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Table 9. Drag coefficient Cp for piers Plan she ratios of z PEERS Ee eaereeasee-el--er06-F eng cea wind» ettlls <¢ [3 1a 1s 16 a7 48a y _ 5 130014 015 0168 3918 20 a2 1a W142 13 44 187 ee ee | oe os 08 08 08 08 09 14 SQUARE = OR OCTAGONAL, 10041 44 42 42 43a C ) 1251069 potvcon 07 08 09 09 10 14 18 VL) Fi \_/ SURFACE WHERE ty, 2 Emis oS 05 05 05 05 08 06 (OY GIRCLE WITH smooTH SURFACE WHERE Wy, & WW 6 m/s, ALSO. CIRCLE WITH ROUGH SURFACE OR WITH PROJECTIONS o7 07 08 08 of 10 42 wore metter exection of the superstructure, Cp shal! be derived for a height/breadth ratio of 40, Ql q 4 i Q HOTE 2. fOr @ rectangular pier with radiused corners, the value of Cp derived from table 9 shall be multiplied by (1 nichever-is-greater,————— NOTE For a pier with triangular nosings, Cp shall be derived as for the rectangle encompassing the outer edges of the pier. 0 Note 4. For a pier tapering vith height, Cp shall be derived for each of the unit heights into which the support has been subdivided (see 5: Mean Values of t and b for each unit height shall be used to evalosce t/b, The overali piex height and the mean breadth of each unit height shall be used co evaluate = 33 - tf - - = All superstructures with solid elevation § where 9 is 25 defined in 5.3.3, the appropriate value of ve for superstructures with or without live load being adopted ee alone 0 Cp is the drag coefficient for the superstructure (excluding reduction for inclined webs) as defined in, but not less than 1.3. All truss girder superstructures i 0 g is as defined in 5.3.3, the appropriate value of ve for structures hor without live load being adopted Pig = 0.5qA)Cp ‘Q Ay is as defined in ” Cp is as defined in (a), Cp being adopted where appropriate “ME Live toad on ait auperstructures PLL = 0.504;Cp Buss i q is as defined in 5.3.3 . A, is the area of live load derived from the depth dy, as given in table 4 and the appropriate horizontal wind loaded length as defined in 0 the note to table 2. cp = 1.45 ea (a) With vertical infill members, Py = 0.87, () With two or three horizontal rails only, Py = 0.42; (©) With mesh panels, Py = 0.67— where P, is the appropriate nominal transverse wind load on the element. Cantilever brackets extending outside main girders or trusses. Py, is the load derived from a horizontal wind acting at 45° to the longitudinal axis on the area of each bracket not shielded by a fascia girder or adjacent bracket. The drag coefficient Cp shall be taken from table 8. sah Tees = P3476 Plers. The load derived from a horizontal wind acting along the jongitudinal axis of the bridge shall be taken as PL = gA2Cy where 9 is as defined in 5.3.3 42 is the solid area in projected elevation normal to the longitudinal wind direction (in m2) Cp is the drag coefficient, taken from table 9, with values of b and t interchanged. Toedp, Momimal vertical wind load. An upward or downward nominal vertical wind Joad Py (in N), acting at the centroids of the appropriate areas, for alt Superstructures shall be derived from Py = 9A3Cy S where if. I @ is as defined in 5.3.3 Las 43 is the area in plan (in m2) a Cz is the litt coefficient, as derived from figure 6 for superstruetures where the angle of superelevation is less than 1° 0 Where the angle of superelevation of a superstructure is between 1° and 5°, Cy shall be taken as = 0.75. : Where the angle of superelevation of a superstructure exceeds 5°, the value of g Gy shall be desermines by teatice. yhere inclined wind may affect the structure, CL shall be taken as + 0.75 0 for vind inclinations up to 5°. The angle of inclination in these * cireunstances shall be taken as the sum of the angle of inclination of the wind and that of the superelevation of the bridge. The effects of wiad 0 inclinations in excess of 5° shall be investigated by testing. 2° as =e 0 ar co | Ea mS 2 a t 1 — aaa CI Ratio b/¢ Figure 6. Lift coefficient Cy = 35 = r cone idee ycombination. The wind loads Py, 7 and Py shall be Sonsidered in combination with the other loads in combination 2. as appropriate, taking four separate cases: (a) Pp alone; (b) Py in combination with + Py; (©) Py alone; (4) 0.52, in combination with PL + 0.52 Padicws 18" toads. For design loads the factor y ¢1 shall be taken as follows: For the ultimate For the serviceability Wind considered with: Limit state Limit state (2) erection Ma Lo (b) dead load plus super- imposed dead load only, and for members primarily resisting wind loads 14 1.0 (ce) appropriate combina- tion 2 loads Lal 1.0 (4) relieving effects of wind 1.0 Lo 2,3:8. Overturning effects. Where overturning effects are being investigated fhe wind load shall also be considered in combination with vertical traffic jive load. Where the vertical traffic live load has a relieving effect, this doad shall be limited to one notional lane or one track only, and shall have the following value: on highway bridges, not more than 6kN/m of bridge; on railway bridges, not more than 12kN/m of bridge. Load factor for relieving vertical 1fve load. For live load producing @ relieving effect, vey for both ultimate limit states ant serviceability limit states shall be taken as 1.0. = 36 - tis + i He 7 aT Pdr eonourcn | | fi ah (eS i lel Mer Sa it 4 Nd 2 Go {rote Se rer PD = = . Si “8 b = * 4 y 7 ae 6 Sprain Bri wbori er a 4 a shiver" A fi 5 _fo i national GRIDS T . a. soon <1" umd cto a Lbs zone soul ees k 7 { NOTE. Theisotheims aederived rom Meteorological Office ata Figure 7. Isotherms of minimum shade air temperature ({n °C) = ww ~ 37 = = es == =m cork 2 ! O i = | ool 28 u 2 SoS Penivees = a a = = feEongorar y ia) 2 3 AG iC oN Tquodybenny L = Asie} NENCASTLE La yan y C*BELFAST 4 sey rAyl a 2 oot ‘ wie 2B [aed Lee SS oust nf : wert, gw) Wico ps \ Che ABERYS < BiRKINGHAR — —} 7 5 de 7 4 gf 7g 2 ARIF “ { 2 i 37 Lanois ee AS = tain PExereR PLYMOUTH —— ‘ATIOWAL GRID [5 uTH GRID sa|3 ZONE 300 4 la. Aout 35 ta jae I Figure 8. Isotherms of maximum shade air temperature (in [NOTE. The isotherms ae derived from Moteorologicel Office date - 38 = poo bg trodynamic effects. Aerodynamic effects need not be taken inte account for the following types of structures Part end having no effective spen greater than 50 metres; and (> foot/eycle track bridges designed to carry the loadings specified in this Part and having no effective span greater than 30 metres 4 (1) highway bridges designed to carry the loadings specified in this For the purposes of this clause, the effective span shall be taken as the fj maximum actual span or the half wave length for the fundamental flexural or 4 torsional natural frequency, whichever is greater. i All other bridges shall be investigated for their aerodynamic behaviour with 4 sooeect te wind excited oscillations; the methods for such investigation shal] : be agreed with the appropriate authority. 5.4 Temperature fotpt Genezal, Daily and seasonal fluctuations in shade air temperature, Solar radiation, re-radiation, etc, cause the following: ~ (a) Changes in the effective temperature of a bridge superstructure which, in turn, govern its movement. Ghe effective temperature is @ theoretical temperature calculated by weighting and adding temperatures measured at various levels within the superstructure. The weighting is in the ratio of the area of crose- section at the various levels to the total area of cross-section of the puPerstructure. (See also Appendix C). Over a period of time there vill be @ minimum, a maxinum, and a range of effective bridge temperature, resulting in loads and/or load effects within the superstructure due’ to: (1) restraint of associated expansion or contraction by the form of gonstruction (eg portel frame, arch, flexible pier, elastomeric bearings) referred to as temperature restraint; and (2) friction at roller or sliding bearings where the form of the Structure permits associated expansion and contraction, referred to as frictional bearing restraint. (0) Differences in temperature betveen the top surface and other levels in the superstructure. These are referred to as temperature differences and they result in loads and/or load effects within the superstructucs Effective bridge temperatures are derived from the isothe, iclansaicenaaniamanta emperatures are NOTE 1. Tt is only possible to relate the effective bridge temperature to the | shade air temperature during @ period of extrene environmental conan: NOTE 2. Daily and seasonal fluctuations in shade air temperature, solar radiation, etc., also cause changes in the temperature of oches aerierscal for effective tanperatures of, and tenperature differences sithin tress 1 elements, appropriate values should be derived from fines peineiniet” -~39- hi = Gl 5.4.2 Minimum and maximum shade air temperatures. For all bridges, 1 in 120 Year minimum and maximum shade air temperatures for the location of the bridge shall be obtained from the maps of isotherms shown in figures 7 and 8. For foot/eycle track bridges, subject to the agreement of the appropriate authority, @ return period of 50 years may be adopted, and the shade air temperatures may be reduced as specified in Carriageway joints and similar equipment that will be replaced during the life of the strucure may be designed for temperatures related to a 50-year retura Period and the shade air temperature may be reduced as specified in During erection, a 50 year return period may be adopted for all bridges and the shade air temperatures may be reduced as specified in Alternatively, where a particular erection will be completed within a period of one or two days for which reliable shade air temperature and temperature range predictions can be made, these may be adopted. Adjustment for a 50-year return period, The minimum shade air temperature, as derived from figure 7, shall be adjusted by the addition of 2c°, The maximum shade air temperature, as derived from figure 8, shall be adjusted by the subtraction of 2C9. Adjustment for height above mean sea level. The values of shade air temperature shall be adjusted for height above sea level by subtracting 0.5C° per 100m height for minimum shade air temperatures and 1,0C° per 100m height for maximum shade air temperatures. Divergence from minimum shade air temperature. There are locations where the minimum values diverge from the values given in figure 7 as, for example, frost pockets and sheltered low lying areas where the minimum may be substantially lover, or in urban areas (except Londen) and coastal sites, where the minimum may be higher, than that indicated by figure 7. These divergences shall be taken into consideration. (In coastal areas, values are likely to be 1C° higher than the values given in figure 7.) 5.4.3 Minimum and maximum effective bridge temperatures. ‘The minimum and maximum effective bridge temperatures for different types of construction shali be derived from the minimum and maximum shade air temperatures by reference to tables 10 and 11 respectively. The different types of construction are as shown in figure 9. The minimum and maximum effective bridge temperatures will be-either 1 in 120 year or 1 in 50 year values depending on the return period adopted for the shade air temperature. 1 Adjustment for thickness of surfacing. The effective bridge temperatures are dependent on the depth of surfacing on the bridge deck and the values given in tables 10 and 11 assume depths of 40nm for groups 1 and 2 and 100mm for groups 3 and 4. Where the depth of surfacing @iffers from these values, the minimum and maximum effective bridge temperatures may be adjusted by the amounts given in table 12, Table 10, Minimum effective bridge temperature Minimum effective bridge temperature Minimum shade air Type of superstructure temperature Groups 1 & 2 Group 3 Group 4 °c °c °c °c =24 -28 -19 -14 -23 -27 -18 -13 -22 =26 -12 -13 -21 =25 a7 -12 -20 -23 -17 Gry -19 -22 -16 =i -18 -21 -15 1 -17 -20 -15 -10 -16 -19 14 ~10 -15 -18 13 -9 4 “14 : -17 -12 =? a3 ne at 28 -12 -15 -10 -7 aL “14 -10 -6 -10 12 ~8 -6 -9 “1 -8 -5 -8 -10 -2 -4 -7 -9 -6 -3 ng -68 -5 -3 a “7 -4 -2 . Table 11, Maximum effective bridge temperature Maximum Groups 1 & 2 Group 3 Group 4 ma ae eC °c 25 41 32 28 31 44 36 32 33 45 37 as 36 46 39 6 38 47 40 37 G O i q NOTE. See figure 9 for different types of superstructure. Sat = ‘Type of construction Tamperstureditference C* Positive temperature differance Reverse tempe difference n Group 11, Steel deckon stes! box girders 0 mm surtacing CTI rc Steel deck on steel russ. ty or plate girders 3, Concrete deck on steel box, p uss or plate girders 100 mm surtacing 0 100 mm surtecing tS aint a So ES 4, Concrete slab or concre! deck on concrete beams orbox girders 100 mm surtecing fy 03h <0.15m y= 034 30.10m $0.25m 0 y= 03h & (0.1 m+ surfacing ee depth in metres) ‘ (for thin slabs, ys limited by 4 ~A, ~A) - 5 TT, os 15 30/25 Figure 9, Temperature difference for different types of construction. = 42 - Q i q q 2 fl 4 Lf a a € q 4 0 0 U 0 wa Table 12. Adjustment to effective bridge temperature for deck surfacing Addition to minimum effective bridge temperature Addition to maximum effective bridge temperature Deck Groups Group | Group | Groups Group | Groups Surface 1&2 3 4 1&2 3 4 co ce co co co co Unsurfaced 0 -3 -1 +4 ° ° Waterproofed 0 -3 -1 42 +4 +2 40mm surfacing ° -2 “1 ° +2 +1 100mm surfacing* - 0 ° - ° 0 200mm surfacing® Z 43 +1 - at -2 *Surfacing depths include waterproofing. 5.4.4 Range of effective bridge temperature. temperature restraint, the effective bridge temperature at the time the structure is effectively restrained shall be taken as datum in calculating expansion up to the maximum effective bridge temperature and contraction down to the mininum effective bridge temperature 5.4.5 Temperature difference. superstructure sMall be derived from the data given in figure 9. Positive temperature differences occur when conditions are such that solar In determining load effects due Effects of temperature differences within the radiation and other effects cause a gain in heat through the top surface of the superstructure. Conversely, reverse temperature differences occur when eondit ions are such that heat is lost from the top surface of the bridge deck as a result of reradiation and other effects Adjustment for thickness of surfacing. sensitive to the thickness of surfacing, and the data given in figure 9 assune depths of 40mm for groups 1 and 2 and 100m for groups 3 and 4. depths of surfacing different values will apply. of surfacing are given in appendix C. Application with effective bridge temperature differences shall be considered temperatures at above 25°C (groups 1 and 2) ure differences sh: low the Maximum reversed tempe ‘emperatures up to temperatures. ‘Temperature differences are For other Values for other thicknesses Maximum positive to coexist with effective bridge and 15°C (groups 3 and 4). 11 be considered to coexist with um for groups 1 and 2, up to 4C° below the maximum for group 3, and up to 2C below the maximum for group 4. The method of deriving temperatures to be used in the calculation of loads and/or load effects within the superstructure is given in Appendix C. 5.4.6 Coefficient of thermal expansion. temperature effects, the coefficients of thermal expansion for structural steel and For the purpose of calculating for concrete may be taken as 12 x 106/C*, except when limestone aggregates are used in concrete, when a value of 9 x 10"/C* shall be adopted for the concrete. - 43 to : E. t i i fl B i i 0 i 0 f O Q 0 5.4.7 Nominal values Nominal range of movement. The effective bridge temperature at the time the structure is attached to those parts permitting movement z shall be taken as datum and the nominal range of movement shall be calculated for expansion up to the maximum effective bridge temperature and for contraction down to the minimum effective bridge temperature Nominal load for temperature restraint. The load due to temperature restraint of expansion or contraction for the appropriate effective bridge temperature range (see 5.4.4) shall be taken as the i nominal load. 1 Where temperature restraint is accompanied by elastic deformations in = flexible piers and elastomeric bearings, the nominal load shall be = derived as specified in to 3 oa 7224 Picture of! placa! ec fcesd i ptees picaedgeieas (eas = and fixed at the other, or fixed at both ends, the load required to 2 displace the pier by the amount of expansion or contraction £ér the £ appropriate effective bridge temperaturé range (see 5.4.4) shall be a taken as ‘the nominal load. $ Elastomeric bearings. For temperature restraint accommodated by shear in an elastomer, the load required to displace the elastomer by the amount of expansion or contraction for the appropriate effective bridge temperature range (see 5.4.4) shall be taken as the nominal load. . ‘The nominal load shall be determined in accordance with of BS 5400: Part 9: Section 9.1: 1983. Nominal load for frictional bearing restraint. The nominal load due to frictional bearing restraint shall be derived from the nominal & dead load (see 5.1.1), the nominal superimposed dead load (see 5.2.1) and te the snow load (see 5.7.1), using the appropriate coefficient of friction & given in tables 2 and 3 of BS 5400: Part Section 9.1: 1983. ces Nominal effects of temperature difference. The effects of temperature difference shall be regarded as nominal values 5.4.8 Design values Design range of movement. The design range of movement shall be ae taken as 1.3 times the appropriate nominal value for the ultimate limit | state and 1.0 times the nominal value for the serviceability limit state. a For the purpose of this clause the ultimate limit state shall be regarded & as a condition where expansion or contraction beyond the serviceability range up to the ultimate range would cause collapse or substantial damage = to main structural members. Where expansion or contraction beyond the serviceability range will not have such consequences, only the serviceability range need be provided for. Design load for temperature restraint. For combination 3, Y¢y, shall be taken as follows. For the ultimate Linit state Yor the serviceability Iintt etate 1.30 1.00 o 4h - e Design load for frictional bearing restraint. For combination 5, Yer, shall be taken as follows. 6 For the ultimate limit state For the serviceability limit state 1.30 1.00 0 Associated vertical cesign IoMd. The design deed load (see 5.1.2) and design superimposed dead load (see 5.2.2) shall be Design effects of temperature difference. For combination 3, YeL Shall be taken as follows For the ultimate limit state | For the serviceability limit state 1.00 0.80 5.5 Effects of shrinkage and creep, residual stresses, etc. Where it is necessary to take into account the effects of shrinkage or creep in concrete, stresses in steel due to rolling, welding or lack of fit, variations in the accuracy of bearing levels and similar sources of strain arising from the nature of the material or its manufacture or from circumstances associated with fabrication and erection, requirements are specified in the appropriate Parts of this standard. 5.6 Differential settlement. Where differential settlement is likely to affect the structure in whole or in part, the effects of this shall be taken into account. 5.6.1 Assessment of differential settlement. In assessing the amount of . differential movement to be provided for, the engineer shall take into account the extent to which its effect will be observed and remedied before damage ensues. The pominal value selected shall be agreed with the appropriate authority. 5.6.2 Load factors. The values of Vey shall be chosen in accordance with the degree of reliability of assessment, taking account of the general basis of probability of occurrence set out in Part 1 of this standard and the provisions for ensuring remedial action. 5.6.3 Design load . The values of yg1 given below are based on the 0 : assumption that the nominal values of settlement assumed have a 95% probability of not being exceeded during the design life of the pplied_to.the.effects-of-differential————— 0 settlement, shall be taken for all five load combinations as follow: For the ultimate limit state For’ the serviceability limit state 5.7 Exceptional loads, Vhere other loads not specified in this stendard are a Huey to be encountered, eq the effects of abnormal sadsviaitie lise focus, earthquakes, strean flows or ice packey theae shall be taken toto steoree: The nominal Loading to be sdopted shail have a value in secerdeece cist the general beats of probability of oceurtence aet out in Part 1 of hie seareard p thd shall be agreed with the sppeopriate authority. - 45 = aoe mae = a aegwrds = 5.7.1 with loading may generally be Snow load. Snow leading should be considered in accordance local conditions; for those prevailing in Great Britain, this ignored in combinations 1 to 4 (see 4.4.1 to 4.4.4), but there are circumstances, eg for opening bridges or where dead load stability is critical, when consideration should be given to it. 5.7.2 taken as specified for HB loading (see 6.3.4). design loads, Ye, shall be For abnormal indivisible live loads, Vg shall be For other exceptional assessed in accordance with the general Design loads basis of probability of occurrence set out in Part 1 of this standard and shall be agreed with the appropriate authority. Earth pressure on retaining structures 5. 8. 8.2 Live load surcharge. Filling material Nominal load. Where filling material is retained by abutments or other parts of the structure, the loads calculated by soil mechanics principles from the properties of the filling material shall be regarded as nominal loads. The nominal loads initially assumed shall be accurately checked with the properties of the material to be used in construction and, where necessary, adjustments shall be made to reconcile any discrepancies. Consideration shall be given to the possibility that the filling material may become saturated or may be removed in whole or in part from either side of the fill-retaining part of the structure Design load. For all five design load combinations, Ysy shall be taken as follows. For the ultimate For the serviceability Limit state Limit state Vertical loads 1207 1.0 Non-Vertical loads 1.5 1.0 Alternative load factor. Where the structure or element under consideration is such that the application of Yez, as given in for the ultimate limit state causes a less severe total effect (see 3.2.6) than would be the case if Yfz, applied to all parts of the filling material, had been taken as 1.0, values of 1.0 shall be adopted. The effects of live load surcharge shall be ence eenteienrnernr? 5 8.2.1 Nominal load. In the absence of more exact calculations the nominal load due to live load surcharge for suitable material properly consolidated may be assumed to be (a) for HA loading: 10 kN/m?; () for HB loading 45 units: 20 kN/n? (intermediate values 30 units: 12 kN/m? by interpolation); (c) for RU loading: 50 kN/m? on areas occupied by tracks; ake os Bm = = (4) for RL loading: 30 kW/m? on areas occupied by tracks. Design load. For combinations 1 to 5, yy, shall be as specified in 5.9 Erection loads. For the ultimate limit state, erection loads shall be considered in accordance with 5.9.1 to 5.9.5. For the serviceability limit state, nothing shall be done during erection that will cause damage to the permanent structure or will alter its response in service from that considered in design. 5.9.1 Temporary loads Nominal loads. The total weight of all temporary materials, plant and equipment to be used during erection shall be taken into account. This shall be accurately assessed to ensure that the loading is not underestimated. Design loads. For the ultimate limit state for combinations 2 and 3, v¢z shall be taken as 1.15 except as specified in, For the serviceability limit state for combinations 2 and 3, Y¢z shall be taken as 1.00. Relieving effect. Where any temporary materials have a relieving effect, and have not been introduced specifically for this purpose, they shall be considered not to be acting. Where, however, they have been so introduced, precautions shall be taken to ensure that they are not inadvertently removed during the period for which they are required. The weight of these materials shall elso be accurately assessed to ensure that the loading is not over- estimated. This value shall be taken as the design load. 5.9.2 Permanent loads Nominal loads. All dead and superimposed dead loads affecting the'structure at each stage of erection shall be taken into account. The effécts of the method of erection of permanent materials shall be considered and due allowance shall be made for impact loading or shock loading. Design loads. The design loads due to permanent loads for the serviceability limit state and the ultimate limit state for combinations 2 and 3 shall be as specified in 5.1.2 and 5.2.2, EPO CTLY CY 5.9.3 Disposition of permanent and temporary loads. The disposition of all permanent and temporary loads at all stages of erection shall be taken into consideration and due allowance shall be made for possible inaccuracies in their location. Precautions shall be taken to ensure that the assumed disposition is maintained during erection. 5.9.4 Wind and temperature effects. Wind and temperature effects shall be considered in accordance with 5.3 and 5.4, respectively. oky 5.9.5 Snow and ice loads: ,,When climatic conditions are such that there is a possibility of snowfall or of icing, an appropriate allowance shall be made. Generally, a distributed load of 500 N/m? may be taken as adequate but may require to be increased for regions where there is a Possibility of snowfalls and extremes of low temperature over a long period. The effects of wind in combination with snow loading may be E Let ignored. 6.1 General. Standard highway loading consists of HA and HB loading. HA loading is a formula loading representing normal traffic in Great Britain. HB loading is an abnormal vehicle unit loading. Both loadings include impact. (See appendix A for the basis of HA and HB loading) Qc. mzoiar aszzee uve coans 6.1.1 Loads to be considered. The structure and its elements shall be designed to resist the more severe effects of either: design HA loading (see 6.4.1) or design HA loading combined with design HB loading (see 6.4.2) notional lanes, and the presence ef hard shoulders, hard stripe, verges 6 and central reserves are integral to the disposition of HA and HB Ioading. Reqsirenente for deriving the width and unser of notional lanes for design purposes are specified in Requizenents for i reducing HA loading for certain lene vidths ané loaded length are specified in 6.4.1. 6.1.3 Distribution analysis of structure. The effects of the design standard loadings shall, where appropriate, be distributed in accordance with a rigorous distribution analysis or from data derived from suitable . tests, In the latter case the use of such data shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate authority. 6.2 Type HA loading. Type HA loading consists of a uniformly distributed load (see 6.2.1) and a knife edge load (see 6.2.2) combined, or of a single wheel load (see 6.2.5). 6.2.1 Nominal uniformly distributed load (UDL). For loaded lengths up to and including 50m the UDL, expressed in kN per linear metre of notional lane, shall be derived ffom the equation, 0.67 and for loaded lengths in excess of 50m but less than 1600m the UDL shail be derived from the equation, Qa - we 36/4 : Q where L is the loaded length (in m) and W is the load per metre of notional lane (in kN). For loaded lengths above 1600m, the UDL shall be agreed with the appropriate authority. - 48 - Nominal knife e: —————— errr serene ete tbetnlnseetiernrnerenteterncmren be taken to oceupy one re Values of the load per linear metre of notional lane are given in table 13 and the loading curve is illustrated in figure 10, Table 13. Type HA unigormly distributed load. Loaded Load Loaded Load Loaded Load length length tength n 2N/m a N/m D N/m 2 211.2 55. 2h. 370 19.9 4 132.7 60 23.9" 410 19.7 6 101.2 65 23.7 450 19.5 8 83.4 70 23.5 490 19.4 10 71.8 75 23.4 530 19.2 12 63.6 Bo" 23.2 570 19.1 14 87.3 85 23.1 620 18.9 16 52.4 90 23.0 679 18.8 18 48.5 1060 22.7 730 18.6 20 45.1 110 22.5 790 18.5 23 all 1207 22.3 850 18.3 26 37.9 130 22.1, 910 18.2 29 35.2 150 21.8 980 18.1 32 33.0 170 21.5 1050 18.0 35 31.0 190 21.3 1130 17.8 38 29.4 220 21.0 1210 17.7 41 27.9 250 20.7 1300 17.6 44 26.6 280 20.5 1400 17.4 47 25.5 310 20.3 1500 17.3 50 24.4 340 20.1 1600 17.2 NOTE. Generally, the loaded length for the member under consideration shall be the full base length of the adverse area (see 3.2.5). Where there is more than one adverse area, as for example ine ontinuous construction, the maximum effect should be determined by consideration of area or combination the adverse appropriate to the full base len| of any combination of the adverse areas selected of adverse areas using the loading th or the sum of the full base lengths Where the influence line has a cusped profile and lies wholly within a triangle joining the extremities of its base to its maximum ordinate, the base length shall be taken as twice the area under the influence line divid ordinate (see figure 11). 6.2.3 Distribution. The UDL and KEL shall ed by the maximum notional lane, uniformly distributed over the full width of the lane and applied as specified in 6.4.1. 6.2.4 Dispersal. shall be made. No allowance for the ~ 49 - dispersal of the UDL and KEL aesflig ve (3]D95 0} JON) {w) 7 4}5ua) papoo7 bee (NX) auD] jo aw sad MA _pdoT = 50 - Influence tine ordinate Influence line (4L2) b- a Feuiel base length tor base length for LL.2 g Ww Evaluation of _base lengths Consider influence line 1 :- Area under 4.1 =U, (shaded): Value of maximum ordinate = j, Elfe a a Q f a A similar evaluation applies for influence line 2 Figure 11, Base lengths for highly cusped influence lines -s51- se SB S&S & 6.2.5 Single nominal wheel load alternative to UDL and ‘KEL. One 100 kN wheel, placed on the carriageway and uniformly distributed over a circular contact area assuming an effective pressure of 1.1 N/mm? (ie 340 mn diameter), shall be considered. Alternatively, a square contact area may be assumed, using the same effective pressure (ie 300 mm side) 6.2.6 Dispersal. Dispersal of the single nominal wheel load at a pread-to-depth ratio of 1 horizontally to 2 vertically through asphalt and similar surfacing may be assumed, where it is considered that this may take place. Dispersal through structural concrete slabs may be taken at a spread-to- epth ratio of 1 horizontally to 1 vertically down to the neutral axis. i" 6.2.7 Design HA loading. For design HA load considered alone, yer, shall be taken as follows: For the ultimate For the serviceability Limit, state limit state For combination 1 1.50 1.20 For combinations 2 & 3 1.25 1.00 Where HA loading is coexistent with HB loading (see 6.4.2) Ver, as specified in 6.3.4, shall be applied to HA loading. 6.3 Type HB loading. For all public highway bridges in Great Britain, the minimum number of units of type HB loading that shall normally be considered is 30, but this number may be increased up to 45 if so directed by the appropriate authority. 6.3.1 Nominal HB loading. Figure 12 shows the plan and axle arrangement for one unit of nominal HB loading. One unit shall be taken as equal to 10 KN per axle ({e 2.5 kN per wheel). The overall length of the HB vehicle shall be taken as 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 m for inner axle spacings of 6) 11, 16, 21 or 26m respectively, and the effects of the most severe of these cases shall be adopted. The overall width shall be taken as 3.5 m. The longitudinal axis of the HB vehicle shall be taken as parallel with the lane markings. 6.3.2 Contact area. Nominal HB wheel loads shall be assumed to be uniformly distributed over a circular contact area, assuming an effective essure of 1.1 N/mm? @ square contact area may be assumed, using the same Alternatively, effective pressure. 6.3.3 Dispersal. Dispersal of HB wheel loads at a spread-to-depth ratio of | horizontally to 2 vertically through asphalt and similar surfacing may be assumed, where it is considered that this may take place. Dispersal through structural concrete slabs may be taken at a spread-to- depth ratio of 1 horizontally to 1 vertically down to the neutral axis. a3 = 4 35m overt width | a Tp ie | or 26 m 1.8m produces the most severe etfect on the member Under consideration Figure 12. Dimensions of HB vehicle Soh, Design HB leading. For design ¥B load, YeL Shall be taken as follows: For the ultimate For the serviceability limit state limit stete For combination 1 1.30 1.10 For combinations 2 & 3 1.10 1.00 S-4 Application of types HA and HB loading . Line for the element or menber under considerations The lane loadings Specified in are interchangeable between the notional lanes and a notional lane or lanes may be left unloaded if this causes the most onal be eee On the member or element under consideratinn, The KEL Where the point under consideration has a different influence line for che loading in each lane, the appropriate loaded length for each lane will vary and the lane loadings shall be determined individually, Zhe ane factors given in shall be applied except where othervis specified by the appropriate authorit # G41. HA Lane Factors. ‘The HA UDL and KEL shai be multiplied by the eppropriate factors from table.14 before being applied to the notional lanes indicated : Where the carriageway has a single notional lane es specified in 2.2,9-3-2, the HA UDL and KEL applied to that lane anole ta way ne eneideration of local (not global) effects, vhere deviations from planarity may be critical, the application of the knife edge lead without the UDL inmediately adjacent to it may have a more severe effect than with tro UDL present. LE = [ e 14, HA lane factors toaded | First tane | Second tane | Third lane | Fourth & ener | | factor sageor fetor’ | subseavent \ Mm! 1 2 4 3 lane factor Ht° X 6 E o6 NOTE 1, 1 = 0.274 by, and cannot exceed 1.0 ©2 = 0.0137 [ by (4O-L) + 3.65 (L-20) ] 1 where by is the notional lane width (m) Be Tl Talla co aden sutoEICVe lbs wa sinelsaceers tales ion Multilevel structures. Where multilevel superstructures are carried on common substructure members (as, eg columns of a multilevel interchange) the most severe effect at the point under consideration shall be determined from type HA loading applied in é accordance with 6.4.1, The number of notional lanes to be lered-shall-be-the-total-number-of lanes,..irs iw level, which contribute to the load effect at that point. = Transverse cantilever slabs, slabs supported on all four sides and slabs spanning transversely. HA UDL and KEL shall be replaced by the arrangement of HB loading given in NOTE: Slabs shall be deemed to cover plates. Combined effects. Where elements of a structure can sustain the effects of live load in two ways, ie as elements in thenselves and also as parts’ of the main structure (og the top flange of a box girder functioning as a deck plate), the element = 54S Cc 2m @ Ir oe shall be proportioned to resist the combined effects of the appropriate loading specified in 6.4.2. a eS f-4-1.5 Knife edge load (KEL). The KEL shall be taken as acting as follows: (a) On plates, right slabs and skew slabs spanning or cantilevering longitudinally: in a direction which has the most vevese cffect. The KEL for each lane shall be consid--n4 acting in a single line in that lane and hav'-> wae same length as the width of the notional lane and -.e intensity set out an 6.4.1. AS specified in 6.4.1, the KBL shall be applied at one Point only in the loaded length. = on (>) On 3. ,..ucinal members and stringers: in a direction Paral'ci to the supports. (c) On piers, abutments and other members supporting the superstructure: on the deck, parallel to the line of the bearings. = (4) On cross members, including transverse cantilever brackets: in a direction in line with the span of the member, G-4.1.6_ Single vheel load. The HA wheel load is applied to members cupporting small areas of roadway where the proportion of UDL end KEL that would otherwise be allocated to it is small. | eo ca apryPes HA and HB losding combined. Types HA and HB loading shell be combined and applied as follows:- pu a i (a) Type HA loading shall be applied to the notional lanes of the i carriageway in accordance with 6.4.1, modified as given in (b) below. = (>) Type HB loading shall occupy any transverse position on the cagrigeeway: either wholly within one notional lane or straddling two or more notional lanes. Tis) he MB vehicle lies wholly within the notional lane (eg figure j i3(1)) or where the HB vehicle lies partially within a notional rane ana the remaining width of the lane, measured from the side of the | HB vehicle to the edge of the notional lane, is less than 2.5 metres (eg figure 13(2)(a)), type HB loading is assumed to d. of ——___— Live loading shall be considered for 23 aereea a secrets, (Ne loading exit to 28 metros behind the rear asta ar fnTtg Soh ; The remainder of the loaded length of the lane or lanes that | eccupied ty’ the HB vehicle shalt be loaded ith a Wat ot. ua xe | SRALL be cnttteg. The intensity of te Nh UBL Le eee ay HA KEL be “appropriste to the tondes length that snciudes the" eorat a ene dtsplaced by the type HB loading with the fesce ana sete a dee eck space as & = there the HD vehicle lies partially within a notional lane and the remaining width of the lane, measured from the side of the HB yoptete to the far edge of the notional lane, is greater or equal te 2.8 metres (eg figure 13(2)(b)), the HA UDL loading in thet line = Ga Foe 2 Ps = ghall remain but shall be multiplied by an appropriate lane factor for # notional lane vidth of 2.5 metres irrespective of the actess jane width; the HA KEL shall be omitted es Galy one HB vehicle shall be considered on any one superstructure or om any substructure supporting two or more superstructures = Figure 13 illustrates typical configurations of type HA loading in combination with type HB loading 6.4.3 Highway loading on transverse cantilever slabs, slabs supported on ali four sides, slabs spanning transversely and central reserves’ Type HB loading shall be applied to the elements specified in and, GrAo3-1 Transverse cantilever slabs, slabs supported on all four Siges and slabs spanning transversely. These elements shall be so Breportfoned as to resist the effects of the appropriate number of units of type HB loading occupying any transverse position in the carriageway or placed in one notional lane in combination with 30 units of type HB loading placed in one other notional lene” Proper Sonsideration shall be given to transverse joints of transverse pintitever slabs and to the edges of these slabs because of the limitations of distributions, This does not apply to members supporting these elements, 6-4:3°-2 Central reserves. On dual carriagevays the portion of the celeed ke eetive isolated from the rest of the carriagevay either by a Ttised kerb or by safety fences is not required to be loaded with Shug, lead im considering the overall design of the structure, bee it shall be capable of supporting 30 units of HD loading. a, 2, = a ee = 6.5, Standard footway and cycle track loading. The live load on highway bridges due to pedestrian traffic shall be treated as uniformly distributed erer footways and cycle tracks. For elements supporting footwsys or cycle fracks, the intensity of pedestrian live load shall vary according to loaded jength and any expectation of exceptional crowds. Reductions ta pedestrian Live load intensity may be made for elements supporting highway traffic lanes footeny 32, footways or cycle tracks. Reductions may also be made where Gre footway (or footway and cycle track together) has a width exceeding two metres eee eee tee eter eee eee eee eee eee Sees = = ihis fg the only exception to the rule that not more than one HB vehicle shall Stieate cor caeegon ’ Sttucture. The 30 unit vehicle is to be regarded wea substitute for HA loading for these elements only. =: 2 = ee ~ 56 - =a Loaded ensth fer intensity of HA UDL lene centering HO vehicle Overall vehicte I tength for axte "spacing heving [SL a Bhs ISR NCO] §« F———— tome toodings = [NNN Nee NNN NNN Notionet for interchangeable NO LOADING OW ISOLATED PARTS OF CENTRAL RESERVE FOR GLOBAL ANALYSIS” > lanes in for most severe effect exch carriageway “ (2) HB vehicle stradcling two notional lanes £ ta) ! Loaded Length for intensity of HA LOL = Tn ene containing HB vehicle Overall vehicle hia ‘ 25m Length (or axie 25m t Or vice-versa “spacing having ro) {| ! cesng (most severe ett . [Epaavo: i = leedin EZ] Nosoacin f t Bewd “bee! 19 TE ERS veer 9 Lag tors lensing Sank Bx HA hare interchangeable 4NO LOADING ON ISOLATED PARTS OF CENTRAL RESERVE FOR GLOBAL ANALYSIS tot most severe effect a ce gp 0 vice-versa Be carriageway tb) 7 Lone loadings vbr: Notionat cre interchangeable “f.NO LOADING OW ISQLATECI PARTS OF CENTRAL RESERVE FOR GLOBAL ANAUSIS: for most severe effect Tezsm bi eit lanes in ‘each carriageway ae a q 5 Q t | Overall vehite length for axle ‘Spacing having most severe effect Loaded Kength for intensity of HA UDL ‘hy lane containing HB vehicle NOTE: 1, See 6.4.11 forthe vatue of the HA lane factor (B) to be token for each lane. 2. The overall length and width of the HB vehicle shall be as specified in 6.3.1 3. Unless otherwise stated, type HA loading includes both uniformly distributed loading (UDL} and knife edge loading (KEL!. 4. See 6.41 for loaded length to be taken in each lane Figure 13. Type HA and HB highway loading in combination. - 57 - = © SS & = 2 81S détsaa ddddad ¢oeuaa wunsss eeossud 3 es : BS | ole feagne tieese seanne aannne eeseqs Bi fe/e Séccct S33833 398252 s20gne eoesas 38 sii|e| Ri Phone qQuacem locneelmasnng los ie lopuuias : SAS665 GadlSS GYSSI3 JGGNL2 B35352 seszss z FS Gdeddd daddad dieses Ssenwd agosu ele senae4 seaqae sze0nm etcnen ana Séoce5 T2353 I32802 S2s3g3 ie i as 2 sie ; BEE| al. enenne geen eacenn socens eens gse]e]e solacs 343333 333993 228825 ainda aga s}q 228285 geceng geedns teeqow seenen seanen 2 BLO SSseer Ressee Ranaek waedse wdewse wnnnee 5 3 7 : 7 z 7 Solas 3 a a4 ea re a « {38 23 ae a8 is a a « | 28 Ebeooe Sh. oe zh 7 : ode f EPSES2 Vigess Efsose HS Ee ae « | 34 ig ge°S2R GS°S88 bocce F8ccce | isccoe i a¥ EB 58 SESERR Eee8Re Fyagge 3 3 Qagwasa oads and/or load effects ve bridge temperature from figure 8 and nis example, let its value be X°C. rature difference distribution through the ====5 differences which form this distribution are = snperatures derived in (c), the geometry of the TRRL Report LR 765, calculate the effective oses of this example, let its value be ¥*C. umed actual temperatures derived in (c). 4 1em=== shich co-exist with the maximum effective temperature difference distribution determined snd which are to be used for the calewlation of + =timun temperatures, but use figure 7, table 10 “S=nce distributions shown in figure 9. In step tures to be NEGATIVE. In step (e) add (X-¥)c° amperatures derived in step (c). These are now the minimum effective bridge temperature and <= :=ribution determined from steps (a) and (b) + sed for the calculation of loads and/or load Appendix D Derivation of RU and RL railway loadings D.1 RU loading. The loading given in8.2.1 has been derived by a Committee of the International Union of Railways to cover present and anticipated future loading on railways in Great Britain and on the Continent of Europe Motive power now tends to be diesel and electric rather then steam, and this produces axle loads and arrangements for locomotives that are similar to those used far bogie, freight vehicles, freight vehicles often being heavier than locomotives. In adgition to the normal tain loading, which can berepresented quite well by a uniformly distriputed oad of 8 t/m, reilway bridges are occasionelly subject to exceptionally heavy abnormal loads, At shortloaded lengthsitis necessary to introduce heavier concentrated loads to simulate individual axles and to produce high end shears, Certain vehicles exceed RU static loeding at certain, spans, particularly in shear but these excesses are B-B LOCOMOTIVE SD, 2O 4.00 200 1504 ~~. =e ~o - LOCOMOTIVE pRB, 1s 00, 00, 1, TTR Ff tT 6 x22.2¢ wacons 1 HESS, 240 180 1504 EPTIONAI ‘isthe number ofaxles in each end acceptable, because dynamic factors applied to RU loading assume high speeds whereas those oceasional heavy loads run at much lower speeds ‘The concentreted and distributed loads have been ‘approximately converted into equivalent loads measured in kN when applying RU loading in this British Standard. Figure 18 shows diagrams of two locomotives and several wagons all of which, when forming part of a vain, re covered by RU loading. Double heading of the locomotives has been allowed for in RU loadings. The allowances for dynamic effects for AU loading given in.2.3.1 have been calculated so that, in combinetion with that loading, they cover the effects of slow moving heavy, and fast moving light, vehicles. Exceptional vehicles are assumed to move at spaeds not exceeding 80 km/h, heavy wagons at speeds of up to 120 km/h, passenger locomotives at speeds of up to 250 km/h and light, high speed trains at speeds of up to 300 km/h, Tobe considered Double headed Tobe considered Double headed 53, 200 550 200 1504 Fae Wlone_ [numberof exlee parade | a OT se t 2Wie the totel number of axles 18 1.25 |1.45 | 1.55 | 1.60 Tonetonies SAT 1.35] 1.60 [1.65] 470 18 425 [1.45 [7.75 [1.78 [1.80 LAL te pa iso 19 1.35 ]1.65 [1.85 | 4.85 [190 tt TITS asta ee ee 2.00 | 2.00 21] 130[1.30[1.70]200]210} 210 | ate Pip te pes zr saola0]190 are azo L930 [ae oes ee Bin metres 1 Nextes 8.00 }7.00 |8.00| 8.00 {10.00 10.00 NOTE. Dimensions in met Figure 18, Wagons end locomotivescovered by AU loading , 80 Table28. End shear forces for simply supported ‘Teble 27. Equivalent uniformly distributed loads beams, including dynamic effects, under RU for bending moments for simply supported .. G2. om. i beams, including dynamic effects, under RU loading loading Span toad Span Lead Span loed —_ Span _Fevee Span Force Span Force mo okN m kN im N m kN m kN mo ORN 1.0 1000 20 1981 500 51396 10 421 80 997 50.0 2604 > 1.2 1000 82 1875 520 5273 «12 «427 82 1007 520 2678 14 1000 B4 1899 540 541114435 84 1018 540 2748 18 1002 88 2044 580 5684 1.8464 8a 1037 580 2893 20 1007 90 2066 600 5820 20 501 80 10487 60.0 2965 22 1015 82 2088 650 6160 22 532 92 1057 65.0 3144 24 1024 83 2109 700 6534 24 587 94 1066 700 3336 » 26 1035 86 2130 750 6937-28 578 96 1078 780 3537 i 28 1087 88 2150 goo 7340 «628 601 98 1085 800 3738 30 1089 | 100 2171 850 7742 30 621 100 1094 85.0 3939 32 1148 | 110 2268 900 8144 32 640 4.01138 800 4139 34 jm | 120 Basa 95.0 8545 34 663 420 1181 950 4340 36 i255 [130 2447 |1000 bacr 3.68685 130 1223 [1000 45a1 38 1293 | 149 2531 i050 9348 © 38 «714 140 1264, [105.0 4741 40 1351 [150 2613 1100 9749 © 40729 150 1304 ©1100 4942 42 1401 | 180 2694 |1180 10181 42743 160 1343 [1150 5142 44 144 | 170 2773/4200 1055244 756 170 1383/1200 8342 46 1481 [180 2851 | 1250 10953 48 (768 180 1421/1250 5543 i 48 1512 190 2827 130.0 11954 = 4.8 780 19.0 1460 130.0 5743 50 1541 | 200 3003/1950 11754 5.0788 20.0 1498 © /1350 5944 . 82 1867 | 220 3153 |1400 i2tss 52 818 220 1574 © |1400 5144 54 158 | 240 3301 [1480 12656 © S4 B32 20.0 1649 © 4450 6344 0 56 1613 | 260 3407 i500 12987 88 Baa 260 1724 | 1500 6544 58 1633 | 280 3592 |1s50 13367 58 964 280 1799 (| 1850 5748, fH 680 «1652 | 300 3736 | 1600 13758 96.0878 300 1873/1600 6045 0 62 1690 | 320 3878 |ie50 14158 © 82892 320 1947 © |1650 7145 64 in7 | 340 4020/1700 14559 © 64 905. 340 2021/1700 7345 66 1793 | 360 4162 | 1750 14959 ©8917 360 2098 © /175.0 7545 g «68 «(1785 «| 380 4302 | 1800 18360 68 930 380 2187 |1800 7748 a 70 1817 | 400 4442 | 1850 15760 7.0 942 40.0 2240 |185.0 7946 72 1845 | 420 4582 | 1900 16161 7.2 953 420 2313/1900 8146 74 1874 | 440 4721 = | 195.0 16561 «7.4 «965 440 2335 © |1950 8346 78 1900 | 460 4860 {2000 is961 76 976 46.0 24589 | 2000 8546 78 1928 | 480 4998 78987 48.0 2531 ~ aS 2 = = es es fe Lenoanos eustzcartons nersane> 20 Steel girder bridges Schedule of weights of building materials Glossary of building and civil engineering terms: Part 2: Civil Engineering Foundations. - 86 i t ' i aaa faa a a 2° 6" ce" Ge "Ge Ge ae ite ee oe oe ee oo me “= = = ca ¥ { t 0 q 4 § 4 4 al g q g a g 100 L 20 APPENDIX C TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES T FOR VARIOUS SURFACING DEPTHS The values of T given in figure 9 are for 4Onm surfacing depths for groups 1 and 2 and 100mm surfacing depths for groups 3 and 4, For other depths of surfacing, the values given in tables 22 to 24 may be used. These values are based on the temperature difference curves given in Transport ané Road Research Laboratories (IRRL) Report LR 765 ‘Temperature differences in bridges’, which may be used in preference. Methods of computing temperature difference are to be found in TRRL Report LR 561 ‘The calculation of the distribution of temperature in bridges ' (NOTE: A full description and method of calculation of an effective bridge temperature can be found in Appendix 1 of TRRL Report LR 765). Table 22 Values of T for groups 1 and 2 Positive: Reverse Surface temperature temperature thickness difference difference Ty 1% 3 % Tt mm co ce ce c co unsurfaced 30 16 6 3 8 20 27 15 9 5 6 40 24 14 8 a 6 “Table 23 Values of T for group 3 Positive Reverse Depth Surfacing ‘temperature temperature of thickness difference difference slab (h) Tt Ty n mo co co 0.2 unsurfaced 7 16.5 — waterproofed . 50 0.3 unsurfaced 18.5 waterproofed 26.5 50 20.5 100 16.0 150 12.5 200 10.0 -7- aga m= a Ss 6 5.1 Nominal pedestrian live load Elements supporting footways or cycle tracks only. The nominal pedestrian live load on elements supporting footways and cycle tracks only shall be as follows: (a) for loaded lengths of 36 m and under, a uniformly distributed live load of 5.0 KN/m2. (®) for loaded lengths in excess of 36m, k x 5.0 kN/m? where k is the nominal HA UDL for aporopriate loaded length (in N/m) x 10 L + 270 where L is the loaded length (in m). Where the footway (or footway and cycle track together) has a width exceeding 2m these intensities may be reduced by 15% on the first metre in excess of 2m and by 30% on the second metre in excess of 2m. No further reduction for widths exceeding 4m shall be made. These intensities may be averaged and applied as a uniform intensity over the full width of the footway or cycle track. Special consideration shall be given to the intensity of the Pedestrian live load to be adopted on loaded lengths in excess of 36m where exceptional crowds may be expected. Such loading shall be agreed with the appropriate authority. Elements supporting footways or cycle tracks and a carriageway. ‘The nominal pedestrian live load on elements supporting carriageway loading as well as footway or eycle track loading shall be taken as 0.8 of the value specified in or (b), as appropriate, except for loaded lengths in excess of 400m or where crowd loading is expected. Where the footway (or footway and cycle track together) has a width exceeding 2m these intensities may be further reduced by 15% on the first metre in excess of 2m and by 30Z on the second metre in excess ef 2m. No further reduction for widths exceeding 4m shall be made These intensities may be averaged and applied as a uniform intensity over the full width of footway or cycle track Where a main structural member supports two or more notional traffic lanes, the footways/cycle track loading to be carried by the main member may be reduced to the following: On footways: 0.5 of the value given in and (b) as appropriate 0.2 of the value given in and (b) On cycle tracks: as appropriate. Where a highway bridge has two footways and a load combination is considered such that only one footway is loaded, the reductions in the intensity of footway loading specified in this clause shall not be applied. ~ 58 Where crowd loading is expected or where loaded lengths are in excess of 400m, special consideration shall be given to the = intensity of pedestrian live loading to be adopted. This shall be agreed with the appropriate authority, Special consideration shall also be given to structures where there is a possibility of crowds using cycle tracks which could coineide with exceptionally heavy highway carriageway loading. 6.5.2 Live load combination. The nominal pedestrian live load Specified in shall be considered in combination with the nominal primary live load on the carriageway derived and applied in accordance with 6.4. §:5-3 Design load. For the pedestrian live load on footways and cycle tracks Yer shall be taken as follows: For the ultimate For the serviceability dimit state Limit state For combinations 2 & 3 1.25 1.00 For primary live load on the carriageway, Vey, shall be taken as specified in 6.2.7 and 6.3.4. 676 jiccidental vheel loading. The elements of the structure supporting outer erges, footways or cycle tracks which are not protected from vehicules traffic by an effective barrier, shall be designed to sustain local effects ar ental wheel loading. the nominal acci £,6;1 Nominal accidental wheel loading. The accidental wheel loading paving the plan, axle and wheel load arrangement shown in figure 14 shale be Selected and located in the position which produces the most adverse effect on the elements, Where the application of any wheel or wheels hae @ relieving effect, it or they shall be ignored. 6.6.2 Contact area. Nominal accidental wheel loads shall be assumed to be uniformly distributed over a circular contact area, assuming an effective pressure of 1.1 N/mm?. Alternatively, a square contact “ares may be assumed, using the same effective pressure. 6.6.3 Dispersal. Dispersal of accidental wheel loads at a Spread tordepth ratio of 1 horizontally to 2 vertically through asphalt and similar surfacing may be assumed, vhere it is considered that this may take place. E t p b b i l i 0 u 0 l abs—maby—be—taken ag fo of 1 horizontally to 1 vertically down to the Dispersal through 6.6.4 Live load combination. Accidental wheel loading need not be considered in combinations 2 and 3. No other primary live load is required to be considered on the bridge. 6.6.5 Design load. For accidental wheel loading Vez shall be taken as follows: For the ultimate For the serviceability limit state limit state For combination 1 1.50 1.20 = 100kN 75KN Direction of travel parallel to lane marks f Figure 14. Accidental wheel loading. : 6.7 uoads due to vehicle collision vith parapots*. The local effects of Gohtcle oulision with parapets shell be considered in the design of elenents Gril. “in addition, the global effects of vehicle collision with high level Gf containment parapets shail be considered in the design of bridge W] Sipeceetoctsreny searings, sunstcuctures snd fetalolog wells end wing vatis by setltation of loads given in 6.1.2. the global efvects of vehicle collision , with other types or parapets bead not be coneidered. 6.7.1 Loads due to vehicle collision with parapets for determining local effects. Nominal loads. In the design of the elements of the structure supporting parapets,the following loads shall be regarded as the nominal load effects to be applied to these elements according to the parapet type and construction. For concrete parapets (high and normal levels of containment): The calculated ultimate design moment of resistance and. the calculated ultimate design shear resistance of a 4.5m length of parapet at the parapet base applied uniformly over any 4.5m length © of supporting element. (a) The calculated ultimate design moment of re: Parapet post applied at each dase of up to three adjacent posts and * This subclause refers to the load effects resulting from a collision with a parapet, locally on the structural elements in the vicinity of the parapet supports and glovally on bridge superstructures, bearings, and substructures and retaining [Jvstse 14 ving veils. “Rates for the design of highvsy parapets tn the United Kingdom including requirements for high level of containment parapets are set out in the appropriate Department of Transport Memorandun. B - 60 - a 6 Sih se () the lesser of the following: (i) the calculated ultimate design moment of resistance of a Parapet post divided by the height of the centroid of the lowest effective longitudinal member above the base of the parapet applied at each base of up to any three adjacent parapet posts; (ii) the calculated ultimate design shear resistance o: post applied at each base of up to any three adjacent pa: £ a parapet rapet posts. In the case of all high level of containment parapets, an additional single vertical load of 175 kN shall be applied uni length of 3m at the top of the front face of the pai formly over rapet. The loaded length shall be in that position which will produce the most severe effect on the member under consideration Associated nominal primary live load. The accidental wheel loading specified in 6.6 shall be considered to act with the loads due to vehicle collision with parapets. Load combination. Loads due to vehicle collision with parapets for determining local effects shall be co: nsidered in combination 4 only, and need not be taken as coexistent with other secondary live loads. Design load. For determining local effects supporting the parepet, Ygy, factors to be applied to on elements the nominal load due to vehicle collision with the parapet and the associated nominal primary live load shall be taken as follow: For the ultimate For the se: limit state Limit stat! Low and High level Low and normal of normal levels of containment levels of containment containment For load due 1.50 1.40 1.20 to vehicle collision with parapet. For associated 1.30 primary live load 1.30 1.10 6.7.2 Loads due to vehicle collision with high level of parapets for determining global effects. rviceability High level of containment Lis 1.10 containment bearings, substructures, retaining walls and wing walls, the following nominal impact loads shall be applied at the top of the traffic face of high level of containment parapets only. (a) a single horizontal transverse load of 500 KN; (>) a single horizontal longitudinal load of 100 kN; (c) a single vertical load of 175 kN. eel re The loads shall be applied uniformly over a length of 3 m measured along the line of the parapet. The loaded length shall be in that Position which will produce the most severe effect on the part of the structure under consideration pf 6-7.2.2 Associated nominal primary live load. Type HA and the accidental wheel loading, shall be considered to act with the load due to vehicle collision on high level of containment parapets. The type HA and the accidental wheel loading shall be applied in accordance with 6.4 and 6.6.1, respectively and such that they will have the most severe.effect on the member under consideration. They may be applied either separately or in combination. on Load combination. Loads due to vehicle collision with high devel of containment parapets for determining global effects shai) be considered in combination 4 only, and need not be taken as coexistent with other secondary live loads. 6.7:2.4° Design load. The load due to vehicle collision with high level of contaiment parapets for determining global effects on bridge superstructures, substructures, nof-elastomeric bearings, retaining walls ond wing walls need only be considered at ‘sie wltimate Limit state, In the case of elastomeric bearings however, the load due to vehicle collision with high level of contatament Parapets for determining global effects should only be considered at the serviceability limit state. The Ygi values to be applied to the nominal load due to vehicle collision with high level of containment parapets and the associated nominal primary live loed shall be taken as follow: Massive Light® structures structures For loads due to vehicle For the ultimate limit state collision with parapets: On bridge superstructures and 1.25 1am non-elastomeric bearings On bridge substructures and 1.0 Lie wing and retaining walls For associated primary live loads 1.25 1.25 Se _—noFT 2a 2 2 2 = = * NOTE: The Ygy value of 1.4 shall only be used gor small and light structures (such as some wing walls cantilevered off abutments, low light retaining walls, very short span bridge decks) where the attenuation of the collision loads is unlikely to occur, For other structures, account may be taken of the dynamic nature of the force and its interaction with the mass ef the structure by application of the reduced Vey, values given above. = 62 - ,=?= = = = Massive Light Structures structures For loads due to vehicle For the serviceability limit state Collision with parapets On elastomeric bearings 1.0 1.0 For associated primary live loads 1.0 1.0 6.8 Yehicle collision loads on Bighway bridge supports and of a atructures. Where bridges oves oS *pigeeways have piers located Within 4.5m ; designed to withstand venir sollision loads. Vehicle Collision loads on abutments need not be gonsidered. Where bridges over carriageways have ie together with their directins and height of application, seu shall be considered as acting horizontally on bridge suppeste: All of the loads given in table 15 shall be PPplied concurrently. ‘The ioats shall be gonsidered to be transmitted from the safety fence Provided at the Load Load Point of normal to Parallel to | application on the the bridge perag Beay | carriageway | supper below below Wo rete 15. corttsion Yeads on supports of bridges over highways ky aN Load 150 50 Any one bracket transmitted attachment point or from safety for free-standing fence fences, any one point 0.75m above carriage- way level Residual severe Point between Im and 3m above carriageway level 6.8.2 Nominal load on ace aattuctures. 4 single nominal toad of 50 iy phat be considered to act as a Point load on the bridge superstructure in any direction between the horizontal and the vertical” The load shal1 be ‘applied to the bridge soffit, thus precluding a downward vertical gppiication. Given that the Plane of the soffit may follow a aoli ee vated OF non-planar form, tne Joad can have an outward of inwara application, 6.8.3 | Associated nominal primary live load. No Primary live load ssrequired to be considered on the bridge. 6-8-4 Load combination. Vehicle collision loads on supports and on and need tures shall be considered separately, in combimeie: & only, and need not be taken as coexistent with other secondary live loads, orb5, Design load. For all elements excepting elastomeric bearings, the F effects due to vehicle collision loads on supports and an superstructures need only be considered at the ultimate linit state, The Ye, to be applied to the nominal loads shall have a value of 1.20, 8 Zor tlastoneric bearings, the effects due to vehicle collision loses os suphorts, “and “on supecsteucturee “should. ‘be aig gustan leaden B servfceability “init state, the Ver te be aopisee seenae, Heth joads shall have a value of 1.0. §.8-6 Bridges crossing raiiway track, canals or navigable vater. Sparstton loading on bridges over railvays, canals or navigable water Shalt be as agreed with the appropriate authority. noe eeneenteifugal loads. . On highway bridges carrying cariageways with porizontal radius of curvature less than 1000m, centrifugal loads shall be appt ied in any two notional lanes in each carriagevay at ee centres. If the spplieg ae soc sists Of one notional lane only, centrifugal loads shall be applied at 50m centres in that lane. 6-9-1 Nominal centrifugal load. 4 nominal centrifugal load Fy shall be taken as: Fo = £0000 yy 8 r+ 150 cenettupee (the Zadsue of curvature of the lane (in m). A nominal "SEEE{G9S1 toad shalt be considered to act as a point load, acting in a 0 Fadial direction at the surface of the carriapenay and paralien iret: Ci2:2 Associated nominal primary live load. With each centrifugal load Ciskatbeiet gt, Milian 4 waving’ Give eet fee kx, Gistributed over the notional lane for a length of Ge 6-9-4 Design load. For the centrifugal loads and Primary live loads YeL shall be taken as follows: For the ultimate limit state For the serviceability limit state 1.50 1.00 eee longitudinal 1osd resulting from traction or fran pe Gey wamicles shali_be_taken a the nore severe decigg wie sulting Bhone actaief Oza ttt 610-5, applied at the road sartace cea pom eee it . dh one notional lane only. reams: in o Pe A a biav/a' of Nominal load for type HA. The nominal load for HA shall be Skii/m of loaded length plus 250 KN, subject to 2 maximum: of 750 4M, applied to an area one notional lane wide x the loaded Iesnen, — 64 6.10.2 Nominal load for type EB. The nominal load for HB shall be 25% ef the total nominal HB load adopted, applied as equally distributed between the eight vneels of 2 axles of the vehicle, 1.8m apart (see 6.3), §-10-3 | Associated nominal primary live load. Type HA or HB toad, applied in accordance with 6.4, shall be considered to act with longitudinal load as appropriate 6.10.4 Load combination. Longitudinal load shall be considered in combination 4 only and need not be taken as coexistent with othes secondary live loads. 6.1055 , Design load. For the longitudinal and primary live load, ven, shall be taken as follows: For the ultimate For the serviceability limit state Limit state For HA load 1.25 1.00 For HB load 1.10 "1.00 ’ 6.11 Accidental load due to skidding. On “straight and curved bridges a Gaile Point load shall be considered in one notional lane only, acting ty any Girection on and parallel to, the surface of the highway. 6.11.1 Nominal load. The nominal load shall be taken as 300 Ky. G.11-2 Associated nominal primary live load. Type HA loading, applied ia accordance with 6.4.1, shall be considered to act with the seciaentas skidding load. oie e8 gioad combination. Accidental load due to skidding shall be sointdered in combination 4 only, and need not be taken as coexistent with other secondary live loads, 6.11.4 Design load. For the skidding and primary live load, Yer, shall be taken as follows: For the ultimate limit state For the serviceability limit state 1.25 1.00 $32 eepibading for fatigue investigations. For loading for fatigue investigations, see Part 10 of this standard. 6.13 bynamic Loading on highway bridges. The effects of vi consideration shall be given to dynamically sensitive structures 7. FOOT/CYCLE TRACK BRIDGE LIVE LOADS rerestrstandard foot/eycle track bridge loading. The live load due to Pedestrian traffic on bridges supporting footways and cycle tracks only shall chan, ated aS Uniformly distributed. The intensity of pedestrian Tice nite shall vary according to loaded length and any expectation of exceptional crowds. Bw & mm = 655 = 7.1.1 Nominal pedestrian live load, The nominal pedestrian live load on foot/eycle track bridges shall be as follows: (a) for loaded lengths of 36m and under, 2 uniformly distributed Live load of 5.0 KN/m?; (b) for loaded lengths in excess of 36m, k x 5.0 KN/m? where k is the nominal HA UDL for appropriate loaded length (in kN/m) x 10 L + 270 where L is the loaded length (in m). be adopted on loaded lengths in excess of 36m where exceptional crowds 0 may be expected (as for example, where a footbridge serves a sports stadium). Such loading shall be agreed with the appropriate authority. 7.1.2 Effects due to horizontal loading on pedestrian parapets. In the acide SRST SSekonts ot the stevcture supporting pedestrian parepecsty nominal load shall be taken as 1.4 kN/m length applied at the top of the ‘This loading shall be considered to the parapet and acting horizontally. act with the nominal pedestrian live load given in 7.1.1. 7.1.3 Design load. For the live load on foot/eycle track bridges and the load on pedestrian parapets, Yzz, shall be taken as follows: for For the ultimate For the serviceability limit state limit state For combination 1 1.50 1.00 1.00 For combinations 1 & 2 1.25 7.2 Vehicle collision loads on foot/cycle track bridge supports and superstructures. | The specified vehicle collision loads in 6.8 to 6.8.6 inclusive shall be considered in the design of foot/cycle track bridges. With reference to 6.8.1, where double-sided tensioned corrugated beam or double-sided open box beam safety fencing is provided at a foot/cycle track bridge support, a reduced single nominal load of 50 kN may be considered to’ act on the support horizontally in any direction up to a height of 3 metres above the carriageway. and_by-deliberate 4 t be satisfactory where its response as eet gtcomt tae tee the limitations specified therein. wles for the design of pedestrian parapets in the United Kingdom are set out in ¢ appropriate Department of Transport Technical Memorandum. = 66.5 p 0 kf t 8; Railway bridge livetoed — 8.1 General. Standard railway loading consists of two types, RU and RL. RU loading allows for all combinations of vehicles eurcemnly running or projected to run on railways in the Continent of Europe. including the United Kingdom, and is to be adopted for the design of bridges carrying main line railways of 1-4 m geuge and above RL loading is @ reduced loading for use only on passenger ‘apid transit :ailway systems on lines where main line locomotives and rolling stock do net operate. ‘The derivation of standard railway loadings is given in appendix D. Nominal primary and associated secondary. joads areas given in 8.2 8 2 Nominal loads * Type RU .oading. Nominaltype RU loading A801 four 250 kN concentisted loads preceded, and ‘owed, by a uniformly distributed load of 80 kN/m. The errangement of this joading isas shown in figure 15. 8.2.2 Type RL loading. Nominal ype AL loading consists of a single 200 kN concentrated load coupled with a Uniformly distributed load of 50 kN/m for loaded lengths up. £0100 m. For loaded lengths in excess of 100 mth distributed nominal load shall be 50kN/m for the first 100m ‘and shall be reduced to 25 kN/m for lengths in excess of 100 m,as shown in figure 16. Alternatively, two concentrated nominal loads, one of 300 kiN and the other of 150 kN, spaced at 2.4 m intervals along the tack, shall be used on deck elements where this gives a more severe condition. These two concentrated loads shall be deemed to include dynamic effects. 8.2.3 Dynamic effects. The standard railway loadings specified in 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 (except the 300 kN and 150 kN concentrated alternative AL loading) are equivalent static, foadings and shall be multiplied by appropriate dynamic factors to allow for impact, oscillation and other dynamic effects including those caused by track and wheel itregularties. The dynamic factors given in and shall be adopted, provided that maintenance of tack and rolling stock is kopt toa reazonable standard. fei “ Type AU loading. The dynamic factor for RU loading spokes teal ype of racked shall eas pivenin table Table 16, Dynamic factor for type RU loading Dimensiont | Dynamic factor foreveluating Bending moment he upto36 200 167 2.16 1.44 from? 56? | 07 ° one V(L-02) Bee ay 0.2) over 67 1.00 1.00 In deriving the dynamic factor. is taken asthe length (inm of the influence line for deflection ofthe element under Consideration. For unsymmetrical influence lines, is twice the distance betwaen the point at which the greatest ordinate occurs and the nearest end point ofthe influence line, In the case of floor members, 3m should be added o the length of the influence fine as an allowance forload distibution through tack. The values given in table 17 may be used, where appropriett Type AL loading. The dynamic factor for RL loading when evaluating moments and shears, shal be taken as 1.20, except for unballasted tracks where, or ail bearers an single-track cross girders, the dynamic facter shall be increased to 1.40. ‘The dynamic factor applied to temporary works may be reduced to unity when rail raffie speeds are limited to not more than 25 km/h. 8.2.4 Dispersal of concentrated loads. Concentrated loads applied to the cal willbe distributed both longitudinally by the continuous tail to more than one sleeper, and transversely over a certain area of deck by the sleeper and ballast Itmay be assumed that only two-thirds of a concentrated load applies to one sleeper will be transmitted to the bridge deck by thet sleeper, and that the remaining one-third willb transmitted by the two sleepers either side >... Sh... NOTE, See 8.2.3 or additions tothisloading for dynamic effets. 250250280 250KN vp 80KN 80 KN/m 4 No tintation [o.em| tom | 1.6m | 1.6m [oem] No simitation 200 KN N/m | ye 254N/m NOTE, See 8.2.30" aditions to tis loading for dynamic efiects Figure 16:7yp0 RLionding -67- —_—" SS = \__25kN/m F 5 No limitation 100m No liitation| th Ne Titan Ee es & = = Table 17. Dimension L used in calculating the dynamic factor for RU loading Dimension ¢ Main girders: simply supponed | span For2,3, 4, and more spans 1.2, ‘continuous 1.3,1.4, 115 xmean span, but atleast the greatest spen portal frames and arches span Floor members: simply supported rail bearers cross girder spacing plus 3m cross girders loaded by simply supported:ail | Twice the spacing of cross girdars bearers plus 3m end cross girders ortimmers 4m cross girders loaded by continuous deck elements end any ‘The lessar of the span of the element ine continuous deck | main girders and twice the main system spacing ‘The load acting on the sleeper under each rail may be assumed to be distributed uniformly over the beilast at the level on the underside of the sleeper for a distance of 800 mm. symmetrically about the centre line of the rail or to twice the distance from the centie line of the ral to the nearer end of the sleeper, whicheveris tho lesser. Dispersal of this load through the ballast onto the supporting structure shall be taken at 8" to the vertical The distribution of concentrated loads applied to track not supported on ballast shall be calculated on the basis of the relative stiffresses ofthe rail, its support on the bridge deck and the bridge deck itself, In designing the supporting structure for the loads transmitted from the sleepers, distributed as set out above, any further distribution arising from the type of Construction of the deck may be taken into account. 8.2.5 Deck plates and similar loca/elements, Icespective of the calculated distribution of axle loads, all deck plates and similar local elements shall be designed to support a nominal load of 250 KN for RU loading and 168 kN for RL loading at any point of support of e ral. These loads lude al fects and lurching, 8.2.5 Application of standard loadings. Type RU or RL loading shall be applied to each and every track as specified in 4.4. Any number of lengths of the distributed load may be applied, but for RL loading the total length of 50 kN/m intensity shall not exceed 100 mon any track. The concentrated loads shall only be applied once per track for any point under consideration. 8.2.7 Lurehing. Lurching results from the temporary ttansfer of part of the live loading from one alto another, the total track load remaining unaltered, The dynamic factor applied to RU loading willtake into account the effects of lurching, and the load to be. considered acting on each rail shall be half the track load. ‘The dynamic factor applied to RL loading will not adequately take account of al lurching effects, To allow for this, 0.56 of the track load shall be considered acting on one =e rail concurrently with 0.44 of the rack load on the other rail, This redistribution of load need only be token into account on one track where members support two tracks. LLurehing may be ignored in the case of elements that suppor load from more than two tracks. 8.2.8 Wosing. An allowance shall be made for lateral loads applied by trains to the rack. This shall be taken as asingle nominal load of 100KN, acting horizontally in either direction at ight angles tothe wreck at rel level and at such a pointin the span as 10 produce the maximum effect in the element under consideration, The venta! eHeets of this load on secondary elements such i as rail bearers shall be considered. For elemants supporting more than one track 2 single load, 2s specified, shall be deemed sufficient. 8.2.9 Centrifugal load. Where the rackon a bridge is eurved, allowance for centrifugal action of moving loads shall be made in designing the elements, all tracks on the structure being considered occupied. The nominal entiifugal load F, in kN, per rack acting radially ata height of 1.8m above raillevel shell be calculated from the following formula Plt 40) 8, fom tae where P is the static equivalent uniformly distributed load for bending moment when designing for RU loading for AL loading, a distributed load of 40 kN/m multiplied by Lis deemed sutficient 1 isthe radius of curvature (in m) is the greatest speed envisaged on the curve in question (in km/h) 120, (o14 2.88) ww 129), B14 sy aol /2:881 1 os Bagh fit abl ford greater than 2.88 mand v, over 120 km/h unity for £ less than 2.88 m or v, less than 120 ken/h Lis the loaded length of the element being considered 8.2.10 Longitudinal loads. Provision shall be mede for the nominal loads due to traction and application of brakes as given in table 18. These loads shall be considered as doting at rillevelin 2 direction parallel to the tracks. No addition for dynamic effects shall be madeto the Tongitudinal loads calculated as specified in this subclause For bridges supporting ballasted track, up to one-third of the longitudinal loeds may be assumed to be transmitted by the track to resistances outside the bridge structure, provided that no expansion switches or similar rail discontinuities are located on, or within, 18 m of either ond ofthe bridge. ‘Structures and elements carrying single tracks shall be designed to carry the larger of the tw Where a structure or element carries two tracks, both. tracks shall be considered as being occupied simultaneously. Where the tracks carry raflicin opposite directions, the load due to braking shall be applied to one track and the load due to traction to the other. Structures and, ‘elements carrying two tracks in the same direction shall be subjacted to braking o: traction on both tracks, whichever jves the greater effect. Consideration, however, may have to be given to braking and traction, acting in opposite directions, producing rotational effects. ‘Where elements carry more than two tracks, longitudinal Ioads shall be considered as applied simultaneously to twotracks only. 3 Load combinations. All loads that derive from il traific, including dynamic etfects, lurching, nosing, ‘centrifugal load and longitudinal ioads, shall be considered in combinations 1, 2 and 3. a 62 & = & Table 18. Nominal longitudinal loads esa fom” m iN Traction uptos 150 au | fosdec’ [tomatoe] 228 hes from5t07 | 300 from 7 to 25, 24 (L-7) + 300 over25 750 Broking | upto3 125 (25% of from3t05 187 ate’ [heonster [aso wheels) over 7 20 (1-7) + 250 Traction | uptos 80 Sass’ [tomes] tomnzm fe diiviogFirom30%660 | 300 ssietaas [ rom 60%0100 | SkN/m [ overt00 500 Braking (25%! | uptoe 64 aed, | tomst0100 | enim wheels) | over 100 800 rapasian loeds. For primary and secondary railway lve loads. Yi shall be taken as follows, {2} For the serviceability limit state, derailed coaches or fiaht wagonsremaining close to the reck shall cance co Permanent damage. {b) For the ultimate limit state, deraifed locomotives or heavy wagons remaining close 1 the track shell neq cause collapse of any major element butiocel dante oading for-fatlgueinvestigatIons-Alslanenisol m unitgareubity elosenomeanacne ettestomet alone eo Ra 85-1 Design load for RU loading. The following Suen Sati loads, with no addition for dynamic effects, shall be applied. (a) Forthe serviceability limit state, either 12) 2 pair of pealielverical tine loads of 204N/m each, 14st 4P2. Barallelto the track and applied amywhon within 2m either side of he wack centre linea, (2) en individual concentrated vertical load of 100 kN anyumnere within the width limite specified in (1), (b) Forthe ultimate limit state, eight individual Concentrated vertical loads each of 120 KN, arranged.on [wolines 1.4m apart with each of the four lasses 6 ‘parton line, applied anywhere on the deck: sts specified in (0) and (b) shall be applied atthe top Seigceof tha balistor other deck covering end may ke assumed to disperse at 30 "tothe vertical one she supporting structure. £.5:2 Design load for Rt loading. the tollowing shall eae Sati loads, with no addition for dymantte effects, shall be applied (2) Forthe serviceability imit state, either {12 2psi of porate vertica line loads of 15 kN/m each, Waar SPAM. parallel tothe track and applied snvolen {ppludes a substantial centreral for electric uactenee other purposes) : or (2) an individual concentrated vertical load of 78 kN anywhere within the width limits specified in (1) (0) Forthe ultimate limit state, tour individual Concentrated loads each of 120KN, arranged the Sorfers Of @ rectangle of length 2.0 mand width 1 4m, applied anywhere on the deck. {c) For overturning and instability, a single vertical ine GALL 20kN/e, applied along the parapet or outereneet eg the bridge limites to-alength of 20m anywhere on the span, 213 Spectied in (a) and (b) shal be applied athe top Sucace ofthe ballast or other deck covering and nny r assumed to disperse at 30° to the vertical ante she supporting structure. £.6 Collision load on supports of bridges over rainy’: {The colision load on supports of bridges over tailways shell be as agreed with the apprognate authorities, {he-ffects o ftigue caused by repeated eycles of ine fos megan’ AL loading the 120-yeartoad spectrum, which fag Deen calculated from talc forecasts forthe spren ry tite incicated, shall bein accordance with Pert oer this standard, “Arauramet forth suppor wien ovr ighwaye and walerway epee in 6B -69- 1 and shall apply to railway bridges except that where reference j ide to notional traffic lanes in this shall be taken as referring i Ga to railway tracks. The nominal pedestrian live load specified in 2 shall be considered in combination with the nominal primary live load ne railway track. To determine design loads, ez to be applied to the ‘a1 leads shall be as specified in 6.5.3 and 8.4, respectively a O p A t i 4 0 O APPENDIX A BASIS OF HA AND HB HIGHWAY LOADING Type HA loading has been revised to take into account the results of recent research into the factors affecting loading, the large increase in the numbers of heavy goods vehicles and a better understanding of the loading patterns on long span bridges. The type HA loading is the normal design loading for Great Britain vhere it adequately covers the effects of all permitted normal vehicles* other than those used for the carriage of abnormal indivisible loads. For short loaded lengths, the main factors which influence the loading are impact, overloading and lateral bunching. Recent research has shown that the impact effect of an axle on highvay bridges can be as high as 80% of the static axle weight and an allowance of this magnitude was made in deriving the HA loading. The impact factor was applied to the highest axle load and only included in the single vehicle loading case. The amount of overloading of axle and vehicle weights was determined from 2 number of roadside surveys. The overloading factor was taken as a constant for loaded lengths between 2 and 10m reducing linearly from 10m to unity at a loaded length of 60m, where, with up to seven vehicles in convoy it could Feasonably be expected that any overloaded vehicles would be balanced by partially jaden ones. Allowance has also been made for the case where more than one line of vehicles can squeeze into a traffic lane. The factor was based on the ratio of the standard lane width, 3.65, to the maximum permitted width of normal vehicless which is 2.5m. The HA loading is therefore given in terms of a 3.65m standard lane visth and corresponding compensating vidth factors have been provided to allow for the cases where the actual lane widths are less than the standard lane width. The joading derived after application of the factors was considered to represent the ultimate load from which nominal loads were obtained by dividing by 1.5. The tpading has been derived for a single lane only, but it is assumed for short spans ig that if two adjacent lanes are loaded there is 2 reasonable chance that they will be equally loaded. There has been a significant inerease in the number of heavier vehicles within the overall heavy goods vehicle population since the loading specified in BS 153 and generally adopted in BS 5400: Part 2 was derived. This has led to the frequent occurrence of convoys consisting of closely spaced, heavy types of heavy goods vehicles which has resulted in higher loading effects than were originally envisaged. The maximum weights of normal commercial vehicles permitted in Great Britain have also increased but the effects of this have been limited by ' restrictions on axle weights and spacing. For long loaded lengths, the main factors affecting the loading are the traffic : flow rates, percentage of heavy vehicles in the flows, frequency of occurrence and i] duration of traffic jams and, the spacing of vehicles in a jam. These paranctere Were determined by studying the traffic patterns at several sites on tronk roads other sites-and,-where-the-requd: unobtainable, by” t e Stimation. A statistical approach vas adopted to derive characteristic loséinee from which nominal loads wore obtained. Sensitivity analyses wore carcied sone test the significance on the loading of come of the assunstions wade, electrical transformers, generators, pressure vessels, machine presses, ete) likely As defined in The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (S.1. 1986/1078) and subsequent amendments, available from HHSO. ae es APPENDIX 3 VIBRATION SERVICEABILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR FOOT AND CYCLE TRACK BRIDGES ) B.1 General. For superstructures where £5, the fundamental natural frequency of vibration in the vertical direction for the unloaded bridge, exceeds 5 Hz, the vibration serviceability requirement is deemed to be satisfied. For superstructures where f, is equal to, or less than 5 Hz, the maximum vertical acceleration of any part of the superstructure shall be limited to 0.5/fg m/s?. The maximum vertical acceleration shall be calculated in accordance with B.2 oF 3.3, as appropriate. A method for determining £5 is given in 3.2.3. B.2 Simplified method for deriving maximum vertical acceleration. This method is valid only for single span, or two- or three-span continuous, symuetric superstructures, of constant cross section and supported on bearings that may be idealised as simple supports, The maximum vertical acceleration a (in m/s?) shall be taken as ae 4 2eo2y Ky where fo {s the fundamental natural frequency (in Hz) (see 8.2.3) Ys is the static deflection (in m) (see 3.2.4) K is the configuration factor (see B.2.5) Y is the dynamic response factor (see B.2.6) For values of fo greater than 4 Hz the calculated maximum acceleration may be reduced by an amount varying linearly from zero reduction at 4 Ha to 70% reduction at 5 Hz. B.2.1 Modulus of elasticity. In calculating the values of f and ys, the short-term modulus of elasticity shall be used for concrete (see Parts 7 and 8 of this standard), and for steel as given in Part 6 of this standa: fo=c2_ [Big 2nl2V ow is the acceleration due to gravity (in m/s?) is the length of the main span (in m) is the configuration factor (see table 19) is the modulus of elasticity (in kN/m?) (see B.2.1) where One -72- b B p q 3 7 is the second moment of area of the crose section at midspan (in m4) (see 3.2.2) M 4s the weight per unit length of the full cross-section at midspan (in KN/m) Médspan values of T and W shall be used only vhen there is no significant change in Septh or weight of the bridge throughout the span. Where the value of I/M at the Valves oF recs twice, or is less than 0.8 tines, the veiu at midspan, average values of I and M shall be used. sreperiffness of the parapets shall be included vhere they contribute to the overall flexural stiffness of the superstructure Values of C shall be obtained from table 19, Table 19. Configuration factor ¢ Bridge configuration Ratio 1) /) c 7 0.25 3.70 0.50 3.55 0.75 3.40 1.00 7 0.25 4.20 0.50 3.90 0.75 3.60 1.00 T sera eg Span and three-span continuous bridges, intermediate values of C may be obtained by linear interpolation. Be2-& Static deflection yg. The static deflection Ys is taken at the midpoint of phe main span for a vertical concentrated load of 0.5 XN applied at this point, For three-span superstructures, the centre Span is taken as the main span. 3.2.5 Configuration factor K. Values of K shall be taken from table 20, ete as 2 SS DB -73- Sb [me 20. Configuration factor K [pisses _continuretion EF Ratio 1y/; 1.0 0.6 1 2 { : 0.8 0.8 0.6 or less 0.9 ibsence of more precise information, the values of 6 (the logarithmic decrement of ¢ decay of vibration due to structural damping) given in table 21 should be used Cable 21. Logarithmic decrement of decay of vibration 6 x superstructure 6 Tomposite steel/eoncrete 0.04 0.05 pas and reinforced concrete y.3 General method for deriving maximum vertical acceleretion. For perstructures other then those specified in 5.2, the maximum vertical cceleration should be calculated assuming that the dynamic loading asplied by a edestrian can be represented by paleating point load 7, moving wcreea the gan [fev oE the Sopesseractare at t/eomstant speed ty as salioer F = 180 sin 2wfoT (in N), where T is the time (in s), 0 Ve = 0.9f5 (in m/s) pe i E B 0 0 3,4 Damage from forced vibration. Consideration should be given to thi of Permanent damage to a superstructure by a Broup of pedestrians deli causing resonant oscillations of the superstreeture, therefore, the bearin, © possibility berately As a general precaution For prestressed concrete construction, resonant oscillation may result in @ reversal of up to 10% of the static live lead bending moment. Providing that

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