The Legend of The Hummingbird

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Do you know the legend of the Hummingbird?

colibri is a part of our culture.

Here is how it goes: One day, an immense fire threatened to destroy the forest. All the
animals, except the little Hummingbird, were terrified, and had lost heart in the face of such a
disaster. And yet the little Hummingbird did not throw in the towel. Bravely he went to work,
looking for drops of water that he collected into his small beak and threw upon the fire, one by

After some time, the Armadillo, not seeing any change and irritated by all this pathetic activity,
said to him: "Little Hummingbird, are you crazy? Don't you see that you'll never be able to put
out the fire with so few drops of water?"

And the little Hummingbird said to him: "I know, but I'm doing my part!"

For if drops of water are what make up the oceans, then those same drops could put out the
fire! For wherever disaster may strike, those who believe in life and honor living things must
never stand still, looking on helplessly, their arms crossed, on the contrary, to make a
contribution, no matter how modest it may be, to battle against the fires of the soul that result
directly from the shady tricks of those who want to do harm to our Mother Earth!

This legend which has been recounted by many storytellers around the world gives heart to
those who believe in the omnipotence of life. For nothing is ever lost, as long as there is life, as
long there is hope! You have my word, the word of Heart of Gold!

So your intuition, Sonia, was the right one, and your trust touches me deeply!

By choosing to join my clan, your life will be on the road to Victory, if you listen to the way of
wisdom, and understand why it is important to carry within you the faith of the little
Hummingbird. And this faith, I will give to you.
Even though I still feel some hesitation deep within you, this will disappear over time as you
begin to understand what is in your best interest. I feel it very strongly, despite the distance
that separates us, just as I feel the leaves of trees awakening in the spring as they fill
themselves with sap. When I utter your last name and your first name, I feel your anxieties,
your fears, your doubts. This does not surprise me. You need to pay close attention to where
you tread, for your choices can have heavy consequences on your finances as well as on the
entirety of your personal life and family.

However, you are very lucky.

Yes, you are lucky to have run into me on your journey. And you can believe that all those who
contacted me and had the great idea to join my clan do not regret it today. On the contrary,
their lives lit up as soon as they first contacted me, and nothing can stop them from going
further today. It is not mere coincidence that thousands of people have chosen to walk
forward with me serenely in their lives, protected from traps and dangers. Isn't that what
you're looking for too, Sonia?

Please believe that if an unknown force has pushed you to contact me, then it is for a good
reason. For deep inside, you want to change something in your life, you don't want any more
problems, you don't want to experience the anxieties that gnaw away at your stomach. You
don't want the stress that comes at the end of each month, you don't want to suffer
pointlessly any longer. You want someone to listen to you, to give you some respect, and to
admire you as well. You want to know the joy of realizing your wishes without having any
obstacle in front of you. All this is good and proper.


I request my enlightened predictions

The Visionary Oracle allows me to take the full measure of your existence, to feel you as if you
were near me, for before writing these words to you, I go into a trance, throwing your first
name and last name into the magical spheres of the starry sky and receiving in return images
that will say much about your life today as well as the life you will have tomorrow. And from
what I have seen, you are quite far from the life that you would like to have...

You suffer in silence, trying to hide it from others. People around you sometimes bad-mouth
you, are hypocrites, hiding their treachery behind their nice smiles. In fact, you must be
careful, for your friends are not who you think they are.

Sonia I sense deception in the air around the 13-12-2017.

Is someone about to take advantage of your kindness, of your willingness to help, of your big
heart? Caution is a must... We'll need to dig a little to uncover this old bone and see whether
you should be wary of it or not.

Fortunately, I have come to help you, for I have the experience that you lack to face all the
pernicious forces and destructive influences that are upsetting and harmful to your happiness.
I have come to help you understand all the things that are hidden from you and that are
blocking you from realizing your plans.


I request my enlightened predictions

As I write these lines, I feel your presence very strongly. You are here, so close to me! Do you
know that even from far away, even hundreds or thousands of kilometers away, we can form a
bond and establish a link between us through what is called telepathy in your Western world.
In my land, we say that we are "joining our souls".

If you didn't know it already, it's time for you to take your life back into your own hands with
one single thought in mind: go forward and evolve in order to reach the pinnacle. If you
hesitate, if you think that you will never be able to realize any of your objectives nor any of
your dreams, then what is the point of living? Weren't you born on this earth to make the
most of life and to see all your desires fulfilled?

Why have any fear, any doubt? Do not listen to those around you. But listen to the wise Heart
of Gold who will wipe away all your problems and make your life so sweet and so beautiful.

You are here now to learn how to change your way of seeing things, with one sole purpose: to
evolve, to succeed in your life and open the door to your permanent, everlasting happiness. I
will undertake everything so that your life turns in this direction, for I want to see you happy.
That is my only goal, that is my mission!


I request my enlightened predictions

Your personality is so complex, and so rich at the same time. How can I not be touched by your
charm, which you yourself are completely unaware of! But it is true that at this moment, as
you read what I write, you seem to be under the influence of something harmful in the
environment around you: a sort of evil eye that you "caught", just as one can catch a bad flu,
without paying much notice to it, and with good reason: such evil knows how to lay low!

The evil eye could be the source of your disappointments and of this period of great
uncertainty you are going through. I felt it as soon as I went into my trance. I saw that
something was creating a "blockage" around you, as if you were walking down a long hallway
without light nor any sign of a way out before you.

Nothing is going as planned, you are full of doubts. Your life is not getting any better.

When you think of all those things that should have happened but never did, you keep asking
yourself: "But why don't I have a right to be happy like everyone else!"

It's true. And yet, you possess all the qualities you need to obtain anything that crosses your
mind. Whether it's about love, money, work, health, plans of any kind: ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
It's just up to you to climb out of that black hole you've been confined in for too long now. For
I know too well how hard it is to accept the obvious sometimes.

I know how repeated failures can destroy one's morale and ruin an entire life. Well, desperate
times call for desperate measures. Today you are no longer alone!

I have decided to put ALL my strength and ALL my supernatural powers at your service. I will
get you out of the ditch by talking to you about your future so that you can prepare to receive
your rightful happiness. I can do this, for within me I have a unique ability to unblock any
difficult situations and to liberate your destiny for a better future.


I request my enlightened predictions

By making a quick tip to the interior of your personal life and back, I see that you are like a fish
floundering at the bottom of a swamp. You seem bogged down in the mud, and you are
struggling with all your force to breathe. But it's no use!
Catastrophes and problems pile up without end. This creates tensions that are getting harder
and harder to bear. And don't listen to the opinions of every Tom, Dick and Harry... All the
advice that others may give you will only be good for them, not for you. Watch and listen to
them: they think they are giving you good advice, but in reality they're wrong, because your
life is not their own!

Your life is yours and yours alone. Only you are responsible for it, and you must remain fully in
control of it. For others always think they know what is better for you. But what do they know,
really? Are they even able to take responsibility for their own lives? Aren't they also full of
regrets for having accepted lives that could have been different in the end, that could without
a doubt have been much fuller?

Listen to the voice of wisdom, listen to your heart and put your trust in a great wise sage such
as myself, who has seen so many things, and who has confronted so many enemies that you
would need hundreds of hands to count them!

Now it is time for you to open the right door and push the boundaries. You did not come into
contact with me by chance.

Chance has nothing to do with it, and you know it. You absolutely need to become aware of
your own real wealth, of your hidden strengths, of your untapped potential. For since the day
of your birth, you have been holding all the cards in your hands to HAVE A DREAM LIFE!

I will shed light on your life and reveal to you what you must know, as only a shaman like
myself knows how. Then you will make the right decisions that will set you light years ahead!

I will reveal to you your flaws as well. Even if you think you are a perfect woman, you will
discover certain faults that are your weaknesses and are openings through which any negative
force can get inside you.

Know that if you succeed in your life, if you are lucky, if you are happy in love, if you have
money, if you are in good health, if you succeed at everything you touch, if you can afford any
whim you like, know that this will not be pleasing to everyone.
HAPPINESS doesn't grow on trees. It isn't something you can find under any old rock. Just as
one cannot guarantee winning the jackpot simply by playing. Through my life experience and
my wisdom, I know this, and have come here to teach it to you.


I request my enlightened predictions

The way I see it, you need to understand why your life is like an orange full of seeds. You
would love so much that everything were simple, that everyone around you would accept your
ideas, and nobody would try to get in the way of your plans. Alas, you understand all too well
other people aren't like you. When profit is the only motive, there's a foul atmosphere, like a
swamp where you can only find crusty crocodiles able to survive. But you, you are in need of
space, freedom, joy, and peace... When you've gotten everything you want, when you are
happy like the little beaver playing in front me with freshly cut little tree branches, that's when
my mission will be accomplished. But in order to get the best results, we have to get to know
each other better.

When I look at your current life situation, I also feel bad. You're like a snail, you move forward
so slowly, and you carry such a heavy shell. It is too heavy for you. Have you been having back
pains or aches in your joints lately? Everything around you seems agitated, like winds
spiralling, hinting of a tornado that is coming. Is that a good omen, or a bad one? For now, I
don't know. It will depend on the decisions that you make. But I see how much you want to
regain control of events, how much you want to bounce back and drive away the danger, how
much you want to enjoy every moment of the happiness for which you yearn, and how
everything appears to be coming together in the right way.

If you want to find a certain and sustainable Happiness, put your trust in me...


As I told you, for some time now you have been the victim of an evil eye that is thwarting your
plans, jabbing sticks into your wheels. All of your deeds and acts turn to vinegar, and your
dreams always remain only dreams! You are like the small child who mushes his nose against
the bakery window, devouring with his eyes those big chocolate cakes that he craves, even
though he has no money in his pockets.

When I look at your life, I note to myself how many opportunities have passed you by. It is as if
you were walking past doorways without seeing them. You missed out on your dreams, you
stayed frozen like a spectator at a show without the courage to jump into the arena yourself. I
think it's time for you to take your future into your own hands, for you are different from
others. You have a quick mind, your intelligence is higher than average, even if you are too
discreet to show it. The time has come to act, if you want to understand why things are not
working out as you wish, if you want to be done with your anxieties and problems. Put all your
trust in me, let yourself go and enter into the clan of your friend Heart of Gold. Tomorrow you
will finally start to enjoy your life.

For don't forget: I have a gift, and it lets me see far, and lets me detect the scent that you give
off. The scent of good luck that smells like fresh grass on the mountain, or the scent of bad
luck that smells like a carcass half devoured by vultures and abandoned by the side of the
road. Even hundreds of kilometers from you, the vibrations of your first and last name ring out
to me like musical notes.

And I feel the vibrations for you, Sonia, they are excellent. It's a good sign: it means that the
path is clear and the door of my teepee will open for you. For I know that you will rejoin my
clan and my circle of friends.

For it is not enough to just believe in miracles for something to happen. You can stare at the
sky from evening to morning, you can pray all you want... but you will not always be heard.
Why? Because there are certain rules, known only to Shamans like myself, for getting results
quickly, without a lot of fuss. A mere glance at your current situation is enough to realize that
you are not at a good place in your life. You are looking for a revival, if not a rebirth. You want
to be done with your endless struggles and problems. Nothing could be more natural. You
want to get out of this dark dead end and find the light again!

I cannot guarantee that everything will take care of itself in less than 8 days. First I need to get
to know you well in order to guide you to where you really need to go. For this to happen, you
must join my clan without asking yourself questions, without losing time talking to or asking
those around you for opinions that, even in good faith, will work against your happiness!


Believe me, if you want your problems and anxieties to leave you forever and open up a space
for great serenity, for joy, for an easy life, for plans to be realized, for dreams that have yet to
be fulfilled, then you must stop thinking that you have no chance, and you must do all you can
to ward off the evil eye and everything that can do harm to your happiness. Today everything
is possible!


Imagine: Imagine: If everyone, with the snap of their fingers, could generate any level of
income, any amount of money... If you only had to scratch the earth to uncover nuggets of
gold as big as potatoes. Would money still be so valuable? Would the pleasure of acquiring it
still be the same? Would it still be as mysterious and intriguing? Money is a precious energy.
The more you have, the happier you will be by creating your own safe space and realizing your
plans. Using my secrets, I will help you to acquire a great deal of money, any amount you
would like. And your dreams will no longer remain shut away, forgotten in the back of a
drawer. For the most important thing to me is to see you fulfilled and beaming with happiness.

For me, there is no doubt that we all have a sort of animal instinct that draws us to our animal
totem, which we resemble like two peas in a pod. You only have to take a close look at nature
to understand all the things that the white man has missed for decades. Get closer to nature,
learn to respect her, and to listen to her, and then suddenly you will notice big changes within
yourself! We are all, men and women, destined to overcome our challenges and obtain all that
we want. I noticed a small weakness in you, one that generates envy in you. Yes, it is a passive
envy, but one which turns you into a spectator within your life and you must do something
now to change it. Remember the story of the hummingbird whose faith in life none of the
other animals believed. With your permission, I would like to give you the key to open the door
to all the money you will ever need to find fulfilment and to realize your frustrated dreams.
Money will become your friend, and believe me, you will attract money just as surely as
magnet attracts iron. This is what I have discovered over time, and what I teach today to all
those who put their faith in me. It is absolutely unique in this world. Failure has always been a
part of life as a necessary step to understand success. So it is useless to cry over your situation.
When I put you on the winners' road, you will never know failure again. It will be as if that
word disappeared from your vocabulary. Surprises will come, one after another. You will
discover the potential that is within you, and you will move ahead on the road to Victory.


I request my enlightened predictions

The money you need is waiting to flow down on you. You only have to free your heart, and it
will rain upon you from the sky. It will be like an inexhaustible hoard of treasure that you can
plumb as much as you like to quench your desires. Maybe you have old dreams that you no
longer believe in: you will be able to make those come true before your eyes. No dream is
impossible, always remember that. For you will make a friend out of money. Watch out: that
may turn into a whole bunch of friends!

You are destined to have money, a lot of money. Alas,

like the majority of people on Earth, you just don't know it. You listen to what you should not
hear, you look with eyes that do not see what they should see, you trust what people tell you,
and like everyone, you accept the lies that are given to you as truths.

What, then, is the dream that you will soon be able to realize with the first money you receive?
I am not talking about some scrawny amount like a starving seagull that hasn't eaten in three
weeks. I am talking about money, a lot of money. Enough to pay for a new house, a chalet at a
winter resort, a luxurious bungalow along the seashore...

What desires will be the first to tempt you? Imagine how happy you will be the day you call
your banker to ask him to have a million dollars transferred to your account.

This is not a dream. This can become reality tomorrow if you so desire. With my help, I will
help you to get to the other side of the barrier, where the grass is thick and green. Where
hunger, fear, need, and doubt no longer exist.


They always say, "Those who are lucky at gambling are unlucky in love!" That is nonsense.
With my help, you will be lucky at gambling and your heart will soon be aflutter. You will be
rich, if that is your wish, and you will be able to have the love life you always desired. All you
have to do for that is listen to your friend Heart of Gold and let yourself be carried away in a
whirlwind that will give you wings. But if you refuse to open your heart, then don't come
calling next 27-12-2017 about the cold weather.

I know that you are not yet ready to hear the whole truth, nor to accept my well-considered
counsel. And yet, if you want to rediscover Love, or rather, your Great Love, it is important that
you stop making the same mistakes you have in the past! I will show you the way. For in the
life of a man or of a woman, Love is essential. As I always say: If Love eludes you, if you do not
find fulfillment in your romantic and emotional life, then it is as if you've settled for living with
only one leg! The person who does not know Love or who learns to do without it is unable to
experience feelings that will give them true happiness.


I request my enlightened predictions

Hours, days, weeks pass. You can choose to curl up in upon yourself and let silence take over in
the depths of your heart. You let doubt prevail over joy, the joy of sharing with another person
who winds up having to see the smile on your face vanish in a whirlwind of sadness. Don't you
think it's high time to start moving in the right direction? Come, come.. isn't it about time you
begin to retrace your steps and try understand why you are still not fulfilled today? Is it that
you believe the drama of doomed Love is simply your destiny? Don't be like the ostrich who
fearfully sticks his head in the sand, thinking it will save him from unwanted drama in life. Take
your problems, entrust them to your friend Heart of Gold, and I will liberate you from them.

Your circle of friends would probably be surprised to read what I am writing to you, convinced
that your life is as ordered as musical notes on a sheet of paper. But I see that not all is as clear
as you would like to be believed. You accept your destiny because you fear the unknown. You
will never find fulfillment in resignation. Why be ashamed of admitting your hidden desires?
Why run away from the means of realizing your fantasies? EVERYTHING WILL BE POSSIBLE FOR

Based on what I see in this initial assessment of your life's current circumstances as they
appear to me in the trance I have invoked on your behalf, there is much to gladden your heart,
and to give you hope again for great changes.

I have seen that something will soon happen to you. All is in place for changes to happen
quickly. I hear voices rising, a large white car moving towards you around the 18-12-2017.
What is going on? Is this the big meet-up of your life that is about to happen? Or do you have
some loved one in mind with whom you would like to share your life? There is something
being reborn. An embryonic love that will grow and give birth to the great Love that you have
been nurturing in your heart for years.

You doubt it, don't you? That is normal. I have to give you some evidence of that which I am
sensing about you.

Seeing these visions, I told myself that you were the verge of meeting someone, someone of
huge importance for you. I cannot tell you more about it now, for I am still missing certain
pieces of information about you. If you put your trust in me, then I can assure you that you will
be able to take the future into your own hands and stop swimming in a pond infested with

I foresee a great change coming for you in the next six months. A real upheaval that may still
be beyond your imagination. But when the time comes, when the door is opened, then
nothing and no one will be able to hinder the initiation of this process. Some call this destiny,
and for others it is, quite simply, life. Whatever it may be, I see a bright future for you. But are
you going to make the right decisions at the right times? Will you listen to my words and
follow the path that I advise you?


I request my enlightened predictions

To live without love is like walking alone on a path riddled with stones and gaping holes. Of
course, being alone has its advantages: You are free to move as you like, travel wherever you
want, choose your friends, stay up all night watching TV, eat with your fingers right out of the
pan. I don't need to say more, because you know all this. But the fact is, you need love. What's
more, you need a lot of Love, to find balance and lasting fulfillment. Nothing could be more
commendable, even if nothing has yet been won. It is up to you, and to your decisions to
come. But I can already tell you that if the will to rebuild your life is intact and does not fade
because of the stupid rumors around you, then you have every chance of constructing your
future in perfect harmony with your desires. So never listen to any rumors. Despite the saying
that there is no smoke without fire! For me it's just the opposite: you must light the fire to see
the smoke escaping through the chimney!

I saw in the distance a soft blue light. A glow drawing near, like a small and fragile flame, like a
candle held carefully and delicately in one's hands to prevent it from going out. This is a good
sign, believe me. There isn't the shadow of a doubt! Unfortunately, since I am missing some
confidential information about you, I cannot refine my predictions. I'll be honest, I need to go
further into your life to better guide you, to better counsel you and help you avoid many
disappointments. With my help you will regain ears to hear what must be heard, and eyes to
see what must be seen. If you missed out on some great opportunities, do not regret it. It's no
use crying over spilt milk. What has happened belongs to the past. The only thing that counts
for you is the future, your future. By joining my clan as quickly as possible, you will join my
tribe of friends and become a great winner in life. The only thing that counts is to make the
right choices and to build your life upon new foundations, solid foundations. That is my
proposal. Are you willing to accept it?


Watch out for chills, and don't over do it. I see you carrying heavy loads, like bags so full
they're about to split and boxes as heavy as lead. But what is this strange vision that appears
towards the 24-12-2017? Are you thinking about moving and doing everything by yourself? Or
are you planning to help a close friend of yours? It is a little unclear, but behind your good
intentions, you may be overestimating your stamina, and you may wind up kicking yourself for
it later. To take care of one's health is a rule. Don't people say, "Slow and steady wins the
race"? And be careful about trying to go a bridge too far. You have been forewarned. Are you
ready to listen and follow my advice about good health that you will find in my Grand
Enlightened Predictions?



I have a strong feeling that you would not say no to the idea of winning a large sum of money
at one of your favorite games? And nevertheless, for all these years, though you thought you
would hit the jackpot, you have nothing to show for it, and your pot remains empty except for
your hopes stuck to its bottom. Still, based on my initial visions, I have seen something very
interesting for you. I asked myself whether I should talk to you about it already, for I didn't
want to give you false hopes or keep you up at night. It seems you have a lucky number. That
number is 13. Though I'm not sure about it yet, I believe that this is the first winning number
that is inscribed on your life path. It may be $130,000, or $1.3 million, or $13 million. It would
be presumptuous to put forth anything specific today and make a final prognosis. For life is so
fickle and prone to so many twists and turns. How many men and women I have seen on the
brink of suicide, completely depressed, gorging themselves with anti-depressants to forget
their ordeals, and then bounce back from one day to the next? One little game on the right day
and the promised fortune swoops down all at once! As unexpected as it is unlikely! There is
nothing strange about becoming rich overnight. For many people like you are today, it's a
dream. But I can tell you that this dream has all every chance of becoming reality if you want it
to. I say "if you want it to", because the slightest doubt between you and me would blow out
the flame that represents the hope of seeing your life turning around in an ocean of

If a large sum of money suddenly dropped into your bank account, you would see your future
in a different light, wouldn't you? For money does not solve everything, but it opens the way
to a certain serenity and peace of mind. When we discover a large nugget of gold in the
mountain, we jump for joy and the whole village celebrates for three days and three nights.
Having money to spend rightly or wrongly is the best way to live fully, to have satisfaction in
everything one does, to be filled with wonder on beautiful voyages, to enjoy one's life quite
simply without ever having to deny yourself any pleasure. Nothing is too good for you!


I request my enlightened predictions

I will do everything so you can negotiate the great turning point in your life that is looming
before you. I will stand by you each day, if you wish it, so that your requests can have exactly
the results that you wished for.

But I will do more for you. As I revealed to you, maybe a bit early, I foresee a large influx of
money coming in for you. It is not yet definite, but there are some telltale signs. You are at the
dawn of a great discovery, through which you will know the wonderful days of those whose
fortunes have risen. Just think, in the next six months or maybe even in the next month, you
will find yourself with pen on several occasions with pen in hand to check off numbers.
Numbers with a strong vibration that flow out on after the other. You will be in front of your
television, your face tensing up. One, two, three winning numbers in a row...maybe the next
one will seal your fortune!
When good luck comes along, you have to seize it. It's not that good luck has abandoned you,
its just that you've been missing it, on this we can agree. Until now, you haven't known
anything good, and your hopes have always fallen by the wayside. You wound up believing
that you would never be rich, and giving up like this has melted away the idea that things could
one day go well for you.

One month ago I was visited by a business owner who was on the brink of bankruptcy. He
didn't have a penny left to pay his employees, and he was waiting for the end of the month
with an indescribable fear in the pit of his stomach. I looked into it more closely and revealed
to him that he was the victim of a scheme concocted by his own partner who was as
venomous and unscrupulous as a rattlesnake. Like you, I saw that he had a pure soul, and I
decided to come to his aid. I told him not to panic nor change his habits in the slightest. I
hurriedly invoked the breath of the wind, the great Dawa, and I asked him to obliterate the
treachery cast upon the poor man who had been victimized by his snake of a partner. Three
days and three nights passed. On the fourth day, the treacherous partner was suddenly
overtaken in a violent crisis of remorse that caused him to lose sleep and deteriorate.
Eventually he heard a small voice that told him he must make amends for his dirty trick and
leave the company at once. The goodhearted business owner did not understand what was
going on. He bought back his partner's shares for a pittance, and seven days later a new
customer came by and placed the order of the century. In less than fifteen days, the
threatening storm just disappeared, taking with it the specter of bankruptcy! Today the
company is flourishing and is among the leading fifteen businesses in the industry. He would
never have believed such a miracle possible. And yet...when I invoke the breath of the wind
through the spirit of the great Dawa, I make a clean slate of one's painful past and bring fine
weather back everywhere. It is not for nothing that I am sometimes called the Great Manitou!


With my help, you will change your opinions about luck. For I do not like seeing luck be as
capricious as a peacock. I like to control it, and dominate it, so that it bends to the will of my
spirit. I will show you how to tame it, like a black panther that becomes as gentle as a house

To realize your hopes, I would search deep in your heart for the winning numbers that must
come out victorious. But I need to know some precise information that I would ask you to tell
me. Otherwise, I would not be able to draw out the circumstances nor the time period in
which you will best be able to benefit from the favors of destiny.

Know that you can obtain all that you desire and that anything which seems impossible to you
will from now on be possible even in the darkest periods when you feel the ground sinking
under your feet. You must learn to gain mastery over each of the tribulations that you go
through. If you give up too soon or too fast on achieving the pleasure of Victory, that is like
thinking in the middle of the night that the day will never come back again. That the moon will
replace the sun until the end of time. The sun always comes back, even after the rain!

Never again think that you were born under a bad star. For there is no good or bad star. Only
your faith in life will let you move mountains and achieve your goals, with the help of your
friend Heart of Gold who knows how to speak to the spirits of animals, trees and all the
elements that surround you. Believe in the magic of the spirit, and there is nothing nor anyone
that will block your plans anymore!

If such is your will, I encourage you to continue your journey with me and to taste the joys of
well being. You have my full support. I would always be by your side, to carry you on my
shoulders and lead you all the way up, to the top, in the fulfillment of your dreams!


I request my enlightened predictions

As you can see, this Visionary Oracle is an initial assessment that announces important
changes in the coming months of your life. The time has come for you to make a decision.
There are moments when you do not know how to get out of the problems that disrupt your
existence. You can talk to your friends, or family, or to nobody. In either case, it will not move
things forward, quite the contrary. For no one but me can claim to have enough perspective on
your life to enlighten your mind and lead you on the path of spectacular rebirth. I am one of
the few shamans who perfectly master the Western way of life you have been swimming in
since your childhood. I have enormous life experience and unique knowledge to share. To
ignore my advice would be to choose to go through a salt flat alone with neither food nor
water. I know that you are blessed with a vibrant intelligence, that you do not just go off
without taking the time to reflect carefully on things. Even if I do sense an occasional
impulsiveness in you, an impatience that pushes you to make mistakes sometimes.

Is your destiny really right for you? Are you fully satisfied with your living conditions and your
environment? I do not believe that. Otherwise, why would you knock on my door?

Thus, the moment has come to jump forward and to make a great leap but with a safety net!
There are times in life when you have to make choices. You know it deep inside of yourself,
you know you have to do it, for you do not yet hold all the cards to evolve and make certain

Making a decision entails an alteration in your life path, a change that offers you several
possibilities to retrace your steps and open the door to a new world that is unknown and
invisible, and thus disturbing. Although the unknown is frightening, on the contrary, it should
fill your heart with joy, knowing that there is everything to gain if you just forge ahead. If you
keep on living a do-nothing existence you will lose key bearings, not to mention the desire to
evolve towards the heights of your own success.

If all humans paid more attention to their environment, if they took the time to observe the
signs around them, they would quickly realize that life is not hostile to them. On the contrary,
and above all, they would make far fewer mistakes.

They would thus be able to avoid most setbacks along the road. They would sense, for
example, the right moment to play the lottery or any game, because GOOD LUCK DOES NOT

They would be able to notice how their relationship was flagging and on a downward slide,
that they would not be able to revive it without taking the right measures in time.

They would be sensitive to the heartbeat of the stranger who is looking at them while
pretending not to.

By deciding to throw a stone into the water, without knowing it, you open a door, you put
things into motion, you shatter obstacles, you draw the attention of the good spirits upon


Over forty long years, I have observed a phenomenon which I simply call the "Law of the
Boomerang". It is a sort of cosmic mechanism that seems to work in your favor every time you
issue an intention. This mechanism starts working, often so quietly that you don't even notice
it. You just throw out an idea as if you were throwing a stone out on the water. The idea gets
transformed in mid-flight and comes back to you to good or bad effect. But since you are
unfamiliar with the mechanism of the "Law of the Boomerang", in 9 out of 10 cases you miss
out on good luck and instead get the dark side! You end up full of doubts, you no longer
believe in anything, you step into quicksand and wind up waiting for some crocodile to come
and eat you alive. I will teach you, if you want, to notice the "signs", and soon you will be in
possession all the keys to abundance, pleasure, and serenity.

It is only up to you now, after this first Visionary Oracle, to go forward. But do not waste time
asking yourself useless questions.

Do not make the same mistake twice. Do not waste your time weighing the pro's and the
con's. You always have to strike when the iron is hot.
Later is too late. Accept the mission I have reserved for you: Accept having a specialist of
fortune at your side, a true and extraordinary shaman rooted in an authentic ancestral culture,
a sort of demigod who possesses not only absolute powers but also divine knowledge that can
move mountains. And believe me, if Heart of Gold takes care of you, it will be very different
from what you have known until now. Where all the others have failed, Heart of Gold will
succeed in summoning all the conditions for your Victory!


I request my enlightened predictions

The adventure I propose has borne fruit for all people who have chosen to take their fate into
their own hands. All those people on whose behalf I acted, quickly rediscovered the way to
Happiness, to good luck in everything, to money in profusion, to love to your heart's content,
to financial comfort, and above all to all those marvelous little pleasures that light up one's life,
making each day more beautiful than the last.

Finally, remember that it's not every day that you meet a friend, a true friend who will work
hard for you, without keeping score, and who will never let you fall.


In order for my work to fill your heart with joy and bring home the bacon, make sure to
carefully fill out the questionnaire that I have enclosed for you. Each piece information you
submit will remain strictly confidential between you and me. But each piece of information
about you will enable me to provide you with exceptional service for your greater satisfaction.
My fees, calculated as fairly and modestly as possible, will be as soft as wild goose feathers in
comparison to all that I will let you discover and all the benefits that you will get in return.

I want to make of your life a haven of peace, to make the sun shine every day for you, to make
all your problems disappear, to let all your wishes be satisfied, to set your beating heart alight,
swept away in the stream of happy days. I want to hear you sing, dance, dream, carried away
by a life of contentment in which nothing will ever elude you again, in which no dream will
escape your will.

If you feel it, if you want it, if you are ready to discover what destiny holds for you, then quickly
join the clan of your friend Heart of Gold.

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