SHJWC Lesson Reflection 4

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SHJWC Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson

Lesson Number 3 formation Your Amna Alaa Al Bayraq

MST Antoinette Wiseman School Al Wahda Private School

MCT Jennifer Tobisch

Class KG1A Date Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Firstly, discuss one aspect that YOU feel you did very well. Try to analyze why
you think it worked well and what hints you would share with other teachers about
the successful strategy/ resource/activity/management style etc.

I think I did a very good job by pairing the students together while working on the activities to develop
their social skills and to enhance their learning. As Vygostky explained, "interaction with peers as an
effective way of developing skills and strategies"(1934).

Secondly, elaborate on the aspect identified by YOU that requires attention.

Discuss what the problem was, why it occurred and what action you intend to take
to be more successful in the next lesson.

Once aspect that did not go well with me that I did not have enough papers in the art activity, which made
some students to cry and to be upset. I did not expect that all the students will ask to do the activities and I
did not plan to rotate the activities.

Personal focus for next lesson:

When I will teach next time I will make sure to have enough materials for whole class in each activity.

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