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During sexual reproduction, each parental gene has 50% chance of being inherited by a

offspring. However technology called Gene Drive System manipulates the way; genetic
traits are inherited from parents to offspring. Gene Drives are which greatly increase the
chance of inheritance of a desired gene from parents to offspring. These Gene Drives used
designed gene sequence which is targeted to transfer from parents to offspring. Technology
used to desing these sequences is called CRIPR.

The word CRISPR (pronounced as crisper) stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced
Short Palindromic Repeats. CRIPR sequences are present all prokaryotic organism, is a
self defense tool in these organism. It enables prokaryotic organism to identify and
eliminate any invading genetic material. CRISPR works in association with a protein called
CRISPR Associated Protein called CAS. CRISPR CAS-9 assembly is capable of cut DNA
sequence at specified sequence without disturbing other sequence present. This capability
of CRISPR-CAS-9 sequence has attracted the scientist to use this mechanism to fight lethal
diseases like Malaria and Zika.
Mosquito act as a carrier for deadly diseases like Malaria and Zika. Using CRISPR, scientists
can identify and then efficiently remove the gene(s) that make mosquitoes as viable
disease vectors. Once the gene sequence is identified and replaced using CRISPR CAS9
assembly, the desired traits can be bred out in larger population. Gene Drive Technology
can be used to insert a lethal gene in male mosquito which will ensure quick inheritance to
the offspring. The resulting population of mosquito will not work as a carrier for the
pathogens of this deadly disease which will help in controlling the spread of the disease.

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