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Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (2005) 17, 134 145

Review article

Anesthesia in the obese patient: Pharmacokinetic

Andrea Casati MD (Staff Anesthesiologist)*, Marta Putzu MD (Anesthesia Fellow)

Department of Anesthesiology, and Pain Therapy, University of Parma, Parma, Italy

Received 2 September 2003; accepted 21 January 2004

Keywords: Abstract The prevalence of obesity has increased 15% up to 20% and represents an important
challenge for the anesthesiologist in drug-dosing management. The aim of this work is to provide an
overview on physiological changes and pharmacokinetic implications of obesity for the anesthesi-
ologist. Obesity increases both fat and lean masses; however, the percentage of fat tissue increases
more than does the lean mass, affecting the apparent volume of distribution of anesthetic drugs
according to their lipid solubility. Benzodiazepine loading doses should be adjusted on actual weight,
and maintenance doses should be adjusted on ideal body weight. Thiopental sodium and propofol
dosages are calculated on total body weight (TBW). The loading dose of lipophilic opioids is based on
TBW, whereas maintenance dosages should be cautiously reduced because of the higher sensitivity of
the obese patient to their depressant effects. Pharmacokinetic parameters of muscle relaxants are
minimally affected by obesity, and their dosage is based on ideal rather than TBW. Inhalation
anesthetics with very low lipid solubility, such as sevoflurane and desflurane, allow for quick
modification of the anesthetic plan during surgery and rapid emergence at the end of surgery, hence
representing very flexible anesthetic drugs for use in this patient population. Drug dosing is generally
based on the volume of distribution for the loading dose and on the clearance for maintenance. In the
obese patient, the volume of distribution is increased if the drug is distributed both in lean and fat
tissues whereas the anesthetic drug clearance is usually normal or increased.
D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Epidemiology of obesity 15% to 20% in Europe and up to 22% in the United States
[2], with marked differences in distribution according to
The prevalence of obesity has markedly increased socioeconomic status [3].
worldwide in the last years, not only in industrialized When caloric intake exceeds expenditure, the excess
western countries but also in the developing countries [1]. calories are stored in the adipose tissue. If this net positive
The prevalence of obesity has been reported to be about caloric balance is prolonged, obesity results. Thus, obesity
represents a condition in which the quantity of fat tissue is
significantly increased, which leads to a significant reduc-
T Corresponding author. Servizio di Anestesia e Terapia Antalgica,
Azienda Ospendaliera di Parma via Gramsci 14, 43100 Parma, Italy.
tion in life expectancy [4]. The definition of obesity is based
Tel.: +390521702161; fax: +390521702733. on the degree of excess actual body weight from the ideal
E-mail address: (A. Casati). body weight (IBW) for a certain height. The most widely

0952-8180/$ see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Anesthesia implications of obesity 135

used test to define obesity is the evaluation of the body mass provide anesthesia based on the patients characteristics,
index [BMI = body weight (kilograms)/height (meters)2]. A producing complete protection from surgical injury and with
BMI b 25 kg/m2 is considered normal; a BMI ranging minimal risks of side effects. Moreover, the modern balanced
between 25 and 30 kg/m2 is considered overweight but at general anesthesia involves the application of a complex and
low risk of serious medical complications. Patients with a multipharmacological treatment, where several drugs are
BMI N 30 kg/m2 or BMI N 35 kg/m2 are defined as obese coadministered to cover the 3 main components of anesthe-
and morbidly obese, respectively [5]. Another widely used sia: hypnosis, muscle relaxation, and protection from the
method to estimate the presence and severity of obesity is sympathetic response induced by surgical stress [16]. The
the determination of the percentage increase of total body physiological changes produced by obesity can markedly
weight (TBW) from IBW. Normal weight usually ranges affect the distribution, binding, and elimination of anesthetic
within F10% from IBW; an individual is considered obese drugs [15,17-19], and severe adverse events can easily occur
when the actual body weight exceeds 120% of the IBW. if drug dosing is based only on the actual body weight.
Determination of IBW is based on anthropometric Systemic absorption of oral drugs does not seem to be
parameters according to the following formulae: significantly affected by obesity [15,18,19], although some
authors reported a delay in gastric emptying in the obese
1. IBW (men) = 49.9 kg + 0.89 kg/cm above 152.4 cm patient [20].
height Obesity increases both fat and lean masses of obese as
2. IBW (women) = 45.4 kg + 0.89 kg/cm above 152.4 compared with nonobese subjects of the same age, height,
cm height and sex [18,19]. The increase in lean body mass represents
20% to 40% of total excess of weight; however, the
Obesity is an important risk factor for several diseases, percentage of fat mass per kilogram of TBW increases more
and it has been clearly demonstrated that a BMI N 30 kg/ than does the lean mass, resulting in a relative decrease of the
m2 increases morbidity and mortality of obese compared percentage of lean mass and water of obese as compared with
with nonobese subjects [6-8]. Morbidly obese patients are nonobese subjects of the same age, sex, and height [18,19].
more prone to develop diabetes, respiratory failure, These changes in tissue distribution produced by obesity can
hypertension, left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, atheroscle- markedly affect the apparent volume of distribution of the
rosis, myocardial ischemia [8-10], and some forms of anesthetic drugs. Furthermore, there are other changes
cancer than nonobese patients [11]. Obesity is also induced by obesity that can affect the pharmacokinetic profile
associated with several surgical pathologies [1], whereas of anesthetic drugs, such as the absolute increase in total
the development of laparoscopic techniques has further blood volume and cardiac output (CO) and alterations in
increased the indication to surgical treatment of obesity, plasma protein binding [15,19]. It also must be pointed out
causing less postoperative pain, shorter hospital stay, and that changes in respiratory and cardiovascular functions as
faster return to normal life as compared with conventional results of obesity may influence the absorption and elimina-
laparotomic techniques [12-14]. For these reasons, obese tion of inhalation anesthetics, which represent an important
patients are presenting more and more frequently for component in modern balanced anesthesia.
surgical procedures [15]. Obesity-induced changes in the hemodynamic status and
The changes in body structure induced by obesity result regional blood flow can further affect anesthetic drug
not only in increased anatomic difficulties of access for both pharmacokinetics. Fat tissue receives about 5% of CO,
the surgeon and anesthesiologist but also in important whereas viscera and lean tissues receive 73% and 22% of
physiological and pharmacological modifications, which CO, respectively [18,19]. However, it has been reported that
can potentially affect the pharmacokinetic and pharmaco- blood flow per gram of fat is reduced in the obese as
dynamic profiles of anesthetic drugsthese conditions compared with the nonobese patient [21,22], suggesting that
make the obese patient a true challenge to the anesthesiol- blood flow could be proportionally lower in fat than in lean
ogist. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of mass in obese individuals [18]. Moreover, the reduction in
the international literature on the pharmacological profile of cardiac performance induced by obesity itself could further
the main anesthetic drugs used for the obese patient. reduce tissue perfusion.
The effects of obesity on drug binding to the plasma
proteins are still unclear. It has been reported that the
2. Factors affecting pharmacokinetics increased concentrations of triglycerides, lipoproteins, cho-
in obesity lesterol, and free-fatty acids may inhibit protein binding of
some drugs, increasing their free plasma concentrations
Ideally, the anesthesiologist should warrant a 100% [23]. On the other hand, the increase in concentrations of
success rate of surgical anesthesia with a 100% reversibility acute phase proteins, including a 1-acid glycoprotein, ob-
of the condition itself and no complication or side effects. served in the obese patient may also increase the degree of
Accordingly, to provide a safe and effective anesthesia, the binding of other drugs, reducing their free-plasma concen-
anesthesiologist must adjust the doses of the drugs used to trations [24,25].
136 A. Casati, M. Putzu

Finally, the pharmacokinetic profile of anesthetic drugs of total respiratory compliance, functional residual capacity,
can be affected by changes in their elimination related to the expiratory reserve volume, and total lung capacity [38-40].
obesity-induced changes of liver and kidney functions. These changes are further affected by anesthesia [41] and
Obese patients usually show a fatty degeneration of the surgical procedure [42]. In recent years, the use of laparo-
liver, which may further degenerate in liver fibrosis [26,27]. scopic procedures has also markedly increased in the obese
These changes can potentially affect hepatic clearance. patient, but the abdominal insufflation with carbon dioxide
Nonetheless, hepatic clearance is usually normal or even required by the laparoscopic technique, as well as the need for
increased in the obese patient [15]. Renal clearance special patient positioning, further affect the respiratory
increases in obesity because of the increase in kidney system during anesthesia [43,44]. The reduction in lung
weight, renal blood flow, and glomerular filtration rate [28], volumes and increase in ventilation/perfusion mismatching
and it has been demonstrated that creatinine clearance is increase the risk for hypoxemia during and after surgery.
increased in healthy obese subjects in proportion to the Intraoperatively, the addition of positive end-expiratory
estimated fat-free mass [29]. However, the changes induced pressure may improve arterial oxygenation, but it also
by obesity contribute with time in developing a more severe reduces CO and oxygen delivery [45]. On the contrary, in
glomerular injury, leading to chronic renal disease [28,30]. the postoperative period, the depressant effects of analgesic
In obese patients with renal dysfunction, the estimation of and anesthetic drugs on respiratory system may represent a
creatinine clearance from standard formulae is inaccurate, true hazard for patient safety, increasing the risks for
and the dosing of renally excreted drugs must be adjusted postoperative hypoxia [46]. Accordingly, the choice of the
according to the measured creatinine clearance [31]. best pharmacological strategy, as well as the appropriate drug
dosing during induction and maintenance of anesthesia, can
influence the safety of the obese patient after surgery.
3. Obesity and related changes in
cardiovascular and respiratory systems
4. Effects of obesity on pharmacokinetics of
Tubular reabsorption increases in the obese patient [30],
which in turn initiates volume expansion of the extracellular anesthetic drugs
volume. Although total extracellular volume is increased in 4.1. Thiopental sodium and propofol
obese persons, the circulating blood volume on a volume/
weight basis is decreased to nearly 50 mL/kg as compared Since its introduction in 1934, thiopental sodium is still the
with 75 mL/kg in lean persons [32]. Splanchnic blood flow most widely used drug for intravenous induction of general
of obese persons is about 20% higher than that of lean anesthesia [47]. Its chemical-physical properties (oil/water
persons, whereas cerebral and renal blood flow are almost partition coefficient ranging between 58/1 and 63/1, with a
normal [32]. The increase in circulating volume also results percentage of ionization at pH 7.4 of 61.3%) provide
in a high-resting CO despite the relatively poor blood supply thiopental with a very easy and fast penetration through the
to the adipose tissue [33], resulting in hypervolemia and different tissue barriers, making it an ultrashort-acting and
hypertension. Mild to moderate hypertension is reported in potent drug for general anesthesia induction [47-50].
up to 60% of obese patients, whereas 5% to 10% of obese Induction with thiopental has been reported to increase
patients have severe hypertension [15,34]. In times, this the odds of critical respiratory events in the postoperative
condition leads to LV dilation, increased LV wall stress, period nearly 2-fold [51]. However, no clinical differences
compensatory LV hypertrophy, and LV diastolic dysfunction in the effects on functional residual capacity and manage-
[35,36]. Similar changes also occur in the right ventricular ment of general anesthesia induction have been reported
(RV) structure, which is further affected by pulmonary between thiopental and propofol, the other widely used drug
hypertension related to sleep apnea and obesity hypoventi- for intravenous induction [52,53].
lation syndromes [37]. Cardiovascular changes are also As with other highly lipophilic drugs, the modification
associated with several metabolic abnormalities, such as of tissue distribution, as well as physiological changes
diabetes, dyslipidemia, and atherosclerosis, resulting in a induced by obesity, affects the pharmacokinetics and
very high risk for subendocardial ischemia in the presence pharmacodynamics of thiopental. Jung et al [54] evaluated
of perioperative tachycardia and/or hypertension. These thiopental disposition in 8 lean and 7 obese patients
relevant changes in cardiovascular function can markedly undergoing abdominal surgery. The volume of distribution
influence the pharmacodynamics of anesthetic drugs, such was larger in obese (7.94 F 4.5 L/kg TBW) than in
as inhalation and intravenous general anesthetics, which are nonobese patients (1.9 F 0.6 L/kg TBW). No differences in
known to depress cardiovascular function. total clearance of thiopental were reported [0.21 F 0.06
Moreover, the respiratory system is markedly affected by mL/(kgd h) in obese vs 0.18 F 0.08 mL/(kgd h) in nonobese
obesity, which can cause both mechanical and pulmonary subjects]. However, the elimination half-life of thiopental
changes. The increased weight of the thoracic and abdominal was significantly longer in obese (27.8 hours) than non-
components of the chest wall results in significant reduction obese patients (6.33 hours), a difference that was primarily a
Table 1 Pharmacokinetic parameters of the main anesthetic drugs given to obese and nonobese subjects
Anesthesia implications of obesity

Drug Volume of distribution (L) Volume of distribution (L/kg TBW) Total body clearance (mL/min) Terminal elimination half-life Dose recommendations Reference
Control Obese Control Obese Control Obese Control Obese
Thiopental 1.4 4.7TT 197.2 416.3T 6.3 h 27.8 hTT LD reduced [54]
Propofol 13.0 17.9 2.09 1.8 28.3 24.3 4.1 4.05 LD and MD based on TBW [4]
Diazepam 90.1 291.9T 1.533 2.81T 1600 2300 40 h 95 hTT LD adjusted to TBW, MD [70]
adjusted to IBW
Lorazepam 77 131T 1.23 1.25 4000 6000TT 23.9 h 33.5 hTT LD adjusted to TBW, MD [71]
adjusted to IBW
Midazolam 114 311TT 1.74 2.66TT 530 472 2.27 h 5.94 hTT LD adjusted to TBW, MD [73]
adjusted to IBW
Atracurium 8.5 8.6 0.141 0.067 404 444 19.8 min 19.7 min Dose calculated on TBW [90]
Vecuronium 59.0 44.7 0.99 0.47TT 325 260 133 min 119 min Dose calculated on IBW [91]
Rocuronium 0.14 0.09T 0.45 0.03 70 min 75 min Reduced infusion rate [94]
Sufentanil 346 547T 4.8 5.8 1780 1990 135 min 208 minT LD based on TBW, [97]
MD reduced
Remifentanil 6.8 7.5 0.1 0.07T 2700 3100 Dosage based on IBW [100]
LD indicates loading dose; MD, maintenance dose.
T P b .05 vs control group subjects.
TT P b .01 vs control group subjects.
138 A. Casati, M. Putzu

function of the increased volume of distribution induced by correlated with TBW (r = 0.76 and r = 0.76, respectively).
obesity (Table 1). Interestingly, Jung et al also reported that Because of the simultaneous increase in the volume of
obese patients required significantly less thiopental for distribution and clearance, propofol elimination half-life
intravenous (3.9 mg/kg TBW) than did the nonobese was similar in obese (29.1 F 13.4 minutes) and nonobese
patients (5.1 mg/kg TBW). Similar findings also have been (24.2 F 12.3 minutes) patients, and there were no signs
reported by Dundee et al [55] who evaluated the minimal of propofol accumulation or of any prolongation of its
thiopental dose required to abolish the eyelash reflex in duration (Table 1).
2206 consecutive inductions and demonstrated that obese In this study, the obese patients opened their eyes when
patients required less thiopental than lean subjects. blood propofol concentration reached 1 lg/L, which was
Using a pharmacokinetic model to predict the effects of similar to the awakening concentration reported for non-
several parameters on thiopental plasma concentrations after obese patients [65]. Kakinohana et al [66] evaluated the use
intravenous administration, Wada et al [56] suggested that of a target-controlled infusion of propofol in 3 obese
although obese people require more thiopental on a patients and found that the calculated blood concentrations
milligram-basis, they also appear to be more sensitive when of propofol at emergence from anesthesia ranged from 1.5 to
dose is adjusted proportionally to body weight and should 1.7 lg/mL. Similar findings have been reported by Saijo
probably receive a dose proportional to lean body mass. et al [67] who demonstrated that propofol concentration
To date, little information is available on the continuous calculated at the effect site when the bispectral index value
infusion of thiopental. Cloyd et al [57] collected serum recovered to 80 was around 1.5 lg/mL; these target
samples from 2 patients (1 obese and 1 nonobese) treated concentration values of propofol have also been reported
with continuous infusion of thiopental for uncontrollable during sedation in the nonobese patients [68].
seizures. They reported an elimination half-life of 86.4 According to these pharmacokinetic data, the dose
hours after a 35-g dose infused over 11.4 days in the obese regimen of propofol for both induction and maintenance of
patient as compared with 38.4 hours after a 19.7-g dose general anesthesia in obese patients should be based on actual
infused over 3.3 days in the nonobese patient. The increased body weight, as in lean subjects. Igarashi et al [69], analyzing
half-life observed in the obese patient was associated with a 2 cases of intraoperative awareness during TIVA with
larger volume of distribution (8.4 L/kg in the obese vs propofol and fentanyl, suggested calculating the infusion
4.0 L/kg in the nonobese patient), whereas clearance rate of propofol based on actual body weight both in normal-
remained unchanged [67 mL/(hd kg) for a total dose of weight and obese patients. However, the cardiovascular
385 mg/kg in the obese patient and 72 mL/(hd kg) for a total effects of very large doses of propofol remain uncertain in the
dose of 393 mg/kg in the lean patient]. Continuous infusion obese patients, especially considering the physiological
of thiopental is never used for maintenance of general changes induced by obesity on cardiovascular homeostasis.
anesthesia; however, no changes in dose regimen seem to be
required when providing a continuous infusion.
Propofol is the second most extensively used intravenous 5. Benzodiazepines
anesthetic. It is a highly lipophilic drug with very fast onset
and short, predictable duration of action because of its rapid Benzodiazepines are highly lipophilic drugs, and the
penetration of the blood-brain barrier and distribution to the excess fat tissue in obese patients significantly influences
central nervous system, followed by rapid redistribution to their disposition. Abernethy and Greenblatt evaluated in
inactive tissue depots, such as muscles and fat [58]. several studies the effects of obesity on the disposition of
Because of its favorable pharmacokinetic properties, different benzodiazepines, including diazepam, alprazolam,
propofol is also ideally suited for maintenance of total nitrazepam, lorazepam, and midazolam [18,70-73]. All of
intravenous anesthesia (TIVA). Juvin et al [59] reported that these studies showed a significant increase in both volume
postoperative immediate and intermediate recoveries after of distribution and elimination half-life, with a significant
propofol anesthesia was similar to that observed with correlation between lipid solubility and the extent of their
isoflurane and longer than that obtained with desflurane. distribution in the excess fat. For premedication, conscious
However, several studies have reported on the effectiveness sedation, or induction of general anesthesia, the anesthesi-
and safety of TIVA with propofol in morbidly obese patients ologist may use benzodiazepines. Among different benzo-
[60-62]. The availability of new technological supply, such diazepines, midazolam is undoubtedly one of the most
as the use of target-controlled infusion systems, also extensively used drugs by anesthesiologists because of its
improved the ease of propofol administration [63]. relatively shorter half-life as compared with other benzo-
Servin et al [64] evaluated the pharmacokinetics of diazepines [74]. It has been demonstrated that after a single
propofol in 8 obese and 10 normal-weight patients and intravenous dose of midazolam, the intensity and duration
demonstrated that both volume of distribution (1.8 F 0.65 of action of its sedative effects depend much more on the
L/kg in obese vs 2.0 F 0.9 L/kg in nonobese subjects) and extent of drug distribution than on the rate of elimination
clearance [24.3 F 6.2 mL/(kgd min) in obese vs 28.3 F and clearance. The initial distribution half-life of midazo-
6.6 mL/(kgd min) in nonobese subjects] were significantly lam ranges between 14 and 22 minutes [73]. Greenblatt et al
Anesthesia implications of obesity 139

[73] also compared the pharmacokinetics of a 5-mg choice for obese patients because of their more rapid and
intravenous bolus of midazolam in 20 obese volunteers consistent recovery profile [80-82].
(range, 121%-263% IBW) and in a population of normal, When comparing the wash-in and wash-out kinetics of
healthy adults matched for age, sex, and smoking habit. sevoflurane in obese and nonobese patients, Casati et al [83]
Total volume of distribution was nearly 3 times larger in did not report significant differences in the alveolar to
obese than normal-weight subjects and remained greater
than that of nonobese subjects even after correction for total
weight. The elimination half-life was prolonged signifi- (A)
cantly from a mean of 2.7 hours in nonobese patients to 8.4
Obese Nonobese
hours in obese patients; however, this was related to the FA/FI 1
increased volume of distribution because no differences in
total clearance were reported between obese (472 mL/min)
and nonobese subjects (530 mL/min). These findings 0,8 *
indicate that the presence of an excess of adipose tissue
does not alter the liver capacity for midazolam biotrans-
formation (Table 1).
Based on these findings, when using a single intravenous
dose of benzodiazepines irrespective of whichever drug is
used, the dose should be increased at least in proportion to
TBW because the volume of distribution increases dispro- 0,4
portionately with the degree of fat tissue accumulation [73].
On the contrary, if a continuous infusion is used, the dose
should be adjusted based on ideal body rather than TBW 0,2
because total clearance is not substantially changed as
compared with nonobese subjects.
0 10 20 30
6. Volatile anesthetics Minutes of Administration

Obese patients are traditionally reported to have a slower (B)

emergence from anesthesia because of a delayed release of
volatile drugs from the excess fat tissue. However, it must FA/FA0 1 * Obese Nonobese

also be considered that the reduced blood flow to the fat *

tissue limits the delivery of inhalation drugs to these stores, *
whereas slow emergence could be accounted for by an 0,8
increased central sensitivity [15]. On the other hand, *
comparable recovery times have been reported in obese
and nonobese subjects after anesthetic procedures lasting *
2 to 4 hours [75].
Old inhalation anesthetics, such as methoxyflurane,
halothane, and enflurane, all had high lipid solubility
coefficients, and previous investigations have documented 0,4
an increased biotransformation of these drugs in obese
compared with nonobese patients [76-78]. These studies
showed a significant increase in both bromide and fluoride 0,2
levels in the serum, suggesting the presence of a reductive
halothane metabolism possibly associated with hepatotox-
icity. In the same studies, it also has been reported that
halothane metabolism was prolonged in obese patients 0
[76-78], whereas serum concentrations of inorganic bromide 0 1 2 3 4 5
remained elevated for up to 2 weeks after the anesthetic Minutes of Elimination
procedure because the volatile drug was released progres-
* P < 0.05 vs Nonobese patients
sively from adipose tissue stores [79].
New inhalation drugs, such as desflurane and sevoflur- Fig. 1 The wash-in (A) and wash-out (B) curves of sevoflurane
ane, have much lower lipid solubility compared with earlier measured in obese and nonobese patients (values are presented as
drugs and have been suggested as the volatile anesthetic of mean F SD) [83].
140 A. Casati, M. Putzu

inspiratory fraction ( FA/F I) (Fig. 1A), whereas the wash-out Therefore, the authors suggested the use of IBW rather than
curve of sevoflurane ( FA/FA0) was slower in obese patients actual body weight in calculating the dosage of vecuronium
as that in nonobese patients (Fig. 1B). However, no in obese patients (Table 1).
differences in the FA/FA0 ratio were reported 5 minutes Evaluating different anthropometric variables as predic-
after sevoflurane discontinuation between obese and nor- tors of duration of action of atracurium-induced block,
mal-weight subjects. Kirkegaard-Nielsen et al [92] reported that TBW was a
Salihoglu et al [84] demonstrated the usefulness and strong predictor of duration of action of a 0.5-mg/kg
advantages of sevoflurane over TIVA because of the induction dose of atracurium and suggested that the
possibility of progressive induction of anesthesia with the atracurium dose be reduced to 0.23 mg for each kilogram
face mask, whereas Torri et al [85] also showed that the wash- of TBW above 70 kg.
in and wash-out kinetics of sevoflurane are significantly Fisher et al [93] assessed the role of several covariates,
faster than those of isoflurane in the obese patient. including obesity, on the pharmacokinetic and pharmaco-
Nonetheless, to date, few data are currently available on the dynamic profiles of doxacurium, a long-acting nondepola-
pharmacokinetics of sevoflurane in the obese patient. rizing muscle relaxant. They showed that obesity decreased
Higuchi et al [86] reported significantly higher fluoride both doxacuriums clearance (1.1% per percentage above
serum concentrations after sevoflurane anesthesia in obese IBW) and its neuromuscular junction sensitivity (0.4% per
(51 F 2.5 lmol/L) than nonobese patients (40 F 2.3 lmol/ percentage above IBW). Accordingly, the authors suggested
L). However, researchers did not find significant differences that obese patients be dosed based on IBW.
in fluoride serum concentrations between obese (30 F 2 More recently, Puhringer et al [94] evaluated the
lmol/L) and nonobese (28 F 2 lmol/L) patients [87], and no pharmacokinetics of rocuronium bromide in 6 obese and 6
signs of renal dysfunction have been demonstrated [88]. normal-weight patients receiving balanced general anesthe-
sia. The volume of distribution at steady state was 208 F 57
mL/kg in normal-weight patients and 169 F 37 mL/kg in
7. Muscle relaxants obese patients. Distribution and elimination half-lives, as
well as mean residence time, were 15 F 4, 70 F 24, and 53 F
Muscle relaxants are polar and hydrophilic drugs. 10 minutes in normal-weight subjects and 17 F 4, 75 F 25,
Accordingly, these drugs are distributed to a limited extent and 51 F 19 minutes in obese patients, respectively. Finally,
in excess body fat [19]. It has been reported that obese no differences were observed in plasma clearance, indicating
patients require significantly more pancuronium than non- that the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of rocuro-
obese subjects for the maintenance of 90% paralysis nium were not altered by obesity.
throughout surgery [89]. Varin et al [90] evaluated the Because of changes in upper airway anatomy and
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of atracurium in reduced tolerance to apnea of obese patients, airway control
morbidly obese and nonobese patients and reported no and tracheal intubation are often difficult in this patient
difference in elimination half-life (19 F 0.7 minutes in both population. For this reason, succinylcholine is often
obese and nonobese patients), volume of distribution at preferred to nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers in
steady state (8.6 F 0.7 L in obese and 8.5 F 0.7 L in control rapidly securing the airway. Rose et al [95] constructed a
patients), and total clearance (444 F 29 mL/min in obese single-dose response curve for succinylcholine in 30 obese
and 440 F 25 mL/min in control patients). In the same patients during thiopental-fentanyl anesthesia to determine
study, the authors also observed that although atracurium the doses of succinylcholine producing 50% (ED50), 90%
concentrations were higher in the obese than nonobese (ED90), and 95% (ED95) depression of neuromuscular
patients, there was no difference between the 2 groups in the function. With this experimental model, these authors
time of recovery from neuromuscular blockade. Schwartz et showed that the potency estimates for succinylcholine in
al [91] evaluated the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynam- obese patients (BMI N 30 kg/m2) are comparable to those of
ic profiles of vecuronium administered to 7 obese and 7 similarly aged nonobese subjects when dosing is calculated
normal-weight subjects and showed that when the data were based on total body mass and not lean body mass.
calculated on the basis of IBW, total volume of distribution Although several new muscle relaxants have been
(791 F 303 vs 919 F 360 mL/kg), plasma clearance introduced into our practice, succinylcholine is still fre-
[4.65 zF 0.89 vs 5.02 F 1.13 mL/(mind kg)], and quently used in cases of risk for difficult intubation, and this
elimination half-life (119 F 43 vs 133 F 57 minutes) did is the case for the obese patient. Succinylcholine is a
not differ between obese and nonobese patients. Nonethe- depolarizing muscle relaxant whose duration of action is
less, the authors reported a difference in duration of action primarily determined by the level of pseudocholinesterase
of vecuronium in obese patients compared with nonobese activity in the blood and the volume of extracellular fluid
subjects. Because obesity did not alter the distribution or space. Bentley et al [96] reported that increasing weight is
elimination of the drug, the prolonged action of vecuronium associated with increased pseudocholinesterase activity,
was considered related to the excess dose administered as a which could be related to the increased metabolic activity
result of the drug being given on the basis of TBW. that occurs in obesity. They advised that in adult obese
Anesthesia implications of obesity 141

patients succinylcholine be administered on the basis of with a mean of 3.1 L/min in obese and 2.7 L/min in
total rather than lean body weight. nonobese patients (Table 1).
These values are substantially greater than hepatic blood
flow, which is because of remifentanils widespread extra-
8. Opioids hepatic metabolism. The study of Egan et al [100] also
demonstrated that remifentanil pharmacokinetic parameters
New synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl, sufentanil, and, are more closely related to lean body mass than TBW.
more recently, remifentanil, are widely used during Accordingly, remifentanil dosing also should be based on
anesthesia induction and maintenance to control the IBW, which is closely related to lean body mass and is easier
sympathetic responses to tracheal intubation and surgical for the clinician to estimate [101].
stress. According to their n-octanol and water-partition
coefficients, all these synthetic opioids are highly lipophil-
ic drugs. Schwartz et al [97] evaluated the pharmacoki- 9. Local anesthetics
netics of sufentanil in 8 obese and 8 control patients.
Calculation of pharmacokinetic variables after a single Regional anesthesia and analgesia techniques are fre-
intravenous bolus of 4 lg/kg of sufentanil demonstrated an quently used in obese patients to reduce the risks related to
increased volume of distribution in the obese (9.1 F 2.8 airway control and postoperative respiratory depression
L/kg IBW) as compared with nonobese subjects (5.1 F 1.7 induced by general anesthetics or opioids used for pain
L/kg IBW), with a markedly prolonged elimination half- treatment [15]. Accordingly, combined spinal-epidural
life (208 F 82 minutes in obese vs 135 F 42 minutes in anesthesia or integrated epidural and light general anesthe-
normal-weight subjects). The total volume of distribution sia are widely used in this patient population [102-104]. In
was positively correlated with the degree of obesity, addition, peripheral nerve blocks, when allowed by the
whereas plasma clearance was similar in both obese surgical procedure, are useful to further minimize perioper-
[32.9 F 12.5 mL/(mind kg) IBW] and nonobese [26.4 F ative morbidity of the obese patient. Nonetheless, anatomic
5.7 mL/(mind kg) IBW] patients. In contrast, the volume of changes induced by obesity render most regional anesthesia
distribution calculated on TBW was not significantly techniques extremely challenging because of technical
different between the 2 groups, indicating that the drug difficulties in identifying the usual bony landmarks.
was similarly distributed in the excess body mass and lean Moreover, fatty infiltration of epidural space, as well as
tissues. Accordingly, the loading dose should account for increased blood volume caused by the increased intra-
total body mass. However, the slower elimination of abdominal pressure, may reduce the volume of the epidural
sufentanil reported in obese subjects suggests that infusion space [105,106], resulting in an unpredictable spread of the
or maintenance doses be reduced carefully, especially local anesthetic solution and block height [107]. This
considering the increased risk for postoperative hypoxemia situation can lead to potentially severe complications, such
[43-45]. Obesity also has been demonstrated to prolong the as respiratory and cardiovascular failures, induced by the
elimination half-life of alfentanil, whereas no significant effects of motor and sympathetic blockade extending above
differences in fentanyls pharmacokinetics were reported T5 [108].
between obese and nonobese individuals [98]. Although Absorption of local anesthetic solutions used for regional
definite conclusions cannot be made from the limited anesthesia techniques are markedly influenced by the site of
studies, these findings suggest that dose regimens for injectionintercostal blocks result to fastest absorption rate
fentanyl, sufentanil, and alfentanil be based on lean body followed by epidural and spinal blockades, whereas
mass rather than actual weight (Table 1). peripheral nerve blocks and local infiltration are associated
Remifentanil is a new fentanyl congener recently with the slowest absorption rate [109].
introduced into the market. Its most interesting characteristic Abernethy and Greenblatt [110] evaluated lidocaine
is that it is susceptible to hydrolysis by blood and tissue disposition in 25 obese and 31 nonobese patients and
esterases, resulting in rapid metabolism to essentially showed that elimination half-life was markedly prolonged in
inactive products. Remifentanil has been shown similarly obese (2.7 F 0.2 hours) vs nonobese patients (1.6 F 0.06
effective as the 2 congener molecules, fentanyl and hours). This finding was not associated with changes in
alfentanil, in preventing cardiovascular changes after clearance (1.4 F 0.1 L/min in obese and 1.3 F 0.08 L/min
tracheal intubation in morbidly obese patients [99]. in nonobese subjects) but was likely related to the increase
Egan et al [100] evaluated the pharmacokinetics of in the total volume of distribution (325 F 20 L in obese and
remifentanil in 12 obese patients and 12 matched lean 209 F 15 L in nonobese patients). Nonetheless, when
subjects. The estimates of volumes of distribution were less correcting the volume of distribution for TBW, no differ-
than expected for lipid-soluble molecules and revealed only ences were observed between obese (2.67 F 0.22 L/kg
modest distribution into body tissues, but no differences TBW) and normal-weight subjects (2.71 F 0.18 L/kg
were reported between obese and lean subjects. Moreover, TBW), suggesting that lidocaines volume of distribution
the clearance of remifentanil was similar in the 2 groups, increases in parallel with body weight.
142 A. Casati, M. Putzu

10. Discussion and conclusion Neuromuscular blockers are polar hydrophilic drugs with
no significant changes in pharmacokinetic parameters
Although obesity is a disease with an increasing induced by obesity. However, dosing of these drugs based
prevalence (especially in Western developed countries) on actual body weight results in a longer duration of action,
and obese patients more and more frequently undergo suggesting that ideal rather than TBW should be used to
surgical procedures requiring anesthesia, only a few studies calculate their dosing regimen in the obese patient. The only
have evaluated the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynam- exception could be the use of succinylcholine, where the
ics of drugs used to provide anesthesia in the obese patient. increased pseudocholinesterase activity suggests that succi-
Furthermore, studies available often have several limitations nylcholine should be administered based on total rather than
mainly because of small sample sizes as well as use of lean body weight in adult obese patients.
single rather than repeated doses. Inhalation anesthetics provide the anesthesiologist with
Obesity has varying effects on pharmacokinetic param- the advantage of controlling not only the administration of
eters of anesthetic drugs according to lipid solubility and the drug but also its elimination through the modification of
diffusion through different tissues. According to the general patient ventilation at the end of the procedure. Moreover, the
principles of pharmacokinetics, drug dosing must be based newer drugs, sevoflurane and desflurane, have a very low
on the volume of distribution for the loading dose and on lipid solubility and represent a good option when adjusting
clearance for maintenance. If changes in the volume of the anesthetic plan during surgery and providing rapid
distribution of the anesthetic agent indicate that drug emergence at the end of surgery with potentially reduced
distribution is restricted to lean tissues only, the loading depressant effects postoperatively.
dose will be calculated on IBW. On the contrary, if the drug
is equally distributed in lean and fat tissues, the loading dose
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