EE115 - Linear Circuit Analysis (2017 SP) - Course Outline

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National University

of Computer & Emerging Sciences

Department Electrical Engineering Dept. Code EE

Course Title Linear Circuit Analysis Course Code EE115
Pre-requisite(s) - Credit Hrs. 3+1

Course Objective To understand the basic concepts and techniques of linear circuit analysis and to apply
them for the analysis of DC circuits with multiple (independent and dependent) energy
sources and transient analysis of first order circuits.

No. Assigned Program Learning Outcome (PLO) Level Tool

An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
01 fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex I F
engineering problems.
I = Introduction, R = Reinforcement, E = Evaluation.
A = Assignment, Q = Quiz, M = Midterm, F=Final, L=Lab, P=Project, W=Written Report.

No. Course Learning Outcome (CLO) Statements Tool

Apply Ohms Law and Kirchhoffs voltage and current laws to analyze A1, M1
simple resistive circuits
Simplify series and parallel resistive circuits and apply current divider Q1, M1
02 and voltage divider rules to compute unknown currents, voltages and
Use node voltage and mesh current method(s) to solve resistive circuits M1, F
containing independent and/or dependent sources
Use source transformation(s) to simplify resistive circuits and evaluate A2, M2
current, voltage and power
Determine Thevenin/ Norton equivalent circuit and compute maximum Q2, F
power delivered to a load resistor
Apply principle of superposition to evaluate current/ voltage in a A2, M2
resistive circuit containing multiple independent sources
07 Compute current and voltage across inductors and capacitors Q3, M2
Analyze natural and step response of simple RL and RC circuits Q4, A3, F
containing independent and dependent sources
09 Analyze and design circuits containing ideal operational amplifiers A3, F

National University
of Computer & Emerging Sciences

Text Book(s) Title Electric Circuits, 9th ed.

Author J.W. Nilsson and Susan A. Riedel
Publisher Pearson Education
Ref. Book(s) Title Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8th ed.
Author J. Irwin and R. Nelms

Week Course Contents/Topics Chapter* CLO

Course overview; Introduction to circuit analysis, voltage
1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
01 and current, ideal basic circuit element, power and energy 1
Introduction to ideal voltage &current sources, Ohms Law 2.1, 2.2

02 Power sign convention, Kirchhoffs laws (KCL & KVL) 2.3, 2.4 1
Dependent sources, analysis of circuits (dependent sources) 2.5
03 Resistors in series and parallel 2
3.1, 3.2
Current divider rule and voltage divider rule 3.3, 3.4
04 Measuring voltage and current 2
05 Introduction to node-voltage method 4.2 3
Node-voltage method and dependant sources, special cases
06 4.3, 4.4 3
of the method
07 Introduction to the mesh-current method 4.5 3
Mesh-current method and dependant sources, special cases
08 4.6, 4.7 3
of the method
Source Transformation 4.9
09 Thevenins Theorem 5&6
Norton Equivalent 4.10
10 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Efficiency 5
Superposition 4.13
11 Basics of inductor and capacitor 4
6.1, 6.2
Series-parallel combinations of inductance and capacitance 6.3
12 Charging of C (DC sources), Natural response of RC circuit 7&8
13 Charging of L (DC sources), Natural response of RL circuit 7.1 8
14 Step response of RL and RC circuits 7.3 8
15 General sol. natural & step response of RL and RC circuits 7.4 8
Introduction to Operational Amplifier, analysis of circuits 5.1, 5.2
16 Inverting amplifier circuit, summing amplifier circuit, non- 9
5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6
inverting amplifier circuit, difference amplifier circuit

*Reference book chapters are given in brackets

Assessment Tools Weightage

Quizzes (3), Assignments (3) 20%
Midterm (I+II) 30%
Final Exam 50%


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