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Hahnbee Lee

November 16, 2017


Research was conducted.


Materials and Methods

For the majority of the past two weeks I have conducted research regarding the physics

and chemistry of thermoelectronics. Thermoelectric devices exist because of two different

effects: the Seebeck effect and the Peltier effect. A Peltier tile is made up of two main

components. A P-type semiconductor and an N-type semiconductor are connected in series. A

semiconductor, such as silicon or germanium elements, with atomic impurities is either a p-type

or a n-type semiconductor and the type of atomic impurity present determines the type of the


In a pure Si or Ge semiconductor, each nucleus uses its four valence electrons to form four

covalent bonds with its neighbors (Figure 1). Each ionic core has a net charge of +4 and is

surrounded by 4 valence electrons. Since there are no excess electrons or holes, the number of

electrons and holes present at any given time will always be equal.

Figure 1 A pure semiconductor Note each +4 ion is surrounded by four electrons.


Now, if one of the atoms in the semiconductor lattice is replaced by an element with three valence

electrons, such as a Group 3 element like Boron (B), Arsenic, or Gallium (Ga), the electron-hole

balance will be changed. This impurity will only be able to contribute three valence electrons to

the lattice, therefore leaving one excess hole (Figure 2). Since holes will "accept" free electrons, a

Group 3 impurity is also called an acceptor.

Figure 2 An impure P-type lattice structure of a semiconductor.

Because an acceptor donates excess holes, which are considered to be positively charged, a

semiconductor that has been doped with an acceptor is called a p-type semiconductor; "p" stands

for positive. Notice that the material as a whole remains electrically neutral. In a p-type

semiconductor, current is largely carried by the holes, which outnumber the free electrons. In this

case, the holes are the majority carriers, while the electrons are the minority carriers.

The same thought process applies to the N-type semiconductor except the intrinsic lattice

is doped with an element from Group 5 (arsenic or phosphorus), the addition of an atom with five

valence electrons causes an excess of electrons in the lattice and this element is called a donor

because it gives another electron to the lattice system.


The application of heat to either a p-type or a n-type semiconductor causes a polarization

of the material due to the movement of the holes and electrons respectively. If heat is applied to

an n-type semiconductor the electrons move to the opposite end of the material and if heat is

applied to a p-type semiconductor the holes move which causes a northern positive end and

southern negative end for the n-type semiconductor and a northern negative end and a southern

positive end for the p-type semiconductor. Thus if p-type and n-type semiconductors are connected

in parallel to each other an electron current will be formed across the array of varying type

semiconductors (Figure 3).

Figure 3 P-type and N-type semiconductors connected electrically in series creates a

thermoelectric device.

Thus, we can conclude that a p-type and n-type semiconductor connected in series with

an applied temperature gradient will create a current - this concept is called the Seebeck effect.

The opposite when electrons are allowed to flow through a p-type and n-type semiconductor in

series is called the Peltier effect.


Although it is optimal to use a semi-conductor because it has freely moving electrons and

holes and simultaneously has insulating properties which will aid in creating a heat gradient, a

complete conductor can be used instead of an n-type semiconductor. Therefore, in order to

originally test different materials and how a thermoelectric cell works I will start off by

connecting aluminum, copper, etc. (normal wire material) to a p-type semiconductor to see

which combination creates the largest voltage difference. I will also purchase a pre-made peltier

tile and observe the difference.

More research will need to be done on the different characteristics of different metals

such as what makes a good fit or has optimal characteristics for a thermoelectric cell. And then

after more of that research is conducted I will need to look into the feasibility and advantages of

using Vanadium dioxide in comparison to any other metal and how feasible it would be to buy

and create a wire with that element.

If I find out that this is not feasible then I will take the route of creating an application

system of thermoelectrics to apply to a car. I will just purchase peltier tiles and create a

commercialized product that can be applied to cars that will save electricity.

Data and Results

No data or results were found yet; however, I plan on measuring efficiency and
temperature gradients and different measurements of the effectiveness of the peltier effect on
contrasting metals.


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