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NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: Party Initiating Government Private

In rem Individual

Compulsory Subject Private and Public Private and

Matter Public Lands
In opinion of Phil president pursuant to requirement of public
Ownership Government does not Ownership is
interest, title of land within a specified area needs to be assert ownership asserted
settled and adjudicated Interested only in
notice to persons claiming interest in lands & to gen public of settlement of titles
day of survey published in the official Gazette posted in Survey Government On account of
conspicuous place on lands to be surveyed undertakes survey and owner
advances expenses
Geodetic engineers commences survey boundaries are
marked by monuments As to risk In absence of Applicant has
successful claimant, a n o t h e r
FILING OF PETITION property goes to chance to
Sol Gen institutes cadastral proceeding by filing government claim his
petition in court
w i t h o u t

Any person claiming interest in any part of lands

subject to petition is required to file answer
Lands already titled cannot be the subject of cadastral
HEARING OF CASE proceedings.
Conflicting claims are determined Decision declaring land as public land not a bar to a
subsequent action for confirmation of title over the same
Claimants are notified of decision
! Section 39. Preparation of decree and Certificate of Title.
ISSUANCE OF DECREE AND CERTIFICATE OF TITLE After the judgment directing the registration of title to land
has become final, the court shall, within fifteen days from
entry of judgment, issue an order directing the Commissioner
to issue the corresponding decree of registration and duplicate is ready for delivery to him upon payment of legal
certificate of title. The clerk of court shall send, within fees.
fifteen days from entry of judgment, certified copies of the
judgment and of the order of the court directing the !
Commissioner to issue the corresponding decree of Section 41. Owner's duplicate certificate of title. The owner's
registration and certificate of title, and a certificate stating duplicate certificate of title shall be delivered to the
that the decision has not been amended, reconsidered, nor registered owner or to his duly authorized representative. If
appealed, and has become final. Thereupon, the two or more perone owner's duplicate certificate may be
Commissioner shall cause to be prepared the decree of issued for the whole landsons are registered owners,, or if
registration as well as the original and duplicate of the the co-owners so desire, a separate duplicate may be issued
corresponding original certificate of title. The original to each of them in like form, but all outstanding certificates
certificate of title shall be a true copy of the decree of of title so issued shall be surrendered whenever the Register
registration. The decree of registration shall be signed by the of Deeds shall register any subsequent voluntary transaction
Commissioner, entered and filed in the Land Registration affecting the whole land or part thereof or any interest
Commission. The original of the original certificate of title therein. The Register of Deeds shall note on each certificate
shall also be signed by the Commissioner and shall be sent, of title a statement as to whom a copy thereof was issued.
together with the owner's duplicate certificate, to the
Register of Deeds of the city or province where the property !
is situated for entry in his registration book.
Section 42. Registration Books. The original copy of the
! original certificate of title shall be filed in the Registry of
Deeds. The same shall be bound in consecutive order
Memoranda of encumbrances not admissible as proof of the together with similar certificates of title and shall constitute
contents of the registered documents the registration book for titled properties.
Tax declarations cannot defeat conclusiveness of a certificate
of title
Section 43. Transfer Certificate of Title. The subsequent
! certificate of title that may be issued by the Register of
Section 40. Entry of Original Certificate of Title. Upon Deeds pursuant to any voluntary or involuntary instrument
receipt by the Register of Deeds of the original and duplicate relating to the same land shall be in like form, entitled
copies of the original certificate of title the same shall be "Transfer Certificate of Title", and likewise issued in
entered in his record book and shall be numbered, dated, duplicate. The certificate shall show the number of the next
signed and sealed by the Register of Deeds with the seal of previous certificate covering the same land and also the fact
his office. Said certificate of title shall take effect upon the that it was originally registered, giving the record number,
date of entry thereof. The Register of Deeds shall forthwith the number of the original certificate of title, and the
send notice by mail to the registered owner that his owner's
volume and page of the registration book in which the latter An encumbrance is a burden upon land, depreciative of its
is found. value, such as a lien, easement, or servitude, which, though
! adverse to the interest of the landowner, does not conflict
with his conveyance of the land in fee.
Section 44. Statutory liens affecting title. Every registered
owner receiving a certificate of title in pursuance of a
decree of registration, and every subsequent purchaser of Section 46. General incidents of registered land. Registered
registered land taking a certificate of title for value and in land shall be subject to such burdens and incidents as may
good faith, shall hold the same free from all encumbrances arise by operation of law. Nothing contained in this decree
except those noted in said certificate and any of the shall in any way be construed to relieve registered land or
following encumbrances which may be subsisting, namely: the owners thereof from any rights incident to the relation of
husband and wife, landlord and tenant, or from liability to
First. Liens, claims or rights arising or existing under the laws attachment or levy on execution, or from liability to any lien
and Constitution of the Philippines which are not by law of any description established by law on the land and the
required to appear of record in the Registry of Deeds in order buildings thereon, or on the interest of the owner in such
to be valid against subsequent purchasers or encumbrancers land or buildings, or to change the laws of descent, or the
of record. Second. Unpaid real estate taxes levied and rights of partition between co-owners, or the right to take
assessed within two years immediately preceding the the same by eminent domain, or to relieve such land from
acquisition of any right over the land by an innocent liability to be recovered by an assignee in insolvency or
purchaser for value, without prejudice to the right of the trustee in bankcruptcy under the laws relative to
government to collect taxes payable before that period from preferences, or to change or affect in any way other rights or
the delinquent taxpayer alone. Third. Any public highway or liabilities created by law and applicable to unregistered land,
private way established or recognized by law, or any except as otherwise provided in this Decree.
government irrigation canal or lateral thereof, if the
certificate of title does not state that the boundaries of such !
highway or irrigation canal or lateral thereof have been
determined. Fourth. Any disposition of the property or Section 47. Registered land not subject to prescriptions. No
limitation on the use thereof by virtue of, or pursuant to, title to registered land in derogation of the title of the
Presidential Decree No. 27 or any other law or regulations on registered owner shall be acquired by prescription or adverse
agrarian reform. possession.

! !
A lien is a charge on property usually for the payment of Registered owner may be barred from recovering possession
some debt or obligation. through laches.
Elements of laches (a) Conduct on the part of the defendant, Plaintiffs filed a complaint against defendant for quieting of
or of one under whom he claims, giving rise to the situation title and damages. They alleged that upon their return from
of which complaint is made for which the complaint seeks a the United States, they found that the property was occupied
remedy; and cultivated by the defendant. In his answer, defendant
interposed a counterclaim that Plaintiffs obtained their title
(b) Delay in asserting the complainants rights, the to the property through fraud. Defendant prayed that the
complainant having had knowledge or notice of the complaint be dismissed, that he be declared the owner of
defendants conduct and having been afforded an the property, and that the title of Plaintiffs be cancelled.
opportunity to institute a suit;
Is there collateral attack?
(c) Lack of knowledge or notice on the part of the defendant
that the complainant would assert the right on which he A direct attack on the title may be made in a counterclaim
bases his suit; and or third-party complaint.
(d) Injury or prejudice to the defendant in the event relief is !
accorded to the complainant, or the suit is not held to be
barred. SEC. 49. Splitting, or consolidation of titles. A registered
owner of several distinct parcels of land embraced in and
! covered by a certificate of title desiring in lieu thereof
separate certificates, each containing one or more parcels,
Section 48. Certificate not subject to collateral attack. A may file a written request for that purpose with the Register
certificate of title shall not be subject to collateral attack. It of Deeds concerned, and the latter, upon the surrender of
cannot be altered, modified, or canceled except in a direct the owners duplicate, shall cancel it together with its
proceeding in accordance with law. original and issue in lieu thereof separate certificates as
! desired. A registered owner of several distinct parcels of land
covered by separate certificates of title desiring to have in
An action is deemed an attack on a title when the object of lieu thereof a single certificate for the whole land, or several
the action or proceeding is to nullify the title, and thus certificates for the different parcels thereof, may also file a
challenge the judgment pursuant to which the title was written request with the Register of Deeds concerned, and
decreed. the latter, upon the surrender of the owners duplicates,
shall cancel them together with their originals, and issue in
The attack is direct when the object of the action is to annul
lieu thereof one or separate certificates as desired.
or set aside such judgment, or enjoin its enforcement.
The attack is indirect or collateral when, in an action to
obtain a different relief, an attack on the judgment is SUBSEQUENT REGISTRATION
nevertheless made as an incident thereof.
SEC. 51. Conveyance and other dealings by registered owner. !
An owner of registered land may convey, mortgage, lease,
charge or otherwise deal with the same in accordance with SEC. 53. Presentation of owners duplicate upon entry of new
existing laws. He may use such forms of deeds, mortgages, certificate. No voluntary instrument shall be registered by
leases or other voluntary instruments as are sufficient in law. the Register of Deeds, unless the owners duplicate
But no deed, mortgage, lease, or other voluntary instrument, certificate is presented with such instrument, except in cases
except a will purporting to convey or affect registered land expressly provided for in this Decree or upon order of the
shall take effect as a conveyance or bind the land, but shall court, for cause shown. The production of the owners
operate only as a contract between the parties and as duplicate certificate, whenever any voluntary instrument is
evidence of authority to the Register of Deeds to make presented for registration, shall be conclusive authority from
registration. the registered owner to the Register of Deeds to enter a new
certificate or to make a memorandum of registration in
The act of registration shall be the operative act to convey accordance with such instrument, and the new certificate or
or affect the land insofar as third persons are concerned, and memorandum shall be binding upon the registered owner and
in all cases under this Decree, the registration shall be made upon all persons claiming under him, in favor of every
in the office of the Register of Deeds for the province or city purchaser for value and in good faith. In all cases of
where the land lies. registration procured by fraud, the owner may pursue all his
! legal and equitable remedies against the parties to such
fraud without prejudice, however, to the rights of any
SEC. 52. Constructive notice upon registration. Every innocent holder for value of a certificate of title. After the
conveyance, mortgage, lease, lien, attachment, order, entry of the decree of registration on the original petition or
judgment, instrument or entry affecting registered land application, any subsequent registration procured by the
shall, if registered, filed or entered in the office of the presentation of a forged duplicate certificate of title, or a
Register of Deeds for the province or city where the land to forged deed or other instrument, shall be null and void.
which it relates lies, be constructive notice to all persons
from the time of such registering, filing or entering.
Villasor vs. Camon, GR No. 8551, June 29, 1951
Registration is constructive notice to third persons.
The mere registration by the ROD in the entry or day book of
A purchaser who has knowledge of defect of his vendors a voluntary instrument, without the presentation of the
title cannot claim good faith. duplicate certificate of title of the owner for corresponding
Actual notice equivalent of registration annotation of the conveyance, does not have the effect of a
conveyance of a property. For the registration of voluntary
Ministerial Duty of the ROD instrument, it is necessary, not only to register the deed,
instrument or assignment, mortgage, or lease in the entry
Registration may be denied for failure to file required
book, but a memorandum thereof shall also be made in the proof only of the existence of the transaction or judicial
owners duplicate certificate and on its original. order, and a notice to the whole world
! !
DBP vs Acting Register of Deeds of Nueva Ecija National SEC. 55. Grantees name, nationality, etc., to be stated.
Housing Authority vs Basa Every deed or other voluntary instrument presented for
registration shall contain or have endorsed upon it the full
Entry alone produces the effect of registration, whether the name, nationality, residence and postal address of the
transaction is a voluntary or involuntary one, so long as the grantee or other person acquiring or claiming an interest
registrant has complied with all that is required of him for under such instrument, and every deed shall also state
purposes of entry and annotation, and nothing more remains whether the grantee is married or unmarried, and if married,
to be done but a duty incumbent solely on the register of the name in full of the husband or wife. If the grantee is a
deeds. corporation or association, the instrument must contain a
SEC. 54. Dealings less than ownership, how registered. No recital to show that such corporation or association is legally
new certificate shall be entered or issued pursuant to any qualified to acquire private lands. Any change in the
instrument which does not divest the ownership or title from residence or postal address of such person shall be endorsed
the owner or from the transferee of the registered owners. by the Register of Deeds on the original copy of the
All interests in registered land less than ownership shall be corresponding certificate of title, upon receiving a sworn
registered by filing with the Register of Deeds the instrument statement of such change. All names and addresses shall also
which creates or transfers or claims such interests and by a be entered on all certificates. Notices and processes issued
brief memorandum thereof made by the Register of Deeds in relation to registered land in pursuance of this Decree may
upon the certificate of title, and signed by him. A similar be served upon any person in interest by mailing the same to
memorandum shall also be made on the owners duplicate. the addresses given, and shall be binding, whether such
The cancellation or extinguishment of such interests shall be person resides within or without the Philippines, but the
registered in the same manner. court may, in its discretion, require further or other notice to
be given in any case, if in its opinion the interest of justice
Memorandum of encumbrances so requires.
At the dorsal side of a certificate of title is a memorandum
of encumbrances affecting the property. It is here that all
interests in registered land less than ownership shall be SEC. 56. Primary Entry Book; fees; certified copies. Each
entered by the ROD. Register of Deeds shall keep a primary entry book in which,
upon payment of the entry fee, he shall enter, in the order of
Not admissible as proofs of the contents of the document to their reception, all instruments including copies of writs and
which it relates processes filed with him relating to registered land. He shall,
as a preliminary process in registration, note in such book the
date, hour and minute of reception of all instruments, in the SEC. 57. Procedure in registration of conveyances. An
order in which they were received. They shall be regarded as owner desiring to convey his registered land in fee simple
registered from the time so noted, and the memorandum of shall execute and register a deed of conveyance in a form
each instrument, when made on the certificate of title to sufficient in law. The Register of Deeds shall thereafter make
which it refers, shall bear the same date: Provided, That the out in the registration book a new certificate of title to the
national government as well as the provincial and city grantee and shall prepare and deliver to him an owners
governments shall be exempt from the payment of such fees duplicate certificate. The Register of Deeds shall note upon
in advance in order to be entitled to entry and registration. the original and duplicate certificate the date of transfer,
Every deed or other instrument, whether voluntary or the volume and page of the registration book in which the
involuntary, so filed with the Register of Deeds shall be new certificate is registered and a reference by number to
numbered and indexed and endorsed with a reference to the the last preceding certificate. The original and the owners
proper certificate of title. All records and papers relative to duplicate of the grantors certificate shall be stamped
registered land in the office of the Register of Deeds shall be cancelled. The deed of conveyance shall be filled and
open to the public in the same manner as court records, indorsed with the number and the place of registration of the
subject to such reasonable regulations as the Register of certificate of title of the land conveyed.
Deeds, under the direction of the Commissioner of Land
Registration, may prescribe. All deeds and voluntary Section 58. Procedure where conveyance involves portion of
instruments shall be presented with their respective copies land. If a deed or conveyance is for a part only of the land
and shall be attested and sealed by the Register of Deeds, described in a certificate of title, the Register of Deeds shall
endorsed with the file number, and copies may be delivered not enter any transfer certificate to the grantee until a plan
to the person presenting them. Certified copies of all of such land showing all the portions or lots into which it has
instruments filed and registered may also be obtained from been subdivided and the corresponding technical descriptions
the Register of Deeds upon payment of the prescribed fees. shall have been verified and approved pursuant to Section 50
of this Decree. Meanwhile, such deed may only be annotated
Primary entry book or day book by way of memorandum upon the grantor's certificate of
title, original and duplicate, said memorandum to serve as a
The primary entry book is a record of all instruments, notice to third persons of the fact that certain unsegregated
including copies of writs and processes, affecting registered portion of the land described therein has been conveyed, and
lands, which are entered by the Register of Deeds in the every certificate with such memorandum shall be effectual
order of their filing, upon payment of the proper fees. The for the purpose of showing the grantee's title to the portion
recording is a preliminary process in registration and shall conveyed to him, pending the actual issuance of the
note the date, hour and minute of receipt of said corresponding certificate in his name. Upon the approval of
instruments. An instrument shall be regarded as registered the plan and technical descriptions, the original of the plan,
only from the time it is so noted. together with a certified copy of the technical descriptions
(A) CONVEYANCES AND TRANSFERS shall be filed with the Register of Deeds for annotation in the
corresponding certificate of title and thereupon said officer
shall issue a new certificate of title to the grantee for the No mortgagee's or lessee's duplicate certificate of title shall
portion conveyed, and at the same time cancel the grantor's hereafter be issued by the Registers of Deeds, and those
certificate partially with respect only to said portion issued prior to the effectivity of this Decree are hereby
conveyed, or, if the grantor so desires, his certificate may be deemed canceled and the holders thereof shall immediately
canceled totally and a new one issued to him describing surrender the same to the Register of Deeds concerned.
therein the remaining portion: Provided, however, that
pending approval of said plan, no further registration or !
annotation of any subsequent deed or other voluntary Section 61. Registration. Upon presentation for registration
instrument involving the unsegregated portion conveyed shall of the deed of mortgage or lease together with the owner's
be effected by the Register of Deeds, except where such duplicate, the Register of Deeds shall enter upon the original
unsegregated portion was purchased from the Government or of the certificate of title and also upon the owner's duplicate
any of its instrumentalities. If the land has been subdivided certificate a memorandum thereof, the date and time of
into several lots, designated by numbers or letters, the filing and the file number assigned to the deed, and shall
Register of Deeds may, if desired by the grantor, instead of sign the said memorandum. He shall also note on the deed
canceling the latter's certificate and issuing a new one to the the date and time of filing and a reference to the volume
same for the remaining unconveyed lots, enter on said and page of the registration book in which it is registered.
certificate and on its owner's duplicate a memorandum of
such deed of conveyance and of the issuance of the transfer !
certificate to the grantee for the lot or lots thus conveyed,
Section 62. Discharge or cancellation. A mortgage or lease on
and that the grantor's
registered land may be discharged or canceled by means of
Section 59. Carry over of encumbrances. If, at the time of an instrument executed by the mortgagee or lessee in a form
any transfer, subsisting encumbrances or annotations appear sufficient in law, which shall be filed with the Register of
in the registration book, they shall be carried over and stated Deeds who shall make the appropriate memorandum upon
in the new certificate or certificates; except so far as they the certificate of title.
may be simultaneously released or discharged.
Section 63. Foreclosure of Mortgage. (a) If the mortgage was
Section 60. Mortgage or lease of registered land. Mortgage foreclosed judicially, a certified copy of the final order of the
and leases shall be registered in the manner provided in court confirming the sale shall be registered with the
Section 54 of this Decree. The owner of registered land may Register of Deeds. If no right of redemption exists, the
mortgage or lease it by executing the deed in a form certificate of title of the mortgagor shall be canceled, and a
sufficient in law. Such deed of mortgage or lease and all new certificate issued in the name of the purchaser. Where
instruments which assign, extend, discharge or otherwise the right of redemption exists, the certificate of title of the
deal with the mortgage or lease shall be registered, and shall mortgagor shall not be canceled, but the certificate of sale
take effect upon the title only from time of registration. and the order confirming the sale shall be registered by a
brief memorandum thereof made by the Register of Deeds Section 65. Trusts in registered land. If a deed or other
upon the certificate of title. In the event the property is instrument is filed in order to transfer registered land in
redeemed, the certificate or deed of redemption shall be trust, or upon any equitable condition or limitation expressed
filed with the Register of Deeds, and a brief memorandum therein, or to create or declare a trust or other equitable
thereof shall be made by the Register of Deeds on the interests in such land without transfer, the particulars of the
certificate of title of the mortgagor. If the property is not trust, condition, limitation or other equitable interest shall
redeemed, the final deed of sale executed by the sheriff in not be entered on the certificate; but only a memorandum
favor of the purchaser at a foreclosure sale shall be thereof shall be entered by the words "in trust", or "upon
registered with the Register of Deeds; whereupon the title of condition", or other apt words, and by a reference by number
the mortgagor shall be canceled, and a new certificate issued to the instrument authorizing or creating the same. A similar
in the name of the purchaser. (b) If the mortgage was memorandum shall be made upon the original instrument
foreclosed extrajudicially, a certificate of sale executed by creating or declaring the trust or other equitable interest
the officer who conducted the sale shall be filed with the with a reference by number to the certificate of title to
Register of Deeds who shall make a brief memorandum which it relates and to the volume and page in the
thereof on the certificate of title. In the event of redemption registration book in which it is registered.
by the mortgagor, the same rule provided for in the second
paragraph of this section shall apply. In case of non- Section 66. Trust with power of sale, etc., how expressed. If
redemption, the purchaser at foreclosure sale shall file with the instrument creating or declaring a trust or other
the Register of Deeds, either a final deed of sale executed by equitable interest contains an express power to sell,
the person authorized by virtue of the power of attorney mortgage or deal with the land in any manner, such power
embodied in the deed of mortgage, or his sworn statement shall be stated in the certificate of title by the words "with
attesting to the fact of non-redemption; whereupon, the power to sell", or "power to mortgage", or by apt words of
Register of Deeds shall issue a new certificate in favor of the description in case of other powers. No instrument which
purchaser after the owner's duplicate of the certificate has transfers, mortgages or in any way deals with registered land
been previously delivered in trust shall be registered, unless the enabling power
thereto is expressly conferred in the trust instrument, or
(C) POWERS OF ATTORNEY; TRUSTS unless a final judgment or order of a court of competent
jurisdiction has construed the instrument in favor of the
Section 64. Power of attorney. Any person may, by power of power, in which case a certified copy of such judgment or
attorney, convey or otherwise deal with registered land and order may be registered.
the same shall be registered with the Register of Deeds of
the province or city where the land lies. Any instrument !
revoking such power of attorney shall be registered in like
manner. Section 67. Judicial appointment of new trustee. If a new
trustee of registered land is appointed by a court of
! competent jurisdiction, a new certificate may be issued to
him upon presentation to the Register of Deeds of a certified
copy of the order or judicial appointment and the surrender of securing satisfaction of a judgment yet to be rendered.
for cancellation of the duplicate certificate. The writ of attachment is used primarily to seize the
! debtors property in order to secure the debt or claim of the
creditor in the event that a judgment is rendered.
Section 68. Implied, trusts, how established. Whoever claims
an interest in registered land by reason of any implied or
constructive trust shall file for registration with the Register GROUNDS: Rule 57 of the Rules of Court At the
of Deeds a sworn statement thereof containing a description commencement of the action or at any time before entry of
of the land, the name of the registered owner and a judgment, a plaintiff or any proper party may have the
reference to the number of the certificate of title. Such property of the adverse party attached as security for the
claim shall not affect the title of a purchaser for value and in satisfaction of any judgment that may be recovered in,
good faith before its registration. among others, the following cases: (a) In an action to recover
! the possession of property unjustly or fraudulently taken,
detained or converted, when the property, or any part
END OF SLIDE thereof, has been concealed, removed, or disposed of to
prevent its being found or taken by the applicant or an
INVOLUNTARY DEALINGS authorized person;
Section 69. Attachments. An attachment, or a copy of any (b) In action against a party who has been guilty of fraud in
writ, order or process issued by a court of record, intended contracting the debt or incurring the obligation upon which
to create or preserve any lien, status, right, or attachment the action is brought, or in the performance thereof; and
upon registered land, shall be filed and registered in the
Registry of Deeds for the province or city in which the land (c) In an action against a party who has removed or disposed
lies, and, in addition to the particulars required in such of his property, or is about to do so, with intent to defraud
papers for registration, shall contain a reference to the his creditors.
number of the certificate of title to be affected and the Section 70. Adverse claim. Whoever claims any part or
registered owner or owners thereof, and also if the interest in registered land adverse to the registered owner,
attachment, order, process or lien is not claimed on all the arising subsequent to the date of the original registration,
land in any certificate of title a description sufficiently may, if no other provision is made in this Decree for
accurate for identification of the land or interest intended to registering the same, make a statement in writing setting
be affected. A restraining order, injunction or mandamus forth fully his alleged right or interest, and how or under
issued by the court shall be entered and registered on the whom acquired, a reference to the number of the certificate
certificate of title affected, free of charge. of title of the registered owner, the name of the registered
Attachment is the legal process of seizing anothers property owner, and a description of the land in which the right or
in accordance with a writ or judicial order for the purpose interest is claimed. The statement shall be signed and sworn
to, and shall state the adverse claimant's residence, and a
place at which all notices may be served upon him. This If the basis for the adverse claim is perfected contract of
statement shall be entitled to registration as an adverse sale the procedure is for the registration of the vendees
claim on the certificate of title. The adverse claim shall be right on a registered property as prescribed by Section 51, in
effective for a period of thirty days from the date of relation to Section 52 of the Property Registration Decree
registration. After the lapse of said period, the annotation of which requires the production of the owners duplicate
adverse claim may be canceled upon filing of a verified certificate to pave the way for the entry of a new certificate
petition therefor by the party in interest: Provided, however, in favor of the vendee. The filing of an adverse claim under
that after cancellation, no second adverse claim based on Section 70 is ineffective for the purpose of protecting the
the same ground shall be registered by the same claimant. vendees right since it does not have the effect of a
Before the lapse of thirty days aforesaid, any party in conveyance. (LP Leviste & Co. vs. Noblejas)
interest may file a petition in the Court of First Instance
where the land is situated for the cancellation of the adverse !
claim, and the court shall grant a speedy hearing upon the Requisites of an adverse claim.
question of the validity of such adverse claim, and shall
render judgment as may be just and equitable. If the adverse The following are the formal requisites of an adverse claim:
claim is adjudged to be invalid, the registration thereof shall 1. The adverse claimant must state the following in writing:
be ordered canceled. If, in any case, the court, after notice (a) his alleged right or interest; (b) how and under whom
and hearing, shall find that the adverse claim thus registered such alleged right or interest is acquired; (c) the description
was frivolous, it may fine the claimant in an amount not less of the land in which the right or interest is claimed; and (d)
than one thousand pesos nor more than five thousand pesos, the number of the certificate of title;
in its discretion. Before the lapse of thirty days, the claimant
2. The statement must be signed and sworn to before a
may withdraw his adverse claim by filing with the Register of
notary public or other officer authorized to administer oath;
Deeds a sworn petition to that effect.
The purpose of annotating the adverse claim on the title of
3. The claimant should state his residence or the place to
the disputed land is to apprise third persons that there is a
which all notices may be served upon him
controversy over the ownership of the land and to preserve
and protect the right of the adverse claimant during the After the lapse of 30 days, is the adverse claim
pendency of the controversy. It is a notice to third persons automatically cancelled? Sajonas v. Court of Appeals:
that any transaction regarding the disputed land is subject
to the outcome of the dispute. The Supreme Court held that while the law states that (t)he
adverse claim shall be effective for a period of thirty days
if no other provision is made in this Decree for from the date of registration, this provision should not be
registering the same treated separately, but should be read in relation to the
sentence following that (a)fter the lapse of said period, the
Adverse claim of a contract of sale?
annotation of adverse claim may be cancelled upon filing of a
verified petition therefor by the party in interest. If the certificate or other instrument for that purpose shall be
rationale of the law is for the adverse claim to ipso facto lose registered with the Register of Deeds.
force and effect after the lapse of thirty days, then no
adverse claim need be cancelled. The law, taken together, !
simply means that the cancellation of the adverse claim is Section 76. Notice of lis pendens. No action to recover
still necessary to render it ineffective, otherwise, the possession of real estate, or to quiet title thereto, or to
inscription will remain annotated and shall continue as a lien remove clouds upon the title thereof, or for partition, or
upon the property. A fortiori, the limitation on the period of other proceedings of any kind in court directly affecting the
effectivity is immaterial in determining the validity or title to land or the use or occupation thereof or the buildings
invalidity of an adverse claim which is the principal issue to thereon, and no judgment, and no proceeding to vacate or
be decided by the court. reverse any judgment, shall have any effect upon registered
! land as against persons other than the parties thereto, unless
a memorandum or notice stating the institution of such
SEC. 71. Surrender of certificate in involuntary dealings. If action or proceeding and the court wherein the same is
an attachment or other lien in the nature of involuntary pending, as well as the date of the institution thereof,
dealing in registered land is registered, and the duplicate together with a reference to the number of the certificate of
certificate is not presented at the time of registration, the title, and an adequate description of the land affected and
Register of Deeds shall, within thirty-six hours thereafter, the registered owner thereof, shall have been filed and
send notice by mail to the registered owner, stating that such registered.
paper has been registered, and requesting him to send or
produce his duplicate certificate so that a memorandum of Lis pendens literally means a pending suit. The doctrine of
the attachment or other lien may be made thereon. If the lis pendens refers to the jurisdiction, power or control which
owner neglects or refuses to comply within a reasonable a court acquires over property involved in a suit, pending the
time, the Register of Deeds shall report the matter to the continuance of the action, and until final judgment. It may
court, and it shall, after notice, enter an order to the owner, involve actions that deal not only with title or possession of a
to produce his certificate at a time and place named therein, property, but also with the use or occupation of a property.
and may enforce the order by suitable process. The litigation must directly involve a specific property which
is necessarily affected by the judgment.
! The purposes of lis pendens are:
Section 72. Dissolution, etc. of attachments, etc.
Attachments and liens of every description upon registered (1) to protect the rights of the party causing the registration
land shall be continued, reduced, discharged and dissolved of the lis pendens, and
by any method sufficient in law, and to give effect to the (2) to advise third persons who purchase or contract on the
continuance, reduction, discharge or dissolution thereof the subject property that they do so at their peril and subject to
the result of the pending litigation.
! 2. Proceedings for the probate of wills;
Notice need not be annotated on the owners copy. 3. Levies on execution;
The annotation of a notice of lis pendens at the back of the 4. Proceedings for administration of estate of deceased
original copy of the certificate of title on file with the persons; and
Register of Deeds is sufficient to constitute constructive
notice to purchasers or other persons subsequently dealing 5. Proceedings in which the only object is the recovery of a
with the same property. It is not required that said money judgment.
annotation be also inscribed upon the owners copy because
such copy is usually unavailable to the registrant; it is
normally in the hands of the adverse party, or perhaps in the Section 77. Cancellation of lis pendens. Before final
hands of a stranger to the suit. judgment, a notice of lis pendens may be canceled upon
order of the court, after proper showing that the notice is for
Notice of lis pendens may involve actions that deal not only the purpose of molesting the adverse party, or that it is not
with title or possession of a property, but also with the use or necessary to protect the rights of the party who caused it to
occupation of a property. The litigation must directly involve be registered. It may also be canceled by the Register of
a specific property which is necessarily affected by the Deeds upon verified petition of the party who caused the
judgment. registration thereof. At any time after final judgment in
Lis pendens is appropriate in the following cases: favor of the defendant, or other disposition of the action
such as to terminate finally all rights of the plaintiff in and to
1. Action to recover possession of real estate; the land and/or buildings involved, in any case in which a
memorandum or notice of lis pendens has been registered as
2. Action to quiet title thereto; provided in the preceding section, the notice of lis pendens
3. Action to remove clouds thereon; shall be deemed canceled upon the registration of a
certificate of the clerk of court in which the action or
4. Action for partition; and proceeding was pending stating the manner of disposal
5. Any other proceedings of any kind in court directly
affecting the title to the land or the use or occupation
thereof or the buildings thereon.
Section 86. Extrajudicial settlement of estate. When a deed
! of extrajudicial settlement has been duly registered, the
Register of Deeds shall annotate on the proper title the two-
The doctrine of lis pendens has no application in the
year lien mentioned in Section 4 of Rule 74 of the Rules of
following cases:
Court. Upon the expiration of the two-year period and
1. Preliminary attachments; presentation of a verified petition by the registered heirs,
devisees or legatees or any other party in intthe Register of -Contentious and non-contentious cases -Original registration
Deeds shall cancel the twoyear lien noted on the title and subsequent petitions
without the necessity of a court ordererest that no claim or
claims of any creditor, heir or other person exist,. The General vs limited jurisdiction
verified petition shall be entered in the Primary Entry Book Who represents the Republic? Solicitor General
and a memorandum thereof made on the title.
Is the principle of res judicata applicable in land registration
No deed of extrajudicial settlement or affidavit of cases? The principle of res judicata applies to all cases and
adjudication shall be registered unless the fact of proceedings, including land registration and cadastral
extrajudicial settlement or adjudication is published once a proceedings.
week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
circulation in the province and proof thereof is filed with the !
Register of Deeds. The proof may consist of the certification
What are the requisites of res judicata?
of the publisher, printer, his foreman or principal clerk, or of
the editor, business or advertising manager of the newspaper (1) the former judgment must be final;
concerned, or a copy of each week's issue of the newspaper
wherein the publication appeared. (2) it must have been rendered by a court having jurisdiction
of the subject matter and the parties;
(3) it must be a judgment on the merits; and
(4) there must be, between the first and second actions,
Can the court grant the registration of the title in favour of
an oppositor? (a) identity of parties

SEC. 29. Judgment confirming title. All conflicting claims (b) identity of subject matter and
of ownership and interest in the land subject of the (c) identity of cause of action.
application shall be determined by the court.
Is a judgment dismissing an application for registration
If the court, after considering the evidence and the reports considered as res judicata? A judgment dismissing an
of the Land Registration Administrator and the Director of application for registration of land does not constitute res
Lands, finds that the applicant or the oppositor has sufficient judicata, and the unsuccessful applicant, or any person
title proper for registration, judgment shall be rendered deriving title from him, may file another proceeding for the
confirming the title of the applicant, or the oppositor, to the registration of the same land.
land or portions thereof.
Section 2- general jurisdiction of the land registration court
Section 30. When judgment becomes final; duty to cause appealed, and has become final. Thereupon, the
issuance of decree. The judgment rendered in a land Commissioner shall cause to be prepared the decree of
registration proceeding becomes final upon the expiration of registration as well as the original and duplicate of the
thirty days (15 days) to be counted from the date of receipt corresponding original certificate of title. The original
of notice of the judgment. An appeal may be taken from the certificate of title shall be a true copy of the decree of
judgment of the court as in ordinary civil cases. After registration. The decree of registration shall be signed by the
judgment has become final and executory, it shall devolve Commissioner, entered and filed in the Land Registration
upon the court to forthwith issue an order in accordance with Commission. The original of the original certificate of title
Section 39 of this Decree to the Commissioner for the shall also be signed by the Commissioner and shall be sent,
issuance of the decree of registration and the corresponding together with the owner's duplicate certificate, to the
certificate of title in favor of the person adjudged entitled to Register of Deeds of the city or province where the property
registration. is situated for entry in his registration book.
9. Promulgation of judgment by the court 10. Issuance of an In a land registration case, after the finality of the order of
order for the issuance of a decree declaring the decision final the court, does the court lose its jurisdiction over the case?
and instructing the Land Registration Authority to issue the No. The court retains jurisdiction over the case until after
decree of confirmation and registration 11. Entry of the the expiration of one year from the issuance of the final
decree of registration in the Land Registration Authority 12. decree of registration by the LRA.
Sending of copy of the decree of registration to the
corresponding Register of Deeds; and 13. Transcription of the As long as a final decree has not been entered by the Land
decree of registration in the registration book and the Registration Commission (now LRA) and the period of one (1)
issuance of the owners duplicate original certificate of title year has not elapsed from date of entry of such decree, the
to the applicant by the Register of Deeds, upon payment of title is not finally adjudicated and the decision in the
the prescribed fees. registration proceeding continues to be under the control and
sound discretion of the court rendering it.
Section 39. Preparation of decree and Certificate of Title.
After the judgment directing the registration of title to land If someone else is in possession of the property at the time
has become final, the court shall, within fifteen days from judgment is rendered, what is the remedy the registrant?
entry of judgment, issue an order directing the Commissioner
to issue the corresponding decree of registration and
certificate of title. The clerk of court shall send, within What is a writ of possession? A writ of possession is employed
fifteen days from entry of judgment, certified copies of the to enforce a judgment to recover the possession of land. It
judgment and of the order of the court directing the commands the sheriff to enter the land and give possession
Commissioner to issue the corresponding decree of of it to the person entitled under the judgment.
registration and certificate of title, and a certificate stating
that the decision has not been amended, reconsidered, nor
Is the applicant entitled to it? When is it necessary? As a rule, estates, mortgages, easements, liens, attachments, and
once decision is rendered by the court, no further proceeding other encumbrances, including rights of tenant-farmers, if
is necessary for the enforcement of the judgment. The any, to which the land or owner's estate is subject, as well as
person decreed as owner has the right to title and possession any other matters properly to be determined in pursuance of
to property. However, if property is in the possession of this Decree. The decree of registration shall bind the land
someone else, say the losing party, enforcement of judgment and quiet title thereto, subject only to such exceptions or
becomes necessary. liens as may be provided by law. It shall be conclusive upon
! and against all persons, including the National Government
and all branches thereof, whether mentioned by name in the
Against whom may the writ be enforced? Oppositor? Not application or notice, the same being included in the general
oppositor? Writ may be issued against anyone adversely description "To all whom it may concern".
possessing the land during the registration proceedings. What is the Decree of Registration? order under the signature
! of the administrator of the LRA, in the name of the court,
stating that the land described therein is registered in the
May the writ be issued against one who has taken possession name of the applicant or oppositor claimant as the case may
of the property after the issuance of the decree of be.
registration? What is your remedy? File an ordinary action.
Unlawful detainer or forcible entry. Register of Deeds for transcription in the REGISTRATION
Why? Under the Civil Code, actual possession under claim of
ownership raises a disputable presumption of ownership. The - original certificate of title
true owner must resort to judicial process for the recovery of The certificate of title is a true copy of the decree of
the property, not summarily through a writ of possession. registration
Section 31. Decree of registration. Every decree of What is the nature of the duty of the LRA? Ministerial as he is
registration issued by the Commissioner shall bear the date, acting in the orders of the court. The decree must be in
hour and minute of its entry, and shall be signed by him. It conformity with the decision of the court and with the data
shall state whether the owner is married or unmarried, and if found in the record, and the Administrator has no discretion
married, the name of the husband or wife: Provided, on the matter.
however, that if the land adjudicated by the court is conjugal
property, the decree shall be issued in the name of both !
spouses. If the owner is under disability, it shall state the
nature of disability, and if a minor, his age. It shall contain a Does execution pending appeal apply in a land registration
description of the land as finally determined by the court, case? No. Decree of Registration is not issued except upon
and shall set forth the estate of the owner, and also, in such finality of judgment.
manner as to show their relative priorities, all particular !
When is the land considered registered? Upon transcription of What are the remedies available to a person who has been
the decree of registration in the registration book by the deprived of his interest over the land in a registration
register of deeds, and not upon the issuance of the decree of proceeding?
1. New trial R37 JUDGMENT IS VACATED. Fraud, accident,
When does the certificate of title become indefeasible? After mistake or excusable negligence Newly discovered evidence
one year from the issuance of the decree.
2. Motion for Reconsideration- judgment is amended R37
Section 32. Review of decree of registration; Innocent Evidence is insufficient to justify the decision, or that
purchaser for value. The decree of registration shall not be decision is contrary to law
reopened or revised by reason of absence, minority, or other
disability of any person adversely affected thereby, nor by 3. Appeal
any proceeding in any court for reversing judgments, 4. Relief from Judgment - R38
subject, however, to the right of any person, including the
government and the branches thereof, deprived of land or of Judgment/final order- entered through accident, mistake or
any estate or interest therein by such adjudication or excusable negligence
confirmation of title obtained by actual fraud, to file in the
Prevented from taking an appeal fraud, accident, mistake,
proper Court of First Instance a petition for reopening and
excusable negligence
review of the decree of registrationnot later than one year
from and after the date of the entry of such decree of Relief and New trial/reconsideration are exclusive.
registration, but in no case shall such petition be entertained
by the court where an innocent purchaser for value has 5. Review of the Decree of Registration S32 of the Property
acquired the land or an interest therein, whose rights may be Registration Decree
prejudiced. Whenever the phrase "innocent purchaser for What is the reglementary period? 1 year from the issuance of
value" or an equivalent phrase occurs in this Decree, it shall the decree the decree which is prepared and issued by the
be deemed to include an innocent lessee, mortgagee, or LRA
other encumbrances for value. Upon the expiration of said
period of one year, the decree of registration and the Extrinsic and actual fraud
certificate of title issued shall become incontrovertible. Any
EXTRINSIC - it is employed to deprive a party of his day in
person aggrieved by such decree of registration in any case
court, thereby preventing him from asserting his right to the
may pursue his remedy by action for damages against the
property registered in the name of the applicant. -kind of
applicant or any other persons responsible for the fraud.
fraud that prevented you from having your day in court.
! Extrinsic fraud refers to any fraudulent act of the prevailing
party in litigation committed outside of the trial of the case,
whereby the defeated party is prevented from fully
exhibiting his side of the case by fraud or deception *Property must not have passed to an innocent purchaser for
practiced on him by his opponent, such as by keeping him value
away from court, by giving him a false promise of a
compromise, or where the defendant never had the !
knowledge of the suit, being kept in ignorance by the acts of 1 year from the issuance of the decree the decree which is
the plaintiff, or where an attorney fraudulently or without prepared and issued by the LRA
authority connives at his defeat.
ACTUAL intentional concealment or omission of a fact
required by law to be stated in the application or a willful Who is an innocent purchaser for value and in good faith? A
statement of a claim against the truth. purchaser in good faith and for value is one who buys
property of another, without notice that some other person
Deliberate misrepresentation that the lots are not contested has a right to, or interest in, such property and pays a full
when in fact they are. and fair price for the same, at the time of such purchase, or
Willfully misrepresenting that there are no other claims before he has notice of the claim or interest of some other
person in the property.
Deliberately failing to notify the party entitled to notice.
Actual or positive fraud proceeds from an
What is good faith? Anyone dealing with registered lands may
intentional deception practiced by means of the
rely on the face of the certificate of title.
misrepresentation or concealment of a material fact.
! !
Is presentation of a fraudulent deed considered as extrinsic What if the property is being sold for a grossly inadequate
fraud? price, can one who has bought such property claim good
Intrinsic fraud one that goes with the merits of the case, faith?
and has been controverted and decided What if somebody else is in possession of the property, can
What are the requisites? the buyer claim good faith when later on he is proved to be
*Estate or interest in the land
A purchaser cannot close his eyes to facts which should put a
*Actual fraud in the procurement of the decree of reasonable man upon his guard, and then claim that he acted
registration in good faith under the belief that there was no defect in the
title of the vendor.
*1-year period from the issuance of the decree of registration
by the LRA The presence of anything that excites or arouses suspicion
should prompt the vendee to look beyond the vendors
certificate and investigate the title appearing on the face of rights of any innocent holder for value of a certificate of
that certificate. title. After the entry of the decree of registration on the
original petition or application, any subsequent registration
Although it is a recognized principle that a person dealing on procured by the presentation of a forged duplicate
a registered land need not go beyond its certificate of title, certificate of title, or a forged deed or other instrument,
it is also a firmly settled rule that where there are shall be null and void.
circumstances which would put a party on guard and prompt
him to investigate or inspect the property being sold to him, When may a forged deed become the root of a valid title? A
such as the presence of occupants/tenants thereon, it is, of fraudulent or forged document of sale may become the root
course, expected from the purchaser of a valued piece of of a valid title if the certificate of title has already been
land to inquire first into the status or nature of possession of transferred from the name of the true owner to the name of
the occupants, i.e., whether or not the occupants possess the forger or the name indicated by the forger.
the land en concepto de dueo, in concept of owner.
A legal and equitable remedy granted to the rightful owner
Rule equally applies to mortgagees of real property of the land which has been wrongfully or erroneously
! registered in the name of another for the purpose of
COMPELLING the latter to transfer or reconvey the land to
Section 44. him.

Statutory liens affecting title. Every registered owner The certificate of title is respected as incontrovertible; what
receiving a certificate of title in pursuance of a decree of is sought is merely the transfer of the property to its rightful
registration, and every subsequent purchaser of registered owner.
land taking a certificate of title for value and in good faith, What is the nature of the action? -in personam
shall hold the same free from all encumbrances except those
noted in said certificate. Which court has jurisdiction?
Can you file a review even before the entry of the decree by REQUISITES:
the LRA? Yes. You can file after rendition of the courts
judgment but before the lapse of one year from entry of the 1. Action must be brought in the name of a person claiming
decree of registration. ownership

! 2. Registration was procured through fraud or other illegal

6. RECONVEYANCE S53 and 96
3. Property has not yet passed to an innocent purchaser for
S53 - In all cases of registration procured by fraud, the owner value
may pursue all his legal and equitable remedies against the
parties to such fraud without prejudice, however, to the 4. Action is filed after the certificate of title had already
become final and incontrovertible but within 4 years from
the discovery of fraud, or not later than 10 years in the case What is the prescriptive period when plaintiff is in possession
of an implied trust of the property? ACTION TO QUIET TITLE WHERE PLAINTIFF IS
Can reconveyance be filed even before the issuance of the
decree? RECONVEYANCE may be filed even before the Rationale: Owner-possessor may wait until his possession is
issuance of the decree disturbed or his title is attacked before taking steps to
! vindicate his right.
7. Damages S32
In order to prevent the property from passing into the hands
of an innocent purchaser, what must you do? NOTICE OF LIS Section 32. Review of decree of registration; Innocent
PENDENS in order to avoid transfer of the property to an purchaser for value. The decree of registration shall not be
innocent purchaser for value reopened or revised by reason of absence, minority, or other
disability of any person adversely affected thereby, nor by
Is there a prescriptive period for an action for reconveyance? any proceeding in any court for reversing judgments,
BASED ON FRAUD: - 4 years after discovery of fraud subject, however, to the right of any person, including the
! government and the branches thereof, deprived of land or of
any estate or interest therein by such adjudication or
IMPLIED TRUST confirmation of title obtained by actual fraud, to file in the
proper Court of First Instance a petition for reopening and
Article 1456 of the Civil Code: If property is acquired
review of the decree of registration not later than one year
through mistake or fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force
from and after the date of the entry of such decree of
of law, considered a trustee of an implied trust for the
registration, but in no case shall such petition be entertained
benefit of the person from whom the property comes. -
by the court where an innocent purchaser for value has
prescribes in 10 years from the date of the issuance of the
acquired the land or an interest therein, whose rights may be
OCT or TCT for such registration constitutes constructive
prejudiced. Whenever the phrase "innocent purchaser for
notice to third persons of the respondents adverse
value" or an equivalent phrase occurs in this Decree, it shall
What if the action is founded on the nullity of the contract? be deemed to include an innocent lessee, mortgagee, or
What is the prescriptive period? ---- imprescriptible other encumbrancer for value. Upon the expiration of said
period of one year, the decree of registration and the
! certificate of title issued shall become incontrovertible. Any
Art. 1410 of the CC: person aggrieved by such decree of registration in any case
may pursue his remedy by action for damages against the
an action to declare the inexistence of a void contract does applicant or any other persons responsible for the fraud.
not prescribe.
Prescriptive period?
S1144 of the CC action for damages should be brought END OF SLIDE
within 10 years from the date of the issuance of the
questioned certificate of title Section 93. Contribution to Assurance Fund. Upon the entry
of a certificate of title in the name of the registered owner,
8. Claim against the Assurance Fund and also upon the original registration on the certificate of
title of a building or other improvements on the land covered
If registered owner has become insolvent or action is barred by said certificate, as well as upon the entry of a certificate
by prescription pursuant to any subsequent transfer of registered land, there
Section 95. Action for compensation from funds. A person shall be paid to the Register of Deeds one-fourth of one per
who, without negligence on his part, sustains loss or damage, cent of the assessed value of the real estate on the basis of
or is deprived of land or any estate or interest therein in the last assessment for taxation purposes, as contribution to
consequence of the bringing of the land under the operation the Assurance Fund. Where the land involved has not yet
of the Torrens system of arising after original registration of been assessed for taxation, its value for purposes of this
land, through fraud or in consequence of any error, omission, decree shall be determined by the sworn declaration of two
mistake or misdescription in any certificate of title or in any disinterested persons to the effect that the value fixed by
entry or memorandum in the registration book, and who by them is to their knowledge, a fair valuation. Nothing in this
the provisions of this Decree is barred or otherwise precluded section shall in any way preclude the court from increasing
under the provision of any law from bringing an action for the valuation of the property should it appear during the
the recovery of such land or the estate or interest therein, hearing that the value stated is too small.
may bring an action in any court of competent jurisdiction Section 94. Custody and investment of fund. All money
for the recovery of damages to be paid out of the Assurance received by the Register of Deeds under the preceding
Fund. section shall be paid to the National Treasurer. He shall keep
9. Reversion -properties which are not susceptible of private this money in an Assurance Fund which may be invested in
appropriation but have been covered by a certificate of title; the manner and form authorized by law, and shall report
not subject to prescription, but laches may apply annually to the Commissioner of the Budget the condition
and income thereof. The income of the Assurance Fund shall
10. Cancellation of Title two titles have been issued to be added to the principal until said fund amounts to five
different persons for the same lot hundred thousand pesos, in which event the excess income
from investments as well as from the collections of such fund
11. Annulment of Judgment R47
shall be paid into the National Treasury to the account of the
GROUNDS: (1) Extrinsic fraud and (2) lack of jurisdiction Assurance Fund.
(over the subject matter of thee claim)
Section 95. Action for compensation from funds. A person
12. Criminal Prosecution under the RPC who, without negligence on his part, sustains loss or damage,
or is deprived of land or any estate or interest therein in
! consequence of the bringing of the land under the operation
of the Torrens system of arising after original registration of the court shall consider the report of the Commissioner of
land, through fraud or in consequence of any error, omission, Land Registration.
mistake or misdescription in any certificate of title or in any
entry or memorandum in the registration book, and who by !
the provisions of this Decree is barred or otherwise precluded
under the provision of any law from bringing an action for
the recovery of such land or the estate or interest therein, ASSURANCE FUND
may bring an action in any court of competent jurisdiction !State creates a fund for the compensation of persons injured
for the recovery of damages to be paid out of the Assurance
Fund. by divesting/cutting off of rights due to the indefensibility of
title; following that act of registration is operative act by
Section 96. Against whom action filed.If such action is which State transfers title; created to relieve innocent
brought to recover for loss or damage or for deprivation of persons from harshness of doctrine that certificate of title is
conclusive evidence of an indefeasible title to land.
land or of any estate or interest therein arising wholly
through fraud, negligence, omission, mistake or misfeasance !Upon entry of certificate in name of owner or TCT, of 1%
of the court personnel, Register of Deeds, his deputy, or
shall be paid to ROD based on assessed value of land as
other employees of the Registry in the performance of their
contribution to assurance fund; if no assessment yet, sworn
respective duties, the action shall be brought against the declaration of 2 disinterested persons subject to
Register of Deeds of the province or city where the land is determination by court.
situated and the National Treasurer as defendants. But if
such action is brought to recover for loss or damage or for
!Money shall be under custody of the National treasurer;
deprivation of land or of any interest therein arising through invest it until principal plus interest aggregates to 500,000,
fraud, negligence, omission, mistake or misfeasance of excess shall be paid to the Assurance Fund; annual report of
person other than court personnel, the Register of Deeds, his Treasurer to Secretary of Budget
deputy or other employees of the Registry, such action shall !WHO IS ENTITLED:
be brought against the Register of Deeds, the National
Treasurer and other person or persons, as co-defendants. It !1. Claimant must be owner, purchaser or encumbrancer in
shall be the duty of the Solicitor General in person or by
good faith who suffered actual damage by loss of land; in
representative to appear and to defend all such suits with
short he is deprived of his land or interest therein
the aid of the fiscal of the province or city where the land
lies: Provided, however, that nothing in this Decree shall be
!2. No negligence attributable to him
construed to deprive the plaintiff of any right of action which
he may have against any person for such loss or damage or
!3. Claimant is barred from filing action to recover said land
deprivation without joining the National Treasurer as party
defendant. In every action filed against the Assurance Fund,
!4. Action to recover from assurance fund has not prescribed
LOSS/DAMAGES SHOULD NOT BE DUE TO FOLLOWING Amount to be recovered not limited to 500,000 which is
REASONS: maintained as standing fund
1. Breach of trust
!2. Mistake in resurvey resulting in expansion of area in !If fund is not sufficient, National Treasurer is authorized to
make up for deficiency from other funds available to Treasury
certificate of title even if not appropriated
!1. Omission, mistake, misfeasance of ROD or clerk of court 1. Any court of competent jurisdiction RTC in city where
property lies or resident of plaintiff
!2. Registration of 3rd persons as owner !2. Action prescribes in 6 years from time plaintiff actually
!3. Mistake, omission, misdescription in certificate of title, suffered loss
!3. If plaintiff is minor, insane or imprisoned has additional 2
duplicate or entry in books
!4. Cancellation years after disability is removed to file action
notwithstanding expiration of regular period
!AGAINST WHOM ACTION IS FILED: !The requisites for recovery from the Assurance Fund are:
!1. Action due to deprivation of land due to mistake, (a) that a person sustains loss or damage, or is deprived of
negligence, omission of ROD, etc ROD and National Treasurer any estate or interest in land,
as defendants; Sol-Gen must appear
!2. Private persons involved should also be impleaded (b) on account of the bringing of land under the operation of
the Torrens system arising after original registration,
!LIABILITY: (c) through fraud, error, omission, mistake or misdescription
in a certificate of title or entry or memorandum in the
1. Satisfy claims from private persons first
!2. When unsatisfied secondary liable is the National registration book,
(d) without negligence on his part, and
Treasurer who shall pay thru assurance fund; thereafter
Government shall be subrogated to rights of plaintiff to go (e) is barred or precluded from bringing an action for the
against other parties or securities recovery of such land or estate or interest therein.
!MEASURE OF DAMAGES: The law, while holding registered titles indefeasible, allows
!Based on amount not greater than fair market value of land redress calculated to prevent one from enriching himself at
the expense of other. Necessarily, without setting aside the
decree of title, the issues raised in the previous registration Section 100. Register of Deeds as party in interest. When it
case are relitigated, for purposes of reconveyance of said appears that the Assurance Fund may be liable for damages
title or recovery of damages. that may be incurred due to the unlawful or erroneous
issuance of a certificate of title, the Register of Deeds
Section 97. Judgment, how satisfied. If there are defendants concerned shall be deemed a proper party in interest who
other than the National Treasurer and the Register of Deeds shall, upon authority of the Commissioner of Land
and judgment is entered for the plaintiff and against the Registration, file the necessary action in court to annul or
National Treasury, the Register of Deeds and any of the other amend the title. The court may order the Register of Deeds
defendants, execution shall first issue against such to amend or cancel a certificate of title or to do any other
defendants other than the National and the Register of act as may be just and equitable.
Deeds. If the execution is returned unsatisfied in whole or in
part, and the officer returning the same certificates that the Section 101. Losses not recoverable. The Assurance Fund
amount due cannot be collected from the land or personal shall not be liable for any loss, damage or deprivation caused
property of such other defendants, only then shall the court, or occasioned by a breach of trust, whether express, implied
upon proper showing, order the amount of the execution and or constructive or by any mistake in the resurveyed or
costs, or so much thereof as remains unpaid, to be paid by subdivision of registered land resulting in the expansion of
the National treasurer out of the Assurance Fund. In an area in the certificate of title.
action under this Decree, the plaintiff cannot recover as
compensation more than the fair market value of the land at Section 102. Limitation of Action. Any action for
the time he suffered the loss, damage, or deprivation compensation against the Assurance Fund by reason of any
thereof. loss, damage or deprivation of land or any interest therein
shall be instituted within a period of six years from the time
Section 98. General Fund when liable. If at any time the the right to bring such action first occurred: Provided, That
Assurance Fund is not sufficient to satisfy such judgment, the the right of action herein provided shall survive to the legal
National Treasurer shall make up for the deficiency from any representative of the person sustaining loss or damage,
funds available in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. unless barred in his lifetime; and Provided, further, That if at
the time such right of action first accrued the person entitled
Section 99. Subrogation of government to plaintiff's rights. In to bring such action was a minor or insane or imprisoned, or
every case where payment has been made by the National otherwise under legal disability, such person or anyone
Treasurer in accordance with the provisions of this Decree, claiming from, by or under him may bring the proper action
the Government of the Republic of the Philippines shall be at any time within two years after such disability has been
subrogated to the rights of the plaintiff against any other removed, notwithstanding the expiration of the original
parties or securities. The National Treasurer shall enforce period of six years first above provided.
said rights and the amount recovered shall be paid to the
account of the Assurance Fund. !

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