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Transport of Heat by Conduction

Conduction and Convection

Consider a heating process of a metal rod by a flame.
- Heat is transferred from the hot gas to the metal rod by convection.
- Heat is transferred along the rod by conduction.

Convection Newtons Law of Cooling

The rate of heat transfer from a solid surface to a

- qx (W): Rate at which heat is transported

- As: Solid-fluid contact area
- Ts and T: are the temperatures of the solid
surface and the fluid.
- h (W/m2K): Heat transfer coefficient (not material property, but affected
by flow and boundary conditions).
Conduction Fouriers Law
The rate of heat transfer by conduction

- k (W/mK): Thermal Conductivity

- A: Cross-Sectional Area
- The negative sign means that the flow of heat is
opposite to the temperature gradient.
Temperature Profile in a Solid Slab
- If k increases with temperature, the temperature profile
through the slab is show by curve (a).
- If k decreases with temperature the temperature profile
is as shown by curve (b)
Mean Thermal Conductivity
Fouriers Law

- Define km as the mean thermal conductivity between T1 and T2

1 Dimension Steady Conduction

Heat is transferred along 1 direction (e.g. x-direction or radial direction).
- Conduction in a plane slab
- Conduction through a cylindrical wall
- Conduction through a spherical wall
1 Dimension Conduction in a Plane Slab:
For a plane slab, Ax is constant, so integrating Fouriers
Law between two boundaries gives:
- Heat Flow

- Temperature Profile

1 Dimension Conduction in a Cylindrical Wall

Heat transfer along the radial direction of a hollow cylinder of inner radius R1,
outer radius R2, and the length L. If the inner surface is at the T1 and the outer
surface is at a temperature T2.
- For cylindrical wall: A(r) = 2rL
- Heat flow:

- Temperature profile

1 Dimension Conduction in a Cylindrical Wall

Heat transfer along the radial direction of a hollow sphere of (T1,R1) and (T2,R2)
and assuming T1 > T2.
- For spherical surface, A(r) = 4r2
- Heat Flow

- Temperature Profile

Conduction in a Composite Wall

If heat is transferred through a composite wall with different materials of
thickness and thermal conductivities.
Thermal Resistance Electric Analogy
For a constant heat flow q involving conduction through materials of different k
or both conduction and convection, thermal
resistance is a convenient concept.
- Resistance to conduction:

- Resistance to convection:

Conduction in a composite wall

- The heat flow per unit area qx is constant

- Using thermal resistance simplifies calculation

Heat Flow Through a Composite Cylindrical Wall
Heat flow from a hot fluid at Ti inside a hollow composite cylinder through the
walls of the cylinder to a cooler fluid To outside.

Increasing the outer radius of the insulating material, R3.

- Increases the resistance to heat flow by conduction through the insulation.
- Decreases the resistance to heat transfer by convection from the outer
surface to the last surface of the insulation.
There exists a critical radius of insulation at which heat flux reach its maximum
or minimal value (i.e. sum of heat resistance of insulation materials and
convection with outer air has minimal and maximum value).
Resistance of Rkh (resistance to the conduction in out layer and outer

Different Rkh with respect to R3 and set to zero we get

- The second derivative of Rhk with respect to R3 gives a positive quantity,
which indicates that it must have a minimum value at that point (hence qr
has a maximum value at that point).

For example, with To = 20, for a typical

kinsulation of 0.04 W/mk and the lowest
attainable value ho of approximately 5

- Line shows the influence of adding

insulating material to a wire of radius
- Line b in the figure is for the case
where the radius is 10mm
1 Dimension Conduction in a Heat Source
Consider the 1D (x-direction) heat flow through a solid in which heat is being
generated are the rate of q (W/m3)
- Based on the energy balance on the differential volume Axdx
Heat Generation in a Plane Slab
For a plane slab of length 2L and section Area with heat being generated at the
rate of q .

- After first and second integrations

- The values of C1 and C2 are can be found using the boundary condition.

If the surface temperatures are known as (-L, T1) and (L, T2), the temperature

- The maximum temperature in the slab (dT/dx =0):
Heat Generation in a Plane Slab with Known Air Temperature
If the air temperature of T and the heat transfer coefficients h1 and h2 are
- At each surface the heat flow by conduction is equal to the heat flow
transferred from the surface to the fluid by convection.

- Differentiating the equation (*) from above

- Substituting x = -L and x = L then solving simultaneous equation

- The temperatures T1 and T2

Heat Generation in a Plane Slab with Adiabatic Side

If the plane slab has an adiabatic side, then no heat flows out from that side. All
heat flows out to the other sides.
- Boundary conditions

- We have
- So, the temperature profile

For example, consider the slab of thickness 0.1m, q = 250000 W/m3, km = 25

W/mK with an adiabatic side 1 and has h2 = 60 W/m2K and T = 15oC at side 2.
Get the temperature profile.

Heat Generation in a Solid Cylinder

Consider the heat generated in a cylinder of radius R and length L flows down
the temperature gradient in the radial direction toward the surface of the
cylinder, which is at the temperature Ts.
- The heat now transfers through radial direction therefore
- By applying boundary conditions, the temperature profile and heat flow is:

- One-dimensional, steady-state solutions to the heat equation with NO
heat generation

- One-dimensional, steady-station solutions to the heat equation with heat

generation at rate of q

Derivation of Governing Equation for Conduction

Set up energy balance to control volume
- Heat In Heat Out + Heat Generation = Heat Variation
Net Heat flow (Heat in Heat Out):
- X Direction

- Y Direction

- Z Direction

Heat Generation

Variation of the heat in the control volume

- Where CP is the constant-pressure specific heat capacity (Thermal energy

required to increase the temperature of a unit mass of material by 1
Dividing with the volume we get

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