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LESSON: Understanding the unrealistic portrayals of men and women on TV

AGES: 8-11

TIME: 25 Minutes


Student will watch and discuss a multiple video clips that relevant to the topic
They will overserve and understand the different ways men and women are depicted
They main goal is to make sure they dont fall victim to wanting to change their identity to relate
with the characters they see.


1. Projector and CPU/Laptop

2. 2 Video Clips (Attached)


1. Present the Lesson Introduction to the class, leading an initial discussion.

2. Play video clips
3. Lead follow-up discussion about the portrayals
4. Replay the videos a second or third time to point out specific depictions, pausing it in
between different examples.
5. Ask the kids what they learned
6. Ask them what was the most important messages that they learned from the workshop

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