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Sri Febriani P Sihombing, S.

Pd Gr
Jalan Jamin Ginting Gg. Sakka Manuk No.8 Medan

Medan, 7th April 2016

To : Sr/Madam The foundations president of Batari School

Subject: Application for being a new teacher

Dear Sr/Madam,

I am applying for the position of a new teacher on your institution. Here is my brief data:

Name : Sri Febriani Peronika Sihombing, S.Pd Gr

Place and Date of Birth : Sidamanik, 24th February 1990
Religion : Christian Protestant
Education : PPG PG PAUD of FIP of Padang state University
Adress : Jln. Jamin Ginting Gg. Sakka Manuk No.8 Medan
Contact Person : 082167487524

I consider myself that I have good qualifications to fill the position as TK teacher in this
school. I have good time management, and motivation to progress beside that I am good in
English both oral and written.

With all my qualifications, I believe that I will be able to give a good contribution in this
school. For your consideration, through this letter, I enclosure some important letters, they
are 4 pieces of 2 X 3 photos, CV, copies of diplomas, and a photocopy of ID card.

I would be very happy if given a chance interview at your convenient time.

Thanks for your nice attention and your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Sri Febriani P Sihombing, S. Pd Gr

Medan, 7th April 2016

Subject: Aplication for being a new teacher

Attention to:
Mr/Ms the Headmaster of TK Batari
in Medan
Dear Sir/Ms,

The guidance of your school informed that your school is looking for additional teachers as
TK. Therefore, through this letter I would like to apply for a job at the school to fill the
position of a new teacher.

I had been taking my undergraduate education at the University of Medan, majoring in PG

PAUD education, in 2013. While studying in college, I had undergone a training program
that has been trained me to be an effective and efficient teacher.

I have experience in working as a teacher in PAUD Terpadu (TK&KB) Efata in Nias island
for 1 years and now I am trying to develop my career and looking for a new challenge in
school which is led by you. For your consideration, through this letter, I enclosure some
important letters, they are 4 pieces of 3 X 4 photos, CV, copies of diplomas, and a photocopy
of ID card.

I would be very happy if given a chance interview at your convenient time.

Thanks for your nice attention and your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Sri Febriani P Sihombing, S. Pd Gr

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