Empathy Lesson Observation Form

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tit ichard c Elementary Education Formal Observation Form “empathy “ JunonSerio rn student tuitlyx Richard Observer: Mauer MAnaney Grade: Date: 1-17 Time: $:30 Subject f/ Sues 41. Classroom Climate/Culture - Student Behavior YES NO [Clintem communicates and maintains standards for appropriate classroom behavior. [Fintem antcipstes ad acts on potenil classroom desupions. — paving wp aiued of bite [2] E2intern maintains positive classroom climate. [4 Dinter responds o student behaviors appropriately. Commer deauck tecea)) wart tine (200 back) 2. Instruction «Instructional Time ZL itntern has materials, supplies, and equipment ready atthe start ofthe lesson or activity. 1 Diintem gets cass stared quick. intern uses avaiable time fr lerring ond keeps students on tas Comments: 3._ Instruction - Instructional Planning and Presentation [2 Diino establishes inks with pot eaming and experiences. [Bile aranges leaning acts to support standards ay inte appropriately uses a varity of teaching ses. us be Comments Wistering, geccobeneng , ene Me ‘4. Instruction - Instructional Monitoring (4 —_ Liintemn circulates to check performance and monitor progress. 1 intern varies level of questioning, [1 Dntem ensures that al students have the opportunity to participate, is CE aging parhier wok, raking wcua o tok: 5. Impact on Student Learning - Facilitating Instruction [J Liintern estabishes clear outcomes for leaming [4 —_Glntem communicaes leaning outcomes to students [Dinter adjusts lesson based on student responsesiongoing assessment, Y [4 Gilntern connects leaning outcomes tothe NCSCOS. ‘Comments: — erlatid Lo Guidance vo sacccud. “palatice tt MEd ete tad whal Hag needed 6. Evaluation/Assessment - Instructional Feedback Dinter provides feedback on the correctness or incorrectness of in-class work to encourage student growth. .~ [inter afrms comect oral responses appropriately and moves on. Gurck. beet rasan fle Lointer provides sustaining feedback after an incorrect response by probing, repeating the question, giving a clue, allowing mre ti a table about hnd May cax Ahad erp atey Wins SS,

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