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Feasibility Study (Veggie Bread)

1. 1. Capitol University Corrales - Osmea Ext., Cagayan de Oro City In Partial

Fulfillment of the Subject Feasibility Study Submitted by: Brenely T. Solis
Junryl L. Ybaez Anjhie Grace M. Valle Bryan Agustin B. Oculam Submitted
to: Dr. Aldrich S. Palarca
2. 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researcher would indebted to so people who
have suggested and shared their ideas to the conceptualization of this
research. This Feasibility Study has been made possible by the guidance,
supervision, cooperation and participation of the following: To our Almighty
God who always look up and secure the safety of the proponents in doing
this project To our parents for the financial assistance and who always
guide and give words of wisdom to inspire us in doing our best in preparing
the Feasibility Study. To our beloved intelligent Professor, Aldrich S.
Palarca, who has greatly shared his knowledge with us with patience and
diligence in helping us meet the necessary works for the completion of our
Feasibility study. Sincerest gratitude is extended also to our respondents,
the Business Administration Students of Capitol University for the time
they spent in the interview. Together, we sincerely acknowledge and give
thanks the person/s mentioned above who have brought the success of
doing this Feasibility Study. We are very grateful for this wonderful
3. 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researcher would indebted to so people who
have suggested and shared their ideas to the conceptualization of this
research. This Feasibility Study has been made possible by the guidance,
supervision, cooperation and participation of the following: To our Almighty
God who always look up and secure the safety of the proponents in doing
this project To our parents for the financial assistance and who always
guide and give words of wisdom to inspire us in doing our best in preparing
the Feasibility Study. To our beloved intelligent Professor, Aldrich S.
Palarca, who has greatly shared his knowledge with us with patience and
diligence in helping us meet the necessary works for the completion of our
Feasibility study. Sincerest gratitude is extended also to our respondents,
the Business Administration Students of Capitol University for the time
they spent in the interview. Together, we sincerely acknowledge and give
thanks the person/s mentioned above who have brought the success of
doing this Feasibility Study. We are very grateful for this wonderful
4. 4. Partners combine its expertise in running this business with the help of
our parents and guardians who hands out their support financially to make
this project successful. The management is not only looking forward to
self-benefit but also with the customers and community. Proving good
quality products that ensures the safety and satisfaction of the customers.
5. 5. Chapter I Introduction A healthier variety of breads are what we are in
need. For this brand perception that we formalize we would like to linger
the interest of the buyers and also the consumer with our version of
Veggie Breads. We would like introduce varieties of flavors that consumers
that would not normally taste with the following flavors that we would like
to research: malunngay (horseradish), ampalaya (bitter gourd), talong
(eggplant,) kamatis (tomatoes) etc. Nowadays people would choose an
artificially made food product that has a less healthy nutritional content
over the conventional foods that is said to be good for our health that is
available in the market. Promoting a healthy and convenient way of eating
by introducing varieties of Veggie Breads to the public consumers would
also benefit not just the consumers with the its health nutrition content it
have but also helps the Filipino farming industries in the country as well.
6. 6. Background of the Study We make this product proposal for the purpose
that we want to serve our valued customers in a new product dishes that
we give them a healthy food that will enjoy not only for adults but also for
the young ones, we add especial ingredients for our product such as
malungay, We would like to introduce varieties of flavors that consumers
that would not normally taste of the bread. Nowadays people would choose
an artificially made food product that has a less healthy nutritional
content over the conventional foods that is said to be good for our health
lifestyle that is available in the market. Promoting a healthy and
convenient way of eating by introducing varieties of Veggie Breads to the
public consumers would also benefit not just the consumers with the its
health nutrition content it have but also helps the Filipino farming
industries in the country as well they will encourage.
7. 7. Statement of the Problem This feasibility study is intended to evaluate
the feasibility of selling bread with vegetable flavored. Specifically, it
aims to evaluate and analyze the following areas: The Technical aspect
of the study Product Description Product Process
Equipment/Materials Plant Location Plant Lay-out The Marketing
aspect of the study General Business Condition Competitive Condition
Target Market Demand Product Pricing Strategy Promotion
8. 8. The Financing aspect of the study Capitalization Sources of Funds
Total Sales Total expenses Income Statement (5 years projected)
Balance Sheet (5 years projected) Cash Flow Statement (5 years
projected) Return on Investment Ratio Analysis The Management
aspect of the study Form of Ownership Structure Job Analysis
Company Policies The Socio-economic aspect of the study
Contribution to the government Contribution to the society
9. 9. Conceptual Framework The technical study of the project comprises
product description, product process, equipment and materials, plant
location and plant layout. In this area, it discusses on how the product
Veggie Bread is produce, what ingredients and equipments are needed,
and where will the researchers going to put the said business and its
layout. The marketing study covers the general business condition,
competitive condition, target market, demand, supply, product, pricing
strategy, promotion, and packaging. This area talks about the structured
questionnaire floated to the respondents and the result determines the
demand and supply and for the researchers to know whether their product
will penetrate the target market. The financial study shows the
capitalization, sources of funds, total sales, total expenses, income
statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, return on investment, and
ratio analysis. This area discusses if the business is profitable or not. In
addition, it serves as a guide for the researchers to know if the
transactions within 3 years are increasing.
10. 10. The management study shows the form of ownership, the structure of
the business, job analysis and company policies that the researchers had
formulated. The socio-economic study shows the contribution of the study
to the government and to the society. This area proves that the business
existed not only for profit purposes, but also for the improvement of the
welfare of the people.
11. 11. Framework of the Study TECHNICAL MARKETING FINANCING
MANAGEMENT SOCIOECONOMIC Product Description General Business
Condition Capitalization Form of Ownership Contribution to the
Government Product Process Competitive Condition Sources of Funds
Structure Contribution to the Society Equipment/ Materials Demand Total
Sales Job Analysis Plant Location Product Total Expenses Company
Policies Plant Lay-out Pricing Strategy Income Statement Promotion
Balance Sheet Packaging Cash Flow Statement Return on investment
Ratio Analysis Table 1.1
12. 12. Scope and Limitation of the Study This study of the Veggie bread
business is restricted to Cagayan de Oro city and will be based on
management, marketing, technical, socioeconomic, and financial aspect of
business. Students will be covered as part of the respondents. The product
will be disseminated through direct selling and orders are also accepted
from the customer within in Cagayan de Oro city from those who are
willing to purchase our product. Significance of the study The study gives
the consumer a product which is affordable but with the same product
quality with those sold at an expensive price. This section will provide a
brief description on the various significances of the study given. To the
customers- the researchers believed that the customers will benefit
because the study was made for them and the researcher had priced the
product at a reasonable price. They will benefit by buying the product and
they will see that it can be used for a long time. To the researchers- in
doing the study, the researchers have acquired new skills and knowledge
that they can use in their profession .This paper can enlighten their
thinking with regards to the reality of life especially as we walk towards
the path of the business world.
13. 13. To the students- The proposed study will help you speeding up
metabolism, providing an immediate source of energy with fewer calories
than other fats. Reduces Sweet Cravings and improves insulin secretion
and utilization of blood glucose. To the teachers- The proposed study will
help your health esp. those who are elderly people these products provide
many benefits, it protects against osteoporosis, Helps relieve symptoms
associated with gallbladder disease. To the farmers- The proposed study
will help the farmers to engage in producing more vegetables, we are not
only selling but also helping the farmers to promote their product. The
study gives the consumer a product which is affordable but with health
benefits. This will also give the farmers the opportunity to engage in a
business that will serve as a stepping stone to economic growth.
Furthermore, this feasibility study will also serve as a guide and a stepping
stone to economic growth specially the farmers to enhance their farming
as the main ingredients of this product and to those people who would
want to put up their own business.
14. 14. Definition of Terms For a better comprehension on this feasibility study,
the following definitions of terms are provided: Balance Sheet- one of the
financial statements that show the total assets, total liabilities and equity
of a business Break-even Point - refers to an indicator of the volume
where profits equal zero, which means no gain, no loss Capitalization -
the monetary contribution of each partner in starting up a business
Demand- refers to the quantity of goods does a buyer is willing to buy at a
given price Form of Ownership - refers to a type of business form of
organization Income Statement - type of financial statement that shows
the annual sales of the business with its expenses incurred for the whole
year Management - the overall organizational structure of a certain
business Marketing Strategy - a series of marketing activities that an
organization do to acquire customers Structured Questionnaire - a
written instrument used in gathering information through survey.
15. 15. Bread - A staple food made from flour or meal mixed with other dry
and liquid ingredients, usually combined with a leavening agent, and
kneaded, shaped into loaves, and baked. Malunggay - Moringa Oleifera
(synonym: Moringa pterygo sperma) is the most widely cultivated species
of the genus Moringa, which is the only genus in the family Moringaceae, is
the most nutritious plant in the world. It is rich in vitamins A and C and
iron. Vegetables - A plant or part of a plant used as food, typically as
accompaniment to meat or fish, such as a cabbage, potato, carrot, or
bean. Nutrition - The process of providing or obtaining the food
necessary for health and growth.
16. 16. Chapter II METHODOLOGY This chapter describes and discusses how
the researchers will gather the necessary data and information that will be
used in the entire study. It describes who will be the respondents and
focus of the research. This also shows the procedure of source of data and
methods of collecting data; these chapters also discuss the type of
research, research design, and the research locale where the study will be
conducted and description of our product and the outlook of the industry
and the size of the industry, target market, market segmentation and
presentation, in marketing and sales activities, detailed of our product and
service description that we will going to apply to our business and the
competition in the market. Research Design The researchers used the
descriptive design and applied using survey questionnaires and key
informant interview. The survey was conducted by providing structured
questionnaires to a number of identified respondents from the collages
inside Capitol University. The participants who were asked to evaluate the
bread types/ flavors during the survey were randomly selected from
identified respondents. The survey was aided using an interview guide
questioners. Moreover, interviews were conducted with existing business
operators who sell breads which will server us key information on how will
we the researchers improve more our product offerings to our target
17. 17. Research Locale The researchers floated the survey questionnaires
around specific department of Capitol University. The number of students
that are being selected here are from different department and are brief
discussion on what is the research about. Therefore in this area the
researchers planned to have their distribution of their products through
consignment. Figure 1.1
18. 18. Respondents Due to a large number of people that may become the
possible costumers, the researchers got at least 250 respondents from the
identified research locale. Respondents were identified immediately after
they have shown interest in buying vegetable bread (Veggie Bread).
Colleges No. of Respondents Business Administration 25 Nursing 25
Education 25 Maritime Engineering 25 Computer Science 25 Midwifery 25
Engineering 25 Criminology 25 A.B. English 25 Accounting Technology 25
TOTAL: 250 Table 2.1 Sources and Methods of Collecting Data The
researchers have gathered data through the primary data. The primary
data were gathered by giving away a structured questionnaire to selected
students in different departments of Capitol University.
19. 19. Chapter III Technical Study Figure 1.2 This study discusses about the
process of production and the activities of the business. It states also the
machineries and equipment used in production and other aspect regarding
bringing the raw material into finished products ready for trade. Plant
layout, size and structures are all presented for the purpose of identifying
the business operation. Also product specifications the product processes
using the flow chart. The list of machinery, tools and equipment are
enumerated with their corresponding cost, raw materials and plant fund
sources are also cited.
20. 20. General Business Condition All bakery products and ingredients
thereof shall be stored, handled, transported and kept so as to protect
them from spoilage, contamination, disease and unwholesomeness. Boxes
and other permanent receptacle or containers for the storing, receiving or
handling of bakery products shall be so placed and constructed as to be
beyond the reach of contamination from streets, alleys and sidewalks and
from animals and shall be kept clean and sanitary by the bakery. There
shall not be used in bakery products or in the ingredients thereof any
ingredient or material, including water, which is spoiled or contaminated or
which may render the product unwholesome, unfit for food or injurious to
health. Every room used for the manufacture of flour or meal food products
shall have the furniture and utensils therein so arranged that they and the
floor may at all times be kept clean and in good sanitary condition. Every
bakery shall be constructed, drained, lighted, ventilated and maintained in
a clean and sanitary condition, and screened against flies, shall have
plumbing and drainage facilities, together with suitable wash basins, wash
sinks and toilets or water closets, which shall be kept in a clean and
sanitary condition. The said toilets or water closets shall be in rooms
having no direct connection to any room in which bakery products or
ingredients are prepared, stored, handled or displayed. In connection with
every bakery, suitable room shall be provided for the changing and hanging
of the wearing apparel of the workers or employees, which
21. 21. shall be separate and apart from the work, storage and sales rooms,
and shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. No person shall sit or
lounge or be permitted to sit, lie or lounge upon any of the tables, shelves,
boxes or other equipment or accessories used in connection with the
production, preparation, packing, storing, display or sale of bakery
products in a bakery. No live animal or birds shall be kept in any building or
part thereof used as a bakery for such production, preparation, packing,
storing display or sale of bakery products. Before beginning the work or
preparing, mixing or handling of any ingredients used in the production of
bakery products, every person engaged in such work shall wash the hands
and arms, and after using toilets or water closets, every person therein
engaged shall wash the hands and arms thoroughly and then rinse in clean
water, and for this purpose the owner or operator of the bakery shall
provide sufficient facilities and post notes to this effect. No owner or
operator of a bakery shall require or permit any person affected with any
contagious, infectious or other disease or physical ailment which may
render such employment detrimental to the public health, nor any person
who refuses to submit to an examination, to work therein. Employees shall
be prohibited from smoking while preparing and baking veggie bread
22. 22. Production Process Veggie Bread Procedure INGREDIENTS: 4 cups
(500g) first class Flour 3 tsp. instant dried yeast 1/2 cup sugar 3/4 tsp. salt
5 tbsp. softened butter 1 tbsp. oil 1 egg 1/2 cups water 1/4 cup evaporated
milk 1/2 cup fresh milk Powdered malunggay Figure 1.4
23. 23. Step-by-step Procedure Combine flour, sugar, salt, powdered Malunggay
and yeast. Lightly mix the dry ingredients with your dough hook and then
add egg, butter and oil. Put your mixer into Speed 1 and let the egg, butter
and oil mix with the dry ingredients. Place your fresh milk, evaporated milk
and water in a microwavable container and heat it up for 45 seconds first,
before pouring it to your Vegie bread. Once the veggie bread mix becomes
overall wet, increase the Speed to 2 and kneads for 15 minutes in the
mixer. Prepare a stainless steel large mixing bowl and wipe the inside with
an oiled kitchen paper towel. Once the kneading is done, turn off the mixer
and remove the dough hook and bowl out of the mixer stand. Lightly oil
your hands and remove the dough. Tuck in the edges of the dough
underneath to create a smooth top surface before placing it in your oiled
mixing bowl. Cover the bowl with cling wrap. If the weather is hot, just
leave the bowl on your kitchen bench but if its cold pour some hot boiling
water in a container and place it inside your oven (turned off) on the
bottom level. Position your covered Veggie bread dough on a rack above
the hot water container, close the door oven and leave it there for 1 hour
(same amount of time if its on the kitchen bench), until it double in size.
Place two handful flour in the corners in the cleaned kitchen bench.
Lightly flour your kneading area with a bit of your flour. Take out the risen
24. 24. bread dough out of the mixing bowl and knead/punch down the air out
of it. If it gets too sticky, lightly flour your hands and pat the overall
exterior of the dough. Roll the dough till it becomes elongated. Using a 1/3
measuring cup, scoop some of the dough and level it up with your inner
palm and with a sweeping motion (using your palm) cuts the dough on the
edges of the measuring cup. Cup each Veggie Bread dough portions with
your right hand and roll it into a ball in an anti-clockwise motion, if it gets
too sticky, dust your hands with some flour. Dip each rolled Veggie Bread
dough into the bread crumbs. Before placing it in your baking tray, make
the dough slightly oval shaped. Distance each dough portion about 2-2.5cm
away from each other. Cover the baking tray with cling wrap loosely. Let it
rise for another hour (hot weather leave it on the kitchen bench, cold
weather inside the oven with hot water underneath), it will double its size
again. Preheat your oven 200C and bake your tray of Veggie Bread on the
top second rack for 10 - 15 minutes. Once cooked slide the Veggie Bread
rolls into a wire cooling rack immediately. MAKES: 15 -16 Veggie Bread
25. 25. Workflow of the Process 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Create a veggie bread
concept Gather the indredients needed Combine the dough mixture for
the bread Add the the vegetable bits in the dough mixture Bake the
dough mixture Wait till its done Prepare for the finishing touches When
done baking, then add the finishing touches Display in the shelf. Table 3.1
26. 26. Product Description The Veggie bread is made by baking malunggay
horseradish plant bits in the dough of flour and water added with flavors.
The added malunggay bits in the dough these will serve as invaluable
nutrients added to our breads and have a cheap price and are easy to
bargain in the market. The product will come in four flavors and will be
sold on differentiated price. Below are the specific descriptions of the four
proposed bread flavors. Peanut Bread ( 15.00) Peanut butter flavored
bread with a small amount of chopped roasted peanuts offers delightfully
surprising crunch and with a sliced malunggay minced mixed in the dough
to put a healthy touch to it. Figure 2.1
27. 27. Ensaymada ( 15.00) Sweet bread is one large snail-like coil dusted in
sugar with a sliced malunggay minced mixed in the dough to enhance a
healthy touch to it. Figure 2.2 German Bread ( 20.00) A dense, whole
grain loaf with sesame seeds for a dense, moist loaf and with a sliced
malunggay minced mixed in the dough to add a healthy trace to it. Figure
2.3 Croissant ( 20.00) A buttery flaky pastry named for its wellknown
crescent shape. Croissants are made of layered yeast-leavened dough with
a sliced malunggay minced mixed in the dough to enhance a healthy touch
to it. Figure 2.4
28. 28. Materials and Equipment Dough Mixers A dough mixer is an
appliance used for household or industrial purposes. It is used for
kneading large quantities of dough. It is electrical, having timers and
various controls to suit the user's needs. Figure 3.1 Oven An oven is a
thermally insulated chamber used for the heating, baking or drying of a
substance and most commonly used for cooking. Kilns and furnaces are
special-purpose ovens, used Figure 3.2 in pottery respectively. and
29. 29. Roller The dough roller has three rolls arranged in a vertical stack
and too make a sheet of rounded dough, gently hands pat a dough ball (or
chunk of dough) to flatten it. Figure 3.3 Bread Slicer A bread slicer slices
larger amounts of bread in the shortest time possible. A slicing machine
will make this job effortless, not to mention the fact that an electric slicing
machine saves you a lot of time. Figure 3.4
30. 30. Plant Location The plant location shall be located at Don Apolinar Velez
Street fronting St. Ignatius Birthing Home. Below is the location of the
proposed business. Figure 4.1
31. 31. Plant Layout The plant layout is tactically designed to support the
smooth process of the proposed business (Veggie bread). The display area
is a place where all finished products that are ready to sell are being
displayed. There would be a business office area which will cater to
business related transactions. The bakery/store will be the place for the
customer to purchase the finished products of veggie breads. The pantry
will be the area where the veggie bread will be made by the baker.
Perspective View Floor Plan Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2
32. 32. Plant Lay-out Bakery/Store This is a proposed perspective view of the
Veggie Bread bakery. This is where the Veggie Bread products will be
displayed and with a relaxing design which promotes a green and healthy
lifestyle that our product endures to our customers. Figure 5.3 Figure 5.4
33. 33. Office This is a proposed perspective view design of where the
manager of the Veggie Bread will be in office. Figure 5.5 Pantry/Baking
Area This is a proposed perspective view design of where the Veggie Bread
products will be produced and be done. Figure 5.6
34. 34. Chapter IV MARKETING STUDY This chapter will help to know the
marketing aspect of the business. The marketing aspects will cover the
following: General Business Condition, Tabulation of Results, Target
Market, Demand, Product, Promotion, Marketing strategy, Pricing Strategy,
Promotion and Packaging. For the business to prosper, it should be given
time and effort. The proponent of this business must have the desired
creativity so as to be able to provide quality service to its customers. The
fulfillment of the needs and wants of its customers or target market must
be the key objective of the recommended business. In every project,
feasibility marketing aspect is well-thought-out the most important since it
requires inconspicuous analysis of the business total demand and supply.
35. 35. Description and outlook of the industry Malunggay as one of the
leading crops in the country that is a nonseasonal vegetable and easy to
grow and has an abundant supply in the market her in the city. Farmers in
this kind of crop are less motivated and are living in the deepest ground of
poverty for their crops are purchased for a penny priced dealings, for
wholesaler primarily prefer to buy other vegetables commonly sold in the
market. Therefore Malunggay is at the bottom of their list. As experienced
in the recent years, demand for bread industry is continually increasing
due factors which include convenience affordability and changing lifestyle.
The trend of health and wellness shift the demand to go upward because a
lot of people choose to go to healthy lifestyle. In our survey conducted
among the five factors that affect the purchasing choice of our
respondents nutritional value ranks the highest factor they consider in
purchasing bake foods. Our groups would want to introduce Veggie bread
in the market because our group envisioned putting up stores highlighting
Malonggay in every product for we can create pies, cakes and other
delicacies especially various types of bread with the Malunggay making its
industry much broader and in turn will array as one of the most excellent
food products.
36. 36. Size of the industry According to the 2010 Census of Population in the
Philippines, the Cagayan de Oro City has an estimated population of 602,
This was based on the census conducted last 2010 this data gives us the
opportunity to have a look on how large is the market in an scale of the
city. Flour-based foods have played an increasingly dominant role in the
Philippine diet in recent years. The industry's total rated annual production
capacity is 2.2 million tones. The largest flour end users are bakeries,
followed by noodle manufacturers and then fast food chains. More than
10,000 bakeries nationwide constitute the largest single institutional user
of wheat flour, accounting for approximately 50% to 60% of total domestic
flour use. Target Market Veggie Bread wants to distress the purchasing
influence of most of the Filipinos as it is offering an affordable price and
addressing health and wellness trends in our product offerings. At all ages
is the target market of Veggie Bread, professional or not, male or female
and people of different walk of life. One of our target markets is the
parents because they can influence the children to consume and choose
Veggie Bread as a tasty snack treat and most especially the people within
a healthy lifestyle. This confirms a big scope of market veggie bread will
37. 37. Market Segmentation Veggie bread considers all types of people in all
ages what places they came from and no matter what their gender and
religion either who have high or low income can be our target market that
can be one of our potential buyers for the benefits of our potential
customers we extend our time and effort to differentiate and understand
their needs, wants and their preferences in order to meet the satisfaction
of our innovated product. Demand Study 1. Do you eat vegetable?
Respondents Answer 250 200 Yes 194 150 No 56 100 50 0 Yes No The
results show that overs 194 of the respondents said that they eat
vegetables while 56 of the respondents said that they dont eat vegetables
this result implies that we there is a big fraction that our product will be
viable to the target consumers who have craved for vegetables.
38. 38. 2. How do you often eat vegetables? Respondents Answer 120 100 80
60 40 20 0 Everyday 96 Occasionally 65 Often 51 Very Often 38 The results
show that 96 of the respondents said that they eat vegetable every day
and 65 said they eat occasionally and 51 said that they often eat and only
38 said that they eat vegetables very often. The results imply that Veggie
Bread has the chance of being viable to the market due to the
respondents response to how often they eat vegetable. 3. Do you like to
eat bread? Respondents Answer 250 200 Yes 219 150 No 31 100 50 0 Yes
No The results show that there are219 of the respondents said that they
like to eat bread while only 31 of the respondents said that they dont like
to eat bread. The result implies that our product has a big chance that to
be patronized by the consumers based on the resulting findings.
39. 39. 4. How often do you eat bread? Respondents Answer Everyday 125
Occasionally 63 Often 37 Very often 25 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 The
results show that there are 125 of respondents eat bread everyday and 63
occasionally eat bread while 37 often eat and only 25 of the respondents
eat bread. By this result we can have some adjustments about the
production of our Veggie Bread products. 5. How do you find Veggie Bread
as an alternative for our conventional breads? Very Satisfying Satisfying
Respondents Answer Very Satisfying 150 Satisfying 48 Average 52 Average
The results show that 150 of the respondents finds Veggie Bread as an
alternative for conventional breads as very satisfying and 48 said they are
satisfied and only 52 average. By these results we are confident that our
products will be patronized by the consumers.
40. 40. 6. How much are you willing to pay for the Veggie Bread? Respondents
Answer PHP 15-20 211 PHP 21-25 39 Php 15-20 Php 21-25 The results show
that 211 of the respondents said that they are willing to pay Php15-20 for a
Veggie Bread while only 39 of the respondents. These results gave us an
idea on what will be the pricing for our Veggie Bread products. 7. What
variety of veggie bread is your favorite? Peanut Bread German Bread
Croissant Respondents Answer Peanut Bread 67 German Bread 69
Croissant 58 Ensaymada 56 Ensaymada The results show that there are 67
of respondents liked the Peanut bread and 69 liked the German bread
while there are 58 of respondents liked the Croissant and 56 of the
respondents liked the Ensaymada Veggie Bread. These results gave us an
idea on how much Veggie bread products will be produced
41. 41. 8. Rate the following items: Respondents Answer Category Very
Satisfied Satisfied Average Taste 173 36 41 Packaging 127 67 61
Cleanliness 159 55 36 Price 147 67 36 The results gave us the perspective
on how will we handle the following factors that will affect the product
operation based on the respondents responses. Marketing and sales
activities Nutritiously bake breads. Who would have thought that we can
have it in hand? Veggie bread is placed in a box. The box serves as its
packaging. By words, its simple and plain but beholds the taste and
nourishment it gives to the consumers. The study will be implemented in 6
months time. (Second semester of school year 2013-2014).
42. 42. The following activities should be followed. 1st week = Distribution of
flyers and leaflets. Advertisement via Facebook and other social media.
Opening promo, but worth of 50.00 of Veggie Bread products and get 1
bread of your choice free to the first 20 customers only. 4th week = Buy
3 boxes get 3 bread promo. Buy 3 boxes get 3 bread free of choice (whole
week from 2:30 4:00pm only) 3rd month = Juice day promo. Buy 1 box
get juice free. Limited supply of juice last only. Available during MWF only.
4th month = Buy 3 boxes get a 5% off promo. Buy 3 boxes a get a
chance to have a 5% off promo. Available until 3rd week of the 4th month
only. Limited until supply last. 5th month = Freebie promo. Buy 2 boxes
of Veggie Bread and get a freebie promo. Freebies available until supply
43. 43. 6th month= Late night coffee promo. Buy 1 box from 10:00 -
12:00pmand get extra coffee free. Available until closing time. The above
mentioned marketing and sales activities should be followed during the
implementation time. Any adjustment, if necessary can be interested.
Detailed Product Veggie bread is dough based product that is rich of
minerals and nutrients that will give the consumer a healthy way of eating
the conventional breads that we often buy. We Filipinos are known as a fan
of eating bread especially in the morning where we have our orphan
breakfast. Our version of breads has a twist and with the grace of
malunggay to make it healthier and decent for our body. Veggie Bread has
a variety of flavors that consumers can choose from, we have Peanut
Bread, Ensaymada, Croissant and German Bread. Competition Businesses
exist in a competitive environment. Bakeries are in fierce competition with
each other to provide the best possible value for money high quality and
appetizing breads, and to offer the most suitable range of products for
their customers. Competition typical breads are commonly offered by
bakeshops. They are really noteworthy about their profit and customer
satisfaction, but not into making the community health wise. The fact that
the value of its bread is affordable yet it consist only a few of nutrients
that our body need is somewhat deceiving ourselves.
44. 44. On the other hand, veggies are obliging in our body in handling out
nutrients that keep us going. Some consumers today are aware of their
health but some are not specially kids nowadays that most of them are not
into eating vegetables. And as concerned individuals, we offer breads that
are benevolent in use and consist of dietary from the vegetables that store
our daily nutritional needs the Veggie bread. Within a market businesses
are faced by direct competitors. These are firms that produce the same or
very similar goods. With regards to our consideration about our
competition, we consider small bakeries because it will threat in our
business. However, most products are differentiated in some way. The
Product Veggie Bread is from the word veggie means vegetables which
process into bread. We all need protein and the full complement of
vitamins and minerals to keep us healthy. Meat eaters find this easier but
may also open themselves up to health issues related to eating too much
animal protein. It can be really difficult for vegetarians and vegans to get
enough protein and enough vitamins and minerals especially the full
complement of the B vitamins and the minerals that are suspended in
animal fats. A good part of the answer really is in bread. These products
bring you nature at its best delicious and nourishing breads made with a
variety of 100% whole grains. New Veggie Breads add a fresh garden taste
and the nutrition of one full serving of vegetables in every slice.
45. 45. Packaging Packaging plays in Veggie Bread are an important role as a
medium in the marketing mix, in promotional campaigns, as a pricing
criterion, in defining the character of new products, as a setter of trends
and as an instrument to create brand identity and shelf impact in all
product groups. The Veggie Box A take home box that is where you put
the veggie bread product. .A eco-friendly packaging and promotes a
greener nation. Figure 6.1 The Veggie Bag Take home bags after
purchase of the Veggie Bread products will be placed in a paper bag.
Promoting a greener lifestyle and preventing environmental hazards that
can destroy the environment. Figure 6.2
46. 46. Marketing Strategy The first strategy is market penetrate. Veggie bread
is committed to improving the customer experience in ways they believe
few in the industry have done. This business plan to execute a broader
marketing strategy, not simply to build name recognition and awareness
but also to build deeper relationships with the target customers whom
they believe will help promote the brand. To reach the target customer
group, we use a mix of the following marketing methods: radio, billboards,
social networking, television and in-store sampling. Expect to continue to
increase media impressions as they strive to build deeper relationships
with their customers. We believe marketing represents an opportunity to
create additional competitive advantage and brand awareness. The next
strategy is market development. The expansion into Filipino has made
them subject to Filipino economic conditions, particularly currency
exchange rate fluctuations and political factors, either of which could have
an adverse effect on the financial condition and results of operations. If
veggie bread, expands into other foreign markets, will be subject to other
foreign economic conditions and political factors including taxation.
47. 47. Price The pricing of each bread design is based from the survey
questionnaire gathered by the researchers. The researchers floated survey
questionnaires with an option of prices. Then the costing of products
immediately adjusted based from its sole so that it would compensate the
pricing from the survey questionnaire. Each bread cost from 15.00 to 20.00
pesos based on the research result that we conduct, but it will adjust
based on the economic growth of the country or the price of the minor and
major ingredients of the veggie bread and for the transportation and etc.
that will affect the price of our product. The prices of the Veggie Bread
products will be dependent on how the market price of the main
ingredients is. Any change of the price of the veggie bread products will be
taken into consideration to the factor that measures the consumers'
capability to purchase the product.
48. 48. Chapter V FINANCIAL STUDY This chapter discusses the financial
aspects of the study, in order for a business plan to understand it needs
money to start. To determine whether the future industry will remain
profitable through the existence of competitors and unfavorable economic
condition, the researchers have to project a five year financial statement.
This chapter includes the source of funds, balance sheet, income
statement, cost of goods sold and cost of sales. Financial Assumptions 1.
Selling Price of Veggie Bread are the following: Veggie Bread (Price List)
Variety Peanut bread Price 15.00 Ensaymada 15.00 German bread 20.00
Croissant 20.00 2. Sales demand increases 10% per year 3. Raw Materials
increases 5% per year 4. Depreciation expense is computed in a straight
line basis with an estimated useful life of 3 years 5. 50% of net income will
be distributed after 3 years
49. 49. Initial Capital Requirements The partners agreed to contribute an
equal sharing of capital in amount of 20,000.00 each. Initial Capital
Requirements Partners Ratio Invested Amount Brenely T. Solis 25%
20,000.00 Junryl L. Ybanez 25% 20,000.00 Anjhie Grace M. Valle 25%
20,000.00 Bryan Augustine B. Oculam 25% 20,000.00 TOTAL 100%
80,000.00 Table 4.1
50. 50. Cost and Expense Schedule Schedule 1: Purchased of Raw Materials
Item Quantity per production Unit Price Amount Monthly Yearly 4 sack
57 sack 840.00 47,880.00 White sugar sack 6 sack 350.00 2,100.00
Yeast 1 kilo 18 kilos 350.00 6,300.00 Salt 360 grams 4320 grams 1.00
4,320.00 Butter 360 grams 4320 grams 5.00 21,600.00 Oil 150 grams 1800
grams 2.14 3,852.00 450 pcs. 5400 pcs. 67.50 364,500.00 90 grams 1080
grams 10.00 10,800.00 300 bunches 3600 bunches 2.00 7,200.00 Peanut
Butter 60 jars 720 jars 40.00 28,800.00 Choco Flavor 600 packs 7200
packs 6.25 45,000.00 4 cans 48 cans 32.00 1,536.00 15 kilos 180 kilos
21.00 3,780.00 1,726.89 468,552.00 Flour Egg Powdered Milk
Mallunggay Condense Milk Monggo Total Table 4.2
51. 51. Schedule 2: Rent Expense Monthly Annual Cost 4,000.00 48,000.00
Table 4.3 Schedule 3: Salaries and Wages Position Cost Per Month Cost Per
Annual 4,000.00 48,000.00 Cashier 2,000.00 24,000.00 Waitress
1,500.00 18,000.00 Baker 3,500.00 42,000.00 11,000.00 132,000.00
Manager Total Table 4.4 Schedule 4: Office Supplies Item Quantity Price
Annual cost 2 80.00 160.00 Official Receipt 30 20.00 600.00 Ball pen 12
5.50 66.00 Bond paper 2 50.00 100.00 Puncher 1 65.00 65.00 Stapler 2
32.00 64.00 10 7.00 70.00 1 30.00 30.00 Record Book Staple wire Fastener
1,155.00 Total Table 4.5
52. 52. Schedule 5: Packaging Item Quantity Price Monthly Annual Cost Paper
Bag 35 60.00 2,100.00 25,200.00 Box 30 5.00 150.00 1,800.00
27,000.00 Total Table 4.6 Schedule 6: Transportation Cost Item Cost per
month Annual Cost Delivery Expense 4,800.00 57,600.00 57,600.00
Total Table 4.7 Schedule 7: Promotional Expenses Cost Free Taste Flyers
No. of Months Annual Cost 1,500.00 Introduction of the product
1,500.00 250.00 12 3,000.00 4,500.00 Total Table 4.8
53. 53. Schedule 8: Office Furniture & Fixtures Item Quantity Price Amount
Depreciation Expense 1,500.00 Estimated Useful Life 3 Table 1
1,500.00 Office chair 2 600.00 3 200.00 750.00 3 250.00 1,000.00 3 333.33
500.00 300.00 Ceiling fan 1 750.00 Cabinets 1 1,000.00 3,850.00 Total
1,283.33 Table 4.9 Schedule 9: Equipment Item Computer Quantity Price
Amount 1 15,000.00 15,000.00 Table 5.1
54. 54. Schedule 10: Depreciation Expense Item Cost Estimated Useful Life
Depreciation 2014 2015 2016 3,850.00 (please see schedule 7) 1,283.33
2,566.67 3,850.00 15,000 Office Furniture & Fixtures 5 3,000.00
6,000.00 9,000.00 4,283.33 8,566.67 12,850.00 Office Equipment
Total Table 5.2 Statement of Cost of Goods Sold 2014 2015 2016 - -
491,979.60 516,578.58 542,407.51 42,000.00 42,000.00 42,000.00
27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 560,979.60 585,578.58 611,407.51 Beg.
Inventory Add: Purchase of Raw Materials Direct Labor Overhead:
Packaging Cost of Goods Sold Table 5.3
55. 55. Projected Demand and Sales For 2014-2016 Demand 2014 2015 2016
Peanut Bread 14,400.00 15,840.00 17,424.00 Ensaymada 14,400.00
15,840.00 17,424.00 German Bread 14,400.00 15,840.00 17,424.00
Croissant 14,400.00 15,840.00 17,424.00 57,600.00 63,360.00 69,696.00
Peanut Bread 216,000.00 237,600.00 261,360.00 Ensaymada 216,000.00
237,600.00 261,360.00 German Bread 288,000.00 316,800.00 348,480.00
Croissant 288,000.00 316,800.00 348,480.00 1,008,000.00 1,108,800.00
1,219,680.00 Total Sales Total Table 5.4 Projected Cost for the year 2014-
2016 2014 2015 2016 491,979.60 516,578.58 542,407.51 Table 5.5
56. 56. Cost schedule Per Product Fillings 406.91 40.00 446.91 26%
Ensaymada 406.91 21.00 427.91 25% German Bread 406.91 6.25 413.16
24% Croissant 406.91 32.00 438.91 25% 1,726.89 100% Peanut Bread
Table 5.6 Product Name Quantity Produce Price Per Product Cost Per Unit
Contribution Margin 2014 2015 2016 Ensaymada 40.00 15.00 11.17275
3.83 4.02 4.22 40.00 15.00 10.69775 4.30 4.52 4.74 40.00 Peanut
Bread 20.00 10.329 9.67 10.15 10.66 40.00 20.00 10.97275 9.03 9.48 9.95
26.83 28.17 29.58 German Bread Croissant Total Table 5.7
57. 57. Veggie Bread Projected Income Statement For the year ended Dec.
31,2014- Dec. 25, 2016 2014 2015 2016 1,008,000.00 1,108,800.00
1,219,680.00 Less: Cost Of Goods Sold 560,979.60 585,578.58 611,407.51
Gross Income 447,020.40 23,221.42 608,272.49 Rent Expense 48,000.00
48,000.00 48,000.00 Salary 90,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 1,155.00
1,155.00 1,155.00 57,600.00 57,600.00 57,600.00 Promotional Expense
4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 Depreciation Expense 4,283.33 4,283.33
4,283.33 205,538.33 205,538.33 205,538.33 241,482.07 317,683.09
402,734.16 77,274.26 101,658.59 128,874.93 164,207.81 216,024.50
273,859.23 Sales Less: Operating Expenses Office Supplies Transportation
expense Total Operational Expenses Income Before Tax Less: Income Tax
(32%) Net Income Table 5.8
58. 58. Veggie Bread Projected Statement of Cash flow For the year ended
Dec. 31,2014- Dec. 25, 2016 2014 2015 2016 229,641.14 449,948.97
1,008,000.00 1,108,800.00 1,219,680.00 1,088,000.00 1,338,441.14
1,669,628.97 Cash Inflows Cash, Beg Partners Contribution Sales Total
Cash Inflows 80,000.00 Less: Cash Outflows Purchased of Fixed Asset
18,850.00 Purchase of raw materials 491,979.60 516,578.58 542,407.51
Packaging 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 Direct Labor 42,000.00 42,000.00
42,000.00 Salary & Wages 90,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 1,155.00
1,155.00 1,155.00 Rent 48,000.00 48,000.00 48,000.00 Transportation
expense 57,600.00 57,600.00 57,600.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00
77,274.26 101,658.59 128,874.93 858,358.86 888,492.17 941,537.44
229,641.14 449,948.97 728,091.53 Office supplies Promotional Expense
Income Tax TOTAL Operating Expenses Cash Balance, End Table 5.9
59. 59. Veggie Bread Projected Balance Sheet As of Dec. 31,2014- Dec. 25,
2016 2014 2015 2016 229,641.14 449,948.97 728,091.53 229,641.14
449,948.97 728,091.53 3,850.00 3,850.00 3,850.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
15,000.00 18,850.00 18,850.00 18,850.00 4,283.33 8,566.67 12,850.00
14,566.67 10,283.33 6,000.00 244,207.81 460,232.30 734,091.53 - - -
80,000.00 244,207.81 460,232.30 164,207.81 216,024.50 273,859.23
244,207.81 460,232.30 734,091.53 Assets Current Assets Cash Total
Current Assets Non-Current Assets Office Furniture & Fixtures Office
Equipment Total Less: Accumulated Depreciation Total Non-Current Assets
Total Assets Liabilities & Equity Current Liabilities Partners Equity
Partners Contribution Add: Net Income Total Liability & Equity, end
60. 60. Financial Ratio 2014 2015 2016 216,024.50 273,859.23 164,207.81
1,008,000.00 1,108,800.00 1,219,680.00 16% 19% 22% Profit Margin
216,024.50 273,859.23 164,207.81 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 2.05
2.70 3.42 1,008,000.00 1,108,800.00 1,219,680.00 244,207.81
460,232.30 734,091.53 4.13 2.41 1.66 Return on Investment Return on Total
Asset 1,108,800.00 1,219,680.00 1,008,000.00 244,207.81 460,232.30
734,091.53 4.13 2.41 1.66 Return on Equity 523,221.42 608,272.49
447,020.40 14,566.67 10,283.33 6,000.00 30.69 50.88 101.38 Fixed Asset
Turnover 523,221.42 608,272.49 447,020.40 244,207.81 460,232.30
734,091.53 1.83 1.14 0.83 Total Asset Turnover 201,255.00 201,255.00
201,255.00 26.83 28.17 29.58 7,502 7,145 6,804 Breakeven Point in Units
61. 61. Chapter VI MANAGEMENT STUDY This chapter tackles about the entire
organizational arrangement of the business. The management aspect
suggests a clear and precise identification of duties and responsibilities,
flow of authority and manpower level requirement. This contains the
organizational chart and the qualifications of the people involved the
formation of the business organization, structure. It must be set up aimed
at optimum effectiveness. To attain this, management must be able to plan
all activities, for the company to become dynamic and competitive
business over and done with human resource, financial capability and new
technologies. Form of Ownership The type of business ownership will be a
partnership; in which partners pool money, skills, and other resources, and
share profit and loss in accordance with the terms of the partnership
agreement. In the absence of such agreement, a partnership is assumed to
exit where the participants in an enterprise agree to share the associated
risks and rewards proportionately. Complementary skills and additional
contacts of each pattern can lead to the achievement of greater financial
results together than would be possible apart. Mutual support and
motivation are needed for the business to last longer.
62. 62. Organizational Chart The Incorporators Job Positions (Bryan Agustin B.
Oculam) Manager (Anjhie Grace M. Valle) Book keeper/ Cashier (Brenely T.
Solis) Waitress Table 7.1 (Junryl L. Ybaez) Head Baker
63. 63. Job Analysis Job Title: Manager Name: Bryan Agustin B. Oculam Job
Description Responsibilities: Oversees daily production Work
Schedules Assigning Employee Tasks Ensures product quality Keeps
facility running, and clean His/her job includes planning, organizing,
directing and controlling all the employees of the organizations as well as
its relationship to each other. Responsible in checking sales records.
Responsible in purchasing raw materials. Job Qualifications A graduate
of any management courses Male or female, from 21-26 years old. At
least 2 years work experience Must have a good moral character With
pleasing personality Salary Scale: 4,000.00 monthly
64. 64. Job Title: Bookkeeper/Cahier Name: Anjhie Grace M. Valle Job
Description Responsibilities: Responsible for monthly income
statements and balance sheets Responsible in collection of receivables
and payroll. He/she is responsible in managing the cash. Responsible
for keeping records of sales. Responsible in cash deposit. Job
Qualifications Female only Must be a graduate of any 4 years business
related course Male or female, from 21-26 years old At least 2 years
work experience Must have a good moral character Must be honest
and with pleasing personality Salary Scale: 2,000.00 monthly
65. 65. Job Title: Waitress Name: Brenely T. Solis Job Description
Responsibilities: She files all the papers. She takes care of the
communications such as telephone, email, or meeting in person. She
helps the manager in his/her projects. She records and updates the
database. She takes care of the photocopying and scanning the
documents. She sorts and hands out post. She supports the reception
desk. Job Qualifications Female only 18-25 years old At least 52 in
height with pleasing personality. A college level or high school graduate
Must have good moral character Must be responsible and hard working
Salary Scale: 1,500.00 monthly
66. 66. Job Title: Head Baker Name: Junryl L. Ybaez Job Description
Responsibilities: Design and cost baked products recipes in liaison with
Customer Service Management Ensure quality control during and post
production including maintenance of hygiene standards and accurate pack
weights and QC audit of retail outlets as required Supervise and train
production staff to efficiently and safely produce high volume, multiple
baked products with minimum of wastage Calculate raw material needs
and efficiently maintain stock levels to meet production requirements
Oversee distribution of production to retail outlets in liaison with location
67. 67. Job Qualifications: Male No specific requirements for age
Bachelors / College Degree Three years of working experience in the
same field Must have complete and thorough knowledge of baking
processes for bread, pastries and other baked products
Managerial/supervisory experience in high volume bakery production
environment Recognized baking qualifications and training required
Must have good moral character Must be responsible and hard working
Salary Scale: 3,500.00 monthly
68. 68. Company Policies Employees are mandatory to turn off all the
machines and equipments after using. Follow safety provision to avoid
accidents. Observe cleanliness in the working area. Employees are
required to wear their prescribed uniform. Absent without leave (AWOL)
is subject to appropriate sanctions unless provided with a valid reason.
Management Policy Client shall be the first priority. Maintain
uniqueness and great quality products. Make sure the availability of the
product. Guarantee the constancy of the rate of each product. Call on
duty Mandatory to work overtime if needed.
69. 69. Chapter VII SOCIO- ECONOMIC STUDY The chapter includes the socio-
economic benefits if the proposed project. The proposed project aims to
help our localities and farmers of the country and to give healthy lifestyle
to the people. Nowadays it is important that small entrepreneurs should
realize the worth innovating and starting a business that would largely
contribute to the socio-economic development of the country. In this
certain project, the researchers consider the whole part of the business
especially the social impact PROJECTS INCOME IMPROVE STATUS OF
DEVELOPMENT Table 8.1 in the community.
70. 70. Contribution to Income and Employment The main goal of a certain
business is to have high income especially in the part of the owner. The
business should generate pleasantly relationship between the manager
and employees to attain the main goal of the business which is to have an
income. At workers and employees in the business need income to support
their own needs and also for their services rendered in the business.
Building up business is a great opportunity for an employed people to have
jobs. it will also be their opportunity of having another source of income.
Tax Contribution This business is expected to give a great contribution to
the government in the form of taxes. The tax payment from the business
would help the localities as well as the economy in its future project
especially for people that will benefit. This would help the people to more
After bearing in mind the significant factors in the study that we
conducted such factors like the marketing, financial, technical and
management and socioeconomic study. It is therefore recommended that
VEGGIE BREAD bakery will be pursued and the business establishes at
Don Apolinar Velez Street fronting St., Cagayan de Oro City. Conclusion
Based on the research and study that we conducted, we therefore
conclude that our business is feasible and viable in the market.
72. 72. Appendix A Survey Questioner Name (optional): Age: Course: Sex: M F
Instruction: Shade/Check the box for the choice of your answer. Veggie
Bread Verities of bread that is made richer and healthier added with
nutritious vegetables which give you a new and healthy way of enjoying
your craving for bread. 1. Do you eat vegetable? Yes No 2. How often do
you eat vegetable? Everyday Occasionally 3. Do you like to eat bread?
Often Yes Very often No 4. How often do you eat bread? Everyday
Occasionally Often Very often
73. 73. Question # 5 - 7 refers to the Veggie Bread. 5. How do you find Veggie
Bread as an alternative for our conventional breads? Very Satisfying
Satisfying Average 6. How much are you willing to pay for the Veggie
Bread? 15-20php 21-25php 7. What variety of Veggie Bread is your favorite?
Peanut Bread German Bread Croissant Ensaymada Rate the following
items asked by CHECKING the box for the choice of your answer. Items
Packaging Cleanliness (Product) Price (2) Satisfying Taste (1) Very
Satisfying (3) Average (4) Dissatisfying
74. 74. Appendix B Curriculum Vitae Name: Bryan Augustine B. Oculam
Birthday: Aug. 25, 1992 Age: 21yrs. old Address: Osmea Street, Cagayan
de Oro City Nationality: Filipino Religion: Roman Catholic Email Address: Mother: Dorotea B. Oculam Father: Zenon A.
Oculam Educational Background Primary: City Central School Secondary:
Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School Tertiary: Capitol
University Course: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major:
Marketing Management
75. 75. Curriculum Vitae Name: Anjhie Grace M. Valle Birthday: Jan. 16, 1993
Age: 20 yrs. old Address: Danao, Taytay El Salvador City Nationality:
Filipino Religion: Roman Catholic Email Address: Mother: Jessica M. Valle Father: Antonio S.
Valle Educational Background Primary: Taytay Elementary School
Secondary: Alubijid National Comprehensive High School Tertiary: Capitol
University Course: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major:
Marketing Management
76. 76. Curriculum Vitae Name: Brenely T. Solis Birthday: Sept. 17, 1992 Age:
21yrs. old Address: Cagayan de Oro City Nationality: Filipino Religion:
Roman Catholic Email Address: Mother: Brenda T.
Solis Father: Felipe R. Solis Educational Background Primary: Mahay
Elementary School Secondary: Mahay National High School Tertiary:
Capitol University Course: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major: Marketing Management
77. 77. Curriculum Vitae Name: Junryl L. Ybanez Birthday: Feb. 19, 1994 Age:
19 yrs. old Address: Ivio Villanueva, Misamis Oriental Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Iglesiani Cristo Email Address: Mother:
Josephine L. Ybaez Father: Lucio R. Ybaez Jr. Educational Background
Primary: Bohol/ Vicenti N. Chavez Memorial Central School Mindanao
Secondary: Villanueva National High School Tertiary: Capitol University
Course: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major: Marketing

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