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Fiqh 'Amal Jama'ie A.

Mirsyad Januari 1991



Some of the points are just reminders to ourselves. We are people who are working in the jama'ah
and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has blessed us to be among people which Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam
probably gave basyarah (gladtiding) when he said,

"I wish I have seen my ikhwan"

The sahabah said,
"We are your ikhwan"
Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam said,
"No, you are my companions, the ikhwan will come later, they will believe in me but they have not
seen me. The reward of one of them is like fifty of you."
The sahabah said,
"Fifty of us or them?"
Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam said,
"No, fifty of you"
The sahabat said,
"Why is that?"
Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam said,
"Because you have people who help you doing good things but they don't"

It is the blessing of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala that the of our jama'ah came to be exactly Ikhwan,
and came without planning. Imam Al Banna gave the name when he was sitting with the first batch
of people who wanted to give bai'ah. They said what should we call ourselves. Al Banna said, "Why
should we stress on name, we are brothers, we are muslims, we are Ikhwan al Muslimin". By planning
of Allah, it coincide with the wording of the hadith.

We should know that Ikhwan is not a group or a party but it is a da'wah, higher than party. In the
later years of Imam al Banna, somebody wrote two songs or nasyids to Ikhwan, when they were
ready for jihad in Palestine,

"The society of the Muslim Brothers awakened in us the spirit of our forefathers"

Somebody disliked that statement, then it was changed to:

"The da'wah of the Muslim Brothers awakened in us."

So, we are in fact a da'wah of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, and we have gathered to fulfill His
obligations that we are working in a jama'ah. To work in a jama'ah, we should have four things:

1. A Jama'ah
2. Organized
3. Goals and means
Fiqh 'Amal Jama'ie A.Mirsyad Januari 1991

4. Program


Just a reminder, why do we spend all this time for Allah, we work, many brothers suffered, many
years of tortures for the sake of this da'wah. What is the real, final goal of this work? Mardatillah.
Allah said,

"O Believers, shall you like me show you a trade that will save you from the great penalty (of hell

In the other ayah:

"Verily Allah has purchased from the Believers their souls and wealth and compensate them with

We are working in this da'wah to save ourselves from the hell fire and to enter jannah. That should
always in our mind when we are working. The syaitan dont like to see human enter jannah. Syaitan
threatens and says to A Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

"I will stand in front of (prevent human from) the straight path. I will come to them from front, back,
right and left of them you will find many of them will not be thankful to you"

So it don't want us working to please Allah, get Jannah and avoid Hell Fire. So that the goal will not
be Allah, get acceptance or admiration from people all of these will make our goal not for Allah but
part to Allah, part to something else. Anything that is decrease in ikhlas, deviation from the
straight path is the thing of the syaitan.

That is the far goal. In order to please Allah, we apply His commandments and order and very
important one, make amr ma'ruf, work in a jama'ah, to establish the way of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. Our immediate goal is to establish the state of Islam. Not to forget the final goal is to please
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, we work for the immediate goal is only to please Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala, the highest, most noble One. If not we will not going to do it.

This work (for the establishment of state of Islam) is the highest and the best job that Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has given to Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam. The da'wah, work to make Islam
supreme in the whole land, for Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is the noblest 'amal. It is a blessing that
we are doing the same job of Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam. What is this ummah has to do? Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala gives us two duties, towards ourselves, done by us as persons and duties
done collectively (amal jama'ie). At the end of surah Al Hajj:

"O believers, make ruku' and sujud, worship your Lord and do good things, so that you will get

This is done individually. Then done collectively,

Fiqh 'Amal Jama'ie A.Mirsyad Januari 1991

"Work, struggle for Allah as it deserve to be struggled"

Allah mentions the reason:

"Allah has chosen you, and He does not make any hardship on you in your deen The messenger will
be a witness on you and you are witnesses on mankind"

We should know how noble is our work that we have the same duty as Rasulullah 'Alaihis Salam on
us and we have same duty on mankind. Deliver the message to them and make Islam supreme in
the whole land.

"Fight them until there is no more fitnah (or deviation of people) and all submissions belong to Allah"

Until no place, or country in the world that does not practice Islamic Law, does not say and
worship Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. We will not rest until that work is done. We cannot afford
wasting our time on side things. The work of enemies of Islam and this da'wah, is to make us busy
with something else, not busy with the establishment of Islamic state. There is many, millions of
Muslims who are hungry, illiterate. Muslims everywhere being suppressed, tortured and all the
haram (beer, gambling,..) are there. So we are busy with these, we will never reach anywhere. If all
the Ikhwan and our people are busy collecting money, to feed the muslims in Africa, it only will
save 1 or 10 thousands. Then hundreds of thousands will die.

So our efforts will be spending this time and continue this way. But if we work really for
establishing Islam only, let say, 10 or 20 years, later the state of Islam will feed these hungry
people, no death of muslims, sickness, illiteracy, and so on. The best way is only to concentrate (go
straight) on establishing the state of Islam, nothing else. If we do anything, it is for the benefit of
this (immediate) goal.

You will find that the enemies of Islam are very "clever". Each year or two years, they will bring
some issues, they hope Ikhwan will be busy with them and forget the real goal to make Islam
supreme throughout the world and the world submit to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. The Jews,
Palestine, hunger, invasion of some land, etc. They make certain calls such as Islamization of
knowledge, Islamization of different structure of the state, influence the political system, have
senators from jama'ah or muslims, share the elections, convert Christian to Islam, etc to deviate
from working on establishing the state. These are not real goal.

Suppose that there are 100 millions devoted muslims who still do not make any changes and we
converted 1 million Christians to muslims to make the number to 101 millions, still there is no
changes and therefore no use. But if we could get 20, 000 al akh, there will a change because al akh
are different. They are under one qiadah, receiving instructions when the jama'ah need them, they
can influence others, etc. It does not mean we do not want them to get hidayah, if they come in our
way, we could do that but not to deviate ourselves or takes most of our time from the real goal
because the fastest and most effective way for others to get hidayah is after the establishment of
Islamic state.
Fiqh 'Amal Jama'ie A.Mirsyad Januari 1991

As an analogy, we have a certain among of money which could either let us buy some food and
cloth but without home or, could let us go home. So we choose to go home, prepare ourselves and
later could buy things that we miss before. In 50 years, we may convert 1 million Christians while
we could do that in 10 years when there is Islamic state and at the same time, feed the hungers,
solve illiteracy problem, etc.

For example, the famine in Africa, is a plan by so-called Project 2000, revealed by one of the
candidate for presidency, La Rouche. Behind it, is a trilateral convention where Carter, Brezinsky,
Kissinger, etc belongs. This project is to reduce the third world and muslims population by 2
billion by famine, death, war, division, suppressive governments and so on, intentionally.

In the case of involvement in organizations here such as muslims organizations, we find them
mostly wasteful. There are a lot politicking in the committee, many meetings which we could let
others do it. It will be beneficial if for training of leadership or if they are many Ikhwan in the
committee. Anyhow, we could utilize the Islamic Circle that they sponsor to spread the wa'ie
without having a position in the committee. Or if there is none, we could make one at our home.

The idea of "yataharrak min hilal" depend on the definition of platform itself. The problem is that
an organization that we want to use as a platform will become an entity by itself (it decides). That
is against our loyalty. There should be only one loyalty but in that case, there will be two
authorities or duplication of efforts. One is for the organization itself and the other is Ikhwan,
which is wasteful. Usually, the idea of platform is just where the people can gather in some places
under that name, but no entity by itself which means it does not have its own planning. The plans
are only from the Jama'ah.

So far, all the platforms fail. It happens that initially, an organization has no entity but later has an
entity by itself. In the other words, the platform become strong but after a while, then it will
become an entity by itself. Especially, when it allows public participations and the public do not
have the wa'ie, they are influenced by the speaker and by visible (or famous) figures who usually
not as sincere as the other ones. They are opportunists and later would like to dictate others, not
to be dictated by Ikhwan or others. Sometimes, it is better to form a platform locally under
different names.

Regarding hadith, using force, then words and finally, by hearts; the 'ulamas say that if you want to
correct a mungkar, if you are able, you proceed and if you cannot, you strengthen yourself until you
are able to do so. Also there is a rule that we start with the biggest mungkar. If you go to an
individual, see what is the biggest mungkar and change it. Somebody is not praying and at the
same time wearing gold ring, correct his prayer first. Aqeedah is the first to be corrected. When we
come to whole society, we are aiming to change it to Islamic society. We do not proceed, if we are
not able to change it. That is what we are doing, strengthening ourselves to be strong enough to
change it. If not, we are wasting our time and efforts. We will be killed, imprisoned and nothing can
be done. The mungkar will stay forever. If we are prepared, we counter the mungkar, it is gone and
we can establish Islam.
Fiqh 'Amal Jama'ie A.Mirsyad Januari 1991

For example, during the time of Al Banna, there is a group called "Young Egyptians". They were
secular but when Ikhwan came, they started to change and doing da'wah but they don't have
tarbiyyah of Ikhwan, so at one day, they burned and closed the bars at Cairo. They thought that
they were doing good things. They got imprisoned. The second day, the government compensate
all of these, paid money (to the the bar owners) and built better stores. No effect because the big
mungkar is still there.

How about the fitnah that has been aimed at our da'wah that our da'wah are not very sensitive and
keep quiet to surrounding mungkar, in front our eyes, afraid of police, or people?

That is a problem which could come from two things:

Firstly, people who do not realize that taking caution is part of Islamic life. Enemies would be very
glad to see us without caution, especially with our plan. Hadith says:

"Seek help on fulfilling your job by secret"

Important to any plans that they are not known to the enemies. Especially, the enemies are always
stronger than us until we achieve victory. If they know our plan, they could counter our plans

For, example in the Gulf crisis, the big superpower and if fact the only "superpower" is US. They
never reveal their plans, only the general ideas to reporters. No details. They feel the importances
of secrecy and concealing plans. If they choose to reveal, it will be no harm to them. In Al Qur'an:

"When you are with them in the war and want to establish prayer, a group of them should pray
behind you, and they make sujud, the other people should be behind you. Then says, when this
finishes, the other people come replacing the first ones and says also, they should take caution and
their swords and arms. The kuffars wish that you are not aware of your arms and your plans. They
attack you in one attack."

Secondly, people do not realize no use of changing the small mungkar when the biggest and real
mungkar which is no Islamic Hakam is still there. Again, and again they can establish the small
mungkar. From the practice of Rasulullah 'Alaihis Salam, he used to make solat around the Ka'abah
and there are more than 360 idols around it. He did not attack them. He could just send 'Omar and
some powerful muslims to destroy them but he did not because people can put other idols if they
we destroyed. But later when the victory came during the futuh al Makkah, it was very easy, just
point the finger and all felt down. From the practice of Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam, do not get busy
with the minor things when we have our real goal of establishing the supremacy of Allah's Law.

Even when Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam was head of state, he never told that where and when they
were going to war. Before he opened Makkah, people did not know that he was going to Makkah.
He went to different direction (north). Even Aishah r.a. did not know he was going. Only in one
battle, which is the long battle, Battle of Tabuk, he tofd them that they are going to fight the fierce
enemies. In all other battles, he kept the plans closed.
Fiqh 'Amal Jama'ie A.Mirsyad Januari 1991

Are we working towards this immediate goal when we are here sitting for tarbiah, and reading?
What do we aim to get, so that we can say that we are ready to establish Islamic state? What kind
of readiness?

We need three conditions before we can enter the confrontation with the enemies of Islam:

A. Wa'ie Islam (Islamic awareness)

B. Quwwah Munaffizah (Implementing force/ strength)
C. Dhuruf Munasib (suitable situation, time)

A. Wa'ie Islam.

The first thing we need to prepare is the wa'ie Islam. We find that Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam before
migrating to Madinah, he send Mus'ab ibn Umair. He was called al mu'min, he taught people al
Quran there and every year come to see Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam. In the second year, he told
Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam that no house in Madinah had not mention Islam. When that happened,
Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam started asking his companions to migrate to Madinah.

It is very necessary that we have enough people who are convinced with Islam and ready to suffer
for the sake of it. Otherwise the state could be crushed very easily and then we have a hard time to
convince the people again to work for Islam.

Similarly, Al Banna said in Mutamar al Khamis,

"Ikhwan are wiser than going to superficial things. We do not go to the duties of hukum of ruling
Islam before the ideas of Ikhwan spread and become dominant And the people know how to prepare
the general advantages on their own personal basis."

That is necessary before we rule, otherwise we are ruling on the people not with us. They could
easily be against us and we would not enough people to run the state. Some of the people may
become hypocrite, running the state and doing bad examples in the name of Islam. What kind of
wa'ie we expect from our supporters, not ourselves?

We expect that they become opposed to the system because it is not Islamic, jahiliyyah and believe
in our way, Islamic way in changing the system. They are not from our jama'ah, they are
supporters, muayyid or mu'min, believe in and support our way and Islam only. They are ready to
suffer for Islam. We expect that the Islamic state will face some difficulties during the first year and
therefore we need this kind of people. That is why we stress on wa'ie.

What if the people reject the system or government because of its failure (political, economy,
educational, etc) not because of its unislamic? Is it enough if we can get people like that?

No. We want them to totally reject non Islamic system and accept the Islamic system. Not for other
Fiqh 'Amal Jama'ie A.Mirsyad Januari 1991

What is the danger, suppose that we require the people only to oppose the current system because
of their operations (failures)? They are muslims but at the same time they perform different duties
(from ours). They are much anti government because of, let say, its political operation. If we move
them against the govt, they will move. Or they could help us even though they do not wish for only
Islamic state. They just want a change. Do we need them?

No. Because everybody is working. The enemies of Islam, kufr, is everywhere in form of secularism,
communism, socialism, capitalism, democracy, etc. There always party of Allah and party of
syaitan. Taghut is everywhere. So they could use these kind of people (who want just change), get
them for their purpose, win the government but not for Islam. (This is the danger.) Unless, we can
control them absolutely, which will never happen. So if they accept Islam only, they will reject
others and the enemies of Islam cannot use them.

How much wa'ie Islam we should get from our supporters? Badiuzzaman Said Nursi, may Allah
pleased with him, who formed Jamaat an Nuur, required 75%. 50% is what we require from the
positive element of the society, those who are active, and work. Those who are passive do not
change. They will follow anybody. Children, in our society, most women and old men are out From
the young men, who are active, who always care about things, discuss political action, join parties,
try to take actions, not easily influenced by others, leaders who are influential, etc. Not the
numbers, for example, in Malaysia, 8 millions are muslims then we need 4 millions?

For the Ikhwan who go to election, many give support to them especially in Jordan and Egypt. But
how much is the real support? Not many if we go to the definition of mu'min/muayyid which is the
person who believe in our da'wah, and all the good things in our da'wah.

The same people who vote for Ikhwan could be taken (influenced) by others for example by
another sheikh or 'ulama. For example, in Algeria, where Ikhwan are strongest. Then came Sheikh
Abbas Madani, he was from the Front (a political party). He changed few years ago and became
Islamic and entered election where Ikhwan did not. Ikhwan always change (strategy in election).
He got the majority support and now in fact, most of the local assemblies, majority are from his
group. This group does not have any ideology, only the feelings for Islam.

Another example in Egypt, by name, there were 5 million people related to Ikhwan. But when the
torture period came, where were they?. Ikhwan spent 20 years in the prison, nobody came to
defend them. We cannot depend on this type of people who will change according to situation such
as if the government adopts new tough and harsh policy. The strength is the strength against
harshnesses and hardships.

Another example in Kuwait this summer, there is a 12-story high rise building full of Islamic
organizations for making good actions. We think that Islam is flourishing but it is not in reality.
There are 2 floors for African Relief, 1 floor for Lebanon and Palestine Relief, one for Asian Muslim
Relief and so on. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, all gone because they need the
government support.
Fiqh 'Amal Jama'ie A.Mirsyad Januari 1991

How to determine or measure the strength?

That particular difficult assignment is left to a specialized committee or the leadership of jama'ah.
When the jama'ah become closed to a confrontation, there will be a special group for political
analysis, current events, studying people, making tests for example in a election, such as if 10
people support us, the real support is only one (1 percent). For example, 3 years ago, Ikhwan
entered election and obtained 70% support (votes) (the government published 30% for Ikhwan
and 70% for them but from the internal source, the government swap the numbers). This could
mean wide spread love for Islam but from the other study, the real support could be only 10%.

It is impossible for the enemy of Islam to let us rule easily and peacefully. When they feel that they
are in danger, they may change their plans to a harsh, militant ones. Look only at the Gulf Crisis,
only for Saddam, they have assembled half a million soldiers around Iraq. There is an agreement
after the fall of Ottoman Empire, that there should be no more new superpower. Islam can always
be a superpower. They know, once Islam start, it is hardly stoppable. They are afraid because of,
Gulf crisis for instance, the whole Muslim world will burst.

If they do let us rule peacefully, it is a trick and furthermore, the idea of Islamic state is lost. Islamic
state can not be achieved through election.

Why then the Ikhwan enter the election (besides testing)?

Imam Maududi answered the question in 1971 (when Jama'at Islami entered election but they lost
heavily, probably obtained only 3 seats. One may ask why waste all this time? The answer for that
could be the only chance or opportunity ever that we can deliver the message to a large mass, even
under the name or the protection of the government. Jama'at Islami is not yet to the level of
Ikhwan but very close, especially Imam Maududi had a very good thinking in understanding the
message. He found chasing votes was useless and later Jama'at Islami retreat from politics. From
long experience, they realized that it is not a goal but a way of gaining support without being
dependence on that way.

The Ikhwan enter election after satisfying a certain prerequisite or confidence level. Our works
always among the people. Everyone of us now know so many people so we can understand and
measure their feelings. We could tell that in seventies that we do not have much support but now
we have a vast support. When we have some confidence of good support (which may not show
that we have the wa'ie we require), we might show our strength, even receive some difficulties,
beats and blows but at that time nobody can not crush our da'wah.

We always make a balance between individual work which is the real work of tarbiah and wa'ie,
and the open work to masses which will give us some idea which later become valuable to us. We
need to do both and measure the importance of each appropriately. Even if we lose some time with
the mass, we know that we are not idle but working. The real support is not the people who know
you but the people who are behind your back. That what is matter. There will be problem if we
only concentrate our effort on masses (e.g. political, popularity), in hurry and neglect the real
(individual) work.
Fiqh 'Amal Jama'ie A.Mirsyad Januari 1991

"The increase of things make you busy until you visit the..."

The individual work or personal contacts is the fastest way to spread wa'ie. The problem arises
when we do not understand tarbiyyah. They may think tarbiyyah is just sitting, reading things and
that is it. But tarbiyyah means actions among the people (making personal contacts) and it
includes the ten articles of bai'ah. When we have tarbiyyah means we are very productive. Each
years we recruits some people, at least as muayyid. It is better to work among the people of the
same native language because the message is best understood by that the same native language.

B. Quwwah Munaffizah
(The force or strength to make change)

What kind of strength we expect? Imam Al Banna said, "Before we use the force, we raise many
questions. First the force is not only physical force. There are 3 types of forces:

1. Aqeedah and Iman

2. Ukhuwwah and Ittihad (Brotherhood and Unity)
3. Physical Strength and Military

If the jama'ah confronts while not united, they will turn to each other or ifthey are without proper
aqeedah or iman, they can not be trusted to build Islamic state" It is necessary to have all these
three before we make a confrontation.

1. Quwwah Iman and Aqeedah

We have to bring people through tarbiyah to the level of iman and aqeedah that is satisfactory that
they deserve victory from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. When Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala establish
Islamic State, it should be at the hands of the noble and very devoted people. Their relations with
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is like a child to his mother. The child only go to his mother, love,
depend, seek help on her. We devote all our time to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Otherwise, Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will not give us victory.

People who are having pleasure obeying commandments of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala who do not
feel that duties are responsibilities but something that they always wanted to do. We want to be
like sahabah al kiram and Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam. Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam said to Bilal r.a.
whenever there was a problem,

"Make us comfortable with the prayer."

We stress that Ikhwan do night prayers, fast as often as possible, recite Al Quran al Karim, form
kataib at night to perform prayers, praying at the mosques at available times so that our hearts are
attached to masjid which remind us of seven types of people who will be saved from the heat of the
sun during hereafter, etc.
Fiqh 'Amal Jama'ie A.Mirsyad Januari 1991

In most confrontation, the two sizes of armies not always equals. The kuffar army usually very
strong physically (in manpower and arms). That will be the case always, when we want to
establish Islam, the enemies are always stronger than us. The only way we could win is by Iman.
Abdullah ibn Rawahah was sent by Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam to battle of Mutah to fight the Romans
where muslims army is 3000 while the Romans are more that 200,000. He, who is one of the three
ameers, stood up and said,

"O Brothers, we are not fighting the enemies with our arms and number. We are fighting them with
our Deen. The victory comes from Allah only when we deserve which stronger iman than them,
otherwise they will win because their army is stronger than us"

Said Omar al Khattab to Muslim army sent to fight the Persians in Iraq,

"Be afraid to your sins more than the scorpions and the snakes. If your strength always less than the
enemies and your are equal in iman, the enemies will overcome you."

2. Strength of brotherhood and unity.

We would like to have good organizational strength or tandzim or well-doned plans and structure.
Clear obedience to leadership of jama'ah. Syura or consultation with jama'ah or with its members.
Well-spelled relationship of junud and qiadah.

3. Strength of manpower and arms.

Enough number of people (manpower) in our jama'ah and enough military strength, either we
have people in army or we own or have access to arms and proper trainings. What kind of
manpower do we need?

We need enough manpower:

1. To spread wa'ie (imam, ulama, worker among new persons)
1. Who have special qualifications (military, publisher, writer, foreign relations, confrontation)
2. Run the state enough for the first few years for example: trustworthy ministers, educators, etc.
converted to our cause.

What is our opinion on efforts such as demonstrations, boycotts, and petitions by muslims to
decrease the oppressions on them? Their reason is from the ayat "A'idduu lahum mastata'tum min

If the efforts are directed to the kuffar, they are useless because they do not understand our
manhaj which is compiled from the Al Quran and sirah. The kuffar and the enemies hardly going to
change to Islam. But it is fine if they are directed to muslims so that they are more aware. However,
we do not spend a lot of time of those efforts.

C. Dhuruf Munasib
(Appropriate Situation or Time)
Fiqh 'Amal Jama'ie A.Mirsyad Januari 1991

We want to win over the enemies with least sacrifice and bloodshed. And the most positive
response. There will be bloodshed, but we do not want it to be thousands, while we could do it
with may be hundreds or something like that. At sometimes, people are not really ready for Islamic
State. They may think that we want to change from good to bad. For example at that time, they are
unity (say two countries unite) so they may think that we want to destroy the unity. Therefore, we
have to wait some more years until they find that the unity that they have is useless. Also not when
the enemies are very much ready that we are going to be crushed. Suitable times like when the
enemies are busy with themselves.

If the victory come with ease and without bloodshed, alhamdulillah, but at that time, the force is in
our hand which we could use but we believe that it is impossible that the enemies will yield
peacefully to Islamic state. They have to be force, either by the strength of the society or our own
strength. So that the enemies do not stop us, or if they try, they will fail.

Ustadh Mustafa Masyhur said that the enemies of Allah work internationally then we should work
internationally. Not enough we have the majority or the active people in one place, we have to act
internationally. If Malaysia become Islamic state only, they could easily destroy it, comparing what
they have done in Gulf. We want strength and wa'ie everywhere so that the whole Muslim land
burst at the same time. When there is strength and wa'ie everywhere, the spread of Islam is
unstoppable. Please refer rukun 'amal. We start with islah nafs...then unite the Muslim world
under one khilafah. When Ikhwan is strong in all places, they start revolution or Islamic state in
one of the places, Ikhwan from other places can support them easily and within years the whole
land will be under Islam. The work is synchronized under the international leadership.

In sirah, we see that Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam and sahabah went to Madinah when the Madanians
were really ready for them. Aus and Khazraj used to have a lot of wars and were influenced by the
Jews. They saw Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam from outside as a uniting factor. When they accepted Islam,
they became more attached to Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam. Even those who did not embrace Islam,
they wanted somebody to unite them. There was no bloodshed because the governmental
structure was different at that time compare to today where the enemies of Islam work
internationally. The superpowers interfere everywhere. During Rasulullah 'Alaihi Salam's times,
there were no interferences from Romans and Persians. No relations between Makkah and

The best way we could change the kuffar to Islam is when we are strong. By the definition of kuffar
which is something that cover the fitrah even if they know the truth and they have kibr or pride.
They could only change fast when Islam is superpower because they admire strength. That is why
you find a statement in Al Muntalaq, "We are not in need in current situations of people to become
attached to Islam but we need those who know (are attached to) Islam already that they could
work for Islam, unite them under our manjah." We do not need more converts unless we mean
conversion to our manhaj."

We always be concious of these. We do not do anything that will counter these conditions. For
example, making coalition with a nonlslamic group, when the society does not have the true wa'ie
Fiqh 'Amal Jama'ie A.Mirsyad Januari 1991

yet, this action will be against the wa'ie. Like we want people to accept Islam only and reject others
but at the same time, make a coalition with them. This will make the society confuse and will
reduce the wa'ie. For example in Iraq, there was a coalition in 1959 among nationalists group
against the regime. The Ikhwan did not enter the coalition because society would think that Ba'ath
or nationalism was appropriate.

Only in the war or confrontation, it is allowed to do khid'ah. We as a jama'ah is at war with the
system. In the sense that the enemies have waged a war on us once we established the jama'ah.
They know us, our plans and will us put us in prison if they know us. We want to change the
system, and no constitutions allow something not to believe in their system. We could lie about our
membership. In the instance they ask us whether we are a member, it is wajib for us to answer no.

That is how we should understand. We start working, producing and producing. However, we have
to realize that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is the best planner. Things could change very fast that
we could not understand and imagine. We could find ourselves right now in confrontation to build
Islamic state, in five years the whole Islamic world is under one khilafah.

(B Na'im, USA.)

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