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Student-Teacher: Kalthoom Ali H00298284

Course:EPC 2903- TP

Grade Level: KG1

Subject: science

Strand: Body parts

Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

By the end of the lesson, most of the students should be able to:

Identify different senses

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

- The computer
- Flshcards for lesson introduction
Picture of body parts. - Resouces for centers
Flower, perfume, grups
Song of body parts
Textbook Key vocabulary

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Time: 15 min

- Sing with student body parts song


Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

Do the exercise that in the textbook.

Time: 28 min

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Match the body parts by using pictures

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Colour the items that we use the mouth sense for it

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Put the pictures of each sense job on one box

2-5 min

Quick review of body parts



I say the sense and they point it and say what we can do with this sense


I start my lesson with the sing song of body parts with doing movements, and I tell
them a short story by using real material to tell them the job of each part for
example I use bell and I asked them how we hear the bell? So they will know the job
of the ear is hearing, and I did different examples for all body parts

What went very will, I use real object in circle area to teach them and connected to
the real life.

What not go well is manage the time for activities

When I teach the next lesson, I will do more activities for the job of each sense.

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