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MORALITY AND LAW: Critics upon H.L.A Harts

Moral Paradigm Epistemology Basis based on
Prophetic Paradigm

Article May 2017

DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2017.17.1.823


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4 authors, including:

Khudzaifah Dimyati
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


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Critics upon H.L.A Harts Moral Paradigm Epistemology Basis
based on Prophetic Paradigm

Khudzaifah Dimyati, Absori, Kelik Wardiono

Doctoral Program of Law Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Fitrah Hamdani
Faculty of Law, Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya Sumbawa


The research focuses on a critism study of epistemologycal basis of the relation between law and
morality in H.L.A. Harts rational paradigm. It is according to prophetic paradigm which is based on
philosophical approach. According to the analysis, it is concluded that Harts opinion is based on the
epistemological basic assumptions including the primary and secondary rules; Value/Ethics including
epistemological ethics such as autonomous, individual, procedural, and relative ethics while the
pro-phetic paradigm is based on the epistemological assumptions in which Relative Morailty is the
result of creation and will of absolute reality. Meanwhile, Norm of morality means the reality
should be cre-ated by the competent will through a delegate with epistemological ethics such as the
combination between reality of society and apocalyptical values.

Keywords: moral concepts, prophetic paradigm and rational paradigm


Penelitian yang menfokuskan kajian tentang kritik terhadap basis epistemologi tentang relasi antara
hukum dan moral dalam paradigma rasional dari H.L.A, berdasarkan paradigma profetik yang menda-
sarkan pada metode pendekatan filosofis. Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan disimpulkan, bahwa
pendapat dari H.LA, Hart mendasarkan pada asumsi-asumsi dasar epistemologi, yang meliputi aturan
primer (primary rules); dan aturan sekunder(secundary rules); sedang Nilai/Etos, meliputi: etos epis-
temologi, yang berupa: otonom, individual, prosedural dan relatif, sedangkan paradigma profetik
mendasarkan pada Asumsi Epistemologi, yaitu Moralitas relatif merupakan hasil penciptaan dan ke-
hendak realitas absolut dan Norma moralitas, yaitu realitas seharusnya (sollen) yang diciptakan atas
kehendak yang berwenang melalui utusan, dengan nilai/etos epistemologi berupa perpaduan antara
realitas masyarakat dan nilai-nilai kewahyuan.

Kata Kunci: konsep moral, paradigma profetik, dan paradigma rasional

Introduction sumptions question about the relation between

Paradigm is a set of basic belief system or the researchers with the studied reality. While
metaphysics related to the main principles. A methodology assumptions question on how the
paradigm, to its believers, will represent a researchers try to explain what they believe to
worldview which defines world nature (reality), be known.1
ones place or position in it and the probability
of distance between the world (reality) and its
parts. In short, it can be concluded that para-
This research is part of Hibah Kompetensi, funded by
digm is a basic system belief which relies on on- DP2M Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan
Tinggi 2017.
tology, epistemology and methodology assump- 1
Turnomo Rahardjo. Landasan Filosofis Penelitian Ko-
tions. Ontology assumptions question about the munikasi, Jurnal Semai Komunikasi, Vol. II No. 1,
December 2011, Semarang: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komuni-
form and nature of reality. Epistemology as- kasi Semarang, page 3.
24 Jurnal Dinamika Hukum
Vol. 17 No. 1, January 2017

Rational paradigm (which becomes the le- positivism. This course believed that the only
gal basis of positivistic philosophical schools) in law accepted as a law is the rule of law; there-
philosophy of law terminology2 with basic thesis fore, this law can be ensured and practiced.
that science is the only scientific knowledge. Law positivism course is also known as le-
Then, positivism demands that philosophy needs gisme course. This course juxtaposes law with
to have methods similar to science. The main Constitution; there is no law outside Constitu-
task of philosophy, according to positivism, is to tion. The only source of law is Constitution. This
find general principle to every science and is positive law point of view is upheld by Paul La-
henceforth used as a guidance for human beha- band, Jellineck, Rudolf von Jherings, Hans Na-
vior as well as the basis for social organization. wiasky, Hans Kelsen and others.
Therefore, positivism denies all forms of scien- Law positivism believes that law should
tific responsibilities which exceed the limits of be viewed under the provisions of Constitutions
empirical facts and the law asserted by scien- by which the rule of law can be verified. Any-
ce.3 thing outside the Constitutions shall be ex-
Law positivism focuses on formality based cluded as law. Law should be separated from
on real project and departs from deduction with morality, even though positivists admit that the
logic at the place significant to the study of focus on legal norms is associated with moral
law. Law can be seen as an autonomous and discipline, theology, sociology and politics
pure institution; therefore, in order to have le- which affect the development of law system.
gitimate power and applicable and it cannot Morality can be accepted inside the law system
and shall not be interfered with non-legal as- if it is recognized and legalized by the autho-
pects such as politics, economics, socials even rities who impose it as law. Hart acknowledged
morality. Liberalism law theory highly defends that authoritative norm is usually accompanied
ones freedom; thus, protection of individual by penalties of some sorts (either social penal-
law is important to bring out the rule of law. 4 ties or specific sanction for public authorities),
In the next development, positivism pro- these penalties have different ways instead of
posed by Comte and Spencer had then become the usual coercion (habitual behavior), espe-
inspiration to the upcoming course of juridical- cially because the sanction is approved by the
people, created and accepted by the official au-
See Inge Dwisvimiar, Keadilan Dalam Perspektif Filsafat thorities; hence, it is legitimate. 5
Ilmu Hukum, Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, Vol. 11 No. 3,
September 2011, Purwokerto: Faculty of Law Universitas Hans Kelsen on his law theory, the Pure
Jenderal Soedirman, page 506. Theory of Law, provides the underlying similar-
Noor Azizah. Urgensi Filsafat Ilmu Bagi Ilmu Hukum,
Jurnal Al Ulum, Vol. 51 No. 1, January 2012, Goron- ity of law as H.L.A Hart tried to answer the
talo: IAIN Sultan Amai, page 54; See also similar issue question, What is law? however; it is not a
on D.H.M. Meuwissen, Pengembangan Hukum, Jurnal
Hukum Pro Justitia, Year XII No. 1, January 1994, Ban- question of what is law supposed to be? To
dung: Faculty of Law Universitas Parahyangan; D.H.M. put it clearly, Harts perspective related to the
Meuwissen, Teori Hukum, Jurnal Hukum Pro Justitia,
Year XII No. 1, April 1994, Bandung: Faculty of Law Uni- question of law nature above is about how
versitas Parahyangan; D.H.M. Meuwissen, Filsafat Hu- law and its liability are different and how the
kum, Jurnal Hukum Pro Justitia, Year XII No. 1, July
1994, Bandung: Faculty of Law Universitas Parahyangan; relation between the commands supported by
D.H.M. Meuwissen, Ilmu Hukum, Jurnal Hukum Pro threat is.
Justitia, Year XII No. 1, July 1994, Bandung: Faculty of
Law Universitas Parahyangan. H.L.A Hart stated that there is separation
Agus Raharjo, Hukum dan Dilema Pencitraannya: Tran- between law and morality; nonetheless, the se-
sisi Paradigmatis Ilmu Hukum dalam Teori dan Praktek,
Jurnal Hukum Pro Justitia, Vol. 24. No. 1, January 2006, paration is not extreme because morality should
Bandung: Faculty of Law Universitas Parahyangan, page be a part of laws requirement. It is caused by
14; see and compare to Agus Raharjos, Membangun
Hukum yang Humanis, Jurnal Hukum Pro Justitia, Year
XX No. 2, April 2002, Bandung: Faculty of Law Univer- Candace J. GroudineAuthority: H. L. A. Hart and the
sitas Parahyangan; and Satjipto Rahardjo, Hukum Pro- Problem with Legal Positivism, The Journal of Liber-
gresif: Hukum yang Membebaskan, Jurnal Hukum Pro- tarian Studies, Vol. IV. No. 3, lsumrnrr 1980, New York:
gresif, Vol. 1 No. 1, April 2005, Semarang: Law Studies Department of Philosophy Columbia University, page
Doctoral Program Universitas Diponegoro. 274.
Morality and Law: Critics upon H.L.A Harts Moral Paradigm Epistemology Basis... 25

two factors: first, human has limitations to do science is integralistic. It is prophetic ideals de-
good for others: and second, Law has limitation rived from Islam historical mission written in
in organizing peoples development. Quran Surah Ali Imran 3: (110) stated,
Hart set morality as the minimum re- You are the best community that ever
quirement of law, by overcoming the rigidity emerged for humanity: you advocate
that exists in Austins classic legal positivism in what is moral, and forbid what is im-
moral, and believe in God.
which law is considered as institution imper-
meable to morale. However, to some extent, Categorization in Quran, on its turn, stops the
Hart and Austin had come into agreement, es- dispute in Western Scientists regarding to ma-
pecially related to the separation between law terial object of natural sciences and human-
and morality but they reject absolute closure on ities. From Western point of view, there are
morale. two things which are contradictory to science.
According to Hart, the relation between The first point of view stated that science is a
law and morality in reality: first, law manifests unity; therefore, there should not be natural
moral ideas; second, morality and law have in- science and social-culture sciences. Based on
dependent relationship; third, law must actua- this perspective, even though there are differ-
lize law ideas, Fourth, moral values affect law, ences in material objects of each field, science
fifth, law, by definition its definition, embodies should not be separated into two. 8
morale; and sixth, looking at the fact of human Thus, the formulation of Prophetic law in
nature and the world they live in, morality rules law studies, either paradigmatic, assumptions,
have the same minimum side. 6 principles, theory, methodology, or normative
According to Hart, Law system is social structures existed within are created based on
rules system. As an example, regulation is com- Islamic epistemology basis originated from Qur-
monly considered as an excuse or justification an and Hadiths. Through transformation process
for an action, and violations are generally open and Islamic objectification which is originated
for critics. Therefore, the rule of law is norm- from Quran and Hadiths, the basic assumption
ative while custom is otherwise. Hence, in other will be built, which then eventually will become
words, regulation can assert rights and author- theory, doctrine, principles, rules and legal
ity while custom does not have power to adjust norm applied among the people is adjusted with
ones behavior. The validity of positive law each context.
which is dominant opposes customs in subordi- Based on perspective of an epistemolo-
nate area. 7 gical prophetic paradigm that refers to revela-
A strong border line between basis/ tion, empirical reality, and ratio, those three
source and ethics of Western science origina- knowledge sources perfectly interrelated. The-
ted in mind (ratio/aql) and Islamic science refore, revelation, reality and ratio are interre-
which came from God (Allah SWT) in form of lated and inseparable because revelation with-
revelation of transcendental structure and out ratio would be unspeakable idea that can
mind (ratio/aql). Ethics of both science sources not be defined and understood. Likewise, if ra-
are different. Western science ethic is huma- tion without revelation would be an aimless
nism while Islamic science ethic is humanism- thought, consequently, the debates is aimed
theocentric. The characteristics of Western sci- only to show the intellectual perspective that
ence are secular and autonomous while Islamic leads to the truth because it comes from the
subjectivity thought in defining things.
Salman Luthan, Dialektika Hukum dan Moral dalam
Perspektif Filsafat Hukum, Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUS-
TUM, Vol. 19 No. 4, Oktober 2012, Yogyakarta: Faculty
of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia, pages 516-517. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putera, Paradigma Profetik: Mung-
Robert Summers, Professor H.L.A. Hart Concept of kinkah?, Perlukah?, Makalah, delivered in Saresehan
Law, Duke Law Journal, Vol. 1963 No. 629, Durham: Profetik 2011 held by Magister Programs in UGM,
Duke University School of Law, page 631. Yogyakarta, February 10th 2011, page 35.
26 Jurnal Dinamika Hukum
Vol. 17 No. 1, January 2017

Problems that law is fair as if it all refers to assigned pro-

Based on the description above, the study cedures. In compensation, justice principle ap-
refers to: first, how is the relation between plies in certain situation where some injuries
moral and law based on rational paradigm from happened and compensation is being claimed.
H.L.A Hart?; second, how is the critic of pro- In this case, law is considered fair if the com-
phetic paradigm between moral and law in ra- pensation given corresponds to adverse conse-
tional paradigm from H.L.A Hart? quences. 10

Research Method Epistemology Basic Assumption of Rational Pa-

The study applied philosophical approach radigm based on H.L.A Harts Concept
which aimed to explore the rational paradigm of The main law rule of Harts view is social
relation between moral and law based on basic norms even though it is not always from agree-
epistemology from H.L.A Hart, supported by the ment or convention. Thus, the system of law is
references of legal positivism philosophy and to norms that support a group of people, however,
criticize it through prophetic paradigm. The the main thought is social norm that has an-
primary source in terms of H.L.A Harts writings other normative strength through custom. It is a
were collected from some references. The se- behavior regularities towards legal entities that
lected data were then analyzed by descriptive, take internal perspective in taking decision. It is
interpretative and hermeneutic, and heuristic being used by positivists as a standard to guide
analysis. and evaluate their behavior and others and is
being shown by their behavior. It is also used to
Discussion solve the problems from social pressure to sup-
H.L.A. Harts Morality Concept on Rational port the rules and they are ready to apply it for
Paradigm duties and responsibilities. Then, the particular
According to Harts book, The Concept of question of positivistic is how social norms have
Law, stated three issues that explain the re- normative strength or considered as legal
lation between morality and law: first, how to norms. Positivists proposed some concepts: pri-
differentiate moral ideas for justice from jus- mary rules, and secondary rules. It is a basic as-
tice in law; second, how to differentiate moral sumption of ontology concepts based on the
rules from law of all social aspects and third, concept of Harts law morality.
the various component in which law and mora-
lity interrelate. The Epistemological Value/Ethics of rational
According H.L.A Hart, justice is different paradigm based on H.L.A Harts Concept
from morality assesment. Justice is more spe- According to Hart, moral assessment de-
cific compared to moral assessment. Justice in pends on personal assumption and determines
law concerns in two points, which are: Distri- the fairness or unfairness of law. If it is not,
bution and compensation. In term of distribu- people is not obliged to follow the law and it is
tion, it reveals that justice does not merely fo- possible to sue the unfair law. For Hart, moral-
cus on person but on a group of people being ity comes from the thought or philosophy. As a
treated for expanses or gains where it is distrib- result of thought, morality is neither absolute
uted for them. Hence what is typically fair or nor universal. It is limited, unstable and it has
unfair is a share.9 The distributive justice in weakness and strength etc. Moral is more about
law applies: treat like case alike and treat dif- the concept of humans behavior. Moral in this
ferent case different. It is applied as a proof case is seen as a judge in social system and is
not as a subject. It is as a concept or thought of
9 values for determining position or humans be-
Margaret M. Poloma, 2000, Sosiologi Konternporer,
translated from Contemporary Sociology Theory by Ya-
sogama team, Jakarta: PT. RajaGrafindo Persada, page
159. Ibid.
Morality and Law: Critics upon H.L.A Harts Moral Paradigm Epistemology Basis... 27

havior. Moral more refers to the assesment of me changes based on peculiar space and time
the exist system values. Moral is more like a so- with the change of zann mujtahid, while zann is
cial system observation and it is relatively cha- subjective and contextual.
nging by space and time which form moral. The ethics concept from Ghazali in seeing
zann as an object of ijtihad can be concluded as
Prophetic Paradigm Critics towards Rational Greek Ethics completion, as like Plato and Aris-
Paradigm Morality Concept Based on H.L.A toteles, and Muslim philosopher like ibn Miska-
Harts conception waih, especially in seeing human reality aspect
Prophetic Paradigm Critics towards basic that is mono-dual and its existential function
assumption of Rational Paradigm Morality Con- abdi and kholifah, 12 or God in the earth. 13 The
cept based on Harts conception are: first, rela- affirmative proof can be seen on how Ghazali
tive moral is a result of creation and absolute bravely affirmed that those four moderate com-
reality will. Moral values and legal norms as a ing from Greek namely Hikmah (wise), iffah
relative reality, are contextual subjective of (humble), and adalah (fair); that considered as
moral norms that have no principles and is not the main of moral values and the kindness of
identic to object. From Ghazalis view, the con- soul that is right way (al-sirat al-mustaqim)
cepts of Masyhurat (norms and values in public that is written in Quran as the one and only
space), maqbulat (norms and values in traditio- guide for human and as the fundamental (usul
nal belief), and Maznunat (norms and values in al-din). 14
prediction), are not rational objective, but it is Second, morality is a supposed reality
socially constructed namely an internal form (sollen) which forms the authorities will through
that has wahimiyat (emotion) and is also in- representative. Regarding to moral causality,
fluenced by external factors. 11 Social belief of someone with all his action widely considered
norms and moral values in particular society can as God action. Since someones action originally
also be traditionally constructed. However, the comes from a knowledge which brings out ira-
basic goals of emotion or God believing cannot dah (motive). Iradah will move qudrah (ability)
be considered universal from inside their soul. that forces a physical movement. This system-
Based on Ghazalis perspective, the mat- atic process happens compulsively (mechanical
ter of norms and moral values is not absolute deterministic), as God jabr (force) convenient
from God, but it should be defined by human with his causality. It means someone does what
relatively depending on situation, except he/she wants either intentionally or not. Thus,
qathI, where a thought or syara limits masyiah (will) extensively does not come from
themselves to general or popular norms, and in human. If it is so, it will trigger another will un-
ijtihad view, truth is relatively plural, which is til formed an endless chain. In consequence,
as a result of various ijtihad from different Ghazali classified three (3) human actions, they
objects. are:18 Fiil Tabii (natural-mechanic action),
In the context of ijtihad from relative such as some people who stand barefooted; Fiil
pluralism theory, Ghazali defends autonomy
principles and flexibility concept of creativity in
humans life and the elasticity law; law as taklif 12
Go further in Agus Iswanto, Relasi manusia Dengan
and also mercy should be understood and de- Lingkungan dalam Al-Quran: Upaya Membangun Eco-
fined contextually as the condition of humans Theology, Jurnal Suhuf, Vol. 6 No. 1, 2013, Jakarta:
Agency of Research, Development, Education and Train-
life. The Gods law can be enforced based on ing of Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, pages
the willingness and God decision even in the 13-14.
Go further in Muhammad Yusuf Musa, 1963, Falsafah al-
form of verse, and exclude qathI will face so- Akhlaq fi al-Islam wa Sillatuha bi al-Igriqiyyah, Ed. II,
Cairo: Muassasah al-Khanji, page 144; Salah al-Din al-
Saljuqi, Asar al-Imam Al-Ghazali fi al-Akhlaq, in
Go further in Al-Ghazali, 1409 H/1988. Miyar al-Ilm, Mahrajan, Op.Cit., pages 79-82.
ed. Sulayman Dunya, Edition. II, Egypt: al-Maarif, pages Al-Ghazali, Mazan al-Amal...loc.cit. Vol. II, pages 357-
193-198. 359.
28 Jurnal Dinamika Hukum
Vol. 17 No. 1, January 2017

Iradi (initiative action), such as breathing; and unity between happiness and priority. Thus, real
Fiil Ikhtiari (alternative action) such as writing. (absolute) kindness becomes the highest medi-
Karl Bath explained a few things about ator to realize high relative kindness, it is the
view of masyiah (will) in widely or independ- highest absolute kidness which creates flawless
ence, which is cited by Ian G. Barbour: 159 nature.
God is different transedence with the In this context, the moral argument does
others and cannot be known unless with not only define God existence but also defines
self-disclosure. Religious beliefs entirely God characteristics, such as the Creator, the
depends on God will, not on human inven-
tion such as science. Scientists has a free- Wise, the Will Power and the One who rules
dom to do their activity without theology earth and heaven. This type of argument must
involvement and vice versa. Since both be leaned on fitrah argument or a prioris refer-
method and issue is different, science ences in which the prophets sent after the argu-
develop from observation and human lo- mentation of God flawless characteristic exist-
gic, while theology is based on apoca-
lypse. ence, or based on one arguments, such as im-
kam, wujub, also movement arguments.20
Action [1] and [2] occur with idtirari (compul- Hence, morality argument has equality of
sive/ deterministic). According to Ghazali, ira- validity with the previous arguments (imkam,
dah (motive) engages with the knowledge based wujub, hudus, also movement) and it is con-
on our suitability. This decision is often taken sidered as the new argument. If morality argu-
by mind spontaneously/reflectively, such as a ment does not based on the previous argument
condition when we close our eyes because there mentioned before, it does not have validity as
is a knife appointed to us, so that it generates an argument to define God existence. There-
iradah with knowledge. Moreover, by particular fore, if morality argument is considered to have
thought, it can be distingushed that kindness is complete base, it is still categorized as practice
a form of action. In this part, there is the spe- philosophy/mind not as theoritical philosophy.
cific iradah known as ikhtiar. Hence, ikhtiar is a It cannot be used as existence evidence. Yet, it
formulation about specific iradah which appears does not mean that priority from mind prac-
with mind direction and in order to catch the tice (amaliah) is produced by knowledge about
point based on the idea or senses. Because of morality which entirely shows God existence. In
the movement forced by qudrah, qudrah forced the other side, the importance of mind practice
by iradah, and iradah forced by knowledge means someone defines the necessity (qualifica-
(mind decision) based on imagine input and tion) using amal (practice) or morality. Then
senses, all of them forced unconciously. More- someone leans their belief to morality (akhlak)
over, someone forced means that all of those or amal (practice), so their belief will be based
stages come from anyone else, and berikhtiar on the universal mind practice needs.
(attempting). Morality concept in prophetic paradigm is
Happiness is a reflection of conformity based on the concept in which the moral values
and harmony between natural characteristics is the from of affirmation of imaginative world
and the purposes until it achieved. If the form reflected in the cognitive imagination and can
of happiness must be related to the priority and be printed in the fantasy or sensitive imagina-
consistency, so it is impossible to realize the tion on the level in which the viewers can actu-
happiness, except if there is any mediator ally see them in their senses. Hence, the formu-
causes to the entire natural reality which lation of morality values in the prophetic para-
comprehend the foundation of harmony and digm combines the practice and theoritical
mind skill.
Marsudi Iman, Tipologi Hubungan Sains dan Agama da-
lam perspektif Ian G. Barbour, Jurnal Afkaruna, Vol. 7
No. 1, January-June 2011, Bantul: Faculty of Islamic
Studies Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, page 44.
Morality and Law: Critics upon H.L.A Harts Moral Paradigm Epistemology Basis... 29

Prophetic Paradigm Critics Towards Morality As practical knowledge, in prophetic pa-

Rational Paradigm Ethics/Value Based on radigm, morality uses truth parameter in logical
H.L.A Hart Concept principles, ijma, also Quran and hadits which
According to Ghazali, knowledge must have certain position. Ijma is an ijtihad done by
corresponds to object reality. Therefore, in the the experts. the experts in Gazhalis pers-
formulating the prophetic paradigm moral va- pective has to meet moral and professional qua-
lues, there is a combination between the reality lifications in public.
on the society and apocalypse values which is
malum (known), as a result between thought References
(rational) and dzikir (trancendental). Al-Attas, Syed Muhammad Naquib. 1995. Islam
dan Filsafat Sains.translated by Saiful Mu-
Conclusion zani. Bandung: Mizan;
According to the conducted study, it can Al-Ghazali. 1409 H/1988. Miyar al-Ilm, edition
be concluded that: H.LA Harts opinion is based of Sulayman Dunya. Edition II. Egypt: al-
on assumptions of basic epistemology, it com-
prehends primary rules; and secondary rules; -------. 1963. Mazan al-Amal Edition of Of Sulay-
man Dunya, Vol.I and II, Edition II. Egypt:
meanwhile value/ethics includes: ethics episte-
dar al-Maarif;
mology, in terms of autonomous, individual,
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prosedural and relative. While phropetic para- Hukum. Jurnal Al Ulum. Vol. 51 No. 1.
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The Journal of Libertarian Studies. Vol.
IV. No. 3. lsumrnrr 1980. New York: De-
Suggestion partment of Philosophy of Columbia Uni-
Hart believed that human has limited versity;
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noted that human specificially has responsibility
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30 Jurnal Dinamika Hukum
Vol. 17 No. 1, January 2017

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