

- We want to make sure they have enough time to comprehend the lesson.
Will we have enough time?

- We wanted the students to be able to see how much the basic needs of a plant makes
big difference.
- What can be done to make sure they understand that?

Additional reflection/thoughts

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