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Thermodynamic Properties of Oxygen from the Triple Point to 300 K with Pressures to 80 MPa Richard B, Stewart and Richard T Jacobsen Center for Applied Thrmodsnamic State, Coleg of Engineering, Unversity of Idaho, Moscom ID 83843 W. Wagner Instn fr Thermo- und Fuidynamit, Rubr-Universtt Bochum, Bochum, Germany Received July 10, 1980; revised manuscript recived May 2, 1991 A joint project by the authors has resulted in two new thermodynamic property formulations for oxygen. The fundamental equation explicit in Helmholtz energy by Schmidt and Wagner has been used for the calculation of the property tables pre- sented here, and for comparisons or ealculat ‘The formulation by Stewart and Jacobsen ied properties tothe experimental data, is used in this paper in comparisons of properties calculated by the two formulations. These comparisons provide the basis for independent assestment of the accuracy of the available data and calculated properties. The procedures used in determining the formulations by Wagner and Schmidt, and by Stewart and Jacobsen were published earlier. ‘The fundamental equation is valid for thermodynamic properties of oxygen from the freezing line to 300 K at pressures to 80 MPa, A separate vapor pressure equa- tion and equations for the saturated liquid ideal gas heat capacity are included. Fun thalpy, entropy, isochoric heat capacity (C.), and saturated vapor densities and the ms for calculating internal energy, en- |, isobaric heat capacity (Cy) and velocity of sound are also included. Tables of thermodynamic properties of oxygen are given within the range of validity of the fundamental equation. ‘The fundamental equation reported here ‘an uncertainty of 0.10 percent, heat capaci sound values within 1.0 percent. These un ‘may be used to calculate densities with ities within 2.0 percent, and velocity of wertainty values are valid for the range ‘outside of the critical region. Comparisons of calculated properties to experimental ‘ata are included to verify the accuracy of ‘Key word: dons; enthalpy entropy; equation of sate; heat capa dynamic properties; velocity of sound. Contes 4. Inroaucuion. ... oy 11. Prior Correlations of Thermodynamic Properties of Oxygen. + 920 41.2. The Fundamental Equation =. 020 2. Experimental Data for the Single Phase Region....-.-- sees 2 21. Peo-T Data oa 22! Heat Capacity Data, 921 23. Velocity of Sound Data - ou 24, Virial Coefficients . 92 25. The Critical 923 26. The Triple Point...... Feces 924 3. Liquid-vapor Coexistence Properties 1.0... 924 3.1. The Vapor Pressure Fqation 4 (©1991 by the US. Secretary of Commerce on behalf ofthe United States Tis copyright is assigned to the Amerian Isitueof Physics tnd the American Chemical Society: Reprins sealable fom ACS; sce Reprints List back of te (0047-2689/91/040917-105/811.00 917 the formulation, ‘aygem: propery table; thermo- nts, 3.2, Une t:quation tor the Saturated Vapor Density. 33. The Equation for the je Saturated iuia 4, Ideal Gas Properties... ‘The Fundamental Equation For Oxygen « Comparison of the Fundamental Eastin to ata 6.1. Comparisons ofthe Fundamental Equation to Pp-T Data ......+..- (62, Comparisons of the Fundamental Equation to Heat Capacity Data ..... (63. Comparisons of the Fundamental Equation to Velocity of Sound Data. 64. Comparisons of the Fundamental Equa- tion with the Ancillary Equations for Va- por Pressure, Saturated Liquid Density and Saturated Vapor Density 7. Recommended Range of the Formulation and Estimated Accuracy of Calculated Properties, 8. References verse. 928 932 oa 4. Phvs. Chem. Ret. Data, Vol. 20. No. 5. 1991 918 Appendix A. Funetions. for iets to 100 (= 0408 gram’) c ° Workman” 131 29,33 1 27 G « “Data selected for determining the fundamental equation. q 100, erate | ih ¢ : 1G dain at gf C8 Apes 1 Hl . ‘4 Boidokov and, Gurino™® 6 * Michels et Hoa 3 Street ond’ Sagan : S Von iterbeek nd. Verbeke®, tere Nan Ierbeek Gnd Verbeke . | ‘ 3 yebere one oa rit 1 bisiit \ \ 1 \ ° 5 1 5 ww DENSITY (mol/dm') Fo. 2. pT Data 9 ccrdinats). Equation (4), with the second and third virial coef 25. The Critical Point cients represented by Eqs. (5,6), is valid for densities up to one-half the critical density. This permits the calcula- ‘The values of the critical paint P-p-T' selected for tion of saturated vapor density values for temperatures this formulation are those published by Weber’. The ‘up to 150K. Comparisons between experimental thermo- critical point parameters are, P. = 5.043 MPa, pe = 0.0 oe 0.0 5 Be sssuil ‘ Bote ee oe wr u 3 < 2°? or eaae 3 Soo ream] 0.0 | “0.2 “0.2 - 5 were ite od oo 5 —e-ege| 2 00 0.0 : npg eat cast aug, 2 aa th ul aS mK Oy ask F EE a ee a tn 0.2 “0.2 a2 2K 52 ie 0.0 0.0 Lagi) 02 1. n 23 tt Be Ae t00.0 8. too 00.0 PRESSURE (MPa) © Weber* 2 Pentermann and Wagner"? @ Weber" x Van tterbeek ond Verbeke” FRc, 6. Comparison of calculated vals of density from the fundamental equation to experimental dat for Tigi states below the eicl temperature. The data sein ting Bg 15 are Q Weber, Weber", ‘Table 5. Only nine of the P-p-T data points listed in ‘Table 5 were used in determining Eq. (15). The other data points had been rejected because of inconsistencies With other data or because the dataset had large system- atic erors. ‘Figure 6 compares density values calculated with the fundamental equation with P-p-T data of liquid oxygen at temperatures below the critical temperature, There are systematic differences between the data of Pentermann and Wagner and the data of Weber. These differences are approximately 0.11 percent for temperatures from 68K to 120K. 0.08 percent from 122 K to 135 K. and vary from 0.01 to 008 percent from 138 K to 150 K. No reason has been identified for these systematic differences, However, emphasis has been given to the data of Weber! in determining the fundamental equation, Data in the lig- uid region with density deviations greater than 0.2 per- cent are identiied in Table >. Figure 7 compares density values calculated using the fundamental equation with P-p-T data of oxygen vapor at tomperaturee below the critical temperature. All of ‘Weber's vapor data for temperatures from 85 K to 158 K are from Series 4 of his experiments. The experimental methods in this series differed from the other series in 4. Phys. Chom. Ret. Dats, Vol 20, No.5, 1991 930 STEWART. JACOBSEN AND WAGNER: oa 2 sso v0 of appt reg] 0.2 22 i - oe 7 tol 10 102K cea 83 0.0 0 2 nner] Z 22 2 - 1 g Bt i ioe k Zoo 00 geet ee Soe 2 os —skwse oa ae k TO 107 k zoe Syhocs| 9 _T02P* arte} Hs. . a 0.2 : . i eats rm 108K Bo. 0.0} ———suragi2is0} 0.0 2.2 vation 0.2 0.2 7 a 5 2 and Ge ine 9 : ‘ gos 0.0} +s} 0.0 epi ba Suk "Lan ie 2a aaenrae a o Hoos oof Een 2 ee ee bw mei, os ie To 138 « tat ao SSS oe 0.0 ge ~~ “2 pee eee ‘ aw? mek O5 ue 0.0 peat 9.9 LF —____ prpeittintee | 0.2 7m eve Ll a G2 igaiciTonzuicie eres Bex 0.0 wR angaste| 0.0 Poe ao aod Poe inerenntae Gsiqeeem 130799 1020969100 Ol pd? Temmr nOmeeniorormeticats PRESSURE (MPa) © Weber* a Pentermann ong Wagner’? © Weber" 4 Baldckov end Gurino™™ liguid states below the eri fundamental equation with P-p-T data for oxygen at tem- peratures above the critical tomperature. Table S summa Tizes the P-p-T data in this fluid region with density deviations exceeding 0.2 percent. ‘The P-p-T data by Ewers" for temperatures from 305, to 400 K were also used in determining Eq, (15). These data were determined by an extrapolation of experimen- tal data fo the unit compressibility (P/pRT = 1). Densi- ties calculated with the fundamental equation differ from the unit compressibility data with a range of deviations from 0.018 to ~0.059 percent. ‘The critical point for oxygen is at a temperature of 3d values of dest fom the fundamental equation to experimental data for temperature, The data used in iting Eq 15 are O Weber, © Weber, 154.581 K and a density of 13.63 mol/dm’. The critical re- gion is generally described as bounded by temperatures within +5 percent of the critical temperature and =25 percent of the critical density. For oxygen, the critical re- sion is the region between temperatures of 146.85 K and 162.31 K and densities of 10.22 mol/ém and 17.04 ‘mol/dm’. Figure 9 compares pressures calculated from the fundamental equation with P-p-T data of oxygen at ‘temperatures from 154 K to 160 K, which includes the P- e-T data in the critical region and adjacent to the critical region. Pressure deviations are less than 0.2 percent for all of the P-p-T- data in thie temperature interval for Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol 20, No 5, 1991 0A 141 k 70 142 144K TO 145 K [| Sri] Lead cit sau 1S K T0147 K | § 0.0 a 7 0.0 fxwunx 22 5: 7 eae ‘ 1 de tsanad a ios TO 110K ie 10149 & Q 02-—. “ 4 e wee Boo og Saad aad 2a see al Bu use 3S oe Tost « a eo te Z Bc ofan tts mo eed o ene GO np gL css ssa sss 9.2 : ae 1s toe ae 182 K 70 163 « 0.0 peewee — $< Leen ee x | 2,2 Catal cad og 2 as cast a asl ae “4K TOS K G's 184K 70 185.5 0.0 Pend ieSeoe® | 9.9 Lannie iP x GR dor diy 1.00 10,00 “Gor 0-10 1.00 10.00 PRESSURE (MPa) 0 © Weber® 2 @ Pentermann and Wagner’? x Virial dota (see text) + Suyame and Oishi 8 Furukawa and MeCoskey"* Fa 7. Comparison of aculated values of density from the fundamental equation to experimental data for this formulation cannot be used for C, values very close to the critical point, and no comparisons are given to these data ‘The data from Workman” are from a flow calorimeter for temperatures from 26 to 50°C and pressures from 10 {0 130 kgjem® (0,98 to 12.7 MPa). Only graphical results were published and no comparisons were made to values determined by the fundamental equation. In this low dencity, high temperature ragion tha calenlated values titel temperature, The data used to fit Ea (15) were O Weber and © Pen- are considered to be more accurate than the measured data, ‘Other experimenters have reported C, and G, values from calorimetric measurements, values derived from ve- locity of sound measurements for vapor states at pres- sures up (0 0.101325 MPa, anid values for the liquid atthe vapor pressure with temperatures up to 90 K. These data are summarized and compared to calculated values in the parlor work hy Stewart? 4. Phys. Chem. Ref, Data, Vol 20, No.5, 1991 ‘STEWART, JACOBSEN AND WAGNER ae EK TOIT 97 120 = oe 8 0.0 | Mapas erase —| oe EJ +e ot 02 oe sek yy 183 K To 198 k 0.06802 —aareatat| 0.0 [earosricr smite —| Z gph 1 che 1 | yori iii 6 ot ISKTOIOK 5's 200k Let % = 0.0 6 0.0 3 . 5 2 i pa ees PoP sree agers 1 all ata IEKTOISK Hoos 2 0.0 | gg op —Saasryfagetor—| 0.0 z= oa fee aye eee ea Bo wok G2 [0.0 f tppgParenctamietiete— 0.0 o2bm ee J og gh & Oe sk 4 20 E10 233 K G 5 : BD 0.0] Masons" 0.0 Pach roe tee 8, | Gio p2berr iii | 4 ,2rriiii a3 wok 4 240 k 0.0 Pie 3.0 poor ii) gr hPiiin ae mse yo atk 0.0 fg teertinsmetee—| 0.0 | atime masa, ag a tte os 10 15 20 25 30.35 0 § 10 15 20 25 30 35 DENSITY (Mol/dm?*) © @ Weber® 9 6 Weber"? 9.2 Pentermann and Wagner” + Street ond Sagan™, Fic. 8, Comparison of calculated values of density fom the fundamental equation to experimental data for uid stats above the ciel temperature. The data used in fing Eq, 18 were Q Weber, © 6.3. Comparieone of the Fundamental Equation to Velocity of Sound Data In comparisons of velocity of sound data to values cal- culated with preliminary equations of state, the velocity ‘of sound data in the single phase, values for the saturated liquid reported by Straty and Younglove, and the single plese vapor dats by Van Tueibeck aud” Van Pacusel™ ‘were found to be concordant with the selected P-p-T and Cy data: These data are compared to values calculated with the fundamental equation in Rige 19 and 13 The J. Phys. Chem. Ret. Data, Vo. 20, No. 5, 1991 ‘c=ptrimental mearurementsinchaded preerure,tenapers- ture and velocity of sound. In these comparisons to single phase data, the input parameters were pressure and tem- perature, with the density determined from the funda- ‘ental equation for the calculation of velocity of sound. In Fig. 12, the data of Straty and Younglove® for tem- peratures from 70 K to 140 K are for the liquid phase. "Tie maninnusn deviation of dhe liguld data fs 203 peseent at 100 K and a pressure of 33 MPa. This isthe only data point exceeding the deviation scale of2 percent. The data SIS K include leven vanes at the mpper honndary af ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF OXYGEN 935, oo 250 « 0.0 [Bat ay2 Seay | 02 ae 270k 0.0 fag ype eo Z oebrui i Soe 22 K T0273 K Ee 3 Boje Oa 230K ay , > 00 ee mee eg rrr 3 wok Bee ; 1 0.0 | a" e995 $$ 0.2 1 Ee 5 WR 7a K a 2 2°hs————_ eee ne a2 300K 0,0 PRR egy *2 ager aogbea i sea wi 0.0 Mg Oye eee ere ‘oS 10 1S 20 25 30 35 3 DENSITY (Mol/dm*) © @ Weber" 0 0 Weber” 2 Pentermann nd Wagner"? = Michels et ol” Rc. 8. Comparison of eaeuated values of density from for Bid stat ‘he erital temperature, ‘The data used in fitting Eq 15 were © Weber’ © Weber, and © Pentermann and Wagner = Continved the critical region. The maximum deviation is ~ 1.4 per- cent at a pressure of 6.9 MPa. For the vapor data for tem- peratures from 190 K to 300 K, the maximum deviation is =0.79 percent at 190 K and a pressure of 34.3 MPa The deviations of the data of Van Iterbeek and Van Paemet" from calculated values are illustrated in Fig. 13. ‘This data set isin the vapor region at low temperatures, where the only reliable P-p-T values were those deter- ‘mined from a virial equation of state. The excellent rep- resentation of these velocity of sound data by the fundamental equation supports these calculated P-p-T values. ‘The deviations ofthe saturated liquid velocity of sound. data from calculated values are illustrated in Fig. 14, The data of Van Dael etal. are seen to be concordant with the data of Straty and Younglove®. The data points ex- ceeding +1 percent are identified in ‘Table 5. 154K TO 154.5 K 0.2 8 ee Ql 0 hep he 30,5 154.581 K ee eke PERCENT PRESSURE DEVIATION 2 2S oP ec 35 10 1s 200 S DENSITY (Mol /dm>) © Weber ' 8 @ Pentermann and Wagner 4 Fo, 9, Comparison of excuated values of presure ‘rom the fundamental equation to experimental ‘data used in fting Eq. (15) ae, © Weber” and (9 Pemtermann and Wagner” Comparison of the Fundamental Equation with the Ancillary Equations for Vapor Pressure, Saturated Liquid Density and Saturated Vapor Density ‘The quality of the fundamental equation is further it~ lustrated by the comparison of vapor pressure, saturated liquid density and saturated vapor density values. Vapor pressures from Fa, (7) ate compared in Fig. 15 with pres J. Phys. Chem. Ret. Data, Vol 20, No.5, 1991 yap STEWART, JACOBSEN AND WAGNER, ‘Tasus 5. Comparizon of ealulted properties om the fundam the percent deviation in Figs 67-810 and 14 uation to experimental das, Summary of deviations exceeding the scale of No. Temperature Pressre Density ‘Range of Figures data ‘ange range eviatons Reference point © rs) (won?) (percent) 6 3 6 om - 113, 393-398 02 = ~032 6 8 8 34-105 380 — 384 021 = 031 & > m aes 160 ya 32 6 6 0 26— 85 369 390 Van tuerbeck” 6 1 1. 4s 313 Bridakov"™ 6 9a) 1s2-sea 449 ~ 504 160 - 199 Pentermann® (ca) 18458 Sot - 317 Mao tat Penermann”™ 1 3 8s 04 - 006 0.06 ~ 0.09 Webert 1 3 0 05 - 007 0.06 = 0.09 Webeet 7 3 rS fans — 04 006 = 018 Webet 7 4 100 fons = 021 (006 = 027 Weber? 1 1 10s 034 043 Weber? 1 4 12446 30-34 41-46 Weber 1 3 148150 33-35 41746 052 = 058 Webert 7 2 S254 35243 41293 =039 = 059, Weber? 7 5 19-51 2a 4a 24-70 036 - 022 Pentermann’ 7 5 152-153 45-48 ai-8s 070-03 Pentermann"® eal 1551585 45-50 1-1 =04 7 30 15458 49250 892 088 = 50) Pentemann 8 6g 136 s2-s3 97-136 Weber 8 sa 186, 52_ 54 100 = 148, Pentermann? 8 1a 18 51 BS Weber 8 30) 138 57-38 1-148 Pentermann”® see 10) 1 6 86 Weber fae so) © sae a1 36 entermann!? 8 1 10 AT ‘m4 Street 8 4 190 3-0 246 - 293 Suret™ 8 7 20 3-68 163 — 241 Street 0 1 1s 52 Goodin” 0 1 132 61 Goodin” mM A 135-156 Bi Goodin” 1“ 2 58,60 22,13 Stray? uw 4@ 1st-t64 2-18 Van Dact* “ 0 Si63 13257 outer Mu Baa 10-154 202-17 Gouter#® "None ofthe datapoints ted above for Fig. 6 was used in fitng Ey (18) Only one for Fig. 7 4 K) was used in iting Eq, (15). Eight of ‘he datapoints lsted for Fig. 6 were used in iting Eq (15, (ae cach at 186, 158 and 160K for Weber and five at 160K fom Pestermann®). "The numberof data points nthe ercl region i gen in parentheses, sures calculated using the fundamental equation at states defined by the Maxwell criteria, ie., equal pressures and Gibbs function for saturated liquid and vapor states at the same saturation temperature. This comparison shows no differences in vapor pressure values calculated using Eq. (7) from the values determined with the fundamental ‘equation to the number of significant figures given in the vapor pressures listed in Table 10, except for values ‘above 136 K. The difforenecs in the calculated vapor pressures above 136 K are: from 136 K to 140 K, +0.0001, MPa; from 147 K to 153 K, —0.0001 to —0.0002 MPa. Vapor pressure values calculated either with Eq. (7) or 4. Phys. Chem, Ref. Data, Vol. 20, No.5, 1991 from the fundamental equation are within the uncer- tainty of the selected vapor pressure data used in deter- mining Eg. (1). ‘The solid line in Fig. 16 illustrates the deviations be- tween values from the ancillary equation for saturated liquid density, Eq. (10), and values from the fundamental equation. Data forthe saturated liquid are also compared to values calculated with the fundamental equation using the Maxwell criteria in Fig, 16, Saturated vapor densities caleulated with the fundamental equation using the “Maxwell criteria are compared to values from Eq, (8) for saturated vapor density, in Fig. 17. ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF OXYGEN “Tamu 6. The estimated experimental uncertainty and the maximum de ‘ations oealclaea valves ftom the enone heat apacly ‘data of Goodwin and Weber” Estimated Max. dev. ‘Temp. erm Cr maa (percent) (percent) ‘« 32 20-32, 2 1s on hoi mao i Ba o- 22133 185 m2 os - 09 037 216 Ba 07 = o8 036 Ww a8 07-08 068 10 26 o7-0s 077 ass 26 07-08 07% 130 me 07-19 078 4 306 07 -095 9 BS 07 a3 116 MB a7 aia 17 360 07 Is 8 ma 6-07-14 9s xa o7-08 “un 5 389 a7 x9 16 406 5 - 07 2 58 Weber, awn duced fom By “Temperature at the maximum deviation, 7. Recommended Range of the Formulation and Estimated Accuracy of Calculated Properties ‘The formulation presented inthis paper is valid for the calulation of dhe thermodynamle properties of oxygen {rom the freezing line to 300 K at pressures up to 80 MPa. This range is consistent with the ranges of available data and extrapolation heyond estimated limits i not recom mended. It is recommended that coexistence properties be cal- culated by application of the Maxwell criteria, because the fundamental equation given here conforms to these requirements. The separate functions representing the vapor pressure saturated liquid density and saturated va- so density given inthis wrk ae useful eatinating eyue tions for iterative calculations 937 ‘The accuracy of calculated values of density, isochoric heat capacity and velocity of sound has been estimated from the accuracy with which the experimental data for ‘these properties are represented by calculated values, as iMuctrated in Figg. 4 to 17. The accuracy of caloulated ‘properties may also be inferred from the comparisons be- ‘ween properties calculated from the formulations by ‘Schmidt and Wagner‘ and by Stewart and Jacobsen’, as summarized in Tables 7 and 8 in Appendix B. All calcu- lated properties from both formulations may have sub- stantially larger errors in the near critical region (between 1022 and 17.04 moViin' at emperatures fi 146.85 to 162.31 K) than in other regions of the thermo- ‘dynamic surface. Both measurement and correlation are tuhjert to larger errore inthe evtical region than in othe regions of the thermodynamic surface. However, the au- ‘thors consider property values from the formulation by Schmidt and Wagner' to be more accurate for the critical region than those from the formulation by Stewart and Jacobsen’ The estimated accuracy of density values calculated with the formulation presented here is 20.1 percent (sce Figs. 5 to 9). Although calculated density values in the critical region are much larger (see Table 5), Fig. 10 ind cates that calculated pressures in the critical resion have an estimated accuracy of 0.1 percent. ‘The estimated accuracy of calculated isochoric heat ca- pacity values (see Fig. 10) is +2 percent. Tables 7 and 8 Indicate that errors in calculated isobaric Neat capacity values are generally of the same order of magnitude as the errors in isochoric heat capacity. Figure 11 indicates that the calculated values of the saturated heat capacity for the liquid are within 1 percent of the values derived by Goodwin and Weber* from their experimental data for isochoric heat capacity for the two phase resion. Calculated values of velocity of sound are estimated to bbe accurate to within + 1.0 percent, except near the ert- ical point (see Figs. 12 and 13), The accuracy of the cal ‘culated values of the velocity of sound for the saturated liquid is also within = 1.0 percent (see Fig. 14), except at temperatures below 60 K and near the critical tempera- ‘The comparisons summarized in Tables 7 and 8 indi- cate the differences in calculated properties from two equivalent formulations that were fited tothe same data sets. These comparisons indicate that differences in en- tropy are about the same magnitude as those in density, and that differences in internal energy and enthalpy are generally abuut five nes dhe magnitude of he alrer- ences in density 4. Phys. Chom, Ret. Data, Vol 20, No.5, 1901, 938 ‘STEWART, JACOBSEN AND WAGNER 2 2 2 2 o a ‘09° S000 2 noPoi? © glotiisiit isp goo ago 00) oo zo yaa ao 180200 2 2. 2 a fe 0} —*seaaeas 2 So %o poo gloiriiiis Sse a ee hee “Tee eo a 2 s 2 2 ZB thas a5 a oe Ce abe & to mo pa) “too aa ao 60180 Zoo Ss density = 20.2 deneity = G2 2 a o o & oo 5b 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 5 4 2 Zoo wza oie eo 200 “foo azo 140 “igo eo 200 Qo 2 a ° Q ar glo) Gh ee] foo iz 140 veo Teo 200 “Yoo tio 120 Tao 14050 2 ss 2 # o 204 0 22 eo ghee gfe tea foo iz ta Teo Tea 200 | “Yoo tio 720 1014080 TEMPERATURE (K} FRc, 10, Comparison of experimental data of the isochori heat eapacity from Goodwin and Weber" with vals from the fundamental equation. The density given for each graph i in mola. ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF OXYGEN 939 ty = 33.8 density = 39.7 2 = 2 = ° oe ° 3 2 ris. 1s ater wii go 100 «110 120 $0 60 70 80 30 100 density = 34.8 density = 40.6 2 ~ 2 = ° ° > 2 i 6 abe 30 100 «110 (120 50 60 70 80 90 tan density = 36.0 2 Oe ee 2 ee ao 90 100 110 120 density = 38.1 PERCENT DEVIATION IN TEMPERATURE (K} Fic. 10, Comparison of experimental dat of the isochoric heat capacity from Goodwin and Weber with waluet from the fundamental equation. The density given for each graph it in molidm? — Continued, 910 DEVIATION IN Co (®) ‘STEWART, JACOBSEN AND WAGNER, 0.25 + ae 0.00 Q 7 fe -0.25 ao. ae ‘ 7 Ee eg 0.50 was oy 50 -U.1> ett . =1.00 | By ++ cxpsientel Saiee d 2 3 500 3 3000 2383 1.25 ria L 4 ta L 1 1 55 65 «75 «85 «(95 105-115 125 «135 «14d «1D TEMPERATURE (K) ‘0,11, Comparison of calculated values ofthe saturated ligudheat capacity (C,) from the fundamental equation to experimental valves {hom Goodwin snd Weber, THERMODYNAMIC PHOPEHIIES UF OXYGEN. vat a — 2 250 « ° 2 ° poo o slits t 2b. . a 5 280k ofa a sooo d ee eee qherisit : 124k 5 300 of woo of e2c2000 0 aglerirtit eee ee 5 130K 0S 10 18 20 25 30 35 : ° PERCENT DEVIA“ION IN VELOCITY OF SOUND 2 5 130K ° om900.0 0 2. eee po : 220k c oo ae eee 08 10 a5 20 2s 30 3S PRESSURE (MPa) Fic, 12. Comparison of experimental data forthe velociy of sound from Stray and Younglove® with calculated values fom the fundamental equation. 4. Phys. Chem, Ret, Data, Vol. 20, No.5, 1901 ry STEWART, JACOBSEN AND WAGNER LOCITY OF SOUND PERCENT DEVIATION IN V: Fic. 13. ‘J. Phys, Chem, Ret. Data, Vol. 20, No. 5, 1991 : eer ; A al uw ; pate : : “ i ate 0 oe a f A 0 — i i i a = ry 1 - ; i 7 or 7 ool 1 ak 4 i : ae ° o 8 00 A i alegre tie ote PRESSURE (MPo) ‘Comparison of experimental data forthe veloe- iy of sound from Van 1 beck and. Van Pemet” wit clelated values from the fun Aamental equation ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF OXYGEN vas & Zo v3 2 : : z a ; S805 + « g 0 2% Pe 5 as os peth® 8? 00 opeuest a a8 cones oP 800, edece, BeOS TE Se weet By . ’ eee 55] Coaman. 65) 95)en105u2115] | 12598155. (145) 155) TEMPERATURE. (Kk) FRc. M4, Comparison of calculated values ofthe velocity of sound from the fundamental equation for the saturated liquid to experimental vals. 0.010 9.005 + 0.000 -0.005 PERCENT DEMATION IN VAPOR PRESSURE wooo | 55 6575S 95105125135 «TAS SS TEMPERATURE (kK) Fic. 15, Comparisons of valves of the vapor presure from Eq, (7) wth values calculated from the fundamental equation sng the Maxwell rtri z § ono Se 22 Stele water, 6 5 0.05 § Pentermonn ond. Wagner : Bo . + pay OM dota of,Weber” A = 3 0.00 o 7 Ge aes 6 0.05 a4, tte pra (10) 4 Bs tes . af 3 ot 3 Z-0.10 fete . | Be 4 * ' ® Boss 1 fos eee, Goss 6575-8585 105115 125135145155 TEMPERATURE. (Kk) Fic. 16 Comparzons of experimental data and valves from Eq, (10) with valves of the saturated liquid density frm the fundamental equation sing the Manvel extera. J. Phys. Chem, Ret. Data, Vol 20, No.5, 1991 ‘STEWART, JACOBSEN AND WAGNER: os 0.10 0.05 g PERCENT DEVATION IN ATURATED VAPOR DENSITY sa 0.10, ss S75 ass | Tos 15 125438 145155 TEMPERATURE. 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Poh and, Schomdckr, Themo- oo 9 c ‘O1 ‘08 2 3 a * (09 () oy eo) % a5) G a 28 “ 0 0 a (os) &% (2 ey ey eo) wl ‘10 0 ® 8 16 3 @ (a % re) @ a "The values of internal energy and enthalpy ae anal i RB region: 4. Phys. Chom. Ref. Data, Vol 20, No.5, 1991, 948, Appendix C. Thermodynamic Property Tables tor Oxygen ‘The thermodynamic properties of the ideal gas given in ‘Table 9 were derived from Faq. (11), Thermodynamic properties for Tables 10 and 11 were calculated using the fundamental equation [Eqs. (2, 14, 15)] with the coeffi- STEWART, JACOBSEN AND WAGNER cients and exponents given in Table 4 and the property functions given in Appendix A. The evexistenve states ‘were defined from the fundamental equation for calculat- ing the liquid and vapor densities using the Maxwell erite- ria, ie, equal pressures, temperatnres ancl Gibbs energy for the liquid and vapor phases. ‘Tams 9. Ideal gas popertes af ype T = ” G G Tae a a G K— WmckK Simo Simo K Smo K MootK nolo nob 3% Waa 19 =a su 08227364 —~=SCLOTSC« ES o MGSL 187208528199 310 20618 00S BAST 6 woe 130130819 So 2071293281 21180 29494 s 1557915926 82 ‘OMSL 99163213098 o 1a m2 2809 380 2007710128380 8688 n test 700952. 310-2142 106082 SM 8K 6 wig 20751 mms wo 202 «od et7 99 » 16570 08 = 0 30 7130014069278 30018 as 16ss 24652 msm 2aats ao 71376 mrs m2 s0407 0 ras (26s = amos 40 02173316 = RIMS 95 iz 774 = amos soo 22058 nm 303 100 mig 3929 sso. 57 2287 31.602 1s rms) 30850799 DOI a 2534 237932083 uo wss7 31981 m7 aus 60 mag} 957 eae 2856, us 1726 3396 78D mw D136 ISL AST 32.85 0 17850 348520798 D9 7502365 208407506838 Bs m9 3008 UB mo BSB S187 Sa BTS 10 10S 3763 Dw $50 2787 260139578) OSS as ssiss 3921908 suo 2398227 ho 0 1299 ens 079822 850 24169 296196 «6317 GE us wor 421300 io 26347 513742656877 150 was 43585 2088 1050-24518 3513706788 35:02 15 ias9s 45081 ns too 24682 348973605 353009 10, 1688 46107 02a 1150 24839 3606772747 aS S00 16s W771 4983 0 as 10 24990 3727365 38.6D 10 test 4840820800 Dols 1250 35136 Sussa OTS ws 149 50854 OM OIG 10025277 aams.7 27689 36.03 189 wost 5220 087 1350-84 ASRS 27893653 18s suo S376) see. 100 28545456468 79m 36.296 19) iiss 5532007, 145025673 ass BID 36.43 195 tet 56683 05092914 1300 25797 4990128282666 200 1337 Sela tnsi2 28127 135025017 S1I2L7 aah (36.66 210 ria 61085720800 29:135 10 25033 59595 S68 20 ws nd DM 1650 61a Sums) R607 20 174s 66887 as 18) 10025057 Secse3 RSS 37.069 240 19869 © 66803 ast 29178 17506365 Sasio8 = 28a 37191 230 138 7222 0S. 10026470 603733283 20 2O1M3 78644 0913.08 15025572 IHS DONS 0 mis S68 oss 190 25672641163 oak 230 m9 896 = 20982 29.296 195025170 659956 2038237656 0 mm BT DOM 388 200 26865 T8884 37.283 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF OXVGEN 010 ‘Taoxe 10, Thermodynamic properties of saturated angen Temp. Pressure Density “Enthay "Entropy G Vel so. x MPa rol? Jim Simol K JimolK —__Yimot Kms SG 00016 “sie sina ea98 aes eu an? sna oma 0 5s 00179 ors 61592 57 a5 ss91106, ‘003906 15918 20899 mn 56 tones 008 61058 6453 2686 560 ‘nsi91 16007 20650 2 7 00323 wan 60523 aT 621 546 009821 16085, 20480 16 8 0048 0337 $9988 7040 3807 8B “zon8s70 167k m7 vat 9 nes60 o20 59653 132 sm 5331 130 ‘tous? mz rom us o 0738 40.064 58918 ma sa sss ones mse was 1 a ss 39926 58382 TRO 3450 ss “s01840 fon 19174 1 @ oust 39187 57846 1398 saan sat 8 “02306 13 19620, rd o 01499) 368 31310 483 3893 368 102866 i219 sr 150 6 01878 39507 36714 1888 Be sss 07 103835 13505 18330 181 « 02335 39367 36289 "631 2347 sas) 0h 103329 1890 9194 152 ones 0205 55700 733 826 361088 005264 sors 3083 183 o on3s33 20088 35163 TEs 2307 3369188 006359 19360, 13937 154 o -s0%302 a8982 ~54626 7a93 2288 3608 073s 19643, 1885 155 ® £05206 3879 54089 pn 3270 36 ‘si07 1926 13698 156 ~ 009262 38.686 $3552 9 as S87 1066, ‘10808 2a09 18585 158 a ores sasI5 S015 a5 sr 53701058 12788 18478 159 n ongo10 30) 5200 sa 37 10st 014963 1873 160 1" sins ery x76 seas Sn 108 “oT? 12.73 16 1" ona sea mT 3180 sm 1s “120316 181.75 1a > i> 1310 my sus sn Mm 23809 18082 18 %6 01657 3180 5490 3.0 an 1p “ares 1991 1st ” wn sina Sal sas sam 10 31082 1904 165, 8 ooo 37838 5630 aa 50% 103 35524 1819 166 » ses sist 8 sur sa 35 oes m7 167 » 012 sr 57456 suas sat 387 Das891 17658 168 a ase srass 38 sox sat vy a5188s 17581 169 2 3923 607 99 076 sus om nsb468 17507 m0 s oss sans 9.8 2089 svt sms 088679 17435 m cy 15039 36607 029 308 5396 555 “T3888 im3.6s m ss 13688 36457 3095, 3037 soi #0 -t82138 172.96 mB % 16391 36305 9136 sas sar 38 “wiser m0 1m ‘J. Phys. Chem. Ret. Data, Vol20, No. 5, 1991 950 ‘STEWART, JACOBSEN AND WAGNER ‘asus 10, Thermodynamic properties of saturated axygen — Continued Temp. Premure Dein, Enthelpy Entropy c os x MPa ollie? Timo Simol K nol Snot K w as 36183 ~ aes s218 sat sa 330 0158 286 m6 m6 8 8011 3600 407 28) 299 5420 om 11253 2500 m3 175 ® 98933 38847 403 S341 81 5428 oe 12036 25040 17008, 176 * 09935 er ~ 4758 602 eas 5436 0s -3n0 23075 168.83 7 o 1102 35537 -an3 suse 203 sas or 13081 25707 16825 178 2 120 as 41065 9521, asi S455 0 “esse 2s 16869 1% % 107 ss a8 3580 39 5865 81 “asi 25158 15814 1» cS 1s 3503 aise 038 a8 5476 sn “19821, 26317 1610) 180 98 1631 sas -a0018 3695 aaa sss 64 21627 26331 167.08 180 ” rs st Ss 733 0% ssa 6 23883 26801 16635 ist ” 1958 34583 34912 98.10 2395 ssa 87 25606 zs 16.06 ie 271 mma 16557 2136 318s iz. 23 34257 37801 B23 2% ssa 30 - 0113 209 16508, 237 s201 1 29 71589 16461 2161 20 1 101 2160 33905 3082 10033 2333 is 3 35155, ama 164s 218s sear 184 12 a 39957 36120 10.8 23 395 05 7903 250 18.69 2170 ses 138, 103 28 33588 ~ 38556 1012 233 set 736 0836 28123 163.25 2136 3290 18s 04 x06 soar? 3990 10198 2528 Sass 181 43993 2289 1281 2182 sar 136, 10s; ames 38285 sor 10250 ais 5636 1 anst 250 1037 2.39 346 186, 106 4001 son 382 19.03 2305 3678 ™ ‘some. mao 161.95 297 a7 186, 107 483 32596 3219 103.56 2136 sta 764 51306 25a 16153 206 3a 187 “3006 2883 16112 nis 36 187 109 5069 32540 -n0s 1046 mp sre 13 50 roar 10.71 2s 3B 187 6506 256 16031 2236 3526 188 m 3318 32177 30960 105.65 me sa ns 70583, wna 15991 nar 3861 188 "73650 3841 15952 239 M12 18 13 646 311806 29783 10667 746 5875 m1 0635 2098 15913 zn 3600 188 a 700 1617 pies 10738 29 ea0 os ‘asm09 23997 18825 2288 srt 188 us 1886 31426 2859.2 10789 231 sar os 91288 288 18837 258 ars 189 6 son a m2 10820 me 26 ” 97006 ama 1519 aR xn 189 a a3 31037 -77387 10870 mu an ™ 10301 23847 15162 2326 3882 189 ne 9006 205% 279 10031 m0 an 1.0831 m3 15725 aa 19 19 9642 20838 26165 109.71 no 1 11592 er 15688 as 189 4. Phys. Chem Ret, Data, Vo. 20, No.6, 1991 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF OXYGEN 951 {AML 1, THermagmame proper of satratea angen ~ Contnes Top. Presure Deas, ‘Enshalpy Ensropy c. GV nd ‘MPa mol met Jims Kk Smal K io” ams ss 28508 oat 2598 oust 1228 ‘20 15682 an aust rts zt a7 nom 2492 aw 13010 oso seis ae 1.0 muse saa 2600 mat ia ais asm aoe 18579 2406 20 mas mane Bas un aaa an 1457 sons 15543 na 36 107 sos 15506 2a. an ms 13509 2360 2H 20 2571 648 Tess son 15070 1 615 1s ios sae 29 a ms 2ao1s et 137 2403 an vin. ‘Mon 15398, 2s aa i9tse s00K2 1502 338 st me 168s 2s ius erry 266 an “mae 9092 2s 2339 mo ams 1804 sis 2st "2 Beak a8 7) mas 21986 iss 1509 231 23541 29880 1251 ao 19 mse nm — 17601 630 0 i ns as 1987 28 506 29077 29668 69 18 Mum nan 1212 sae os Bs ame 26900 187 ne 3 2792 29517 25 1s m6 a 25027 i810 m0 a 2a 26338 10st st “a 31083 a ms 1 we 816 204 ~BB7 ms 4 32063 2D ne 13 19 06 ane ~ boa Bs os 3857 a9 74 1 wt sais ~1n2 26 a 36 23581 mn 2 sane Ans tn an a0 Sasa OK ma 1 1230 2738 30072 27 a” one 23 299 1 13109 766 Ba 10 1 asm 2398 Jan no ° 15685 Ba 1 san was 1% 1s ass aun 0 0 S16 wa im ans ant 6 a Sans 5s i% 156 228 28 08 ‘san 319 us wo 4aser 2170 2 BI 6209 an tm 10 dates aun 298 m eni7 ao m ist aa non 36 a 1245805 ast jas? 2m 15368 5ss8 1 4 Phys. Chem. Ret, Data, Vol 20, No.5, 1991 ‘STEWART. JACOBSEN AND WAGNER ‘Tass 10. Thermodynamic properties of saturated oxygen ~ Continued ‘Temp. -Promure Demis, ‘Entaley Entopy Ce G Vol od, x MPa oli Sinol Jimol K Jmol K Simo Km Ane 18650 240 1937 ae 2537 28 ssies wt 14037 srst os? 166 1449307 17096 ‘000 13087 Seis uus20s 18 10213 16589) 13549 as 103393 1 1sise $088 Be 103949 nee Ripe pin “Catal point. Tame 11, Tnteral ‘Velocity Temp. Density enecay Enthalpy Entropy c G of sound (2 MPa Taber 56 20.605 = 51059 = 6105.4 ess 386 sas 1130 3 40338 = 5999.0 = 3985 7090 S367 S348 ut @ 40.065 = 58919 ~Se914 nn 3a ass am a 39508 -sens -son0 1388 30 368 108 6 39226 =ssm2 255607 m3 as 5368 1095 @ 3a99e eae 5a ra33 mae Be 181 38687 53554 53549 ans 353 5370 1066 n 38370 52480 35 200 se2i 3370 1051 ™ saost sos suo ar 2150 sa suas % 37790 50332 50727 5450 3.0 573 1019 Tae 37830 W744 476 85.8 bite 5378 1010 mo “03150, 13832 22180 17355 165 * ‘3143 eon mao Yat 16 ® 3032 16469) 206 10.08 16 & 2957 16893 2838 1081 m oy ‘oeas 17313 paws e152 aa pa m 86 rst iB 24832 19221 2076 2326 116 % rst 18148, 247 12.88, 275 pe v8 2 02630 18981 26885 1848 2076 a2 1 % 573 19398 am 18481 a7 p24 184 96 02519 vais as6 185.8 2078 2 186 100 oui7 20649 29825 18682 20 pas a 2369 21087 23510 18720, 208i 2925 106, 278 21902 0480 18832 masz pas 08 2236 m9 31085 18887 an 3s 10 canes am asso seo ae pa 199 cry 218s isa Ras 18953, mm 22 2 ae 2117 23812 sr0 19045, 23 2s a3 us 2080 23989 sas 19096 2 wz 0s us ‘ames 2403 ange 9146 ae pm 206 0 2010 pasa sama 19155 sass 2 208 m 197 aut 33358 123 ma pn 210 me 1aas 25659 35003 sas na pm a 16 ‘ois 26076 36827 19338, na pa 23 ns ‘oussa 26493 amu sat mas 21 25 ‘J. Phys. Chem, Ret. Data, Vol 20, No.5, 1991 THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF OXYGEN 953, ‘Taw 11. Thermodynamic properties of ongen Terma ‘Velsiy Temp. Densiy eneray Enthalpy Entropy c G of round x ollie inet mol imal K mol K mol K mit “B2 MPa Toba 0 piese 2910 31095 19429 Dose 20 aT ma ‘ais m7 hao 1973 me 2 ae 1 1789 aKa 38863 1517 mo 2920 Fy 136 oun 2161 39447 9561 a pis m 1 ‘ors 2518 om 19603, mos 29 2 0 aon 23995 soos 65 mos ns 12 ne a2 aus 19647 ma pis a 4 ‘ners 29829 41782 awi27 masz pis 2 1 18 30663 x9 19807 mast is a 150 1606 31079 8533 19847 2nsi par as 1s 368 31913 samo 19923, oni Bar 26 156 ‘aise 32329 13283 1961 ani par 28 158 ‘o1s24 ams $5366 199.98 208i par 2 1 isos 3163 46150 2035 ani 2916 a 12 1487 33579 4733 20071 2asi 2316 20. 1 01468 53996 7616 201.07 2st 2316 2 166 i451 3u2 8199 20142 ans 2316, 2s 168 1633 329 48783 mou st 2.16 a 10 ovis sss 49366 m2 st 16 28 m ‘1400 38062 9949 22.46 2st is 20 1m ‘13ke a3 50532 279 2081 is 2 16 01368 36495 sins. 2.13, at is = 8 1353, 36812 51098 203.46 2081 ois 2 180 ous 3728 sua 2.78 2081 pas ws 8s ‘ox301 38369 53739 Dose 231 ais 29 19 ‘ons Seat 58197 25.36 201 ais 22 195 ‘ou 40452 Sons 216.12 mos pis 266, 200 ‘om 4193 ss112 206.85 ms pis 6 2s ote 42535 ses70 mst ange a6 m 210 ‘onus 4576 eins, 20828 2ass 21s 26 as ‘ons 4618 eae 20896 nas Bis 7 20 1098 45660 ams 29.63 anss par 2 ns ‘01070 46703 02 21028 mse pear 2S 20 m10%6 amas 686.1 21093 znas aie = as 102s 58 a0 21156 2036 B19 m 20 ‘ions 92 oreo 2os7 B Bs 2s 0882 5087 mac 2277 anss 21 36 au ines sis20 mm 2136 m9 Bn Sot as 0988 50365 7162 zs 2ns0 wa a 20 082s S01 73623 21831 mez 2s om 23 0s sus mss 21507 mss 2925, 310 m0 0891 e105 73849 21562 mass 22 33. ms srs sns3 m1 216s 2096 Bp sis 0 iss saz asi 21968 mss vat 18 as ‘oss ss woot 21120 21.00 ps 2 20 0830 a0 aL 201 213 3s 4 25 0816 oss 18879 21821 nas cy a 500 ‘2 naw ssa zn am co a ‘J Phys. Chem, Ret. Data, Vol. 20, No. 5, 1991 954 ‘STEWART, JACOBSEN AND WAGNER ‘TaMLE 11 Thermodynamic properties of erygen ~ Continued Internal Veloiy Temp. Density enerny Enthalpy Entropy c G ‘of sound x mollis? imal nol Simal K nol K Simol K ms (00 MPa Feobar ae “si? Tai 698 mae Bs 1B 56 ass = 61050 33 3686 sas 190 8 0338 = $9981 7080 3887 5348 1B o 0066 = 5910 nn Buse S356 m7 @ 3978 3738 nor 340 S361 m9 o 29509 ~30716 S666 508 20 sas 1108 66 39227 =55703 55603 ms w6 5368 1095 s 3890 5163.0 suet ma93 a8 5309 1081 0 Sass Teis56 T5545 a3 2S 58 1065 n 38371 52482 sn e200 sai 5370 1081 oy 38082 ~s1908 51397 ear s1s0 an suas 1% Ear ~ss34 50323 3450 31 an i019 % 37499 = 29259 19048 630 3131 5376 103 » 37208 = 48183 = 48173 5786 3103 5381 98r 2 36907 =4n07 47096 R95 5n76 S387 m. mus 6884 ~ams ams 09 sae S388 sm mis 05953 16809 m08 17496 10 a ‘sais rmis 24004 17564 m % ‘08 trea 2089 tos aun as 15 8 05540 168 2088 17103 ne 238 m *” sai 888 ase79 ne zaso par 1 34 ‘osi7s 1326 mms ra nm pat 16 96 05064 194s Zot 1959 279 2340 18s 8 9958 20163 mma 1019 mao 240 1 100 ss 20382 220 190.79 aust 2040 189 102 o1738 2100. 208 18137 ne 2040 1 108 Ass 21420 23005 1194 2085 240 193 106 ‘oust 21340 ase 19250 Doss 39 195 108 ‘owas 2ms9 sum 183.05 20s 2939 m as srs 31159 1359 anas 2038 17 2516 m4 18464 2085 2936 4173 2535 53821 15.15 mas 2936 04101 2054 sao 185.65 nas 2335 04031 2713 eos 186.14 nas ae 03964 25192 ssn 186.683 mass ps 03899) 23610 55368 snit ans p32 03716 26487 STO 18804 amas 231 v0 ont 2686.6 310.7 18.49 aaas 2330 216 1 03660 amas smi. 18894 anse pa 28 Be 03608 272 aaa 189.38, mass nm 2 6 ‘ssi 23120 sae 18981 mas nm za 1 02 28538 so09 19024 mse pa = 10 ous 23956 19046 anes 2926 as 1 103400 2374 191.08 mss 2326 2% 4 ims Dei wo aa pas = 16 103306 30209 19139 2n83 22s 20 8 ‘03280 30627 19229 ans 22 BI ‘J. Phys. Chem. Ret, Data, ol. 20, No.5, 1991 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF OXYOEN ‘Tague 1. Thermodynamic properties of oxygen ~ Continued Thermal Velociy Temp. Densiy energy Enthalpy Entropy G G of sound ® molt Smal 3imot Snot K Sirol mot K me (D0 MPa lobar — Continued 150 x21? S104 | 5180 i268 2am 2 2 12. 317 31462 44064 19307 ngs BB Be 186 03132 31879 44689 18345 anss 2 26 186, ‘082 m7 ane 19353 2nss pn a 138 “03052 ama S818 19420 ram an zo 10 03014 Bid ao02 19457 ans wn 20 12 oon ‘548 4687 19493 ange pa 22 166 2990 3966 a 19529 mag wa 23 66 2904 3383 iss 19564 zag pa 2s ae 2870 S00 BI 19 aus ba Be 10 02836 35017 23 19634 ons 0 28 m ‘2s02 3504 9507 196.68 mn 20 29 i zr sas sow wie fuse pa Est 16 O78 36468 suns 19735 ana is 2 v8 zor 58s S169 1168 masz 29 24 185, “805 384 $3702 19881 2082 19 259 190 12536 39387 $5162 1958 ong ais 22 15, ‘70 ‘0929 $6821 20034 an ais 26 20 ‘2408 aera ss060 2o1a6 mos Bis 2 0s 239 e513 59539 amo ana 2s m 210 as 43555 588 2ms0 aus 28 76 as ‘eam 498 aur amas au pe 2 0 iiss ‘5601 917 am36 anes 19 2 ns ‘240 ase a6 ms aus as ms 20 093 ama eo mss amas pa 20 Bs ‘2099 am om35 2089, mn36 a mm 240 ‘2006 ais os 20640 ans7 wa 25 as ‘niss 50859 m7 2n00 ons pn 28 250 ‘aims sine a9 oma ane 2 3 255 01888 52950 isa 2087 ano 24 Ey 2 ‘onssi S036 13803, 20874 msz 2925 xr ™ ‘ois 58080 7530 20885, mss 22 33 ms ‘o1730 S739 8S 21038 m7 230 ais 285 ‘o1689 SB 7 218 2101 Be 31 = ‘o1659 oas0 san 2114 2103 2335 3 Ds ‘ois ouaz 85863 maa 2.05 238 aa D6 MPa Taber mar Tone Tae Tass wan wae aa ma 56 40.506 61060 ~sims B82 3586 SAS 10 ES 40339 = ~s917 m0 3867 5348 u3t o 40.066 S021 ~s08 mai Bast sas m2 a 389 “sso ~srs nor sen ss a9 6 38510 -ser7 $6162 1367 09 ses 1108 6 39.208 =ssme = 55668 m2 3326, 5308 1095 a wou sae sus s na pa se sot ” 38.659 587 =z ss ase 309 1086 n aan 52483 “3268 00 ma 87 10st ‘J Phys, Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 20, No. 5, 1991,

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