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Symbolism Song Assignment

Leader: Noland
Writer: Dalilah
Speaker: Jahi

Name of song: Titanium by David Guetta

You shoot me down
Doesn't literally mean with a gun, talks metaphorically as in to hurt someone emotionally.
I am titanium
Symbolic to the metal because titanium is strong
Together: You shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titanium
Says how even though you may try to knock him off his feet and hurt him he is strong
like titanium and thus won't give in or give up
I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet
Says that your bullets (or harshness) don't affect him bc they ricochet
You take your aim Fire away, fire away...Firing at the ones who run
You try to attack and single out select people and fire away at people who will just run
and not fight back
Ghost town, haunted love

AXEXES Paragraph:

The song Titanium by David Guetta uses symbolism. O ne form of symbolism used in
Titanium is the line that says, Im criticized but all your bullets ricochet. T
his phrase uses
symbolism because it says that bullets ricochet, the bullets in this case means criticism, but
he does not allow that to affect him. Another form of symbolism used in Titanium is the line
that says, You shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titanium. T his phrase uses symbolism
because it gives him he does not necessarily mean to literally shoot someone, but it means to
hurt emotionally, and when he says I am titanium he is not referring to the actual metal, it just
symbolizes strength. In conclusion, the song Titanium by David Guetta uses symbolism, and
two forms of symbolism are bullets ricochet, and You shoot me down but I wont fall, I am

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