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Die Roll Antagonist Name Short BIO Alignment

If the fantasy world had white collar workers, Fenston Hill would
be a white collar criminal. He pours gold into having 'fun' with
others, liking to manipulate then ruin them. He does all this
1 Fenston Hill behind a large unsettling smile and big round eyes. Neutral Evil
This Bard uses illusion and disguise to sneak around and train
2 Robert Rotten new villains Lawful Evil
Turned from a sheep into a human-like form by a god of
destruction, this warlock/wizard is devoted to summoning her at
3 Capricorn whatever cost. Lawful Neutral
After living a childhood full of mockery for her "demonic
ancestry," Lorraine now seeks redemption through following her
god's commands. However, this god believes that cleansing the
4 Lorraine Caden world is the best course of action. Lawful Good
An unimpressive bard, but she will do her best to become the
most famous musician in the land (mainly by killing or maiming
5 Lyra Magnus anyone else vying for the top spot). Chaotic Neutral
Magician by day, Necromancer by night, Xanathan uses his
magic show as a front to find people to use for his necromantic
6 Xanathan the Great experiments. Chaotic Evil
warlock son of cultist nobles he lived a life of luxury and
pleasures, he learned the dark arts from a very young age, he
will do anything from whisper sweet words in your hear to a put
a knife on your back to keep his lifestyle of luxury and darkness.
He will stay in the shadows while the others destroy each others
7 Javios Bocoll and will only get his hands dirty if it's extremely neccesary. Chaotic Neutral
Swash Buckler of the great sea, uses his birds to gain intel on
travelers before raiding their ships, very flamboyant for a pirate.
Never caught in the act and always sells stolen goods on black
8 Dom Flamingo market, he can be found in shady places in large cities. Chaotic Evil
A group of evil bards looking to travel the world performing and
gaining fame. They wish to become famous enough that they
play a show that has a big enough audience that when they
play, they perform a ritual that kills the entire audience and
summons the avatar of a death god that will reek havock on the
9 Lich Biscuit world. Chaotic Evil
A Githyanki Blacksmith, who is trying to make a Silver Sword.
10 Arrak He currently believes he needs souls to do so. Lawful Evil
She loves some good meat.She's strict follower of the law but
11 Kate the Cannibal when the law can't see her she feeds. Lawful Evil
Once a honorable clan leader, he started to hear the voice of
the wild ones in his head, that led him and his people to worship
the wild ones, a pantheon of feral gods and made him succumb
12 Aguir Reggrim into madness and savagery. Neutral Evil
Grey only values 2 things in life: his Blue Book and justice. The
Blue Book is a magical itempossessing the soul of a powerful
planar entity. The ability the Book possesses is that of
bestowing and divination. Whoever is bound to the book
receives special abilities and attributes dependent upon their
desire. Grey became charming and musical. The book also has
the ability to track anyone whose name is written within its
pages. It must be the full name. The wielder is able to call upon
the entity inside the book to track one of the names written.
The tracking isnt completely accuratethe more current of
location desired, the less accurate it is. It can only track back,
nearly to the exact location (within 500ft), two weeks.
The pact between Grey and the Blue Book is simplehe kills
the unjust whose names appear in the book and the souls of
those killed are devoured by the entity in the Blue Book. Any
creature whose soul is thus devoured cannot be resurrected
until the book returns the soul or is destroyed.
The Book temporarily becomes stronger after every soul
devouredfor a maximum of 5 days. In this time, the tracking is
more exact and Alders magic is amplified.
13 Grey: The Death Cleric Lawful Evil
Dressed in a massive coat, big enough to fit two gnome whores
for travel, Jeremy is a fastidious pimp. He will always try and
make money in any way he can. Whores just happened to be
14 Jeremy the easiest avenue at the time. Neutral Evil
An eldritch knight fighter who came upon a seemingly
unidentifiable rune at one point purchased from a traveling
group of gypsies. He would spend his whole life devoted to it,
and it's applications that would be revealed to him as a mark of
the deep ones designed to be engraved into the skin. It saps
away WIS and sanity but greatly boosts INT and STR. An
additional side effect was that it would cause the user to crave
deeper and more inscriptions of other runes into the skin until
they reach the bone. Ollendram could barely replicate the
original rune, and was almost wholly futile in attempts to create
any working variation from his own attempts. No longer satisfied
with his imitations to re-create the runes, he now seeks them by
slaughtering any and all passing caravans of traders in
unsanctimonious prayers that they might have another one, with
the idea that it might allow him to ascend his mortal coil and
travel to a higher plane of existence to see and feel what lies True Neutral
15 Olldenram Ainkratz beyond the realms that can be detected turned Chaotic Evil
A former knight of a rich trading country he turned to the side of
evil when he was kidnapped and brainwashed. He uses bardic
magic that he disguises as holy magic to show that he "has the Lawful good
16 Logan Piercer suppourt of the gods. Turned Lawful Evil
A beloved lord of his land, starts kidnapping children in order to
train them as a specialist military unit to fight another very Lawful Good,
dangerous country, but in this process the children lose their turned
emotions to become the perfect soldiers. All for the sake of Neutral/Neutral
17 Lord Golomor saving his land by this enemy Evil
At a young age Yorn was initiated into a powerful underground
group of magic users called Takhisis' Legion. Bent on world
domination by way of replacing current leaders with people from
their organization, eventually Yorn quickly became obsessed
with trying to help achieve this goal. Later on Yorn found his
niche in the Legion, after it was discovered that he had an
innate gift for mental domination, Yorn was then swept off into
seemingly endless training to hone his skills the strongest of
which were mental domination and memory replacement. Now
an old man, Yorn spends his time ruling over a small village
(possibly a PC's home town if you want) of people who are
convinced they are farmers/fishermen but are actually the true
rulers of the world's kingoms, people too important to kill and to
18 Yorn the Elder dangerous to dangerous to let run free. Lawful Evil
Once a proud Lord with a fierce round table of 8. They set out
to find the most powerful weapons. After returning with a
glowing sword; Merritt was paranoid and slayed his loyal
subjects and has now ruled his castle with an ironfist. Rumor
has it the sword now controls Merritt and feeds off of Merritt's
19 Lord Merritt paranoia. Neutral
A fey Lord who is conquering lands 1 by one because he is tired
20 Lord Tittlewinks of his name getting mocked Lawful Chaotic
An innocent looking journalist, who constantly swigs from a
small iron flask, muttering a single passphrase everytime.
Crosby is essentially an underground gatherer of information.
He will seek to endear himself to the party by telling them of
eventual quests they can undertake, but will in reality gather as
much information about the PCs as possible. If the players let
him, he will even create stunning and very flattering sketches of
the party (copies of these sketches will then start to appear
everywhere under various headlines). Once he has pumped the
team for information he will direct them to a dangerous place
(letting the party know that it is totally safe) before sneaking off.
After this he will frame our heroes for various crimes, set up
loans in their names, change their mailing adress and pretty
much be a very annoying identity thief. Lord Crosby does all this
to keep up his extravagant lifestyle, but as a result of all his
meddeling he has become rather paranoid (that is why he
constantly drinks from his magic flask which continously fills
with an essential antidote). After Lord Crosby feels that he has
gotten enough money out of the party he will forge bounty
posters for them and thus hope to have them killed. Crosby is a
non-combatant with the commoner stats, he will however have
21 Lord Crosby guards. Neutral Evil
Once a regular bard, Rene Saunders was stuck by the foul
curse of The Flute Salad. Now taking the forbidden title of The
Flute Tooter, they will stop at nothing until the whole nation
22 The Flute Tooter follows them in their demented, flute driven dance. Chaotic Neutral
An old half-orc mercenary captain who attempts to assist with a
party's quest randomly. After assisting the party with handling a
quest boss/encounter, he will try to take all the loot from the
quest, but will eventually settle for little to no reward. Afterward,
he and his company will stealthily follow the party to the nearest
town and will have one of his companions attempt to assasinate
one of the PCs when they are on their own. If left alone,
Broxigar will continue to harrass the party in an effort to kill
23 Broxigar Deadeye them and steal their loot. Chaotic Neutral
An elven archdruid who is displeased with the way that
civilization is 'trespassing' on the frontier. Cybtar will attempt to
gather groups of elementals and beasts to destroy any
humanoids that are outside their 'natural habitat'. Cybtar does
not see himself as evil, rather he finds all who do not respect
nature to be criminals whom he must punish for their
transgressions. After defeating particularly strong foes, Cybtar
will offer them a glade of their own in this new realm (as he
sees their strenght as a right to exist in the wild). However, he
24 Cybtar Haregrass has no patience for weaklings, who he culls mercilessly. Chaotic neutral
The loveliest, sweetest Warlock there is; a childhood friend of
one of the PCs.
Only the fiend has taken over their body, and is just pretending
to be Noyl - whose soul has long since been
consumed/lost/destroyed/whatever. The fiend's goal is to
raze/subjugate a kingdom in order to prove it deserves a higher Neutral Good /
25 Nyol Adorg place in the fiendish hierarchy. Neutral Evil
An old gnome who runs a jewelry shop in a small port town
(Riversmouth). He has ties with the thieve's guild but has since
gone rogue, and sends the PCs on a simple mission (fetch
quest or something harmless) for him. Upon returning the first
time he gives a proper reward, to lure them into a false sense of
safety. Eventually he sends them on another mission, but this
time with a darker purpose. Orien is secretly a very powerful
necromancer seeking Lichdom, and basically spends his
weekends killing off a small town in order to gather souls to
ascend as well as to build his army of undead. The party's
second mission, or just hearsay from around the world, takes
them to the ghost town where's set up his army. Undead hijinks
ensue. Chase him down before he makes it to his ritual
26 Orien Markfoot chamber, or fight a full powered lich!. Neutral Evil
Tiefling Warlock/Necromancer
Grey-blue skin like decaying whale flesh, mottled with necrotic
black. Horns are bone without any flesh. Tail writhes and flails
madly and is suckered like an octopus tentacle, and the last
sucker has a razor-sharp beak in it.
His necromancy is not learned - rather, granted by his patron,
an eldritch horror from the depths. His preferred necromantic
minions are crustaceans leaking blood-red goo and tentacles
constructed from bone.
27 Baron Markaz Lawful Evil
A bartender who cuts you off after only 1 drink. He then urges
you to leave and never come back. When the PCs attempt to
leave, he calls out sarcastically "HEY THANKS FOR THE TIP,
DICKHEAD!". Strangely, he does this continually to every
custormer, but the bar is still open. In reality, Kistal was a jerk
bartender who got cursed by a former patron. Kistal now relives
his bad behaviour eternally. If freed from his curse, the former
bartender transforms into a demon of your choice, since his
28 Kistal Brank own hatred has transformed his real form. Chaotic Evil
A gnome trickery cleric whose mind has been ravaged by the
god of madness. Using healing and melting foes with inflict
wounds, he wins over the hearts of adventures but his only
primary motivation in life is causing chaos upon friends. Using
illusions and disguises, anybody involved with Pock eventually
meets their end to their friends or becomes part of Pock's cult.
His mindcontrol spell is a 2 minute touch spell which causes
invisible swirling smoke to engulf the target and enter their
mind, causing Pock to become their deity. The DM has a choice
to involve his faithful cult following or not. However a powerful
plot would be Pock being the ringmaster behind town problems
while infiltrating/helping the group to keep an eye on the only Chaotic Evil with
29 Pock peole that could stand in their way. low bloodlust
An arrogant, arbitrary, cynical, and cruel former duke who was
banished from his domains by his liege for many different
insulting acts and offenses, but due to his immense wealth he
was able to mass a private army of mercenaries and rebuild his
power base as an influential crime lord, with his crime syndicate Neutral Evil, but
spanning many realms and kingdoms. His son(s) serve as his leans towards and
Duc Jean de lieutenants, and his brother, Baudouin, the Prince of Blood, used to be Lawful
30 Bourgogne serves as his second-in-command. Evil
Polonius is an ageless mage who has seen the world cycle
between ruled by the forces of good and evil throughout the
ages, he sees the party as disrupting the balance after they
saved the world from the last threat and takes it upon himself to
maintain balance and kill the party to allow evil to rule once
31 Polonius the Wise more. Lawful Neutral
Not much to say aside from just... check out the module and Chaotic Evil
32 Hell's Generals pick one! (mostly)
A young boy who feigns innocence all the while stealing, and
tripping people all over the city. Jimmy is the kind of child who
will go out of his way just to annoy anyone who is younger,
slower, dumber or better looking than he is. His primary
objective is to be an annoying brat, and to hide his BBEG
nature. Following this little shit, are numerous other street
urchin scum who, in swarms, can be quite dangerous, based on
just numbers. If threathened, Jimmy will cower and run to get
his alcoholic father Jimmy Sr., a veteran fighter who will whip
Jimmys enemies, and then give Jimmy a good asswhooping
33 Jimmy afterwards, you know, just for bothering his old man. Neutral Evil
Leader of a great nomadic tribe of clowns, Boingo is a grizzled
old fighter. He sees over his barbarian breatherins lives as they
conduct raids and ambushes using their love of comedy and
34 Boingo The Clown crushing strength Neutral Evil
A powerful evil mage that has been performing awful acts and
demanding people submit to them. When the players reach
them it is revealed to be a child with an illusion spell making
them appear as an adult. They are wearing a ring that contains
an evil wizard's soul which can communicate with its wearer
and cast some of their lower level spells through them. It has
been threatening the child into acting on their behalf to acquire
slaves that can be used to help them unearth an artifact that will
35 Rubick allow the wizard to return to their body. Chaotic Evil
A corrupt noble who controls water elementals and lords over a
desert tribe whose livelihoods depend on the water she conjurs.
The townspeople, although good folk, will defend her to the
36 Posidea death. True Neutral
a dwarf who defeated evil wizard, but got disfigured in the fight,
wore bandages to cover disfigurement but still got shunned by
scared folk, retreated in the abandoned tower where wizard
used to live and got mad from the evil wizard's lingering ghost in
the tower. Now he uses his combat prowess to find a way to
37 Sir Stroh bring wizard back to life. Chaotic neutral
An elf who made a bargain with the Dark Six (or in your
universe whatever evil pantheon or evil god you have) to
become a deity. In exchange for becoming an immortal elven
shapeshifter, the Dark Six (again whichever evil god(s) you
want) tasked him with using his shapeshifting abilities to travel
the mortal world and spread their 'holy word'. Only when the
Velen Keleda, The god(s) gain enough followers to be able to take over the mortal
38 Traveller world will the Traveller be given full deity status. Chaotic Evil
A pair of immortal kobolds and their pet leopard. They have a
tendency to become obsessed with stalking particular targets.
When not the minions of a more intelligent being, the trio enact
their own selfish plots. The female kobald has a special rope of
entanglement and poisoned daggers. The male kobald has a
special eversmoking bottle and can cast stinking cloud. The
leopard is an intelligent being that can cast disguise self on
itself and its two teammates. When any individual is killed, they
and their special gear vanish with an explosion. Killed members
revive with their special gear regenerated within 1D4 days,
Iscah (female kobald), preferentially re-appearing in a safe location near any living
Jacme (male kobald), members. They will not mount a pre-emptive attack unless
39 Yowl (leopard) assembled as a team. Lawful Evil
40 Re Roll Re Roll Chaotic Evil
A quiet, brooding blood mage who has a long rivalry with his
41 Poe Kensoft loud, justice seeking brother, a cleric named Wynd Edlong. Neutral Evil
This crystaline black shard appears at random and sticks
around for a day. It has one large eye that watches over anyone
nearby. No one knows how it gets there, but when it appears
you can bet that someone is going to die. Poeple have tried to
destroy, study and even worship it. All who have met a bloody
42 The Obelisk demise. No one knows
Dwarven warlord finds a powerful magic item that controls
multiple creatures similar to dominate monster or geas. Gains a
lot of mercenaries and followers and became the leader of his
43 Lelouch private army. Neutral Evil
A duo of child witches who are bright, subversive, charismatic,
and absurdly overpowered. Their former evil mentor coached
them into believing that they are the chosen ones who will bring
balance to the world. The evil mentor had only modestly wicked
plans and intended for the children to be puppet leaders, but the
witch pair betrayed and discarded him to pursue their own
44 Esther and Alice grand scale deadly delusions. Neutral Evil
A long dead egotistical and paranoid wizard researcher who
became violently angry at his colleagues for stealing and taking
credit for his ideas and creations. The wizard constructed a
dungeon to inter his magnum opus and enact revenge. The
dungeon is designed specifically to maximize the number of
humiliations visited on anyone who would enter. The dungeon
even provides ample opportunities for revival just so the torrent
45 Irath Vanchen of shaming and brutality can continue. Chaotic Evil
A sentient gnomic war artifice seeks to enslave gnome society.
The machine intends to use the gnomes as a factory to build
more of its own kind so it will not be so lonely. It has strong
46 Suragal beliefs in mechanical superiority. Lawful Evil
Be it by bad luck or a curse bestowed upon them, your party
ocassionally finds itself battling against exceedingly harsh
elements of nature durings its travels. Perhaps those crazy
47 Nature druids you passed earlier were right about something... Neutral
Orc maniac covered in blood, obsessed with owning the
battlefield and killing anyone who gets to close to his battlefield,
48 Bludwar including his own men CE
An unassuming older human gentleman who wishes for nothing
more than to keep his beloved (insert some kind of dungeon
here) in peak and pristine condition, acting as something of a
groundskeeper. As you go through the dungeon, recklessly
smashing and tearing through its various rooms, he shows up
almost impossibly behind you at every turn, asking you in an
increasingly desperate manner to please keep the horseplay to
a minimum. After "clearing" the dungeon and looting it of all its
various baubles and artifacts, you turn around to leave only to
run into James Spader, royally ticked off. He spouts furiously
about how the young folk have no respect for the property of
others, his eyes beginning to glow as this happens. You see
energy begin to cracle around him as he rises into the air, still
growing more impassioned in his speech. He simultaneously
reaches a peak in his altitude and speech where he explodes
into raw energy and flies into various contraptions (traps,
moving platforms, what have you) around the dungeon,
controlling them by his will in order to vanquish the trespassers
49 James Spader (though trying to avoid damaging dungeon property). Lawful Neutral
This old man enjoys using magic to pull pranks on and annoy
people. A recent example of his work was swapping the
genders of everyone in town, when someone complained he
took a razor and forcibly removed their eyebrows. He was
50 Hermes the wizard laughing all the while Chaotic Neutral
Pirate Hill Giant using a light bombard as ranged weapon and a
broken mast for melee, he and his crew raid exclusively river
and lakeshore villages, for he is afraid of open water. He
51 Captain Klunk enslaves villagefolks as rowers for his barge. Neutral Evil
A CE rock gnome who is a level [suitable number here] wizard
that uses appropriate player stats. His school is abjuration. He
seeks to enlarge his supply of magical items and magic spells,
then learning their secrets through study. This furthers his goal
of attaining godhood, as he believes that the knowlege and
properties of the items will allow him to one day discover some
incredibly convoluted way of becoming a god.
To get magic items and enlarge his library of magic spells, he
likes to lure adventurers into his lair by commiting small
atrocities in nearby towns. Hes fine with killing people since
theres afterlives and all. His combat tactics involve cheesing
every fight with glyph of warding, nuking adventurers that
wander into his killroom, then jumping down with his buffs to kill
the survivors. Hes employed a dozen other wizards to replace
the glyphs in and repair his lair after every fight, and he pays
them in duplicate magic items.
So far he has killed a crapload of heroes, has enough magic
items to make a level 20 party cry, and has a small library of
looted spellbooks (including ones from other classes he cant
even use). Killing him would bring a great deal of treasure to
any party, but getting to him is difficult.
If loot needs to (and in my opinion it really should) be reduced,
and I hope you take this option, have the party show up while
hes using his super-furnace to melt most of the magic items
(they are sometimes hard to break or melt, but his furnace is
just that hot) but down into magical slag as part of an attempt at
creating some kind of artifact. Alternatively, have his wizard
52 Flarl Gravelward staff grab most of the items and spellbooks and run. Chaotic Neutral
He was a stall vendor who sold potions. He would pawn them
off as Healing Potions but they were mostly Potions of Poison.
However, If someone caught his eye and interested him he
would sell them a special potion that teleported them to his lair.
Then he would reveal himself as a Lich in the most gruesome of
53 Poison Pete fashion Chaotic Evil
A mage that is terrified by his own mortality and will stop at
nothing to push it back.
He's on his way to lichdom (for a relatively low level session), or
already there and looking for more efficient ways to protect his
54 Keran phylactery (for a higher level fight). Chaotic Neutral
55 Odo Tealeaf A gnome bard who performs in the style of def jam poetry. True Neutral
A Gnome druid who is mostly harmless aside from the army of
blood thirsty chickens that he keeps on his farm. His ultimate
goal is to stop the spread of city folk into more rural areas
because urban sprawl destroys the livelihoods of farmers
everywhere. I'd probably place him as chaotic neutral or he
could even be the rare chaotic good enemy as well.
He refers to himself as a Farm Druid, as his connection is less
56 Sallen the Fathered with the wilds and more with crop fields and livestock. Chaotic Neutral
Once every cloven moon a jagged slate tower rises from the
desert. The construct pulses rings of dark energy, creating and
destroying languages: One week all the wizards speak in
whistles, the next day everyone who's ever succesfully said
"She sells sea shells on the sea shore" is speaking a language
made entirely up of different intonations of the word
"Scrambled". These changes forge and decimate alliances and
hysteria spreads. Only our party keeps their toungue, and thus
their ability for any extensive communication. The heroes travel
to the slate tower and rise to it's top. Where they find a
maddened drow priest of Lolth. It is revealed that the tower was
a temple that rose from the underdark below the desert. Lolth
wanted to throw the world into a state of panic and lawlessness
The king of cut (Successfully, I might add) to allow Drow to dominate both the
57 toungues overworld and the underdark. True Neutral
Royalty who decided to take the paladins oath. Years into her
journey she discovers her father isn't the (whatever royal title)
Targaba Sukvergleam It's actually an elvish necromancer that sways her into breaking
58 (Half-Elf) her oath. Neutral Evil
59 Memicville A town sized mimic Chaotic Neutral
Sammy is a being from the Far Realm. It seeks to gain
purchase in the real world by any means necessary. Its
preferred method is to infiltrate somone's mind and act as a sort
of imaginary friend. Mystics and Warlocks are particularly
suceptible to its powers, and it can even act as a patron for
Warlocks. It pushes its miions to collect magic items that
contain massive amounts of stored power. When it feels it has
reached enough power, it will take control over the body of its
minion, and cast a dangerous ritual that drains all the magic
from items to power a massive portal. From there, it will enter
the realm in a physical form. Its physical form resembes a
humanoid roughly 25ft tall, and composed of a dark purple like
substance with a texture like volcanic stone. Several apendeges
extend from the body, and more can grow at will, up to 13 arm-
like apendages and 8 leg-like apendages. It will turn people into
thralls in order to cast a ritual to drain all the magic from a
Sallorsarshisk realm. After the final ritual is complete, Sammy returns to the
"Sammy" The Far Far Realm to begin the procress again, leaving nothing but a
60 Reached Mind barren, magicless land full of thralls. Lawful Evil
Appears as a distressed child and asks passers by to help it
find it's lost parents/home/pet etc. If the adventures agree the
child follows them and cannot be lost through non-magical
means. Whole accompanying the party they never find where
the lost wants to go 'i swear it was around here,' 'we should ask
if people have seen it' etc. They also cannot find where they
want to go, so can't progress either.
The child has to be slain to break the curse, making the lost a
horrible experience for a good party, they will be obliged to help
before being driven mad and having to murder the child they
promised to help.
In reality the lost are children that died while lost, and their
61 Lost spirits linger, begging for help but dooming parties that agree. Neutral Evil
It shall appear from the outskirts of camp and attempt to lure
players away using a strong scent of blood (low DC save or
poison effect). After it has one or two players isolated it will
listen to what they say and become able to flawlessly replicate
what they said, and rearrange those words. A few days pass
and it uses those words to isolate a target with a combination of
baiting tactics and getting PCs lost. Then it strikes, ideally a
animal such as a cow or horse, taking it away by before
returning in its fourm as if the animal just broke free. Then it
watches and listens, maby killing a humanoid and taking there
place once it's heard enough. Once it's established itself it acts
62 Skinwalker almost as human but at night it may hunt others in the area. Chaotic evil
Protagonists find a magical bone with properties they don't
understand. He antagonist keeps trying to get it back through
63 Big dog kidnapping assassination etc. Villain is actually a really big dog. True Neutral
Oluchi is a sentient gargantuan Gelatinous Cube (his
intelligence comes from a band of intellect contained in the
heart of his body). His goal is to undo the curse Ghaunadaur
accidentally placed on his ooze worshipers removing their
64 Oluchi sentience. True Neutral
A Lich who removes his eye and hand with every reformation
and pretends to be Vecna on the Material Plane. Having gotten
cold feet about this whole Undeath thing he's trying to ascend to
godhood by following in Vecna's footsteps but he doesn't know
how Vecna did it, so by imitating Vecna he tries to learn the
method from others who know religion better than he. A master
Enchanter and Illusionist he gets up to shenanigans using
Mirage Arcane. Once accidentally created a coral reef of his
own skeletons due to repeated reformations while his
phylactery was stuck in a crushing oceanic abyss, and once
was stuck in his own Ring of Mind Shielding when a Clone spell
65 Navec went bad. Neutral Evil
A Rakshasa disguised as a regular Human who runs an
informal assassin's guild. People send in contracts for
assassination and supply payment upon completion of the
contract. Assassins aren't locked into the guild, they mostly just
kill whenever they can and need cash. The crux of this is that by
providing a means for normal people to do Evil under a Lawful
Calvin Waterson a.k.a structure the Rakshasa turns everyone Lawful Evil and has a
66 Hobbes claim on their soul when they die. Lawful Evil
A Green Dragonborn Sorcerer who breeds with powerful
Sorcerers of different races to genetically engineer powerful
Sorcerer children. She sends them into the Feywild when they
hatch, tended to by a Green Hag and Boggles summoned by
their own loneliness, using the time dilation so that they return
fully grown only five days later in the Material Plane so she can
67 Invidia Drake observe their Sorcerous potential. True Neutral
A Cloud Giant Smiling One who pretends to be any number of
patrons in a gambling den seeking to increase his personal
wealth. Using his secret Giant powers to cheat he now has
68 Janus most of a whole town in his pocket and under his thumb Neutral Evil
A millennia-year old Wizard who is so bored with his immortality
that he frequently wipes his memories and polymorphs into
various beasts, beings, or altered versions of himself for his
own amusement. His current incarnation is that of an immature
12-year-old whose idea of villainy is a series of increasingly
juvenile pranks with deadly consequences. Your party has done Chaotic Neutral /
69 Billy the Kid something to attract his attention... Chaotic Evil
The King Lobster is an intelligent Half-dragon/Dire Lobster
sorcerer who wants to enslave the "surface people". He
focusses on charm spells, and enthralls whoever crosses his
70 King Lobster way, having them carry his throne/water-tank. Neutral Evil
This former wizard contracted lycantrophy while researching the
effects of multiple strains of lycan infections on a single subject.
However, unlike a normal 'were'-creature, Freuderick has
managed a much greater level of control over his
transformations. Unfortunately this newfound power also lead to
a decrease in Freudericks mental faculties, and as a sideeffect,
the loss of his magical abilities. Freuderick used to look down
on what he called savages, but has effectively become just that.
He now leads a scattered pack of various beast, beserkers and
werewolves, -bears,- ravens, etc. In combat Freuderick will
attack mercilessly and aggressively, he is a beast of passion
though, and will likely fight untactically if a specific PC annoys Chaotic Evil /
71 Freuderick the Feral or affronts him. Neutral Evil
A doppleganger that pretends to be a nobleman seeking to hire
the party to roust the real nobleman whom the Doppelganger
72 Doffy claims is a Doppelganger. Neutral Evil
An orc warchief that has survived the rigors of near constant
warring for 20 of his 30 years of life, Dagneg is through with the
constant struggle. All he wants in life is to retire and settle down
to practice his most secret joy in life; painting. Dagneg is a
gifted painter despite having to practice in secret to avoid the
shame of being outed as "a soft, pinky-loving grease dauber"
and likely being subsequently murdered by his own men.
Likewise, he would be killed by a subordinate for trying to retire.
So instead, Dag is currently waging all-out war against the
countryside at large in an attempt to get his entire warband
killed, attracting more orcs to his banner in the process. Dag
has two "tame" bullettes that he uses for mounts and his mother
Kurfulta travels everywhere with him. He's a clever orc with a
strong will and a dark sense of humour. He would be willing to
73 Dagneg Mag'Brodthar make a mutually beneficial deal with adventurers. Lawful Evil
Champion of (insert evil deity here), she appears to be a
compassionate and caring noble. In reality she is a demonic
spirit who controls people's shameful feelings, secrets, and
fears against her foes until their minds shatter. Once she starts
to work her dark enchantments on a target, she will kindly ask if
she can end their suffering. When they targets have fully
succumbed to their deeps secrets and shames, they will beg for
death, and she will grant that wish with a single sword stroke.
Her special attacks during combat cause exhaustion as targets
lose their will to live.
Nyera is interesting because she can not only blend in with
humanoids, she might even appear as a compassionate mother
Teresa type. For short periods of time, she could even become
a well known and beloved member of the nobility, but her true
nature would make that difficult long term. Could be summoned
by another villain looking to summon some powerful deity (since
actually summoning a deity is a lvl 15+ campaign which is rare
Nyera, Lady of to see) or summoned to the mortal realm for some other
74 Cowardice reason. Chaotic Evil
This Wizard has studied planar cosmology for his entire adult
life, seeking the aid of Devils, Illithids, ancient Aboleths and the
like to suppliment his knowledge. Particularly, Astragon finds
the formation of the Inner Energy Planes to be abberant. He
seeks to rebuild the Elemental Chaos from the pieces we have
today, namely the Elemental and Energy Planes. While not
neccesarily malicious, Astragon will stop at nothing to see what
he sees as the true cosmological order restored, regardless of
the destruction and death that would be casued by combining Chaotic/Neutral
75 Astragon the Mad these worlds into one. with evil leanings
A gnome lord who continues his families secretive gnome
mafia, the bimbles, who controls any illegal trade/trafficking.
Squimbly Dooblebop The Bimbles end goal is to overthrow the capital and bring glory
76 the III to his families name and organization. Lawful Evil
A mustache twiddling, black cape wearing, tie girls to train
tracking, nefarious, vilanous, henous, dastardly villan. Could be
making a convoluted assasanation scheme, could be bank
77 Dick Dastardly robbing, really anything a western villan would be seen doing. Chaotic evil
A spellcaster artist obsessed with making the perfect piece of
art. He lures adventuring parties into his manor and then
subjects them to a series of traps, puzzles, and encounters,
which he paints meticulously. When the party inevitably fails to
fit his artistic vision perfectly, he flies into a rage and attempts to
78 Octavius the Artist kill the "stains upon his beautiful narrative." Lawful Evil
An overzealous stage magician turned wizard, The Great
Enthusio seeks great fame and his own recklessness often gets
in the way of that. Wears fancy outfits, has no fashion sense,
introduces his henchmen as MY BOLD COMPANIONS or
79 The Great Enthusio THESE EXTRAODINARY ASSISTANTS Chaotic Neutral
A lich who fancies himself a god who will do whatever it takes to
unite the world under his fist. However he does this in
preparation of a greater, Eldritch threat that lies somewhere in
the world, waiting to resurface. He also constantly reincarnates
a longtime enemy, Stoa Lockeheart to torture and fight against
80 Damien Lockeheart out of a never ending hatred. Lawful Evil
A Rakshasa in the form of an old human cardinal with white
hair, a high forehead and a chin-beard who wears purple colors
and robes. He took the role of this holy man a decade ago after
killing the original Enzoth, a friendly but seclusive man. Since
then he has established himself as the owner in the shadows of
numerous exclusive houses of pleasure. This way he can
gather dirty info on the numerous noblemen and merchants of
the city, as well as get a feast of human flesh from time to time
when a new girl applies or a noble reclines to work with him.
81 Enzoth Lajore Lawful Evil
Elven Wildmagic sorcorer who found their way to the material
plane and is accompanied two elf guards. From living in the
feywild most of her life, learned to become one with the forest.
However fearful of all non-fey creatures who threaten her home.
Her goal is to turn the material plain into a second feywild plane
82 Archfey Nifrim by merging the two Chaotic Neutral
83 Oinkbane TOO SUBTLE FOR YOU!!! ( Chaotic Chaotic
When she was young, she enjoyed the stories about dark and
mysterious monsters in the hills and deep in the darkest parts of
the jungle. Her father used to tell her about The Witch Hag and
Krin the Profane, stories about power corrupting the vain and
greedystories to help children grow up rightly.
She loved them. She imagined, wickedly and in that way
children are innocent of imagining, growing tall and powerful
and finding dark powers and ruling over those that bullied her in
the town market or those that hurt others. Shed be a glorious
and just monster. If there was any point where it could be said
she stepped onto the path that took her here, it was the moment
she realized one could aspire to be a just monster. A noble
horror. A necessary evil.
There would be more coming. More young and idealistic men
and women. Mere boys and girls, really. Thinking they knew
better and best. Theyd come for her. Theyd come to devour
her. Theyd kill the beast she was and think themselves
righteous. And theyd be wrong. Their kind was made of power,
and power only corrupts. Not that she was ready to go, she
wasnt. Shed murder them all as they came as she always did.
Further cementing her reputation. The folktales would continue
Zoey Zeitgeist, Keeper to call her a monster, but dispatching these heroes was the last
84 of the Splintered Eye noble act she knew. She was a just monster after all. Lawful Evil
He is a paladin focused on burning away all that is not "good" in
the world. He will kill petty thieves, tieflings. (innocent or not),
85 Aemon Damienno and anyone who stands in his way. Lawful Evil
A dragonborn warlock, chaotic good Has existed in countless
dimensions, which he's all saved from inevitable doom, and
committed suicide immediately after for some "greater cause". It
just so turns out that your PC party has something to do with
Xemnas the every dimensions' demise, and he's decided to kill you just in
86 Dimensional Remnant case that would apply to this one as well Chaotic Good
A Dwarf with eyes that convey a sense of madness, Speaking
to the party only in jokes he will always be attempting to make
them laugh, his sense of humour over the years has become
Erebhon, the endless twisted and warped, he finds grisly murder absolutely hilarious
88 smile and thinks that the party should too Chatoic Neutral
A Dark god worshipped by a cult... Except he's not really a god,
but merely an above-average mage who impressed some
Meluvius, The Dark people a long time ago, before being banished for half a
92 God of Chaos millennia. His cult's going to be the threat here, not him. True Neutral
An Orc Warrior, who often goes on on raiding parties with a
team of Goblins, killing innocent villagers and innocent bandits
alike. He dislikes bees, the colour purple, and being set on fire.
He loves his pet Cougar, Mr Mittens, and his Goblin Roomate,
93 Grublik the Unwashed Gruncho the Mildly Clerical. Neutral Evil
Human male who hangs around the orphanage/church and
abducts children. The children aren't phyiscally harmed, or so
94 Kevin Spacey they claim. Neutral Evil
Steven approaches the party as an average NPC and helpful
town person. He can be used for explository purposes but by
night he is a very skilled hired assassin who is hired to kill the
party. He tries to kill them off one by one. He doesn't kill anyone
he isn't paid to kill. Think Ned Flanders in Dark Brotherhood. I
97 Steven Richardson had him be an Human assassin Neutral Evil
98 B. A Bee Yes
Greg the Skeleton- He's a skeleton who is alot more powerful
than he looks. He can do like 1 damage, but he has like 99
health. He wears a wolf skin hat and carries a stuffed wolf under
99 Greg the Skeleton his arm. Thats his weapon. Chaotic Evil
An immortal fey, Daigon has long since lost fulfillment in her
own life. Malicious and spiteful, she takes wicked pleasure in
masquerading about the material plane as a harmless creature.
Using illusions and enchantments she convinces unfortunate
mortals to take her in as a pet. Once in their good graces,
Daigon the Wicked
Daigon will plot the ultimate demise of her victim. She takes the
greatest pleasure in schemes that cause her victim to project
blame upon someone else. Nobles, Monarchs, and persons in
power are particularly enticing, as she can manipulate them to
100 cause widespread suffering. Chaotic Evil

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