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Link Crew Leaders

welcome freshmen
with cheers,
games & heart

Also inside:

Meet Paul Barrosse 76,

SNL Writer-Producer, Entertainer & Actor

Advisory Board Member Chris Alvarado

is all about vibrant communities
& a strong CCC

Social Justice: Lessons learned in

and outside of the classroom!

Sister Karen Dolovacky, SND, receives

Irene C. Heller Award

And more...
Nelson Jesus Perez, recently ordained Bishop
of Cleveland, visited Cleveland Central Catholic
High School on October 24th. Bishop Perez
celebrated Mass at St. Stanislaus Church, toured
CCC, enjoyed lunch with several student leaders
and faculty/administrators, followed by a
stimulating question and answer period.


Contents Fall 2017

From the President and Principal

Letter from Leo Hyland, President................................................................................................................ 4
Letter from Sr. Allison Marie Gusdanovic, SND, Principal..................................................................... 5

Feature Articles
Meet Paul Barrosse 76, SNL Writer-Producer, Entertainer & Actor................................................... 6
Advisory Board Member Chris Alvarado is all about vibrant communities & a strong CCC..........10
Social Justice: Lessons learned in and outside of the classroom!................................................. 12
Link Crew Leaders welcome freshmen with cheers, games & heart.............................................. 14
Sister Karen Dolovacky, SND, receives Irene C. Heller Award............................................................ 18

CleanUp+Clams............................................................................................................................................... 19
Beacon of Hope Campaign a Success..................................................................................................... 20

School Snapshots
Class of 2017 takes a final bow.................................................................................................................. 22

Sports Round Up
GAME ON Coach Lundy tackles life lessons on the football field.................................................. 24
Ironmen show heart on field, on court................................................................................................... 26

Northeast Ohios Online Day of Catholic Giving!................................................................................. 28
Alumni Golf Outing........................................................................................................................................ 29
Alumni News.................................................................................................................................................... 30
In Memoriam.................................................................................................................................................... 31

Administration: For more information regarding giving opportunities, please contact:

Leo P. Hyland, President Tip Hosack at 216-641-2034 or
Sister Allison Marie Gusdanovic, SND, Principal To update your contact information or comment on this publication, please contact:
Dr. Lanny Hollis, Associate Principal Jackie Keim at 216-441-4700, ext. 284 or

Connection: a semi-annual publication of the Advancement Office designed to connect

Cleveland Central Catholic with its alumni, families, friends, donors and partners in mission
Writers: Margie Wilber and Jackie Keim
Design and Production: Write 2 the Point, Margie Wilber
Photography: Margie Wilber and Sr. Mary Seton Schlather, SND
Director of Advancement: Tip Hosack
Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving: Bill Sluzewski
Database and Information Manager/Research Specialist: Eileen Canepari
Communications Manager: Jackie Keim CLEVELAND CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FALL 2017 | 3

From the President
Leo Hyland

Building a Better Cleveland Central Catholic

One of the great challenges for a school or any organization is to continually improve.
Improvement, by definition, requires change. Organizational change can be scary. It can
also be exhilarating!
As we enter this new school year, change is certainly in the air at CCC. This year change starts at
the top, as John Cvetic succeeds John Peca 70 as chair of the CCC Advisory Board. We congratulate
John Cvetic and salute the leadership provided by John Peca over the past four years including
CCCs talented Advisory co-chairing the successful Beacon of Hope Campaign.
Board, along with other key Perhaps the most significant school improvement is CCCs commitment to becoming a Professional
stakeholders, are engaged Learning Community. Many high performing schools have embraced this approach to better serve
students, collaborate more closely with each other, and raise the academic profile of the school.
this year in three other
You can read more about this innovative initiative in Sr. Allison Maries accompanying letter.
powerful activities that will
Over the next few months, there will be other exciting activities occurring that will drive CCC
significantly impact our forward in the advancement of our mission. Individually, each of these activities would improve the
desire to create a shared status of our school. Taken together, however, CCC gains synergistic benefits as each step forward
vision for an even better carefully positions the school for the next opportunity.

Central Catholic experience Having surpassed the goal for the Beacon of Hope Campaign, Central Catholic will continue (as
for all. planned) through the third year of this important effort. Several of the gifts secured are deferred,
meaning that CCC will receive those dollars at a later date. Therefore, it is imperative that we continue
to press forward to fully fund the five campaign priorities with new gifts by June 30, 2018.
CCCs talented Advisory Board, along with other key stakeholders, are engaged this year in three
other powerful activities that will significantly impact our desire to create a shared vision for an
even better Central Catholic experience for all. This summer, the Advisory Board launched a strategic
planning process that aims to establish key goals for five priority areas: Admissions, Advancement,
Facilities, Finances and Mission Integration. We are grateful for all who volunteered their time to
participation in this process.
Led by board vice chair Ellen Zerucha, the Marketing Committee is putting the final touches on
a comprehensive marketing plan. It is our belief that the hard work done to create this plan will better
position CCC in the marketplace, while also bringing a greater understanding of our special mission.
Finally, working with several strategic and community partners, CCC is studying how to improve our
campus. By creating a new Campus Master Plan, the board expects to better define and secure
our facilities thereby making a safer and more welcoming campus for all. We are grateful to all who
have stepped forward to assist in our efforts, and we invite you to be part of our thriving community.


From the Principal
Sister Allison Marie, SND

This past summer, 12 members of our administration and faculty attended a workshop on how to
create a Professional Learning Community within our school. Basically, there are four questions that
instructional staff must answer and address: What do we want our students to learn? How will we
know that they have learned what we want them to know? What will we do to remediate students
who have not mastered the content? What enrichment activities will we provide for students who
have mastered the content?
It sounds so simple. However, it requires deep levels of collaboration among teachers. Those who
The concept of forming a teach the same subject must agree on the content to be learned and on how to assess student
learning. All students in the same course are expected to learn the same concepts and that which
Professional Learning align with State standards. Once teachers agree on the must-knows, they develop common
Community has been assessments prior to the teaching of a unit. Every teacher is responsible for delivering the common
extremely successful in agreed upon content and ensuring that all students master it. After students are tested, the teachers
collaborate to review the data for their classes and develop the plans for remediation and enrichment.
other schools, and we
believe that this process The concept of forming a Professional Learning Community has been extremely successful in other
schools, and we believe that this process will ensure that all students are learning. We are already
will ensure that all beginning to see progress within the major content areas. One teacher shared with me that 88% of
students are learning. his students achieved at least an 80% or better on the common assessment that the team developed.
He is absolutely thrilled because he is seeing results and because the students are gaining confidence
in their ability to learn math.
Truly, that is what we want for our students: to face the future with confidence and hope. Each time a
student experiences similar success in a classroom, she or he is one step closer to achieving this goal.
In light of our school improvement efforts, It is my hope and my prayer that each day we will be able
to focus on why we do what we do here at Cleveland Central Catholic. As expressed in our mission
statement, Cleveland Central Catholic High School is a coeducational school rooted in the Gospel
values of Jesus Christ and focused on college and career readiness. Our mission is to challenge and
encourage our students to excel academically, to deepen their faith in God, and to live a life of service,
so that they may face the future with confidence and hope.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our school and its mission. May our good God bless you today
and each day for your collaboration with us as we live out the mission of Cleveland Central Catholic
High School.
One with you in the Peace of Christ, CLEVELAND CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FALL 2017 | 5

E R - P RO D U C E
E R & A C

Paul Barrosse 76 always enjoyed telling a good joke while

a student at Cleveland Central Catholic. This penchant for
humor and willingness to remain focused on his dream
to work in the entertainment industry landed him
among such Hollywood greats as Eddie Murphy,
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Gary Kroeger and many more
on the set of Saturday Night Live (SNL). Today,
Paul continues to work as a TV writer-producer,
entertainer and actor while remaining
ever-appreciative of the start he received
at his high school alma mater.

Paul has come a long way since growing up in

Old Brooklyn, near the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.
Throughout high school, I planned to go into
entertainment, likely acting. I saw myself on the
stage of the Cleveland Playhouse someday.
In college, I began to focus more on writing and
performing comedy -- whether it was my own
comic plays or improvisational sketch revues,
reflects Paul with a smile. It was the work Id
done performing my own original comic material


Life can be stressful and challenging, but if you can see the
lighter side, and keep a sense of humor about the darker
side, you stand a better chance of enjoying your life. Sharing
your sense of humor with others can help them deal with
lifes travails, too.

that brought me to the attention of SNLs creative

staff. I dont think that would have happened if I had
depended on auditions for roles that other people
had written. especially her demanding approach
A busy teenager, Paul was a member of Student to clear, concise writing and the use of the best
Council all four years, on the Homecoming Court, possible word. (Back then, we had to break out our
and an athlete on the thesaurus.) The
wrestling and football teams ability to write
at CCC. What stands out creatively and well
most to him is being a is key to having a
member of the wrestling measure of control
team. He says his personal over your destiny
development flourished in the entertain-
under the guidance of ment business.
Coach Joel Solomon 68. After graduating
I learned a lot about hard from Cleveland
work, discipline, goal setting, Central Catholic,
and challenging myself Paul attended
to do the best I possibly Northwestern
Paul Barrosse 76 goes over lines with actor Eddie Murphy for an SNL skit.
could, states Paul. Those are University in
lessons Ive applied in my life and work ever since Chicago. There, he started writing and performing
I learned them (sometimes the hard way) on the in the campus improvisational comedy review, The
mat. I loved playing football, too. Go Ironmen! MeeOw Show. He also started the Practical Theatre
Company (PTC) with Brad Hall, Robert Mendel and
CCC prepared me very well for college and life, Angela Murphy.
considers Paul. My favorite teachers were Ellen
Fasko, art; Elda Borroni, politics and government; The PTC troupe continued their work in comedy
and Mary Ann Zampino, theater. But, Mrs. Fulgenzis following graduation. They established a 42-seat
Critical Thinking class was an important eye-opener storefront theatre in 1980, gaining recognition for
for me. She taught us how to break down language their comedy work. This resulted in their receiving an
and ideas, to challenge ourselves intellectually, invitation from Second City owner Bernie Sahlins to
to write clearly, and never take assumptions for build a 150-seat cabaret theater adjacent to Second
granted. Ive always tried to apply those lessons City. Six weeks after opening, the entire cast of the


it. Ive always enjoyed making people laugh. If I
were stranded alone on a desert island, Id still be
making jokes about my situation for an audience
of coconuts and crabs. Life can be stressful and
challenging, but if you can see the lighter side, and
keep a sense of humor about the darker side, you
stand a better chance of enjoying your life. Sharing
your sense of humor with others can help them
deal with lifes travails, too.

Writing comedy is
perhaps the hardest
genre in writing. Paul
Continued from page 7
says he draws his
show, which included Brad Hall, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, inspiration from the
Gary Kroeger and Paul, were whisked away to craziness of everyday
Saturday Night Live. life. These days,
satirists and comedians
At SNL, Paul had the opportunity to write and
are deluged with more
work with some of his greatest comedy heroes:
inspiration than we can
The Smothers Brothers, Howard Hesseman, the
great Sid Caesar,
and 19-year-old
Eddie Murphy, My Catholic faith provided me with a solid
who was on moral foundation as well as a cultural identity
his way to
and deep appreciation of tradition and ritual
becoming a
comedy sacred and public.

Paul met his wife, Victoria Zielinski, at Northwestern. handle, he describes, shaking his head. The key to
She also performed with PTC in the 1980s and is his comedy writing is honesty. For a joke to play, the
primary comedy collaborator to this day. Victoria underlying premise must ring true. In a comedy,
was a lawyer and then a TV producer for many script or sketch, the joke must fit the personality of
years, Paul says. Today, she is the finest high school the character making the joke. In bad comedies,
English teacher in Southern California and the characters say funny things that land flat because
funniest girl Ive ever known. they make no sense for the character; theyre just
jokes for the sake of a joke. Thats the primary
I believe some people are born funny, Paul insists. difference between a good sitcom and a lousy
And if funny is in your blood, youve got to express sitcom -- or a great SNL sketch or a forgettable one.


Dont spend so much time looking ahead that you
lose sight of how much CCC, your teachers and
your classmates have to offer right now. These are
some of the best years of your lives.

touch with many of his former classmates on

Facebook. In fact, Kim McBride 76 recently sent
Paul a copy of a book she authored.
My Catholic faith provided me with a solid moral
foundation as well as a cultural identity and deep Paul offers this advice to current CCC students:
appreciation of tradition and ritual sacred and Work hard, play hard, and have fun at the same
public, Paul reflects. My churchgoing wavers at time. Youll get to college and enter the workforce
times, but Ive never lost my Catholic identity. My soon enough. Dont spend so much time looking
wife is Greek Orthodox, and weve attended Roman ahead that you lose sight of how much CCC, your
Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Episcopal services teachers and your classmates have to offer right
over the decades. Greek Easter is a major celebration now. These are some of the best years of your
in our home every year. We focus on love, family, lives. Sure, you should check in with your guidance
community and the miracle of the Resurrection. counselor, keep up your grades, and stay out of
And lamb, of course. trouble. Definitely, do these things. But, dont stress
out over how youll do in the next phase of your
Paul and Victoria have three daughters, who attended
education and adult life. Wring the most you can
all-girl, Catholic high school. All three were well-
out of your high school experience. Thats the best
prepared for college and beyond after an education
way to prepare for whats ahead.
that stressed academic excellence, personal ethics,
self-discipline and service to others, Paul states. He
says today, their daughter Emilia is a stand-up
comedian; Eva B. Ross is a musician, is currently Los
Angeles-based; and Maura Murphy-Barrosse, also a
musician, currently singing with the LA based band
Vaud & the Villains. Eva just won UCLAs Spring Sing
competition, and Emilia has been working with the
show VEEP for the past two years, in addition to
her stand-up. Paul is also very proud to report that
he and Victoria are proud grandparents to Mauras
baby boy, Declan.

Paul still keeps in touch with a few of his CCC

classmates, including Wally Smojver 76, who lives in
LA and Charlie Reinke 77, who came out to see a
stage show Paul was doing in LA. A few years back,
he had lunch with Reggie Cook 77. He also stays in CLEVELAND CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FALL 2017 | 9

Advisory Board
Member Chris
Alvarado is all
about vibrant
communities and
a strong CCC

Project management, community

development, urban planning, fund
development, and public policy
research and analysis are just a
few areas of expertise Christopher
Alvarado brings to the Cleveland
Central Catholic Advisory Board.

Alvarado grew up in San Antonio

and attended a medical magnet
high school with the intention of
going to medical school. He earned
a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
and Pre-Professional Studies
(pre-med) at the University of
Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind., in
1994. Then I came to Cleveland to
volunteer with LArche Cleveland, a
faith community centered on
persons with intellectual disabilities,
describes Alvarado. After two
years, I decided not to go to medical
school and, instead, worked on my
Master of Urban Planning, Design
and Development from Cleveland
State University while residing in
and managing one of the homes
at LArche. Since those classroom
days, the current executive director
Christopher Alvarado, CCC Advisory Board member


The fact that CCC graduates nearly every student that
comes through the doors while providing a strong ethical
foundation that will remain with graduates for the rest of
their lives is strongly compelling to me.

of Slavic Village Development has MyCom/P-16 Partnership. The fact that will help improve the Cleveland Central
become committed to building strong CCC graduates nearly every student that Catholic campus and enable the Advisory
cities and communities across north- comes through the doors while providing Board and administration to strategically
east Ohio, and a strong, vibrant school a strong ethical foundation that will plan for the high schools future needs,
at Cleveland Central Catholic. remain with graduates for the rest of Alvarado explains.
their lives is strongly compelling to me,
After earning his masters, Chris worked I would like to thank those individuals,
Alvarado states.
for 11 years as an urban planner for the foundations and businesses that
Cuyahoga County Planning Commission. CCC reminds me of the best aspects of stepped up to financially support
That was followed by two years as a fellow Notre Dame and LArche. The students Cleveland Central Catholics capital
with the German Marshall Fund (GMS) receive a rigorous education of the campaign. I can assure every donor
of the U.S. Chriss GMS fellowship whole mind and body, while creating that every dollar raised by the Beacon
matched him with the City of Clevelands with the faculty a caring community of Hope Campaign means more to this
Department of Community Development, that understands that every person has school than the equivalent donation
where he designed and implemented value as well as the ability to contribute would mean to any other Catholic high
projects to turn vacant land held by the to our communities, considers the school. This is a community for which
City Land Bank from liabilities to assets passionate CCC Advisory Board member. gratitude comes easily and readily, and
owned and improved by Clevelands This belief was strengthened through the improvement of our campus will
citizens, businesses and organizations. the focus group of parents interviewed give even more choices to our students
for our new marketing plan. Each parent so they can receive the same or better
Next, he joined Slavic Village
said they felt a real connection with the opportunities than their peers at any
Development, where he has been
school and that the school community other Cleveland-area school, insists
executive director for the past three
encouraged each student to achieve Alvarado.
years. Slavic Village Development serves
both academically and personally. I
approximately 22,000 residents living in
want more folks throughout Northeast
the neighborhoods of Broadway Slavic
Ohio to recognize the outstanding
Village, a five-square-mile area southeast
education being provided at CCC.
of downtown Cleveland. Cleveland
Its time to take the bushel basket
Central Catholic serves as an anchor in
off of the light that is CCC.
this community, providing a faith-filled,
college-preparatory education for its Throughout my career, I have focused
students. on how we can build systems and
institutions that provide economic,
I got to know CCC through my work
environmental and social benefits to
here at Slavic Village Development
our communities. The funds raised
and the Broadway Slavic Village
through the Beacon of Hope Campaign CLEVELAND CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FALL 2017 | 11

Social Justice:
Lessons learned in and outside of the classroom!
Until the great mass of the people shall
be filled with the sense of responsibility
for each others welfare, social justice
can never be attained.
Helen Keller

At Cleveland Central Catholic, not all

lessons are learned inside of the classroom.
Case in point: Social Justice.
According to Matt Wallenhorst, World Geography and
Theology teacher at CCC, It is important to introduce
students to social justice issues because they need to
realize that they are part of a larger world, and they have a
responsibility to that. Many problems in our society both
American and around the globe stem from a basic lack
of understanding about peoples perspectives. In giving
students some taste of that perspective, we hope that we
can have a generation that is going to want to be part of a
solution rather than to fall back on the same thoughts and
feelings that helped create those problems in the first place.

Wallenhorst believes CCC is uniquely placed among Catholic

high schools because their students come from so many
diverse backgrounds and can engage in a more honest
discussion about any subject regarding social justice.

How have CCC students become involved in social justice?

Every November, CCC sponsors a Thanksgiving Food Drive
to benefit the St. Augustine Hunger Center in Tremont.
During Lent, students take part in Operation Rice Bowl for
Catholic Relief Services (CRS). CCC is a Gold Level Certified
School for CRS because of our commitment to Catholic
Schools for Peace and Justice (CSPJ), Wallenhorst states.

Since I have worked at Cleveland Central Catholic, students

have also sponsored drives to raise money to buy socks and
underwear for the homeless at the West Side Catholic
Center, bedding for some of the different shelters around

Students from CCC visit Washington, D.C. to get their voices heard
concerning various social justice issues.


town, and money for various Sisters of Notre Dame missions, Social justice projects sponsored by Cleveland Central Catholic
adds the committed teacher. I have also taken groups of have resulted in many students stepping out on their own
students to Washington, D.C. to participate in the March for to become involved in other social justice activities in their
Life. We also march in downtown Cleveland every October. communities.

Wallenhorst was born and raised in Cleveland, in Fairview I have seen it happen, acknowledges Wallenhorst
Park, where he attended St. Angela Merici grade school, enthusiastically. Nyreek Boyd 17 was on one of the local
St. Edward, and Mercyhurst College (now University). He news channels this past year, talking about the need to offer
received a B.A. in Strategic Communication with a minor in better employment opportunities to youth to reduce violence
history. He went on to earn a Masters in Pastoral Theology that is hurting some neighborhoods. The Wadesisi family
from St. Josephs College, in Maine. (Pendeza 14, Tatu 18, Fatuma 18, Saidi
Formerly, he worked as a campus 18 and Salome 20) is really involved at
minister at Notre Dame-Cathedral St. Colmans on West 65th Street. Many
Latin before joining the CCC staff in others are doing their part in small ways
2013. volunteering and working at the Boys
and Girls Club, at summer camps or in
He is one of four campus ministers at neighborhood activities. Thats the key.
CCC, who all work together to provide We try to teach social justice and that
retreat experiences, social justice doing small, every day things are just as
initiatives like food drives or fundraising needed as the big movements to help
drives, and liturgical and prayer those in need.
experiences. I am also the moderator
for CCCs chapter of Catholic Schools for Peace and Justice, a Faith and action are both necessary components of a
collaboration of all the Catholic high schools in the persons spirituality, explains Wallenhorst. Faith teaches
Diocese of Cleveland, adds Wallenhorst. I also serve you the reasons behind the actions and gives you the
on the leadership team for the organization. motivation and inspiration to live out your faith. Doing good
deeds is a way to prove your beliefs to yourself. If you say
Every year, CCC students engage in service projects through you are all about helping others and telling people, Have a
their theology classes. In fact, the sophomore retreat is a blessed day, but your actions do not back that up, you are not
service-oriented retreat where students learn about the putting your money where your mouth is, so to speak.
nature of service why it is important to do it then go
into the community during the school day at a site and The passionate campus minister concludes, Actions validate
spend the day in service. what you have learned. They give you an opportunity to use
the knowledge you have gained to act on it. You develop your
CCC students also participated in two major summits on the sight for such things with your faith, then there should be a
topics of Modern Forms of Slavery and Migration, in 2015 courage to act on it. Thats what social justice is all about.
and 2017. For the latter, four CCC students, who are refugees
and immigrants themselves, took part in a panel discussion,
answering questions of other students about their experiences
in their home countries and in the United States. CLEVELAND CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FALL 2017 | 13

Link Crew Leaders welcome
freshmen with cheers,
games & heart

The CCC faculty, staff and current students welcome the Class of 2021


Cleveland Central Catholic student leaders
welcomed the 146-member Class of 2021 at
CCCs Freshmen Orientation Day on August
25th with applause, games and a cookout as
part of a new freshman-orientation program Aaron Eatman, Dean of School Engagement
introduced at the high school: Link Crew. at CCC, began planning the programs
implementation immediately after the
conclusion of the 2016-2017 school year. We
wanted to change our school culture starting
this fall. Our hope is to get our freshmen not
only acclimated with the school but involved in
the school. CCC makes a huge commitment to
our students academically, but we also want to
make sure we couple that with social supports
as well. Link Crew is designed for just that.
Eatman selected 30 Link Leaders from the
senior and junior classes. He also chose five
sophomores, called the A Team (Assistant
Team), to assist Link Leaders throughout the
first day. I was not necessarily choosing the
The Link Crew program best-of-the-best students to serve as Link
has been around for Leaders, but also students who I believe could
20 years; today it is in develop leadership skills but just needed that
41 states and four little push, he explains. The A Team served as
Canadian provinces, and support and, hopefully, will learn by doing so
approximately 1 million they can replace our Link Leaders next year.
students go through this
Eatman and his Link Leaders started to meet
international program
and plan the program two weeks after school
each year.
got out for the summer. My goal was to make
Link Crew matches current sure the Link Leaders were well trained for
students with incoming each activity, the Dean of School Engagement
freshmen at the start of explains. We met throughout the summer, and
each school year. The goal each student worked 20 hours that last week
is to help incoming fresh- before orientation day, calling each incoming
men feel comfortable during their first year of freshman, making signs, doing whatever
high school. Its built on the belief that students needed to be done. They really were
can help students succeed. For CCC, its also committed throughout.
about becoming an IRONMAN!
Being a Link Crew Leader is about being
Sister Allison Marie Gusdanovic, SND, Principal committed to those who come after you and
of CCC, first heard about Link Crew at St. Joseph giving back to the school community. On CCCs
Academy and Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin freshmen orientation day, our students met
School. She was eager to implement it at CCC. them where they were at. They wanted to see Continued on page 16 CLEVELAND CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FALL 2017 | 15

what they have to offer, describes to not only acclimate them to the school but
Eatman, who also serves as a sophomore to allow freshmen to get to know a few upper-
English teacher and Special Education English classmen. These activities included:
teacher. Leader Introduction Questions
After participating in all-class activities in the Teen Juggle School Tour
Ironman Center, freshmen broke into small 64 Square Cookout on
groups and moved to individual classrooms. Name Tag Game Stefanski Field
Each group participated in activities designed Life Story

The Link Crew Freshmen Welcome Day concluded with a cookout and fun on Stefanski Field


Link Leader Raynquic Wyatt 19, a member of
CCCs Student Senate, says she really enjoyed
being a Link Leader. My favorite activity
was Life Story, where freshmen are asked
to answer these questions: What was your
Rayshawn Ford 19, a member of the CCC
favorite toy as a child? What would your dream
Varsity Basketball Team, was also selected to be
job be? Who would you take to a concert and
a Link Crew Leader. Being a Link Leader was a
who would you go to see? They laughed when
wonderful opportunity. I was surprised at how
I shared that my favorite toy was an Easy Bake
the incoming freshmen looked at me as a leader.
Oven. I also told them Id take my sister, who is
It made me feel great. My mom was excited
my best friend, to a Charlie Wilson concert. Im
and proud when I told her I had been selected.
old school.
Since the start of classes, I have already reached
Link Leader Jazira Murphy 19 says, out to my freshman group. A couple asked me
I thought Link Crew was
a lot of fun. There were so
many of us Link Leaders
that a freshmans only
choice was to participate.
There is strength in
numbers. I wish the
school had this program
my freshman year.
Ive already checked in
with my group this year
and its only the second
day of school, Jazira continues with a laugh. where their classes were. As a freshman, it can
Its a great opportunity to be a student leader be confusing. They know they can come to us
and to be someone who can help others. for help.

It was a nice way to get involved in the school I was thoroughly impressed with my Link
and meet the freshmen, agrees Link Leader Leaders. The ones I had reservations about
Serenity Wyatt 18, Raynquics sister. I learned really shined. The quiet/shy ones came out of
leadership skills and social skills through their comfort zone, exclaims Eatman. The Link
participating as a Link Leader. It was fun. Leaders exceeded my expectations beyond my
I encourage other students to get involved wildest dreams.
and become a Link Leader next year. CLEVELAND CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FALL 2017 | 17

Sr. Karen Dolovacky, SND, Sister Karen Dolovacky, SND,

receives Irene C. Heller Award works with two students during

a science lab

Congratulations to Sister Karen Dolovacky, SND, who until her death in 1996. Born in Cleveland in 1944, she
received the 2017 Irene C. Heller Award, from the hosted the local Chemistry Olympiad annually at North
American Chemical Society Cleveland Section, in April. Olmsted High School from 1985 to 1995. Recognized for
This award is presented annually to the Outstanding her work with the North Olmsted Outstanding Chemistry
High School Chemistry Teacher in the Cleveland Section. Teacher Award in 1986 and in 1995 with the Most Influential
Sister Karen taught science, mathematics and theology at Teacher Award, Heller was a member of the Board of
several high schools in Ohio, including Regina, Warren Directors of the Cleveland Regional Council of Science
John F. Kennedy and Notre Dame Academy, prior to Teachers, in Whos Who Among American Teachers,
joining the faculty at Cleveland Central Catholic in 2010. and was active in the Cleveland Section of the American
She earned a B.S. from Notre Dame College and a Master Chemical Society.
degree in Education from Kent State University. It is truly a ministry of love for the students who need
The outstanding teacher is being honored specifically for a good background in science for their careers, Sister
her role as a science teacher at Cleveland Central Catholic, Karen reflects. They also need caring and understanding.
where she has taught Integrated Science I and II for two I believe this is the place God wants me to be, and I love
years and Chemistry I and II since 2012. Sr. Karen also the time I spend with these students. I know that God is
held the role of Science Department Chair and Local working through me to show these students His good
Professional Development Committee Representative. and provident care.

The award is named after Irene Heller, who taught Congratulations to Sister Karen on this prestigious
chemistry at North Olmsted High School from 1967 achievement!


CleanUp + Clams

The 2017 version of CleanUp+Clams was highlighted with beautiful autumn

weather and no rain! The event raised more than $49,000 gross for tuition
assistance. The morning was filled with camaraderie and community service
by our volunteers comprised of students, parents, faculty, staff, advisory board
members and friends. Our volunteers tackled neighborhood projects includ-
ing raking, street clean-up and planting red, white and blue mums. The day
wrapped up with a cook-out lunch.

Thanks to our generous corporate sponsors

Third Federal Foundation
Aon Foundation
Arrow International
Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP
Fifth Third Bank
Georgios Oven Fresh Pizza Co.
Industrial Manufacturing Company
Merrymeeting Group
Ohio Savings Bank
Surety Title
Vics Florals

Beacon of Hope
Campaign a Success
Capital Improvements
Endowment/Scholarship Funding
Special Education Funding
Central Catholic Fund $675,000
Stefanski Stadium Completion
A Beacon of Hope, the campaign Peca is glad he volunteered to serve as
for Cleveland Central Catholic a co-chair, stating, We were blessed by
Beacon of Hope Leadership Team High School, has surpassed its God with some very generous gifts by
Co-Chairs goal and successfully raised more unexpected sources. Mr. Richard Fisher,
George M. Chase 61 than $5.2 million for CCC. Dollars a Catholic philanthropic advocate,
Jerry Kysela raised will be used for physical donated $1 million, which gave the
John A. Peca 70 improvements to the aging campaign tremendous momentum.
school building, tuition Without people like Mr. Fisher and CCCs
Richard T. Castele assistance and scholarship advisory board, we would not be where
John E. Cvetic funding, enhancements in Central we are today. The faith and belief in our
Sr. Allison M. Gusdanovic, SND Catholics Special Education Program, benefactors supporting the mission of this
Leo P. Hyland and the completion of Stefanski Stadium. school made the difference.
Terri Preskar The Beacon of Hope Campaign will continue as Fellow co-chair Kysela adds, It was time to
Janice Roccosalva originally planned, raising even more money address some critical and urgent needs at the
Frank J. Roddy to help support the needs of this school. The school. Our goal of raising $5.175 million was
Robert Rosing BOH leadership team, administration, advisory massive for an inner-city, parochial school. I was
John Simon 72 board, faculty and staff would like to thank the amazed at how the advisory board stepped up
Sr. Carol Anne Smith, HM many individuals, foundation and corporate and made significant personal commitments
partners, families, alumni and community and reached out to others in their social circles
members who have already given to make for help. The result is fantastic.
Honorary Co-Chairs
this ongoing campaign such a success. Today, Cleveland Central Catholic High School
Bishop Richard G. Lennon
First, we would like to offer a heartfelt thank is a pathway to success for its students. It truly
Bishop Anthony M. Pilla
you to the Beacon of Hope Campaign co-chairs is a Beacon of Hope, describes Chase.
Bishop Roger W. Gries, OSB
George M. Chase 61, Jerry Kysela, and John A. We want to thank George Wasmer, who spent
Daryl and Jenniffer Deckard Peca 70. Their vision, leadership, determination
Carol Ann Rini two years and more than 50 hours sitting down
and persistence played a pivotal role in helping with us and asking, What do we know? What do
Marc A. Stefanski Cleveland Central Catholics Beacon of Hope we not know? as we considered the feasibility
George F. Wasmer Campaign achieve its monetary goal almost of this capital campaign, Leo Hyland, president
one year early. Wow!


Donors to the Beacon of Hope Campaign through September 7, 2017*
Anonymous (4) Raymond and Margarita Krncevic
Sharon and William Aamoth The Kurtz Foundation
William and Liz Adler The W.J. Kurzenberger Family Charitable Fund
Christopher Alvarado Marlene Kyler
Marc and Cindy Amos Jerry and Cece Kysela
Aon Foundation Marion LaBella
Anthony Asher 61 Daniel E. Lamparyk
Reverend Michael D. Ausperk John M. Lamparyk
James Bacik '70 The Fred A. Lennon Charitable Trust
Louise (Jadus) and Mike Bonomo 70 / - Dr. Javier and Nancy Lopez
Donna (Gebura) and Charles Bonvissuto 78 / - Catherine L. and Edward A. Lozick Foundation
Boyd Watterson Asset Management Macy's Matching Gifts Program
of CCC, acknowledges. His knowledge and willingness to advocate Caprice Bragg Donald J. Malik
Charles H. and Elizabeth Brewster Maloney+Novotny LLC
for this campaign made a huge difference. Terrence A. and Joanne Brizz Janice and Dan Margheret
Howard and Mary Brondfield Sr. Carolyn Marshall, HM
Chris Hagerty was also spectacular in helping to guide us. He is a Alfred J. Buescher David and Patricia McCarthy
real pro, Kysela states. Hagerty is a principal with Partners in Mission Richard Byczek 62 Gwen McCarthy
Reverend Joseph H. Callahan Mary Lou McCarthy
and a consultant for CCC. Peter and Rita Carfagna Michael and Denise McCarthy
Barbara and William V. Carson, Jr. Thomas and Geraldine McCarthy
John and Laurie Cvetic had already made a significant gift to the Richard T. Castele and Carolyn Leitch Donald and Cynthia McHugh
campaign, but went the extra mile in a way that was unanticipated. The Castele Family Foundation Brian and Cindy McMahon
Chase Family Foundation John and Diane Miceli
They gave a charitable donation in the form of a life insurance policy David Chase Charitable Fund Murphy Family Foundation
listing Cleveland Central Catholic as a beneficiary. George Chase 61 Ray and Katie Murphy
Patricia Cherry The Musca Family Charitable Fund
Chase, Kysela, Peca and Hyland recognize the role of Third Federal, Peter and Mary Ellen Chudyk Joe and Debbie Musca
CCC Class of 1970 Thomas and Evelyn Nichols
Marc Stefanski, and Bishop Anthony Pilla in not only keeping the Timothy and Nancy Cleary Charles and Patricia Nock
high school open years ago, but continuing to be involved at Joseph and Sandra Curatolo The Northern Ohio Italian American Foundation
John and Laurie Cvetic Deborah J. Novalony
Cleveland Central Catholic lending financial support, guidance Allyn and John Davies Reverend Eric Orzech
and community involvement. Daryl and Jenniffer Deckard John Peca 70
Steven and Susie DeJohn Eileen M. Peterson
There were also important roles in the capital campaign for people Lizabeth (Lysowski) and Allan Dilla 74 / - The Chas. E. Phipps Company
Patrick DiSalvatore The Most Reverend Anthony M. Pilla
who could not give financially, Hyland insists. Lending their name Fred and Brittan DiSanto Terri and Joe Preskar
and credibility mattered. Little things matter. Its part of the story. James Domagalski 61 Jason and Corlette Reed
Charles Dottore Joseph and Mary Ribar
In addition to celebrating the monies raised, all three co-chairs David and Catharine Dress Rose Anne (Szczech) Richnasky 70
describe the fulfillment and optimism they feel looking forward. Eileen C. Drusendahl Carol and Charles A. Rini, Sr., Family Foundation
Robert J. Durkin Kevin and Jennifer Bell Rochford
To witness so many individuals stepping forward and making huge James and Kathryn Durkot Frank J. and Patricia Roddy
financial commitments, in a poor economy, was both surprising and Brian G. and Maureen Dyko Robert and Marcia Rosing
Anthony and Rosemary (Boumis) Catherine Schneider
amazing, Kysela concludes. We are committed to being good stewards Dziak 70 / 70 Andrew and Patricia Schroer
of these gifts. It all comes down to our students, their needs, and Richard Engel Joseph and Eniko Shaw 61 / -
Timothy English 87 John and Mary Beth Simon 72 / -
what will help them to achieve their future aspirations and dreams. Brian and Stephanie Ferry Sisters of the Humility of Mary
Kathleen Ferry and Brian Pyclik Sisters of Notre Dame
Thanks to the generosity of so many, a Beacon of Hope will continue Richard B. and Barbara Fisher Betty Ann Skrha
to burn ever brighter at Cleveland Central Catholic High School. Kenneth F. and Margaret Fox Thomas and Anna Bain Slater
Elaine Galbincea Robert and Ingrid Sledz 61 / -
The BOH leadership team encourages other individuals, alumni, John E. Gallagher, III William T. and Sally Slick
community members and local corporations who have not yet The Giant Eagle Foundation The Edward and Betty Sloat Foundation
Richard Goodrich and Suzanne Kurtz James and Kathleen Sluzewski
done so to give to this very worthwhile and needed campaign! Anne & Robert Grevey Anne Marie Smith
The Most Reverend Roger W. Gries, O.S.B. Bernard and Mary C. Smith
Lawrence and Joyce (Blake) Guzy 61 / 62 Sr. Carol Anne Smith, HM
Bill and Tricia Hall Joseph T. and Josephine B. Snyder
William A. and Mary Beth Hallal Jeffrey F. and Janet (Kordan) Solomon 72 / 72
J. Harrington and Marie E. Gildden Foundation Roy and Julie (Heasley) Starner 70 / 71
Donna (Roginski) and Edward J. Heid 61/ - Richard and Betsy Stovsky
John and Stella Hetzer Thomas C. and Sandra S. Sullivan Foundation
Howley Family Foundation Geraldine (Wysocki) Szuter 61
Paul and Debbie Huml Third Federal Foundation
Edward F. and Maxine Hyland Monica R. Thomas
James and Nancy Hyland Wayne and Barbara Uehlein
Leo P. and Beth Hyland Gary and Diane Valek
Tim and Cathy Hyland Mary Lu and George F. Wasmer
Independence Demolition Leslie Wazbinski
Cynthia Kinley Anne Lyn H. Welsh
Ryan Kinley Albert and Kelly Wetula 86 / -
Sharon (Coyne) and David Kives 70 / - Ellen Zerucha
Jim and Caroline Klessel Mr. John Zima 79 and Dr. Scott Robitaille
Robert and Jean Kloos Frank and Nancy Zombek
Leonard Krieger Fund of the Cleveland Foundation

Deceased *Not including gifts to the Central Catholic Fund CLEVELAND CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FALL 2017 | 21

Class of 2017
takes a final bow

Coach Lundy tackles life lessons
on the football field


They have taught me about what the youth of
today experience from different backgrounds,
insists the committed coach and mentor. I care
about their goals and whats important to them.
We have conversations about life and life lessons.
This has helped me to become a better listener.

For John Lundy, Head Football Coach for Cleveland Central on the football field and a gentleman off the field. He always
Catholic, playing football is about more than winning games. has a smile on his face even today as an adult. John is always
Playing high school football teaches young men about ready to lend a hand to someone who needs it. John has also
perseverance, respect, sportsmanship, teamwork and hard become an integral part of the Greater Cleveland Coaches
work all lessons that will serve these student athletes Association and next year will become one of the
throughout their lives, he states. officers. I am so happy for the success John has had at Cleveland
Lundy graduated from St. Joseph High School in 1982 and Central Catholic, and I wish him all the best in the future.
earned a degree in Communications from the University of Go Ironmen! says Nicholas C. Restifo M.A., former CCC Spanish
Akron in 1986. He has worked as a Cleveland police officer teacher and assistant football coach at St. Ignatius High School..
for more than 28 years. Coach Lundy also encourages his players to get involved in
Football has always been my favorite sport, Coach Lundy everything Cleveland Central Catholic has to offer whether
admits with a smile. After I stopped playing, I always wanted to as a member of choir, performing in theater, submitting an
coach. Working with the youth and seeing their development original poem for the Poetry Slam, etc. I believe they just might
from childhood to mature young men, I believe, has been my discover something that also sparks their interest or reveals
calling to give back to my community and the sport I love. other hidden talents that can influence their career paths,
Coach Lundy explains.
Students learn sportsmanship, discipline and camaraderie.
Football also teaches them to work together to achieve a Despite putting his life on the line each day as a Cleveland
common goal. Football, and the training involved, also helps policeman, Coach Lundy claims it is the students at Cleveland
build courage, and the hard work builds character, insists the Central Catholic who keep him grounded. They have taught
CCC football coach for 17 years and head coach for 9 years. me about what the youth of today experience from different
In 2014, the Ironmen won the conference championship, backgrounds, insists the committed coach and mentor. I care
making it to the playoffs for the first time in 30 years about their goals and whats important to them. We have
a very special time for CCCs sports program. conversations about life and life lessons. This has helped me
to become a better listener.
Coach Lundy says he models his coaching style after three
Hall of Fame coaches whom he admires: Coach Nick Restifo, This season, my goal has been to be very competitive and
from St. Ignatius, who was Lundys defensive coach in high return to the playoffs, Coach Lundy states. Our schedule this
school and who paid his dues to become a great coach and year is very tough, with eight playoff teams on the schedule.
student of the game; Coach John Storey, of St. Joseph High Coach Lundy concludes, The students at Cleveland Central
School, for his toughness and motivational skills; and Coach Catholic are very diverse and come from all over the city of
Ted Ginn, of Glenville, who would show the young men that Cleveland. They come from different communities and
they can do great things through football and to take pride economic backgrounds. Coaching has its challenges because
in their education and community. of their differences, but they all seem to relate and learn from
I am humbled by Johns praises. John was always a fierce one another. I invest my time with these young men and
competitor at St. Joes. Not only did he compete in football, women because I enjoy mentoring and challenging them
but he ran track two sports that require much discipline and to do great things with their lives.
mental as well as physical toughness. John was a hard hitter CLEVELAND CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FALL 2017 | 25

Sp or ts


Cleveland Central Catholic High School
Visit our Facebook page for more details.
Al u m n i Ne ws

Ironmen Alum and Friends Golf Outing

The CCC Alumni Golf Outing was held on June 10 at
2017 at Valleaire Golf Course. The outing has grown Ada Napolitano, Mary Grimaldi, Denise Day and Pat Hamulak
to more than 130 golfers and is always held on the
second Saturday in June. The event includes a
home-made sausage lunch; all-day free drinks; steak,
chicken or veggie dinner, gifts; and prizes. As the CCC
Alumni Associations only fundraiser, the event has been
able to donate several thousand dollars each year to
the school for special projects, including renovating the
boys and girls locker rooms.
The event is organized by Tim Myslenski, Jerry Fasko 65,
and John Simon 72; co-sponsored by Surety Title
(Peca Family - CCC and OLL), RS Industries (Nick Russo Cheryl Dzuro, Marcia Mallis, Alison Lamirand, Cindy Sexton and Joe Kilburg
71) and JT Charters (John Tucholski 86); and supported
each year by hole sponsors T.J. Morgan (Tim 89),
Ron Hangauer 79, Charlie Reinke 77, Sokolowskis
University Inn - Bernie 73, Mary Lou 76, Mike 79,
Springer - Johnson Family (Tony 71, Carl 72, John 78,
Fran Springer Johnson 78, Mike Johnson 78),
Phil Kubec 72, Ron Wayne CCC, Friends of Coaches
Larry Soeder, Dean Kinley and Dick McPhie.

Dr. John Blakemore, John Cvetic - CCC Board Chair,

George Wasmer, and Leo Hyland

Mike Schroeder 78, Nikki Johnson,

Fran Springer Johnson 78, and Don Russo 78 Jordan Crawford, Antonie Salameh, John Crawford 84, and Brian Forte 84 CLEVELAND CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FALL 2017 | 29

Al u m n i Ne ws

Alumni News
John Lundy 09 competed in the Elaine Skoczen Morris 74 is proud to report that she
USA Track & Field Championships in has three granddaughters (Sophia, Josie and Iris) and
Sacramento, Calif., in June. John three grandpups (Vader, Fritz and Nabisco). Elaine
competed in the 200-meter dash and her husband volunteer for the American Lung
against former World Record holders Association because they both have chronic
Tyson Gay and Justin Gatlin. obstructive pulmonary disease.
Glenna Goins Norris 85 is proud to announce
that she is celebrating 10 years of being clean
John Lundy 09
and that she has been married for almost 3 years.
Katherine Lewicki 14
has been awarded a Year Abroad Scholarship Eugene Miller 48 says that he is still around
to attend the Center for Polish Language and able to write! Hed like to hear from his
and Culture at the Jagiellonian University in St. Michael 48 friends.
Krakow, Poland. This scholarship was awarded
by the Board of Trustees of the Kosciuszko
Foundation under the aegis of the Kosciuszko
Foundations Exchange Program to Poland. Katherine Lewicki 14
and Leo Hyland

Class of 1978 40th Reunion. Plans are being made for a 40th
reunion on June 16th, 2018 from 5 p.m. closing at Jermans
Tavern, 3840 St. Clair, Cleveland. Cost is $20 per person in
advance for food, plus cash bar. For more info contact
Janetta Pellas 78 (440-263-1954).

Class of 1967 Reunion Report by Carl Lock 67

In August, the St. Michael High School Class of 1967 and
grade school Class of 1963 gathered for a fun-filled weekend
of renewing long-lost acquaintances. We all looked a little The festivities began with a social get-together at the Marriott
different and our voices were a little lower, but that didnt stop (Cleveland Airport) on Friday evening. On Saturday, some of
the excitement all felt from meeting old friends, many of whom us met for a Lakefront Brewery tour and lunch. The main event
have not been seen each other in over 50 years. was held that evening at the Marriott and included a wonderful
Our very effective reunion search committee was able to meal, remarks by a few classmates, a trivia contest, talent show,
discover the whereabouts of all but one of the 78 classmates in and line dancing. On Sunday, many of us attended mass at St.
the high school graduation class. If was also very nice to locate Michael and received a warm welcome from the congregation
at least some of the grade school students who did not and Fr. Mark Riley. The final event was a brunch back at the
continue on to the high school. Marriott after mass.
The event was a lot of work, but the fact that everyone enjoyed
the event including the spouses made it all worthwhile.

Save the Date:

Homecoming Celebration for Our Lady of Lourdes - April 21, 2018
Open to all who attended Our Lady of Lourdes grade school, high school, past parish members and those whom received
sacraments at Our Lady of Lourdes. Details to come. Contact Stephanie at 216-712-2258 to help in planning the event.
Share your memories of Our Lady of Lourdes by emailing


In Memoriam
Carolyn Leitch, wife of CCC Advisory Board
In the Spring Edition of Connection, the member Richard Castele, passed away in August
following were misidentified: Nethrie Idippily after a long illness.
09 and Richard Singh 08 were married at
Marilyn Makowski OBrien 61 St. Stanislaus
St. Stanislaus in May 2017. There were both
passed away on October 1, 2017. Beloved wife
Catholic and Hindu ceremonies. Richard is a of Michael; mother of Colleen OBrien, Jennifer
Medical lab tech with Firelands Regional OBrien, Bridget (Chris) Costic and grandmother of
Medical Center and Nethrie is getting her Ashley, Tyler and Jillian.
PhD in Chemistry. Michele A. Dominak Mirande 72 Mickie.
Passed away on April 29 after a brave and spirited
Nethrie Idippily 09 and battle with pancreatic cancer.
Congrats to CCC Intervention Specialist Richard Singh 08
Reverend John W. Strmac, father of CCC teacher
Mary Matzorkis. Over the summer, Mary
John Strmac, passed away in May.
married Petros Perperidis. Congratulations,
Mr. and Mrs. Perperidis!

Enter a chance to win a $100 gift card!

Fill out the CCC Alumni Update below, and your name will be entered to win!

CCC Alumni Update

We would like to hear from you!






Are you interested in working with your alumni association as a class representative? YES NO
Email: or mail to: Cleveland Central Catholic High School, 6550 Baxter Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44105. Attention:
Bill Sluzewski
Cleveland Central Catholic High School NONPROFIT ORG
6550 Baxter Avenue | Cleveland, OH 44105 U.S. POSTAGE

We need your help!

Send us your current contact information:

2017-2018 Calendar of Events

Advancement & School Schedule Varsity Girls Basketball 2017-18 Subject to Change
Calendar of Events Day Date Opponent Place Time
Fri. Nov. 24 Claymont Canton Fieldhouse 12:30 pm
Lunch & Learn Calcutta Sat. Nov. 25 Cincinnati Trailblazers Canton Fieldhouse 4:15 pm
Tuesday, November 7, 2017 Wednesday, March 14, 2018 Mon. Nov. 27 Elyria Catholic Away 6:00 pm
Fr. Fiala Room Ironman Center Wed. Nov. 29 Archbishop Hoban Away 5:30 pm
Fri. Dec. 1 Andrew Osborne Tourney Away 4:30 pm
Recognition Night Lunch & Learn Sat. Dec. 2 Andrew Osborne Tourney Away TBA
Saturday, November 18, 2017 Tuesday, April 10, 2018 Sun. Dec. 3 Andrew Osborne Tourney Away TBA
Ironman Center Fr. Fiala Room Tues. Dec. 5 Gilmour Academy Home 6:00 pm
Thur. Dec. 14 Loudonville Home 6:00 pm
Sat. Dec. 16 Trinity Home 1:00 pm
Lunch & Learn Lunch & Learn
Sat. Dec. 23 St. Thomas Aquinas Away 1:00 pm
Tuesday, December 5, 2017 Tuesday, May 1, 2018 Thur. Dec. 28 Cardinal Mooney Away 6:00 pm
Fr. Fiala Room Fr. Fiala Room Wed. Jan. 3 Lake Ridge Academy Away 6:00 pm
Sat. Jan. 6 East Tech Away 1:00 pm
Lunch & Learn Graduation Mon. Jan. 8 Cornerstone Christian Home 5:30 pm
Tuesday, January 9, 2018 Sunday, June 3, 2018 Sat. Jan. 13 Villa Angela-St. Joseph Home 1:00 pm
Fr. Fiala Room Sat. Jan. 20 Warren JFK Away 1:00 pm
Alumni Golf Outing Wed. Jan. 24 Trinity Away 5:30 pm
Lunch & Learn Saturday, June 9, 2018 Sat. Jan. 27 Saint Joseph Academy Home 1:00 pm
Tuesday, February 6, 2018 Valleaire Golf Course Wed. Jan. 31 St. Thomas Aquinas Home 5:30 pm
Fr. Fiala Room Sat. Feb. 10 Villa Angela-St. Joseph Away 1:00 pm
Wed. Feb. 14 Warren JFK Home 5:30 pm

Varsity Boys Basketball 2017-18 Subject to Change

Day Date Opponent Place Time
Fri. Dec. 1 Great Lakes Classic (Cleveland Heights) Away 7:00 pm
Fri. Dec. 15 Benedictine HS Away 6:00 pm
Tues. Dec. 19 Lorain HS Home 6:00 pm
Fri. Dec. 22 Trinity HS Home 5:30 pm
Thur. Dec. 28 Maple Heights HS Away TBA
Fri. Dec. 29 Farrell (Farrell Dresch Holiday Tourney) Away TBA
Wed. Jan. 3 John Hay HS Home 6:00 pm
Fri. Jan. 5 St. Thomas Aquinas HS Away 5:30 pm
Sun. Jan. 7 Revere Local (BW Classic) Away TBA
Tues. Jan. 16 St. Vincent-St. Mary HS Away 6:00 pm
Fri. Jan. 19 Villa Angela-St. Joseph Home 5:30 pm
Sat. Jan. 20 Elyria Catholic HS Away 6:00 pm
Fri. Jan. 26 Warren John F. Kennedy HS Away 5:30 pm
Sat. Jan. 27 Saint Ignatius HS Away 6:00 pm
Tues. Jan. 30 Trinity HS Away 5:30 pm
Fri. Feb. 2 St. Thomas Aquinas HS Home 5:30 pm
Sat. Feb. 3 Warrensville Heights HS Home 6:00 pm
In order to reduce our carbon footprint, you can now receive Connection Magazine via email. Fri. Feb. 9 Garfield Heights HS Home 6:00 pm
If you would prefer to receive this digital PDF, please contact Jackie Keim at 216.441.4700 Fri. Feb. 16 Villa-Angela-St. Joseph HS Away 5:30 pm
ext. 284 or email and include your name, and preferred email address. Sat. Feb. 17 St. Edward High School Away 5:30 pm
Fri. Feb. 23 Warren John F. Kennedy HS Home 5:30 pm

Please check for updates and more information.

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