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Republic of the Philippines

Palompon Institute of Technology Tabango Campus

Tabango, Leyte

October 11, 2017


Palompon Institute of Technology Tabango, Leyte
Tabango, Leyte

We would like to request from your good office that we need an attention from the
higher authorities about this matter. We are the students of PIT TC who enrolled the subject
CE2 Lab and Lec (Computer Literacy 2) which handled by Mr. Gwenwynwyn Daantos. We write
this complaint letter for we are complying the incomplete grades gives to us by the mentioned
instructor but unfortunately our compliance has not been approved by the registrar because
according to him the INC compliance lapses 2 years ago and it is good for re-enrollment. This
complaint letter contains the reasons why we complied the INC grades late. Actually, when we
were in second year college we attempt to comply the incomplete grades but, Mr. Daantos will
be back, so we are waiting for his return, without knowing that he`s leave contract was good for
2 years that is why we decided to re enroll the subject when we were in third year college but
the registrar crashed out the subject because according to him third year students are not
allowed to have loaded subject. When we are in fourth year college we re- enrol the subject for
the second time around but according to the registrar there is no subject such as Computer
Literacy, so we have nothing else to do but to go the Main Campus to request Dr. Rolando C.
Entoma to re-open the subject computer literacy, but unfortunately we failed , because
according to Dr. Entoma he will only re-open the subject if there are 15 students who will enrol,
so we approach again Dr. Placido F. Bercero our Campus Director to give us an advice about this
matter and he said that we have to talk to Mr. Daantos to let us comply the INC grade and Mr.
Daantos allow us to comply the INC grades and he give us grade. After the compliance we pass
the completion form in the grades to the registrar but unfortunately he said that it is not
qualified for the compliance passed two years ago and he said that we need an approval from
Dr. Eutiquio A. Pernis for he is under the Head of Instruction, but Dr. Pernis did not approve our
request with the same reason. In that case we lose hope, but our classmates keep on
encouraging us to do our best just to pass the grades to the registrar that is why we find
another way to request the registration office to allow us pass the completion form. We
approach again to Dr. Bercero and then some instructors help us to solve this problem. Dr.
Bercero advices that we need to write a complaint letter with his approval where the reasons
are stated why we are come up in this conflict situation. May the higher authorities understand
and consider the reasons.
We are hoping for your attention to this matter.

Thank you and God Bless!

Very respectfully yours,



Students Parents

Approved by:



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