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What youre about to read, is based partially on real life events, but the characters are fictitious.

resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Thursday, 10.00 PM.

She woke up with a start, in cold sweat, clutching at the ground beneath her. It was difficult to
focus, her eyelids seemed to shut of their own accord. Breathe, she told herself. Her body was sore, her
limbs felt doughy, and it took her a while to realize shed been trying to open her eyes for sometime
now, in vain. Every nerve in her body seemed to reverberate with a single thought, Just a little longer..
dont want to fight this.. just a li.. She felt her body slump back on the ground, subconsciously switching
off her will to fight, all the adrenaline suddenly drained out. And once again, the world was dark.

16 hours ago

Looking out of the window as she smoothed the collar of her white uniform, she whistled. It was
going to be a sunny day, with no rains in the forecast, according to the weather man, which, for her
rainy little town was quite unbelievable. It had been raining nearly every day lately, coloring the day
with a somber mood. Not one to look the gift horse in the mouth, she pulled the strap on her black
shoes one last time, before letting it snap into place. She locked her room carefully thered been
rumors of theft in her dorm. Outside, the sky looked ominously dark. She looked at her watch, a discrete
silver Titan gift from her mom, wincing. She was running late by ten minutes.

Entering the mammoth victorian building, she ran to the elevator, ready to clock in for her shift.
Just as she pressed the button, the paging rang across the marble floor, seeming to ricochet.

*Code blue, All pedia clerks to PICU. Code blue, all pedia clerks, proceed to the PICU*

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