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A Cleansing Exercise - I

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 4

Mythology ................................................................................................................................................... 5

Dharma and Pushkara Classical Reference ......................................................................................... 8

Vidyamadhviyam Pushkara Navamsa ............................................................................................ 8

Jataka Parijata Pushkara Bhaga ......................................................................................................... 9

The Underlying Principle of Pushkara ................................................................................................. 11

Application of Pushkara ......................................................................................................................... 15

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu................................................................................................................. 15

Swami Vivekananda ............................................................................................................................ 16

Sri Krsna Vasudeva.............................................................................................................................. 17

Ramkrishna Paramhamsa ................................................................................................................... 18

Adolf Hitler ........................................................................................................................................... 19

Mata Amritanandamayi ...................................................................................................................... 20

Anandamayi Ma................................................................................................................................... 20

Rsi Aurobindo ...................................................................................................................................... 20

Hammarskjold, Dag............................................................................................................................. 20

Dalai Lama ............................................................................................................................................ 20

Mahatma Gandhi ................................................................................................................................. 20

Khan, Pir Vilayat .................................................................................................................................. 20

Krishna, Pandit Gopi ........................................................................................................................... 21

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ...................................................................................................................... 21

Meher Baba ........................................................................................................................................... 21

Mira Richard "The Mother" ................................................................................................................ 21

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Therese Neumann ................................................................................................................................ 21

Ramana Maharshi ................................................................................................................................ 21

Sarada Mata .......................................................................................................................................... 21

Sathya Sai Baba..................................................................................................................................... 22

Sitaram Baba ......................................................................................................................................... 22

Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati .................................................................................................... 22

Swami Sivananda ................................................................................................................................. 22

Swami Vijayendra, Sri ......................................................................................................................... 22

Rudolf Steiner ....................................................................................................................................... 22

Emanuel Swedenbourg ....................................................................................................................... 23

Rabindranath Tagore ........................................................................................................................... 23

Yogananda Paramahamsa .................................................................................................................. 23

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 23

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A Cleansing Exercise - I

Aum apavitrah pavitro va sarvavastham gato pi va

yah smaret pundarikaksam sa bahyabhyantarah sucih

Whether pure or impure, or having passed through all conditions of material life, one who remembers
lotus-eyed Krsna becomes externally and internally clean.

~ Garuda Purana, quoted in Hari-bhakti-vilasa 3.47

When Upendra (Vamana avatar of Sri Visnu) lifted his feet to conquer the heavens with His
second step, Brahma poured water from His kamandalu on the feet of Sri Hari and that water
poured onto the Earth to form the sustaining and nourishing rivers of the world. The rivers thus
provided nourishment and cleansing to the world. All major civilizations were near water
bodies and fresh water from the flowing rivers was a major reason for the agricultural
development of the world. One who nourishes and cleanses is called Pushkara. In Sri Vishnu
Sahasranama Stothram, sloka 5 Sri Visnu is referred to as Pushkara-akshah meaning the one
who has lotus eyes, the one who provides nourishment to the entire Universe and the one who
is always present in sacred places to cleanse the devotees.

Swayambhoo shambhu radityah pushka raksho maha-svanah |

Anadi nidhano dhata vidhata dhatu ruttamah ||

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Pushkara is composed of two words Push (nourish as in Pushti) and kara (to do or act) or
Push (flower as in Pushpa) and kara (act or to give). Offering of flower is a sign of self-
surrender, love and thus cleansing. Pushkara takes both of these acts into account.

There are some other stories in the Puranas which instead of contradicting the stated meaning
of Pushkara actually reiterates it. Pushkara, the son of Lord Varuna prayed to Brahma and
asked Him for a boon to live in the sacred waters of His kamandalu with the intention of
providing purity to all the sacred sites on Earth. Looking at the selfless desire expressed by
Pushkara, Brahma granted him the boon to live in the waters of His kamandalu. Later,
Pushkara also performed penance and acquired the Jala Tattva Siddhi from Siva as a boon. By
virtue of the boons acquired from Brahma and Siva, Pushkara became the king of all Tirthas
(sacred sites) and was regarded as the Thirthapalaka (guardian of the holy sites on Earth).
When Brahma anointed Sri Hari with the water of His kamandalu, Pushkara had the fortune of
flowing to Earth after touching the feet of Sri Hari.

When Bhrigu Rsi cursed Brahma that He shall not be worshiped on any place on Earth, Brahma
repented on His actions and Bhrigu Rsi created the only exception to this curse on Pushkara
Brahma can only be worshiped at that place where the body, mind and soul is cleansed as well
as nourished. In the Indian subcontinent there is a geographical place called Pushkara where
alongside a great lake, a temple of Brahma stands. This is a reminder of the condition that
Bhrigu Rsi put on Brahmas worship.

Brihaspati (Jupiter) had once performed great penance to please Brahma. Brahma wanted to
grant a boon to Brihaspati. Looking at the perpetual sacredness of Pushkara, Brihaspati prayed
that He be in the company of Pushkara for eternity. This could not be granted as it would
against the norms of Prakriti (nature). However, Brahma blessed Brihaspati that he shall be
associated with Pushkara for 12 days in the beginning and 12 days at the end of his journey in
all the rasis in the zodiac, the transit of which generally happens once in a year. With this
transit, Pushkara is said to purify humanity through twelve rivers in the Indian subcontinent.

Brihaspati thus became the karaka of the occurrence on Pushkara on Earth. Pushkara emerged
as the symbol of purity, from the kamandalu of Brahma, the purity of water from the feet of Sri
Visnu. Entry of Brihaspati into various rasis is equated to the entry of Pushkara from the
kamandalu of Brahma touching the feet of Sri Vishnu into the rivers of the planet. Twelve such
rivers of India are considered sacred during 12 year cycle of Brihaspati around the zodiac.

Taking bath in the river (Pushkara Snana ), staying near the river shores (Pushkara Vaasa),
paying homage to the river and beholding its divinity (Pushkara Darshana), shaving the head to
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A Cleansing Exercise - I
show letting go of the ego (Siro Mundana), fasting as a means of sacrifice (Upavasa), paying
homage to the ancestors at the river banks (Pushkara Pitr Karma) and acts of selfless charity
(Pushkara Daana) are said to cleanse one of sins of lifetimes if done with sincerity during the
time of Pushkara.

When Upendra (Vamana avatar of Sri Visnu) lifted his feet to conquer the heavens with his second step,
Brahma poured water from his kamandalu on the feet of Visnu and that water poured onto the Earth to
form the sustaining and nourishing rivers of the world. When the waters touch the feet of Sri Hari, it
becomes Pushkara.

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
The twelve rivers where Pushkara enters along with Brihaspati in a twelve year cycle around
the zodiac is given below -

Pushkar Lake in Rajasthan, India. This place holds the Brahma temple where Brahma is worshiped with
Saraswati. It is said that the waters from the kamandalu of Brahma after dripping from the feet of Sri
Hari Vishnu fell at this place.

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Dharma and Pushkara Classical Reference
Jyotish is the language of the seers. Just as cleansing occurs in the heavens, so does it occur on
the planet. Similarly, in ones individual life there are areas of this nourishment and cleansing.
Pushkar is not a physical reality; it is a state of the mind, body and soul. Dharma is the natural
instinct of an individual when no external forces are acting on him/her. When the dharma of an
individual is naturally drawn towards cleansing and nourishment it becomes a Pushkara
Dharma. Dharma is seen in Jyotish from the Navamsa, thus Pushkara dharma will be seen from
the Navamsa too and is called Pushkara Navamsa.

Vidyamadhviyam, a classic out of manuscripts found in the Oriental Library in Mysore, seems
to be the only classical text that has explicitly dealt with the subject of Pushkar Navamsa. The
only other text which has specified exact degrees instead of Navamsa extent of a pada is Jataka
Parijata Adhyaya 1 Sloka 58 by Vaidyanatha Dikshit. I am providing both the verses in original
for the benefit of the reader.

Vidyamadhviyam Pushkara Navamsa


Mesha Simha Chaapeshu Saptam Navamau

Vrisha Kanya Mirgeshu Pancham Tritiyau

Mithun Tula Kumbhe Shashtham Ashtamau

Karke Keeta Meene Swadha Tritiyau

Ete Pushkara Sangya Navamsa Itarthe


The 7th and the 9th Navamsa in Fire signs,

The 3rd and 5th Navamsa in Earth signs,

The 6th and 8th Navamsa in Air signs,

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
The 1st and 3rd Navamsa in Water signs

These are considered Pushkara Navamsa in signs.

Jataka Parijata Pushkara Bhaga

Brahma is worshipped only at Pushkara. This statement hides the underlying philosophy behind worship
of Brahma. Brahma represents the intellect, Visnu the mind, Shiva the soul and Devi the body. The
human intellect is limited and thus is the cause of all challenges (asuras) in life. Only when intellect
(Brahma) and its efforts (Pushkara) are put to the feet of Visnu (cause of society), can it be worth the
worship from mankind.

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
The details are presented in a tabular form below

Rasi Pushkar Navamsa Pushkar Bhaga Navamsa Nakshatra Pada

Mesha 20 - 23 20 21 7, Bh P4 Tula Bharani P4

26 40 30 - Dhanu Krittika P1

Vrishabha 06 40 10 - Meena Krittika P4

13 20 - 16 40 14 2, Roh P2 Vrishabha Rohini P2

Mithuna 16 40 20 18 12, Ar P4 Meena Ardra P4

23 20 26 40 - Vrishabha Punarvasu P2

Karka 0 3 20 - Karka Punarvasu P4

6 40 - 10 8 6, Pus P2 Kanya Pushya P2

Simha 20 - 23 20 19 6, PPhal P2 Tula PPhal P3

26 40 30 - Dhanu UPhal P1

Kanya 06 40 10 9-12, UPhal P4 Meena UPhal P4

13 20 - 16 40 - Vrishabha Hasta P2

Tula 16 40 20 - Meena Swati P4

23 20 26 40 24 2, Vish P2 Vrishabha Vishakha P2

Vrishchika 0 3 20 - Karka Vishakha P4

6 40 - 10 11-5, Anu P3 Kanya Anuradha P2

Dhanu 20 - 23 20 23 7, PSh P3 Tula PShad P3

26 40 30 - Dhanu UShad P1

Makara 06 40 10 - Meena UShad P4

13 20 - 16 40 14-2, Srav P2 Vrishabha Sravana P2

Kumbha 16 40 20 19-12, Shatabh P4 Meena Shatabh P4

23 20 26 40 - Vrishabha PBhad P2

Meena 0 3 20 - Karka PBhad P4

6 40 - 10 9-6, UBhad P2 Kanya UBhad P2

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
The Underlying Principle of Pushkara
We often look for logic in jyotish without paying attention to the mythology of the concept. The
reasoning behind the Pushkara Navamsa is in the story of Pushkara.

So, let us visit some of the key concepts of Pushkara

Brahmas kamandalu is the source of Pushkara

Brahma uses his hand to drop the water from his kamandalu to the feet of Sri Hari Visnu
Pushkara nourishes
Pushkara cleanses
Pushkara becomes a river after touching the feet of Sri Hari Visnu
Pushkara is associated with Brihaspati
Pushkara has Jala Siddhi and is king of all waters in sacred places

Brahmas kamandalu can only sit in the signs associated with Brihaspati since Brihaspati earned
this boon from Brahma. Thus, when Brihaspati is associated with Brahmas kamandalu,
Pushkara flows onto the Earth.

The signs of Brihaspati are Karka, its exaltation rasi, Dhanu its moolatrikona rasi and Meena its
swashetra rasi.

Jala Tattwa is associated with Venus and Moon and thus their moolatrikona signs Tula and
Vrishabha can also be linked with Pushkara.

Sri Hari Visnu is associated with the dual signs but in the context of purity and cleansing it can
be associated with Kanya (the purest of the signs) and Meena (the feet of Kalapurusha and
hence Visnu).

Below is the step by step derivation of Pushkara show in a pictorial way for the ease of the

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
The blank zodiac chart used to show all the Navamsa signs are provided below

Brahmas kamandalu can surely sit in all the three signs associated with Brihaspati.

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Due to the association of Jala Tattwa, Pushkara can be associated with Vrishabha and Tula too
due to its association with the Grahas Soma and Shukra respectively.

Finally, due to the purity element in Pushkara, Kanya (moolatrikona of Budha) can also be
associated with Pushkara.

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Holding the kamandalu in one hand, Brahma uses one of his hands to pour Pushkara out of His
kamandalu on the feet of Sri Hari Visnu. Arms are always represented by the 3rd or 11th sign
from a sign. 3rd sign represents the right arm, 11th sign represents the left arm.

For water signs, when Brahma holds the kamandalu in Karka Navamsa, He uses his
right arm from Kanya Navamsa.
For fire signs, when Brahma holds the kamandalu in Dhanu Navamsa, He uses his left
arm from Tula Navamsa.
For earth signs, when Braham again uses His right arm from Vrishabha Navamsa, His
kamandalu has to be in the Meena Navamsa.
For air signs, only one of the signs of Guru can be used for the kamandalu and since
Shukra rules the Vayu moolatriokna and is a Jala Tattwa Graha and gets exalted in
Meena, Meena is used as the Pushkara for Vayu signs as well. Vrishabha does become
the right arm of Brahma.

We can also see Pushkara Navamsa can only be assigned to Saumya Shubha Grahas

Guru (Brihaspati), Soma, Shukra and Budha and their exaltation or moolatrikona signs
Karka, Dhanu, Vrishabha, Meena, Tula and Kanya.

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Application of Pushkara

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Mahaprabhu had Lagna, Jupiter and Rahu in Pushkaramsa. Let us study these closely now.
Lagna is in Simha Rasi and Tula Navamsa. Thus, the Pushkara maps to the left arm of Brahma
and the Kamandalu is in Dhanu Navamsa. Applying the Navamsa to the Rasi we see the 9th
Lord Jupiter in Dhanu Rasi. Jupiter is also in Pushkar Navamsa in Tula Navamsa which maps
to the Lagna Navamsa as well.

Brahma holds the Kamandalu in the right hand and pours the water with the left hand only for
Agni rasis. This means that Pushkar Navamsa position for Agni rasis are always tested for the
sanctity in relationships and clean thoughts.

Mahabrabhus natural dharma shows an extremely strong connection between 5th house of
brilliance with 1st house of brain. Mahaprabhu was a scholar of the highest degree and even at a
very tender age defeated great scholars in numerous competitions and debates.

However, mundane things like job of a teacher and happy married life were put to test by the
Pushkar Navamsa of Tula. Soon Mahaprabhu did not find any contentment with mundane life
and took sanyasa and devoted his life to the bhakti of Sri Hari. In this process, he touched
numerous lives and he spread the message of selfless love and compassion.

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Rahu, lord of the 7H (co-lord with Saturn) is also placed in Pushkara of Vrishabha. Here too
Rahu took him away from marriage. His first wife was bitten by a snake (Rahu) and he
separated from his second wife to take sannyasa.

Swami Vivekananda

Sun, Venus and Saturn in Pushkaramsa. Sun is the 9th Lord in Lagna and is also Vargottama.
The purity of Swamijis Guru and Dharma is unquestionable here due to the placement of Sun.
Sun is also karaka of the Atma and Swamijis will power is something that the whole world is
aware of. By the sheer power of conviction, Swamiji travelled to the USA and gave his immortal
speech in Chicago on 9/11.

Venus, the Lord of the 11th and 6th in Pushkaramsa enforces the purity in his thought in the
domain of gains and his own weaknesses. Venus, the karaka of spouse and bhoga being in a
pure state, did not allow Swamiji to get married and settle down. Such a Venus is exalted in
Navamsa and the purity of relationship that Swamiji was looking for can only be found in self-
less love of the divine.

Saturn, the karaka of karma and the lord of the 2nd and 3rd houses in Swamijis chart enforced
the highest karma on Swamiji seva, serving people selflessly. Swamiji often faced huge
financial crisis but whenever such a situation occurred, since the karma was for the greater
good, donor came in and helped out.

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Sri Krsna Vasudeva

Sun, Moon and Lagna is the tripod of life. In the case of the Yuga Purusha Sri Krsna, Sun is in
Pushkara Bhaga, Moon and Lagna are Vargottam and in Pushkaramsa. This is a very rare brith
indeed. It is as if Brahma is anointing the body, mind and spirit of Sri Krsna with waters from
His kamandalu.

Ketu and Mars are also in Pushkaramsa. Sri Krsna had 16,108 wives and it is often speculated
by critics on the purity of his intent and romantic relationships. Ketu and Mars both rule Sri
Krsnas 7th house and it is clear from this that He had the purest intentions behind all the
relationships He had. Ketu is in Lagna Navamsa with Moon which makes Him Yogeshwara In
everything yet detached from everything.

One must observe the position of AK (Atmakaraka) in the charts of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
and Sri Krsna. Mahaprabhu had Saturn as AK placed in Kumbha Navamsa and Sri Krsna had
Sun as AK placed in Kanya Navamsa. In both cases, the Ishta Devata (Lord of the 12th Navamsa
from AK Navamsa) is the AK Graha itself this is a clear indicator of divinity in a chart.

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Ramkrishna Paramhamsa

Venus and Ketu are in Pushkaramsa. Venus is the lord of the 9th and 4th clearly indicating that
his dharma is where his heart is. Venus is placed in the 2nd rasi and debilitated in Navamsa.
However, this simply means that the purity of Venus will be kept personal and not shared with
the world. Venus as the karaka of spouse is Srimati Sarada maata. Ramakrishna and Sarada
Maa had the purest of relationships.

Ketu is the Lord of the 10th rasi and being is pushkaramsa ensure clear and pure karma by the

Pushkaramsa doesnt make one a saint as there has to be other indicators in the chart which has
to reinforce the sainthood in a person.

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Adolf Hitler

Rahu is in Pushkaramsa for Hitler. Rahu is placed in the 9th rasi and rules the 5th house. Rahu is
desire unfulfilled, thirst unquenched and our unfinished karma. Hitler thought till the last
breath that he was doing Gods work for a greater good by creating the Aryan race. His
thoughts and his dharma radiated the extreme obsession with purity of the next generation (5th

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
The below list is prepared by my friend, Kathy Hansen -

Mata Amritanandamayi
Lagna in Pushkara Navamsa - 23 20' Libra, very close to Pushkara Bhaga 24, Taurus D9

Anandamayi Ma
Lagna Lord Jupiter in Pushkara Bhaga - 8 Cancer, Virgo D9

Saturn in Pushkara Navamsa - 23 51' Libra, very close to Pushkara Bhaga 24, Taurus D9

Rsi Aurobindo
Rahu, Co-Lord of Navamsa Lagna, in Pushkara Navamsa - 16 37' Taurus, Vargottama D9,
conjunct Rasi Lagna Lord Moon in D9

Hammarskjold, Dag
Mars (9th Lord in D9) in Pushkara Navamsa - 25 Libra, Taurus D9

Jupiter in Pushkara Navamsa - 8 Taurus, Pisces D9

Dalai Lama
Lagna in Pushkara Navamsa - 14 Virgo, Taurus D9

Moon in Pushkara Navamsa - 20 Leo, Libra D9

Saturn (9th Lord in D9) in Pushkara Navamsa - 17 Aquarius, Pisces D9

Rahu in Pushkara Navamsa - 29 Sag, Vargottama D9

Mahatma Gandhi
Lagna Lord Venus in Pushkara Bhaga - 24 Libra, Taurus D9

Mars in Pushkara Navamsa - 26 23' Libra, Taurus D9

AK Jupiter in Pushkara Navamsa - 28 Aries, Sag D9

Khan, Pir Vilayat

AK Venus in Pushkara Navamsa - 2603" Gemini, Taurus D9

Saturn (9th Lord in D9) in Pushkara Navamsa - 24 Gemini, Taurus D9

Rahu (9th co-Lord in D9) in Pushkara Navamsa - 8 Capricorn, Pisces D9

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Krishna, Pandit Gopi
Sun (9th Lord in D9) in Pushkara Bhaga - 14 Taurus, Vargottama D9

Moon in Pushkara Navamsa - 24 Gemini, Taurus D9

Mars in Pushkara Navamsa - 7 Virgo, Pisces D9

9th Lord Venus in Pushkara Navamsa - 25 Gemini, Taurus D9

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

AK Sun in Pushkara Navamsa - 28 Sag, Vargottama D9

Mars in Pushkara Navamsa - 9 Capricorn, Pisces D9

Rahu in Pushkara Navamsa - 27 Sag, Vargottama D9

Meher Baba
Lagna in Pushkara Bhaga - 24 Libra, Taurus D9

9th Lord Mercury in Pushkara Navamsa - 1 Pisces, Cancer D9

Mira Richard "The Mother"

Mars (Lagna Lord in D9) in Pushkara Bhaga - 21 Aries, Libra D9

Therese Neumann
9th Lord Moon in Pushkara Bhaga - 24 Libra, Taurus D9

Ketu in Pushkara Navamsa - 0 Cancer, Vargottama D9

Ramana Maharshi
Lagna Lord Venus in Pushkara Navamsa - 0 Scorpio, Cancer D9

Mars in Pushkara Navamsa - 21 Aries, Libra D9

Ketu in Pushkara Navamsa - 2355' Gemini, Taurus D9

Sarada Mata
Lagna in Pushkara Navamsa - 9 Cancer, Virgo D9

AK & Lagna Lord Moon in Pushkara Navamsa - 27 Leo, Sag D9

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Mars in Pushkara Navamsa - 21 Leo, Libra D9

Sathya Sai Baba

Sun in Pushkara Navamsa - 7 Scorpio, Virgo D9

9th Lord Moon in Pushkara Navamsa - 19 Gemini, Pisces D9

Venus in Pushkara Navamsa - 7 Scorpio, Virgo D9

Sitaram Baba
Lagna in Pushkara Navamsa - 3 Pisces, Cancer D9

Lagna Lord Jupiter in Pushkara Navamsa - 047' Pisces, Cancer D9

Rahu in Pushkara Navamsa - 29 Aries, Sag D9

Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati

Lagna in Pushkara Navamsa - 23 Leo, Libra D9

Lagna Lord Sun in Pushkara Navamsa - 653' Taurus, Pisces D9

Ketu in Pushkara Navamsa - 15 Virgo, Taurus D9

Swami Sivananda
Sun in Pushkara Navamsa - 22 Leo, Libra D9

AK & Lagna Lord Moon in Pushkara Navamsa 22 Aries, Libra D9

Mercury in Pushkara Navamsa 20 Leo, Libra D9

Swami Vijayendra, Sri

AK Moon in Pushkara Navamsa - 29 Sag, Vargottama D9

Jupiter in Pushkara Navamsa - 8 Virgo, Pisces D9

Rahu in Pushkara Navamsa - 7 Pisces, Virgo D9

Ketu in Pushkara Navamsa - 7 Virgo, Pisces D9

Rudolf Steiner
Lagna in Pushkara Navamsa - 19 Libra, Pisces D9

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A Cleansing Exercise - I
Rahu in Pushkara Navamsa - 28 Sag, Vargottama D9

Emanuel Swedenbourg
Lagna in Pushkara Navamsa - 21 Sag, Libra D9

Moon in Pushkara Navamsa - 14 Virgo, Taurus D9

Venus (Lagna Lord in D9) in Pushkara Navamsa - 7 Pisces, Virgo D9

Saturn in Pushkara Navamsa - 17 Libra, Pisces D9

Rabindranath Tagore
Venus in Pushkara Navamsa - 23 Aries, Libra D9

Ketu in Pushkara Navamsa - 24 Gemini, Taurus D9

Yogananda Paramahamsa
Lagna Lord Sun in Pushkara Bhaga - 23 Sag, Libra D9

Lagna or Grahas in Pushkaramsa is a very common phenomenon. Such a combination is not a
guarantee for a pious soul. Pushkaramsa indicates that in the area of life as indicated by the
graha, the person will be tested severely for purity and will need to nourish. Failing to do so,
such people will incur heavy punishment.


Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

Chicago, IL

September 24 2014 21:00 hrs CDT

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