Fantasy Materials

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AD&D Fantasy Materials (includes "science fantasy")

This is Aluminum and is very very rare. It is more valuable
than platinum. This is a common real material rather than a
fantasy material but is included here for completeness of
terminology. Aluminium is worth 1 oz. = 100gp.

Adarcer (Dw. "True-steel")

This is a white alloy, a fusion of Ang (iron), Gloin
(carbon), and Eog (titanium). It is extremely strong, but
somewhat rigid and difficult to work once forged. If
properly worked, it can cleave iron without dulling. This is
made from common real materials but real carbon steel cannot
be alloyed with titanium so it is included here as a fantasy

Adamant -- Adamantium, see Adamantite.

Adamantine Steel -- Adamantium, see Adamantite.

Adamantite is an opaque crystalloid material (a metalloid
like boron) of bright sky blue color. It is more often seen
alloyed to steel in the form of Adamantine Steel (called
Adamantium) than in any other form. However, it is strongest
in its pure form and is very rare. Drows make an adamantine
steel that is black. They alloy the adamantite with
something else or use a completely different material. The
word Adamant simply means as hard as Adamantium. It is
second only to Hard Galvorn in weapons. Adamantite is worth
1 oz.= 500gp.

Adamantium -- Adamantine Steel, see Adamantite.

Amazonium - see Mithril.

Ang (Elv. "Iron")

Pure Ang (iron) is silver-white and both malleable and
ductile. Pure Ang, though, is rare. The more common variety
is dark gray, stronger, yet bendable (pig iron). It is used
principally in the making of Borang (steel) or for mean
purposes. This is a common real material rather than a
fantasy material but is included here for completeness of

Angilian also Starmetal
This is metoric iron from nickel-iron metorites. It has
unknown and unusual powers. This material is not found
anywhere in the world; there is no Angilian mine anywhere.
Angilian is found only in meteorites. Angilian is extremely
solid and strong when worked. The surface has a dull-gray
almost black appearance. Unworked it is soft. When alloyed
it makes extremely hard weapons.

Arborang (Elv. "High-steel")

Similar in appearance and character to Borang, Arborang is
stronger still then raw Ang (iron) or Borang (steel). Fused
of Ang (iron), Gloin (carbon), and a smattering of one or
more odd metals, it holds a sharper edge than Borang. It is
basically crucible high carbon steel perhaps treated with
tungsten carbide and platinum on any edged surface. This is
a common real material rather than a fantasy material but is
included here for completeness of terminology.

It is proof against fire and steel; steel shatters upon
asiceton, and whatever fires touch it are instantaneously
quenched. It has little strength of its own and is soft like
lead. However it may be poured over harder materials where
it becomes as hard as that which it covers.

Asgardian metal -- see Uru.

Aurum (true gold) -- see Uru.

Baskar - see Mandalorian Iron.

Black Crystal Shell Material -- see Galvorn.

Black Mithril -- see Mithril.

Borang (Elv. "Steadfast-iron" or "Steel")

This silvery alloy is a favorite of the dwarves. Fused of
Ang (iron) and Gloin (Dw. "True-coal" or "Carbon"), it is
strong and durable. Sometimes called low-steel, Borang
(steel) supports more than Ang (iron), and is cheaper and
more pliable than Adarcer. This is a common real material
rather than a fantasy material but is included here for
completeness of terminology.

Burning Ice

In the wastes of black ice, where pressures of glaciers wear
upon the ice with tremendous force, deposits of burning ice
can be found. This ice looks white but burns spontaneously
in the air with a blue flame. Sealed it will resist burning.
If it is warmed, it will burn without air. It produces a
blue light and a cold fire that can burn with frostbite.
Instead of smoke, it produces heavy white water mist that
falls to the floor rather than rising like smoke. It can be
used to cold forge special weapons like those made of Laen.

Bysus: Sea Silk

Bysus is made from shaving off the beard of certain clams
and processing it into a yarn and cloth. It is greenish
brown but shines golden like brass in bright light. It is
highly prized for the clothes of nobles but extremely rare.
It is an actual real world material.

Cavorite is impervious to gravity and can shield other
materials from its effects. It is used to shield a craft
from Earth's pull, allowing easy flight. It was named after
its discoverer, Dr Cavor, who used its levitational
properties to travel to the Moon. It also coats Martian
flying machines, although, it is referred to as a "gravity-
blocking substance", and not Cavorite.
Swainsten or Swainstenium is a meteoric substance that
repels from gravity. It is most certainly Cavorite. It is
from Fu Manchu campaigns or others.

Carmot - see Rare Earths.

An alloy of Ang (iron), Gloin (carbon), manganese and
nickel. It's stronger than Low-steel, and very springy. This
is a common real material rather than a fantasy material but
is included here for completeness of terminology.

In future Gamma Tera campaigns, it is a high tech alloy of
steel and plastic in a ceramic form for use as concrete.

A glowing red magical metal that temporarily halts the Red
Curse created by vermeil. Depleted cinnabryl is called red
steel, and is used for weaponry and armour.

Cleaver Metal

Cleaver Metal is a future Gamma Tera metal that "heals"
itself like wounded skin. It can do so indefinitely. It
heals at varying rates depending on its construction.

Cold Iron
This iron, mined deep underground, known for its
effectiveness against fey creatures, is forged at a lower
temperature to preserve its delicate properties.

Collapsium is described as collapsed star material or
neutron star in a very thin coating. Even Hard Galvorn is
not this dense. It is from various far future settings
including The Morrow Project.

Neutronium is the densest material in Star Trek settings. It

seems to be similar to Collapsium and so is listed here.

Cortosis ore was a very rare, brittle, fibrous material
whose conductive properties caused lightsabers to
temporarily short out upon contact, although the wielder
could solve this problem by turning the blade back on after
a few minutes. This effect made cortosis a useful material
for anti-lightsaber melee weapons, though with repeated
strikes, a lightsaber could still cut through it. Cortosis,
due to its heat and energy resistant properties, was also
resistant to blaster fire and thus used in armor,
fortresses, and star destroyer hulls. It had several forms.

Raw un-refined Cortosis ore was dangerous to the touch and

could kill living beings. It is naturally a gray lead like
material that when broken contains a fiber-like
construction, somewhat like asbestos.

Cortosis Weave is an alloy covered with Cortosis that could

block a lightsaber but not short it out. Micro-fibers, not
unlike carbon nanotubes, form the basis for this armor

Cortosis Shield is a strong alloyed armor material that is

safe to touch (like weave) blocks lightsaber attacks (or at
least can take many hits before giving way) and can short
out lightsabers that strike it. It can be used for both
weapons and armor. It is a dull satin finish black to dark
gray colored metal. These alloys are found in Star Wars

Crystal Shell Material -- see Galvorn.

Crysteel -- see Plasteel.

A hard wood that is nevertheless very light (from 3rd
edition AD&D). It also takes enchantment very easily.

Deep Crystal
Deep crystal is crystal of above-average quality found at
the hearts of large veins or deposits of mundane crystal
(from 3.5 edition AD&D). Deep crystal is renowned for its
strength and its psionically resonant nature. Deep crystal
is used for many items of psionic manufacture, such as
dorjes, power stones, and psicrystals.

A weapon made of deep crystal is no different from a mundane

crystal weapon for a nonpsionic character, but a psionic
wielder of a deep crystal weapon can focus psionic power
through it, increasing the damage that weapon deals. As a
free action, that does not provoke attacks of opportunity,
the wielder can channel psionic power into a melee weapon or
ranged weapon made of deep crystal. For 2 power points, the
deep crystal weapon deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. The
weapon will stay charged for 1 minute or until it scores its
next hit. Bows, crossbows, and slings bestow this power on
their ammunition. All missile weapons lose this effect if
they miss. However, they may be recovered and charged again.

Any weapon made of deep crystal costs 1,000 gp more than its
noncrystal counterpart. Any item could potentially be made
out of deep crystal. Because deep crystal armor is
considered to be made out of metal, druids cannot wear it.

Deep crystal has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and a

hardness of 10.

Dilithium crystals are very rare in Star Trek settings and
the crystals can store and direct energy. When properly cut,
they can direct massive amounts of energy. In magic based
worlds, they might be useless baubles, or catalysts of
tremendous power. Trilithium is another form of the crystal
that is highly unstable and can stop all the fusion in a
star. Trilithium has no practical (non-weapon) use.

Dramadine appears in two forms blue-green (feminine) and
red-purple (masculine). There is no difference in their
function other than having two or more red crystals or two
or more blue crystals offers no benefit. However, one of
each join to form a red-blue shimmering to green-purple
crystal that has vastly enhanced powers. Multiple joined
crystals offer no extra benefits.

A single crystal, either red or blue, allows casting spells

at double all effects range, duration, effect, etc. and
all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells cast by the caster
(forgotten or not) can be recalled. All spells are also cast
at 2 levels higher than normal. This applies to psionic
power, Ki power, cleric magic, witch magic, wizard spells,
and other inherent powers or abilities. Even dragon breath
is effected. Powers that have no duration, such as the gaze
of a Medusa, are saved at at -2 from normal.

A joined crystal doubles all effects and allows spells up to

5th level to be recalled. Spells are cast 4 levels higher.
All powers are effected as before with saves at -4. [Greyhawk
Adventures Books]

In future Gamma Tera campaigns, Duracrete is a liquid or dry
mix duro-concrete made from a special cement mixture and
Duralloy particles. It sets rapidly and is usually shaped by
force shield forms as it bonds to any other form (mold)
permanently. It has more heat resistant properties and
radiation resistant properties than Duralloy alone. Also all
force directed against it is directed outward at 90 degrees
such that flaking of the outer surface occurs in layers.
There is never any spawling on the interior surface. It
must, therefore, be blasted through in stages.

Mixing hard particles like diamonds or Boron Carbide
crystals as fill and powered Aluminum binder and baking at
high temperature produces a ceramic cement, hence cerment.
In future Gamma Tera campaigns, Dura-cerment is a cerment
based on this idea using Duralloy as the binder and other
various crystals as the fill. It is completely resistant to
laser torch cutting (which usually can cut Duralloy) and
strongly resists even Thorium fusion torch cutting.
Normally, even Duralloy falls under a fusion torch, but

Dura-cerment can resist for long periods, thus exposing the
torch operator to high levels of radiation.

Duraglass -- see Mithril (Duralloy).

In future campaigns, this is a super strong rubber-like
material made with some Duralloy.

Duralloy -- see Mithril (Duralloy).

In future campaigns, this is a super strong rope and fiber
made with Duralloy filaments.

Durang (Elv. "Dark-iron")

This dark gray alloy is another favorite of the dwarves.
Unlike the other steels, it oxidizes with a deep-black
patina. Fused of Ang (iron) and Gloin (Dw. "True-coal" or
"Carbon"), and Thingil (Elv. "gray star") it is the
strongest and hardest of the non-enchanted metals. More
difficult to forge than Adarcer, it cannot be worked without
a greater forge and a master smith. Basically, it is similar
to a cobalt-chromium alloy with tungsten carbide. This is a
common real material rather than a fantasy material but is
included here for completeness of terminology.

Duranium -- see Naquadah.

Duro-concrete - see Duracrete.

In future Gamma Tera campaigns, this is the hardest plastic
armor made from some amounts of Duralloy. It is a metal
plastic alloy. It does not have the heat resistance of true
Duralloy but is tougher.

Duro-demi-diamond-plus Concrete
In future Gamma Tera campaigns, this is the hardest material
known. It is made from Collapsium, Duro-demi-diamond-plus,
and Duralloy particles and fibers. It is a cerment
(ceramic cement) made from metal plastic alloys and

Ectoplasm is a psionic/magical substance formed by the power
of the mind. It forms the bodies of ghosts and other magical

creatures, as well as many magically substances. It is much
like a gray vapor but can be as hard as Adamantine steel. In
harder forms, it is often a neutral gray color.

Eog (Elv. "El's Iron")

This is the fantasy name for titanium. Eog is the Elven word
for it. The Dwarves call it Hizagkuur. It is said to be a
hidden Elven recipe from the House of El but the only
recipe is the secret process of its processing. It is simply
titanium. Eog is one of the rarest metals. Eog requires both
hot and cold forging of an intensity necessitating magical
furnaces. Eog can be made with different tints, blue, green,
red, orange, silver, and gold are all common. Normally it is
gray silver. This formula is one the elves will not trade
with the dwarves, just as the latter will not divulge the
secret of Javednur. The finished product is incredibly hard
and strong, more so than Ithilnaur and Javednur. Moreover,
it holds an edge sharper than all materials other than the
magical materials of Mithril, Orichalcum, Adamantite and
Hard Galvorn. This is a common real material rather than a
fantasy material but is included here for completeness of

Eternal Ice
In the cold wastes where the pressures of glaciers wear upon
the ice, deposits of Eternal or Hard Ice can be found. This
ice is incredibly hard and can be cut/forged into sharp
weapons. It resists heat much better than ice, taking years
to melt, but non-magical weapons made of Eternal Ice will
eventually melt in warm climes, unless treated with powerful

Ether is an insubstantial gray and luminous mist similar to
Ectoplasm. Like Ectoplasm, harder, denser islands of it form
in the Etheric Plane where it is found. It can also manifest
in the etheric bodies of certain magical beings.

Feanaur (Elv. "Spirit-fire")

It is a secret of the elves and thought to be part of the
light of Great Trees in solid form.

Femanin -- see Mithril.

Fire Marble -- see Lumashella.

First Trees. The first trees of the elves were the white wood
trees of the moon and the yellow wood trees of the dawn.
First wood made from the first trees always can heal itself
even though long cut. A 1,000 year old spear that breaks can
be set together and "healed" by itself. Red wood trees of
the twilight also existed as well as corrupted black wood
trees of the night. All the first trees are now gone (at
least from Greyhawk). Remaining wood stocks or weapon hafts,
and bows, are treated as relics. [Fred Haskell]

Fixated Mercury - see Metallica.

Fixed Mercury - see Metallica.

Galvorn (Elv. "Shining Black") (Soft and True Galvorn)

Galvorn is the rarest metal in the world. Galvorn is
impossibly strong yet malleable and resists cuts and
punctures, the ultimate armor material. It can sometimes be
found in meteorites. First developed by the legendary El,
and it is said, introduced to him by Annatar, Galvorn can be
alloyed with Angilian, Mithril and Gold and it becomes a
soft malleable non-porous cloth, yet it resists cuts and
punctures. This was the first form of Galvorn made. Called
Soft Galvorn, cloaks made from it are superior to Elven
mithril chain mail. Soft Galvorn shines black like wet
sealskin and is almost impossible to puncture.

Galvorn is interesting in that it has two distinct forms

both called Galvorn. The first, Soft Galvorn, is an alloy.
True or Hard Galvorn was made from the raw meteoric ore and
is the strongest substance known (magical or otherwise) and
the most difficult to work with. Extremely hot forges and
tough smithing tools are necessary to work with this
material effectively. The twin swords of El were made from
True Galvorn. True Galvorn is similar to the natural state
of the material. It is more crystal than metal. It is the
same material as the Black Crystal Shell Material of the

Hard Galvorn is lustrous black in appearance, causing the

uneducated to mistake it for Laen. Due to its enchanted
nature, it has the same affinity to magic as Ithilnaur.
Essentially, it is the ultimate metal for both arms and

Hard Galvorn is sometimes called Obdurium in D&D campaigns

and is said to be harder and more durable than adamantine

(hardness 30, 60 HP per inch). Galvorn is worth 1 oz.=

In future campaigns, Hard Galvorn is the same as Krell

Steel. Krell Steel is a hard, dark, dense steel from far
future worlds. To far future weapons, it has the same
resistance as Collapsium.

Glasteel can be any glass or crystal that has had glasteel
cast on it and made permanent. Obsidian, glass, leaded
crystal, quartz, diamond, and other gemstones can be made
this way. Once turned into Glasteel, the glass (or other
clear material) can be pounded like steel. It is soft and
can be forged. Sonics effect it like metal as well. However,
it retains its original melting point. Therefore, diamond or
quartz Glasteel is better to have.

Gloin (Dw. "True-coal" or "Carbon") - Simple Carbon.

This is a common real material rather than a fantasy
material but is included here for completeness of

Gravwood is similar to Liftwood but does not repel gravity.
It is simply not effected at all by gravity. It is a dense
hardwood that can be used to build levitating spelljammers
or other ships. It grows in wildspace around a gas nebula.
(from the web by Scott McCarroll)

Harbenite (cork metal) -- see Mithril.

Hard Ice - see Eternal Ice.

Is a metal which resonates with anything it strikes, and
which adds a small bit of sound damage. An armor-buster, if
you use it right. The Singing Sword (Gram) was made with
this metal and a handle of Rhinegold.

Hithlane Rope
Hithlane is a rare vine that Elves can make into an
incredibly strong and lightweight rope.

Hizagkuur - see Eog.

Ithildin moon sight

Ithildin is a decorative silver metal that glows when
exposed to moonlight. In the light, it appears as normal
silver. It is often used to inlay magic runes or writings in

Ithilnaur (Elv. "Moon-fire")

Ithilnaur is an enchanted alloy of the elves made from
Mithril, Borang (steel), Eog (titanium), and Feanaur (Elv.
"Spirit-fire"). Since it is made primarily from Mithril it
retains the beautiful, shining, silver appearance. It is a
fabulously strong substance that maintains a superbly keen
edge, and yet is somewhat flexible. While not as light as
Mithril, Ithilnaur is stronger and harder than Durang and
holds an exceptionally sharp edge. Moreover, due to its
enchanted nature, Ithilnaur's most prized quality is its
affinity to magic.

This is the fantasy name for uranium. This is a common real
material rather than a fantasy material but is included here
for completeness of terminology.

Javednur (Dw. "Deep-iron")

Javednur is an enchanted alloy whose production remains a
secret of the dwarves. What is known to others is that it is
forged from Durang and the smelted form of Javednite ore.
The location of any Javednite (uranium) veins and the
process of smelting the ore are unknown to others. Javednur
alloy is very dense, hard, and exceedingly strong. The
dwarves favor its ability to make formidable bludgeoning
weapons, as it is not only hard but heavy (dense).

Kaiburr Crystal
Kaiburr crystal is a very rare light blue crystal attuned to
the Force and used in lightsabers. However, just holding or
being near the crystal enhances one's ability to heal using
the Force and magnifies one's Force power. These crystals
are found in Star Wars campaigns.

Krell Steel -- see Galvorn.

Lakofcite is the decay mineral produced from the breakdown of

Tumkeoite which is the mineral that radiates the Drow

Laen (Elv. "Long Thread")

Also known as "True-glass" by many, the elven name Laen
refers to the incredibly long crystal lattice structure,
allowing for the strength of the material. Laen is an
extremely hard volcanic glass which can be forged into
incredibly keen almost indestructible weapons. Of course,
this does not explain the bizarre property of Laen: it gains
strength and rigidity with heat. Only by chilling to
temperatures beyond cold can it be smelted or forged.
Natural Laen is usually black or smoky, but it can be
smelted clear and tinted any number of transparent colors.
As a result it is often mistaken for Glasteel, or when
colored, Glasteel Ruby, Emerald, etc. Laen is also a popular
medium for magical devices such as enchanted lenses and
jewels. Laen is found in its pure form, there is no
refinement required.

In Space 1889 settings, it is a wood that grows on Mars and
repels gravity.

Liquid Metal
In future Gamma Tera settings, it is a hard material that
becomes liquid and reforms into other objects. A coffee mug
could become a remote control. Computer controlled Liquid
Metal is called Mimetic Polyalloy and can change into many
forms (not just one to another) and even be made into
chameleon robots.

Liquid Naquadah -- see Naquadah.

This is also called Fire Marble. It is a stone from
Forgotten Realms that is brown with small, iridescent opal-
like snails, and weighs about 160 pounds per cubic foot. It
has the natural property of blocking teleportation, as well
as resisting dimensional movement. So it can block etheric
or astral travel or scrying into or out of a room made of

Lunargent - see Moonsilver.

Mandalorian Iron, also know by natives of Mandalor as Baskar,

is made with a secret process and has the strength of high
alloy steels but a third the weight. It is also very
resistant to lightsaber attacks. It resembles normal iron.
It can be alloyed with many other metals including Cortosis
and Phrik. This metal is found in Star Wars campaigns.

Mestare Crystal
Mestare Crystal is a fairly rare clear crystal attuned to
the Force and used in lightsabers. However, lightsabers
using this crystal at the core become curved, like a katana.
All Mestare lightsabers are resistant to the effects of
shorting out when hitting Cortosis. These crystals are found
in Star Wars campaigns.

Metallica is true Mercury. An unfortunate side-effect of
Metallica is that it disturbs mental processes in its
presence and drives most creatures insane. The process of
construction is not difficult but is seldom practiced.
Metallica is generally a liquid but, in the presence of a
magical field can be made rigid. This is sometimes known as
"Fixated Mercury," or "Fixed Mercury." Fixed Mercury is
known as Silvervein. Silvervein is the rigid form of true
Mercury. It is used for magic items, especially those
affecting the mind or involving contrary or reversing magic.

Melange is the spice from Duneworld settings. It has
psychogenic properties and the ability to lengthen
lifespans. The Waters of Life are the converted form of the
highly concentrated melange produced from dying sandworms.

Mimetic Polyalloy -- see Liquid Metal.

A brilliant silver metal that conducts mental energy the way
copper conducts electricity. It is soft and brittle.

Mindwood is one component commonly used by the Arcane in
(space) helm construction. It is a softwood that grows in a
handful of very remote spheres. It has the effect of
enhancing mind-affecting spells, granting a +2
circumstantial bonus to the difficulty check of all spells
and effects that require a will save (2nd edition: -2
penalty to all saves vs. spell).

Mithril (Elv. "True-Silver")

Pure Mithril is in many ways like normal silver: shining
white gray silver but it does not tarnish, hence it always
appears polished. It is also called true silver. (In first
edition AD&D materials and some second edition materials, it

was called mithral, for copyright issues.) More importantly,
it alloys with other metals to produce unique enchanted
metals of incomparable quality. Whenever one travels to
where Mithril is known, it is considered the richest of
metals. Mithril is loved above all materials by dwarves. It
is also treasured by elves, humans, and most other
intelligent races. Mithril is worth 1 oz.= 300gp.

Pure Mithril is rarely used except by the wealthiest.

Usually, it is alloyed with a small amount of Borang
(steel). This alloy retains the name Mithril and represents
the common variety. While not as strong as Adamantite,
Mithril is exceedingly light. A 1-meter triangle that is 1mm
thick weighs a mere 4 grams. Alloyed Mithril has a weight
more like aluminum. It also has tremendous heat resistant
properties. Thus while it takes a sharp edge; it is most
prized in the manufacture of armor. Mithril requires a
greater forge and a master smith.

A corrupt and unholy material is Black Mithril. It is

thought to be only Mithril that has been magically
corrupted. However, some sages suggest that is its own
material and can be found in a natural state. The places
where natural deposits have been found are located in
blighted or demon controlled areas. So the question of its
natural origin is still an open question. Either way it has
unusual properties. It has the same properties in strength
and weight as Mithril (although some say it is not truly as
strong) but it is dull black (will not take a polish) and is
always cold to the touch even when sitting in fire. If it
strikes an enemy small pieces break off and poison the
target. Black mithril is from Arduin settings.

Mithril (Duralloy)
Duralloy is from future Gamma Tera campaigns and is the same
thing as Mithril. It has a density of 0.009238 grams/cubic
centimeter but is stronger than titanium. It will float on
water at this density. In these campaigns, it can also have
a liquid form that hardens into Duralloy. It also has a
clear form known as Duraglass, which is as hard as Duralloy
and has the same properties. It too has a liquid Duraglass

Harbenite is as light as cork and so is called "Cork Metal."

It is the metal used to make a vacuum balloon, or rather a
dirigible, in Tarzan At The Earths Core (Pelucidar). It too
should be considered Mithril/Duralloy.

Trinium, 10 times the strength of steel and one-tenth the
weight is from the SG1 Universe. It is also a form of

Tritanium is from Star Trek settings and is described as

21.4 times as hard as diamond. It is also called pure, at
one point, so is not an alloy. Given its light weight, it
well could be a form of Mithril/Duralloy, and so is listed

Lastly, Femanin or Amazonium, the metal of Wonder Woman's

power bracelets, is Mithril/Duralloy. In her world, it comes
from only one source on her home isle, The Isle of the

Also known as lunargent, moonsilver is considered by the
Lunar Exalted to be a gift from their patron, the moon
goddess. It must be harvested by moonlight, using no crafted
tools, forged at night and cooled only with water that has
never seen the sun. Swords made of moonsilver are more
accurate, bows shoot farther and armor is much lighter. Like
the protean Lunars, moonsilver can shift into new forms

Wood from a tree,or gallows where criminals were hung. It is
used in dark magics and Necromancy.

It is an extremely useful metal used across the SG1
Universe. Stargates are composed of it and most Goa'uld
technology utilizes it. It is the sole metal able to store
enough energy and withstand its release to create a
wormhole. The metal is so important that many planets' sole
task is to mine it, as was the case on Abydos. The SGC uses
liquid naquadah in the form of a reactor to create large
amounts of energy in a portable format for weapons. It can
also be used as a nuclear booster for explosives. Naquadria
is a highly concentrated and explosive form of Naquadah used
for powerful bombs and for the reactors of Stardrives of the
SGC. It is found only on one planet.

Naquadah may be the same as Duranium. Duranium is an

impossibly dense and strong material from Star Trek
settings. Duranium could be a form of Collapsium given its

density or even Duralloy given its ability to absorb energy.
However, it can be mined and is not mentioned as very hard,
only dense and energy absorbent, which would not be like
either Collapsium or Duralloy. It is most likely a form of
Naquadah, as Naquadah can hold enough energy to operate a
stardrive or open a wormhole and yet remain intact. Naquadah
is also not noted as being incredibly hard, just like
Duranium, but it is very energy absorbant. The two seem to
be the same.

Naquadria -- see Naquadah.

This is a fantasy form of dynamite, per Gary Gygaxs early
campaign notes.

Neutronium -- see Collapsium.

Obdurium see Galvorn.

An enchanted alloy, Ogamur remains surprisingly springy and
flexible when drawn into wire - it's used to make metal
fabric, bowstrings, springs, and the like.

Ophir -- see Uru.

Orichalcum (true brass)

This is the metal of Atlantis (not to be confused with
yellow brass made by the Romans). It is a brass gold color
but is as hard as steel. Also called true brass, it is made
from a long lost formula. All Orichalcum today comes from
melted and reworked ancient items. These are few and far
between for two reasons. It was rare in ancient times and it
above all materials, even Mithril, has a great affinity for
magic. As such, most items found made in Orichalcum are
precious or rare magical items, weapons, and armor. So most
who own them do not want to melt them down! Orichalcum is
worth 1 oz.= 750gp.

A strange metal crafted by secretive aventi metallurgists
working near volcanic vents on the ocean floor, pearlsteel
is gleaming, shining steel covered with a blue-white sheen
like mother of pearl. Created from fine steel and rare
silvery pearls found only in the ocean depths where the
pressures alone would kill a land walker, pearlsteel is

highly prized by all undersea races and constitutes a major
trade item for the aventi.

Pearlsteel is very light, especially in water. Pearlsteel

items weigh 25% less than their normal equivalents.
Pearlsteel also slices more smoothly through the resistance
that water presents. When a slashing weapon made of
pearlsteel is used in the water, its to hit is reduced by
-1 rather than the normal -2 for fighting in the water with
a slashing weapon, and its damage is reduced by -2 instead
of half. Likewise, damage dealt underwater by a bludgeoning
weapon made of pearlsteel is reduced by -2 rather than
reduced by half.

Phlogiston is an insubstantial and semi-luminous mist that
exists outside the crystal spheres of the planes. It is
somewhat yellow in color but appears to form a rainbow ocean
of sorts when viewed from a distance. It is also EXTREMELY
flammable to the point of being explosive. It is very
penetrating and can find its way into most any container, so
shielding the touch of open flame from it is almost an
impossible task on a spelljamming vessel. It CANNOT exist
for any length of time inside a crystal sphere, at least not
a closed sphere. The results of a fire body contacting the
phlogiston when a sphere is not closed, such as a broken
sphere, are too terrible to contemplate. Its properties are
unaffected by anti-magic rays, anti-magic spheres,
Sargassos, or even magic dead areas.

Phrik is a dull gray lightsaber (blaster) resistant alloy
used in armor and found in Star Wars campaigns.

Plasteel (Crysteel)
In future Gamma Tera campaigns, it is a high tech alloy of
steel and plastic. Crysteel is a similar clear material. It
is very strong, but very light. Both Plasteel and Crysteel
can come in liquid forms that can harden into the true

Pontite Crystal
Pontite Crystals are the rarest and most powerful type of
Adegan (from Adegan) lightsaber crystals followed by Mephite
and then Kathracite (all three are clear). Relacite and then
Danite were weaker blue crystals with the weakest and most

common being green Ilum crystals (from Ilum). These are
found in Star Wars campaigns.

Purple Diamond
Naturally occurring purple diamond is so rare originally
only one was found. It is an actual real world material.

Purple Lapis Lazuli

Naturally occurring purple lapis lazuli is very very rare.
Only a single 1,000kg deposit was ever found. It is an
actual real world material.

Qixoni Crystal
Qixoni Crystal is an exceedingly rare red crystal attuned to
the Force and used in lightsabers. However, just holding or
being near the crystal enhances one's Force ability. These
crystals were primarily used by the Sith but were not
unknown to Jedi. These crystals are found in Star Wars

Quaborum (true lead)

This substance retains the same general pliability and
weight of the more mundane lead but it has twice the magic
resistance. In addition, it is resistant to x-ray vision or
magic passing through it. It is also virtually impossible to
teleport through.

Rare Earths
The gathered multi-colored salts of alchemy. They contain
and act as a channel for the alchemists will in making
alchemical items. When processed with great heat for a long
time, a deep red element, Carmot, is revealed and is used in
the making of the Philosophers Stone.

In future Gamma Tera campaigns, this substance can duplicate
itself or rather reproduce. It is a nanite (micro-robot)
based material that absorbs silicon and other materials from
the surrounding environment and builds as needed to repair
itself. Unlike Cleaver Metal, which only "heals," or Liquid
Metal, which only changes form, and not volume, Replicon can
replace intricate parts of itself or "grow."

Rhinegold -- see Uru.

Raime' crystals are from The Star Wars universe and act like
piezoelectric crystals but instead of converting mechanical

and electrical energy back and forth, they convert the

The crystals detect concentrations of the Force and produce

an electrical current. Or a current can be applied to them
to produce a wave in the Force. They can be used to let
Droids detect Force use or send out a Force call to their
masters. They otherwise grant no known Force use to Droids.
[Fred Haskell]

It is a magical creation as hard as diamond and clear as
water. When broken or destroyed it dissipates. It is a
product of ancient Suel magic. It is from Gygax's Gord
books. It is as heavy as quartz.

Rodinium is an alloyed substance from Star Trek settings. It
is an alloy that is, most likely, a laminant containing rods
or strings of diamond or a Duralloy-like material.

Sea Silk -- see Bysus.

Shadowsteel is made of shadow stuff from the Plane of
Shadow. It has the same properties as Adamantite but only
has its maximum power in shadow (or in the Plane of Shadow).
In daylight or darkness its powers are diminished, but not
lost. It is also lighter than Adamantite or Adamantine
Steel. It is as light as Mithril but still as strong as pure
Adamantite, at least when in full shadow.

Silvervein - see Metallica.

This is sn extremely rare gemstone that resembles pale
yellow glass. In its polished state it records all light and
images coming at its outward face and by being held and
concentrating it reveals what has passed for the last
fourteen days. There is no front of back. Each side reveals
what transpired opposite its facing. So the front of a stone
on a necklace would only show a lady's chest skin for the
last two weeks, while the back would show all she had seen.
The sides would reveal likewise in 360. As such it is never
mounted in a backed setting. When broken, slowglass creates
a 20' radius field of slowtime that lasts about 30 minutes
but only 2 seconds inside the field. The value is 2,000

times that of white diamond, carat per carat. [Greyhawk Classics

Smoke Powder
Smoke Powder is a magical form of gun powder that works in
Wildspace. The formula is as for gun powder (sulfur, willow
wood charcoal, and potassium chloride or ammonium chloride)
combined with a dram of alchemical rare earths.

From The Demonweb Pits module (AD&D 1st ed.), it is
described as a gold color like polished brass that upon
reflection is a clear substance with thousands of soul faces
pushing on it as on a flat surface. This requires close
inspection as the faces are very small. The surface appears
to move with the faces or shimmer at a distance, but is
smooth, gold and unmoving. It is VERY hard, as hard as
Adamantite, but it has the affinity for magic of orichalcum.
It can only be forged in the outer planes. It has a weight
similar to steel and is EXTREMELY slippery, almost
frictionless, even greasy feeling.

Spider Silk Rope

Spider silk products are mainly seen in far future campaigns
and fantasy campaigns. Spider silk can stretch a great deal
and is stronger than steel cable of the same diameter.
Spider Silk rope is mainly seen in fantasy campaigns. In
future settings, it makes fantastic padded armor and bullet
proof vests.

Starmetal - see Angilian.

Sternenstahl (Star Steel)

From time to time, a meteor comes from the endless depths of
outer space down to earth. These stones often contain a
metal called Sternenstahl, which can be enchanted to free
its great magic power. The stones are magical because they
collect raw magic on their way between the stars.

Sternenstahl can be enchanted into many different forms. An

amulet of Sternenstahl carried by a magician enhances his
spellcasting ability. He only has to spend half (round up)
the needed magic points on all spells. Alternatively, it
could give him +1 to +3 on Resistance rolls. Weapons of this
black metal count as magical weapon and can injure demons or
other magical creatures, which are not harmed by normal
weapons. Wounds made by this weapons do not heal normally.

Bonds forged out of Sternenstahl will prevent a sorcerer
from casting spells. There are surely other possibilities.
It is a very valuable metal from an Elric setting.

Stygium Crystal
Stygium Crystal is a very rare clear crystal with silver
rutilations that help channel the Force. The crystals are
attuned to the Force and used in lightsabers. However, just
holding or being near the crystal enhances one's ability to
become invisible and any other Force stealth abilities like
moving silently or clouding others minds with obfuscation
(seeing the Jedi everywhere and nowhere, disappearing into
the crowd). These powers are magnified even more when the
crystal is cut, focused, and placed in a lightsaber. These
crystals are found in Star Wars campaigns.

Substare is an ancient and extremely rare material that is
black and crystalline. It is as hard as Adamantite. It is an
alloy forged by being woven with and bonded by psionic
powers (from 3rd edition), forged of the mind, not of fire.
It is, literally, vacuum squeezed and compressed in to a
solid. The process and physics behind this are too
complicated for any but an entity with an intelligence of 24
to understand. Substare is almost weightless, has very
little inertia, and is incredibly resilient. A 10 foot thick
layer will resist Disintigration virtually all of the time
(Fort save +30) and has a hardness of 100, with 10000 hit

Suel Green Metal

From the technology of the ancient Suloise. It is as hard as
mithril and when cut or scratched becomes more polished and
reflective. It is from Gygax's Gord books.

Swainsten - see Cavorite.

Swainstenium -- See Cavorite.

It is a fiery red metal, about the weight of iron. It can be
worked into a smooth finish and said to make a weapon
unbreakable. Weapon blades fashioned of it will cut nearly
anything they touch, except stone. In game terms, a
tantulhor edged weapon scores +2 damage. This metal is found
only in the Nine Hells. When tantulhor is crafted in

diabolic magic forges, it hardens greatly and gives items
three times the hardness of iron and twice the durability.

An enchanted white ore, Tasarang is springy, but doesn't
stretch so cannot be made into good wires. It is used to
make excellent bows.

Thingil (Elv. "gray star")

This is a gray metal used by the Dwarves. It is possibly
tungsten. It is used in the hardest alloy weapons. If
tungsten, it is a common real material rather than a fantasy
material but is included here for completeness of

The chain with which Melkor/Morgoth was wrapped in the war
of the Gods was made of Tilkal. Aul smithied the chain of
six different metals (copper, silver, tin, lead, iron, and
gold). The metal he had blended of these he called Tilkal.
The color of Tilkal was bright green or red in varying
lights; it had all the properties of the six metals and
several of its own. It was a substance of uttermost
hardness, brightness and smoothness and only Aul could
forge it. The chain was named Angainor, "the oppressor," and
manacles called Vorotemnar, "that binds forever," and
fetters named Ilterindi, "that might not be filed or cleft."
Tilkal is very specifically a Lord of the Rings setting
material. ["Behold, Aul now gathered six metals, copper,
silver, tin, lead, iron, and gold, and taking a portion of
each made with his magic a seventh which he named therefore
tilkal, and this had all the properties of the six and many
of its own. It's colour was bright green or red in varying
lights and it could not be broken, and Aul alone could
forge it. Thereafter he forged a mighty chain, making of it
all seven metals welded with spells to a substance of
uttermost hardness and brightness and smoothness, but of
tilkal he had not sufficient to add more than a little to
each link. Nonetheless he made two manacles of tilkal only
and four fetters likewise. Now the chain was named Angainor,
the oppressor, and the manacles Vorotemnar that bind for
ever, but the fetters Ilterendi for they might not be filed
or cleft."
The Book of Lost Tales 1, Chapter IV, "The Chaining of

Although, the chain Againor was broken it was only part
tilkal. In any case tilkal would seem to the hardest
material possible, even harder than Galvorn or Adamantite.
It is extremely heavy and is probably magnetic. It is so
rare as to be mythical even in a fantasy setting.

Tinium (true tin)

This metal is light but not terribly strong. It also is an
Atlantian metal. It cannot hold magic at all but is an
excellent channeler of magical energy. The process for its
manufacture or synthesis is unknown but ancient worked
pieces can be found in foil, wire, bars, and struts.
Essentially, it is a magical wire for moving magic power, as
in magical constructs (as were built by the Ancients and

Trilithium -- see Dilithium.

Trinium -- see Mithril (Duralloy).

Tritanium -- see Mithril (Duralloy).

Tumkeoite (besides being named for Tom Keoit) is the
radioactive substance that lights the Underdark of the Drow
Homeland. Pieces of it are used in arcane Drow magic items
and in Drow Spelljammers. It decays into Lakofcite.

Uru is Asgardian metal. It has powerful etheric and
spiritual properties that allow it to transfer its user's
energy into itself. A sword or hammer made of Uru can absorb
the power of its wielder and become more powerful in battle.
The hammer of Thor, Mjolnir, and the spear of Odin, Gungnir,
were made of Uru. The hilt of the sword Gram was also of
this material. It is also known as Rhinegold or Aurum (true
gold). It is the highest stage of refined gold and is also
called Ophir, by the Dwarves.

Waters of Life -- see Melange.


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