Ufone Questionaire

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Disclaimer: This research is part of coursework under Marketing Research in Lahore School of Economics.
The data collected from this survey is kept completely confidential.

Objective: The aim of this research is to find the satisfaction of the current Ufone subscribers towards Ufone
cellular service provider.

Are you currently using Ufone?

Yes No

When evaluating the services of Ufone, please rate the given attributes of service in the center column using
the scale 1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3= Neutral, 4= Disagree and 5= Strongly Disagree

Strongly Strongly
Statements Agree
Agree Neutral Disagree
1) I am completely satisfied with the services
delivered by Ufone
2) I feel very pleased with delivered services of
3) Ufones Value Added Services is better than
4) I will recommend Ufones services to my
relatives and friends
5) I will continue to use the services provided
by Ufone
6) Ufones customer service staff appear neat
and well dressed
7) Physical environment of Ufones service
points are clean, comfortable to stay in and
visually very appealing
8) When I have problems, Ufone shows sincere
interest in solving them
9) Ufone is timely in the delivery of MMS,
SMS, Money transfer and other network
10) I receive prompt service from Ufone
customer service staffs
11) Ufone customer service staff are always
willing to help me
12) I feel safe in transactions with Ufone;
keeping and transfer of money and airtime
13) Ufones Customer service staff are
polite/courteous towards me
14) Ufone does provide me individual attention
15) Ufone does have my best interests at heart
Excellent Good Poor Very Poor
16) How do you rate the overall network quality
of Ufone?
17) Rate the following aspects of Ufones
Network Quality Performance
o Signal Strength
o Call Drop
o Voice Quality
o Call Connection Time
o SMS delivery time
o Internet Speed

18) What connectivity problem you faced frequently?

a. Network Busy d. Voice Problem
b. Not getting Range e. Other
c. Disconnected frequently

19) Do you face network connection problem in

a. Home d. Outside Lahore
b. While traveling e. Other
c. Workplace/University f. Everywhere

20) Which type of mobile connection do you use?

a. Prepaid b. Pospaid

21) Which Packages are you using?

a. Super Card d. Postpay Ultra
b. UWon e. Other
c. Super Sasta Package

22) Reasons for choosing Ufone:

a. Low Tariff d. Service Quality
b. Brand Image e. Value Added Services
c. Network Quality

Highly Very Very

Satisfied Dissatisfied
Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied
23) Are you satisfied with the billing
service? (Including prepaid tariff)

Value for Inexpensi Very

Economical Expensive
Money ve Expensive
24) Rate the following aspects of Ufones
in relation to Pricing
a. SMS Bundle rates
b. Call Rates
c. Internet Rates
d. Value Added Services (VAS)
25) Are you getting your billing information on time?
a. Yes b. No

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
26) Ufones advertisements are
impressive and I can always relate to
27) I get informed about Ufones updates
daily via social media
28) Because I am a member of the
Ufones Facebook page, I talk
positively about Ufone
29) I think it is disturbing if my Facebook
newsfeed is overloaded with Ufone

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
30) Based on your visit to any Ufones
franchise/service center, rate the
following statements:
31) You were made to feel welcome
during your visit
32) The sales team was friendly and
33) The store was visually appealing.

34) Rate the availability of Ufone products at the local/nearby stores in your area
a. Always-available c. Often Available
b. Unavailable

35) The local store in your area sells an extensive range of Ufone products
a. Yes b. No

Very Very
Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
Satisfied Dissatisfied
36) In thinking about your most recent
experience with Ufone, how much
satisfied are you with the customer
care service?
37) How much satisfied are you with the
process of getting your queries

38) Have you faced any problem with Ufone?

a. Yes b. No
39) What kind of problems occur the most for which you need to contact Ufones customer care
a. Billing related c. Information about VAS
b. Network Problem d. Activation/Deactivation

40) What is the frequency of the occurrence of such problem?

a. Very High d. Low
b. High e. Very Low
c. Neutral

41) Within how much time did Ufone clear the problem?
a. Within 24 hrs c. Within 48 hrs
b. Within 36 hrs d. After 48 hrs

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
42) Ufone has a unique brand image
when compared to other mobile
operator brands
43) I use Ufone as a form of self-
expression among family and friends
44) Ufone is more than just a mobile
operator for me
45) I can easily identify Ufones Logo
i.e. The Ufone logo is memorable
46) I can easily recall the tagline of

47) Indicate your Gender:

Male Female

48) Tick your age bracket?

Less than 18 years 35-50 years
18 -25 years 50 years and above
25- 35 years

49) What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?
Less than a high school diploma Bachelors degree
High school degree or equivalent some college, no degree
Masters degree Professional degree

50) What is your occupation status?

Unemployed Student
Retired Homemaker
Business Person Professionals

51) What is your current household income?

Under PKR. 30,000 PKR. 100,000 to 200,000
PKR. 50,000 to 100,000 PKR. 200,000 and above
Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Please tell us to the extent you agree or
disagree with the statements
52) I am interested in art and culture

53) I like to stand out in the crowd

54) I would describe myself as

intelligent-bright, smart and well
55) I like to enjoy my life and not worry
about future
56) My home is an important part of
who I am
57) I am willing to volunteer my time for
a good cause

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