Teaching Procedure Text

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Name : Ivanna Zakiyah

SRN : 1413042032



1. Pre-activity
a. The students are provided with the video of making sandwich, here is
the sceenshoots of the video.

b. The students are asked about the video. For example:

1) What food is that?
2) How do you spell sandwich?
3) Have you ever made that?
4) Can you mention the ingredients of sandwich?
After students mention the ingredients, the teacher writes those
ingredients in the whiteboard, and the students repeat the right
pronounciation that the teacher said.
Two slices of bread
Vegetables such as cucumber/zucchini, tomatos, carrot and
lettuce leaves.
Tomato sauce
5) What is the taste of ketchup?
6) How about the taste of mayonnaise?
7) According to the video, do you understand what the girl first said?
8) What is the first procedure of making sandwich?
Firstly, place a slice of bread on the plate
9) And what did the girl do after that?
Second, put the tomato sauce.
Then, add salad, slice tomatoes, cheddar cheese, mayonnaise,
tomato sauce on it.
Next, add lettuce leave
After that, put a slice of bread on the top to cover them
Finally, eat it!

c. The students pronounce some words taken from the video, for
1) Cucumber, most of the students will pronounce it /kukumber/ but
the right pronounciation is /kjukmb/. Students should repeat the
example of cucumber from the teacher or from the video.
2) Tomato, should be pronounced /tmt/, the students are told to
make tip of the tongue presses against the tooth ridge while the
sides of the tongue press against the upper side teeth while
pronouncing /t/ sounds.

2. Whilst-activity
a. Activity 1 (Writing)
Teacher asks students:
1) What is your favourite food?
2) Oh you like noodle, could you make that?
3) Now please fill this tables with your favourite food, and the
ingredients to make it, then write how you make it, do your best! For
My Favourite Food Ingredients Steps to make
Fried Rice 2 cloves of Garlic 1. First, pound garlic
2 onions cut into and 2 pinches of
small pieces salt.
1 table spoon of 2. Second, heat
vegetable oil vegetable oil on a
a plate of rice frying pan.
some salt 3. Third, put the
pounded garlic and
salt, and onions into
the hot vegetable
oil. Fry them a while.
4. Fourth, put one
plate of rice. Fry
and mix them
around 3 minutes.

b. Activity 2 (Speaking)
1) Students are asked to ask their friend some question about favourite
food and how to make it to be filled in the table. These are some
guided questions for students:
Hey, my favourite food is fried rice, what about you?
Do you know how to make it?
Can you tell me how to make it?
2) Students are asked to change their pair, and students 1 tells about
students 2 table, and students 3 tells about students 4 table.
3) Teacher asks students to make group consisting of 4 students.
Students have to retell in group.
4) Students can retell in front of the class, but do not force the
students, just tell them to voluntarily retell the procedure text that
they have made.

c. Activity 3 (reading)
The students are provided with reading procedural text of How to
Make Starfruit Punch.
How to Make Starfruit Punch


1. 250 gr yellow starfruit in slices

2. 100 ml water 2 spoonful of vanilla
3. 8 teaspoonful of lemonade extract Procedure
4. Put slices of starfruit and water in the blender. Wait until its soft. Skim
5. Add syrup, lemonade extract, and soda water. Stir thoroughly.
6. Pour it in the glass and put in the ice cubes.


1. Answer these questions correctly:

a. What is the text about?
b. How to make starfruit punch?
c. What are the ingredients of starfruit punch?
d. How to use blender?
e. How to stir thoroughly?
f. How to slice starfruit?

2. T/F
a. To make starfruit punch we need lemonade extract.
b. After adding syrup, we drink the fruit puch.
d. Activity 4 (Listening)
Students are provided with recording of how to make special fried
noodle. Students have to fill the blank with words they hear from the


The ingredients to make special noodles are:

1. Onions
2. An egg
3. ________
4. Instant noodle
5. Vegetable oil
6. ________
7. Garlics


1. First, ________ onions, garlics, chilli, and cabbage

2. Second, heat pan and ________ vegetable oil in it
3. Third, fry the ________ and garlics untill yellowish
4. Fourth, pour water on the pan and wait until boiling
5. Then, put cabbage into boiling water and then put an egg in it
6. After that, add noodle, stir ________ for three minutes
7. While noodle is being cooked, put the seasoning in a ________
8. Next, ________ the cooked noodle from the boiling water and drain
9. Put the ________ noodle and the seasoning into the bowl and mix
10. Finally, the special fried rice is ready to ________

e. Post-Activity
1) Teacher collect students works.
2) The teacher gives feedback to students regarding to their weakness
and strength.
3) The teacher explain more about procedure text especially
grammar like imperative. For example: what do we do first to make
a cup of coffee? Put the coffee and sugar into the glass stir it,
4) The teacher concludes the meeting.
5) The teacher can give homework to students, after that teacher can
give feedback to improve students skills.

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