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Single-Source CVD of Zinc Sulfide-Based Thin Films from Zinc

By Davide Barreca,* Eugenio Tondello, Donocadh Lydon, Trevor R. Spalding, and Monica Fabrizio

A novel single-source precursor, zinc bis(O-ethylxanthate), was employed for the CVD of ZnS-based thin films. The coatings
were deposited on SiO2 and SiO2/Si(100) substrates in a N2 atmosphere in a cold-wall reactor in the temperature range 250
400 C. The optical properties of the films were investigated by ultra violet-visible (UV-vis) absorption and Fourier transform
infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies. The surface and in-depth chemical composition were studied by X-ray photoelectron spec-
troscopy (XPS), X-ray excited Auger electron spectroscopy (XE-AES), and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Final-
ly, atomic force microscopy (AFM) was employed to analyze the surface morphology of the coatings. Very thin films, with
thickness less than 30 nm and no evidence of crystalline phases, were grown at temperatures of at least 300 C. Optical mea-
surement showed that the coatings were highly transparent ( > 80 %) throughout the visible and IR spectral ranges.

Keywords: Single-source precursor, Surface techniques, ZnS

1. Introduction Zinc sulfide thin films have been produced by several

synthetic routes, such as electron beam evaporation,[5]
Pure and doped ZnS-based thin films have attracted con- radio frequency (RF) sputtering,[6] pulsed laser ablation,[7]
siderable interest for the production of blue lasers, light- molecular beam epitaxy (MBE),[8] solgel,[9] and spray-py-
emitting diodes, and anti-reflection coatings.[1] In recent rolysis.[10] Within this widespread scenario, the growth of
years, alternating current thin-film electroluminescent ZnS thin films by CVD has attracted much attention,
(ACTFEL) devices, with a ZnS layer as the active element, thanks to the possibility of tailoring the film properties by a
have received increasing attention in the field of optoelec- judicious choice of precursor compound and reaction con-
tronics for possible use in flat-panel displays.[2] The light- ditions.
emitting properties of ZnS-based materials have been tai- Conventional CVD processes for ZnS rely on the use of
lored, either by the preparation of composite sulfides like two separate sources for zinc and sulfur: Me2Zn and
ZnxCd1xS, where 0 < x < 1,[3] or by metal ion doping (AgI, H2S,[1,11,12] Et2S,[13] or propylene sulfide.[14,15] The occur-
CuII, MnII, ).[4] rence of gas-phase side reactions has been partially inhib-

ited by using Me2Zn/NEt3 in conjunction with Et2S2,[16] or

[*] Dr. D. Barreca, Prof. E. Tondello tert-BuSH.[14,15,17] Recently, electrostatic spray-assisted va-
Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari del CNR por deposition has been used to deposit highly oriented
Sezione di Padova and INSTM ZnS films from ZnCl2 and thiourea.[18]
Via Marzolo 1, I-35131 Padova (Italy)
E-mail: An attractive alternative to using multiple reagents is the
Dr. D. Lydon, Prof. T. R. Spalding use of a single-source molecule (SSM) precursor, compris-
Department of Chemistry ing all the elements to be deposited.[19,20] The advantages
University College Cork
National University of Ireland offered by such compounds include easier control of stoi-
Cork, College Road, Cork (Ireland) chiometry and limitation of unwanted side reactions. In this
Dr. M. Fabrizio framework, CVD of ZnS films has been performed, start-
Istituto per l'Energetica e le Interfasi CNR
Corso Stati Uniti 4, I-35127 Padova (Italy)
ing from dialkylmonothiocarbamates like Zn(SOCCH3)-
[**] The authors are grateful to Prof. L. Operti (Dipartimento di Chimica TMEDA, from Zn(S2COCHMe2)2 by both thermal and la-
Generale ed Organica Applicata, Universit, Torino) for the EI-MS ser-driven CVD, and from Zn dialkyldithiocarbamates.[19,21]
spectra of the precursor, to Dr. P. Traldi and Dr. R. Seraglia for the Nevertheless, the choice of a single-source precursor
ESI measurements on the same compound. Thanks are due also to
Dr. O. Sasso, F. Carli, and A. Venzo (Dipartimento CIMA-Universit remains problematic because many different types of zinc
di Padova) for help in the experimental work and for the NMR analy- sulfur complexes are polymeric in the solid state, resulting
sis of the precursor, and to Prof. L. E. Depero and Dr. E. Bontempi
(INFM and Dipartimento di Chimica e Fisica per l'Ingegneria e per i
in reduced volatility.
Materiali-Universit di Brescia) for the XRD measurements. Mr. Ste- In this paper, a CVD method using a new single-source
fano Girardi is gratefully acknowledged for skilful technical assistance. precursor for the growth of ZnS-based thin films under
Progetto Finalizzato Materiali Speciali per Tecnologie Avanzate II
and Programma Materiali Innovativi Legge 95/95 provided financial relatively mild conditions, is developed. To this end,
assistance. zinc bis(O-ethylxanthate) (Zn(O-EtXan)2, with O-EtXan =

Chem. Vap. Deposition 2003, 9, No. 2 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 0948-1907/03/0203-0093 $ 17.50+.50/0 93
Full Paper

S2COCH2CH3) was used as the precursor.[22] This com-

(Zn(O-EtXan)+2 , m/z = 306) as the base peak, indicating
pound contains ZnS bonds with average distances of that zinc bis(O-ethylxanthate) is a relatively stable molecu-
2.35 ,[23] very similar to those in the various ZnS poly- lar compound in the gas phase, and not a polynuclear zinc
morphs,[24] and it can be decomposed to ZnS under rela- species. Nevertheless, since zinc bis(O-ethylxanthate) has a
tively mild conditions. Moreover, it has an appreciable vol- polymeric structure in the solid state,[23] oligomeric gas-
atility and ambient stability. phase species might have been destroyed by the EI ioniza-
The focii of the present study are the interrelationships tion conditions. Therefore, a softer ionization technique
between the composition, microstructure, and morphology such as electrospray ionization (ESI)[26,27] would clearly
of very thin ( 30 nm) ZnS films. Even if such materials be a useful analytical tool for assessing the presence of
might allow the peculiar features offered by nanosystems oligomers in the vapor phase. The ESI spectra, in negative
to be exploited, characterization may be complicated (even ion mode, showed the presence of the base peak (100 %) at
with advanced surface techniques) either by the small m/z = 427, which was assigned to the species [Zn(O-Et-
amount of material present, or by the difficulty of identify- Xan)3]. No peaks attributable to species containing more
ing the composition of different layers along the thickness. than one zinc atom were detected, indicating that zinc
In order to investigate the influence of the substrate on bis(O-ethylxanthate) is monomeric in the vapor phase at
film characteristics, ZnS-based coatings were grown on two low pressures. Even if these observations constitute an in-
different substrates, SiO2 and SiO2/Si(100). While the for- teresting starting point for the use of zinc bis(O-ethyl-
mer is amorphous, thermally stable, and optically transpar- xanthate) as a single-source CVD precursor, it is worth-
ent in the visible range, the latter (a single-crystal wafer while noting that the obtained results are not necessarily
with a SiO2 overlayer 5 nm thick) is almost transparent in completely transferable to decomposition of the precursor
the IR-range. in the evaporator during CVD.
Several deposition experiments were carried out varying
the substrate temperature in the range 250400 C. Crack-
2. Results and Discussion free and colorless coatings were obtained in all cases. Typi-
cal film thicknesses were 25 2 nm and 15 2 nm for SiO2
Preliminary information on zinc bis(O-ethylxanthate) as and SiO2/Si(100) supported coatings, respectively. These
a possible CVD precursor was obtained by studying the values corresponded to growth rates of 0.4 nm s1 and
decomposition pattern of the compound with thermal anal- 0.25 nm s1, a result almost independent of the substrate
yses and mass spectrometry (MS). Thermogravimetric temperature, under the conditions used. This feature might
analysis (TGA) (Fig. 1), performed in flowing N2 (heating indicate that the CVD processes involved are diffusion-lim-
rate = 10 C min1), clearly showed that zinc bis(O-ethyl- ited.[29]
xanthate) was stable up to 100 C. At higher temperatures, A detailed analysis of the chemical composition of the
a significant loss of mass took place, corresponding to an coatings was initially carried out by XPS and XE-AES. In
order to discriminate the ZnLMM Auger signal contribution
100 6 from the O1s peak (overlap in Al Ka source) or the C1s
peak (overlap in Mg Ka source),[29] all the spectra were
acquired using both excitation lines. X-ray photoelectron
Deriv. weight (%/C)

4 spectroscopy (XPS) surface scans of the films (Fig. 2) re-
% weight

70 vealed the presence of zinc, sulfur, oxygen, and carbon.

The latter were related to atmospheric exposure of the
2 films.[30] At deposition temperatures lower than 300 C, the
presence of substrate signals due to silicon was detected.
40 1
30 0
100 200 300 400 500
Temperature (C)
Intensity (a.u.)

Fig. 1. TGA and DTA analyses performed on a sample of zinc(II) O-ethyl-

xanthate (N2, heating rate = 10 C min1).


endothermic process. In the following region (200300 C),


a second weight loss occurred, finally leading to a plateau



at 31.4 % of the original mass. This value corresponds to

the quantitative formation of ZnS (theoretical value: 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0
31.7 %).[25] Binding Energy (eV)
The electron impact mass spectrometry (EI-MS) image Fig. 2. XPS wide-scan spectrum (01300 eV) for a ZnS-based film deposited
of the precursor revealed the parent molecular ion species on SiO2/Si(100) at 400 C (excitation source: Al Ka).

94 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 0948-1907/03/0203-0094 $ 17.50+.50/0 Chem. Vap. Deposition 2003, 9, No. 2
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This result possibly reflects the fact that complete xanthate CVD processes. Ionic species related to the film compo-
decomposition occurs only when T 300 C (see thermal nents (ZnxO+/ +/
y , 1 x 2, 0 y 2,4; ZnxS , 1 x 2;
analysis, Fig. 1). ZnSOx, 1 x 3; ZnOxH , 1 x 2) and Si-containing
The surface Zn2p3/2 component for all the obtained films clusters (ZnSixO+y, 1 x 2, 0 y 1) were detected. In all
had a binding energy (BE) of approximately 1022.0 eV cases, the isotopic pattern of S and S-related species was
(full width at half maximum (FWHM) 2.1 eV). Since lit- unambiguously identified in the spectra. The presence of
erature values for the Zn2p3/2 BEs are quite similar for ZnS overlapping signals originating from the contributions of
(1021.6 eV) and ZnO (1022.1 eV),[31,32] the Auger a param- S- and O-containing ionic clusters was always revealed in
eter, a = BE(Zn2p3/2) + KE(ZnLMM),[33] was evaluated and the spectra for all the samples, confirming the co-presence
used in order to obtain an unambiguous identification of of sulfide and oxide in the films, in agreement with XPS
the presence of ZnS. Irrespective of the substrate and the and XE-AES results. The composition throughout the
preparation conditions, the calculated values (Fig. 3 for thickness of the film was investigated by analyzing the con-
films deposited on SiO2/Si(100)) were always intermediate tribution of signals of interest as a function of depth. As an
example, Figure 4 shows the behavior of the main ionic
2012.0 species for a representative coating, the composition of
2011.5 (ZnS)

1.0E+06 +
2010.0 (ZnO) intensity (cps) SiO
2009.5 1.0E+05 Zn
260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 1.0E+04 +
T (C)

Fig. 3. Dependence of the surface Auger parameters on the deposition tem- 1.0E+03 ZnS+
perature for the coatings deposited on SiO2/Si(100). The literature values 34 +
for ZnO and ZnS are shown for comparison. 1.0E+02
0 10 20 30 4

between literature values for ZnO (2010.2 eV)[34] and ZnS b)

(2011.3 eV),[35,36] indicating that both species were present 1.0E+07

on the film surface. This was further confirmed by the S/Zn 1.0E+06 -
surface atomic ratio, which was lower than the stoichio- O
intensity (cps)

metric value (0.5). Nevertheless, the S2p3/2 peak was cen- 1.0E+05
tered at BEs typical of sulfide (S2) species (161.8 eV; 34
FWHM 2.0 eV) and unambiguously ruled out the pres-
ence of sulfates, since their signals would be located at BEs 1.0E+03 ZnO-
7.0 eV higher.[29] ZnS

The O1s surface signal consisted of two components: the 1.0E+02

first, at BE 530.0 eV (FWHM 2.2 eV), could be as- 0 10 20 30 40 50
thickness (nm)
cribed to ZnO species, and the second, at BE 531.9 eV
(FWHM 2.2 eV), related to OH groups[30] arising from Fig. 4. a) Positive and b) negative ion SIMS depth profiles of selected spe-
cies recorded for a ZnS-based film deposited on SiO2 at 400 C.
atmospheric exposure.[31]
Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analyses were
performed in an attempt to describe the distribution of which was qualitatively similar to the other analyzed sam-
chemical species throughout the film thickness and to in- ples. Zn+ and ZnO+ signals (Fig. 4a) exhibited similar be-
vestigate eventual filmsubstrate interaction effects. Pre- haviors up to the filmsubstrate interface. Notably, the Zn+
liminary measurements were carried out comparing the and ZnO+ ionic yield displayed a maximum in this region,
spectra obtained with either a Ar+ or O+2 primary ion beam, as already verified for metal and metal oxide ions when an
in order to distinguish the film component responses from oxidized environment is encountered along the thick-
the eventual artifacts induced by the reaction with the pri- ness.[37] ZnS+ signal exhibited a constant value for more
mary ion beam. Taking this precaution, the spectra were than 15 nm but, corresponding to the maximum of Zn+ and
collected using an O+2 beam, since higher ionic yields were ZnO+ signals, its intensity decreased more sharply than that
obtained. Except for signals due to adventitious contami- of 34S+. Substrate-related signals (for instance, SiO+ in
nants (Li+, B+, CH+/ + + + +/
x , 0 x 3, Na , Mg , Al , Cl , K ,
Fig. 4) were detectable throughout the film thickness, an
Ca ), SIMS spectra revealed the film to be very pure, indi- observation attributed to film/substrate intermixing, since
cating a clean conversion of the precursor to ZnS in the coating discontinuity was excluded by atomic force micros-

Chem. Vap. Deposition 2003, 9, No. 2 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 0948-1907/03/0203-0095 $ 17.50+.50/0 95
Full Paper

copy (AFM) morphological analysis (see below). The nega- EG is the band gap and n is an exponent the value of which
tive ion profiles (Fig. 4b) confirmed the behaviors observed depends on the nature of the electronic transitions. As
in positive mode, suggesting the co-presence of O-contain- regards ZnS, the best fit to the experimental data of Equa-
ing species, together with zinc sulfide. As a matter of fact, tion 2 was obtained with n = 1/2, corresponding to direct
analogous to ZnS+, the ZnS signal decreased more rapidly allowed transitions.[38] On this basis, the plot of (ahm)2 vs
than 34S and ZnO that exhibited the same O behavior in hm (Fig. 5b for one of the samples) yielded the bandgap by
the film. extrapolating the linear relationship to zero. The estimated
The optical absorption spectrum in the UV-vis range for optical bandgaps for the films were all very close to 3.3 eV.
the ZnS film deposited on the SiO2 substrate at 350 C is This value was lower than that for the bulk material (EG
shown in Figure 5a. All spectra obtained were in agree- 3.8 eV)[3840] and could be ascribed to sulfur deficiency, in
ment with those reported in the literature for zinc sul- agreement with previous literature reports.[12] This defi-
ciency could be associated with a disordered microstructure
a) or a partial oxidation, taking into account that both SIMS
0.35 and XPS analyses revealed the presence of zinc oxide, ener-
T=350C gy gap of which is reported to be very close to that of ZnS
0.30 thickness 23 nm
(EG 3.5 eV).[43] As a result, the detected red shift of the
0.25 optical absorption edge, attributable to the presence of

localized defect energy levels in the gap,[44] might be

related to the formation of a ZnSO network.
0.15 Nevertheless, more detailed analyses (for instance, spec-
troscopic ellipsometry) are needed in order to further
investigate the relations between microstructure and opti-
0.05 cal properties.
The FTIR transmittance spectra of the films showed
300 400 500 600 transmittance values higher than 80 % throughout the IR
(nm) spectral region (4000400 cm1).[45] The characteristic
absorptions of the xanthate ligands were not detected, sug-
gesting an essentially complete precursor decomposition at
experimental the temperatures used.[38]
200x10 fit AFM analyses revealed that the surface morphology was
influenced more by the substrate than by the growth tem-
(h) (cm eV)

150 perature. Figure 6 shows a representative AFM micrograph


for a film deposited on SiO2/Si(100) at T = 400 C. The tex-




2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0

h (eV)
Fig. 5. a) Optical absorption spectrum for a sample supported on SiO2.
b) Plot of (ahm)2 vs. hm for the same film.

fide.[3840] No absorption occurred in the visible range at

k > 550 nm. The absorbance increase below k 420 nm Fig. 6. AFM surface micrograph (4 lm 4 lm) for a ZnS-based film on
could be associated with electronic interband transitions of SiO2/Si(100) (T = 400 C).
ZnS. The absorption coefficient, a, was estimated from the
approximate relation[41] given in Equation 1. ture appeared smooth and regular, without cracks or pin-
holes. The average surface roughness depended on the
at ln(T1) (1) nature of the substrate, and was 1 nm and 5 nm for the
SiO2/Si(100)- and SiO2-supported coatings, respectively.
t is the film thickness and T is the transmittance. Using the This observation possibly reflects the influence of the sub-
calculated value for a, the optical bandgap for the films strate structure on nucleation from the vapor phase. The
could be obtained from Equation 2.[42] SiO2/Si(100) substrate is likely to induce a more ordered
growth of the zinc sulfide films, while the amorphous SiO2
a(hm) (hm EG)n (2) surface is expected to give rise to a less regular particle

96 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 0948-1907/03/0203-0096 $ 17.50+.50/0 Chem. Vap. Deposition 2003, 9, No. 2
Full Paper

nucleation process, resulting in a higher surface roughness. Elemental Analysis: Found, C 23.2 %; H 3.2 %; calculated for
C6H10O2S4Zn: C 23.4 %; H 3.3 %.
This effect is particularly evident in the present work be- FTIR: 1034 cm1(s), C=S group [46]; 1126 cm1(s) and 1211 cm1(s), C
cause of the low coating thickness, and the conformal sub- OC symmetric and asymmetric stretching, respectively [47].
strate coverage typical of CVD experiments.[28] H NMR: (400.13 MHz, CDCl3, 298 K, tetramethylsilane (TMS) refer-
ence). 1.51 ppm(t), CH3; 4.59 ppm(q), CH2.
Finally, the microstructure of the films was investigated 13
C NMR: (100.61 MHz, CDCl3, 298 K, TMS). 14.28 ppm, CH3;
by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, in order to enhance 44.90 ppm, CH2; 231 ppm, CS2=.
Optical Absorption: (EtOH, 104 M). 295 nm(s), n p*; 223 nm(s), n
the film contribution with respect to that of the substrate.
r*. These bands were ascribed to electronic transitions typical of the ligand,
Irrespective of the deposition temperature, none of the since they are very similar to other reported metal O-ethylxanthates [48].
recorded diffractograms showed any reflections attribut- Thermal Analysis: Thermal analysis of the precursor was performed using
an SDT 2960 apparatus (TA Instruments, New Castle, USA) which allows
able to crystalline forms of ZnS and/or ZnO. This observa- the simultaneous performance of differential scanning calorimetry and ther-
tion could be explained by hypothesizing that, either the mogravimetric analysis measurements. The spectra were recorded in a N2
obtained films were amorphous, or a ZnSO network flow with a heating rate of 10 C min1.
Mass Spectrometry Analysis: Precursor mass spectra were obtained using
might have formed. Nevertheless, film thinness could be a single-focus magnetic instrument VG-MS16 (mass resolution = 5000) un-
responsible for the absence of XRD peaks. On this basis, it der standard electron ionization conditions (EI = 70 eV). The parent molec-
ular ion was observed at m/z = 306. Other peaks were attributable to the
was reasonable to suppose an average crystallite size not
greater than a few nanometers, resulting in no clearly de- .
following species: [Zn(O-EtXan)S2CO+], m/z = 277 (3 %); [Zn(O-Et-
Xan)S2C+], m/z = 261 (3 %); [Zn(O-EtXan)SC+ ], m/z = 229 (23 %); [Zn-
tectable diffraction peaks. According to this hypothesis, the (O-EtXan)S+], m/z = 217 (42 %); [Zn(O-EtXan)+], m/z = 185 (66 %);
film being investigated would be best described as between .
[ZnS2COH+], m/z = 157 (45 %); [SC(OEt)2+], m/z = 134 (100 %); [O-Et-
XanH+ ], m/z = 122 (41 %); [CH3CO+], m/z = 43 (100 %).
nanocrystalline and amorphous materials. The ESI mass spectra were obtained using a LCQ instrument (Finnigan,
Palo Alto, CA, USA). The entrance capillary temperature was 200 C and
the capillary voltage was kept at 3.5 kV. Solutions of the precursor com-
pound (5 105 M in MeOH) were introduced by direct infusion at a flow
rate of 10 lL min1.
3. Conclusions Film Deposition: The films were deposited in a cold-wall low-pressure
horizontal CVD reactor with a quartz tubular chamber (tube length = 20 cm;
Zinc bis(O-ethylxanthate) was proposed as a new single- inner diameter = 3 cm) and a resistively heated susceptor. The precursor
pyrolysis was performed in a N2 atmosphere (flow rate = 300 sccm; total
source precursor for the CVD of thin zinc sulfide-based pressure = 10 mbar). ZnII O-ethylxanthate was placed in a vaporization ves-
films. The formation of the ZnS-based films from zinc sel connected to the reactor tube and maintained at 100 C throughout each
film deposition. The pressure was measured by a capacitance manometer
bis(O-ethylxanthate) at temperatures between 250 C and
(BOC Edwards, Crawley, UK) and the gas flow was controlled by a mass
400 C has been studied, and information about the first flow controller (MKS Instruments, Andover, USA). Herasil SiO2 slides
stages of ZnS formation from the vapor phase has been (Heraeus, Hanau, Germany) and SiO2-coated n-type Si(100) (r = 1 X cm)
(SGS, Catania, Italy) substrates were cleaned prior to each deposition
obtained. Thin (1030 nm) ZnS-based films have been de- according to a previously reported procedure [49].
posited on SiO2/Si(100) and SiO2 substrates. The coatings The deposition time was always 1 h. The substrate temperature was var-
obtained were carbon-free and displayed no evidence of ied between 250 C and 400 C. The repeatability of the experiments was
ascertained by performing different film depositions under the same condi-
crystalline phases. This was possibly due to their thinness tions.
and/or small crystallite size. Irrespective of the synthesis Film Characterization: XPS and XE-AES Analyses: Spectra were re-
corded by a Perkin Elmer U 5600ci spectrometer with non-monochroma-
conditions, compositional analyses of the films after expo-
tized Al Ka (1486.6 eV) and Mg Ka (1253.6 eV) sources at a pressure lower
sure to atmosphere revealed the coexistence of ZnO and than 5108 Pa. The spectrometer was calibrated by assuming the BE of the
ZnS, and the presence of sulfur deficiencies, confirmed by Au4f7/2 line at 84.0 eV with respect to the Fermi level. The standard deviation
for the BE values was 0.2 eV. The reported BEs were corrected for charg-
optical absorption spectroscopy. The coatings were trans- ing effects, assigning to the C1s line of adventitious carbon the BE value of
parent in the visible and IR-spectral ranges. 284.8 eV [33]. Survey scans were collected in the 01350 eV and 01100 eV
Nevertheless, the feasibility of faster growth rates must ranges (Al Ka and Mg Ka sources, respectively) and detailed spectra were
recorded for the following regions: Zn2p, Zn3p, S2p, O1s, C1s, and ZnLMM.
be considered for the development of this work since the After a Shirley-type background subtraction [50], the raw spectra were
obtained films are probably much thinner than required for fitted using a non-linear least-square fitting program, adopting Gaussian
Lorentzian peak shapes for all the peaks. The atomic compositions were
most applications. To this end, attempts to obtain thicker
evaluated using sensitivity factors as provided by U V5.4A software.
ZnS films at higher precursor evaporation temperatures, SIMS and Profiler Analyses: A quasi-static SIMS [51] was used to carry
together with more detailed analyses aimed at obtaining a out SIMS analysis. A monochromatic (6 keV, ionic current ^ 400 nA) O+2
ion beam collimated to 50 lm was generated in a mass-filtered duoplasma-
deeper insight into their microstructure, will be the subject tron ion gun (DP50B, VG Fisons, UK). A mass-energy analyzer (EQS1000,
of future investigation. Hiden, UK) with a 45 sector field energy analyzer and a quadrupole mass-
filter were used for negative- and positive-ion detection in counting mode.
Lens and energy analyzer potentials, quadrupole electronic control units,
and the detection system were controlled via a Hiden HAL IV interface.
The ion species were identified by resolving the overlapped m/z signals
4. Experimental with an isotope pattern simulation program. In-depth distributions were
analyzed following selected signals as a function of sputtering time. Due to
Synthesis and Characterization of Zn(O-EtXan)2: The precursor was film thinness, the raster area (500 lm 500 lm) was set larger than usual in
synthesized (yield = 86 %) starting from zinc(II) nitrate hexahydrate order to slow down the erosion and increase the acquisition time window.
(Zn(NO3)26 H2O) and potassium O-ethylxanthate (K(S2COCH2CH3) (Al- Border effects were avoided using electronic gating: only the 20 % of the
drich Chemical Co. Ltd.) [23]. The cream-colored powders could be manipu- raster area limited to the central part of the crater contributed to the ionic
lated in air and were characterized by elemental analysis, NMR, FTIR, vis- signals. That this area was flat was verified by analyzing the images obtained
NIR (near infrared) spectroscopies, thermal analyses, EI-MS, and ESI-MS. by a profiler (Tencor P-10 profiler, Tencor, USA). By means of this equip-

Chem. Vap. Deposition 2003, 9, No. 2 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 0948-1907/03/0203-0097 $ 17.50+.50/0 97
Full Paper

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