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J Solid State Electrochem (2015) 19:13311340

DOI 10.1007/s10008-014-2470-7


Electroactivity regeneration of sulfur-poisoned platinum

nanoparticle-modified glassy carbon electrode at low
anodic potentials
M. I. Awad & M. M. Saleh & T. Ohsaka

Received: 22 January 2014 / Revised: 20 March 2014 / Accepted: 20 March 2014 / Published online: 15 April 2014
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract This paper focuses on the oxidative regeneration of number of potential cycles was found to lead to a
the electroactivity of sulfur-poisoned polycrystalline Pt (poly- remarkable electrocatalytic activity of the electrodes for the
Pt) electrode and Pt nanoparticles-modified glassy carbon ORR. A plausible explanation for the obtained results is given
(nano-Pt/GC) electrode in O2-saturated 0.1 M HClO4. Recov- in view of the voltammetric measurements.
ery of the electroactivity is examined using oxygen reduction
reaction (ORR) as a probing reaction. Recovery of the poi- Keywords SO2 tolerance . Platinum nanoparticles . Oxygen
soned electrodes is attempted by applying several potential reduction . Adsorption . RRDE
cycles in the range of 0.06~1.06 V (reversible hydrogen
electrode, RHE) for avoiding the dissolution of platinum when
the potential is excursed to higher positive values. The recov- Introduction
ery of the poisoned electrodes is significantly affected by the
dissolved oxygen, i.e., the recovery is more effective under O2 The adsorption of sulfur and sulfur-containing compounds on
atmosphere than under N2 atmosphere. Moreover, the recov- metal electrodes has received a great interest because of their
ery performance of the nano-Pt/GC electrode is more consid- potential importance in many fields such as corrosion,
erable than that of the poly-Pt electrode. The easier recovery electrocatalysis, and preparation of nanooptoelectronic devices
of the former electrode is attributed to the relative small ratio [15]. Elemental sulfur and sulfur-containing species strongly
of Pt(100) facet as revealed from the facet-dependent adsorb on almost all metals, blocking the active sites and thus
voltammetric behavior for the oxidation of formic acid at the restrict the access of other species that would adsorb or decom-
Pt electrode in HClO4 solution and from the X-ray diffraction pose on the electrode surface. Adsorption of sulfur onto metal
spectrum of the nano-Pt/GC electrode. Interestingly, electrodes may act as a catalyst for some electrochemical pro-
controlling the potential range for recovery and the cesses [69] and as a poison for some other processes [10].
Sulfur poisoning and/or catalysis is often explained based on the
M. I. Awad : M. M. Saleh : T. Ohsaka (*) simple blocking of the active sites that would catalyze/inhibit
Department of Electronic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Graduate some reactions and/or changing the electronic effect [11, 12].
School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Platinum electrode is of outstanding electrocatalytic prop-
4259-G1-5 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan
erties, and most of the literature regarding SO2 poisoning has
focused on this metal [8, 1316]. However, the recovery of
T. Ohsaka SO2-poisoned electrode is a complicated issue. It has been
e-mail: reported that, for example, in H2/Air (O2) polymer electrolyte
M. I. Awad : M. M. Saleh
membrane (PEM) fuel cell, the total recovery of the cathode
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, could be partially achieved by the potential scan between 0.06
Egypt and 1.26 V (reversible hydrogen electrode, RHE) [17, 18].
Loucka reported that holding the potential at potential values
M. I. Awad
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Umm Al-Qura
as high as 1.46 V (RHE) could not completely oxidize the
University, Makkah Al-Mukarramah 13401, Kingdom of Saudi adsorbed S, and only the periodic potential scan within the
Arabia potential range of 0.06~1.66 V (RHE) could be remedial in
1332 J Solid State Electrochem (2015) 19:13311340

the complete removal of adsorbed S by its oxidation to soluble prepared nano-Pt/GC electrodes were subjected to several po-
sulfate according to the following equation [19]: tential scans in 0.1 M HClO4 solution in the potential range of
01.7 V vs. RHE to remove the adsorbed chloride ions.
PtS 4H2 OPt SO4 2 8H 6e 1 ORR was studied in 0.1 M HClO4 using a conventional
two-compartment Pyrex glass container. Milli-Q water
(Millipore, Japan) was used to prepare all the solutions. Per-
Recently, it has been reported that the poisoned platinum chlorate anion has a weak specific adsorption on Pt, and thus,
cathode in H2/Air (O2) PEM fuel cell could be completely it was chosen as a suitable electrolyte anion in this study. Prior
recovered when it was flushed with high-humidity (100 % to each experiment, O2 gas was bubbled directly into the cell
RH) O2 gas for 2 h at 80 C [20]. In the present paper, we for 30 min to obtain an O2-saturated solution, and during the
report on the possible in situ oxidative recovery of sulfur- measurements, O2 gas was flushed over the cell solution.
poisoned polycrystalline Pt (poly-Pt) electrode and platinum SO2 poisoning solution was prepared by introducing 0.1 M
nanoparticle (of size 20 nm)-modified glassy carbon (nano-Pt/ Na2SO3 in 0.1 M HClO4 solution. In this case, Na2SO3
GC) electrode in O2-saturated 0.1 M HClO4 by few potential (Kanto, Japan) was completely converted to SO2 which is
cycles in a narrow potential range (0.06~1.06 V (RHE)) soluble in the aqueous solution. That is to say, a certain
where the possible dissolution of platinum nanoparticles at volume of the aforementioned solution was used to prepare
high anodic potential is avoided. Nano-Pt of 20 nm used in the desired concentration of SO2 in 0.1 M HClO4. Then, SO2
this work is quite larger than that cited in the literature. poisoning was done as follows: an irreversibly adsorbed sulfur
However, it has been reported that there is a threefold decrease dioxide layer was formed on the electrodes from SO2-contain-
in the activity of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in ing HClO4 solution by applying a constant potential of 0.66 V
acidic and alkaline media when the size of Pt nanoparticles (RHE) for 3 min, and then, the potential cycle was repeated for
decreases from 24 to 2 nm in alkaline media [21, 22]. The several times at 100 mV s1 between 0.66 and 0.06 V in SO2-
durability of extremely small nanoparticles is another criticism free deoxygenated 0.1 M HClO4 solution. Potential cycling
for such nanoparticles in application to fuel cells [23]. For the within this potential range ensures the conversion of adsorbed
purpose of the present study, we can say that the used size of sulfur species into elemental S [24].
the Pt particles is satisfactory. The recovery of the poisoned Several scenarios are used for the recovery of the poisoned
electrodes has been examined in N2- and O2-saturated 0.1 M electrodes: in scenarios I and II, the potential of poisoned
HClO4 solutions. Rotating ring-disc voltammetry has been electrodes was scanned for certain potential cycles at
used to probe the impact of the poisoning of these electrodes 100 mV s1 in N2- and O2-saturated 0.1 M HClO4 solutions,
on the ORR mechanism. respectively, in the potential range of 0.061.06 V (RHE).
Scenario III is similar to scenario II, but each potential cycle
was conducted each time in a fresh HClO4 solution. In sce-
Experimental nario IV, the potential of poisoned electrodes was cycled for
several times at 100 mV s1 in O2-saturated 0.1 M HClO4
A working electrode of poly-Pt and Pt nanoparticle- solution in the potential range of 0.061.56 V (RHE).
electrodeposited glassy carbon (nano-Pt/GC) electrodes (= A conventional three-electrode cell of around 20 cm3 was
3 mm) was used for the cyclic voltammetric (CV) experi- used for the cyclic voltammetric measurements, while in the
ments. The counter and the reference electrodes were, respec- case of hydrodynamic voltammetric measurements, the work-
tively, a spiral Pt wire and an Ag/AgCl/KCl (sat.). The poten- ing electrode compartment was 200 cm3 to eliminate any
tials are reported with respect to the RHE. Prior to the elec- possible changes in the O2 concentration during the measure-
trodeposition of Pt nanoparticles, the GC electrode was polished ments. Steady-state voltammograms were obtained using a
first with no. 2000 emery paper and then with aqueous slurries rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE) with a GC disk (=
of successively finer alumina powder (particle size down to 6.0 mm in diameter) and Pt ring using a rotary system from
0.06 mm) with the help of a polishing microcloth. The bare Nikko Keisoku, Japan. The GC disk-Pt ring RRDE was me-
GC electrode was then sonicated for 10 min in Milli-Q water. chanically polished to a mirror surface in the same manner as in
Pt nanoparticles were electrodeposited from acidic bath of the case of the poly-Pt electrode and then was cleaned ultra-
0.05 M H2SO4 +20 mM HCl containing 1.0 mM H2PtCl6 by sonically in Milli-Q water. Then, the platinum nanoparticles
applying bipotential steps from the open circuit potential were electrodeposited onto the GC disk as mentioned above.
(OCP) to 1.64 V vs. RHE (for 0.1 s) and then to 0.44 V Electrolyte solutions were, if necessary, deaerated by bubbling
vs. RHE (for 10 s). Chloride anion was used (20 mM HCl) for N2 gas for at least 30 min prior to electrochemical measure-
the sake of preparation of small nanoparticles as it adsorbs on ments. All the measurements were performed at room temper-
freshly electrodeposited Pt particles, preventing them from their ature (251 C). All current densities are calculated on the basis
aggregation. Prior to electrochemical measurements, the thus- of the geometric surface area of the relevant working electrode.
J Solid State Electrochem (2015) 19:13311340 1333

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of the nanoparticles with an almost the same size in the presence
Pt nanoparticles electrodeposited onto the GC electrode of iodide ions [25].
was carried out using a JSM-T220 scanning electron
microscope (JEOL Optical Laboratory, Japan) at an ac-
celeration voltage of 20 kV and a working distance of Electrochemical characterization
45 mm.
A computer-controlled X-ray diffraction technique, Figure 2 shows the characteristic CVs obtained at the (a) poly-
PANalytical model XPert PRO Powder, was used to scan Pt and (b) nano-Pt/GC electrodes in N2-saturated 0.1 M
the nano-Pt/GC electrode. HClO4 solution at 0.1 V s1. It shows clearly the oxidation
of the platinum surface during the positive-going scan in a
broad potential range of 0.71.5 V, which is subsequently
reduced during the negative-going scan in a single broad peak
Results and discussion (centered at ca. 0.74 and 0.70 V for the poly-Pt and nano-Pt/
GC electrodes, respectively). The hydrogen adsorption-
Figure 1 shows the SEM images of the nano-Pt/GC electrode desorption (Hads/des) pattern is also shown at a potential of
at two different magnifications. The platinum nanoparticles, <0.36 V. The following remarkable features can be extracted
estimated as about 20 nm in average size, are uniformly from this figure:
distributed on the entire surface of the GC substrate. This
uniform distribution is probably due to the presence of 1. The Hads/des pattern on the Pt electrode is quite surface-
chloride ions in the deposition path. It is thought that chlo- specific and has been considered as a suitable diagnosis
ride ions adsorb on the early electrodeposited Pt particles for the crystallographic orientation of the electrode sur-
and prevent the aggregation of these nanoparticles, as re- face [2629]. The Hads/des patterns at the two electrodes
ported previously for the uniform deposition of gold are significantly different, which may suggest the differ-
ence in the relative ratios of the low-index facets of Pt
crystals at these both electrodes. The peak at around
0.30 V observed at the poly-Pt electrode, which has been
reported to correspond to the adsorption of strongly
bounded hydrogen onto Pt(100) facets, is not shown in
the case of the nano-Pt/GC electrode. This reflects the
relative enrichment of the nano-Pt/GC electrode in the
other two low-index facets, i.e., Pt(110) and/or Pt(111)


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
E / V vs. RHE
Fig. 1 SEM images for nano-Pt/GC electrode showing the distribution of Fig. 2 CVs obtained at (a) poly-Pt and (b) nano-Pt/GC electrodes in N2-
Pt nanoparticles on the GC electrode saturated 0.1 M HClO4 solution. Scan rate 100 mV s1
1334 J Solid State Electrochem (2015) 19:13311340

2. The peak potential of the platinum oxide reduction at the 1st cycle

nano-Pt/GC electrode (ca. 0.70 V) is negatively shifted as 10

2nd cycle
compared with that obtained at the poly-Pt electrode (ca. 3rd cycle
4th and 5th cycles
0.74 V). This negative shift seems to reflect a stronger Pt
O bond as it has been reported that the PtO bond strength 0

i/ A
increases with the decrease in the size of Pt nanoparticles
[30, 31].
3. The onset potential of the platinum oxide formation at the
nano-Pt/GC electrode is shifted positively as compared
with that at the poly-Pt electrode. This again confirms the
relative decrease in the Pt(100) facet, because the oxide
growth rate depends on the crystallographic orientation of -20
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
the Pt electrode and the oxide formation is much faster at
E / V vs. Ag/AgCl (KCl sat.)
the Pt(100) facet and occurs at lower positive potentials
compared with the other two facets [26, 32]. Fig. 3 Successive voltammograms obtained at the poisoned poly-Pt
electrode (s =0.88) in N2-saturated 0.1 M HClO4 solution. Scan rate
4. In the case of the nano-Pt/GC electrode, the so- 100 mV s1. The cycle number is indicated in the figure
called third anodic hydrogen peak is observed at a
potential (ca. 0.21 V) between the strongly and characteristic voltammetric response of a clean Pt was
weakly bonded hydrogen peaks. This peak is con- restored. The eps was calculated using the following
sidered to correspond to the oxidation of subsurface equation [36]:
molecular hydrogen formed on Pt(110) sites with
surface structures as reported previously [33, 34]. Qs
eps 2
That is, this observation suggests the relative enrich- QH ?s
ment of the Pt(110) facet in the present nano-Pt/GC
electrode. A further study regarding the significantly where Qs is the charge consumed during the completel
favorable formation of Pt(110) facet in the electro- tive desorption of adsorbed SOx species. Qs (= Qa Qc , n
deposition of Pt nanoparticles is currently under is the order (first, second,, lth) of potential scan) is calcu-
way. lated by the summation of the difference between the charge
(Qan) consumed during the oxidation in the entire potential
range of 0.66~1.56 V and the charge (Qcn) consumed in the
Poisoning of electrodes reduction of the platinum oxide formed, QH is the charge
consumed during the hydrogen desorption at the clean Pt
The electrodes were poisoned, as mentioned in the electrode, and s is the sulfur surface coverage calculated
Experimental section, by holding the electrode poten- according to the established methodology [6, 19, 37], as
tial at 0.66 V (SHE) in 0.5 M HClO4 containing 5 mM s =1QH , where QpH is the charge consumed during the H
SO2 and then repeating the potential scan for several desorption at the poisoned electrode. The eps at the poly-Pt
times in the potential range between 0.66 and 0.06 V. and nano-Pt/GC electrodes was found to equal 7.4 and 7.6,
Sweeping the potential to 0.06 V reduces the adsorbed respectively, which are larger than 6 expected when all of the
SO2 to the adsorbed SOx species with elemental sulfur adsorbed SOx species are elemental sulfur. Thus, this indicates
as the main product [24, 35]. It has been also reported that the adsorbed SOx species is a mixture of the elemental
that the sulfide is formed by the reduction of the sulfur and sulfide, similarly to the adsorption of sulfur on
adsorbed SO2 at such negative potentials [24, 35]. To smooth and rough Pt electrodes [21].
examine this point, the number of electrons per active
site (eps, i.e., the number of electrons required per Recovery of poisoned electrodes
adsorption site to oxidize the adsorbed layer) was esti-
mated by measuring the amount of charge passed during The effect of oxygen on the recovery of the poisoned elec-
the complete oxidative removal of the adsorbed sulfur trodes was examined, and the results obtained at the poisoned
from the poly-Pt (Fig. 3) and nano-Pt/GC electrodes poly-Pt and nano-Pt/GC electrodes are shown in A and B,
(data are not shown), which were previously poisoned respectively, in Fig. 4, in which the CVs for the ORR are
by repeating the potential scan in the potential range of obtained at the fresh electrodes (curves a), the poisoned elec-
0.06 to 1.56 V (scenario IV); that is, in order to trodes (curves b), and (curves c, d) the electrodes recovered by
completely remove the adsorbed sulfur, the potential scenario I (under N2 atmosphere) and scenario II (under O2
scan was repeated in this potential range until the atmosphere) in O2-saturated 0.1 M HClO4 solution. It is
J Solid State Electrochem (2015) 19:13311340 1335

noteworthy to mention that the poisoning of the electrode A

significantly decreases the ORR peak current and shifts the
peak potential in the negative direction (compare curves a 0.0

with curves b). Recovery using scenario I does not signifi-

cantly refresh both electrodes; in the case of the poly-Pt elec- -0.5

i / mA cm-2
trode, the peak current (ip) of the recovered electrode (curve c)
is slightly restored, i.e., ip is equal to 1.05 and 1.25 mA cm2
for the poisoned and recovered electrodes, respectively, -1.0 b

and in the case of the nano-Pt/GC electrode, i p is C d

equal to 1.04 and 1.30 mA cm2 for the poisoned

and recovered electrodes, respectively. However, the peak poten-
tial (Ep) shows a significant improvement in the case of the nano- a
Pt/GC electrode (Ep equals 0.56 and 0.67 V for the poisoned and -2.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
recovered nano-Pt/GC electrodes, respectively) as compared E / V vs. RHE
with the poly-Pt electrode (Ep equals 0.56 V for both the poi-
soned and recovered electrodes). On the other hand, the CV B
responses obtained after recovery of the poisoned electrodes
using scenario II (i.e., in O2-saturated 0.1 M HClO4 (curves d))
are significantly improved; the improvement at the nano-Pt/GC
electrode (ip equals 1.04 and 1.72 mA cm2 for the poisoned -0.5
and recovered electrodes, respectively) is much larger than that at i / mA cm-2
the poly-Pt electrode (ip equals 1.05 and 1.31 mA cm2 for the
poisoned and recovered electrodes, respectively).
Figure 5 shows the CVs obtained at (A) poly-Pt and (B) nano- C

Pt/GC electrodes ((a) clean electrode and (b, c) electrodes recov- -1.5
ered by scenarios III and IV, respectively) in O2-saturated HClO4 d

solution. The recovery using scenario III results in an almost a

complete recovery of the nano-Pt/GC electrode (curve b) and a -2.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
slight recovery of poly-Pt electrode. Scenario IV does not E / V vs. RHE
completely recover the poly-Pt electrode (curve c), and the Fig. 4 CVs obtained at (A) poly-Pt and (B) nano-Pt/GC electrodes ((a)
oxygen reduction peak potential shifts slightly in the positive fresh, (b) poisoned, and (c, d) recovered by scenarios I (c) and II (d)).
direction of potential, but the nano-Pt/GC electrode is completely Voltammograms (c) and (d) were obtained at the tenth potential cycle.
recovered and, interestingly, a significant positive shift (ca. Scan rate 100 mV s1
45 mV) of the oxygen reduction peak potential is observed
(curve a); that is, the nano-Pt/GC electrode recovered by scenario (curve a) is almost zero, indicating an exclusive four-electron
IV becomes more active for the ORR than the original (non- ORR at the poly-Pt disk electrode [38]. At the poisoned disk
poisoned) one. This point is in need for a separate investigation electrode (curve b), the half-wave potential shifted by ca.
which is out of the scope of the present study. 300 mV in the negative direction compared with the clean
electrode and the limiting current was reduced to half of that
RRDE data obtained at the clean disk electrode (curve a) and the ring
current was increased largely, indicating that a two-electron
Figure 6 shows the steady-state voltammograms for the ORR ORR takes place dominantly (Eq. 3) [3941], which is consis-
obtained at the RRDE with poly-Pt disk and Pt ring in O2- tent with the work of Garsany et al. on poisoning and recovery
saturated 0.1 M HClO4 solution. Curves (a) and (b) were of commercial carbon-supported Pt nanoparticles [42].
obtained at the clean and poisoned electrodes, respectively.
Curve (c) was obtained at the electrode recovered by scenario O2 2H 2eH2 O2 3
III using three potential cycles, in which each cycle was
conducted each time in a fresh HClO4 solution. Curve (d) The formation of hydrogen peroxide is certainly due
was obtained in a fresh O2-saturated HClO4 solution after the to the adsorbed S which inhibits the bond scission of
poisoned electrode was recovered by scenario IV (using one O2 and thus retards the direct four-electron reduction
potential cycle). At the clean electrode (curve a), as expected, of oxygen to water [4346]. Recovery of the electrode
the well-defined voltammograms for the ORR over a wide using scenario III (curve c) results in a positive shift of
potential range are attained and the corresponding ring current the onset potential of the ORR and an increase in the
1336 J Solid State Electrochem (2015) 19:13311340


i / mA cm-2

iR / A
-1.0 50

-1.5 d/
a/ 2D Graph 1
a 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
-2.0 0.2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
E / V vs. RHE C

B a

iD / mA cm
b e
-0.4 d

i / mA cm-2

-1.0 -0.8
b -1.0
-1.5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

E / V vs. RHE
-2.0 C Fig. 6 Steady-state voltammograms for the ORR at (a) fresh and (b)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 poisoned poly-Pt electrode in O2-saturated 0.1 M HClO4. (c) is the
response obtained at the electrode recovered by four potential cycles in
E / V vs. RHE
the potential range of 1.06~0.06 V. The potential cycling for recovery and
Fig. 5 CVs obtained at (A) poly-Pt and (B) nano-Pt/GC electrodes in O2- the measurement of ORR after that were carried out in different 0.1 M
saturated 0.1 M HClO4: (a) fresh and (b, c) recovered by scenarios III and HClO4 solutions (O2-saturated). (d) is the response obtained after one
IV, respectively. In (b) the fourth cycle is presented and in (c) the second potential cycle between 0.06 and 1.56 V in O2-saturated HClO4. (a, b, c,
cycle is presented and d). H2O2 oxidation at the Pt ring electrode in O2-saturated 0.1 M
HClO4 solution. The Pt ring was potentiostated at 1.2 V. Potential scan
disk current along with a decrease in the ring current, rate 10 mV s1. Rotation rate 800 rpm (note that the geometric surface
area of the disk electrodes is 0.28 cm2)
indicating the decrease in the contribution of the two-
electron ORR in the whole process. In this case, the
mass transfer-controlled limiting current is ca. 80 % (at
0.2 V) of that obtained at the clean electrode, but the Also, SO2 can be chemically oxidized by the Pt oxide
kinetics-controlled current in the rising part of the formed (e.g., PtO) according to the following reaction [1, 19]:
voltammogram is not significantly recovered. The re-
covery of the electrode using scenario III, in which the PtO SO2 Pt SO3 5
potential is cycled in the range of 0.061.06 V, could
be explained as follows: at potentials of <1.06 V, the It has been reported that the amount of the oxide, formed by
adsorbed sulfur is oxidized to SO2 and SOx along with dipping the Pt electrode partially covered with adsorbed S in O2-
the reduction of oxygen to H2O2 (as indicated from saturated solution at a disconnected circuit, is similar to that
curves b and c). The electrogenerated H2O2 could formed in the case where a potential corresponding to the oxygen
react with SO 2 species to produce less adsorbed evolution would be applied, i.e., at E>1.56 V (SHE) [47].
HSO 4 - anion according to the following equation Recovery of the electrode using scenario IV results in an
[16], and consequently, the poisoned electrode could almost complete recovery in the onset potential of the ORR as
be partially restored. well as both mass transfer- and kinetics-controlled currents,
because scanning the potential to 1.56 V in the range of the Pt
oxide formation leads to the oxidation of adsorbed S to soluble
SO2 H2 O2 HSO4 H 4 sulfate (Eq. 1).
J Solid State Electrochem (2015) 19:13311340 1337

of 0.061.06 V. In this case, the onset potential of the ORR is
completely recovered and even a small positive shift in the
150 onset potential is noticed, being consistent with the recovery
analysis by CV (Fig. 5(B)).
b/ The easier recovery of the nano-Pt/GC electrode compared
iR / A

100 with the poly-Pt electrode (Fig. 6) could be attributed to the

relatively small ratio of the Pt(100) facet in the nano-Pt/GC
electrode, i.e., the enrichment of other two facets, i.e., Pt(111)
and Pt(110) as explained above (Fig. 2). This may be under-
stood by the RRDE voltammogram in the potential range of
a/ d/ Hads (i.e., 0.060.26 V) at the nano-Pt/GC electrode, i.e., the
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 decrease in the disc current accompanied by the increase in the
ring current (Fig. 7(a, a)), indicating the formation of H2O2 in
this potential range, similarly to that reported at Pt(100) single
crystalline electrode [48]. Thus, the observation of this unique
RRDE behavior regarding H2O2 regeneration at the nano-Pt

electrode explains why the recovery of this electrode is easier

iD / mA cm

than that of the poly-Pt electrode. Consequently, the difference
b in the recovery of the nano-Pt/GC and the poly-Pt electrodes
c could be attributed to the difference in the crystallographic
orientation of both electrodes, i.e., the relative ratio of the low-
d index facets. It is noteworthy to mention that the kinetic
current at the partially recovered electrode (Fig. 7(c)) is pos-
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 itively shifted compared with that obtained at the fresh elec-
E / V vs. RHE trode (curve a), which is consistent with the obtained cyclic
Fig. 7 Steady-state voltammograms for the ORR at (a) fresh, (b) poi- voltammetric measurements shown above (Fig. 5(B)). How-
soned, and (c, d) recovered nano-Pt/GC electrodes in O2-saturated 0.1 M ever, the limiting current is a little smaller, as expected, com-
HClO4. Other experimental conditions and the notation are the same as
those in Fig. 6 pared with the one obtained at the fresh electrode (curve a).
The smaller limiting current at this partially recovered elec-
trode means that the two-electron ORR takes place not a little
Similar results were obtained at the nano-Pt/GC electrode as seen from the difference in the ring currents (a and d).
and are presented in Fig. 7. The main difference in the recov- Garsany et al. have reported that PtCo/VC electrode is recov-
ery behavior of the poisoned poly-Pt and nano-Pt/GC elec- ered more easily compared with Pt/VC even though the for-
trodes is a remarkably efficient recovery of the latter electrode mer has a larger susceptibility for poisoning [42]. They have
using scenario III, i.e., the recovery in a narrow potential range attributed the easier recovery of the former electrode for the
weaker adsorption strength of sulfur species on that electrode.
They reported that the oxygen reduction mechanism is


2 mA cm-2

b Peak III
Intensity (a.u.)

Peak IV
ifd Peak II 100
peak I

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

E / V vs. RHE
40 60 80 100
Fig. 8 CVs obtained at (a) poly-Pt and (b) nano-Pt/GC electrodes in N2-
saturated 0.1 M HClO4 containing 0.13 M formic acid. Potential scan rate 2 (degree)
10 mV s1 Fig. 9 XRD pattern of the nano-Pt/GC electrode
1338 J Solid State Electrochem (2015) 19:13311340

changed from four-electron reduction to two-electron electron From the aforementioned reasons, it becomes clear that
reduction upon poisoning [42]. oxygen molecule plays a remarkable role in the recovery of
For further insight into the reason behind the easier recov- the poisoned poly-Pt and nano-Pt/GC electrodes and that the
ery of the nano-Pt/GC electrode as compared with the poly-Pt recovery of the poisoned electrodes is critically dependent on
electrode, the oxidation of formic acid (FA), well known as a the relative ratio of the low-index facets.
crystallographical facet-dependent electrochemical reaction
[49, 50], was examined at both electrodes and the results are
shown in Fig. 8. The voltammetric behavior at the poly-Pt Summary and conclusions
electrode is similar to the reported one [51, 52]: FA is oxidized
at poly-Pt electrodes via two pathways [49, 50], i.e., the direct Recovery of the electrocatalytic activities of the poisoned
pathway (dehydrogenation pathway) assigned as peak II at ca. poly-Pt and nano-Pt/GC electrodes has been conducted in
0.93 V with peak current ifd, and the indirect one (dehydration 0.1 M HClO4 using cyclic voltammetry in two potential
pathway) assigned as peak I at 0.63 V with peak current ifin. ranges, i.e., 0.061.06 V in the short-range recovery and
The oxidation peaks at 0.73 V (peak III) and 0.44 V (peak IV), 0.061.56 V in the long-range recovery. ORR has been used
with peak currents denoted as idb1 and idb2, respectively, as a probing reaction for the estimation of the extent of
during the cathodic scan correspond to the oxidation of FA recovery. It has been found that both electrodes are completely
after the oxidation of the poisonous intermediate species (CO) recovered using the long-range recovery approach and that the
adsorbed on the electrode surface. Generally, it has been short range recovery is remedial only at the nano-Pt/GC
reported that formic acid is oxidized through the above- electrode. The enhanced recovery observed at the nano-Pt/
mentioned two pathways via the formation of formate as an GC electrode has been attributed to a relatively small ratio of
intermediate which is further oxidized to either CO or CO2 the Pt(100) facet, which is characterized by a large heat of
[52]. The ratio ifd/ifin reflects the preferential oxidation path- adsorption of sulfur as compared with other low-index crys-
way, i.e., either dehydrogenation or dehydration. Also, it has talline facets, based on the characteristic CV of the nano-Pt/
been reported that the direct oxidation (peak I) occurs on the GC electrode in HClO4 solution and the voltammetric behav-
Pt(111) facet, while the indirect oxidation (peak II) occurs at ior for the oxidation of FA in the same solution.
the Pt(110) and Pt(100) facets [52]. The oxidation peaks (peak
III and peak IV) after the complete removal of a poisonous CO
Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the Grant-
correspond to the oxidation of FA at the Pt(110) and Pt(100) in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (no. 19206079) from the Ministry of
facets, respectively [5154]. This means that the dehydroge- Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan and
nation pathway prevails on the Pt(111) facet, while the dehy- the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
(NEDO), Japan.
dration pathway prevails on the other two facets. At the nano-
Pt/GC electrode, the direct pathway (peak II) is enhanced,
while the oxidation at the Pt(100) facet (peak IV) during the
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