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Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Elementary Education Program

Pre-Observation Form

Directions: This form is to be completed prior to every lesson that will be observed by the mentor
teacher or university supervisor. It is to be submitted no later than 3 business days prior to the actual
observation along with your lesson plans.

Name: Olivia Bunemann Date:11/13/17

1. What is the topic of your lesson?

Helping Others and Building Community

2. Why are you teaching this lesson? What is your rationale for teaching it?

I am teaching this lesson to share with the students that helping others builds
strong relationships and improves community. They see how they help around
the classroom daily but I want to show them how they can impact the greater

3. What is your Teaching Behavior Focus? Why did you choose this?

My Teaching Behavior Focus is providing response opportunities for the

students. It is important to allow children to share their thoughts because it allows
you as a teacher to see if they are comprehending the topic at hand and it also
allows for other children to learn from the ideas shared.

4. Why did you design your instruction in this lesson the way that you did? Why did
you choose this way of teaching the lesson (e.g., Was the idea from a methods
course? From your mentor teacher? Another source?) I designed the instruction
of this lesson in this way from a community building exercise in ELM 375 and
adapted it to fit the topic at hand. Having the children see how they help the
classroom and community in their own way and then linking all of their ideas
together allows for a visual of how they all work together to form a stronger bond.

5. As you are thinking through this lesson, what do you believe will be the most
challenging part of this lesson for you when you teach it? Why?

I think the most challenging part of the lesson will be the students brainstorming
about how they help in their community now. Many children do not go out and
directly affect the community but I am sure there are some ways they help out.
6. How will you know if your learning outcomes for the students are met

I will know if the learning outcomes are successfully met when the students stand
in front of the classroom and share their ideas specifically about how they will
impact their future communities.

7. How will your classroom management support the learning outcomes?

Classroom management will support the learning outcomes by creating a

respectful and listening space where everyone will have their ideas heard.

8. List 1-3 areas which you would like for your observer to pay particular attention.
Why do you want your observer to focus on these areas?

My wait time/ability to give students enough time to get their thoughts out
My ability to grab the students attention/get it back after group discussion

9. Is there anything else you would like your observer to know before the

There is nothing else I would like my observer to know.

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