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13B2 2 METER BROADBAND BOOMER SSB/CW/FM YAGI 144-148 MHz FTF WARNING THIS ANTENNA IS AN ELECTRICAL CONDUCTOR. CONTAGT WITH POWEA LINES CAN RESULT IN DEATH. OR SERIOUS inJust. DONGT INSTALL THIS ANTENNA WHERE THERE IS ANY POSSIBILITY OF CONTACT WITH OR HIGH VOLTAGE ARC-OVER FROM POWER CABLES OR SERVICE DROPS TOMUILDINGS. THE ANTENNA, SUPPORTING MASTANDIOR TOWER MUST NOTE CLOSE TO ANY POWER LINES DURING INSTALLATION, REMOVAL GA IN THE EVENT PART OF THE SYSTEM SHOULD ACCIDENTALLY FALL. FOLLOW TKE GUIDELINES FOR ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE U.S. CONSUMER PROOUGT SAFETY ‘COMMISSION AND LISTED IN THE ENCLOSED PAMPHLET. "Your Cushcralt 1382 Boomer arienna is dasigned and manuiactured give woubl free service. This amenna wil perform ae speciieg it te -nciructions and suggeston® inthis manus are lolowed and care i Used in the neeambly and intatatien, When enccking Pie compencnts rece ‘your antenna package use tha pars fad beside each dagram. There is @ mastor parialat on paga 2. Ifyou are unable to locate any tube or ‘Component. check fe inske ofa ubieg. IMPORTANT: Save the weight iabelirom the cuss oftha carton, Each antonna i weighed alte ctor to venly the parts count, Ifyou claim a missing part You wil be asked Ko the weight veifcaion label PLANNING Pian your installaion careilly. if you usa volumtr halpers be sure thal ey are qualied to asset you. Make conain that eveyona iwolved Lnderatands that you are the boss and that fey must flow your Instuetone. If you Nave any doubts at all engloy a professional enienna inlallaion company toinsial your anterea LOCATION Location ofthe antonna is very imporant. Surrounding abjoets such ae tues, power lings, other antonnas, el, wil eorously resus afchney. Te ‘minimize the effets af surrounding abjects. mount the anforna as high and in the claar as possible. Hf metal guy wires are used, hey shouldbe broken with strain insulators. EXTREME CARE MUST BE USED FOR YOUR SAFETY. ‘YOU MUST INSURE THAT WHILE THE 1982 IS IN OPERATION NEITHER PEOPLE OR PETS CAN COME IN CONTACT WITH ANY PORTION OF YOUR ANTENNA. DEADLY VOLTAGES AND (CURRENTS MAY EXIST. ALSO. SINCE THE EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TO AF FIELDS ARE NOT FULLY UNOERSTOOO, LONG TERM EXPOSURE TO INTENSE RF FIELDS IS NOT RECCNMENDED. TWERE IS A WARNING STICKER WHICH MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE. BOOM AS SHOWN IN FIGURE E MOUNTING ‘The mast movat bracket wil accommodate up 9.2 (6.1 cm) mast. 1-1/2" OD (8.em) orkargorhaavy wal tubing mat should beused. A goes heavy outy antenna rotator wil provi te bast wervce andllongest He. hen itis desirable lo mouré sevwal antannas on one mast. To keep possible intoracton w@ a minimum, plaes your aniennas as far apart as you can. The 1382 provides excellent gain, dean pattem and low VSWR ‘erase te antie 2 meter band, Mt can be mounts either horizontal or vertcally. VERTICAL (FM): It you pian ta mount tho 1382 for vorieal pelazatien, bos eats ean be wbisinad by mounng he antena athe top of he Mat Noto Mat slemant 6 is 3 (7.6 cm) tram the eda othe mast mouniing pla ak shown in Figure O. Install the 1382 mith the elaments on the sce of the mast apposite fram the mounting plate. A vercaly polarized 1362 wil have a VSWA of under 2:1 rom 144.5 99 148.0 MH. Soa pago € for Suggests dual ane quad array eonigurations HORIZONTAL (CWISSB), Mount your 1382 horizontally and as high as possible, wih he boom-o-mast plats between elements 6 and Tas ehowe In igure D. ‘See page 6 fora suggested dual aay configuration. SYSTEM GROUNDING Direct grounding ofthe antenna, mast and tower is vary important. This protection fom lghining sts and sia buildup, and fom high ‘oliage which is present inthe radio equ ment connwcted tthe anion. A.gacd electical onnacton should be mada one of mare round res {or etter extensrve ground system) Secly at the base ofthe wear mash, Using atleast #1OAWG ground wira and non-corrosive hardware. Fat tals and salty siandards, consult the Natianal Elacrical Code. You should slo use.a coma lightning aresiet. Cushcrat oer several toront mmodiols, such a8 LAC-1, LAC-2 and the LAC-4 eeiee ASSEMBLY ‘Assemble your antenna by following the directions ard ilusraions in stops 4 through 6. After the amienna is completly assembled, verity ‘mensions andelornent spacings for acouracy. Then, totum ta ha section below to fal bing. TUNING PROCEDURE Tre 1382 does not normaly require turing afer assembly. However il you wish lo check the VW stor instalation, please observe he flowing Brocedures. To prevent detuning the anvorina, it should be tuned i place o at east 7 feet (213 meters) above ground and clear af eixveundng jects. Koop all metal cbstructions such as guy wires and ether antennas at east 10 ost(2.05:m) away vince thay wil uly ay aclustnant and epraded porrmance wil resul. ln tho coax cable fem your rantninar te fe arcain which the antonna is. going tobe tested The langt of his cable ar your Soedine isnot rca Connect a good qualiy VSWR bridge tothe end of his cable. Connect chor! lengin of cable [10 ft. (308:om) at ess rom the VSWR bridge te ‘anionna. Sette trnsmiter to your center eparating Wrequency, When you read VSWR, be eure you mave far enough away fom the antenna eo that rau body does not lect the reading ‘Measure the VSWR. QFit is high, move bof T-Motchsiraps (125) by 8/4" (6 om) ether irward.or outward and check the VSWA. Both T-match straps shouid be the same distance trom the center of the criven elomant. If ie VEWR improved, then eantnua moving the T-Alaich straps In the same direction, ¥ he VSWR detested then move the T-Maich straps in the opposite drecton, Ropaat this procedue undl no lirher Improvement can be made. You have matched yar antonna. Then ign all comectons on the T-atch driven element actombly, Tape tha leedine ta the beom and mast a shown in igure 1382 MASTER PARTS LIST (6521 2-12" (6der) sas wel machine cow Danger VE 1g (284 7S) sles sel bot ‘ve 131551 18cn) stesso tot [-aW (QS enjoin ta worm comp No. Btal wast {9 48 (2 21 er) asim ng {ITE 2K 12.) usin ig 1m 1 (2x 2 90} amin ng (Uradtace Bak {016 (101 on) aurinan ros Vw 7 (13.1087 en) miu weg 37-78 (9 2e) aicum od |36-UE-(92) on) meu a 35-2 een) anim 35106 (698 ar miu ad C54" (aden) aman oe BZ (85 1185 cr) ase ating CICOTT Beavers me hace 9008 7A (220m) Somad aku back 18002 Auman bal washer 1168 plac wach eooes (12 er aa lc AGG0TD x6 (102x152 on) famed mosrtng slo CecorT (a8. on) Mask pase cap r0GTa Bx 12"(1 Sc) darless sol activa sew CrCoH (on rns tel ok waar (NCCHS 1H" | on tng ie he ut (1OrOK |. cn} atria etwas CEOS Min Boot 20:18 Scene Package (CIOrTe SMe" ( 70m) stares ea hax rut O1OK1@ SE" (7 en} otrios sive ack washer C1012) AKT onjatiion nl nacre som Oyor23 BRK 1749 om anes wel mating teow 0 Tomah aap CEOIST 1-1 (20 on ac plate ep BaeR ASQMOSESERESE #1 - ASSEMBLE BOOM fee [rat rate fa_jart 7 Tr Assentiantoom ashownbeiow. Side womciamgs (411) ora he = | tee | aitttony Ertecondrofibe Baan eondfuae cure tw engartne am ts Bun host sot filed holes are igned cintooms wih crew —= 5 (123), wnaher (C1) and nt (11), tro Bediransons in tQuO ATS Teen | znteea en onurethal he roperiboerssarjed Dotwesame wehbe BA | pe ae | seen in ‘Tighton the scrows and worm clamps. Push the endeaps (131) ontathe = |_ nena (201829 en) =e 11) voor | ‘SSHEX 22 2 | eo | SP | ene som | om | 2 | = | Ween FIGURE A * s i [sue tural k ity ae, ole TF dL eaten Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU 1382 _f #2 -ASSEMBLE T-MATCH FIGURE B on — iiben za se (item) ‘Ascombio the T:match ith civen clot (ES). usratosin Agua pare Sue {OT |g. Fst ansch the UiraMatch tothe crven slement wih he hardware mu | iiaaere | 1 | shown, Thenconnact the T-match elements (ETpeothe UlraMrch wn Teas | 1139870) the spltwashars (¢1)and nut (11), Next, atach the T-maich aloments mum} eae [2 | shedwon clomentwih wa | a, the Tomatch svaps (125) ang hardware shows \whila noting the spacing ‘imensions betwosn the ‘saps. Place paste caps 1 [oneont (63) on the ends of the 25 | (son ae 1] (ray on the ends of the eraceet | @tcm) tubes ET. Attach this a | ov ssipee = 10], Sbgsvently beaten: ae ‘on tha team as shows in ‘Sgure Bote thatthe LE ‘eaMlaich foocpont rust ce the cantar Ne ar a 2p] ma Toheon a scrows, ce 7 | oioome ‘SS MACHINE ‘SCREW ‘SS MACHINE ‘SCREW 12a) oii 125] ees Tauro 2 STRAP az] raza SSMMCHANE | eae x2 Gomme | Sone | tan) sea sna ‘ALUM FLAT 0 S WASHER | = | = it le tugs e. o oa ‘hm — =o —. a8 rev ]ew | OsmaY ese sz jar] #3 - MOUNT ELEMENTS “Teen aca [viemecT a] fetishes cic an aisasa 6 ashen wie wills => | dir dete et em end cncn eon a ee Lo] Serene cerns heowennt rrr era cre x = ee ee ee ame CQ | eam | oe, |e] meanest | 190008 o>, ALUM te ees «fone wun | «|e = WASHER: ales wincse | war | = tee | SUT | BE TABLE A (Element Lengths) Downloaded by FIGURE D 2 13 seers lee ie leiese ele ice ele ter ebe ice! Som (attem) (Atom) (At Sem} (AR Sem) (AI Sem) I Son) den) Diceotion of Maxum Signal -P 1382 #4 - ASSEMBLE BOOM TO MAST MOUNT ss tr nce oct) in ‘eoenants © and 7 wits the L-bolts 201 as shown in figure E. Secure /SER|_PM Lect pee wath flat washer (104), lock washer (84) and nut (85) in that order. Noto 4 | Crone | = SSLOCK that the rear of the mast clamp must be 3 inchas (7.6 em} trom clement WASHER Rca wareraye cantons Your mast Using fe U-bots dD4.” Secure wih lock washors (178) s/o] gm Tad Te eek ear nas tsa oe meee wala] cy) Ba [len | be sae 5 Bs alan) ey | ag laa ag Ten | ue #5 - CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY war] om [omar | ome [senor : : a 7 ard FIGURE F Con Witl SLUCONE GAEASE (00 NOT coat the center pin er socket) ‘The anton is designed fr wee with 0 Ohen comsial cable torminatod with a PL-259 connector. Any length of feedie can be used wih your 1962, Tha shortest angth of cable wil have fieleast bet. A connector boots includ for use wih your new antenna. Sido te boot over the ‘cable baloreaaching your PL-2S0 (igure F). Spread siicono on tha ‘euler tweads of le UiraMatch and PL-2S9 eannacior. DO NOT COAT THE CENTER PINS OF THE PL.2S9 OA THE UitraWaich SOCKET. srtach he connector tthe UltaMatch. App tha remaining slicane the outside of the connecior. ‘Sip the vinyl toot over the connector and genet te mast bracket lo: @ weathar ht connection 1382 #6 - FEEDLINE ATTACHMENT ‘Tape your feadine down te boom and mast. i you choose ‘henzontlpslarianton, is 8 good aoa form x cp loop in Be coax tohelp protecttbe connector irom water damage (SgureG ) I youchoace wertcal polarization, tring the leedtine al tre way down the Beam until you come tthe mast, then bang fe {eodline straight down the mast (ure H). FIGURE G_ FIGURE H STACKING THE 13B2 ‘Boomers may bo stacked in amrays of twa or four 1382 antennas for improved radiation patterns andincreased pain. They may bw moucied for elthar arizona oe vere plarzation, When stacking te vertealy polarized 19B2's usa tho 2582VPK stacking kit, igure |, When stacking for worticaly polarted 1382's use wo 2SB2VPK andone 225K, foure J. When stacing two horizontally polarized 1882's use the 22-SK stacking hit igure K. FIGURE I FIGURE K FIGURE J \When stacking aneennat, al UtraMatchet must ba facingin the tame crection {or proper phasing, Thats to say, vecally polarized anteonas must have all Utyalatehas on ane tie oro ethor. Horzontally polarized antonnas.enust ‘have al UlaMichas on the bator, Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU SPECIFICATIONS Frequency, MHz No. Elements: Forward Gain, dd Front'to Black Ratio, 32 ‘SWR 1.2:1 Typical 2:4 Bandwidth, MHz Powor Rating, Watts PEP 31.68 Beamwidth, Degrees E Plane acta Plane 2x19 Sido Lobe Attenuation, 8, £ Plane: 360 Electical Wavolongth 2.2 [Longest Element, in(cm) 39.75 (101) Turing Radi, f(m) 8.927) Mast Size Range, in (em) 16:2 85.1) Wind Load, f(r") 4.8417) e741) LIMITED WARRANTY Cusherah Cerperaton, P.O, Box 4590, Manchoster, New Hampshire 09108, warrants 1 te erigial censumr purchaser fr ove year from dato ot urchase that each Cushcralt antennas ee ol defects in material or workmanship. I in the judgement of Cusherat any such antenna ix Galas. then Cushcraft Corporation wil atts option, ropair or raptace tho artonna atts axpanso within tity days of he cate the artonna is retard (at purchasers exporta) lo Cushera ona ote authored epreseniaves, This warrantyesinlieuctall afer expressad worranties, anyimpled waranty ‘slid induration to one year. Cushoratt Corporation shall notbe abi for any incidectal or consequential dariages whicttmay sult roma dolvet ‘Some stanse do rot slow Eine on how lang an implied warranty lasts oF extuslans or lmiarions of incidentals consequential damages, so te ‘above limitation ard exclusion may nat apply to you. This waranty gives you spectic legal rights, andyou may alsahhave athe ighs weich vary for ‘sao stata, This warranty Coes not extant any product: which Rave hon eubjoct'o misuse, nogiacl, aoaderorimproper instsalion, Ray repre ‘or alterations oumsse ofthe Cusherah factory wil nvlty Bis waaay @ cushcraft ‘48 PERIMETER ROAD, MANCHESTER, NH 03108 USA (609-827-7877 « TELEX 4949472 - FAK 609-627-1764

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