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Digimon DnD

University of Tasmania
- Incorporates all general rules from D&D 5th edition.
- Each player plays as a digimon.
- Each player is a random digimon.
- No player can have the same digimon as another.

Digimon Rules:
- Digimon cannot forget moves.
- Cannot Perma-digivolve unless the digimon has reached its maximum level
for the current form.
- Digimon have the ability to Negatively digivolve if the digimon was mistreated
or forced to digivolve.
Attribute refers to the type of computer file a Digimon represents. There are five
different possible attributes: None, Vaccine, Data, Virus and Unknown.

In a more general sense, they also represent personality types:

- Vaccine: As a rule, Vaccine digimon are usually good, put a high emphasis on justice and morals, and
fight against evil.
- Data: Data digimon can be good or evil, but generally value peace above all.
- Virus: Virus digimon desire power, and can often become greedy, selfish, wild, or evil in pursuit of it.

Digimon of the same attribute will generally get along well with each other.
However, all of the above is not set in stone and there have been heroic Virus
Digimon, as well as villainous Vaccine digimon.
Player Stats
1. Chibomon Fr. 5
2. Pabumon Fr. 17
To create a character the player rolls a D20 and 3. Nyokimon Fr. 39
gets the corresponding digimon as their 4. Pururumon Fr. 51
5. YukimiBotamon Fr. 55
character. 6. Pichimon Fr. 88
Then the player rolls 3D6+4 for each 7. Tsubumon Fr. 110
8. Botamon Fr. 121
characteristic respectively; Strength, 9. Zurumon Fr. 147
Intelligence, Dexterity, Charisma, Wisdom, 10. Leafmon Fr. 173
11. Poyomon Fr. 176
Constitution. Characteristic divided by 3 = MOD.
12. MetalKoromon Fr. 182
13. Jyarimon Fr. 188
The MOD of a characteristic is applied in various 14. Zerimon Fr. 191
15. Relemon Fr. 196
ways for example strength is added to the AC 16. Punimon Fr. 200
roll for combat. But mostly MODS are added to 17. Yuramon Fr. 211
18. Re-roll
D20 checks that the GM requires for the player
19. Re-roll
to do certain actions successfully. 20. Re-roll
Levelling System Digimon
Each stage of digivolution has a number of levels that it can elevate through.
Once a digimon has gone through all its available levels it permanently digi-volves
to the next evolution.

In-Training -> Rookie (5 lvls) at level 5 perma Rookie

Rookie -> Champion (10 lvls) at level 15 perma Champ
Champion -> Ultimate (15 lvls) at level 30 perma Ultimate
Ultimate -> Mega (20 lvls) at level 50 perma Mega
Mega -> Mega # (5 lvls) at every five levels digimon perma into the next mega if available
Mega # -> Ultra (!!PLAYER MUST BE LVL 70 TO USE!!) Never Permanent

EXP is gained through combat experience and overall treatment of the digimon,
including food consumption.
Player Levelling System
The Player is only able to gain knowledge or items that allow them to give their
digimon form more power for short periods of time. These items can only be
gained through finding them somewhere within the game world.

Digimon DnD has a unique levelling up system that can allow for faster player or
digimon growth. This system is called Growth.
A player in Digimon DnD makes decisions and learns things about their current
situation and locations. While doing this they are becoming more and more
attuned with the digital world.

The more efficiently and extensively a player discovers and explores the world
their Growth increases. Every time the players Growth reaches a certain point
the digimon will experience a sudden burst of strength that can be accessed the
same way as standard digivolution.
Digivolution occurs at two points in game;

1. Combat / Danger; this is when the digimon feels as though it needs to protect itself in the current
situation. The evolution is only temporary and can run out at various times depending on both the
level and care of the digimon.
2. Maxing Out Level; this has been mentioned before, as a digimon reaches its maximum level for its
current form it permanently digivolves to the next evolution and can not be de-digivolved unless a
catastrophic amount of damage reduces the digimon to the brink of digitization.

As a digimon digivolves all its stats are able to change either minimally or
drastically sometime not at all.
Digivolution: The Bad Side & Treatment
Throughout the game as the players interact with each other, and in combat the
players will keep track of Good, Normal and Bad treatment, each dictated by
the GM, and depending on the treatment when a digimon digivolves it will become
the form that is unlocked by the current treatment level.

For example; when Taichi forces Greymon to digivolve after treating him somewhat badly, Greymon
becomes SkullGreymon and begins to rampage.

Another Bad Side is when a digimon digivolves as mentioned above it has the
chance to become completely lost mentally and turn against all its friends. The
more times the digimon badly digivolves the higher chance of the digimon
becoming completely lost. To be managed by the GM.
Combat Phase:
Each combat phase consists of 4 Steps: (can be done in any order)
Attack: - Make any basic attack you have.
The digimon must make 2 basic attacks before it can make 1 special attack.
Move: - Any basic movement if applicable (to the maximum move distance of character)
Talk: - Any basic talk action if applicable (communicating with teammates or enemies)
Item/ Digivolve: - Can use 1 item available or can choose to TRY to digivolve (requirements to be met)

If a digimon wishes to digivolve mid-battle the requirements are:

- 50% health or over - Be well fed - Pass 12+ Dexterity
The digivolution is still susceptible to the Good, Normal, Bad digivolution tree.

Each Step can be taken in any order of a turn but no step can be taken twice.
All Attacks are preceded by a D20 check to see if the attack hits before dealing
damage. This check gets no bonuses, unless otherwise specified.

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