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Fall is kind of I understand fall Fall expert

challenging some

1 2 3
Only 1 fall concept was 2-4 fall concepts are 4 or more fall concepts
Variety of fall represented in the represented on the are represented on the
concepts used collage. collage. collage.

Explanation on back Did not provide an Explained some of the Explained what images
explanation on the images but did not give were on collage and
back. much reason to why. why those images were
Gave some reason but choosen in relation to
did not tell what fall.
images were used.

Organized Images and objects are Images and objects are Images and objects are
glued on top of one spaced throughout the separated evenly
another and hard to collage but some throughout collage and
distinguish between. images are glued on easy to distinguish
Some images or top of one another. between.
objects are falling off of

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