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SULIT 2 013


[20 marks]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1. In a faraway land there ______________ an old king with two princesses.

A live
B lives
C lived
D living

2. Judy is _______________ to Fatimah about the Public Speaking Competition.

A speak
B speaking
C spoke
D speaks

3. Kumar: ______________ book was left in the library yesterday?

A Who
B Whom
C Whose
D When

013 AR 2 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 3 013

4. Johan : ______________pen belongs to the new student?

A Who
B Whom
C Which
D What

5. ___________________ time is the birthday party?

A When
B What
C Whose
D Which

6. He stood there for hours but she did not ____________________up.

A turns
B turned
C turn
D turning

013 AR 2 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 4 013

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.

The gardener was tired because he spent a few hours trimming _____________ (7)

hibiscus plants in the garden. Now they look tidy. The gardener was thirsty, so he _____________ (8)

the orange juice that he had bought. After drinking, he ___________________ (9)to continue working

although he was still tired.

7. A -

B a

C the

D an

8. A take

B taking

C took

D takes

9. A decided

B deciding

C decide

D decides

013 AR 2 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 5 013

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10. It is very safe to walk zebra crossing on the road.

A sad C pity

B dangerous D slow

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

11. A Julia, be careful when driving on the road, said Puan Siti .
B Julia. Be careful when driving on the road, said Puan Siti .
C Julia, be careful when driving on the road. said Puan Siti .
D Julia, be careful when driving on the road? said Puan Siti .

013 AR 2 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 6 013

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

Rosemary and her brave gnomes ran to the dungeon ____12________ freed all the prisoners.
They successfully took over the kingdom. Everyone ____13_____ happy and grateful to Rosemary
and her brave gnomes, _____14______ presented a pot gold to the gnomes to thanked them. In the
end, everyone believed that good will always triumph over evil. So with that, they all
_____15_________ happily ever after.

12. A to

B and

C as

D but

013 AR 2 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 7 013

13. A were

B was

C are

D is

14. A whose

B when

C who

D which

15. A living

B live

C lives

D lived

013 AR 2 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 8 013

Read the email below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca email di bawah dan jawab soalan soalan yang berikutnya.

To :

From :

Hello Ujang,

On 7 September, my neighbourhood friends and I took a bus to Cherry Beach. We had signed
up to take part in a beach clean up. It began at 9 a.m. We picked up rubbish on the beach and removed
floating rubbish. We also helped to repair some signs. We placed more rubbish bins at the picnic area
too. The clean-up ended at 12.30 p.m. The organizers prepared a barbecue lunch for us. We enjoyed
the after clean-up party.

How did you spend your weekend, Ujang?

Your friend,

Ai Meng

013 AR 2 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 9 013

16. The passage above was written in term of


B WhatsApp

C email

D normal letter

17. How long will the clean-up activity lasted?

A Two hours
B Three hours

C Three and a half hour

D Four and a half hour

18. Who wrote to Ujang?

A His friend
B The organizer

C Ai Meng

D His neighbour

19. The clean-up activity was at the _____________________.

A housing area
B beach
C street
D rubbish pit

013 AR 2 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 10 013

20. What did they do after the clean-up activity ?

A Lunch at the restaurant
B Barbecue lunch.
C Packed lunch from the organizer.
D Simple lunch brought by Ai Meng

013 AR 2 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

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