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Technological Forecasting & Social Change

An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development
Mojdeh Mirimoghadam a,, Sepehr Ghazinoory b
Candidate of Science and Technology Policy Making, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
Faculty of Economics and Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This aim of this study is to identify elements in the institutional setting which affect technological learning out-
Received 30 June 2015 comes in large socio technical systems. By drawing on eldwork and empirical evidence from Iran's oil and gas
Received in revised form 27 November 2015 industry, a multiple-case study has been conducted. It is found that the institutional regime of this sector jeopar-
Accepted 11 December 2015
dizes technological learning scenarios through 4 overarching aspects: Cost, Time, Risk and Management struc-
Available online xxxx
ture, which we call the CTRM square. It is also revealed that the locked-in institutional structure of the sector
creates a negative co-evolution among actors leading to impairment of technological learning. Our data
Technological learning (TL) shows that the characteristics of large socio-technical regimes in developing countries act in favour of such im-
Institutional regime pairment. These regimes create strong commitment in stakeholder groups. Such commitment establishes
Co-evolution dominancy around technological routines, which is the result of low absorptive capacity of stakeholders and
Institutional analysis their lack of awareness regarding new technological scenarios. In some cases, political conditions surrounding
Developing countries a project as well as personal gains lead to the stakeholder's deliberate action against a new technological scenario.
Iran The negative co-evolution contributes to the supply side change of strategy in order to safeguard their market po-
sition which ultimately engenders dominancy of obsolete technological routines in the rms diminishing techno-
logical learning in the oil and gas industry.
2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Despite the considerable investment, it appears that little technolog-

ical learning (TL) has taken place in the industry. It is estimated that this
Oil and gas have been the main sources of supply of energy to the industry's yearly requirement reaches to about 2.5 million pieces of
global markets for several decades, and the consensus is that they equipment, about 70% of which is being imported from foreign sources.
will continue to keep this leading role into the current century. Con- This equals to 7 billion dollars of capital which is paid to foreign
sidering such signicance, development in this industry becomes a resources.
high priority since it is the driving engine of meeting the world's As an example of inadequate TL in the petroleum and natural gas
energy demands through increasing production by exploration of industry in Iran, we cite the inability of the Iranian Oil Company in TL
new reserves and use of advanced technology to extract additional in spite of renewing for 35 times, the license to use the sulfur recov-
resources from the abandoned reservoirs because of high cost of ery technology from abroad. The inadequate technological learning
extraction. of the rms in the industry has created a puzzle. This paper aims to
Oil and gas industry is considered to be a large socio technical system solve this puzzle by identifying the reasons for such poor learning
as it involves several complex exploration, development and production performance.
megaprojects. Iran, as a country rich in oil and gas reserves,1 has carried While studies point out that TL can improve the economics of in-
out many megaprojects like the South Pars gas eld development dustries; a simple contradicting incidence in the oil and gas industry
phases with a total capital of approximately 40 billion USD. These pro- of Iran is the sulfur recovery license. Our data reveals that this license
jects should help Iran to make progress in towards development has repetitively been purchased from foreign sources 35 times with-
(Soo & Ghazinoory, 2013). out any domestication achievements or any reduction in procurement
costs. Such issues make TL a stimulating phenomenon and this paper in-
tends to investigate what happens to it in the oil and gas industry of
Corresponding author. Iran.
E-mail addresses: (M. Mirimoghadam), (S. Ghazinoory).
A rich literature about technological learning exists. During re-
In 2010, Iran, which exported around 2.6 million barrels of crude oil a day, was the cent decades, TL has become a crucial challenge for the developing
second-largest exporter among the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. countries in the processes of technological progress and improvement
0040-1625/ 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Mirimoghadam, M., Ghazinoory, S., An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change (2015),
2 M. Mirimoghadam, S. Ghazinoory / Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (2015) xxxxxx

(Lundvall, 1992; Nelson & Rosenberg, 1993; Viotti, 2002). Moreover, TL 1992); technology life cycle (Lin & Berg, 2001) and technology
is considered important in different analysis of innovation systems document-ability (Lin & Berg, 2001; Lia & Tsai, 2009).
specically in technology upgrading and development (Lundvall,
1992; van Sark et al., 2010). 2.2. Implications within meso level
The goal of this study is to open the black box of TL in the oil and gas
industry of Iran. Socio-technical systems theory will provide a useful The second strand examines TL through a systematic lens. This re-
lens through which to explore TL. Institutions are the most appropriate search level explores how the complex nature of industries and sec-
area to focus our analysis on, since they are the main determinants of tors affect technology development/upgrading/adoption processes
the sector's strategy and orientation. We particularly aim to focus on (Ngar-yin Mah et al., 2012; von Bock und Polacha et al., 2015;
regulatory institutions. The targets of our analyses are the oil and gas Spinardi, 2015; Geels, 2004; van Sark et al., 2010).
megaprojects since they are single, legitimate aggregations with inter- The insights within systemic (meso) studies of innovation refer to
related sub-sets interacting to realize the complex tasks assigned to the capital, engineering and infrastructure assets integral to the socio-
them. We aim to broaden the existing studies on the subject by investi- technical systems (Gil et al., 2012; Miller et al., 1995; Hobday, 1998),
gating how these megaprojects contribute to TL in socio-technical sys- which are mostly the outcome of megaprojects in that system. How-
tems. We explore how they affect co-evolutionary processes of TL in ever, less attention has been paid to the demand side as well as social
the oil and gas industry. factors. Potentially, the deliverables of a megaproject provide an
After this introductory section, Section 2 will provide a review of TL opportunity window for the new/domesticated technologies to
insights in the micro, meso, and macro levels of a socio-technical enter the socio-technical system (Geels, 2004), and therefore shapes
system. A brief study of institutions as the major determinants of TL is and is shaped by the system (Gil et al., 2012). These projects deal
also provided in this section. This will be followed by a case study with a variety of stakeholders e.g. the client, contractors and subcon-
method described in Section 3, proposing a case study of different tractors, vendors, consultants and the user side as well. Hence, deci-
phases of the South Pars Gas Field Development Project. Section 4 sions to initiate and pursue a learning opportunity in the project
presents the results of our institutional analysis based on the major require multi-lateral reconciliations. Difculties to reach jointly
characteristics of the institutional regime of oil and gas industry. In inter-rm, multi-lateral agreements can be compounded by uncertainty
Section 5, ndings and results are discussed and study limitations and ambiguity in the project requirements (Miller & Lessard, 2000), in-
are explored and in Section 6, nal conclusions are presented. adequacy of codied knowledge, limited opportunities for prototyping
(Cacciatori, 2008), lack of routines for inter-project transfers of tacit
2. Technological learning and institutions: a multi-level review knowledge (Gann & Salter, 2000; Prencipe & Tell, 2001), and inade-
quate feedback loops between project teams and operational staff
One main point regarding TL is that it is associated with system im- (Geyer and Davies, 2000).
provement. As TL is among the accomplishments that occur in systems Other intersecting meso-level factors are the infrastructure
(Lundvall, 1992), a logical point of departure for addressing the goals of (e.g. Information Technology) (Holsapple & Joshi, 2000; Nazmun
this study is a review of socio-technical systems literature. In the et al., 2006; Mohamed, 2010); values and norms institutionalized with-
present context, we explore three consistent research strands that in the system (Waroonkun & Stewart, 2008; Mohamed, 2010); and the
are relevant to TL. linkage among different entities and stakeholder groups. Multilateral
interactions among these groups provide orientation and coordination
2.1. Determinants within micro studies to the activities of different actor groups; hence, projects account for
the performance of socio-technical systems on multiple dimensions
The rst strand examines TL determinants at the micro level (rm such as technology, scientic knowledge, markets, infrastructure, cul-
level), focusing on the criteria affecting rms technological base. Bell ture, industry networks and sectoral policy (Elzen et al., 2004).
(2007), in a study of the developing countries, proposes some com-
mon principles for learning and capability development in the 2.3. Macro implications
rms including: Human resources and training, use of technology
and operation, R&D, design and engineering practices, international The third strand applies a macro assessment of TL in the socio-
scientic and technological co-operation, technical standards, and technical system. While some studies have underlined the changes im-
metrology (Bell, 2007). posed by socio-political and technical forces (Ferlie et al., 2005; Bijker,
Absorptive capacity of the rm is another key determinant. Ab- 1995; Miller et al., 1995; Geels, 2004; Peine, 2008), others have revealed
sorptive capacity is the rm's ability to pinpoint organization needs, how effects are made by economic forces (Markard & Truffer, 2008;
information value and external knowledge or acquiring and applying Watson, 2004).
required external knowledge for economic purposes (Cohen & In the macro studies, we encounter technological trajectories located
Levinthal, 1990). It is signicant for internal and external knowledge in a socio-technical landscape, consisting of a set of deep structural
transfers in a rm level (Szulanski, 1996). trends. As Elzen et al. (2004) argue, the socio-technical landscape com-
Finding it highly relevant, seminal literature on TL focuses on factors prises several factors. First heterogeneous, slow-changing variables
driving absorptive capacity in the rm level. They point to knowledge, namely cultural and normative values, broad political coalitions, long-
personal absorptive capacity, diversity of backgrounds (Cohen & term economic developments and accumulating environmental prob-
Levinthal, 1990); organizational training level (Vinding, 2000; Roth lems. Second, shocks and surprises (Elzen et al., 2004) like wars and in
et al., 1994); R&D investments (Veugelers, 1997; Vinding, 2000); the context of this paper, rapidly falling oil prices and sanctions. Land-
presence of gatekeepers (Lerch et al., 2010); organizational structure scape is an external context for the rm and socio technical levels.
(Welsch et al., 2001; Jansen et al., 2005); intra-organizational commu- While micro and meso factors can be changed (to some extent) by ac-
nications and team work (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990; Jansen et al., tors within the system, it is not easily possible to alter landscape factors
2005); organization bureaucracy (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995); organiza- (Miller et al., 1995; Elzen et al., 2004; Kemp & Rotmans, 2001).
tion culture (Lloyd, 1998); organization size (Welsch et al., 2001);
organization inertia and human resource management (Davenport & 2.4. Institutions in innovation studies literature
Prusak, 1998).
Technology related factors include scale of technology complexity Many of the innovation studies highlight institutions as a key ele-
(Calantone & Gross, 1990; Lin & Berg, 2001; Lia & Tsai, 2009; Simkoko, ment associated with technological processes; institutions play a key

Please cite this article as: Mirimoghadam, M., Ghazinoory, S., An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change (2015),
M. Mirimoghadam, S. Ghazinoory / Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (2015) xxxxxx 3

role in different innovation approaches namely sectoral innovation on the other hand, they have a recurrent nature due to the availability
systems (Malerba, 2004); socio-technical systems (Elzen et al., 2004); of hydrocarbon resources in a country. In Iran the plentitude of oil and
national innovation systems (Lundvall, 2007); regional or territorial in- gas reserves make development projects a frequent regular practice.
novation systems (Moulaert & Sekia, 2003); technology-specic inno- Hence, they are supposed to act as supporting mechanisms of TL in
vation systems (Carlsson, 1997; Hekkert et al., 2008). the sector.
NIS studies try to understand variations of technological capacity In the South Pars gas eld, which is the subject of our case study,
and innovation patterns between countries and even industries 14 similar development projects have been undertaken. However,
(Lundvall, 1997; Adeoti, 2002; Krammer, 2009; Castellacci & Natera, little evidence of TL has been observed. Browsing approved subcon-
2013; Mahroum & Al-Saleh, 2013). Pursuant to these studies, institu- tractors and vendors list, there is inconspicuous improvement ob-
tional settings and their characteristics and structure are the main served at the domestic rms' side (rms do not participate in
reasons for functional differences in countries and sectors, which affect technology upgrading and development processes), and the rate of
their capacity and ability to innovate (Balzat & Hanusch, 2004). Institu- foreign outsourcing (circa 84%) has remained still during the execu-
tions are generally identied as key explanatory factors for understand- tion of these projects. The question is why? We aim to answer this
ing why some innovation processes in certain regions, countries or question next.
sectors fare better than others (Edquist & Johnson, 1997; Edquist &
Borrs, 2014).
Institutions play a key role in sectors and industries as well. They are 3. Data and method
associated with professional competencies, shared cultural beliefs, mar-
ket structures or even regulative institutions (Cooke et al., 1997). 3.1. Research method
Despite their importance, there are only few systematic studies for
conducting an institutional analysis in a complex innovation system. Examining the phenomena focusing on institutional arrangements is
However, in an article by Jacobsson & Johnson (2000), institutional highly contextual and therefore requires triangulation of multiple forms
failures are among the key factors that may impair technology devel- of evidence that have been subjected to internal and external validity
opment and diffusion (Jacobsson & Johnson, 2000). Therefore, key testing (Yin, 2009). As such, the research strategy followed in this
questions remain unsettled: How are institutions relevant to the study is an inductive multiple-case analysis within a socio-technical
technological outcomes? How such institutions determine specic and sectoral context.
strategies of actors in socio-technical systems? The empirical setting of this study is the South Pars Gas Field Devel-
In this paper, in order to carry out our analysis, we have considered opment Project. This natural gas condensate eld is located in the Per-
classication by Scott (2008) for institutions. According to Scott (2008), sian Gulf. It is the world's largest gas eld, shared between Iran and
institutions are ... comprised of regulative, normative and cultural- Qatar. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the eld
cognitive elements that, together with associated activities and re- holds an estimated 1800 trillion cubic feet (51 trillion cubic meters) of
sources, provide stability and meaning to social life. Referring to the in-situ natural gas and some 50 billion barrels (7.9 billion cubic metres)
Scott's classication, the authors' focus in this paper are mainly regula- of natural gas condensate. The eld covers an area of 9700 km2, of which
tive institutions namely contractual clauses, laws, sanctions, targets and 3700 km2 belongs to Iran. The Iranian portion of the eld amounts to
restrictions. roughly 7.5% of the world gas reserves and approximately half of
Iran's gas reserves.
2.5. Insights from extant literature and identied gaps In recent decades, some sophisticated megaprojects have been
designed for development of 24 phases to produce 790 million cubic
Having reviewed the literature, it is noticed that the research strands meters of gas per day. Out of these development phases, phases 1, 2,
have seldom intersected with institutional studies, and have been hard- 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 are brought to production and the outstand-
ly applied to explore TL in complex socio-technical systems. Broadly ing phases are ongoing in different development stages. There have
speaking, extant studies targeting sectoral structures reveal that tech- been some considerable delays and cost overruns in the development
nological issues are inuenced by national policies, path dependencies, of the projects. Among those projects handed over, there is an average
vested interests of powerful constituencies, legal issues, and politics delay of 15 months and $1320 million cost overrun per phase. One
(Edwards et al., 2007; Malerba, 2004), which all constitute parts of the major incident for these overtimes and overruns is the phase 12 devel-
institutional regime in the country or sector level. opment project, which encountered an approximate cost overrun of
However, as mentioned above, these studies have not explored $5500 million and 47 months of overtime due to imposition of interna-
much about how institutions shape and determine TL in sectoral struc- tional sanctions.
tures. In general, technology incentive and hindering mechanisms with- Sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union
in the institutional regime are not analytically reviewed and identied. (EU) not only led to the displacement of more than 1.0 million barrels
Moreover, the analytical focus of the innovation literature has turned per day of crude oil on the global market,2 but also changed the techno-
towards system functions in recent years (Bergek et al., 2008; Hekkert logical conguration of Iran's oil and gas industry. As mentioned before,
et al., 2008) and an explicit analysis of institutions as the structural com- Iran imports more than 70% of required equipment and tools for execu-
ponent of innovation-associated systems has rarely been on the agenda. tion of oil and gas projects which adds to an approximate yearly amount
Most studies have exclusively analyzed the success or failure of in- of 7 billion dollars. Therefore, sanctions act as a key macro-political cri-
novations and the rms involved in innovation networks. Successful terion creating serious restrictions upon absorption of required technol-
technological efforts appear to depend on the structure and formation ogies for domestic use.
of networks with actors from different institutional sectors (Castilla It should be noted that sanctions created a major shift in Iran's im-
et al., 2000) and government agencies promoting and moderating port policy. However, imposition of sanctions did not force the industry
networks (Giesecke, 2004). They suggest using a multilevel approach, to technology domestication. This was mainly because Iran's demand
especially if a socio-technical system is being studied (Geels, 2004). side shifted from original technologies to Chinese equipment and tech-
In the Iranian oil industry investment in several active megaprojects nologies. This had signicant impact on the quality of equipment
takes place frequently. Upstream development projects are good exam- imported and did not create willingness to develop technologies inter-
ples. However, in spite of recurrence of the same types of investment ac- nally. Even if infrequent efforts were made in this regard, they could not
tivities, TL has not taken place in the industry. On one hand, they are
considered to be fundamental supporting activities for the economy; 2
Source: EIA Iran Report.

Please cite this article as: Mirimoghadam, M., Ghazinoory, S., An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change (2015),
4 M. Mirimoghadam, S. Ghazinoory / Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (2015) xxxxxx

accomplish because the developed technologies had issues gaining in- codied, narrowed down and classied into several emergent sub-
ternational standards (which, again, was out of reach due to sanctions). themes. Distinguishing the patterns was a process grounded in the par-
As this is a contributing factor, the three cases are selected so that ticulars of our multi-case study data. We looked for recurrent themes by
their total time span covers the pre- and during sanction periods. It is continuously cross-comparing data against dened codes and catego-
worth noting that the data gathered from respondents have taken into ries, modifying codes and developing categories that encompass main
account the conditions of sanctions. Hence, many of the incidents ob- underlying patterns. These patterns are mainly the cost, time, risk and
served and interpretations made are under the inuence of imposing in- management processes dominant in the execution of oil and gas indus-
ternational sanctions. try projects. These overarching congurations are observed in all three
The South Pars development phases are suitable cases for exploring cases studied through this paper.
TL in oil and gas industry for various reasons. First, this eld is divided
into 24 development phases with similar structure, which provides
good opportunities for TL. Second, these projects constitute the major 3.2. Data collection and analysis
part of upstream sector of oil and gas industry. In fact, phase 12 is the
largest megaproject of Iran's industrial history. The Project archives as well as other external documents were used
We have selected three independent projects (phases 67-8, phase to gain a better understanding the research setting, the TL concept, the
12 and phase 1718 drilling) as cases in order to cross-compare and megaprojects, and their technological strategy. The interviews were
conrm any inferences drawn from each case. The selection of cases semi structured and the questions were designed for gathering data in
were based on 1) the author's permission to access the projects' data- line with the research questions and deriving the most suited inferences
base, and 2) time span of the projects with regards to macro changes regarding each case.
(major items like imposition of sanctions, the prevailing exchange rate As the research was designed for the oil and gas industry in Iran, the
of Rial, rising/falling oil prices). We chose cases that varied in time in respondents were selected from all sections of the sector covering two
order to distinguish the impact of major underlying factors (see Fig. 1). main axes: The value chain of upstream industry, and the organizational
Table 1 summarizes for each case, the information on the time, hierarchy. The value chain includes Ministry of Petroleum, NIOC,3 GC4s
capital costs and current status: (main contractors), subcontractors (service contractors and vendors),
For each case, one of the authors was authorized to access to the research centers and universities. The second axis includes positions of
projects' database and archives. Most of the eldwork was carried out the respondents in the enterprises ranging from management to techni-
during 2008 to 2015. Eighty six semi-structured interviews with cal staff.
open-ended questions were carried out during which the authors A total number of 86 interviews were conducted within this study.
discussed the technological routines, strategies, and scenarios in each The technique used for choosing respondents was snowball and emer-
case. gent sampling. First technique is a non-probability sampling technique
On one hand, our respondents were top executives, experts, and where existing study subjects recruit future subjects from among their
technical staff. On the other hand, they were selected from all parts of acquaintances. As a consequence, the sample group appears to grow
the industry value chain in order to cross-check and obtain complemen- like a rolling snowball (Mack et al., 2005). Emergent sampling occurs
tary viewpoints, ll gaps in understanding, and modify potential biases when the researcher makes sampling decisions during the process of
of individual respondents. collecting data and in the processes of gaining more knowledge about
The petroleum industry includes different actors namely rms, the case, thus taking full advantage of events as they unfold (Hesse-
universities, research centers, government and other specialized Biber & Leavy, 2011).
academies. One of the structural characteristics of petroleum indus- Having gathered qualitative data, we used thematic analysis as our
try is that all sub-categories such as upstream, midstream and down- analytic approach to process the data. Thematic analysis is a method
stream as well as all R&D activities and commercialization efforts are for identifying, analyzing and reporting of themes existing in the infor-
carried out under direct supervision of the petroleum ministry and mation (Braun & Clarke, 2013). It is a systematic method to analyze and
the mother companies. These companies have a specic strategic make sense out of qualitative data (Mills et al., 2010) obtained through
mission. The petroleum industry entails three structural levels as multi-case study research. As we had a theoretical framework for the
shown in Table 2: study, the research questions and the interview questions were de-
Those actors in levels 1 and 2 are governmental and those in level 3 signed according to this framework, while some of the themes already
are mainly private companies. General contractors, developers and existed. Consequently, a mix of theoretical/deductive and inductive
operators are large organizations and vendors and service companies coding has been used.
are mainly medium or small sized rms. Following Braun and Clarke's (Braun & Clarke, 2013) six phases of
Interviews were recorded and converted to text. Annex 1 provides a thematic analysis, the authors familiarized themselves with the data
list of core professions and positions of the respondents. Data from in- by making transcripts through conducting cross-case analyses and tri-
terviews, archives and literature review were gathered, documented, angulating the respondents viewpoints against archival datasets and
extant literature. The cross-case analysis was helpful in creating a pre-
liminary understanding of how TL was perceived within the socio-
technical system of the sector. In phase 2, initial codes were generated
using theoretical framework of the study as well as the notions per-
ceived from transcripts. Once the data were coded, our search for sub-
themes and themes started. We gathered the codes into themes and
sub-themes (phase 3), and reviewed them (Phase 4); these two phases
were iterated back and forth in order to avoid repetition, to make sure
that the identied themes were in conformity with the coded data with-
in them, and to build a more realistic characterization of the TL process
in megaprojects Then, we dened each theme according to the story
they tell and identied the overarching narrative themes (Phase 5).

National Iranian Oil Company.
Fig. 1. Time span of cases studied in this paper. General Contractors.

Please cite this article as: Mirimoghadam, M., Ghazinoory, S., An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change (2015),
M. Mirimoghadam, S. Ghazinoory / Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (2015) xxxxxx 5

Table 1
Details of Cases Studied in this Paper.

Project Cases Project Start Date Actual Capital Costs Project Completion Date Current Status

Phases 67-8 2000 3.1 b$ September 2008 under production

Phase 12 2005 8.9 b$ March 2015 under production
Phases 1718 Drilling 2012 0.9 b$ March 2016 45% progress

Finally, a written report was compiled based on the data extracts and during this Contract in order to carry out the Development Operations
theoretical framework of the study (Phase 6). and achieve objectives thereof according to the provisions of this
4. Analysis and ndings: institutional arrangements affecting TL in
socio-technical systems A second term of the contract is the project's annual Work Program
and Budget. Pursuant to the contractual regime of upstream megaproj-
In the Iran's oil and gas industry, there are sets of human actors who ects, contractor proposes its work program and budget for every year
are embedded in social groups. Fig. 2 shows actors and social groups ac- before the start of the project. If the said program is approved by the
tive in the socio-technical system of oil and gas industry. Each of these client (in our case NIOC), then contractor is obliged to follow this pro-
groups have on one hand their own rules, principles, terminology and gram and may make minor changes to it not more than +/ 5%.
atmosphere, and on the other hand are linked to the normative, cogni- Another important item in the contracts for outsourcing of tasks for
tive and legal rules and regulations of the whole system (the institution- completion of the megaproject is the xed ROR on investment, which is
al regime). xed in the contract and cannot be changed due to any reason. As a con-
Our study shows that TL in the industry is guided through megaproj- sequence, in case of any decisions with a positive impact on ROR,
ects and is, in particular, affected by some key characteristics including contractor's entitlements such as the remuneration fee must be adjust-
time, cost, risk and management strategy, which are called the CTRM ed (decreased) to keep the ROR xed.
square in this paper. These items provide the opportunities the projects As perceived in this study, different nancial arrangements forcing
render for technological learning, and evaluate different technological contractor to conform to certain cost limits have led to a conservative
alternatives. approach regarding technological decision-making in the megaproject.
Table 3 yields the identied themes and sub-themes: The case of Measurement While Drilling (MWD) services for SP 17-18
project is a good illustration. The directional drilling subcontractor
4.1. Cost used chrome plated motors for their services. The operation manager
proposed changing them with ceramic motors. The new motors had
The three cases we studied in this paper are good examples of oil and better performance and could drill almost twice the speed of classic mo-
gas megaprojects with budgets of around 1, 3 and 9 billion USD. These tors. As a result, the drilling progress would be doubled and the opera-
huge gures make the nancial structure of the projects very signicant. tion time of the drilling unit would decrease considerably leading to a
Moreover, we noticed several regulatory mechanisms in the service great amount of saving in drilling cost and time (in terms of rig days).
contracts, which were accepted by the contractors. The high cost of The new arrangement also had ceramic components which could un-
the projects as well as requesting guarantees from the subcontractors dergo higher temperatures compared to the regular ones. Consequently,
that they full their obligations to complete the specied projects the new components would last longer and the contractor would re-
have created a conict. On one hand, applying careful and diligent con- place them less frequently. This could also save the cost of new backup
tractual clauses for managing cost and budgetary issues is deemed a components and save some time (in terms of rig standby) for replacing
requirement for effective execution of megaprojects within budget. On the parts less frequently.
the other hand, analysing the nancial structure of these contracts re- The operation manager's proposal cost almost 40% higher than
vealed that this structure is in most cases a burden against technological the regular equipment. The new proposal raised doubts both in the
learning in the industry. contractor's organization and the service company. The service com-
A major regulatory term is the ceiling for the total cost of the in- pany was concerned about his organization and acknowledged that
vestment, which is dened as all costs incurred by contractor that he needed to recongure his organization according to the new
are directly related to carrying out development operations until technology:
completion of the investment project. The typical contractual clause We need training sessions for our technical staff and management. This
is as follows: is going to take some time. We have to make new arrangements and it is
To comply with the requirement of the Master Development Plan, going to have a certain cost impact on our rm. The client is not willing
Capital Costs shall be equal to or less than US Dollars ($... in gures) to accept all charges and we cannot apply this reconguration without
thinking through its long run consequences.
(Service Company's CEO).

The drilling contractor had a conservative approach. They did not

Table 2
structural level of petroleum industry in execution.
want to jeopardize their contractual commitments:

Level 1- policy making and Policy Council for Research and technology, As the project is behind schedule, our rst concern is to meet the dead-
strategic leadership Deputy of Research and Technology in Pet. lines; besides, we are not willing to apply the new technology for the
Ministry rst time, there is no record of applying this technology in the South Pars
Level 2- coordination and 4 mother companies: drilling projects. Our strategy to encounter an issue is to rst use existing
planning National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC)
National Petrochemical Company (NPC)
technologies to resolve it.
National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) (Phases 1718 Drilling Manager).
National Oil Rening & Distribution Company
(NIORDC) The new proposal would have a + 40% cost overrun with direct im-
Level 3- execution, operation General contractors, Developers, Operators, pact on the upcoming annual work program and budget. According to
and evaluation Vendors, Service Companies
the contract, they could not modify the program more than 5%. It

Please cite this article as: Mirimoghadam, M., Ghazinoory, S., An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change (2015),
6 M. Mirimoghadam, S. Ghazinoory / Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (2015) xxxxxx

Fig. 2. Actors & social groups associated with oil and gas industry.

required JMC approval which would prolong the operations. Further- contractor remuneration would decrease automatically. Also, the client
more, as the contract had not envisaged any reward mechanism for also did not show any willingness for amending the contract:
time savings in the operation, the contractor did not have any motive
Other South Pars contractors are abiding by the same contract. We are
for convincing the client regarding such technological choice.
not in the position to change the contract terms of one contractor. This
Furthermore, this scenario would also lead to an ultimate cost saving
would bring chaos in the system and other contractors will object to.
increasing the project's ROR and as the ROR should remain xed,
(Client's Legal Manager).

Analysis of data regarding nancial regime of development mega-

Table 3
Identied Institutional Themes and Sub-themes.
projects shows that exerting non-negotiable and uncompromising
restrictions and ceilings for capital costs, ROR and AWPB leads to
Theme Sub-theme disregarding megaproject's objectives5 and therefore explicitly priori-
Project Capital Costs ROR tizes the contract over the project. While the contract should be a tool
cost constraints and the Project's rate of return which shall remain xed or mechanism designed for proper and fruitful performance of the pro-
governing authority of cost during the project term
ject, it gives rise to schemes that can prevent selection of new cutting
items in the project which Capital Costs Ceiling
affects TL A ceiling set for capital costs, which is explicitly edge technologies which can improve project objectives and lead to TL:
stated in the contract
All efforts are made to respect cost ceilings. The decision making
Annual Work Program and Budget (AWPB)
Contractor's annual program submitted before scenarios are based on contractual commitments and not the project.
project start which may be modied +/ 5% They are all about time and cost. There is no place for technological
Project Time Schedule Development Phase improvement, especially when the results are coming in the long run.
Time limitations and the The duration set out in contract from the effective
(The project planning expert).
consequences of exceeding date until all development operations have been
project schedule and its completed, which shall not exceed a certain
effect on TL period.
Master Development Plan (MDP) 4.2. Time
the scheduled plans for development operations
to be performed under the contract In the institutional regime of Iran's oil and gas industry, time is a cru-
Amortization Period
cial matter. One reason for that is the nature of South Pars Gas Field,
A specic period for the recovery of contractor
costs which is a common eld between Iran and Qatar and hence, the devel-
Sharing of the Risk and Realization of objectives of development opment projects are forced to be executed on schedule so that the coun-
Responsibilities operations try can properly realize its output share of the eld. In the institutional
Division of responsibility These objectives are specically dened within scheme of our cases, there are specic timeframes envisaged for devel-
between various actors of the contract for production and transportation of
the value chain, a certain amount of hydrocarbons.
opment operations: Production from the eld and payback period (see
Sharing of the risk among actors Fig. 3).
Unbalanced Contract; contractor shall bear the If development operations of the project are not fullled in due time,
risk of not sufcient production of hydrocarbons there will be two major consequences. First, contractor is not entitled to
all by himself; which leads to partial recovery of
any bank charges in the extended period of operations. Second, such
costs and remuneration
Attitude towards risk time extension will postpone rst production, which is the starting
Stakeholders openness to consider novel point for contractor cost recovery as well as the remuneration fee. As a
technological scenarios not specied in MDP result, the project team does its best to achieve objectives of develop-
Managerial and Strategic Diversity of the stakeholders ment operations according to schedule and avoids any impeding events.
Characteristics Difculty in aligning the stakeholders' opinions of
Attributes related to the technological scenarios
The pressure for on-time delivery also creates a sense that adopting a
management team, Joint Management Committee (JMC) new technology adds risk of further adaptation and derailing the project
decision-making process participating members not from all over the value schedule (Hobday, 1998).
and strategic issues, which chain; JMC's intention to develop, transfer or
affect TL in the value chain internalize knowledge within the project 5
The objectives include the development plan through which contractor shall develop
Specicity of Knowledge
those upstream facilities (platforms, pipelines and associated onshore processing trains
Lack of sufcient knowledge transmittal among
and related facilities) capable to produce, transport and process an adequate quantity of
technical and managerial staff
raw gas equivalent to a minimum daily capacity and the associated products as it relates
In the following sections, we analyse our data conceptualizing the above illustration. to the project.

Please cite this article as: Mirimoghadam, M., Ghazinoory, S., An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change (2015),
M. Mirimoghadam, S. Ghazinoory / Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (2015) xxxxxx 7

Fig. 3. Typical Project Timeframe and Applicable Costs.

Additionally, the megaprojects timeline set forth in the contracts are affect the operations in two major respects: First, the relevant modica-
xed, inexible, and any modication to that requires NIOC's approval, tions should be incorporated in the project drilling plan and such action
which is unlikely to be granted. Signicantly, our study reveals that rm would require the operating committee and the client's approval (due
and xed project milestones provide little opportunity for the project to its cost impact). The process of getting approval would require at
management team (PMT) to consider technological development. The least 2 or 3 months (as estimated by the drilling project manager) and
team, in this case, is not open to consider the innovator's ideas. The de- such delay would not only prolong the drilling operations but also has
cision in-favour becomes more unlikely given that domestic R&D and a huge cost impact for the project in terms of additional drilling days
technology efforts are often inconclusive, increase the uncertainties as- (the project incurred a minimum of 180,000 USD per day for each dril-
sociated with the projects. The inexibility in altering the timeline of the ling unit). Second, the implementation of upgraded equipment and fa-
completion of the project is compounded by the weak interaction cilities required several training sessions for the operational staff. Also,
between R&D team and the PMT. Under the circumstances, the PMT new spare parts and backup sets both in the unit and in the onshore
decision to avoid cutting-edge technological opportunities gets more in- base (which was Kish base) were required. Insurance of the new system
stitutional feasibility: as well as conformity with standards were another set of actions re-
quired to be done before. These additional and corrective actions
...we are trapped in a production race. There is an uncalled-for compe-
would also need further time and cost, receiving approval for which
tition among the phases and I can see that all everybody cares for is de-
seemed difcult to obtain.
velopment; that is achieving the objectives of development operations.
Coming across the above considerations and given the heterogeneity
This is an ailing development; this is so not technology based.
of PMT members' viewpoint regarding upgrading and modication of
(Phases 67-8 offshore manager).
current technological routine, the matter could not gain a conclusive
vote in the operating committee and hence was not proposed in JMC
In order to achieve rst production within the schedule, the project to the client. Subsequently, the subcontractor's technical manager dis-
director is not ready to change any MDP-approved technology with a puted the operating committee's decision:
new option. He doesn't risk it. What we usually hear is why do we have
Our company pursued the execution of these modications, because it is
to modify or change this? We are already on our way towards rst pro-
perceived to reduce a considerable amount of workload in the future.
duction, as planned. I have never seen anyone say we have improved the
We would also provide better services with this conguration,
technological base of this plant or we gained the know-how.
while at the same time the chances of applying back up sets would drop
(Phases 678 senior process engineer).
The application of improved vessel services is a good illustration of
Technical Manager's viewpoint was conrmed by the senior instru-
how applying a modied technological option was considered an obsta-
ment engineer of the project:
cle for the timely delivery of megaproject. Phases17-18 project utilized
2 drilling units on two platforms and an average number of 4 supply We could benet from this proposal in the long run. The project lacks an
vessels were simultaneously providing services to these drilling units. expert procurement sub-committee under the operating committee
There was a proposal from the subcontractor company to use an insula- who could justify technological advantages of an alternative and
tion ceiling panel as well as upgrade and repair the GIS satellite system. evaluate proposals thoroughly.
The new panel did not require separate insulation for the joints and for
the panel itself. It would save labour by reducing installations to Our data signify that setting rm and xed deliverables and dead-
one simple lay-in for the panels and maintains access to the front sec- lines in the institutional regime of a megaproject limits the ability of
tion by removing each panel without anything laying behind it. The the PMT and JMC members to approve the use of new technological
upgraded GIS SAT is the analytical tool for both long-term management options. Other than the contractual obligation, which bounds contractor
of offshore operations and for immediate operational matters. Conse- to meet the time schedule, cost recovery mechanisms become due by
quently this system should be developed to realize the requirements the time contractor meets the rst production deadline (as shown in
of regional operations. Fig. 3). At this time, contractor can get back the amounts invested for
The original proposal to modify and x the installations required ap- the development of megaproject including capital costs, bank charges
proximately 1.5 day for each vessel, which made a total of 6 operational (interest of his investment) and remuneration fee. This creates another
days to vessel standby. All senior managers were implicitly agreeable to pressure forcing contractor to make any decisions in favour of realizing
integrating the new equipment systems. However, such decision would the deadlines.

Please cite this article as: Mirimoghadam, M., Ghazinoory, S., An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change (2015),
8 M. Mirimoghadam, S. Ghazinoory / Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (2015) xxxxxx

To sum up, the mega nature of the oil and gas development projects, negative effect on the rms' absorptive capacity in the upstream sector.
extreme competition with Qatar, the contract's time constraints to com- This setup creates a conservative approach in the contractor side, as
plete the project are key decision factors for PMT regarding application the overall share of risk with respect to technical and nancial as-
of new technologies in the project. pects of the project lies upon contractor. As a result, contractors en-
counter new technical solutions or technological approaches with
4.3. Risk high degree of uncertainty. This reduces the rm's motive to try in-
novative solutions to the technical problems. Consequently, the con-
The study shows that risk associated with investments in the oil and tractors reduce the risk by using the proven, less risky conventional
gas industry in Iran works as a major barrier for TL. The project's risk can technology.
be classied in three categories: by the split of risk among stakeholders, Our analysis also explains that the PMT mind-set towards risk could
arrangements for the realization of objectives of development opera- lead to different viewpoints of a technological solution. In the case of
tions and the attitude towards risk itself. new completion method, the offshore team spent almost a year and a
The explicit term of contract holding the subcontractor responsible half to convince the PMT and the client that their excessive concerns re-
for their failures reads as follows: garding the structure collapse was unwarranted. Of course, studies have
shown that unrealistic concerns in these cases lead to prioritizing the
Contractor shall bear the risk that, should they fail to achieve the application of proven off-the-shelf technologies (Clark & Wheelwright,
Objectives of the Development Operations, sufcient production may 1993; Massini et al., 2005; Rogers, 1983).
not occur to recover all Petroleum Costs and Remuneration Fee of the
Contractor. It is understood and agreed that Contractor shall achieve
4.4. Management structure
the Objectives of the Development Operations and should they fail to
do so at the end of the Development Phase due to any reason not attrib-
Development megaprojects in the energy sector in Iran have specic
utable to the Client, then Contractor shall pay the decit at his own costs
management structures. They include particular management concepts
and expenses.
and tools. In this section, the management structure of the megaprojects
is introduced.
As above, the risk of not achieving the project's objectives is assumed
The Operator: the party responsible for the conduct of all operations
by the Contractor and the Client indemnies himself from any conse-
and decision making regarding all technical aspects of the megaproject.
quences thereto. This arrangement leads to tension between active TL
The operator is also liable for all negotiations with the client on behalf of
actors in the project value chain and conservative actors (Smith, 2007)
the project.
in the established regime, who try to oppose promising novelties to
The Joint Management Committee (JMC): comprising members
safeguard their vested interests.
from client and contractor which nalizes and approves the project ac-
Open-hole completion method is a good counter-case in this
tivities exceeding a certain cost impact.
regards. Applying open-hole versus cased-hole completion is a demon-
The Joint Operating Committee (JOC): comprising of members from
stration of an upgraded completion technology which was used for the
operator and non-operator parties who decide regarding the internal
rst time in Iran for phases 67-8. According to this method, instead of
project affairs.
covering reservoir layers and perforation, completion is performed leav-
The overall management structure for a typical megaproject is
ing an open hole.
shown in Fig. 4:
Instances show that the production rate of wells completed open-
Our study reveals that the options for technological achievements in
hole is 30% higher than similar wells completed otherwise. In the
megaprojects are proposed by those actors who, by rule, are not consid-
open-hole method, the wellbore will not be cased and cemented;
ered as key stakeholders with a voting right in the megaproject's strate-
while in the cased-hole method and for measurement purposes, a
gic planning. Their proposals are often overlooked due to three main
metal pipe is inserted in the well during completion.
reasons: rst, these proposals come from the operational groups,
The open-hole method involves some risk, as in some structures the
which are active in the supply side who do not contribute in the decision
mineral composition and texture bulk of sedimentary rocks is not hard
making process of the project (which occurs in the PMT, JOC and JMT).
enough and may collapse if the well is completed open-hole. In case of
Second, if the proposal is approved by the PMT and even JOC, there
South Pars reservoir, the structure composition is carbonate dolomite,
still might be good chances of being refused in the JMC; as each of
which reduces the chances of collapsing. Applying open-hole completion
these committees includes members from various stakeholders with
in phases 67-8 resulted in production of more than 90 million cft3 (com-
conspicuous different interests, liabilities, risk attitudes and knowledge
pared to 75 mcft3), which is a signicant achievement for the project.
base. As a consequence, technological proposals with the lowest degree
Furthermore, this method saved a considerable amount of drilling
of uncertainty and high compatibility with the institutional regime
days (30% reduction in rig days) for the project. Consequently, it is con-
(conforming to cost, time, risk and technical specications of the pro-
sidered as a success TL case in drilling practices. It should be considered
ject) have a good chance of receiving approval.
that the negotiation power of the operator played an important role in
The timing to present technological proposal is another item which
convincing the PMT as well as the Client to permit the change in the tech-
might be often neglected. In some cases, they may bring operational
nology. Good justication techniques along with the operator's technical
benets during execution of the project. Like the case of ceramic coated
expertise (strong knowledge base) created a trusting bond between op-
MWD motors, which improve the quality of drilling operation and re-
erator as the initial decision maker and other project stakeholders lead-
duce drilling time; whereas in other cases, they are proposed to upgrade
ing to a less conservative approach in the performance of the project:
the project's post-handover capabilities like the quality of deliverables
This was a win-win decision, both in terms of input (cost) and output (technological decisions improving production scenarios leading to
(production). Positive cooperation of the project director with offshore OPEX6 reductions). Our data show that proposals falling into the latter
manager and the offshore manager's condence in the technical solu- category have less approval chances as their benets are of a visionary
tion created a positive atmosphere supporting the offshore team's and futuristic nature. The latter nding implies that the megaprojects
technical approach. are institutionalized in a way that jeopardizes technological scenarios
(The drilling superintendent). targeting post-project features.

The institutional regime of oil and gas industry shows that the risk
aversion by the client requiring the contractor to accept all risks has a 6
Operating Expenditures.

Please cite this article as: Mirimoghadam, M., Ghazinoory, S., An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change (2015),
M. Mirimoghadam, S. Ghazinoory / Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (2015) xxxxxx 9

Fig. 4. Typical megaproject management structure.

It is important to consider the fact that the technological character- to protect themselves from the consequences of a bad decision; this
istics in the oil & gas industry differs signicantly with many other sec- careful attitude is reinforced by the bureaucratic approval processes
tors due to consequences and impacts that such technology might have. mentioned in this section. The slow processes in NIOC and their conser-
Such differentiation has been a decision criteria in various management vative behavior lead to few entries of novel technologies to the industry.
levels and has led to a more diligent decision making approach. Due to Considering that it might mean projects may not start up timely.
the mega nature of oil and gas projects, the risk of technology failure In conclusion, when it comes to making decisions regarding a new
might impose serious consequences and even lead to world disasters. technological strategy, it is difcult for NIOC to make an involvement
This is a major factor which reveals that in an underlying industry like to the new choice. The situation is so critical that even routine technol-
oil and gas, innovative activities are of a much complex nature entailing ogy choices are encountered with slow bureaucratic processes. There
different opposing criteria and therefore, it is very challenging to deal are instances where NIOC spent more than one year to approve a tech-
with innovation and at the same time, taking care of all these issues. nological proposal and by that time, the feasibility criteria had changed
considerably. As there is a close work connection between NIOC and the
4.4.1. Role of NOC Ministry of Petroleum, the situation is quite the same in the ministry as
NOCs play a contributing role in determining the strategic and oper- well.
ational decisions in the oil and gas industry. While some NOCs are being The other major observation in this aspect is the intellectual proper-
partially privatized, NIOC (which acts as the NOC in Iran) is conrming ty regime. According to the contract, the ownership of any industrial
its' national control over the oil and gas industry. There are a number of property rights developed or obtained in connection with the services
missions associated with NOCs including training young people to the shall belong to NIOC. Our data show that this condition is a major set-
highest standards, developing local technological capability, creating back against the outcomes of technological efforts made by contractors
opportunities for the private sector and developing the country's infra- and subcontractors, which might lead to a patent or license.
structure. However, the historical and political context of Iran for na-
tionalization of oil throughout the country has made NIOC a politically 5. Discussions
sacred (Marcel, 2006) rather than an economic or technology-driven
entity. As a result, NIOC has not had major contributions in realizing Importantly, this study advances conceptualizations on TL by rec-
those missions. ognizing how misalignments in the institutional regime constrain TL
In NIOC, the priorities are the production of hydrocarbons and their within the system. The results indicate that TL in upstream mega-
operational role in national economic challenges. Indeed, NIOC is quite projects of Iran is affected through four elements: cost, time, risk and
busy with realizing society/government needs and also capital chal- management structure (CTRM square). Fig. 5 shows a schematic view
lenges to the industry. of the consequences:
The quality and structure of interactions between foreign companies Our data suggest that the institutional regime is the prevailing
(as sources of technology) and NIOC have a signicant impact on the governing mechanism in a socio-technical system. The regime domi-
technological level of the industry in Iran. However, as there was little nates those scenarios which are in line with it. It forces all stakeholders
direct participation between NIOC and foreign companies, we cannot in different parts of the value chain to commit so that their commitment
observe major progress in the technological capability of NIOC. There- to the regime becomes stringent and they prioritize the megaproject's
fore, the opportunity of NIOC to learn the operational aspects of the pro- nominal objectives to technological capabilities. This is mainly due to
ject has been lost so far. This ultimately prevented NIOC from becoming the fact that capital costs and project schedules are of essence in the
a good operator of his own elds. oil & gas industry. Therefore, managers have to make coordination
In Iran, the historical dimension of oil nationalization is quite heavy and equilibrium among various cost, time and technology related
due the difcult process of nationalization and violent battles for inde- factors.
pendence (Marcel, 2006). Therefore, the industry actors are not opti- Consequently, decision makers are compelled to vote for the techno-
mist towards attendance of foreign companies in the industry and it logical routine, even if there might be more benecial outcomes with
creates an atmosphere lacking trust. Therefore, foreign companies' choosing another technological path. Consequently, unlike most lock-
plans and decisions are not openly considered and it creates structural ins which occur as the result of regional proximities (Boschma, 2005;
challenges among NIOC and development operators. Tdtling & Trippl, 2004), lock-in within the institutional regime occurs
As expressed in Section 4, it is revealed that decision-making in NIOC due to domination of governance eventually binding novel technologi-
as the project client tends to be slow and conservative. Managers want cal scenarios.

Please cite this article as: Mirimoghadam, M., Ghazinoory, S., An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change (2015),
10 M. Mirimoghadam, S. Ghazinoory / Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (2015) xxxxxx

side, reinforcing the institutional lock-in within the socio-technical

An important implication of our ndings is that novel technological
scenarios could not grow in systems and structures which are locked
into their old routines. These results concur with studies carried out in
the micro level (Lundvall, 2007; Boschma, 2005) as well as those appli-
cable to small countries (Edquist & Hommen, 2008) which highlight or-
ganizational transformations in the rms in order to reach technological
change. Otherwise, technology choices become local and TL will be
constrained within the system.
However, in the context of socio-technical systems, we challenge
sufciency of rm transformations. We argue that due to heterogeneity
of social actors and the complexity of systemic interactions, success of
TL strategies and actions hinges on whether the rms can develop a
whole collective with socio-technical setting. Without such perquisite,
conceding that they acquire magnicent technological capabilities,
their contribution within the system will be trivial. These insights
are important as, in contrast to various micro level opportunities
(Vinding, 2000; Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995; Cohen & Levinthal, 1990),
Fig. 5. Negative co-evolution in oil and gas megaprojects.
the failure of TL within the regime can delay transition of overarching
socio-technical systems for a long time.
Our realization yields that CTRM Square in the institutional regime Considering TL studies in sectors (Smit et al., 2007; Junginger et al.,
of oil and gas industry has created a negative co-evolution in the 2008; Junginger, 2005), the originality of our work is to explore TL in
socio-technical system leading to impairment of TL. The CTRM arrange- the complex socio-technical setting through an institutional lens.
ment in the institutional regime governs the sector's technology policy7 Whilst in the micro level, technological capability building depends
as well as the rms' strategy in micro level. It would also regulate actors' highly on the rm's knowledge and technology efforts to upgrade itself,
interactions within the socio-technical system. in the socio-technical regime, such criteria tend to be invariably depen-
Data shows that formation of negative co-evolution occurs within dent to the institutional structure. In particular, we show that 4 main
time and due to a chronological set of events in the socio-technical sys- institutional elements (CTRM square) affect stakeholders' attitudes to-
tem. This is generally consistent with major trends conrming techno- ward new technological scenarios which invariably shape TL in the
logical traps within locked-in paradigms (Mulder et al., 2001) making regime.
them irreversible and path dependent. This process is illustrated Based on the negative co-evolution, we infer that the technological
through three main phases: proposals requiring capability building, promotion of knowledge base
and technological upgrades are not welcome in the regime and any
Initiating formation: decision to approve such proposals is regarded against the institutional
arrangements of the system.
When a megaproject is founded in the industry, expert groups in dif-
Our study supports insights which the literature has provided about
ferent levels of the project value chain try to enhance their technological
innovation challenges of the micro level in socio-technical systems
capability in order to propose novel technological options. Technologi-
(Fagerberg et al., 2013; Cox & Rigby, 2013; Ferlie et al., 2005; Nelson,
cal proposals might be justiable when studied by PMT in the opera-
1995; Dosi, 1997; van der Zwaana & Sagara, 2006; Gil et al., 2012). In
tional level. But in higher governing levels within the megaproject, the
order to confront this issue and develop a more technological demand-
evaluation measures become more strictly and conformant to the insti-
ing setting in the meso level, we require more legitimacy for expert
tutional regime. It often makes proposals infeasible due to exceeding
technologists, innovators and developers at the supply side (micro
CTRM measures.
level). Consistent with previous studies, actors and rms acquiring
Spreading domination: higher learning-related scales, knowledge diversity and absorptive ca-
pacity are better options for introducing new technologies to the system
As the project moves forward, the institutional regime exposes its (Rogers et al., 2015; Fichman & Kemerer, 1997; Rice & Rogers, 1980).
domination over the project blocking new technological options. With Hence, our study calls for new policies supporting micro level in the in-
other projects dened in the socio-technical system, the institutional re- stitutional regime both in motivating technological activities and in
gime spreads its legitimacy over the whole socio-technical system. maintaining their survival.
Here, the component of plurality in the oil and gas sector (with multiple A chief contribution of our study to the socio-technical systems re-
similar projects) acts as a stabilizer supporting the institutional regime search is to point out how general and implicit institutional characteris-
preventing innovators and technology developers to enter the regime. tics can establish underlying boundaries for TL, even if technological-
Forcing reconguration: specic criteria are all at place. Some of the previous studies explore in-
novation challenges in socio-technical systems (Geels, 2004; Markard &
At the supply side, rms as business entities require remaining in the Truffer, 2008) and in projects (Hobday, 2000b; Prencipe & Tell, 2001).
regime to guarantee their survival. As a result, after several inconclusive However, the implicit and overall institutional constraints of a system
efforts to enter/maintain their position in the meso level, rms recong- for TL have mainly remained vague.
ure their technology strategy to be in compliance with the regime's pol- The other implication of this study is for the developing countries.
icies and requirements in order to safeguard their strategic position in In these countries, the actors often have limited internal capabilities
the market. During time, the absorptive capacity of these rms dimin- to identify what they require. Consequently, to ll their knowledge
ishes leading to dominancy of obsolete technologies as imposed by gaps and map alternatives to their needs, they absorb new technolo-
the regime. We call this process the negative co-evolution of actors gies relying on third-parties mainly foreign vendors (Prencipe & Tell,
in the socio-technical system. It leads to path dependency on the supply 2001; Flowers, 2007). Furthermore, socio-constructivist studies sug-
gest that to learn a new technology, actors need to mobilize the re-
Though it might not be a codied and explicit. sources capable of transforming current institutional regime (Ferlie

Please cite this article as: Mirimoghadam, M., Ghazinoory, S., An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change (2015),
M. Mirimoghadam, S. Ghazinoory / Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (2015) xxxxxx 11

et al., 2005; Peine, 2008). Politics and power games are inherent to intended to examine the function of institutional arrangements to arrive
this domestication process (Elzen et al., 2004) due to rm differences at a conceptual understanding about TL, rather than test theory.
in socio-cognitive boundaries, path dependencies, and sunk costs This paper broadens existing studies by investigating how the insti-
(Bijker, 1995). tutional regime can affect TL in socio-technical systems and structure
Consistent with research strands on the challenges of new techno- co-evolutionary processes in the system. Our institutional analysis
logical developments and on the non-spread of innovations in complex posits that TL is disregarded in the oil and gas megaprojects creating a
settings (Ferlie et al., 2005), we reveal that it can be challenging to static atmosphere resistant to change. We discussed the reasons,
maintain and improve TL within a locked-in institutional regime. This which diminish TL in the empirical setting of our research.
is true mainly if powerful actor groups and stakeholder's position and The ndings of this paper suggest that the institutional regime inca-
status is weakened by an institutional transformation, in such case any pacitates TL mainly through four key elements: cost, time, risk and man-
decision in favor of TL processes becomes twisted with the lobbying agement structure referred to as the CTRM square. The institutional
power of stakeholders. arrangement of these elements supports a systemic process, which we
Importantly, our study suggests that exible institutional structure call the negative co-evolution. It contributes to reconguration of
can be inuential for making compromise regarding a technological sce- technology strategy at the supply side which leads to dominancy of ob-
nario and spread of novel technologies; while previous studies claim solete or old technological routines in the rms diminishing TL in the
that non-spread of technologies throughout the regime is mainly due micro and meso level.
to conicting objectives of groups and social actors (Bijker, 1995; Based on the ndings of this paper, a reconguration in the institu-
Geels, 2004; Bergek et al., 2008; Ferlie et al., 2005). tional structure of the regime is required. To do that, the socio technical
system needs a transition from a pure command and control state to a
technology supportive state through the institutional regime. In such
5.1. Limitations
regimes, application of cutting edge technology is considered as a deci-
sion factor along with other criteria. Incentive based regulations would
As typical of inductive studies, there are normally limitations to the
ensure more efcient outcomes in the sectors concerned, since it would
generalizations derived from case study insights (McGrath, 1982;
remove unnecessary restrictions imposed on the micro level and, at the
Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007). However, the purpose of this research
same time, encourage efciency in the socio-technical system.
was to develop an explanatory approach focusing on institutional ar-
Annex 1- Number and professions of the respondents.
rangements. The institutional structure, upon which this paper expands
its' study, belongs to the specic characteristics and context of the oil
Number of respondents 74
and gas sector rather than to exist all over. Therefore, any further appli-
Number of interviews: 86
cation of the results is subject to thorough studies of other sectors and Organizational information: 6 senior managers
industries. 21 managers
A criterion, which determines if the approach can be used, is the 14 consultants
particular conguration of institutional regime within an industry 8 professors
25 experts
(Reay & Hinings, 2009). The ndings of this study may be applicable Professional information: 25 Operational
in industries whose main functionality is achieved through execu- 20 R&D within operation
tion of megaprojects with deliverables affecting largely the macro 8 Universities
characteristics of socio-technical system. Upstream segment of the 15 Research centers
6 Institutes
Iranian oil and gas industry with several enormous oil and gas re-
serves, which play an instrumental role in the country economy, is
one applicable instance. Hence, it is vital to keep our contribution
grounded on these illustrations.
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Please cite this article as: Mirimoghadam, M., Ghazinoory, S., An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change (2015),
M. Mirimoghadam, S. Ghazinoory / Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (2015) xxxxxx 13

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Mojdeh Mirimoghadam is a PHD candidate for science and technology policy making.
She is a TA and RA for science and technology policy courses. Her main eld of research
is innovation and technological learning in sectoral systems. She has written two confer-
ence papers in this regards which is presented in GLOBELICS 2013.

Please cite this article as: Mirimoghadam, M., Ghazinoory, S., An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran's oil and gas industry: Case
study of south pars gas eld development, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change (2015),

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