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Daniel: Hi, Julia!

Julia: Daniel! Hi, how are you?

Daniel: I'm fine. I hear you're on (1). next week - are you going to go to Florida again?

Julia: No, (2) this time. A friend from work has a flat by a beautiful (3)...
We're going to (4) .. to Sydney and then drive along the coast to the flat. What about you?

Daniel: I'm going to do some (5) .. in Switzerland. I did ask a friend to come with me but he's
decided to stay at (6). this year - he wants to save enough (7) to buy a car. So,
I'm going to be all alone. I'm going to go on my (8). Oh, there's Natalie and Simon. We're
just talking about holidays. Are you planning anything, Simon?

Simon: Hi! I'm going to go (9).with my family again. I stupidly offered to drive them
all down to the south of France and help them put up the tent. My friends are all planning to go to Florida, so
I'm not very happy, I can tell you!

Daniel: V\'hat about you, Natalie?

Natalie: My (10).has asked me to go with him to Greece. We're going to hire a boat and
then sail around the Greek islands for (11). whole weeks! I can't wait!

Daniel. Simon and Julia: Sounds amazing! Really good! etc.

Daniel: Hi, Julia!

Julia: Daniel! Hi, how are you?

Daniel: I'm fine. I hear you're on (1). next week - are you going to go to Florida again?

Julia: No, (2) this time. A friend from work has a flat by a beautiful (3)...
We're going to (4) .. to Sydney and then drive along the coast to the flat. What about you?

Daniel: I'm going to do some (5) .. in Switzerland. I did ask a friend to come with me but he's
decided to stay at (6). this year - he wants to save enough (7) to buy a car. So,
I'm going to be all alone. I'm going to go on my (8). Oh, there's Natalie and Simon. We're
just talking about holidays. Are you planning anything, Simon?

Simon: Hi! I'm going to go (9).with my family again. I stupidly offered to drive them
all down to the south of France and help them put up the tent. My friends are all planning to go to Florida, so
I'm not very happy, I can tell you!

Daniel: V\'hat about you, Natalie?

Natalie: My (10).has asked me to go with him to Greece. We're going to hire a boat and
then sail around the Greek islands for (11). whole weeks! I can't wait!

Daniel. Simon and Julia: Sounds amazing! Really good! etc.

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