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Republic of the Philippines} City of Manila }s.s. AFFIDAVIT I, BU C. CASTRO, of legal age, married, with office and postal address at Rm. 204, 2/F, Schechinah Shamma Bldg., No. 1187 Dapitan cor. Don Quijote St., Sampaloc, Manila, after having been sworn according to law, hereby state THAT: 1. Lam physician by profession with specialization in the field of Pathology. I am a Fellow of the Philippine Society of Pathologists. I am engaged in the practice of Pathology since 1990 up to the present and the function of pathologists among others are to the determine the following, as seen by the naked eye (gross findings), with the aid of a microscope (histopathologic), laboratory examinations and/or diagnostic examinations, to wit: The cause or etiology of death, injury or disease; The mechanism of the development or pathogenesis of death, injury or disease; c. The morphologic result or outcome of the death, injury or disease as seen by the naked eye or through the aid of a microscope; and d. The effect of the injury or disease on the function of the tissue or organ affected or compromised. oe 2. _ Incases of death, pathologists determine the cause of the death by performing the so-called autopsy examination and describes the findings as seen by the naked eye (gross findings), correlates the gross findings with those seen through the microscope (histopathologic examinations), and if relevant, correlate it with the laboratory and diagnostic examinations; 3. was shown a Medico-Legal Report No. M-2017-499 issued by the PNP Crime Laboratory signed by Medico-Legal Officer PCI-Dr. Mesalyn Milagros Pipa Probadora and a Medico-Legal Report (Histopath Report) No. H17-042 signed by Police Sup’t-Dr. Joseph C. Palmero, pathologist/medico-legal officer. Both reports refer to the name of Horacio T. Castillo IM; 4, The pertinent findings on the HEART are as follows: Gross Findings (Dr. Probadora) “Heart is grossly enlarged and weighs 450 grams and is covered with moderate amount of epicardial fat. The cardiac chambers are not dilated. The left ventricle is 2.5 cm and the tight ventricle is 1.5 cm thick. The septum is 3 cm thick. Its external surface is smoot, shinny, firm in consistency. The valvular circumference are as follows — Aortic valve 8om, Pulmonary valve 7.5 om, Mitral valve 10 cm, and Tricuspid valve 14 cm. Coronary arteries are patent” Histopath Findings (Dr. Joseph Palmero) “NORMAL HISTOLOGY, brain, heart and spleen” MY OPINION 4.1. 42 Pertinent to mention are the normal measurement parameters of the heart in an adult person. The normal adult heart weighs not more than 300 grams, the left ventricular wall normally measures 1.1 cm thick, and the right ventricular wall normally measures 4-5 mm thick. The heart described in Medico-Legal Report No. M-2017- 499 is one-third more heavier than the normal heart, and this is supported by the findings in the same Medico-Legal Report of a twice thickened left and right ventricular walls. This could not escape histopathologic examination which in Medico-Legal Report (Histopath) No. H17-042 is reported otherwise. In this specific situation, both gross and histopathologic reports must show the same findings, both reports should show either a normal heart or hypertrophied (enlarged) heart. 5. The pertinent findings on the KIDNEYS are as follows — Gross Findings (Dr. Probadora) “Both kidneys weigh 200 gms each, Its external surface is reddish brown in color, smooth and firm. The capsules are stipped-off with ease leaving a fine granular cortical surface and cut section reveal a well defined cortico-medullary junction.” Histopath Findings (Dr. Joseph Palmero) “ACUTE TUBULAR NECROSIS AND CONGESTION, kidneys” MY OPINION: 5.1. It is admitted that the kidneys may appear normal in the naked eye but may be injured when seen through the microscope as seen in these two Medico-Legal Reports. One must be cautious, however, as to what could have caused the Acute Tubular Necrosis of the kidneys because this fatal condition could be caused by various events like severe blunt trauma to the muscles, a failing heart, medicines that are toxic and excreted through the kidneys, artificially prepared foods that are toxic to the kidneys, direct blunt injury to the kidneys, or even the dying stage itself. 6. In summary, given these medical data made available for analysis, @ more thorough autopsy examination including laboratory examination of relevant sample specimens will be required TO BRING ONE CLOSER to the determination of the cause of death. In witness whereof, I hereunto affix my signature, this)_3_ Nay 2 / November 2017, in the City of Manil O ~~ BUC. CASTRO, M.D. CASTRO, M.D. Pathologist 13,40 \, 2017 _ Subscribed and''swort Ns Nefore me Notary Public for and in City of Manila _, affiant exhibiting to me his PRC ID 54833 expiring on August 4, 2020. norané PUBLIC ATTY. MANUEL ANGELO B. VENTURA Ti Bee wills Nea Pe Page No. Book No, Series of Se, Se fam ec Subscribed and swom to before me Na Public for and in , affiant exhibiting to me his PRC ID 54833 expiring on August 4, 2020. PUBLIC PROSECUTOR

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