Ideas Live On - Bhutto Comprehension Questions 11 14 HW

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Ideas Live On HW TDQs- 11/14/17

Use ACE to answer each of the following.

1. Which areas does Bhutto identify as key to Pakistans future in paragraph
2. How does Bhutto support her criticism of the military in paragraphs 1223?
3. How does Bhutto's criticism of military rule develop a central idea?
4. Based on Bhuttos statement in paragraph 13, what can you infer about the
purpose of her
5. speech?
6. How does Bhutto use rhetoric to develop a central idea in paragraph 27?
How do the words Bhutto use to describe the society and citizens of
Pakistan impact the tone of paragraph 27?
7. What is Bhuttos call to action in paragraph 28 and how does it develop
central ideas from her speech?

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