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1. I haven't visited London FOR a long time

present perfect

2. Hast visited London a long time AGO

It's a long time SINCE Ilast visited London


3. The last time I visited london ~ a long time AGO


1. We have NEVERvisited this city before

present perf (affirm)

We haven't visited this city BEFORE

present perf (neg)

2. It's the first time we have EVERvisited this city

present perf (affirm)

1. She has lived here FOR 13 years

She came to live here 13 years AGO present perf

2. She has learned English FOR 4 years

She started to learn English 4 years AGO
present perf

I have NEVER read such a boring book It is the most boring book that I have EVER read

HOW LONG is it since you broke your arm? WHEN did you break your arm?

1. It's ages since 1took any photos.

-lhave _
2. Tom has not had his hair cut for a month.
- It's
3. Tom hasn't seen 'Titanic" before.
- It's the first time _
4. The last time 1 was abroad was in the summer of 2000.
-1 _
5. Tom last watched T.V on New Year's Day.
-Tom _
6. It's three months since the windows were c1eaned.
- The windows _
7. My friends began studying English fifteen years ago.
- My friends _
8. My father hasn't played football since 1980.
- The last time _
9. He hasn't drunk any beer since the accident happened.
-Helast ~ _
10. My brother started smoking two years ago.
- Mybrother ~-
11. We haven't met Tom since he got married.
-Welast _
12. This is the first time 1 ate this kind of food.
-Ihaven1 _
13. It's four years since 1 got married.
-Ihave ~---------------------------
14. He has been working for this factory for three years.
- Hestarted _
15. This is the first time 1 have read thts book.
-Ihavenever _
16. The last time 1 heard him was in June.
-Ihave _
17. We last saw Tom when he went to London.
- We haven't _
18. I've never met such a famous singer before.
-It'sthe _
19. It's two years since 1 was last in Rome.
-1 _
20. My father started to write five years ago.Now he's still writing.
- My father" ,
21. Linda has been cooking for five hours .
-Linda _
22. The Browns haven't visited Paris since 1998.
- The last time _
1- Match the following

1 It is the first time 1 have had an accident. It is the first time he has travelled.
2 1 last visited this city twenty years ago. It ls the first time they have played soccer.
3 He has never travelled before. 1 have never have had an accident before.
4 1 started studying a week ago. 1 have been attending French lessons since 2010.
5 They have never played soccer before. l have studied for a week.
6 1 started attending French lessons in 2010. She has never driven a car before.
7 . It is the first time she has driven a caro 1 haven't been to this city for twenty years.

2- Sentence Transformation: Rewrite the sentences below using the words given

1- They have never been in this situation before (time)

It this situation.

2- l started living in this house twenty years ago. (far)

1 twenty years.

3- It s the first time they have travelled abroad. (never)

They _

4- 1 started working for IBM in the year 2001. (since)

1 _ the year 2001.

5- She has never invited me to the movies before. (time)

It to the movies.

6- 1 have worked in this office for a few days. (ago)

1 _

7- 1 have never heard this song before. (time)

It _

8- It is the first time she has told me about her family. (never)

9- We have never been to an Armenian restaurant before. (time)

It _

10-1 have worked in this office for a few days. (started)

I ~ _

11-They have never been to this part of town before. (time)

It _

12-1 started playing Battlefield in the year 2004. (since)

1 _ the year 2004.

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