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Trump to blame for D.C.s Gay Games loss?

Ocials say pro-Asia bias, dislike of
president contributed to Hong Kongs win


Two weeks after the Federation of Gay Games announced it had

selected Hong Kong over D.C. and Guadalajara, Mexico to host the 2022
Gay Games, ocials with the D.C. bid committee said they dont begrudge
Hong Kong winning the bid.
But bid committee chair Brent Minor joined D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser
and City Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) in saying issues beyond
what they called D.C.s extraordinarily comprehensive bid were at play in
the selection of Hong Kong.
Minor, Bowser and Evans were among the citys 32-member contingent
that traveled to Paris last month to advocate for D.C.s bid in the nal round of
the FGGs site selection process during its annual General Assembly meeting. Happier time: Mayor MURIEL BOWSER addresses a rally in support of D.C.s bid for the Gay Games
in June. Hong Kong won the bid.

Judicial pick called trans kids Satans plan

Trump urged to
The nomination of Mateer to a federal
withdraw nomination of judgeship in Texas has invoked the ire of LGBT
Mateer amid protests rights advocates after recent recordings were
unearthed in which the nominee endorsed
widely discredited ex-gay conversion
By CHRIS JOHNSON therapy, said marriage equality would lead to polygamy and called transgender kids part of
Satans plan.
LGBT rights advocates, mothers of Among those speaking out against Mateer
transgender children and congressional was Sen. Je Merkley (D-Ore.), who called the
Democrats joined forces at a rally Tuesday nominees comments on transgender children
Senator JEFF MERKLEY (D-Oregon) speaks at a rally outside of the U.S.
before the U.S. Capitol to stand against the one of the cruelest, most malinformed
Senate on Tuesday opposing the conrmation of Je Mateer to the
conrmation of Je Mateer to the federal comments ever for a judicial pick.
federal bench.
judiciary, urging President Trump to withdraw


Nov. 20 brings Trans Region already bustling The long-awaited
Day of Remembrance with holiday events that Justice League is fun
events across city, nation. run through New Years. action lm with a heart.


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0 4 N O VEMB ER 1 7, 2017 LO CA L N E W S

D.C.s Trans Day of Remembrance set for Nov. 20

Baltimore to hold
of the transgender community. The D.C. and Baltimore transgender
March of Resilience Traditionally, the 20th of November is events were scheduled to take place one
Transgender Day of Remembrance, an annual week after the FBI on Monday released its
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. tradition of honoring our dead that started in annual hate crimes statistics report for 2016. 1998 following the murder of [Boston trans The report shows that of the 6,121 hate
woman] Rita Hester, the statement says. crime incidents reported for 2016, 1,076
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and other This holiday has served our community were based on sexual orientation bias and
city ocials are expected to be among as a time to mourn and reect upon 124 were based on gender identity bias.
those participating in the citys annual the lives senselessly lost to transphobic The Human Rights Campaign, which
Transgender Day of Remembrance set to violence in the previous year, the analyzed the report, noted that the
take place Monday, Nov. 20, at 5:30 p.m. statement continues. However, the reporting of hate crimes to the FBI by
at the Metropolitan Community Church impact of silence is lost on those who local law enforcement agencies across
of Washington. already feel voiceless Our tradition, the country is not mandatory and
Similar to past years, organizers say JESSICA XAVIER at last years Trans Day of the Trans March of Resilience, subverts the numbers released signicantly
the event will commemorate the lives of Remembrance at MCC-D.C. this holiday and serves to celebrate the undercount the incidents targeting
transgender people who died at the hands resilience of life in our community, it says. LGBTQ people.
of hate violence in the U.S. and abroad The statement says participants in The Trump administration, state
over the past year. The commemoration the march will gather at the corner of and local jurisdictions must do more to
will include the reading of their names local group Empowering the Transgender North and Charles Streets at 5:30 p.m. prevent and respond to hate crimes, said
and a brief description of where they Community, or ETC. on Nov. 20. More information about the HRC Government Aairs Director David
lived and the circumstances surrounding A statement released by the Baltimore event and the route of the march can be Stacy. The numbers in this report are
their deaths, organizers said. Transgender Alliance says that group will obtained by contacting Evan Lori Mahone harrowing, and we know that a majority of
Among the organizers of the D.C. TDOR hold a Transgender March of Resilience on at 410-877-4722 or by emailing info@ hate crimes go unreported to the FBI and
is Earline Budd, executive director of the Nov. 20, which it says will be a celebration arent reected in this report, Stacy said.

Reagan adviser Bob Bonitati dies at 79

Accompanied president of sta. Among the positions he held done in Congress.
after leaving his Senate job for the private Bob enjoyed his many years as a visitor
to Hilton Hotel on day of sector was heading the government and then in retirement as a homeowner
assassination attempt aairs oce for the Airline Pilots in Rehoboth and Ft. Lauderdale, Sparrow
Association for six years. and Kabel said in their write-up. He was
According to Sparrow and Kabels a longtime supporter of CAMP Rehoboth,
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. write-up, Bonitati joined the Reagan the LGBT community center in Rehoboth, White House as a Special Assistant to the two said.
the President, where he served as White Bob Bonitati was an amazing man
Robert Bob Bonitati, a longtime House liaison to organized labor. who did good in his life and who made
government aairs specialist in The write-up says Bonitati was with friends wherever he went, said friend
Washington who worked as White House Reagan on March 30, 1981 at the Peter Rosenstein. He was a Republican
special assistant to President Ronald Washington Hilton Hotel where the who I could talk and communicate with.
Reagan in the 1980s and served as a president delivered a speech to the He was a member of a Republican Party
behind-the-scenes adviser to Log Cabin Building Trades Union. BOB BONITATI died at age 79. that seems to no longer exist. He was a
Republicans in the 1990s, died Oct. 31 in As they were walking out of the hotel PHOTO BY TONY BURNS decent man who cared about people.
Tampa, Fla. He was 79. together to return to the White House Bob, may you rest in peace, knowing you
His friend Phil Sparrow said during Bob was stopped momentarily by a friend brought joy and smiles to many during
his retirement in recent years he spent just as the President exited and was shot, aairs rm. your life and that you will be remembered
summers in Rehoboth Beach, Del., and says the write-up. Bob credited his friend Kabel and Rich Tafel, who served as and missed each day by all of them.
winters at his home in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. with saving his life. president of the national gay group Log Bonitati is survived by his sister, Peggy
Sparrow said Bonitati was participating in Minutes later Reagan was rushed to Cabin Republicans in the 1990s, said Bonitati Person of Tampa, Fla.; his niece, Sandra
an experimental cancer treatment protocol George Washington University Hospital played an important role as an informal, Butte; his nephew, Richard Person, and his
in Tampa at the time of his passing. where doctors said a gunshot wound by behind-the-scenes adviser to Log Cabin. great nephew, Ryan Butte. Sparrow and
A write-up about his career prepared would-be assassin John Hinckley came We opened our D.C. oce in 1993, Kabel said he is also survived by many
by Sparrow and his longtime friend close to taking his life. and Bob was a key adviser for Log Cabin wonderful friends in Rehoboth Beach, Ft.
Robert Kabel says Bonitati, a native of Bonitati lived at the time in D.C.s and me in the 1990s, Tafel said. He Lauderdale, and Washington, D.C.
Bridgeport, Conn., graduated from the Dupont Circle area and had a wide range gave great advice, great strategy. He was A Celebration of Life for Bonitati
University of Connecticut with a degree in of Washington friends, both Republicans particularly helpful to me, especially in was scheduled to be hosted by family
political science. It says he did graduate and Democrats, people who knew him the early years when I was new to D.C. members, Sparrow and friends on Dec.
work at Arizona State University and the said. Following his White House job he Kabel said that in marked contrast 2 from 5-7 p.m. at the Vantage View
University of Tennessee. became part owner of a ower shop to the current toxic, highly partisan Condominium where Bonitati lived at
While at Tennessee he met then-U.S. while working for the Kamber Group, atmosphere in Washington, Bonitati was 2841 North Ocean Blvd. in Ft. Lauderdale.
Sen. Howard Baker (R-Tenn.) and worked a prominent public relations and a product of the old school mold where Plans for a Celebration of Life in Rehoboth
on Bakers re-election committee before government aairs rm. He later joined Republicans and Democrats were able to and D.C. were expected to be announced
joining Baker in 1967 as his Senate chief The Hawthorne Group, another public engage in bipartisan eorts to get things in the near future.
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM T:7.25 N O V E MBE R 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 0 5

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0 6 N O VEMB ER 1 7, 2017 LO CA L N E W S

Stein Club elects officers, celebrates 2017 victories for Dems

Fowlkes re-elected People can be upset about that but
there is nothing we can do to undo that,
president, speaks he said. Its done. We have to move
out on Brazile book towards 2018. The election is over. Its
been over for a year. And if people are
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. still dwelling on that they probably need to get a little therapy.
Among those who attended Monday
The Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, D.C.s nights Stein Club meeting were two gay
largest LGBT political group, held its annual men and a lesbian who are running for
election of ocers Monday night at a meeting seats next year on the D.C. City Council.
where members celebrated the Democratic Lesbian businesswoman and community
Partys electoral victories last week, especially organizer Dionne Bussey-Reeder is running
the partys success in Virginia. as an independent for one of two at-large
It was one of the most positive meetings Council seats currently held by incumbents
weve had because we had so much Anita Bonds (D) and Elissa Silverman (I).
election success, said Stein Club President Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner
Earl Fowlkes in referring to the Democrats Kent Boese and civic activist Jamie
wins in the Virginia legislative races. Sycamore are running as Democrats
Among them was the election of for the Ward 1 Council seat held by
Democrat Danica Roem as the rst out incumbent Brianne Nadeau.
transgender woman to win election and Fowlkes said he expects the club to begin
be seated in a state legislature. Roem its process for making endorsements
won handily in her race for a seat in the of City Council and mayoral candidates
Newly elected 2018 Gertrude Stein Democratic Club ocers (from left) Treasurer ALEX
Virginia House of Delegates district in MORASH, Vice President for Legislative and Political Aairs SHARON BURK, Secretary MONIKA in late March or early April ahead of the
Prince William County, defeating longtime NEMETH, Vice President for Administration LONDON SWIFT and President EARL FOWLKES. citys Democratic primary in June.
anti-LGBT incumbent Bob Marshall.
Stein Club members on Monday
night voted to re-elect Fowlkes as club
president. The club election came a little account appears to side with many of
over two weeks after the Democratic Sanderss supporters, who claim the
National Committees LGBT Caucus also DNC improperly supported the Clinton
voted to re-elect Fowlkes as caucus chair campaign for the partys presidential Trans woman runs for ANC seat
during the DNCs annual fall meeting in nomination when it should have
Las Vegas. remained neutral. Monika Nemeth, a former Realtor
Club members elected London Swift Some have predicted the book would and current information systems
as Vice President for Administration; reopen wounds among Clinton and engineer for the U.S. Navy, is
transgender activist Monika Nemeth as Sanders supporters and divide the party vying to become D.C.s rst openly
Secretary; Sharon Burk as Vice President at a time when it needs to redouble transgender person elected to public
for Legislative and Political Aairs; and its eorts for the 2018 congressional oce in her bid for a seat on Advisory
Alex Morash as Treasurer. midterm elections. Fowlkes disputes Neighborhood Commission 3F in the
Nemeth is running in a special election those predictions. citys Cleveland Park neighborhood.
on Nov. 21 for a vacant seat on Advisory You know, all politics is local, he said. Nemeth is running in a special
Neighborhood Commission 3F in the And the fact is people who were voting election scheduled for Nov. 21 to ll
area of Connecticut Avenue and Van Ness last week in Virginia and in New Jersey a vacant seat in ANC Single Member
Street, N.W. If she wins the two-candidate and other places around the country, they District 3F06. Shes running against
race she would become the citys rst out werent thinking about Donna Brazile or civic activist Bill Sittig.
transgender elected ocial. her book because its not relevant to their As a homeowner for 15 years MONIKA NEMETH is running for an ANC
Fowlkes said Stein Club members were lives, he said. on Alton Place and a former Realtor seat.
among a large contingent of LGBT people People voted for the issues that were working in the area, Monika has
from D.C. that worked as volunteers for important to them, said Fowlkes. It gotten to know her neighborhood and
the campaigns of candidates running in was transportation in Virginia, access to its environs, a campaign yer promoting her candidacy says. She is passionate
Virginia in last weeks election. healthcare, access to pre-K schools and about the community she calls home, it says.
In response to a question from the taxes. Those are the things that people Monika is an advocate for the neighborhood, an advocate for the community,
Washington Blade, Fowlkes said he did were dealing with. and an advocate for YOU! the yer says. Another yer says Nemeth has served
not believe the controversy triggered Added Fowlkes: Donna Brazile, thats as a volunteer for Capital Trans Pride, Capital Pride, and Whitman-Walker Health.
by the release of a book by former DNC for people who have a lot of time on their Sittig couldnt immediately be reached for comment.
Interim Chair Donna Brazile shortly hands. The average voter doesnt care The ANC 3F website says the special election will take place during the ANCs
before last weeks election had an impact about Donna Brazile or what she is saying regularly scheduled meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 21 in the lobby of
on the election. about the Clintons. Its not important. Its Building 44 of the University of the District of Columbia. It says voting will take
Braziles book, among other things, not relevant. place between 7:30-9 p.m. Only those who live within the boundary of ANC 3F06
provides an insiders account of the intra- Fowlkes said he, like all Democrats, will be eligible to vote in the special election.
party tension in the 2016 Democratic would have liked the outcome of the 2016 LOU CHIBBARO JR.
primary campaigns between Hillary presidential election to be dierent than
Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Braziles what it was.
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Wins for trans candidates seen as nationwide clarion call

But experts have an asset, Beyer said.
diering views on The Democratic wins in Virginia and New
Jersey were widely viewed as a stinging
nature of impact rebuke to President Trump and LGBT
rights supporters are hopeful the trans
By CHRIS JOHNSON victories carry the same message to the White House over his anti-LGBT actions.
Among the Trump administrations
The historic wins by transgender policies that have undermined
candidates in last weeks elections transgender rights are seeking to bar
are being widely interpreted to have transgender people from the armed
nationwide implications, although LGBT forces, undoing Obama-era guidance
political observers have dierent takes ensuring transgender kids have access
on what those conclusions are. to school restrooms consistent with their
The most high-prole win on Nov. gender identity and dropping support for
7 was transgender journalist Danica the idea Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
Roems victory in Virginia over Del. 1964 prohibits workplace discrimination
Bob Marshall, who has a decades-long against transgender people.
history of anti-LGBT views and this Mara Keisling, executive director of
year introduced a bill that would have the National Center for Transgender
banned transgender people from using Equality Action Fund, said in a statement
public restrooms consistent with their the transgender victories are symbolically
gender identity. Shell be the rst openly important in the Trump era.
transgender person elected and seated From left, Virginia Delegate-elect DANICA ROEM (D-Prince William); Erie School Board Member- For too long, transgender people were
to a state legislator in the history of the elect TYLER TITUS; Minneapolis City Council Member-elect ANDREA JENKINS; and Palm Springs not involved in policy decisions, including
City Council Member-elect LISA MIDDLETON.
United States. making laws that impact us, Keisling
Jenkins, a poet and activist, and Phillipe only the strength of democracy, but
Cunningham, a former special education strong signal that this is probably not the able to connect with constituents on local the value placed on strong candidates
teacher, winning seats on the Minneapolis case. Weve seen lots of dierent types of issues like transportation and things that who stand with the people on issues
City Council. Both are the rst openly candidates not just trans candidates, are really important to her district, and she of local, state and national importance.
transgender people of color to win but other ones running all across the had a really solid ground game and was With transgender people targeted by
election in the United States and the rst country being successful yesterday successful in fundraising. She beat Marshall the current Administration, it is critical
out transgender candidates elected to a and speaking openly about the various because she got back to the basics and was that our community be represented in
city council in a major U.S. city. aspects of their identities, and winning able to connect with her voters. elected oce, to ensure the progress
Meanwhile, Tyler Titus won election to their elections. Nonetheless, Casey said the defeat of weve made advancing equality is not
the Erie School Board in Pennsylvania, But with many anti-trans lawmakers in Marshall at the hands of Roem may give rolled back.
Lisa Middleton won election to the Palm state legislatures introducing legislation caution to lawmakers about how much But observers arent holding their breath
Springs City Council and Stephe Koontz that inhibit transgender peoples access to of an issue to make about trans issues in in anticipation of a change from Trump.
won a spot on the Doraville City Council the restroom, do the wins particularly particular during a campaign. When asked if the transgender
in Georgia. Roems over Marshall in Virginia send a It may not change their voting behavior, victories would be a signal to Trump over
Logan Casey, whos transgender and message those policies will lead to defeat or even what bills they introduce, his anti-trans policies, Casey responded
a research associate at the Harvard at the ballot? because thats a very dierent type of succinctly, No.
Opinion Research Program, said the Sean Meloy, political director for the legislative behavior, but in terms of how I dont think that he responds really
wins are important on their own for Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, said he they actually go about campaigning come to any individual piece of information
transgender visibility. thinks the transgender wins should serve next year, it might provide some caution like this, or even larger patterns, Casey
With so few transgender people in as a wake-up call to lawmakers planning to folks who are on the ticket, Casey said. said. I think he speaks very freely
oce, everyone is important, Casey anti-trans policies. The wins could be a precursor for about his opinions and doesnt seem
said. And so, theres one level on which People from the White House down transgender victories to come. Among to be much persuaded by information
these wins are really important just for to school boards have been pushing the winners could be Dana Beyer, whos like this, so I think its less the case
trans people and the LGBTQ community anti-trans legislation, and I think that running for the seat in the Maryland that Donald Trump will be persuaded
generally, saying that we can win theyre going to take a moment to State Senate being vacated by Sen. Rich or moved in his behavior as a result of
elections. We can be out, and be proud pause and think that the author of anti- Madaleno (D-Montgomery) in his bid to these elections.
and be ourselves and be successful. trans legislation was just beaten by a become governor. Meloy also expressed doubt the victories
But combined with other wins for transgender woman, and I think thats Beyer, whose attempt to challenge would mark any change with Trump in
diversity, such as the election of a Sikh going to give them pause, Meloy said. Madaleno for the seat proved unsuccessful, how he treats transgender people.
mayor in New Jersey, Casey said the Casey, however, cautioned a lot of said the lessons from the transgender wins Honestly, I hope it does, Meloy said. I
transgender victories demonstrate things were in play in the election for the are many, but include knowing to run think the results from around the country
identity politics might not be a losing 13th district seat in Virginia and the result during a Democratic wave year. last night also send a message, but this
ticket as critics have claimed. on election night might not be about Weve created enough acceptance message is distinctly important for our
Weve heard a lot of conversation in bathroom bills. over the past 15 years in both America, in community that while he masquerades
the last year in particular about the idea I am inclined to say Danica didnt win general, and within the Democratic party, as an ally, his policy and practice clearly
that too much focus on identity politics because she was trans and Marshall had in particular, that being trans (or any of shows that he is anything but, and were
loses elections for Democrats in general, introduced these bathroom bills, Casey the other smaller minorities, such as Sikh) going to take the ght to people who are
Casey said. I think that this is a really said. I think Danica won because she was is no longer a liability, but may actually be actively working against us.
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Walmarts score suspended in HRC rankings

LGBT group cites ndings that support our LGBTQ communities employees who were aected.
and look forward to further educating Jerame Davis, executive director of Pride at
of anti-trans bias them on our policies. Work, said in a statement the Human Rights
The EEOC ndings cited in the Corporate Campaign deserves credit for suspending
By CHRIS JOHNSON Equality Index were the result of the two Walmarts score in 2017, but added the LGBT lawsuits led by the New York-based group waited too long to take action.
Transgender Legal Defense & Education In the last CEI, Walmart received a
The retail giant Walmart, which has Fund. The ndings of reasonable cause perfect score despite the fact that the
long been the subject of criticism over its for discrimination by EEOC means the two company had just settled a class action
employment practices, has found a new cases will now move forward to litigation lawsuit brought by LGBTQ people who
critic in the Human Rights Campaigns in federal court. had been denied spousal benets,
latest corporate scorecard. One lawsuit was led on behalf of Davis said. In light of this development,
The nations LGBT organization Jessica Robison, an employee in Florida of it is our sincere hope that HRC will take
suspended Walmarts score in the 2018 Sams Club, which is owned by Walmart. PHOTO BY MIKE MOZART OF JEEPERSMEDIA; COURTESY FLICKR the necessary steps to ensure the CEI is
Corporate Equality Index, which was Although she was rewarded with several an accurate measure of a corporations
unveiled last week. The cited reason promotions, a supervisor allegedly led by GLBTQ Advocates & Defenders commitment to LGBTQ equality. Until
for the suspension was the U.S. Equal subjected her to harassment and alleging the company refused to provide the CEI includes a mechanism to ensure
Employment Opportunity Commission, intimidation in 2014 after she began her same-sex spousal benets promised these policies are followed and enforced,
the U.S. agency charged with enforcing gender transition. After ling a complaint, to employees. The lawsuit was settled it is impossible to consider these scores
federal employment civil rights law, Robison was disciplined and demoted. in December for $7.5 million for all as anything other than aspirational.
nding probable cause for anti-trans In July, EEOC ruled in Robisons favor,
discrimination within Walmart in 2017. finding there is reasonable cause
During the CEI survey cycle, two Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission
to believe Sams Club discriminated
against Robison due to her transgender
Former gay ambassador
determinations were made public in the status/gender identity and retaliated launches congressional bid
cases of Jessica Robison (EEOC Charge against her.
Number 511-2015-01402) and Charlene The other lawsuit was led on behalf A gay Democrat who served President Obama as a fundraiser for his
Bost (EEOC Charge Number 430- of Charlene Bost, who allegedly faced presidential campaigns and as U.S. ambassador to Denmark has a launched a
2014-01900), the report says. These employment discrimination as a member campaign to run for Congress.
determinations pointed to signicant service supervisor at a Sams Club store in In a video message Monday, Rufus Giord declared his bid to represent
enforcement gaps in Wal-Marts non- Kannapolis, N.C., in her position. Massachusetts 3rd congressional district in the U.S. House.
discrimination policy, specically with In Auguest, the EEOC found reasonable Like so many of you, I woke up a year ago shocked and heartbroken by the
regards to sex and gender identity. cause to believe Bost was subjected to election of Donald Trump, Giord says. As someone who worked for President
Pending remedial steps by the company, unlawful discrimination and a hostile Obama for 10 years, helping elect him twice and implement his policies, the idea
the CEI rating is suspended. work environment because of being that that profound legacy was at risk on health care, on climate, on equality, that
Deena Fidas, director of the Human transgender for several years until her was devastating for me.
Rights Campaigns Workplace Equality retaliatory ring in 2015. During the second term of the Obama administration, Giord was appointed
Program, said the suspension will be Jillian Weiss, executive director of the and conrmed as U.S. ambassador to Denmark, making him one of seven openly
lifted when Walmart addresses EEOCs Transgender Legal Defense & Education gay ambassadors during the Obama years.
ndings of anti-trans discrimination. Fund, said in a statement the suspension During my time as ambassador it was my desire to get out from behind
When Walmart addresses the of Walmarts score in the Corporate my desk, humanize our work, tear down the walls, listen, ask questions and
determinations by the EEOC, their Equality Index was a positive step. encourage people to engage, Giord says. The groups of people that started to
company policies and practices will be Seven hundred fty major companies show up, people who had never thought about public service before, that was
assessed and given a score based on the have strong corporate policies protecting amazing to me.
CEI criteria, Fidas said. transgender people, backed up by Prior to his role as U.S. ambassador, Giord worked in Los Angeles in nance
The suspension stands in contrast to proper enforcement procedures, Weiss for the entertainment industry. In 2008, Giord was a California fundraiser for
scores Walmart has obtained before. said. We hope this will deliver the Obamas presidential campaign, then became nance director for the Democratic
In the 2017 index, the retail giant had a message to Walmart and others that National Committee. In 2012, Giord was nance director for Obamas second
perfect score of 100 for having an LGBT good corporate policy is not enough. presidential campaign.
non-discrimination policy, aording same- It must be accompanied by strong Massachusetts 3rd congressional district is heavily Democratic. The seat will
sex spousal benets, providing health enforcement mechanisms, or it is mere be open because six-term Rep. Niki Tsongas (D-Mass.) declared she wont seek
insurance that includes transition-related window dressing. TLDEF will continue another term next year.
care for transgender employees and to bring suits on behalf of transgender But Giord faces a crowded eld in obtaining the Democratic nomination to
having an LGBT employee anity group. people who experience discrimination run in the general election. Among his seven competitors in the race is State
Tara Raddohl, a Walmart spokesperson, in employment, education, health care Rep. Juana Matias, Westford School committee member Terry Ryan and Troca
said the retailer maintains a positive access and public accommodations. Hotels Management CEO Abhijit Das.
environment for LGBT employees The Human Rights Campaign has long Giord is not the only out candidate in the race: Also running is 2014 candidate
despite the suspension of its score in the faced criticism from progressive voices for Massachusetts lieutenant governor Steve Kerrigan, whos gay.
Corporate Equality Index. for giving Walmart high scores in the Giord also isnt the only gay U.S. ambassador during the Obama
We are proud of our work on LGBT- Corporate Equality Index. Most of the administration who declared a bid for a congressional seat in the 2018 election.
inclusive and non-discriminatory policies, criticism has focused on employment Former U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Security & Co-operation in
Raddohl said. Were disappointed with practices at large in Walmart, which has Europe Daniel Baer launched a campaign to run for Congress in Colorado, but
the HRCs decision to temporarily suspend been accused of thwarting eorts by suspended his bid after the incumbent in the seat changed his mind and sought
our score, which was going to be rated at employees to unionize. to run for another term.
100 percent for the second year in a row. The Human Rights Campaign also faced CHRIS JOHNSON
While we respect the HRCs work, we are criticism for refusing to dock Walmart
condent in Walmarts leading practices points in 2016 amid a class-action lawsuit
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM N O V E MBE R 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 1 1

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1 2 N O VEMB ER 1 7, 2017 I N T E RN A T I O N A L N E W S

Chacn told the Blade the separation of powers between the countrys executive and
legislative branches limit what the current government can do to advance the issue.
The Costa Rican government in 2016 asked the Inter-American Court of Human
Rights for an advisory opinion on whether it has an obligation to extend property rights
to same-sex couples and change the gender marker on transgender peoples identity
documents. Observers have noted this request may be a way to prompt a ruling in favor
of marriage rights for gays and lesbians.
We cannot do anything more than support the bill, said Chacn. However at this
moment the nal discussion has not taken place.
Sols, who, along with Chacn, is a member of the center-left Citizens Action Party,
publicly opposes marriage rights for same-sex couples. Chacn told the Blade the
Costa Rican government nevertheless continues to ght discrimination based on sexual
orientation and gender identity.
Sols has extended hospital visitation rights to same-sex couples and mandated
government institutions adopt what Chacn described as important changes with regards to
the acceptance of the name that a person wants to use. Chacn who has marched in the
annual San Jos Pride parade and spoke at a Madrid conference in June that corresponded
with WorldPride told the Blade the government has also ordered its institutions to ght
discrimination against LGBT Costa Ricans who seek access to their services and ensure trans
people can receive hormone therapy and psychiatric treatment in public clinics.
ANA HELENA CHACN speaks at the Civil Marriage Equality Congress in San Jos, Costa Rica,
on Nov. 10. We have done everything humanly possible to ensure that each of our institutions
WASHINGTON BLADE PHOTO BY MICHAEL K. LAVERS are institutions that are free of discrimination, said Chacn.
Chacn told the Blade the government has not focused its eorts on the countrys
churches, noting many of them continue to promote the idea that marriage is only
between a man and a woman. She said they have instead focused on increased

Costa Rican vice

education around LGBT-specic issues.
What we have tried to do is create more education, said Chacn. The approach that
we are going to look at here is there is no danger . . . to the traditional family, but what

president champions
we can do is to expand the idea that a great variety of families exist.
Continues at

LGBT rights
SAN JOS, Costa Rica Costa Rican Vice President Ana Helena Chacn on Nov. 10 said
the birth of her youngest daughter with Downs syndrome prompted her to champion
Australians back same-sex marriage in vote
human rights.
I began a ght against discrimination against people with disabilities, especially for Australia is poised to become the next country to extend marriage rights
people with intellectual disabilities, she told the Washington Blade after she spoke at to same-sex couples after a majority of voters who took part in a non-binding
the Civil Marriage Equality Congress in the Costa Rican capital of San Jos. I then began plebiscite voted yes.
ghting for other human rights that were being violated. The Australian Bureau of Statistics said 61.6 percent of voters said gays and
I was really looking for solutions for the construction of a more just society, added Chacn. lesbians should be able to marry in the country, compared to 38.4 percent
Chacn was among those who spoke at the conference, which is the rst of its kind in of voters who voted no. Nearly 80 percent of eligible voters took part in the
Latin America that focused exclusively on marriage rights for same-sex couples. voluntary plebiscite.
Herman Duarte of Fundacin Igualitos, a Costa Rica-based group that advocates for The New York Times reported gay MP Dean Smith plans to introduce a same-
marriage rights for same-sex couples, organized the conference alongside HduarteLex, his sex marriage bill, which observers expect will pass the Australian Parliament
law rm that ghts discrimination based on sexual orientation. Two Costa Rican advocacy before the end of the year. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull who called for
groups Acceder and Asociacin Costarricense de Derecho International co-hosted the the plebiscite in a video statement urged lawmakers to get on with it and get
gathering that took place at the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights in San Jos. this done before Christmas.
The conference ocially ended two days before a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck The Australian people have had their say and they have voted overwhelmingly
o of Costa Ricas Pacic coast. for marriage equality, said Turnbull. They voted overwhelmingly for fairness,
The breaking of paradigms and the possibility of analyzing and sharing best practices for commitment, for love.
is always important, Chacn told the Blade, referring to the conference. Supporters of marriage rights for same-sex couples who were gathered in
The Costa Rican constitution established two vice presidencies. Voters in 2014 elected Sydney, Melbourne and other Australian cities celebrated the plebiscite results.
Chacn and Vice President Helio Fallas along with President Luis Guillermo Sols. Kylie Minogue, who is from Australia, on her Twitter page said love is love,
Chacn was a member of the Costa Rican National Assembly from 2006-2014. She always was love, always will be love.
was the minister of public safety from 2002-2006. The people of Australia havent just said yes, theyve roared yes, Tiernan
Chacn told the Blade the Costa Rican Supreme Court in 2005 was very clear . . . in Brady, the director of the yes campaign, told the Washington Blade during a
saying that the recognition of economic and civil rights of people of the same sex were telephone interview from Sydney. Its just literally an incredibly result.
a matter of law. It is time to pass the law, he added.
Costa Rica in 2013 extended inheritance and other economic rights to same-sex Human Rights Campaign Global Director Ty Cobb in a statement said his
couples who have lived together for at least three years. organization congratulates Australias LGBTQ advocates and allies who worked
Assemblywoman Ligia Elena Fallas in 2015 introduced a bill that would extend so hard to ensure a victory in this postal survey.
marriage rights to same-sex couples. Chacn told the Blade that opposition among Its crucial that loving, committed same-sex couples in Australia have the
Costa Rican lawmakers remains strong. same rights and protections that come with marriage, he added. We urge the
Our legislature is a very fragmented legislature in which many ideologies exist and in Australian Parliament to take swift action ensuring marriage equality becomes
which conservatism is also present, she said. the law of the land.
Chacn along with Panamanian First Lady Lorena Castillo and Panamanian Vice MICHAEL K. LAVERS
President Isabel de Saint Malo are among the handful of prominent political leaders
in Central America who publicly support marriage rights for same-sex couples and
other LGBT-specic issues.
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM N O V E MBE R 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 1 3

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1 4 N O VEMB ER 17, 2017 LO CA L N E W S

Bias toward Asia cited as factor in D.C. loss of Gay Games


All three said they believe the FGG

clearly had been leaning heavily toward
bringing the quadrennial international
LGBT sports event, which attracts
thousands of athletes and thousands
more spectators, to Asia where it had
never been since the Gay Games
founding in 1982.
I would only be telling you what my
feeling is, Bowser told the Washington
Blade on Monday. And my feeling is that
they were set to go to Asia. That is what I
would surmise.
Bowser has said D.C.s presentation in
Paris, among other things, made it clear
that Washington, D.C., is a supportive and
welcoming city for LGBT people.
As I said in my statement, I hope their
kind of gamble is right, she said. I think
the gamble is the Gay Games can change
minds in Hong Kong to bring about
further advances in LGBT equality.
Minor agrees with that assessment and
says he also agrees with others involved in I think there is kind of a natural bias against the U.S. by some folks, said BRENT MINOR, D.C.s Gay Games bid committee chair.
D.C.s eort to host the 2022 Games that WASHINGTON BLADE PHOTO BY MARVIN BOWSER
a dislike for President Donald Trump by at
least some of the Europeans and Australians
who were among those who voted on the time Olympic gold medalist there in person. including site selection analysis, transparent to be a source of revenue for the FGG.
selection placed D.C. at a disadvantage. We had Chris Mosher whos probably the question and answer opportunities, He said the FGG charged a bidding fee of
I think that was a factor, absolutely, worlds most notable trans athlete as part of incredible presentations from potential $15,000 to eight cities that submitted bids
Minor said. I think that was part of it. I Team USA, said Minor. host cities, and more, he said. for the 2022 Gay Games last year in the
think there is kind of a natural bias against And despite all of that it was kind He said voting members are encouraged rst round of bidding. When D.C., Hong
the U.S. by some folks. We heard from of like Hillary Clinton despite all of to simply vote for the host city that best Kong and Guadalajara were selected
some folks that the Games are going to that there was this overriding feeling of serves the FGGs mission of promoting earlier this year as the three nalist cities
come back to the United States at some wanting change, of just wanting to do equality in and through sport and culture in the bidding competition they were
point and that was just not going to be something dierent, he said, with Hong and upholds the FGG ideals of Participation, charged an additional $15,000 each for
this time around, he said. Kong and Asia representing that change. Inclusion and Personal Best. the processing of their nal bids, Minor
Since its founding in 1982 with the rst I was very disappointed in the decision Asked if a dislike for Trump or a desire said, bringing the total cost for the three
Gay Games taking place in San Francisco, not to select Washington, D.C., said Evans, to bring the Games to Asia for the rst cities to $30,000 each.
U.S. cities served as host for the Games whose ward includes large numbers of time played a role in the delegates He said that under FGG rules, Hong
during most of the early years followed LGBT residents. Our presentation was decision to pick Hong Kong, Smith said, Kong as the winning city will be required to
by Europe and Australia. by far the best, he said. And frankly we Its a private individual decision and pay an additional $15,000 fee in January.
Im trying not to sound like sore losers had a great delegation and our venues these votes are secret. The FGGs Site Inspection Report, which
and I hope people dont interpret it that everything about Washington, D.C. lends Vince Micone, a D.C. LGBT rights the voting delegates used to assess
way at all, Minor said. I understand why itself to hosting the Gay Games. advocate and sports enthusiast, served the sporting venues and other factors
people would have voted for Hong Kong. Evans said he, too, understands that as chair of the D.C. Gay Games bid associated with the three nalist cities,
They wanted to move the Gay Games into part of the decision was the desire to committee seeking to bring the Games to gave Hong Kong a slightly higher rating
an area where they havent been before, bring the Games to Asia and that the D.C. in 2014. D.C. lost that competition to than D.C. and Guadalajara. On a scale of
he said. And they felt thats going to grow unpopularity of President Trump could Cleveland. Micone said he agrees that the zero to 5, Hong Kong received a 4.5 score
the Games movement. And it may. have hurt D.C.s chances. But he said he FGG and its voting members most likely compared to a 4.0 score for D.C. and a 3.0
Minor said that although the Trump thought the D.C. delegation dispelled selected Hong Kong to bring the Games score for Guadalajara.
factor played a role in the decision not that notion because Hong Kong is not to Asia for the rst time. The 323-page report goes into great
to select D.C. for the Games he sees a British Hong Kong. It is communist He notes that as a former bid details on the ndings of the three-
parallel between D.C.s bid for the Games China Hong Kong. So I think were more committee chair he knows the eort to member inspection team that traveled to
and Democratic presidential candidate welcoming than Hong Kong would be. prepare a competitive bid for the Gay each of the three cities earlier this year.
Hillary Clintons campaign. R. Tony Smith, an FGG spokesperson, Games is a long, dicult, time-consuming Minor said he thought some of the
I often referred to us as the Hillary told the Blade in an email that the FGG and costly process. reports ratings for D.C. and the other two
Clinton of the race here, he told the General Assembly, which selects the Based on what Ive read it sounds cities on individual venues such as playing
Blade. We were the established, Gay Games host cities, is comprised of like they wanted to get the Games to a elds and accessibility to and from the
well researched, well-funded, well an international community of delegate part of the world where theyve never venues appeared to be subjective.
represented. We had all kinds of big members and board of directors that been before, Micone said. And frankly Despite these concerns, Minor said
names behind us, he continued. makes up the governing and voting if thats what their criteria is going to be he and other members of the D.C. bid
We had Billie Jean King speaking for us body for the FGG. they ought to be transparent about those committee, including city ocials, remain
and [former U.S. Attorney General] Eric The voting for Gay Games host cities issues so that places that are not in their supportive of the Gay Games.
Holder speaking for us, he said. We had Paul is a private individual process, and the desired location dont spend the time and We are not sore losers, he said. Team
Tagliabue, the former NFL commissioner, information provided to help our voting eort putting together a bid, he said. D.C. is going to remain in the Federation
speaking for us. We had Briana Scurry, a two- members is a comprehensive process Minor points out that the bids appear as members.
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM N O V E MBE R 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 1 5


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1 6 N O VEMB ER 17, 2017 NEWS

Hill rally calls for rejection of Mateer nomination

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 01 The Mateer nomination remains equality to bestiality, equal justice cannot McBride said. Too many, including all
pending before the Senate Judiciary come from someone who participated of us standing here today, cannot be
This is very, very disturbing that it has Committee, which has yet to hold a hearing in a conference hosted by a proponent ensured equal justice in a courtroom
come to this point that we would have an for the pick. A Democratic aide said the of the death penalty for LGBTQ people, presided over by Je Mateer.
administration that doesnt have a vision committee has yet to obtain paperwork to
of justice, in fact, such a malshaped proceed with the nomination.
determination that this person would Consternation over Mateer remains
ever be nominated, Merkley said. That strong amid opposition to other Trump
is deeply, deeply disturbing. judicial nominees, such as Brett Talley, Family, friends celebrate
Mateer made the comments about whom the Senate Judiciary Committee birthday of slain gay man
transgender kids during the same 2015 approved last week even though he has
Iowa conference organized pastor never tried a case as a lawyer.
Kevin Swanson, who became infamous Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legals Nine members of the
in the LGBT community for taking that director of strategy, warned during the family, including the mother
opportunity to call for the death penalty rally the Mateer nomination was but one and sister, of a 26-year-old
for LGBT people. (Others in attendance of Trumps judicial nominees who could gay man who was found
were then-Republican presidential do damage for generations to come. stabbed to death in his
candidates Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal.) Lets be clear: There are many, many Hyattsville, Md., apartment
Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), who has other Je Mateers in the pipeline, on May 30 traveled from
submitted articles of impeachment for McGowan said. Nominees who would not Pennsylvania to D.C. on Nov.
Trump, said the Mateer nomination only write LGBT out of the Constitution, 9 to celebrate what would
represents the lack of qualications of the but who fundamentally challenge our have been Matthew Mickens-
president who has proposed nominating right to exist. These nominees deny the Murreys 27th birthday.
him to the federal bench. legitimacy of our relationships, take aim Mickens-Murreys family
This nominee is nothing more than further at our families and have declared open members joined more than
MATTHEW MICKENS-MURREY would have turned
evidence that we have a president who is season on our children. a dozen of his friends and 27 on Nov. 9.
unt to be president, Green said. We have On the same day as the Mateer supporters in the upstairs PHOTO VIA FACEBOOK

a president who has made hate a part of his rally, Lambda Legal unveiled a letter lounge of Nellies Sports Bar
agenda it seems. He tends to incite hate. signed by 27 LGBT groups in opposition at a gathering organized by
Other reporting has emerged in which to three Trump judicial nominees: Don Impulse D.C., an entertainment and advocacy group that provides HIV and
Mateer was shown to have said the Willett and Stuart Kyle Duncan to the U.S. education related services for black gay men.
contraception mandate in Obamacare Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals as well as With at least three local TV news camera crews looking on, the family members
was similar to religious crackdowns in Matthew Kacsmaryk to the U.S. District and friends, led by Impulse D.C. President Devin Barrington-Ward, called on
Nazi Germany. Additionally, Mateer Court for the Northern District of Texas. Prince Georges County police to step up the investigation into the unsolved
proclaimed we discriminate against gay Their records reveal that they will be murder. Petitions were circulated calling on police and local political leaders to
people in the Baptist Church to justify incapable of treating LGBT litigants fairly put more eort into ensuring Justice for Matt.
anti-LGBT discrimination in the name of no matter what body of law is at issue Barrington-Ward said in a statement that the event was aimed at celebrating
religious freedom. in the cases over which they may preside the life of the well-liked guy they knew as Matt, raising awareness, and re-
Also speaking out at the Mateer really was because they do not acknowledge engaging the public in the cold case murder of Mickens-Murrey.
Nan Aron, executive director of the liberal LGBT people as having a right to exist, Matt, who publicly identied as a Black gay man, frequented Nellies Sports Bar, an
judicial advocacy group Alliance for Justice, the letter says. These are not the kinds LGBTQ establishment, and one of the last places he was seen alive, the statement says.
whose organization hosted the event. of judges that this country wants, needs It says Impulse D.C. and Mickens-Murreys friends and family members were
We need to say to Donald Trump and or deserves. We strongly urge you to also calling on D.C. police to more aggressively investigate the unsolved murders
his allies enough is enough, Aron said. reject their respective nominations. of two other black gay men in D.C.
You cannot force us to accept a person One of the mothers of transgender A model and rapper named Demencio Lewis, 23, was shot to death in a hail of
like Je Mateer, who is so lled with children at the rally was Sarah Watson, gunre on March 13, 2014, on a street in Southeast D.C., according to police. A little
hostility toward his fellow Americans, on who grew emotional as she told the story over a year later, D.C. police found Stephon Marquis Perkins, 21, lying unconscious
the federal bench. of her middle-school aged son coming on a street in Southeast D.C. suering from a gunshot wound to the head on June 25,
Julianna Gonen, policy director for the out to her as transgender after years of 2015. Police said he was taken to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead.
National Center for Lesbian Rights, said diculty growing up. Neither Prince Georges County police nor D.C. police responded to a
the Mateer nomination is consistent with He nally told me because it was just request by the Washington Blade last week for an update on the status of the
other anti-trans policies of the Trump too painful to keep it a secret any longer, investigations into the three murders.
administration, such as a transgender Watson said. He was really at a breaking Melody Murrey, Mickens-Murreys mother, told the Blade at the gathering at
military ban and revocation of school point. He knew at a very early age that Nellies last week that a P.G. County police investigator said her son was stabbed
guidance on bathroom access for there is hate in this world, that it is not multiple times. She said the investigator also said there were no signs of a
transgender kids. always safe for kids like him. He knows that forced entry into the apartment, leading police to believe Mickens-Murrey knew
We knew it before, but it has become there are people like Je Mateer who try his attacker and invited him into the apartment.
all the more important now with this to shame him because hes transgender. They said they found DNA but they were still waiting for it to be tested by the
dangerous and reckless president: Courts The incident that inspired her son to FBI, Melody Murrey said. We just dont know why its taking so long.
matter, judges matter, Gonen said. We come out, Watson said, was the speech Melody Murrey and her daughter Naja Murrey said Mickens-Murrey was out
need federal judges who are fair and Human Rights Campaign National Press to his family and was loved for who he was.
unbiased and free of extreme and hateful Secretary Sarah McBride gave at the 2016 What message does it send to the community when they constantly see other
views, and that aint Je Mateer. Democratic National Convention. black LGBTQ people being murdered over a shortspan of time and those victims,
The White House has stayed silent on McBride, who was the rst openly their families, friends, and community never receive justice? said Barrington-
Mateers anti-LGBT history and hasnt transgender person to speak at a major party Ward. This is about accountability as well as public safety for black LGBTQ
responded to repeated requests from convention, also urged rejection of Mateer. people, he said. Black Lives Matter and that includes Black LGBTQ people too.
the Washington Blade to comment on Equal justice cannot come from LOU CHIBBARO JR.
whether Trump stands by the nomination. someone who has compared marriage
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM N O V E MBE R 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 1 7

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1 8 N O VEMB ER 1 7, 2017 VIEWPOINT


A tsunami alters political landscape ADDRESS

PO Box 53352
Washington DC 20009
The election highlights were enough to Washington Post story exposing Alabama 202-747-2077
The resistance surges as warm this old activists soul. Transgender Senate candidate Roy Moores pedophilia. E-MAIL
Republicans dig new ditches journalist Danica Roem unseated Virginia Del. Some Republicans in the deep-red state
Bob Marshall, the sponsor of a failed bath- declared they would stand by him even if it
room bill who proudly dubbed himself the were true. The result of this hypocrisy and PUBLISHED BY
states chief homophobe. At least 14 more moral incoherence is that a remorseless Brown Na Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.
of his Republican colleagues were defeated predator, at this writing, is a Republican PUBLISHER
by Democrats, most of them women. Jenny nominee for the United States Senate. ext. 8075
Durkan was elected the rst lesbian mayor of Horried by this prospect, many Republi- EDITORIAL
Seattle. Liberian refugee Wilmot Collins was can senators hid behind an if true caveat in EDITOR
elected mayor of Helena, Mont. Black trans distancing themselves from Moore. Mitt Rom- KEVIN NAFF ext. 8088
candidates Andrea Jenkins and Phillipe Cun- ney, on the other hand, said straight out, I be-
RICHARD J. ROSENDALL is a writer and activist. FEATURES EDITOR
Reach him at ningham were elected to the Minneapolis lieve Leigh Corfman. Now Steve Bannon has JOEY DIGUGLIELMO
City Council. Six women of color were elected launched a Breitbart smear campaign against ext. 8081
to the Boston City Council. Ravi Bhalla, a Sikh, Corfman and the other Moore accusers. SR. NEWS REPORTER
Rarely are Americas best and worst juxta- was elected mayor of Hoboken in a race that Moore insists his angry tribal god trumps LOU CHIBBARO JR. ext. 8079
posed as vividly as they were last week. On included gay candidate Michael DeFusco and the Constitution he swore to uphold. He was NEWS REPORTER
one hand, progressive spirits were revived by anonymous racist dirty tricks. Ralph Northam twice removed from the bench for outing CHRIS JOHNSON
Democratic victories that brought to power a was elected Virginia governor by nine points the rule of law, specically defying federal ext. 8083
fresh inux of women, LGBT folk, and people over Ed Gillespie, who wooed Trumps base courts. Democratic nominee Doug Jones, REPORTER & INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR
of color in state and local elections. On the oth- with a viciously xenophobic campaign. by contrast, is the former U.S. Attorney who
er, our president sided overseas with despots, Trumps growing toxicity was further prosecuted two of the Klansmen who took POP CULTURE REPORTER
and some on the far right rallied around an highlighted when his ploy of labeling any part in the notorious 1963 Birmingham MARIAH COOPER
extreme Senate candidate even after he was unwelcome news as fake was challenged church bombing that killed four little girls. PHOTO EDITOR
credibly accused of molesting a 14-year-old. by a well-corroborated, extensively sourced Christopher Hitchens in 2010 stated MICHAEL KEY
why there could be no peace in the Mid- CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
dle East: Because the parties of God have PETER ROSENSTEIN, MARK LEE,
E DIT OR IA L C A R T OON a veto on it. Those parties worship tribal LATEEFAH WILLIAMS, KATE CLINTON,
deities and serve their own tribes or fac- KATHI WOLFE, RICHARD J. ROSENDALL,
tions, not the common good. NICOLS LEVY, BUNMI JOHNSON
Americas only party of God is the GOP. CREATIVE DESIGN/PRODUCTION
It serves plutocrats and white Christian AZERCREATIVE.COM
men, and will stop at nothing to preserve SALES & ADMINISTRATION
their privilege to the exclusion of others. DIRECTOR OF SALES & MARKETING
Denying the reality of our societal diver- ext. 8077
sity leaves us weak, stupid, and less safe. SR. ACCT. EXECUTIVE
Fortunately, reality is dawning on millions BRIAN PITTS
whose healthcare is threatened. ext. 8089
One wonders whether there are any values JOE HICKLING
Republicans are not ready to betray for power. ext. 8094
Even allegiance to his country eludes Trump. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING/ADMINISTRATION
He tweeted on trade disputes, I dont blame PHILLIP G. ROCKSTROH
China, I blame the incompetence of past Ad- ext. 8092
mins. The genius added, How can you blame RIVENDELL MEDIA
China for taking advantage of people that had 212-242-6863;
no clue? On Russian election meddling, he be- For distribution, contact Lynne Brown at 202-747-2077,
lieves Putin. Sen. John McCain sternly replied, ext. 8075. Distributed by MediaPoint, LLC
Theres nothing America First about taking All material in the Washington Blade is protected by federal copyright law
and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the Washing-
the word of a KGB colonel over that of the ton Blade. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers
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and vote. With added resolve, you can do Send submissions by e-mail to

as one grassroots organization urges: Run

for Something. That is how we will help our
country live out the meaning of its creed.
Copyright 2017 by
Richard J. Rosendall. All rights reserved. 2017 BROWN NAFF PITTS OMNIMEDIA, INC.

V I E W PO I N T N O V E MBE R 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 1 9

Right to Try bill will protect public health

keting. While 38 states have passed Right to ground drugs. When stories in the San Fran- The dilemma of Americans denied access
Echoes of AIDS era Try bills, federal legislation is still needed to cisco papers forced FDA to test a knocko of to investigational drugs is not peculiar to AIDS
seen in ght to access protect doctors from prosecution by FDA. the drug DDC, its dosages were found to be patients of a bygone era. Todays patients with
investigational drugs Other countries have more exible regu- inaccurate, which made them dangerous. terminal cancer and rare diseases too often
latory policies. Frances lenient regulations Some samples contained no actual DDC, nd they must leave America to try the new-
allow 12,000 French patients access to in- while others were adulterated. An activist est treatments, if they can aord to leave. Even
By JAMES DRISCOLL vestigational drugs every year. In the U.S., friend who took another underground drug, the prominent and highly educated are driven
with ve times the population of France, trichosanthin, went into anaphylactic shock, to try ineective or dangerous remedies, as
At the height of the AIDS epidemic 25 fewer than 2,000 per year make it through almost killing him. Many of the sick grew was the revered Coretta Scott King before her
years ago, only those lucky or well-connect- FDAs complicated, lengthy, and expensive worse experimenting with underground 2006 death in Mexico. America needs to make
ed enough had the opportunity to enroll application process. A terminal patient is panaceas. FDA turned a blind eye to the the right to try investigational drugs a civil right
in clinical trials that oered them hope for 30 times more likely to get investigational buyers clubs because they provided a con- for all dying patients. Indeed, the right to try is
treatment, when they otherwise had none. drugs in France than in the U.S. These venient safety valve that reduced commu- part and parcel of the right to life.
But the widespread, unrelenting outcries of gures belie FDA claims that the agency nity pressure on FDA to speed approval of FDAs mission to protect public health would
AIDS activists like myself spurred the Food meets all needs for early access. legitimate pharmaceuticals. have been better served by respecting the
and Drug Administration (FDA) to oer pa- Current FDA application procedures Under mounting duress, the agency did rights of AIDS patients. These patients were at
tients expanded access programs for a few create almost insurmountable obstacles grant early approval to protease-based deaths door and only wanted a chance to live.
drugs that were nearing formal approval for Americans trying to access investiga- antiretroviral drug cocktails. These quick- Giving them that chance would have reduced
and provided hope to AIDS patients. tional treatments. In desperation, many ly reduced AIDS deaths from more than the very real perils of underground knocko
Today, the voices of patients and advocates are driven to seek treatment abroad or 48,000 in 1995 to about 35,000 in 1996. By drugs. But the FDA bureaucracy prioritized
are needed again to give the terminally ill the try underground drugs that are useless, 2015 deaths had dropped to about 6,700. guarding its regulatory turf above respecting
chance to try to save their own lives. fraudulent or dangerous. It is almost forgotten that AIDS activists patients freedom to choose. Freedom won
Recently, the Right to Try bill unanimous- Weve seen this before. While FDA did and their doctors dragged FDA kicking and that time thanks to AIDS activists determina-
ly passed the Senate with full bipartisan sup- reluctantly begin oering expanded ac- screaming into early approval. FDA pro- tion, but its victory is not assured. To ensure
port. Now it awaits action in the House as cess programs during the AIDS epidemic, posed instead a scheme for large simple patient freedom now and in the future, Con-
S. 204. The bill codies a right AIDS patients FDAs foot-dragging spurred the growth of trials that could have delayed full approv- gress must pass Right to Try.
rst demanded a quarter-century ago. It al- an AIDS drug underground that ensnared al several years. Such a delay would have
lows people with terminal illnesses access thousands of hapless patients. The award- cost tens of thousands of lives. Ironically,
to investigational treatments that meet FDA winning lm Dallas Buyers Club drama- the AIDS activists who targeted FDA saved JAMES DRISCOLL, Ph.D., a longtime AIDS
activist, was an early leader in the ght for
safety standards but have not completed the tizes patients desperation and heroism, the agency from a catastrophic mistake it access to AIDS drugs. He is currently Healthcare
arduous ecacy trials FDA requires for mar- though it downplays the dangers of under- was dead set on making. Advisor to Liberty Education Fund.


With laser-like focus, Democrats will win in 2018 tion demonstrated that. erss organization Our Revolution isnt on the to make sure activists on the ground have the
DNC must nish getting The important thing now is to build the list. My thought is where they want to join resources they need to be successful. Adam
its house in order infrastructure and data analysis operation with Democrats they will but we need to stop added the problem he sees the new PAC ad-
Democratic candidates across the nation focusing or worrying about them. dressing is Every four years, a presidential
can benet from. Turning the DNC into There are independent groups working to campaign builds infrastructure across the
an organization Democratic candidates in elect Democrats who are totally supportive country only to see it wither by the next set
general elections can benet from every of the DNC. One is the PAC formed by Hillary of elections or as new crews take over leader-
year instead of just gearing up for a presi- Clinton and Howard Dean, Onward Togeth- ship roles at party committees. He wants to
dential campaign every four years. er. Another is the new Party Majority PAC, see that change.
While there is general agreement the DNC a hybrid PAC whose formation was recently Both Lux and Parkhomenko understand
isnt yet where we all want it, continuing to announced by Adam Parkhomenko and co- the need for data but say Ultimately, Party
PETER ROSENSTEIN is a D.C.-based LGBT rights
tear it down wont get it there. What will is the founder Mike Lux. Adam was co-founder of Majority is designed to address what its found-
and Democratic Party activist. He writes regularly work being done to form partnerships with Ready for Hillary and one of the most loyal ers see as deciencies in the way Democrats
for the Blade. other organizations of the kind Jess OConnell, and hardworking Democrats I ever met. He run campaigns right now. Too much empha-
DNC CEO, reported in a recent press release. truly cares about the principles of economic sis on data analytics, television advertising and
There are loose ends from 2017 to be Unprecedented partnerships between the and political equality, justice, fairness and de- raising money for specic candidates and not
worked on, such as three recounts, as of last DNC and our sister committees of the DGA, cency that underlie the Democratic Party. enough on building the networks of personal
Saturday, in Virginia House of Delegates rac- DAGA and DLCC. Partnerships with 33 pro- As reported by Jonathan Allen, Party relationships that activate voters and keep
es. But for most Democrats a laser-like fo- gressive groups working in Virginia to get Majority would act as a parallel structure them engaged from election to election. Their
cus must now be on 2018. If elections from Democrats elected. These partners included: to Democratic Party committees at the na- goal is for Democrats across the nation to
school board, to town council, to mayor, BlackPAC, PFAW, Everytown, CASA, Sierra tional and state levels while coordinating have the grassroots resources that helped to
governors, state houses and Congress are Club, Giords PAC, For Our Future, Mili- with them. Its creation comes at a time when win in Virginia last week.
all on our radar we can win them. tary Families Mobilize, LiUNA, LCV, Mobilize party committees are struggling to maintain We know Democrats win when people
The Democratic National Committee America, VEA, Let America Vote, IAFF, NARAL, their relevance as donors increasingly push vote. We know women, LGBT and minor-
must complete getting its house in order. Af- NEA, New Virginia Majority, IBEW, NextGen, money to political organizations that can ity candidates who take the chance to run
ter seeing the results of the recent elections AFT, Planned Parenthood, Carpenters, SEIU, raise and spend money with less regulation. can win. We know that will happen again
they can stop talking about Bernie Sanders CWA, VA AFL-CIO, Painters, Working America, Lux said, Democrats are motivated to ght if Democrats focus on delivering a positive
and let him continue to do his thing outside UA, Working Families, UAW, UFCW, AFSCME the Trump agenda, but without fully funded message because decent Americans will
the party. When he agrees with Democrats and Progress VA. Replicating these partner- organizing operations, we wont maximize vote to reject the Tea Party and the alt-right
he will be supportive but no coddling of him ships around the nation will win elections for our opportunities next year and every year represented by the Trump administration
will ensure that. The Virginia governors elec- Democrats. One cant help but notice Sand- thereafter. Party Majority PAC will ll in holes and todays Republican Party.

2 0 NO VE MB ER 1 7, 2017 BRO CK P A P E R SCI SSO RS

The joys of D.C. Gay Dinner Club

could. The concept itself is simple enough, Of all the cities Ive lived in and visited, gay events that are home-based. Looking
Friendships, bonding like dinner roulette you sign up for six D.C. seems to be one of the best at con- at the gay persons home, what books they
and plenty of red wine dinners, host one, and no one knows who scious eorts at community building. have on their shelves, what music they
is who until a day or two before. There really seems to be something for have playing, what they choose to have on
This season Ive been to four dinners so just about everyone, any taste or prefer- their walls, all of this aords a certain in-
far. Four delightful meals, like my friend ence. Stonewall this or that, countless as- timacy that youll never achieve with even
Rini who cooked family recipes from Puerto sociations and clubs. But few it seems that the longest of conversations at the end of
a bar. Just like our rooms as kids, these
are the very rst spaces we set up as our
own queer spaces, and just like our rooms
What is real friendship based on anyway? Shared then, our homes and apartments now are
BROCK THOMPSON is a D.C.-based freelance
writer. He writes regularly for the Blade.
affinity and intimacy seems to be the foundation. representations of us and how we see our-
selves in a larger gay world.
When we invite people into these plac-
Someone said that modern friendships es, what do we ask of them? To share
are basically a revolving Hey, great to see something of themselves as well? What is
you, lets grab dinner soon. And that back- Rico. Enough wine owed at Jockos dinner arent bar centric. Dont get me wrong, real friendship based on anyway? Shared
and-forth continues until one of you dies. party, his box of elaborate robes and caf- theres often copious amounts of wine anity and intimacy seems to be the
I think were all guilty of it. And gay D.C. tans came out. Some have place cards and consumed at Gay Dinner Club. But that foundation. Perfect strangers or even sit-
more or less encourages it. Life is fast; crystal stemware, other times Ive crowded just makes everyone more interesting. ting down with someone you may have
were busy. And this headphones-in, con- around coee tables. Theres no pretense. Certainly makes me funnier and gets peo- known for years, but nally sitting down
nected culture more or less reinforces this. Plus, these guys can really cook. This seems ple a little more comfortable. And though with them, breaking bread but not really
So whats there to do? Last year, I joined to be a lost art for a lot of us urban dwell- politically youll probably nd yourself in because we still fear carbs, and listening to
my friend Jamess D.C. Gay Dinner Club, ers the art of the cocktail or dinner par- agreement with most everyone at dinner them talk about their lives. Talking frankly,
something he conceived of a couple of ty. Maybe we are too busy, our schedules club, it is still interesting to hear the fresh over wine and a well-prepared dinner,
years back while having friends over for too hectic, our apartments too small. But perspective that age, region, and various about gay issues and non-gay issues - re-
a spontaneous dinner gathering. They all theres a reason our parents and grandpar- professions and educations can bring. lationships, jobs, sex, health. All the while
came to the realization that it was aording ents threw these. You get to know people in For me, as someone who is transition- sharing personal experiences. Its helpful.
more and better conversation than any bar a setting that makes it easy to do so. ing out of the bar scene, its nice to have And frankly, its refreshing.


Should we punish the sick?

The wrong approach to antiretroviral medications help prevent specic state laws are felonies with harsh ceive denitive test results. Court testimony
infectious disease control its spread by rendering people living with penalties, ranging from several years to in many cases almost invariably came long
HIV virtually noninfectious. life in prison. after that time period had elapsed.
But while these advances are certainly Some states have laws so broadly writ- These inaccurate suppositions di-
By TREVOR HOPPE, Ph.D. promising, they do not tell the whole story. ten that they can be also used to punish rectly impact sentencing. In a 2004 case
The problem is that laws written in re- a range of harmless nonsexual behaviors. in Davidson County, Tenn., the accuser
Would you consider calling the police sponse to the AIDS epidemic remain stuck In Tennessee, for example prosecutors claimed she wouldnt know whether the
if a coworker showed up at work one in 1985. HIV-specic criminal laws passed regularly charge people living with HIV defendant infected her for 10 years. The
day with the u? As absurd as that may in the 1980s and 1990s at the height who spit at or bite police ocers. judge accepted her ignorant claim, order-
sound, recent developments suggest that of Americas AIDS scare remain on the To that point, a recent report coau- ing the defendant to serve 10 years pro-
the notion of punishing people who are ill books. Law enforcement and prosecu- thored by the Centers for Disease Con- bation and to pay for the woman to be
is becoming more entrenched and perva- tors continue to vigorously enforce them, trol (CDC) and the Department of Justice tested for HIV for the next 10 years.
sive in American society. despite their lack of medical knowledge found that 25 states criminalize one or While HIV was originally the singular
Although new laws have cropped up in and sometimes without any legal justi- more behaviors that pose a low or neg- target of such laws, legislators seeking
several states targeting diseases as diverse cation. These moves are simply reaction- ligible risk for HIV transmission, such as to modernize these laws have begun
as meningitis and hepatitis, no disease is ary, based on stigmatizing views of HIV biting or spitting. broadening their scope to include ad-
more widely criminalized than HIV. This that unfairly punish innocent individuals. Michigans law is so badly written that ditional diseases such as meningitis and
year, on World AIDS Day (observed annu- Many HIV-related statutes make it a one creative prosecutor used it to convict hepatitis suggesting that the criminaliza-
ally on Dec. 1), many advocates and public crime for people living with HIV to engage a woman for giving a lap dance in 2009. tion of sickness is contagious.
health organizations will be celebrating in a wide range of behaviors without rst A detective explained the incident to the Punishment is the wrong approach to
the dramatic advances in decreasing the disclosing their HIV statusregardless court with a graphic depiction of the wom- infectious disease control. The war on
number of new infections made possible of whether HIV could have been plau- ans genitals touching the mans nose. drugs failure to contain drug addiction
by successful treatment and prevention. sibly transmitted through their actions. That no one has ever contracted HIV via should warn us to the pitfalls of punitive
In major urban cities around the globe Sometimes mistakenly referred to as HIV nasal contact mattered little under Michi- approaches to controlling medical prob-
including London, Sydney and San transmission laws, they make no men- gans questionable (to say the least) law. lems. Blame and shame are not the tools
Francisco health departments are im- tion of transmitting the disease or even In a dozen cases reviewed during re- to protect us from disease; they are in-
plementing powerful new tools to stop putting a partner at risk of infection. For search for my book, Punishing Disease, stead the fuel that drives epidemics.
HIV transmission that are working. These example, in Michigan, the law criminal- accusers falsely claimed that it would take
include pre-exposure prophylaxis, or izes any sexual penetration without many years to know if a defendant had TREVOR HOPPE, Ph.D. is the author of
PrEP, which can greatly reduce the risk of disclosing ones status an overly broad infected them. But most conventional HIV Punishing Disease: HIV and the Criminalization
of Sickness and co-editor of The War on Sex.
infection when taken daily. In addition, it formulation that includes many behav- tests have only a three-to-six month win- He is currently assistant professor of sociology
has come to light that treating HIV with iors that cannot transmit HIV. Most HIV- dow after exposure before patients can re- at University at Albany (SUNY).
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM N O V E MBE R 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 2 1

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2 2 N O VEMB ER 1 7, 2017 W A SH I N G T O N BLA D E . CO M

A scene from last years holiday production from the Gay Mens Chorus of Washington.


Holiday show time!

Region already bustling with seasonal oerings that continue through New Years


From the traditional to the irreverent, Chorus of Washington. The annual historic Old Georgetown and includes Wolf Trap ( will kick
D.C.-area performers are oering a wide holiday extravaganza features festive George Washington, King George III and o its holiday season on Dec. 2 with its
variety of ways to celebrate the holiday new songs and traditional favorites and other historical characters. The shows popular Holiday Sing-A-Long. This musical
season this year. Heres a sampling. includes the GenOUT Chorus, all of the runs at the Warner Theatre from Nov. 30- celebration hosts a performance by the
On Sunday, Nov. 26, Murray and Peter GMCW ensembles, tap dancers, leather Dec. 24. Tickets start at $30 and can be United States Marine Band and a sing-a-
will present A Drag Queen Christmas reindeer and an over-the-top version found at long of Christmas carols and Hanukkah
the Naughty Tour at Lincoln Theatre of The Nutcracker. Performances are From Dec. 1-23, Arlingtons Synetic songs with local choirs and vocal groups
( Hosted by Roxxxy on Dec. 9, 16 and 17 ( The Theatre ( presents from the metropolitan Washington area.
Andrews, the extravaganza features Chorus will again be collecting toys for its innovative take on the classic fairy Wolf Trap will be participating in Toys
contestants from RuPauls Drag Race Community Family Life Services. tale Hansel & Gretel. This intimate for Tots by collecting new, unwrapped
in an evening of holiday songs and Septime Webers celebrated version wordless Family Theatre production toys at the entrance to the Filene Center
outstanding drag performances. of The Nutcracker is a perennial features only three performers and before the Sing-A-Long. Admission is free
Also onstage at the Lincoln Theatre is highlight of the D.C. holiday season. The highlights the companys award-winning
The Holiday Show with the Gay Mens Washington Ballets production is set in movement techniques.

2 4 NO VE MB ER 1 7, 2017 Q U E E RY : 2 0 Q U E ST I O N S F O R MO SH E R. A D A MS


How long have you been out and who the news) and work to greatly limit and
was the hardest person to tell? curtail its implementation, especially on
I told my immediate family in early vulnerable populations.
1992. My parents and brother were the
hardest to tell because I care(d) about What do you believe in beyond the
them the most. In the early 90s, there physical world?
were (and still are) horror stories galore Im a spiritual, not religious, person.
about coming-out disasters that ended
in gay daughters and sons being thrown Whats your advice for LGBT
out, assaulted and murdered by family movement leaders?
members. We didnt have nearly as many First, always pay increased and
resources in those days so I was terried. focused attention to people with the
least power, money and inuence; they
Whos your LGBT hero? have the most at stake. Second, good
James Baldwin intentions and moral high ground dont
matter if we dont win elections and
WASHINGTON BLADE PHOTO BY MICHAEL KEY Whats Washingtons best nightspot, pass legislation to change lives. Third,
past or present? inclusivity and transparency are great
I dont know. I dont go out to many but we dont have to agree on absolutely
By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO nightspots and havent been in D.C. long 100 percent of everything in the world to enough to know about any old-school places. still be united and on the same side.

Moshe R. Adams, now in his second season with Congressional Chorus, says Describe your dream wedding. What would you walk
hes drawn to the group because its members perform music no one else in As a kid I never dreamed that we across hot coals for?
the region is doing. would be able to get married so my A private audience with (Dame) Judge
The chorus will perform We Will Rise: the Search for Equality, Justice & dream wedding could, literally, be Judy and voice lesson from Chaka Khan.
Freedom in Song, Poetry & Dance on Sunday, Nov. 19 at 4:30 p.m. at Church anywhere just as long as Im surrounded
of the Epiphany (1317 G St., N.W.) with the Joy of Motion Dance Center, the by my family and friends. There would What LGBT stereotype
Alexandria Harmonizers, Unique Sounds of Love, Capitol Movement and Chris be lots of great music and my musical annoys you most?
Urquiaga. Tickets are $18-36. Details at family/friends would all sing! That gay people are gay because they
The chorus will perform All of Us, a piece from Craig Hella Johnsons Considering were molested or that gay kids ask to
Matthew Shepard. Other performers will also share LGBT-themed works. What non-LGBT issue are be sexually assaulted. Straight kids get
This show is political, fun, beautifully sung and multi-disciplinary, says you most passionate about? sexually abused too.
Adams, a 43-year-old Chicago native. Extraordinary stu. Womens issues such as discrimination,
Hell perform a gospel/rock solo called We Have Circled This Mountain. harassment (sexual/non-sexual), assault, Whats your favorite LGBT movie?
Hell also sing a piece called Harriet Tubman with tenor Kenneth Fishe that inequality, health, child care, education, etc. Paris Is Burning
he says is a ton of fun to sing.
Adams has two music degrees and spent a decade working as a singer/actor What historical outcome Whats the most overrated
in Chicago before coming to Washington in 2008. He works by day as a federal would you change? social custom?
grant manager but enjoys singing with the chorus and other performance All things Trump. No comment!
opportunities such as a one-man showcase hes planning for 2018.
Adams and partner James F. Byers Jr. live in Ward 7. Adams enjoys watching Whats been the most memorable pop What trophy or prize
Judge Judy (Im a huge fan!) in his free time. culture moment of your lifetime? do you most covet?
The Red Wedding from I dont put much stock in trophies,
Game of Thrones. awards, prizes etc. However, my
mother saying that shes proud of me is
On what do you insist? something that still lls my heart.
That we stand up for people who
FULL OF CINEMATIC LIFE. are vulnerable, disenfranchised and What do you wish youd known at 18?
Combines elegy, tragedy, urgency and a defiant euphoria. truly underserved. That I could change my mind, take
- THE GUARDIAN bigger risks and invest more deeply in
What was your last Facebook myself without so much fear.
post or Tweet?
An article from This Was

Why Washington?
The Hottest Tech 20 Years Ago in I moved to D.C. right after grad school
1997. My hashtag is #WEOLD. with one months rent in the bank, a ton
of credit card debt, no savings and all
If your life were a book, the things I owned. I had no job and no
what would the title be? connections in the region. I took a big risk.
Come True So, initially, it was about employment, the
arts and access to public transportation (I
A FILM BY ROBIN CAMPILLO If science discovered a way to change didnt have a car). How life has changed.
sexual orientation, what would you do? Now, its about building a life and legacy
THEATRE What could I do? I would question with my partner that mirrors our ideals
SHOWTIMES it whole-heartedly, watch it closely (in and long-term goals.


W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM N O V E MBE R 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 2 5


Theres no group like Chanticleer The first spaghetti western? Warm and lively Glorious voices


A Chanticleer Christmas THE GIRL OF THE AND DONNELL Christmas in Vienna

This performance is also at the SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 AT 8 P.M.

Hylton Performing Arts Center on
A Celtic Family Christmas
Sun., Nov. 26 at 2 p.m. Information at FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8 AT 8 P.M. ff

TICKETS 888-945-2468 OR CFA.GMU.EDU Located on the Fairfax campus, six miles west of Beltway
exit 54 at the intersection of Braddock Road and Rt. 123.

2 6 NO VE MB ER 1 7, 2017 O U T &A BO U T

D.C.-area native returns to region for Chanticleer tour

Zachary Burgess Burgess says he wasnt sure initially if his
voice would blend well with the ensemble
says singing with since he was more on a solo singing type of
classical group is a joy path, but he says so far, its been satisfying
and hes learned a lot about when to
project and when to hold back depending
By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO on the performance space. Upon moving to the Bay Area, Burgess
had ve weeks of rehearsal to learn two
There were strong signs that the programs worth of repertoire. He went
music bug had bitten a young Zachary from an average of singing about 90
Burgess years before he knew what was minutes per day to four-hour, Monday-
happening or thought anything of it. Friday rehearsals with the group, which he
A family story his mother likes to tell is says was the biggest shock to his voice.
how a young Zach joined Vanessa Williams After a summer tour that took him
full-throttle in the movie theater for Colors to Spain, Germany, Poland, France and
of the Wind from Disneys Pocahontas. more and a busy fall with many U.S.
I could have cared less if anyone was concerts, its time for the Christmas tour.
listening or if I was annoying anyone, He was surprised to learn later that his
Burgess, 30, says. I was having the time of mom had some Chanticleer Christmas
my life. Its so funny. There are other similar CDs in her collection. Theyd been there
stories. Things I dont even remember. Id be for years and hed heard them but didnt
4 and would make them gather around in make the connection that this was the
the living room of my grandmas house. It group hed auditioned for.
really has been in my DNA since I was little. Now that Ive stepped up to this big
In July, Burgess, a McLean, Va., native, platform and seen this reaction, you
moved to San Francisco to accept his big PHOTO BY SANAZ FAHIMI; BUTTERFLY PHOTOGRAPHY now, youre touching another person and
break one of the coveted 12 slots in the thats why I do this, Burgess says. Its
male classical vocal group Chanticleer, an ZACHARY BURGESS says he had a strong connection to music at a young age. not about me, its not about fullling my
a cappella, Grammy-winning ensemble own destiny. Now I get to enjoy just sort
celebrating its 40th season. The choir is of delivering that talent and that passion
just starting its Christmas tour which has and taking someone out of their world
performances in Fairfax, Manassas and for a minute. When you know youre
Frederick in the coming days. emotionally connecting with a total
Joining, he says, was an honor. He has stranger, youre so vulnerable and youre
a one-year contract with the group. putting yourself out there, but to have
I was relieved that the hard work I had that connection is really amazing.
put into my musical journey was starting Burgess, who came out at 14 (I was
to pay o, he says. the yest kid in the neighborhood rolling
It came at an interesting time, Burgess out of my parents driveway in my Barbie
says. A 2013 graduate of the Eastman jeep as a toddler), says there is a healthy
School of Music, the bass-baritone mix of gay members in Chanticleer.
returned to the Washington area and Burgess is single and says hes enjoying
was balancing a burgeoning local music navigating San Francisco gay life.
career with his work at the Apple Store in So far, what stands out most about San
Tysons Corner. Both careers were going Francisco living versus D.C.?
fairly well. Hed been promoted from the Everybody here is young, everybody
Genius Bar at Apple into working as an has a tech job and nobody asks what you
inventory specialist and says there was do, which is like the second question you
potential there with a job he says he loved. get asked always in D.C., Burgess says. I
Simultaneously, hed gained some traction didnt really know what to expect moving
in the music world, too. He took rst prize to what is probably the gayest city in
in the Vocal Arts D.C. Art Song Discovery America. Im such an East Coast person,
Competition, gave solo recitals at the Phillips very structured, very type A, so its been
Collection and the Kennedy Center, made interesting getting used to a lot of people
multiple appearances with D.C. Public Opera, PHOTO BY SANAZ FAHIMI; BUTTERFLY PHOTOGRAPHY who are more laid back with their time.
the Alexandria Choral Society and more.
But there were also a few bumps in CHANTICLEER
the road. After a particularly dry year trajectory has just been up, up, up, up, stay in the group a few seasons. Another A CHANTICLEER CHRISTMAS
Saturday, Nov. 25
musically in 2015, Burgess says he hit a up. Which is interesting because Id just is in his 28th (and nal) season. The group George Mason Universitys Center for the Arts
fork and decided to give music another started to feel Id kind of found my voice performs everything from Renaissance, Fairfax, Va.
full-on pursuit by nding a voice teacher in the D.C. area and was starting to get baroque, spirituals and contemporary Sunday, Nov. 26
Hylton Performing Arts Center
(Elizabeth Daniels), a coach (Joy Schreier) some traction there. compositions in congurations ranging Manassas, Va.
and performing as often as he could. Hed auditioned for Chanticleer in from simple SATB harmony to complex Tuesday, Nov. 28
Weinberg Center for the Arts
Thats really what has propelled me February, 2016 but didnt get the call until arrangements where each of the 12 Frederick, Md.
to now, he says. From then to now, the about a year and a half later. Some singers singers might be singing a dierent part. Full details at

F I LM N OV E M B E R 17, 2017 27

Nothing average
about BPM
Cannes prize winner is
blistering look at 1990s Paris

BPM (Beats Per Minute) is easily one

of the best movies of 2017. Told with
deep sensitivity and amazing artistry,
this radical love story is a thoughtful and
moving dramatization of the early days
of ACT UP Paris. Set in the early 1990s
during the initial trials of the protease
inhibitors, the movie is a wildly creative
tribute to the erce and prickly warriors
who bravely fought to save their own
lives and the lives of others. Its playing
now at Landmark E Street Cinemas.
The movie in French with English PHOTO COURTESY THE ORCHARD

subtitles opens as the activists prepare

for a demonstration, but then jumps passionate and heart-breaking look at the
forward to a meeting where they try to 1990s AIDS movement.
understand what happened during the
demo. Writer/director Robin Campillo
continues to jump back and forth the same position as the characters.
between the two events; the meeting is Campillo creates a riveting ensemble
presented with clinical precision while the drama through his assured work with
demo is presented in an impressionistic his actors. Even the smallest parts are
swirl of events seen from a variety of distinctive and even the most unpleasant
perspectives. Neither the activists nor the characters (the representatives of the
audience can fully comprehend what has pharmaceutical company) are presented
happened; there is only the awareness with compassion.
that silence = death and action = life. The two leads (Nahuel Prez Biscayart
The activists continue to protest the as Sean and Arnaud Valois as Nathan)
have a palpable chemistry between them.
callous indierence of the pharmaceutical
companies, the church and the They also nicely contrast each other;
Mitterrand government, but Campillo Sean is more volatile, more impulsive and
also inserts moments of witty banter as more self-centered; Nathan is steadier,
the comrades celebrate on a subway ride more introspective and more aware of OF W OLN THE
home and ashes of sheer exuberance as the people and places around him. LINC
E S eet NW
the friends dance at a local disco.
Gradually, two characters emerge
The rest of the ensemble is equally
strong and eective. As Thibault, the PERFOR
M A N C 12 15 U S tr
from the collective. Nathan is the newest unocial leader of ACT UP Paris, Antoine DEC. 9 at 8pm
member of ACT UP Paris; Sean is a seasoned Reinartz eectively blends admirable
C . 1 6 a t 3pm & TICKETS 9 | gmcw
.o r g
D E 4 3 5 - 9 8 4
veteran. Their rst sexual encounter is idealism with necessary pragmatism.
3pm 1 - 8 7 7- Groups o
f 10
presented with steamy intensity, yet their Hes manipulative on occasion, but he DEC. 17 at T ic k e t s &
15 4 8
wide-ranging pillow talk is equally intimate. also cares deeply for the cause and his
N O o r e c a ll 2 0 2 -2 9 3 -
They exchange personal and sexual comrades. Catherine Vinatier is ery as A or m
histories, discuss the logistics of condom Hlne, the passionate and wily activist THEA K t o r
D ir e c
usage and cement their bond. Campillos who joins ACT UP when her hemophiliac A r t is t ic o you by
staging of the scene is fascinating. son contracts AIDS. Br ought t or
As the collective and individual stories Campillos sharp work as writer and N F Y A L A P r e s e n t ing Sp ons
unfold, Campillo maintains a strong sense director is also ably supported by his
D ir e c t o r
of momentum. He has a uid sense of adept collaboration with cinematographer E x e c u t iv e
time and place that creates fascinating Jeanne Lapoirie, editors Stephanie Leger
juxtapositions between scenes and a solid and Anita Roth and composer Arnaud
sense of narration that lets scene unfold Rebotini. One of the few weak spots in the
at a natural pace. The movie is lled with production, unfortunately, are the terrible
seeming contradictions that Campillo subtitles. The white letters are generally
resolves eortlessly. It is intellectual yet hard to read and often dont keep pace
visceral, unsentimental yet deeply moving, with the rapid-re dialogue. Non-French
passionate yet clinical. Campillo lets speakers still get the general sense of
the movie embrace and embody these whats going on, but it would be nice to be
opposites, cannily putting the audience in able to follow the dialogue more closely.

2 8 NO VE MB ER 1 7, 2017 A RT S & CU LT U RE

This Week in the Arts provided by
Love and Information. Thru Nov 18. We Will Rise! Nov 19. Congressional
The Clarice. Chorus. Church of the Epiphany.
Mean Girls. Thru Dec 3. National
Theatre. Sammy Miller and the Congregation.
Vicua & The American Epilogue. Nov 18. BlackRock.
Thru Nov 26. The Real Americans.
Thru Dec 22. Mosaic Theater Company.
DANCE National Archives. Remembering
Vietnam. Thru Jan 6.
Doug Varone and Dancers: in the
shelter of the fold. Nov 18. GMU Folger Shakespeare Library. Painting
Center for the Arts. Shakespeare. Thru Feb 11.
Whats Going On. Nov 18-Nov 19. Dumbarton Oaks. Women in Art. Thru
Dance Place. Mar 31. Ancient Bronzes. Thru Mar 31.
Crazy For You ORURO: Ballets Folclricos
Thru Jan 14. Signature Theatre. Milenarios de Bolivia. Nov 17-Nov 19. Library of Congress. American GALA Hispanic Theatre. Experiences of World War I. Thru Jan 1.
A wealth of Gershwin tunes including Ive Got Rhythm, Someone to Watch
Over Me and Nice Work If You Can Get It fuse with exhilarating tap numbers Kansas City Ballet: The Nutcracker. National Gallery of Art. Fragonards
in this triumphant musical celebration. Nov 22-Nov 26. Kennedy Center. Fantasy Figures. Thru Dec 3. Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting.
Claudio Monteverdi: Vespers of 1610 Evening of Indian Dance. Nov 18. Thru Jan 21. Edvard Munch: Color in
Nov 18. Choral Arts Society at Kennedy Center. Wolf Trap. The Barns. Context. Thru Jan 28. National Geographic. Wild: Michael
InVespro della Beata VergineMonteverdi brilliantly superimposes new music
over traditional Gregorian chants, combines sacred music with secular styles,
MUSIC Nichols. Thru Jan 12. Tomb of Christ.
Thru Aug 15.
and alternates the grandeur of the large ensemble with solos and duets. The Bernard/Ebb Showcase. Nov 17. National Museum of Women in the
performance includes the Choral Arts Chorus, The Thirteen, and an orchestra Dark Desert Eagles. Nov 19. AMP. Arts. Inside the Dinner Party Studio.
featuring cornetti, sackbuts, theorbo, and more. Thru Jan 5. Magnetic Fields: Expanding
DakhaBrakha. Nov 17. Strathmore. American Abstraction, 1960s to Today.
Jackson Art Center Open Studios Thru Jan 21.
Nov 19. Jackson Art Center. What Makes it Great with Rob National Portrait Gallery. Marlene Kapilow: Beethovens Archduke Dietrich: Dressed for the Image. Thru
40-plus local artists. One old Victorian school building. Come meet and Trio. Nov 19. Washington Apr 15. The Sweat of Their Face:
greet the artists, explore our old school and get inspired. Enjoy live music, Performing Arts at Baird Auditorium. Portraying American Workers. Thru
refreshments, and free activities for kids. Sep 3.
NSO: Classics by Respighi, Chausson,
The Book of Merman
Thru Dec 8. DC Arts Center (DCAC).
Gershwin & Falla. Thru Nov 19. WNO:
Alcina. Thru Nov 19. KC Jazz Club:
GALLERIES Christian Sands. Nov 18. Kennedy The Art League. Home Sweet
Two Mormon missionaries visit the home of one of the greatest icons in Center. Home: On the Move. Thru Dec 3.
musical theatre. Ethel teaches the boys about showbiz, Broadway magic and Minguet Quartett. Nov 17. Library of
love. The DC Premiere of Chicagos heavenly musical comedy by Leo Schwartz. Congress. Waverly Street Gallery. Tom Kenyon.
Mantra Percussion. Nov 19. National Thru Dec 2.
Gallery of Art. Zenith Sculpture Space. Black Artists
Carpe Diem Community Sing. Nov of Today: Reinventing Tomorrow! Thru
21. Washington Revels. Jan 6.
Angela Draghicescu, piano. Nov Bender JCC. Adi Shani. Thru Dec 17.
THEATRE Upright Citizens Brigade Touring
Company. Nov 17. BlackRock.
20. Embassy Series. Romanian
Ambassadors Residence.
District Architecture Center. Vlad
Antony and Cleopatra. Thru Nov 19. Zabavskiy. Thru Nov 17.
Folger Theatre. A Christmas Carol. Thru Dec 31. Jacques Brel: Songs from His World. gallery Neptune & Brown.
Gabriel Fluy Iglesias. Nov 17. Fords Theatre. Thru Nov 19. In Series. Source Theatre. David X Levine. Thru Nov 18.
Al Madrigal. Nov 18. The Book Top Girls. Thru Dec 2. Keegan Theatre.
of Mormon. Thru Nov 19. Shear The Quebe Sisters. Nov 17. John Glen Echo Park. Stone Sculptures and
Madness. Thru Nov 26. Kennedy Annie. Thru Dec 31. Olney Theatre. Eaton: Irving Berlin & Jerome Kern. Oil Paintings. Thru Nov 19. Mosaics.
Center. Nov 19. Wolf Trap. The Barns. Thru Dec 9.
An Act of God. Thru Nov 26. Pride A Short Series of Disagreements Hill Center. Scott Warren. Thru Dec
Night. Nov 17. Signature Theatre. Presented Here in Chronological Music in Mind: Souvenirs. Nov 19. 30. Karin Edgett. Thru Dec 30. Michael Order. Thru Nov 25. Studio Theatre. La Clemenza di Tito. Nov 17-Nov 21. Ford. Thru Dec 30.
A Night with Janis Joplin. Nov 19. The Clarice. ISAAG. Anne-Lise Large (France) &
Strathmore. Horton Footes A Con in Egypt. Lyrical Strings. Nov 19. Alejandro Gutierrez, (Mexico). Thru Nov
The Second City Presents Nothing to Thru Dec 16. Conor McPhersons Capital City Symphony at Atlas. 29.
Lose (But Our Chains). Thru Dec 31. St Nicholas. Thru Dec 17. Quotidian JCCNV. Ronni Jolles. Thru Nov 28.
Woolly Mammoth. Theatre Company. The Writers Center. Cecily Salutes DC. Nov 18. Atlas.
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E-mail calendar items to calendars@washblade. the World Tour at Royal Farms Arena
com two weeks prior to your event. Space is lim- (201 W Baltimore St., Baltimore) tonight
ited so priority is given to LGBT-specic events at 8 p.m. Tickets range from $39.50-135.
or those with LGBT participants. Recurring
events must be re-submitted each time. For more details, visit
Vida Fitness hosts its 5K Run/Walk
at East Potomac Park (Ohio Dr., S.W.)
today at 8 a.m. Packet pick-up and
TODAY bag drop-o starts at 7 a.m. Warm-up
stretch begins at 7:30 a.m. Race kicks
The D.C. Eagle (3701 Benning Rd., o at 8 a.m. The awards ceremony
N.E.) celebrates its 46th anniversary with follows at 9 a.m. emceed by local radio
a party weekend. Tonight there will be a personalities Tommy McFly, Kelly Collis
party from 11 p.m.-4 a.m. DJ Twin will play and Jen Richer from 94.7 Fresh FMs
music all night. Tickets are $18. For more The Tommy Show. Prizes include Vida
information, visit memberships, personal training sessions
Gay District hosts its ninth annual and guest passes. All proceeds provide
potluck at the D.C. Center (2000 14th St., services to the homeless in D.C. including
N.W.) tonight from 8:30-9:30 p.m. Guests are meals, shelter, shower, laundry services
asked to bring a dish, dessert or beverage to and more. For more information, visit
share. All are welcome. If you are bringing
an extra guest, email gaydistrict@gmail. The D.C. Center (2000 14th St., N.W.)
com, send a Facebook message or post on and the G.W. Cancer Institute host
the wall of the event. For more details, visit Trans Breast Cancer Awareness today from 3:30-5 p.m. The event will give
The D.C. Center volunteers to provide information on breast cancer awareness
hot meals to Casa Ruby (2822 Georgia for all bodies. Speakers will be D.C.
Ave., N.W.) tonight from 7-8 p.m. The Center Peer Educator Shareese Mone and
meals will be given to individuals currently experts from the G.W. Cancer Institute.
housed at Casa Ruby. All food is welcome The event is for everyone including trans
including store-bought meals. men, trans women, and gender-queer/
Gamma DC, a support group for men non-binary people. The event is oered
in mixed-orientation relationships, meets as one of the workshops for the D.C.
at Luther Place Memorial Church (1226 Centers Solutions/Trans Day of Action PHOTO COURTESY KRPR

Vermont Ave., N.W.) today from 7:30- Conference. Admission is free. For more
Washington Concert Opera will perform La Straniera Sunday night.
9:30 p.m. The group is for men who are details, visit
attracted to men but are currently, or were Town celebrates its 10th anniversary
at one point, in relationships with women. with special guest Lady Bunny tonight at
Meeting locations are in private residences. 10 p.m. There will be a meet and greet a performance of Vincenzo Bellinis La drink specials. Every attendee will be
For more information about the group and with Lady Bunny at 9 p.m. Meet and greet Straniera tonight at 6 p.m. Soprano entered into a rae for prizes. Everyone
location, visit tickets are $25. The drag show starts at Amanda Woodbury (Alaide), tenor Gerard is welcome. For more information, visit
WTF Happened to Baby Sister 10:30 p.m. Cover is $15. DJ Chris Cox Schneider (Arturo) and mezzo-soprano
continues tonight and Saturday night and DJ Wess will play music. For more Corrie Stallings (Isoletta) make their
at 8 p.m. at the Anacostia Playhouse information, visit debuts with the company. Javier Arrey will TUESDAY, NOV. 21
(2020 Shannon Place, S.E.) with Jared also return to Washington Concert Opera
Shamberger, Monte J. Wolfe, Aleta C. SUNDAY, NOV. 19 in the role of Valdeburgo. Tickets range The D.C. Center (2000 14th St., N.W.)
Dunn and Jivon Lee Jackson. Tickets are from $40-110. For more information, visit hosts its FUK!T Packing Party from
$40 at the door or $35 in advance. Tickets Lady Gaga brings her Joanne World 7-9 p.m. tonight. For more details, visit
at Tour to Capital One Arena (601 F St., The Music Center at Strathmore (5301
N.W.) tonight at 7:30 p.m. Tickets range Tuckerman Ln., North Bethesda, Md.)
SATURDAY, NOV. 18 from $136-856. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. presents A Night with Janis Joplin WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22
For more details, visit tonight at 8 p.m. Singer Kelly McIntyre will
The Ladies of LURe present BARE a MushMouth Media, Badass and honor Joplin by performing her greatest Church presents Wednesday Night
ladies dance party, at Cobalt (1639 R Subsdance present the Basement hits such as Me and Bobby McGee, Supper, a Thanksgiving Eve party, at
St., N.W.) tonight from 10 p.m.-3 a.m. DJ Dwellers Tour featuring Barely Alive Piece of My Heart and Cry Baby, Trade (1410 14th St., N.W.) tonight from 10
Rosie and DJ Keenan will spin tracks. The and Virtual Riot at the D.C. Eagle (3701 among others. Tickets range from $45- p.m.-3:30 a.m. There will be performances
DystRucXion Dancers will perform. Cover is Benning Rd., N.E.) tonight from 10 p.m.-2 95. For more details, visit from Bombalicious Eklaver, Christi Anna
$7 before midnight and $10 after. For more a.m. Dr. Rabbit will spin a special birthday Tee and special guests. DJ Keenan Orr,
information, visit set. Tickets are $15. For more information, MONDAY, NOV. 20 Rev. Jesse Jackson and Wessthedj will
The Mid-Atlantic Uniform League visit spin tracks. Hellno Kitty hosts the party.
hosts a party at the D.C. Eagle (3701 Pretty Boi Drag presents Metropolitan Community Church of No cover. For more details, visit facebook.
Benning Rd., N.E.) tonight from 9 p.m.-1 #PrettyBoiSundayService at the Bier Washington observes Transgender Day com/tradebardc.
a.m. The event is part of the D.C. Eagles Baron Tavern (1523 22nd St., N.W.) today of Remembrance this evening from 5:30-
46th anniversary party. For more details from 2-5 p.m. Sunday Service is a parody 8 p.m. The event will honor those who THURSDAY, NOV. 23
and ticket prices, visit drag church which heavily features hip- have been killed due to anti-transgender
Man Upp and Joe Whitaker host Sir hop and R&B songs. The service will be led violence. For more details, visit facebook. The D.C. Center (2000 14th St., N.W.)
Jock/Harness, a D.C. Eagle celebration by Pretty Rik E with performances from com/empowertransdc. hosts a Thanksgiving dinner today from
party, at the D.C. Eagle (2701 Benning Rd., the Pretty Boi Drag troupe. The event D.C. Pride Volleyball League hosts 1-5 p.m. Doors open at 1 p.m. and dinner
N.E.) tonight from 11 p.m.-4 a.m. There is for guests 21 and over. Best dressed its end-of-season party at Nellies Sports starts at 5 p.m. Food will be provided
will be a cigar and pipe mens social on guest will receive prizes including Pretty Bar (900 U St., N.W.) tonight at 8 p.m. The but guests are welcome to bring a dish
the patio. DJ Corey Craig will play music. Boi Drag swag and tickets to their second winning teams will be celebrated and to share. Guests are also encouraged to
Tickets are $15. For more information, anniversary show in January. For more the most valuable players and the most bring music to share, board games or any
visit details, visit improved players will be recognized. holiday traditions. For more information,
Janet Jackson presents her State of Washington Concert Opera presents There will be pizza, food specials and visit

F I LM N OV E M B E R 17, 2017 31

Justice League a strong

action lm with heart
Supporting cast
shines in long-awaited
superhero adventure

Justice League is great fun.

Directed by Zack Snyder (with an
uncredited assist from Joss Whedon)
from a screenplay by Chris Torres (with
a credited assist from Joss Whedon), the
lm pleasantly and eectively blends fast-
paced action sequences, frequent doses of
comedy, and enough engaging drama to
cover the exposition needed to launch the
next several movies in the DC Universe.
The plot kicks o when Bruce Wayne/ The Flash, Batman and Wonder Woman team
Batman (Ben Aeck), still feeling guilty up in Justice League.
about the death of Superman (Henry Cavill),
battles a mysterious winged creature that He has only his guilt and his gadgets; as
seems to feed on fear. At the same time, he admits, his only superpower is that
after handily thwarting a terrorist attack, hes rich. Maybe its time for Batman to
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) recharge while he appears as a supporting
receives a warning of imminent danger character, or maybe its time for a reboot.
from her fellow Amazons. The supporting cast is amazingseasoned
The pair meet up and decide to bring veterans who provide serious support to
together an eclectic band of powerful the main cast and who bring a depth of
mists to ght Steppenwolf (voiced by
Ciarn Hinds), a nasty intergalactic villain
who wants to conquer the world. His
pathos, gravity, humor and wisdom to the
story. Theres Diane Lane as the grieving
Martha Kent and Amy Adams as Lois Lane,
Our differences are what
storyline, quite frankly, is rather confusing
and not very interesting, but that really
Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Joe Morton as Dr.
Stone, Billy Crudup as Henry Allen, Connie
we have in common!
doesnt matter. Snyder and Torres (and Nielsen as Hippolyta and J.K. Simmons as
Whedon) wisely focus their energy on the Commissioner Gordon. Without them, the Our multicultural, multilingual environment educates global
emergence of the Justice League and the movie would be much less interesting. citizens beginning in Preschool and culminating in the world-
emotional journeys of the characters. The movie generally looks lovely, with
As seen in last years Batman v beautiful establishing shots dening each
renowned IB Diploma program in Grades 11 and 12.
Superman: Dawn of Justice, the other new location. Theres plenty of light so
members of the League are Barry Allen/ you can see the actors faces and follow
The Flash (Ezra Miller), Victor Stone/ the action clearly. The ght scenes are
Cyborg (Ray Fisher) and Arthur Curry/ well choreographed with a clear narrative
Aquaman (Jason Momoa). ow and ne ashes of humor. Snyder
The acting, for the most part, is strong and his crew (and Whedon) enjoy playing
and interesting. Gal Gadot is a cinematic with the timing of the action sequences;
treasure. She looks great in the action the other characters slow down when
sequences; shes erce and vulnerable viewed by the Flash. Some of the special
with plenty of charm, a warm sense of eects fall at (the streaks of light that
humor and a deep concern for her fellow follow The Flash need some rethinking),
superheroes and for all of humanity. but for the most part, things work well.
Miller, who recently came out as Fans will want to watch the lm for a
bisexual, brings a nice blend of comedy second time on streaming or DVD to make
and social anxiety to the role, growing in sure they catch all of the inside jokes,
condence as he explores his powers. Easter eggs and evolving origin stories, but
Fisher is fascinating as an anguished everyone should see the lm in theaters
young man whose human parts are rst to enjoy the spectacle. The lm should
being slowly replaced by machinery. please both fans and neophytes.
Despite the poorly designed costume Justice League is a strong action lm
and an underwritten role, Momoa is ne with a warm heart and a pleasant sense SMALL-GROUPTOURSAVAILABLETHROUGH
as Aquaman, ready to take his place in of humor. The characters bravely face MID-DECEMBER RESERVATIONSREQUIRED
the cinematic kingdom. Steppenwolf, but even more importantly,
We welcome applicants from varied language
The only real weak spot is Ben Aeck they face down their own fears and
who seems tired. Batman is the lynchpin foibles and help their comrades do the backgrounds and skill levels, including beginners.
of the plot, but both the character and same. And that, after all, is what being a
his performance seem underdeveloped. superhero is really all about. Learn more at

32 NOV E M B E R 17, 2017 O U T & A BO U T



Tatianna, Kasha perform at Comfort Cases benet
W/ JODY NARDONE Comfort Cases hosts Cocktails, Queens and Comfort Cases, a drag show
fundraiser, at Town (2009 8th St.,N.W.) on Saturday, Nov. 25 from 7-9:30 p.m.
RuPauls Drag Race stars Tatianna and Mrs. Kasha Davis will perform. Tickets
KRANIUM W/ KAPPA are $50. All proceeds benet Comfort Cases, a local charity that provides items
to children in the foster care system. Ticket includes admission into the Comfort Chaka Kahn to play
Cases drag show and Towns drag show at 10:30 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. First
AN EVENING WITH SUPERFLYDISCO: performance starts at 8 p.m. Ticket guarantees entry but seating is rst come, Warner next weekend
THE INAUGURAL BLACK FRIDAY rst served. Legendary R&B singer Chaka Kahn
DISCO-FUNK THROWDOWN For more information, visit performs at the Warner Theatre (513
13th St., N.W.) on Friday, Nov. 24 at 8 p.m.
SAT, NOV 25 Kahn, seen here in a 2011 performance
ALL GOOD PRESENTS SCYTHIAN at the Birchmere, will be singing her
W/ FORLORN STRANGERS classic hits such as Im Every Woman,
Angel and I Love Myself. Tickets
SUN, NOV 26 3:00PM & 6:30PM range from $69-90. VIP options are also
A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS WITH available. Doors open at 7 p.m.
ERIC BYRD TRIO For more details, visit

SLATE PRESENTS St. Vincent brings
THE GIST PODCAST LIVE: tour to the Anthem
St. Vincent performs at the Anthem
THURS, NOV 30 (901 Wharf St., S.W.) on Monday, Nov. 27
JOHN ANDERSON The sexually uid singers fth studio
album Masseducation cracked the
SUN, DEC 10 top 10 on the Billboard 200. The album
AN INTIMATE EVENING WITH features the hit singles New York and
EMMYLOU HARRIS Los Ageless. Tickets range from $44-
BENEFITING 149. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
BONAPARTES RETREAT For more details, visit
& TERESA WILLIAMS Book of Merman is
THURS, DEC 21 Broadway spoof
AN EVENING WITH Drag Race queens unite for Xmas show D.C. Arts Center (2438 18th St., N.W.)
THE BSTREETBAND presents The Book of Merman on Saturday,
Murray and Peter present A Drag Queen Christmas: the Naughty Tour at the Nov. 25 and Sunday, Nov. 26 at 3 p.m.
FRI, DEC 22 Lincoln Theatre (1215 U St., N.W.) on Sunday, Nov. 26 at 7 p.m. A parody of the Broadway musical
YELLOW DUBMARINE Performing queens include Shea Coulee, Kim Chi, Latrice Royale, Farrah Moan, The Book of Mormon, the reimagining
W/ THE LOVING PAUPERS Naomi Smalls, Chi Chi DeVayne and Eureka OHara. Roxxxy Andrews hosts. switches the setting from Africa to the
General admission tickets range from $20-50. VIP tickets are $125 and include home of Ethel, a musical theater icon.
guaranteed premium reserved sets, priority line to meet the queens and take Ethel teaches the two missionaries about
pictures and an ocial tour poster and customized laminate with lanyard. Meet music, love and Broadway magic. The
and greet packages start at 5:45 p.m. show runs through Dec. 8. Tickets are $25.
For more details, visit For more information, visit

DINING N OV E M B E R 17, 2017 33

Turkey day twists

Area restaurants oer Nov. 24-26, accompanied by tamales and
a cranberry orange salsa. Call 202-723-
clever variations on

0200 to order the roulade for pick-up.
Thanksgiving staples Le Diplomate (1601 14th St., N.W.; Yes, youll be able
to get a French-inspired traditional
Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings

at Le Dip, including pumpkin soup,
sausage stung and roasted turkey
breast but consider opting for the duck
sarladaise. Usually only available on the
brunch menu, this hearty dish is a worthy
stand-in, a rich layering of duck cont and

potatoes roasted in duck fat topped o
with a fried egg. End your meal with a
glass of Vidal Ice Wine, the perfect note
of chilled sweetness to accompany the
slightly savory avor of pumpkin pie.
Osteria Morini (301 Water St., S.E.; Classic Thanksgiving

dishes and Italian ingredients were
somehow made for each other, as
PHOTO BY JAI WILLIAMS showcased on Osteria Morinis three-
Mexican turkey roulade with tamales is just
course Thanksgiving Day menu. At $59
one of the interesting twists on traditional per person, you might choose to start
Thanksgiving fare oered at area restaurants. with a creamy housemade burrata
paired with slightly bitter charred rapini
and a sweet g agrodolce, brown butter-
By KRISTEN HARTKE glazed gnocchi with delicata squash,
turkey breast with a focaccia and turkey
Welcoming The
If weve learned anything during the
past interesting year in U.S. history, its
leg stung, Brussels sprouts with crispy
pancetta and cippolini onions, and top it
Holiday Season!
that there is no one person or ethnic
group that can dene what it means to
o with a Tahitian vanilla cheesecake with
apple compote and polenta cake crumble.
Champagne B runch
be American. By the same token, while Rasika (633 D St., N.W.;
the turkey-and-stung Thanksgiving Day If you ever Unlimited Champagne by the Glass
meal is considered an American classic, thought turkey was boring, executive chef Saturdays A-La-Carte $29.95
it is the culinary ethnic touches that Vikram Sunderam has created a special Sunday Buffet $38.95
individual families bring to the table that Thanksgiving Day dish that will forever Voted 2016 TOP TEN Best Brunches
tells the true story of Thanksgiving. As a alter that perception. The Turkey Istew, ***
nation of immigrants, some of us may priced at $20, is turkey breast simmered
have grown up feasting on both turkey in coconut milk with curry leaves, ginger Holiday Steak Dinner
and tamales, mac ncheese and matzo and green chili, served with smoked $18.95
balls, pumpkin pie and pandan cake. butternut squash kootu, Brussels sprouts Served Nightly* November 1 Thru December 30
In the spirit of celebrating all that is poriyal and cranberry rice. Add the ghobi Caesar or House Salad, 10oz. NY Steak and Fries
American, consider using this years mattar and lemon cashew nut rice from *Excluding Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving holiday to explore the full the a la carte menu for a celebratory meal ***
array of avors of America. A wide range loaded with deep avors and textures.
of restaurants across the area oer both City Tap Dupont (1250 Connecticut Under $10 - Daily Lunch Specials
inspiration and myriad options, whether Ave., N.W.; Allagash Choice of Entres, Pastas, Salads or Burgers
you choose to eat out or stay in. Heres Brewery is bringing the avors of hops ***
a brief selection of whats on the menu: and malt to the menu in a series of beer-
Taqueria del Barrio (821 Upshur St., avored side dishes to accompany City Happy Hour $3-$4-$5-$6-$7
N.W.; Mexican Taps brined turkey with a brown ale gravy. Appetizers, Martinis & Drinks - 4PM-7PM
turkey roulade turkey wrapped around Look for Allagash Black chestnut and ***
pork loin wrapped around house-made pear stung, Allagash white orange and
chorizo provides a stunning centerpiece cranberry sauce, and an Allagash Tripel Thanksgiving Day Dinner
for your table. You can order the roulade reduction with roasted carrots. Pumpkin Celebration
($16 per pound; one pound feeds two pie will come topped o with Allagash $35.95 Adults/$16.95 Children 13 and under
people) through Monday, Nov. 20 to pick Curieux caramel sauce. Platters with the Includes Champagne - Served Noon to 8:00PM
up from the restaurant on Wednesday, turkey and side dishes are $30 and the
Nov. 22; add homemade cheese poblano Allagash beers featured on the menu will 202-872-1126 17th & Rhode Island Ave. NW
tamales ($3.99 each). And while the be oered on draft at special prices.
Holiday Events Great Choices,
restaurant will be closed on Thanksgiving Holiday Menus With Something For Everyone
Day, the roulade will be on the menu from CONTINUES AT WASHINGTONBLADE.COM
Insertion date:

34 N OV E M B E R 17, 201 7 A D V I CE

Tell or stay mum?

4.75" x 11.5" 4C NP
NOVEMBER 17, 2017
Friends ing puts
is pressuring me to act like nothing is
new relationship in wrong so that Scott wont get suspicious.
precarious spot But I dont know how I can hang out with
the two of them like everything is normal.
And Greg doesnt want to meet them,
pretending that hes never met Adam.


Yikes! Sorry that youve been put in a

tough situation. Your job is to gure out
how to respond to this in a way that has
MICHAEL RADKOWSKY, Psy.D. is a licensed
psychologist who works with gay individuals integrity for you.
and couples in D.C. He can be found online You say you dont know what to do,
at All identifying
information has been changed for reasons but you also say that you dont know how
of condentiality. Have a question? Send it to you can hang out with Adam and Scott pretending that nothing is wrong. Sounds
to me like you have a path forward. Even
HI MICHAEL, if Adam is pressuring you, its not your job
to help him keep his husband clueless.
My best friends Adam and Scott have Of course, if you did want to go forward
been together for years and got married with the two of them as if nothing were
a few summers ago. I was the best amiss, you could. Some might judge you
man. We all met in college when Adam for keeping important information from
and I were roommates. Scott, but theres a case to be made that
Recently I started dating Greg. Our this is a matter between Adam and Scott.
relationship is going great. A few weeks And I wonder if Scott really has no clue
back I had him over to my place for the about any of this; many spouses in similar
rst time and he was looking over the situations dont want to let themselves
pictures hanging in myliving room. see what they really do know.
When I pointed out the photo of me Next issue: Scott is pressuring you
withAdam and Scottat their wedding,he to get together. This is a tough one.
got a strange look on his face. Then he told Obviously, you can make excuses for only
me he had hooked up with Adam over the so long. If you dont respond, youll lose
summer (before we met) in New York. your friendship with Scott. But how can
Both of them were there for work and you explain to him why you dont want to

A Spectacular
met online. I guess Adam felt anonymous hang out with him and Adam?
up there. What are the odds? You can tell Scott why youve been
Im very upset. MostlyI am feeling bad for keeping your distance so he doesnt get
Scott. Im angryatAdam for betraying him. angry at you or remain mystied about

Holiday Season
I also feel betrayed. I thought Adam and what he might have done to alienate
Scott were the perfect couple. Very loving, you. However, that move may blow up
devoted to each other and they always his marriage. Again, theres a case to be
have made it clear theyre monogamous. made that this is Adams news to share.
Now Im wondering if anyone is If you do decide to let Scott know the
Be dazzled by the glamour and elegance trustworthy and if great relationships reason for your sudden disappearance, I
of a Hillwood holiday, including glittering really exist. advise you tell Adam in advance, if for no
trees inspired by the special exhibition, The three of us get together all the other reason than to give him a chance to
time and I was going to introduce them talk with Scott himself.
Spectacular Gems and Jewelry.
to Greg the weekend after this happened. As for getting Greg involved in any of
I cancelled the plan and asked Adam to this, that sounds like a bad idea, especially
meet me so I could discuss all this with him. because he isnt interested in going near
Adam didnt deny hooking up with this mess. Pushing him to do something
Greg but claims it was the rst time hes he doesnt want to do would be a great
ever done this since he and Scott met way to damage this new relationship.
16 years ago and he also told me that About your hopelessness with regard to
he had already decided he didnt ever true love, honesty and delity: Its true that
want to do this again because he felt many people act badly in all sorts of ways,
awful about it. but that doesnt mean you are fated to do
Then he begged me not to say anything the same. You will always have the option
to Scott and said Scott doesnt need to to behave in a way that you respect, just
know because he will always be faithful as you do at present, despite Adams
to Scott in the future. pressure. So as long as you can nd a
Now open every Sunday Hours: Tues Sun 10am 5pm I dont like keeping secrets and I dont willing partner, youll be able to construct 4155 Linnean Ave. NW, Washington DC Free parking want to lie to Scott, who keeps texting me a loving and honest relationship.
about when well get together. Please keep in mind, though, that none
Now I dont know what to do. Adam of us is perfect and all of us make mistakes.

HIL-035-Christmas_WashBlade_Nov17_4.75x11.5_v1.indd 1 11/14/17 4:36 PM


S P O RTS N OV E M B E R 17, 2017 35

Rogue hits the bullseye

New LGBT darts league
draws hundreds

Earlier this year, Stonewall Darts

disappeared from the LGBT sports
community in the District. It was part
of the D.C.-based Stonewall Sports
organization that oers kickball, bocce,

Spirit of the
dodgeball, billiards, climbing and yoga.
The rumors were formed quickly that
the league had been kicked out of the
group or that there were personality
conicts. Even the new name, Rogue

Darts, could be perceived as a diss. HENDERSON and RALPH ALSTON, co-
founders of Rogue Darts.
I cannot convey with more sincerity
that the name was not meant to be a
stab in the eye. There were hundreds
of names tossed around and we spent tip darts and the game of Cricket.
weeks deciding what it would be, says At 336 players, they have increased
Austin Henderson, founder of Stonewall the number of boards, walls and physical
Darts and co-founder of Rogue Darts. We space to foster more growth. One thing
respect Stonewall Sports and will continue that continues to be a struggle is coming up
to have a relationship with them. with 56 distinct colors for the team shirts.
Henderson was among the rst players We have to utilize dierent shirt
in the inaugural Stonewall Kickball league in brands to come up with varying hues. The
2010 and the rst Stonewall Bocce league sorting process is crazy, says Henderson.
in 2011. He was working as a bartender Last summers most interesting color
at MOVA when the idea came to launch name was heather apricot.
Stonewall Darts in the bars back room. The One of the unique things for Rogue is
rst season in 2013 drew 72 players. that sponsorship for the league is built-
There was immediate success with in since they are playing in bars. It opens
growth resulting in a move to Diego and them up to looking for sponsorship
eventually to Cobalt in 2015. Demand outside of the food and beverage industry
was so high that members formed such as the support they receive from the
an oseason league at Nellies called Tom Buerger Team.
Tuesday Night Flights. Registration for the league is $50 per player
For those rst few years, all the and Rogue Darts is currently giving $60 per
Stonewall leagues were operating player to charities chosen by the teams.
independently. With the Stonewall This season, the dart leagues will
expansion to other cities and the surpass $150,000 in charitable giving
formation of Stonewall Dodgeball in to local nonprots over the past ve
2014, a governance structure was put in years. Rogue has added two new
place with a national board under the board members including a director of
name Stonewall Sports. education to take them to the next level
Stonewall Darts ocially joined the in engaging their charities.
organization and made changes to This started out to introduce a new
follow the new governance structure and
expansion policy. In March, its members
sport to the LGBT community and it has
turned into something that is bigger than
D.A.R. Constitution Hall
informed Stonewall Sports that they had
decided to separate themselves and
myself, Henderson says. It is an amazing
opportunity for social connections and to
1776 D St., N.W.
rebrand as Rogue Darts.
We have similar purpose and interest
have a positive impact on the community.
Coming up for Rogue Darts is continued
Washington, D.C.
with Stonewall Sports, but we wanted to branding eorts, enhancements to
be independent, Henderson says. This
will allow us to be proactive and reactive
the player experience and a possible
expansion to Northern Virginia.
Saturday, Dec. 9 at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.
to the needs of the dart players.
Rogue Darts rolled out this summer with
Henderson speaks to the draw of playing
in a dart league. Sunday, Dec. 10 at 3 p.m.
336 players on 56 teams playing on Thursday Our demographics are broad, and
nights at Cobalt. Registration for the winter we attract a varied sampling from the
season opens on Dec. 4 for returning players LGBT community. Not everyone is for FREE tickets, visit:
and the following day for new players.
Along with the summer and winter
physically capable of playing some of the
other sports, but they can throw darts.
leagues under the Rogue Darts name, Any one of our players can have that
they continue to run the oshoot league, sports moment night when they can hit
Tuesday Night Flights, at Nellies in the
spring and fall. Both leagues utilize steel
bullseyes. We oer a fun experience with
a philanthropy twist.
w w w. us a f b a n d . a f . m i l

3 6 NO VE MB ER 1 7, 2017 AUTOS

Car swag oers clever gift-giving opp

Leave your sleigh far behind
with these auto-themed
Lexus F Sport
holiday gift ideas Speedster wall clock
Lexus may not be
By JOE PHILLIPS trying to stop time
in its tracks, but the
F Sport Speedster
wall clock ($59) is
designed with a
disc-brake rotor
Cadillac cu links and caliper. The 12
Need something more Allen cap screws,
aordable? Classy cu links which double as hour
with the Caddy shield are priced under markers, secure the clock
$40 but look like they cost 10 times as to the center of the rotor.
much. Plus, they come in an elegant-
looking velveteen gift box.

BMW Golfsport Collection Ford ugly Christmas stocking

For more playful gifts, BMW tees things Yes, even Ford ocially calls
up with its Golfsport Collection. Includes it the ugly Christmas stocking
Porsche 911 high-end speaker special colors and the BMW logo on ($12.95). The acrylic knit stocking
Talk about an exhaust rumble: Porsche golng equipment and apparel, including with the Ford oval logo and an
has created a smokin high-end speaker baseball caps, jackets, golf ugly sweater design has a hook
for home or oce. Built with the original balls, umbrellas, gym to hang from a desk or replace
exhaust pipe from a 911 GT3, the $600 bags, shoe bags, golf mantel. Splurge a bit, and you can
speaker has Bluetooth to transfer music bags and more. add the ugly sweater beanie cap
from smartphones and other digital ($14.95).
devices. Bonus option: a $3,000 Porsche
soundbar in the shape of a 911 muer.

Bentley fragrances
Too embarrassed to hang an air
freshener from in the car? (Or, ick, maybe
Matching Ferrari wristwatches you know someone who
Two identical RedRev quartz really should?) Bentley has
wristwatches from Ferrari are a line of ne fragrance
part of a $245 package deal. The products called Momentum
design is very sporty or molto featuring body wash and
sportivo, for all you Italian various colognes.
wannbes with red-on-black
styling and Ferraris iconic yellow
dancing-horse logo on the watch dial
and gift box.
Monopoly board game
Mercedes is celebrating the
50th anniversary of AMG, the
automakers high-performance
Yours and mine Rolls-Royce coupes division, with a 50 Years of AMG
This years natty Neiman Marcus Monopoly board game ($65).
holiday catalog features a pair of sexy, Instead of landing on railroads,
limited-edition Dawn Drophead Coupes. there are legendary race
Available in Lake Como-inspired Coniston circuits. Tires and Car Wash/
Blue ($439,625) and Saint-Tropez Detail replace the utilities.
Orange ($445,750), each comes with a Insurance and Registration
shimmering silver hood and lambs wool take the place of taxes. Even
oor mats. If you cant snag these deuce Chance and Community Chest
coupes only 20 units will be produced, are gone, replaced by Pit Road
after all you can still order another and Victory Lane. Nifty custom
Roller, with a choice of more than 44,000 tokens include a drivers helmet, wheel
striking colors. rim, F1 racecar, gullwing, crest and engine.

T H E A TE R N OV E M B E R 17, 2017 37


HoLiDaY OpEn HoUsE
SUSAN MARIE RHEA plays a Victorian explorer and other roles in Top Girls.
N OV E M B E R 2 4, 2 5 & 2 6
at a l l t h r e e s t o r e s
Girls night out Explore our unique ornaments, fresh cut trees and
greens, hand-crafted wreaths and bows,
Colorful character study is evidenced by Marlenes big shoulder- and gifts for everyone on your list.
timely, cleverly juxtoposed padded power suits, moves to the Top
Girls employment agency where Marlene
is busy moving up the corporate ladder.
By PATRICK FOLLIARD But even for Marlene who true to Iron
Lady philosophy believes, anyone can
Top Girls, an early work by brilliant British do anything if theyve got what it takes
playwright Caryl Churchill now at Keegan cant have it all. In pursuit of success shes
Theatre, opens with a fantastical scene. What abandoned her family.
rst seems a meeting of rather eccentrically And sadly, the striving women
dressed fashionistas is in fact a collection of in the Top Girls oce treat female
extraordinary women from history, literature applicants in the same ways men have
and myth gathered in a trendy London traditionally treated working women.
restaurant to celebrate ambitious Marlenes Ones wedding aspirations deem her
promotion to managing director of an inferior and a middle-aged woman is
employment agency. treated with suspicion for wanting to
Marlenes (Karina Hilleard) assembled leave a longtime position where she has
guests include Victorian explorer Isabella been passed unfairly passed over for
Bird (Keegans artistic director Susan promotion. A young wannabe executive
Marie Rhea), the 13th-century Japanese (Daven Raltson) proves impressive until
courtesan-turned-Buddhist nun Lady it becomes amusingly clear her work
Nijo (Alexandra Palting), woman warrior history is less than accurate. Here and
Dull Gret (Caroline Dubberly) from the throughout the play, Churchill subtly
Brueghel painting, and Pope Joan (an
ethereal Jessica Lefkow). Mid-meal and
and sometimes not so subtly reminds
us that the success of one woman rarely
many drinks in, theyre joined by Patient correlates to the whole. HOLIDAY ORDEAL
Griselda (Amanda Forstrom), a character Hilleards Marlene has many notes; SAT, DEC 9, 8pm
from Chaucers Canterbury Tales. shes tough as nails yet sympathetic.
Seated at a long table facing the The remainder of the seven-woman cast SIXTH & I
audience la da Vincis Last Supper agilely move in out and of varied roles. In The holidays get hot and
backed by a jagged London cityscape, some instances, performances might be bothered as singer Storm
the women, ostensibly gathered to reined in a tad. Large (known for her work
toast Marlene, quickly put the spotlight In the third act, which predates the
with Pink Martini) lights up
on themselves sharing triumphs and second by a year, Marlene returns to her
Sixth & I with her commanding
insights, except for Dull Gret who merely working-class roots. Shes gone to provincial
voice and bawdy humor.
adds the well-timed grunt or one-word Ipswich where her unhappy sister Joyce
comment. But soon the conversation (Rhea) who ekes out a living as a cleaner is Parental advisory: This program
turns to their disappointments and how raising Marlenes aggressive and mentally includes mature themes and
they were ultimately hurt or held back by challenged teenage daughter Angie language.
men. The worst fates were suered by (Dubberly) as her own. Talk turns to politics. Special thanks: The Abramson Family
Pope Joan and Griselda, whose husband Marlene awkwardly spouts bootstrap Foundation
tested her in the most barbaric ways. rhetoric where its least appreciated.
Its a fascinating dinner, nicely paced by For the more vulnerable, the prevailing
director Amber Paige McGinnis and well- feeling is fear. Not dated, indeed. TICKETS: (202) 785-9727
acted. Its not the least ponderous and
cleverly constructed with Churchills dialogue TOP GIRLS
Through Dec. 2
intentionally overlapping and interrupting. Keegan Theatre
The second act, set rmly in the days 1742 Church St., N.W.
of Thatcherism (the timely, not-dated 202-265-3767
play premiered in London in 1982) as
3 8 N O VEMB ER 1 7, 2017 W A SH I N G T O N BLA D E . CO M
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM N O V E MBE R 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 3 9

4 0 NO VE MB ER 1 7, 2017 P H O T O S BY W Y A T T W E ST LU N D

Patrons enjoyed a drag show and dancing at Town Danceboutique on Saturday.


A R T S & EN TE RTA I NMENT N O V E MBE R 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 4 1

Revels celebrate winter solstice Dec. 9-17 at Lisner

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 Carol with the annual Family Luncheon life-challenging illnesses by delivering
(Dec. 9); Home for the Holidays (Dec. 16-17) specialized meals and groceries and
and no tickets are necessary. Parking is and the amazing Cirque de la Symphonie providing nutrition counseling. Please
free but limited. Audience members are Holiday Spectacular (Dec. 22-23). bring a non-perishable food item.
also encouraged to bring a candle to join Some of Strathmores other holiday The Washington Revels agship
in the tradition of exiting the Filene Center oerings include the Canadian Brass production The Christmas Revels is an
with a candlelight processional during the Christmas (Dec. 8), The Hip Hop Nutcracker annual festive celebration of the winter
last verse of Silent Night. (Dec. 12-13); A Candlelight Christmas solstice and the return of sun and light
Handels epic masterpiece The (Dec. 15); Moscow Ballets Great Russian after the shortest day. Through music,
Messiah is of course everywhere this Nutcracker (Dec. 22-23); and the Salute to dance and drama, it draws on traditions
holiday season. The Kennedy Center Vienna New Years Concert (Dec. 30). and rituals from many lands, peoples and
( alone will be Other holiday events at the Kennedy eras.
presenting three dierent versions of Center include A Holiday Pops featuring The National Gallery of Art (
the holiday classic. From Dec. 14-17, Megan Hilty (Smash) performing with the continues its long-standing tradition of
maestro Jeanette Sorrell will conduct four NSO Pops under the direction of conductor community caroling in the West Building
acclaimed soloists performing with the Stephen Reineke (Dec. 8-9); The Second Rotunda. Caroling commences at 1:30
University of Maryland Concert Choir. Citys Twist Your Dickens, an irreverent and 2:30 p.m. Featured guests include the
There will be a 25th anniversary concert KONICEK as Jacob Marley in last years improvisational take on the tale of Ebenezer National Presbyterian School Chorus (Dec.
celebration of Handels Messiah: A production of A Christmas Carol at Fords Scrooge by the legendary comedy troupe 9), the United States Army Chorus (Dec.
Soulful Celebration on Dec. 20. And on Theatre. (Dec. 5-31); A Jazz New Years Eve with 10), the Centennial High School Madrigals
Dec. 23, the Messiah Sing Along will Dee Dee Bridgewater (Dec. 31); and daily (Dec. 16) and the National United
take place in the Concert Hall. Free tickets free oerings on the Millennium Stage. Methodist Church Singers and Ringers
for the annual community tradition will with Edward Polochick conducting from Mark your calendars for the D.C. (Dec. 17). Singing along is encouraged
be distributed starting at 4:30 p.m. the harpsichord (; and the Dierent Drummers ( annual For those who like A Christmas Carol
Other performances of the Handel National Philharmonic at the Strathmore holiday concert and food drive on Dec 10. with all the trimmings, Fords Theatres
holiday classic are oered by Washington on Dec. 16-17 ( This free celebration of the beautiful music ( annual production runs Nov.
National Cathedral Choir & Baroque In addition to Messiah, the Baltimore of the holiday season will benet Food & 16-Dec. 31. on the Museums website at
Orchestra from Dec. 1-3 (; the Symphony Orchestra will oer a full slate Friends (, a D.C.-based
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (Dec. 9-10) of holiday fare, including A Christmas non-prot that cares for individuals with CONTINUES AT WASHINGTONBLADE.COM




202.332.3300 | STUDIOTHEATRE.ORG
42 NO V E M B E R 17, 2017 W A SH I N G T O N BLA D E . CO M

D.C.s first woman-owned distillery

an entrepreneurial dream come true
Leaving govt work behind,
local lesbians find passion
in Republic Restoratives


Seatings at 1:30 pm, 4 pm, and 6:30 pm
Friends from childhood, launching Re-
CALL FOR RESERVATIONS TODAY! public Restoratives Distillery in May 2016
provided lesbian co-founders Pia Carusone
and Rachel Gardner the opportunity worka-
M-TH 11:30AM-10PM F-SAT 11:30AM-11PM day professionals in D.C. frequently long for
SUN. BRUNCH 11AM-3PM / DINNER 3-10PM but dont often have the chance to create.
For Carusone, who worked as chief of
322 MASS. AVE. NE 202.543.7656 staff to Congresswoman Gabby Giffords,
CAFEBERLIN-DC.COM the assassination attempt on her boss in
2011 proved a moment of reflection for
the now entrepreneur. You cant help but
ask yourself, what has my life amounted
to, what would I regret following an expe-
rience like that, she says. PIA CARUSONE (pictured) and Rachel Gardner founded Republic Restoratives Distillery in May
Rachel and I had been talking about 2016.
starting a business of some kind, explains
Carusone, noting that the shooting inci-
dent prompted Gardner, also a govern- munity enterprise. Restaurants and bars stores. Direct distribution allows us to get
ment employee, to ponder similar ques- had begun connecting patrons to their to know our clients and quickly respond
tions while they continued engagements culinary product by emphasizing locally to their needs, says Carusone, building a
in civic service or on political issues. sourced ingredients, notes Carusone, sense of community in the process.
Each married and living with their and now you see the same with spirits. The most surprising challenge for les-
same-sex spouses in the District, We If you dont have local products on bian entrepreneurs Carusone and Gard-
wanted to contribute to the city we both your bar, youre likely not at the top of ner, along with transgender sales direc-
love, emphasizes Carusone. Gardner had your game in the current hospitality tor Whit Kathner who rounds out the
previously taken a liquor distillation class, scene, Carusone asserts. founding team, is that no LGBT venues,
which would serve as catalyst for the duo Republic Restoratives entered the mar- accustomed to marketing-subsidized
in discerning a business path and plan. ketplace with Civic Vodka a dry, crisp, deep-discounting by corporate brands,
They discovered that recent reforms corn-based ferment with a subtly sweet are customers.
to D.C. liquor laws designed to encour- taste that compares well. Borough Bour- Supporting our local community is the
age the development
A D V E R T Iof S Ilocal
N G distilleries,
PROOF bon was next, distilled five years with high single most important thing you can do,
E: 171110 SALES REPRESENTATIVE: JOE HICKLING ( breweries, and wineries were offset by wheat content and notably smooth flavor. Carusone says. Try our products, come
the difficulty assembling private financing Rodham Rye whiskey was intended as a to visit us at our Tasting Room, and sug-
roof. Proof will be considered nal and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours ofor bank loans. As smart and savvy as they
EVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of
celebration of women for launch during gest that your favorite bar or restaurant
mnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser isare now knowledgeable about the indus-
e date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts
the presidential inauguration of name- give us a try.
sponsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users
an link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws ortry and operating a business, Carusone
ny rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any
sake Hillary Clinton. As it turned out, the Republic Restoratives Distillery is locat-
ompetition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation,and Gardner instead launched an online
opyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair
defeated Clinton was later presented with ed at 1369 New York Ave., N.E., adjacent
Bottle #1 of the distinctive pour. to the iconic former Hecht Co. building in
any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the
ashington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and allappeal for this
By signing financial support.
proof you are agreeing to your contract obligations with the
ability, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred washington blade newspaper. This includes but is not limited to placement,
y brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertisers breach of any of the foregoing representations
nd warranties.
result is the
and insertion largest crowd-funded
schedule. A fourth product was introduced this fall: the Ivy City area. The production facility
craft distillery in the world and first wom- Chapmans Apple Brandy, commemorat- features a Tasting Room craft cocktail bar
an-owned in D.C. history. ing Johnny Appleseeds surname. Picked open Thursday and Friday 5-11 p.m., Sat-
Having proved their innovative mettle and pressed in Adams County, Pennsylva- urday noon-11 p.m., and Sunday noon-5
soliciting small investor backing, commer- nia, by seventh-generation Three Springs p.m. Private event bookings are accom-
cial bank and private investment funding Fruit Farm for dual-oak resting and distil- modated and special food-and-drink
would soon follow. lation at the D.C. warehouse, this refined paired tastings are offered. More info is
They joined the growing ranks of local concoction blending four unique varietals at
independent alcohol producers in the offers a taste of the harvest.
District, creating and capturing an emerg- Republic Restoratives self-distributes MARK LEE is a long-time entrepreneur and
community business advocate. Follow on Twit-
ing consumer appreciation for, and at- to 200 local establishments and its spirits ter: @MarkLeeDC. Reach him at OurBusiness-
traction to, hometown spirits and com- are available at a growing number of retail
Attorneys that are OUTthinking |OUTspoken |OUTdoing

W A Sh In gTO nB LAde.C OM n O V e MBe R 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 4 3


5 things to know when considering a retirement community

Do your research, assess want to make sure that the residence you
your future needs choose is in good financial standing that
will guarantee the longevity of your new
By MONIQUE ELIEZER home. A good measure of financial sta-
bility is occupancy level and existence of
As we get into the swing of the holidays wait list.
and gather around family and friends, Future Needs. Alongside finances,
one conversation that may come up is re- keeping in mind what your future needs
tirement and senior living options. Having may look like will prove beneficial for
this conversation can be overwhelming, your loved ones as everyone ages at their
as can navigating the different choices own pace. Does a 50-and-up retirement
that will be the best fit. Luckily, there are community best fit those needs? Or is it
various senior living options available, a CCRC? There are options suited for ev-
from 50-and-up retirement communities eryone.
to continuing care retirement communi- Location. Choosing where your new
ties (CCRC). A 50-and-up retirement com- home will be is usually non-negotiable
munity is generally designed for indepen- for most residents and their loved ones.
dent older adults and may offer some While doing your research be sure to
services like maintenance. A CCRC offers keep in mind what is important to you. A
all levels of care to its residents, from in- suburban area that is more set aside? Or
dependent living, to assisted living, home in the city with easy access to dining, en-
care, and skilled nursing. tertainment and shopping?
No matter what type of retirement Considering a retirement community? Be sure to do your research.
Community Personality. Do not wait
community youre considering, here are BIGSTOCK PHOTO; COURTESY OF WILLIAM.PERUGINI until the physical move to get to know
some things to keep in mind: your community. Go have lunch, attend
Research. Before you make any deci- an event or participate in an activity. Is
sions, research is always a key first step is so important to not wait until the move compare current expenses to the cost of the community diverse? Inclusive? When
on the journey to finding the best retire- is need driven to begin looking. Plan your living at your potential new community. you walked into the community did you
ment and senior living option. move now. Think of it as an adventure. It This can be done with a cost calculator usu- feel welcomed and comfortable?
An online search or getting recommen- is positive to be proactive about making ally available on the community website.
dations from friends and family that have the move early. Something to also keep in mind is a
made the transition can give you a jump- Finances. Mapping out your finances communitys financial state. When con- MONIQUE ELIEZER, Meliezer@Inglesideonline.
org, is chief officer of Sales, Marketing, and
start in the right direction. Regardless, it prior to your move is crucial. Be sure to sidering a long-term arrangement, you Strategy for Ingleside.


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