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By Bishop M. Christopher Wilson, Sr was more than looking toward a physical hill.

David was
looking to his maker and creator of heaven and earth.
“Problems are only Illusions that appear when we have
removed God from our thinking” The reason that I can say that problems are only illusions that
appear when we have removed God from our thinking is

I know that when some people read the previous quote that becomes in the presences of God NO problem can exist!
they will stand in strong disagreement with the thought of
Isa 26:3 MSG People with their minds set on you (God),
problems being only an illusion. The main reason for this
you keep completely whole, Steady on their feet, because
is we have become accustom to taking ownership to every they keep at it and don't quit.
situation that shows up in our life.
Problems are sent by the enemy as an attempt to still your
 My sickness. wholeness. What is this wholeness? The King James Bible
 My fault. calls this wholeness, “Perfect Peace”. Where there is perfect
 My lost. peace there can be no problem & where God is there is perfect
 My Divorce. peace and no problem.

When we take ownership of any situation we are at that point, The key is to set your mind on God and the things of God. I
more or less, telling God that this is my problem, “stay out of know that there are many things that come daily to distract us,
but the key is to remain positive no matter what you’re dealing
with. Thinking positive is more of a biblical principle that
many would like to believe.
Joh 15:5 KJVR…for without me ye can do nothing.
Php 4:8 MSG Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do
One of the most effective tricks that the enemy has used on the
best by filling your minds and meditating on things true,
saints of God is to cause us to think that we CAN function
noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious--the best,
absent of God.
not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise,
not things to curse.
John 15.5, from the Message Bible, lets us know that separate
from God we can’t produce a thing. We need God not only
As a God created being you have been given the authority to
every day, but in every aspect of our day. The last thing that
direct your thoughts and thus direct your future. The bible
we need to do is to allow ourselves to take ownership of any
says “as he thinketh in this heart so is he”; we are going where
problem that comes our way. We have to learn to come before
our thoughts are taking us. It is important that we
God with the full assurance that with him “I can do all
understanding this fact, because what you focus in will
things and without him I would fall.”
expand in your reality. If your focus is on problems you will
only attracted more problems. If your focus is on God you will
I think King David grasp this truth better than any of the bible
only attracted more of the things of God into your reality.
In closing, God created us in his image and likeness. Our
Psa 121:1-4 KJVR A Song of degrees. I will lift up mine
natural state of being is one of the God-kind of peace. It
eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. (2) My
should be our desire to return to that place of perfect/God
help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and
peace. So how do we do this?
earth. (3) He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that
keepeth thee will not slumber. (4) Behold, he that keepeth
1. Taking responsibility but not ownership of the
Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
situation that shows up in your life.
2. Remember to constantly look unto God from which
The first thing that David teaches us is in our time of trouble
cometh our help.
it is not a time for us to be looking down. Looking down is
3. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to focus your
symbolic of depression, defeat, failure, and death. David says
thoughts on the positive side of every situation.
that instead of looking down that he was going to “lift his eyes
to the hills from which cometh his help, his help cometh from
the Lord.” Just the very posture of looking up will raise your About Author:
spirit to be hopeful, joyous, and to have a feeling of victory. Bishop M. Christopher Wilson, Sr
Rehoboth Family Worship Center, Senior Pastor
Hills, in David’s time, represent a place of safety, and place of Unity Fellowship Alliance International, Presiding Prelate
security. All the great cities were built on the sides or tops of
great mountains and hill sides. However, David’s reference 828 292 0394

Rehoboth Family Worship Center | 415 Erwin Place Lenoir NC. 28645 | 828 292-0394

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