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Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS)

4.1 System Features
Front end (customer storefront)
o Products Catalog
o Customers registration
o Customer account
o Products Search
o Advanced Search
o Products Comparison
o Price list
o News
o Feedback
o Shopping cart
o Checking out
o Polls
Back end (administrative tools)
o Login
o Managing products catalog
o Adding new categories/subcategories
o Viewing/Editing/deleting existing categories
o Adding new products
o Viewing/Editing/deleting existing product entry
o Table of products
o Importing products
o Exporting products
o Synchronization tools
o Product custom options
o Special offers
o Discussions
o Defining Polls
o Adding news
o Reports

4.2 Functional Requirements

4.2.1 Front end (Store front) Requirements
Connecting to Application with Valid URL
U 1.0 User home page-All features availability

U 1.1 Registration
U 1.1.1 Taking Login Name
U 1.1.2 Taking Password
U 1.1.3 Taking confirm Password
U 1.1.4 Selecting salute (Any one)
U 1.1.5 Taking first name
U 1.1.6 Taking middle name
U 1.1.7 Taking last name
U 1.1.8 Taking e-mail in the e-mail format
U 1.1.8 Selecting profession
U 1.1.9 Taking phone number (Mandatory)
U 1.1.10 Taking Fax number
U 1.1.11 Taking date of birth
U 1.1.12 Taking passport number
U 1.1.13 Taking address including city, state zip & country
U 1.1.14 Submitting the form
U 1.1.15 Resetting the form

U 1.2 Login
U 1.2.1 Taking user name
U 1.2.2 Taking Password
U 1.2.3 Providing forgot password option
U Submitting e-mail address and getting user info through our mail ID.
U 1.2.4 Submission of the Login

U 1.3 Products Catalog

U 1.3.1 All entered categories and products availability.

U 1.4 Products search

U 1.4.1 Taking input values and finding
U 1.4.2 Displaying results in another screen if not found providing message.

U 1.5 Advanced search

U 1.5.1 Selecting category & taking product name, Taking price range, color etc and finding.
U 1.5.2 Displaying result as per customization of not available providing message.

U 1.6 Products comparison

U 1.6.1 Selecting products for comparison [two or more] and getting comparison.

U 1.7 Shopping Process

U 1.7.1 Browsing through categories, selecting products to buy.
U 1.7.2 Able to view detailed information in the separate screen.
U 1.7.3 Choosing quantity and continue buying
U 1.7.4 Updating quantity and removing requirements.
U 1.8 Checking out (completing transaction by providing
payment option)

U 1.9 Voting for poll

U 1.9.1 Selecting one option, voting and getting the pole results
(we can vote one time per session only)

U 1.10 Viewing news

U 1.10.1 Selecting displayed news item and getting that news.

U 1.11 Feed back

U 1.11.1 Taking information like product name, name, e-mail, message and submitting.
U 1.11.2 Input data resetting facility.

U 1.12 Price list

U 1.12.1 Getting existing products price list in detail.

4.2.2 Back end (Administrative Tools) Requirements

Connecting to Admin interface with valid URL

Ad 1.0 Login operation [Taking User ID & Password]

Providing forgot password option & sending user information through e-mail.

Ad 1.1 Admin home page All features availability

Ad 1.2 Adding new categories

Ad 1.2.1 Taking category name & sorting order.
Ad 1.2.2 Customizing attributes like color, weight and etc.
Ad 1.2.3 Adding image to category
Ad 1.2.4 Adding description to category through a file.
Ad 1.2.5 Saving the entered info and resetting the info.

Ad 1.3 Editing categories

Ad 1.3.1 Editing category information and saving the information
Ad 1.3.2 Viewing the category details
Ad 1.3.3 Deleting the category

Ad 1.4 Adding new product

Ad 1.4.1 Selecting category option
Ad 1.4.2 Taking product name. Code & sort order.
Ad 1.4.3 Defining price, stock info shipping freight and weight
Ad 1.4.4 Adding product image
Ad 1.4.5 Adding description
Ad 1.4.6 Saving the details and resetting

Ad 1.5 Editing product

Ad 1.5.1 Editing product details and saving the details
Ad 1.5.2 viewing the product
Ad 1.5.3 Deleting the product

Ad 1.6 Importing products

Ad 1.6.1 Importing products from a CSV file and updating the database

Ad 1.7 Exporting products

Ad 1.7.1 Exporting products to a CSV file.

Ad 1.8 Special offers

Ad 1.8.1 Adding special offer defining [missing requirements]
Ad 1.8.2 Viewing & Deleting the special offer details.

Ad 1.9 Orders information

Ad 1.9.1 Searching orders and selecting the various types of orders.
Ad 1.9.2 Retrieving the selected type orders

Ad 1.10 Customers information

Ad 1.10.1 Searching registered customers details and finding.

Ad 1.11 Discounts
Ad 1.11.1 Configuring discount system
Ad 1.11.2 Defining discount rates based on order amount & calculations.

Ad 1.12 Adding news

Ad 1.12.1 Adding news giving priority published date & title.
Ad 1.12.2 Adding image
Ad 1.12.3 Adding description
Ad 1.12.4 Saving the details & resetting the details.
Ad 1.12.5 Viewing/Editing/ deleting the news.

Ad 1.13 Adding polls

Ad 1.13.1 Taking poll question
Ad 1.13.2 Answer options each in separate line.
Ad 1.13.3 Saving & resetting the details

Ad 1.14 Reports
Ad 1.14.1 viewing the category reports

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