Paper 1 Section B

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SULIT 2 013

[ 30 marks ]

Question 21
Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Berdasarkan gambar, berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh.
Tulis jawapan di tempat yang disediakan.



[ 2 marks ]




[ 2 marks ]




[ 2 marks ]

013 2016 AR1 Hak Cipta MGB Mukah SULIT

SULIT 3 013

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

It was Monday. Dad came home early. I was curious. He talked to Mum. They started to make
phone calls and pack a few things.
Dad, Mum, whats happening? I asked. Something was going on and I had to know what
it was.
There was a fire, Nurul. Mum replied. Mak Dilahs house was burn to the ground. The
neighbourhood had a meeting and decided to help Mak Dilah rebuild her house.
Isnt building a house difficult? I asked.
If many people come to help, it will be easy, said Dad. Pravins father is an architect.
He volunteered to help design the new house. Kim Sengs uncle is a contractor. He will help
rebuild it.
Many neighbours are giving donations. Our neighbor who owns a hardware store is
contributing building materials, added Mum.
Wow, thats wonderful. I want to help, too! I said excitedly.
Well, you can collect donations from your schoolmates. I will call your headmaster
tomorrow to discuss it with him, replied Dad.
Thats great! I will ask Kim Seng, Kinah, and Pravin to help, too, I said.

Question 22
Tick () the correct answer.
(a) The neighbourhood had a meeting and decided to help Mak Dilah

decorate the house

rebuild the house
build a new house (1mark)

(b) Many neighbours are giving

donations (1mark)

013 2016 AR1 Hak Cipta MGB Mukah SULIT

SULIT 4 013

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(c) How is Nurul going to help Mak Dilah?


(d) Do you think Nurul is a helpful person? Why?

(2 marks)

(e) What do you understand by the word curious? Explain.

(2 marks)

013 2016 AR1 Hak Cipta MGB Mukah SULIT

SULIT 5 013

Read the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.

The 1.5 km run will end at the Taman Mega Community Hall.
Children 12 years and above as well as adults are welcome to
Every participant will get a consolation prize.
You are welcome to make
The first three runners, each from the child category and the adult
a donation to the Cancer
category, will get health food hampers.
Resort Centre.

Visit for more information.

013 2016 AR1 Hak Cipta MGB Mukah SULIT

SULIT 6 013

Questions 23

Tick () the correct answer.

(a) The advertisement is used mainly to

ask the public to make a donation

inform the public about a new hospital

Invite the public to join a run

{ 1 mark }
(b) The run will take place at

Selangor Specialist Hospital

Lembah Girang Park

Taman Mega

{ 1 mark }

(c) Match the phrases in List A. to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is given below.

List A List A
You must be above 12 years In the morning

The run will start as far as 1.5 km

All the participants will receive to join the run

The partipants will run a consolation prize each.

{ 2 marks }

013 2016 AR1 Hak Cipta MGB Mukah SULIT

SULIT 7 013

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(d) Would you join the run? Why?



{ 2 marks }

(e) What do you understand by the phrase make a donation to the Cancer Research Centre?



{ 2 marks }

Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow.

013 2016 AR1 Hak Cipta MGB Mukah SULIT
SULIT 8 013

Puan Zana : (sighed) The prices of most things have gone up.
Mrs Chong : Thats true. We have to find ways to save and stretch our money to go a long
Puan Zana :Shall we buy these detergents from the wholesalers? The prices are lower as
they sell in larger quantities and we get discounts if we buy in bulk. We can share
the detergents by pouring them into smaller containers.
Mrs Chong :Thats a great idea. These sardines are on offer. If we buy two cans, well
have a bottle of chili sauce free-of-charge.
Puan Zana :We save two ringgit because of the free chili sauce. I want to get some dish
cloths for the kitchen. We can reuse them again and again, so we save the money
instead of using disposable ones.
Mrs Chong :Do you want some fish? They are on offer too. I can cook fish curry today and
keep some for frying tomorrow.
Puan Zana :Its definitely cheaper and healthier to eat home-cooked food than food
outside at the stalls or coffee shops. Just the other day, we had to pay through our
nose just to get a decent meal at the restaurant.
Mrs Chong :We can organise a jumble sale. We get household things like new pots and
pan and things that are still new or seldom used from our neighbours and friends.
We get some cash from things that we dont need anymore.
Puan Zana :Yes, lets ask our neighbours. Im sure they will support us.
Mrs Chong :Yes. Lets go.

Questions 24 and 25
Tick () the correct answer.

24 (a) Where do you think this conversation took place?

At the market
At the bookshop
At the sports club (1marks)

013 2016 AR1 Hak Cipta MGB Mukah SULIT

SULIT 9 013

(b) Which of the following item is disposal item?

Plastic bag
Tissue paper

25 We can reuse again them again and again, so we

save money instead of using disposable ones.

The phrase disposable ones in the dialogue refers to__________________________________.

(1 mark)

26 Name two things you cannot buy in bulk to keep them for future use. What could happen
if you keep them for future use?
(2 marks)

27 Write down two ways on how to save money.

[2 marks]

013 2016 AR1 Hak Cipta MGB Mukah SULIT

SULIT 10 013

Answer sheet:

013 2016 AR1 Hak Cipta MGB Mukah SULIT

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