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A New Approach to the Estimation

of Cutting Dynamics Using Active

Min Chen
Carl R. Knospe
Magnetic Bearings
A new experimental approach to identify the cutting dynamics in turning operations is
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace presented. This method treats the problem as a closed-loop gray-box identification prob-
Engineering, lem and is based upon spectral analysis and least squares estimation techniques. An
University of Virginia, active magnetic bearing is employed both to excite the system and to increase the tools
Charlottesville, VA 22903 damping. The inherent time delay of the cutting process is removed in identification by
limiting the observation period to less than one revolution period of the workpiece. The
coefficients of several cutting tests were identified. The methodology was validated by
predicting the critical depth of cut from the identification results and comparing with the
experiment result measured from a cutting test. DOI: 10.1115/1.2034509

1 Introduction ing at a constitutive level is the regeneration mechanism: the in-

stantaneous depth of cut is determined by both the deflection of
Throughout the past few decades, industrial interest in increas-
the tool and the wavy surface left by the tools previous passage.
ing the metal removal rate MRR in machining has grown mark-
Therefore, the cutting process can be treated as two separate and
edly. High MRR typically requires both large depth of cut and
parallel dynamic systems in feedback interconnection with the
high spindle speed. Unfortunately, the achievable depth of cut is
tool structure 4: inner modulation, which refers to the wave
often constrained by the onset of chatter, which may result in poor
cutting process, and outer modulation, which refers to the wave
surface finish, tool failure, and damage to the workpiece or ma-
removing 5 process. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of such a
chine itself. An empirical solution to avoid chatter is to stiffen
machining process model.
spindles by increasing diameters, which, on the other hand, in-
In the figure, delay time T is equal to the period of one revolu-
creases the difficulty for spindles to achieve high speed 1.
Active magnetic bearings AMBs have many advantages for tion in turning; outer modulation rt = yt T; and the disturbance
high speed machining. First, they permit a significant increase in dt is a stochastic cutting force caused by chip breakage, machine
bearing surface speed, allowing larger diameter stiffer spindle vibrations, and the workpieces hard spots. Previous analysis of
rotors at higher rotational speeds. Second, their active nature per- fundamental mechanics 57 as well as experimental investiga-
mits greater spindle damping and the active suppression of chatter tions on cutting dynamics 810 indicate that Gi and Go may be
2. modeled by simple linear dynamics cutting force coefficients
However, the advanced control design techniques for such chat- DCFC models:
ter amelioration require an accurate mathematical model of the Gis = kis + kids, Gos = kos + kods 1
cutting dynamics. This paper presents a new approach to identify
the cutting process dynamics from experimental data using active In DCFC models, all the coefficients are real scalars.
magnetic bearings. The ideas presented may be applied in other 1.2 Cutting Dynamics Identification. Experimental identifi-
machining contexts where actuators other than a magnetic bearing cation of the cutting process dynamics is made significantly more
are present. difficult by the presence of the cutting process feedback loop.
1.1 Machining Process Machining is a process resulting Since this feedback is inherent to cutting, experiments must be
from the interaction of tool structure and cutting process. Model- performed on system operating in closed-loop. In comparison to
ing the machining process requires identification of both the tool open-loop identification, closed-loop identification is more in-
dynamics and the cutting dynamics. A model of the tool structure volved 11,12. Complicating this identification problem is the
can be determined by relatively easy and accurate tests without very high order description that would be required to represent the
conducting cutting. Unfortunately, modeling of the cutting process large delay in polynomial models in either discrete or continuous
is a much more difficult problem. For over six decades, research- domains. Finally, the correlation between inner and outer modu-
ers have studied the dynamics of metal removal, both theoretically lations due to the delay, rt = yt T, also poses problems for
and experimentally. Theoretical approaches, including analytical, identification. This can be illustrated by the following example:
mechanistic, and numerical methods 3, have produced qualita- Consider the system
tive models explaining the effects of the various cutting param- Fs = Gis Ys + Gos Rs 2
eters. However, these theoretical approaches require experimental
identification to determine constitutive parameters within the with measurements Ys , Rs, and Fs. Suppose that inputs Rs
model. Alternatively, models can be developed directly from ex- and Ys are related by
perimental data, essentially a black box approach.
Rs = eTsYs 3
In this work, our attention is focused on turning. Methods simi-
lar to those presented here could be applied to other machining It is obvious the system
operations. Central to understanding the cutting dynamics of turn-
Fs = Gis + Ls eTs Ys + Gos Ls Rs 4
will have the same input-output relation as the system in Eq. 2,
Contributed by the Manufacturing Engineering Division for publication in the with an arbitrary transfer function Ls. Therefore, finding the true
January 22, 2004; final revision received February 13, 2005. Review conducted by: transfer functions Gis and Gos from the measurements is es-
Y. C. Shin. sentially impossible by standard black-box techniques. Special

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering NOVEMBER 2005, Vol. 127 / 773
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Fig. 1 Machining process block diagram

methods must be employed to separate this correlation between

Rs and Ys in identification. Fig. 2 Identification block diagram
Several experimental methods have been developed for this
identification problem. Brussel 13 proposed a method in which
an exciter was used to arbitrarily adjust the phase angle between
the inner and outer modulations so that the correlation between
rn = yn NT 6
them was separated. Due to the variance of the spindle speed,
this approach requires sophisticated equipment to keep the phase and NT = T. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of these relation-
shift at a constant value. Ahn 14,15, Yang 8, and Cho 16 ships.
identified the cutting dynamics in time-domain modified autore- Assume the dynamics Ge and Gt have been estimated from
gressive moving average vector MARMAV models. These meth- separate open-loop identifications. The cutting dynamics identifi-
ods also permit continuous evaluation of the cutting dynamics cation problem can be stated as follows:
over the frequency range of interest. Minis and his colleagues Given known transfer functions Ge and Gt, measurement of
9,17 conducted impact tests during cutting to identify the inner excitation vn and tool displacement yn, identify the cutting
modulation. Experimental data were only recorded in the first coefficients in Eq. 1. We will assume for this problem that Eq.
revolution so that the outer modulations influence was removed. 6 is valid and disturbance dn is an independent sequence.
Marchelek and Tomkow 10 applied the so-called frequency For this closed-loop, gray-box identification problem, our ap-
tuning method to estimate both inner and outer modulation mod- proach is indirect: first the closed-loop dynamics are identified
els from frequency response plots. However, the wavy responses from correlation and spectral analysis of cutting signals, and then
caused by the delay feedback loop prevented the estimation from the cutting coefficients are determined from the closed-loop esti-
attaining high accuracy. mation results.
The proposed method is based on widely used spectral analysis
and least squares estimation techniques. This method divides ex- 2.1 Spectral Analysis. For any stationary signals at and bt
periment data into small time segments, each of which is shorter observed at uniform intervals, the cross-correlation and cross
than one revolution period. As a result, the delay feedback effect power spectral density are defined as 18
is removed as we shall show. This method is not sensitive to the N
turning speed and does not require the direct measurement of
cutting force, yet can still achieve accurate results. Both inner and
Rab = lim
N 2N + 1 n=N

anbn +
outer modulation coefficients can be estimated. For the sake of
simplicity, only the cutting dynamics in the feed direction are +
identified in this paper. Three-dimensional cutting processes can
be identified by the same approach without any difficulty.
Pab = R
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2,
the identification method and its mathematical foundation are pre- Autocorrelation and autospectral density can be handled as spe-
sented. Section 3 follows with a discussion of the method and a cial cases of Eq. 7. Of course, random processes cannot be ob-
comparison with other approaches. Sections 4 and 5 present our served over an infinite time in practice. With only a finite number

experimental setup for cutting dynamics identification and the of sampled observations, we must consider a truncated signal
identification results. In Sec. 6, the critical depth of cut is pre- an 0 n N 1
dicted based on the identified cutting dynamics, and the result is an = 8
0 otherwise
verified in a cutting test. Finally, a summary is found in Sec. 7.
The classic correlation estimator for truncated signals is
2 Identification Method

Like most identification methods, the proposed approach re- Rab = anbn + 9
N n=0
quires an external input vt during cutting. In this work, an active

magnetic bearing, driven by a white noise generator, is employed and, as shown in 18, the expectation for this estimator is
to provide this input. The relationships for the identification prob- N
lem, based on discrete observations of signals, are N 1
ERab = W Rab, where W = N

fn = Giq1 yn + Goq1 rn + dn 0 otherwise

yn = Geq1 vn + Gtq1 fn 5
Equation 10 states that the correlation estimator on truncated
where q1 denotes the backward shift operator, q1un = un 1; signals is biased by a triangular Bartlett window W.
rn satisfies Finally, the spectral density estimator for truncated signals is

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Fig. 3 Correlation between rn and yn for NT = 200 and N = 200

N1 is the delay relationship of rn = yn NT. Shortening the obser-

Pab =

Rabej 11 vation period is helpful in weakening the correlation caused by the
delay. This is demonstrated in Fig. 3.
Based on the above preliminaries, we shall show that if the In Fig. 3a, the autocorrelation Ry has its peak value at
number of observations N NT, = 0. Since rn = yn NT, the cross-correlation Rry = Ry
+ NT. The Bartlett window is zero for N, as shown in Fig.
rn is uncorrelated to the external inputs vn and dn and 3b. As discussed previously, the correlation Rry is equal to the
the correlation between rn and yn caused by the time product of Rry and the Bartlett window. When N NT, the
delay is reduced, and can be greatly diminished under cer- small weighting on the edge of the Bartlett window has the effect
tain conditions. of greatly reducing the delay correlation, as shown in Fig. 3c.
Obviously, reducing N results in lower delay correlation. Increas-
For the causal system shown in Fig. 2, the output yn is gov- ing the damping of the tool will also reduce the delay correlation,
erned by external inputs and previous outputs: since the autocorrelation Ry will decrease more quickly with
increasing .
yn = fv ,, vn,d ,,dn,y ,,yn 1 As this argument makes clear, the effect of a short observation
12 period is to break the delay feedback loop. Throughout the re-
Then, the outer modulation, rn = yn NT, is a linear combi- mainder of this paper, we will assume N NT.
nation of the system inputs/outputs up to time n NT. Because 2.2 Inner Modulation Identification. Based on Eq. 5, the
input vn is an independent noise sequence, vn NT observed system output yn can be written as
+ 1 , , vn + NT 1 are uncorrelated to any signal prior to time
n NT, and are therefore independent with respect to rn. Hence, yn = Ge vn GtGi yn + Gt dn + GtGo rn 14
for N NT , rn is uncorrelated with vn N + 1 , , vn + N 1 If the system is stable, the spectral relationship corresponding
and the expectation of the cross-correlation function ERrv to the input vn is
= 0 for N + 1 , N 1. The expectation of the cross-spectral
density is zero as well: 1 + GtGi Pyv = Ge Pv + Gt Pdv
N1 + GtGo Prv 15
EPrv =
ERrvej = 0 13 where G denotes system frequency response, which can be
obtained by replacing the backward shift operator q1 in the trans-
implying that vn and rn are independent with a short enough fer function by ej. To simplify the notation without causing
period of observation. For the same reason, dn and rn are also any ambiguity, we will omit the frequency variable in equations
independent in this case. in what follows. Since dn and rn are essentially uncorrelated
As shown in Fig. 2, the correlation between rn and yn is to vn , Pdv and Prv are negligible. Hence Eq. 15 can be
caused from two loops: one is the dynamics of Go and Gt, another simplified as

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering NOVEMBER 2005, Vol. 127 / 775

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1 + GtGi Pyv = Ge Pv 16 3 Discussion
where the influence of outer modulation disappears. Solving Eq. 3.1 Damping Requirement. As shown is Eq. 10, the esti-
16 at each frequency, the frequency response of the inner modu- mated correlation will be biased due to the finite observation pe-
lation can be obtained. For DCFC estimation, substituting the cut- riod. Consequently, the estimated spectral density will be essen-
ting dynamics model of Eq. 1 results in the relationship tially biased as well. This situation becomes more adverse when
the observation period is short. For the estimates of Pyv , Pyr, and
1 + Gt kis + kid j Pyv = Ge Pv 17
Pr, we wish to limit the biases to an acceptable level. Generally,
Upon rearranging Eq. 17, the following equation is obtained: increasing the tool structural damping will significantly decrease
the settling time of the system response, which results in the most
Gt Pyv kis + Gt Pyv j kid = Ge Pv Pyv 18
significant correlation amplitude at the center of the Bartlett win-
This result may be expressed for a collection of discrete fre- dow. Therefore, the bias on the estimation is reduced with higher
quencies in matrix form as structural damping. A well-damped system also results in the de-
coupling of rn and yn. Such tool structural damping can be
Xi bi = Y i 19
achieved by applying appropriate feedback control via the active
where magnetic bearing. Nevertheless, the requirement of significant

damping achieved by passive or active methods is one limitation
realGt1 Pyv1 realGt1 Pyv1 j1
of the proposed identification approach.
imagGt1 Pyv1 imagGt1 Pyv1 j1
3.2 Spectral Analysis Considerations. The analysis pre-
Xi , sented indicates that the influences of the delayed feedback can be
realGts Pyvs realGts Pyvs js effectively removed by using a short observation period in the
spectral analysis. In practice, we would like to collect cutting data
imagGts Pyvs imagGts Pyvs js of length L long enough, then to segment the data into K nonover-
lapping blocks of length N NT, where L = K N. After power

realGe1 Pv1 Pyv1 spectral density calculation on each block is done, average power
imagGe1 Pv1 Pyv1 spectral density can be computed to reduce the impact of measure-
ment noise on estimation accuracy.
Y i: = Since the frequency resolution of P is 1 / N, short obser-
realGes Pvs Pyvs vation period N will prohibit obtaining the frequency response in
imagGes Pvs Pyvs details over the frequency range of interest. To circumvent this
problem, the spectral density calculation can be repeated several
bi = kis kidT times for several different values for N with each Ni NT. Then,
estimates at supplemental frequencies with a resolution of
and 1 , , s are the frequency points considered. Note that the 1 / Ni can be obtained.
above matrices are written in terms of real and imaginary parts so
as to guarantee that the resulting bi is real. The coefficient can 3.3 Excitations for Outer Modulation Identification. In the
then be estimated using the standard least squares algorithm: spectral analysis for the inner modulation, the external excitation
input vn has a large frequency bandwidth essentially white.
bi = kis kidT = XiTXi1XiTY i 20 However, because the delay feedback loop is broken by the
The identified inner modulation frequency response is then proposed method, external input vn does not affect the outer
modulation loop. The signal rn is used as the external input for
Gi = kis + jkid 21 outer modulation dynamics identification. Consequently, the accu-
racy of the outer modulation identification will not be as great as
2.3 Outer Modulation Identification. Outer modulation can for the inner modulation since:
be identified in a similar manner as the inner modulation. Since
The bandwidth of rn depends on the bandwidth of the
the delay loop between yn and rn is broken, the outer modu-
closed loop system which may not be significantly high. To
lation signal rn can be treated as an external input. The system remedy, least squares estimation points should be selected
spectral density corresponding to input rn is within the systems pass band frequency range so as to re-
duce the influence of noise.
1 + GtGi Pyr = Ge Pvr + Gt Pdr + GtGo Pr 22
The signal rn must be calculated from the measurement of
where both Pdr and Pvr are negligible. Therefore, Eq. 22 the closed-loop system output yn which, in general, has
can be further simplified: more noise than the measurement of the independent exter-
nal input vn used in inner modulation identification.
1 + GtGi Pyr = GtGo Pr 23
The coupling between yn and rn due to the time delay,
From Eq. 16, we obtain the relationship although greatly reduced, cannot be completely removed by
the proposed approach.
1 + GtGi = Ge Pv/Pyv 24
3.4 Comparison With Other Methods. A comparison be-
which can be used to replace the unknown Gi in Eq. 23. Then
tween the proposed approach and previous identification methods
Ge Pv Pyr = GtGo Pr Pyv 25 8,9,1317 is provided here:
Closed-Loop Identification. The previous methods have em-
where the only unknown variable is Go. By substituting Eq. 1 ployed direct identification techniques, which treat the input-
into Eq. 25, we obtain output data as if it was obtained from open-loop experiments. It is
well known that open-loop methods in closed-loop identification
Gt Pr Pyv kos + Gt Pr Pyv j kod = Ge Pv Pyr 26
result in biased estimation, and the success greatly depends on
Equation 26 can be transformed to the standard least squares whether the power spectral density of the excitation signals domi-
form, and then the outer modulation coefficients can be estimated nates that of the noise signals 20. Although Yang 8 identified
in the similar way as shown in Eqs. 1921. the cutting coefficients in closed-loop form, they used a third-

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Fig. 4 Photograph of the experiment test rig showing tool,
front and rear platforms, flexures, and active magnetic bearing
Fig. 5 Experimental arrangement

order model for delay feedback which will typically be insuffi-

cient to obtain accurate estimation. Using a higher order model for belt dynamics. The proposed approach requires only that a lower
delay with their method may be impractical as it will greatly in- bound to the delay related to the upper bound of the speed be
crease the computational complexity. The proposed method is an known so as to set the observation period. Moreover, the outer
indirect approach, where system noise, in theory, will not bias the modulation may be calculated based on real-time measurement of
estimation result. lathe speed. Therefore, the estimation results are insensitive to
Separation of Modulations. To simplify identification, most of variations in lathe speed.
the prior methods have employed special techniques to decouple
the inner and outer modulations, such as cutting a volute of thread
10, recording the cutting data only during the first revolution of 4 Test Setup
cutting 9, or carefully tuning the phase shift between the two A specially designed test rig was employed to examine the pro-
modulations 13. The proposed approach divides the data into posed identification method. It consists of two platforms mounted
short blocks to break the delay feedback loop. As a result, cutting on flexures. On the front platform the cutting tool and a one-axis
experiments can be conducted in normal cutting conditions, and accelerometer are mounted. The rear platform is driven by a mag-
cutting data from many revolutions not just the first may be netic bearing. The platforms are connected by a leaf spring. The
used. Long data records may be employed to increase estimation flexures allow rectilinear motion only in the feed direction. This
accuracy. one degree of freedom configuration simplifies the identification
Modeling Development. Some prior methods 8,9,13 only fit problem for the purpose of this paper. It should be noted that the
the cutting dynamics at the resonance or several specific frequen- techniques proposed may be readily used for multiple degree-of-
cies. The proposed method determines cutting coefficient esti- freedom systems. Figure 4 is a photograph providing a close-up
mates so as to fit many points over the entire frequency range of view of the test rig. A schematic illustration of the experimental
interest. The use of a greater range of frequencies should reduce equipment is shown in Fig. 5.
the estimation errors incurred. The magnetic bearing used is an eight-pole radial stator. Two
Experiment Setup. For most prior identification approaches, dy- groups of coils generate opposing attracting forces along the feed
namometers are necessary for the direct measurement of cutting direction. The bearing accomplishes two tasks important for the
forces. In the proposed approach direct force measurement is not identification: providing the excitation for identification, and in-
necessary. To achieve the higher damping required for the pro- creasing the tool structural damping. Figure 6 shows that the PID
posed method, however, active control would typically be controller significantly increases the damping and decreases the
required. settling time of the tool vibration. Therefore, more accurate cut-
Sensitivity to Workpiece Speed. Often lathe speed and hence ting dynamics estimates can be obtained on the controlled tool
delay may vary during operation, due to load variations and gear/ structure.

Fig. 6 Comparison between free tool vibration and PID controlled tool vibration;
data from impact tests

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering NOVEMBER 2005, Vol. 127 / 777

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Table 1 Experiment test conditions was carried out in preprocessing the recorded cutting signals.
First, tool displacement yn was calculated from tool acceleration
Lathe speed 702 2 RPM nominal delay 0.085 s by double integration. The inaccurate low-frequency data were
feed rate 0.076 mm/ rev 0.0030 in. / rev removed by a high-pass filter. Then, the outer modulation rn was
coolant none
computed from the displacement yn and measured lathe speed.
Workpiece material Aluminum 6061, T6 Finally, yn , rn, and the excitation vn were divided into short
heat treatment none segments with observation period less than 0.085 s.
shape cylinder For each depth of cut, the four cutting coefficients as defined in
diameter 41 mm 1.6 in.
depth of cut 0.152.06 mm 0.006 0.081 in. Eq. 1 were estimated. Figure 7 shows these results, along with
95% confidence intervals for the inner modulation coefficients
Tool insert Kennametal, CNMG 1204MG, KC730 computed via the method introduced in the Appendix. The con-
rake angle 5 degree fidence interval for the outer modulation estimates are difficult to
clearance angle 10 degree obtain, since estimation may be biased by the residual correlation
nose radius 0.8 mm 1 / 32 in.
between rt and yt.
The test with zero depth of cut was an open loop test, without
contact between workpiece and tool. The identified coefficients
An optical sensor is used to measure the lathe speed as required are essentially zero, which is consistent with the nonexistent cut-
for computation of the outer modulation. Since cutting coeffi- ting force in this case. The cutting force becomes significant as
cients may depend on the lathe speed, a feedback controller was soon as the tool contacts the workpiece, due to the existence of
employed to regulate the lathe speed via a variable frequency ploughing force acting on the tool nose region. This phenomenon
drive VFD. As a result, the lathe can be operated at any specified can be confirmed by the apparent jump in the identified inner
speed with an accuracy of 2 rpm. Both AMB control and the cutting stiffness kis between zero and very small depth of cut. The
lathe speed control algorithms are implemented by a dSPACE
identification results show that the relationship of kis to depth of
1103 digital controller. The white noise excitation, lathe speed,
cut is essentially linear for values greater than 0.8 mm. The be-
and tool acceleration signals are recorded simultaneously by an
havior below 0.8 mm can be understood when considering the
HP 3566A analyzer at a sampling rate of 2048 Hz.
round edge of the tool nose 21,22. Results for the inner modu-
5 Experiment Results lation damping coefficients show that the process damping kid is
essentially zero for all cut depths.
A series of cutting experiments for ten different depths of cut Although the identification of the outer modulation dynamics
were performed on the test rig. The objective of identification was cannot be expected to be as accurate as that for the inner modu-
to find the relationship between cutting coefficients and depth of lation as discussed in Sec. 3.3, the identified stiffness coefficient
cut. The test conditions are given in Table 1.
Cutting was stable during all tests, and no chatter was detected. kos shows a linear relationship to depth of cut. The identified
Each cutting test lasted more than 60 s. The following procedure process damping kod shows considerably greater scatter than that

Fig. 7 Identification results: dynamic cutting coefficients vs. depth of cut. The
cross marks x are the estimated values, and the bars represent 95% confidence

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Fig. 8 Nyquist contour for Gt1 eTs
Fig. 9 Experiment validation of the chatter prediction

in kid. However, this scatter is, indeed, small and due to the effect
would most likely necessitate active control of tool-structure vi-
of noise. The extimate of kod may best be considered as zero. bration. To illustrate the method, a series of cutting experiments
The following conclusions can be drawn from the results: was conducted, and the cutting coefficients were identified for
1. In general, the stiffness coefficients for inner and outer various depths of cut. Satisfactory accuracy was confirmed by
modulations are equal, and both are linear functions of depth successfully predicting the critical depth of cut.
of cut. Because this approach only requires a short observation period,
2. The damping coefficients for inner and outer modulations it can be readily extended to online cutting parameters identifica-
are small and are likely independent of depth of cut. tion and monitoring tool wear.

Not surprisingly, these conclusions coincide with those of pre-

vious investigators 1,4,79.
The identified cutting process model for depth of cut values uniform sampling interval,
above 0.8 mm may be represented as d cutting disturbance forces, N
f dynamic cutting force acting in tool feed direc-
Gi = Go = kis = 378 h 0.35 N/mm2 27 tion, N
Ge dynamics from excitation to tool displacement
where h is the depth of cut in mm. The 95% confidence interval Gt dynamics from cutting force to tool
for this estimation is 70.4 N / mm2. displacement
Gi inner modulation dynamics
6 Stability Boundary Prediction and Verification Go outer modulation dynamics
The method employed in 17 for predicting critical depth of kis , kid inner modulation stiffness and process damp-
cut is used here to verify the accuracy of the identified model in ing coefficients
Eq. 27. Referring to the cutting process shown in Fig. 1, the kos , kod outer modulation stiffness and process damp-
characteristic equation of the closed loop is ing coefficients
1 + GtGi GtGoeTs = 0 28 N number of samples in one observation
NT number of samples in one workpiece
Using the identified model, this characteristic equation can be revolution
simplified as r tool displacement left on the workpiece on
1 + kisGt1 eTs = 0 29 tools previous pass, mm
T delay time,
The Nyquist stability criterion 23 may then be used to deter- v excitation signals
mine the critical cutting stiffness for 702 RPM. Figure 8 shows y tool displacement in tool feed direction, mm
that the Nyquist contour for the system Gt1 eTs intersects the
negative real axis at 0.0011. Therefore, the critical cutting stiff-
Appendix: Calculation of Confidence Intervals for Co-
ness can be calculated as kis = 1 / 0.0011= 910 N / mm. Applying
Eq. 27, the critical depth of cut can be predicted to be efficient Estimates
2.76 0.19 mm. In least squares estimation, it is assumed that the data that make
Experimental determination of the critical depth of cut was con- up matrices X and Y see Eq. 19 are observed from stationary
ducted by cutting a conical workpiece with the same tool, lathe processes. In this case, the variances of X and Y will be included
speed, and feed rate used previously. Due to the conical shape, the in the residual. However, in the proposed two-step identification
depth of cut started small and increased continuously during cut- approach, the elements within X and Y are calculated using the
ting. At first, cutting was stable but then chatter occurred. Figure 9 averaged spectral density estimates and frequency response esti-
shows the tool acceleration in the test and the corresponding real- mates for the nominal systems. The variances for the averaged or
time depth of cut. The critical depth of cut was found to be 2.65 nominal variables are smaller than those for the true variables.
mm, which was within the predicted range 2.47, 2.95 and quite Therefore, least squares estimation may underestimate the vari-
close 4% to the nominal estimate of 2.76 mm. ance of residuals, as well as the confidence intervals. This prob-
lem can be compensated by introducing another error term in the
7 Summary estimation.
A new approach for identifying cutting coefficients in turning Assume observations X and Y satisfy
has been presented. This approach incorporates the widely ac-
cepted DCFC model and allows identification of both the inner X X X, Y Y Y A1
and outer modulation coefficients. For successful implementation, Then, the least squares method based on averaged observation
this approach requires that the tool be significantly damped. This is

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering NOVEMBER 2005, Vol. 127 / 779

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X b = Y b X Y = Y + e1 A2 standard variance. For instance, k 2 k , k + 2 k represents a 95%
confidence interval.
where e1 denotes the error caused by using averaged observations
in the estimation. If X is not correlated to Y, then
2e1 = b22 X
+ Y
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