Website Rubric

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Student-created Rubric Items

[ ] Students write-up is thoughtful, addresses their deficit or surplus, and shows evidence of
consideration of the financial viability of their budget.
[ ] Students write-up has considered their potential for savings.
[ ] Students write-up has considered their deductions and provided an explanation of each.
[ ] Students Google Sheets file shows consideration of clarity, design, and organization.
[ ] Research on job/wages/expenses is evident, accurate, and sufficient.

Teacher Rubric Items

[ ] All calculations are completed accurately.
[ ] Google Sheets formulas are used for all calculations.
[ ] No calculation sheets/pages are missing from the document.
[ ] No sheets/pages are missing from the document.
[ ] Student has included graphs in appropriate areas.
[ ] Students sheets format uses colour.
[ ] All sources are documented.

[ ] 3 - 5 - Beginning
[ ] 6 - 9 - Developing
[ ] 10 - 12 - Applying

Extending - Extent of research, design, and personal investment will be carefully considered by
the teacher in awarding a grade of Extending.

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