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R Kalidass & Associates

Chartered Accountants and Business

Postnet Box 71, Private Bag X23,
Gallo Manor, 2052
Telephone +27 (86) 077 7729
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15 November 2017

The Honourable
President Jacob Zuma
President of the Republic of South Africa
Union Buildings
c/o Ntoeng Sekhoto
Private Secretary to the President


CC: The Portfolio Committee on Communications

Parliament of the Republic of South Africa
3rd Floor, 90 Plein Street
Cape Town
c/o Mr Thembinkosi Ngoma
Committee Secretary to the Portfolio Committee on Communications

Per email:

Dear Sir



During my interview for appointment to the SABC Board I undertook to raise

concerns around the SABC with Honourable Members of the Portfolio
Committee on Communications, and depending on the severity of the matters,
elevate these concerns to Parliament and the Deputy President (as the leader of
Government Business).

Following the concerns publicly expressed by former Minister Ayanda Dlodlo,

I had similar and further concerns around the suitability of candidates which
are in the process of being considered for the GCEO and COO positions.

After receiving the handover report presented by the Interim Board, the new
Board interviewed the proposed GCEO and COO candidates at the offices of
the recruitment agency, Talent Africa, on the evening of 31 October 2017.

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(These were the first choice candidates previously recommended to former
Minister Ayanda Dlodlo but not finalised upon completion of the Interim
Boards term).

Despite the GCEO candidate having allegations of fraud and corruption

levelled against him during his previous employment, as well as a conflict of
interest with a significant SABC content service provider, the majority of board
members were in favour of having him appointed as the SABC GCEO.

I specifically requested for my dissenting view to be recorded, which was

received with great hostility by some of the Board Members present.

The Board further agreed that evening to set up a cleaning up committee of

Board Members with media experience, which would respond to the
anticipated bad publicity following this appointment.

Considering the severity of the matter in hindering the restoration of stability

and integrity at the SABC, I deemed it necessary to bring this to the attention of
Honourable Members of the Portfolio Committee on Communications and/or

On 4 November 2017, I contacted Honourable MP Mondli Gungubele to share

my concerns. He was recommended to me by a former SABC Board Member. I
also sent Honourable Gungubele the links to the articles which I had picked up,
linking the proposed candidate to allegations of fraud and corruption etc.

On Monday 6 November, during a joint meeting of the SABCs Governance &

Nominations and Human Resources Sub-Committees, I was verbally attacked
by Board Members present for, inter alia, leaking board information to
parliament. Board member Ms Khanyisile Kweyama , indicated that she had
received a call from the Member of Parliament concerned, indicating that I had
made various statements, including informing parliament of the Boards
confidential process.

The Board Chairperson and Members present instructed that such disclosures
should have first been authorised by the Board, and they considered such
action to constitute a breach of confidentiality and fiduciary responsibility if

This conclusion by Board Members has impacted negatively on the

commitment I made to the Portfolio Committee of Communications and society
at large, during my interview process referred to above.

Given this fundamental difference of opinion between me and many of the

Board members, I feel that it would be best to resign with immediate effect, as
opposed to being side-lined and victimised, which I feel is now occurring.

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I therefore humbly request that I be released from my fiduciary duties as a
Board Member with immediate effect and that the 3-month period required in
the Act be waived.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to the

Portfolio Committee of Communications, as well as the various political parties
represented, as well as society at large, for their confidence in recommending
me for appointment to serve the country once again.

It is most regrettable and unfortunate that the current environment is not

conducive to me fulfilling my full term of appointment.

I am available to discuss this matter in further detail with the Honourable

Members of the Portfolio Committee on Communications should they so wish.

Yours faithfully



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