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5 Tips on

How to
With a

Abby Akin
5 Tips on How to Survive Morning Sickness
With a Toddler

When I was pregnant for the rst time, it was pure bliss. The excitement and
newness that came with being pregnant for the rst-time overshadowed morning
sickness, nausea and headaches that came with the rst trimester. But let me tell
you, although the second time around is just as exciting, it is immensely more
dif cult and not quite as blissful. The second time around you dont have the
luxury of curling up in bed until the nausea subsides, or taking a nap whenever
you want because youre tired. Oh no, now you have little human who depends on
you to make them food, play with them and change their smelly diapers. No one
warned me about how hard this would beTo assist you in surviving the first
trimester "blessings," check out my helpful tips that you wont nd anywhere

#1- Saltines and Cartoons

Until now, Millie has not watched any TV. And not to worry, it is still very minimal
like 15 minutes, however, this mama needs some help getting her bearings in the
morningso Daniel Tiger has become my new best friend. Our new morning
routine has become milk (for Millie), ginger ale (for Mommy), saltines and cuddles
on the couch (for both). This has become a major lifesaver. I had to put aside my
strictness with TV for now and allow myself time to function and get something
in my stomach before I start the day. So, if youre anything like me and are against
any kind of TV for your little one, give yourself a break and allow your little one to
watch 10-15 minutes in the morning. This will help you ease yourself into the day
and allow your body to digest some food, youll thank me for it later!
5 Tips on How to Survive Morning Sickness
With a Toddler
#2- Lay on the ground while your child plays
Between the exhaustion and nausea, I have found myself multiple times a day
curling up on the oor and handing toys to Millie. She thinks nothing of it, and has
loved having mommy at her level to crawl over and lay on, but little does she
know that I am doing this for my own survival. Do yourself a favor and buy a baby
gate or baby corral and lay in that contained area while your child plays. This is a
lifesaver for many reason; heaven forbid you accidentally fell asleep, at least you
know your child is contained and everything is baby proofed (I am speaking for
experience people, oops!) So, take it from me and give yourself permission to lay
on the oor and play with your child if it helps you manage the not so great rst
trimester symptoms.

#3- Vicks under the nose and mask for changing dirty diapers

My nose is the one thing that has been getting me in trouble this pregnancy. The
slightest smell of something that doesnt settle well in my stomach will
automatically result in dry heaves and eventually a trip to the toilet. I can usually
handle the grossness of toddler poops, but right now I just cant. So, to protect
you from running to the toilet and to save you from the unwanted dry heaving
put a good glob of Vicks vapor rub under your nose and wrap any piece of
accessible clothing around your nose like a mask to help alleviate any smelly
penetration! Change the diaper as fast as possible, hold your breath and think
happy thoughtsTrust me with this one.
5 Tips on How to Survive Morning Sickness
With a Toddler
I know that all of us moms roll our eyes when people say to nap when the baby
naps. But for the love of God, please nap when your toddler naps! These days, I
live for nap time more than anything else. A small cat nap can do wonders for you
and help you survive the rest of the day until your partner gets home! So please,
dont try and get more done while your kid sleeps and instead allow yourself a
break and a chance to rest too, you can thank me later!

#5- Give Yourself A lot of Grace

This second pregnancy has pushed me to let go of a lot things. I am having a hard
enough time functioning at a normal level, that any extra energy I do have, I want
to spend being intentional with my Millie girl and NOT cleaning, doing laundry or
getting a work out in. My mom has always told me that dishes and clothes will
always be there, so spend time where it matters! I have started to hold on to that
truth is so many ways. Sure my house may be a lot more messy and the laundry
pile may be bigger than normal and I may only be eating french bread and other
carbs (because that is all that I can stomach) BUT my kid is happy and I feel like I
am putting my energy where it matters! Plus the moments I have with just me and
Millie are becoming fewer and fewer as the days go, (I am crying while I write this
btw) so a perfect home, empty laundry basket and calorie counting are the least
of my worries! And they should be the least of your worries too, mama!

Abby is a rst time Mom, and an amazing team member of Baja Baby. She lives in
Colorado with her husband Alex, their beautiful new baby girl Amelia Grace and
Maple the dog. You can find Abby on Instagram by clicking here.

Baja Baby was is now EWG VERIFIED. For more information on our
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5 Tips on How to Survive Morning Sickness With a Toddler

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